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Old 10-03-2009, 11:07 AM   #1
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Default 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Where will you be by 2012… Ascension or Calamity

As we approach 2012 things will start to speed up and the PTW will get more and more desperate. We will be subjected to more negativity with regard to 2012 and less positive. We all need to be aware and keep the lighted spark going.

The PTW know how to control the masses and have done so for eons. They do this with all sorts of brainwashing and mind control on a massive scale. This has been going on for thousands of years. With the suppressing of all sorts of technology and denying us of who we really are and our past lives and histories. This has been executed beyond our scope of understanding. They have out witted us time and time again. However, it is our turn to turn the tables. And we will.

We all know how easy it is to hijack the mass population minds and direct there thoughts towards cataclysmic events> as has been projected by so many people, religions, and all sorts of prophets pushing the 2012 story further towards a negative outcome.

Most of us know that the mass population is and has been in the past subjected to mind control by them. It's not difficult to control someone’s thought pattern and create it in our reality. The PTW know this and constantly use these power tools to control us.

As we are approaching 2012 most of us more or less have a good idea what to expect with upgrades with our DNA, Accension, 5th 6th and higher dimensions.

Now bearing this in mind we are fast approaching the most amazing transformation we will experience in 25000 years. I believe it is going to be mindboggling!!! In fact when my inner self really thinks about what we are to expect and putting aside all the negativity with cataclysmic scenarios. I feel on top of the world. My hairs stand on end.

The PTW know this and I believe that this will be their last ditch attempt to control our minds, and direct our thought patterns with the release of these extremely negative films and all sorts of images within the next few months. They are desperate and will continue any way which can to hijack our thoughts and direct them towards a calamitous outcome.

I believe there are another 2 or 3 films being released about this as well.

Can you imagine how the masses are going to react to all this incoming hype about the 2012 scenario. This will be on people minds 24/7. They won't realize it but they will all be inputing towards a very real cataclysmic event which they have helped towards the manifestation!!! Everyone will be talking about it. Even worse if they believe it, they will make it happen!! Expect a huge influx of people trying to find out what is going on these coming months. People will be seeking all sorts of advise about 2012!!! They will be asking all sorts of questions…And they will be reading all sorts of negativity.

So be prepared all Lightworkers…all Followers…all Servers of the Devine plan.

We are all here for a reason to WAKE UP THE MASSES.

This will be a pivotal point towards our Mass Thought Projection and Hijacking of our Minds.

Don’t let them control our thoughts.

Let us tilt our flow of positive energy towards the light.

And enjoy the Change that will transform our lives.

WE WILL WIN. And it’s up to you to do your part.

Slowly slowly we are all remembering….

Which way will you tilt?? Ascension or Calamity??


Last edited by viking; 10-03-2009 at 11:35 AM.
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Old 10-03-2009, 11:36 AM   #2
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

both viking, the way i see it is like this, when one cleans their home, things are moved around, put into piles, and mess happens, then as things are cleaned the mess becomes tidy, the house bright and shiney. thats the way i see what will happen, its a massive house tidying, just done on all levels. it will be an easier process if one keeps an open heart, and follows the divine within/without. just my simple way of seeing things.
bou x
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Old 10-03-2009, 01:29 PM   #3
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Hello Viking,when you're searching for truth,look at symbols ,words and numbers.The propaganda is to Mislead you. Maya as in Mayan calender , Means illusion. This culture never called themselves Maya.

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Old 10-03-2009, 01:30 PM   #4
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Originally Posted by viking View Post
Can you imagine how the masses are going to react to all this incoming hype about the 2012 scenario. This will be on people minds 24/7. They won't realize it but they will all be inputing towards a very real cataclysmic event which they have helped towards the manifestation!!! Everyone will be talking about it. Even worse if they believe it, they will make it happen!! Expect a huge influx of people trying to find out what is going on these coming months. People will be seeking all sorts of advise about 2012!!! They will be asking all sorts of questions…And they will be reading all sorts of negativity.

So be prepared all Lightworkers…all Followers…all Servers of the Devine plan.

We are all here for a reason to WAKE UP THE MASSES.
Absolutely that is our mission. If the fear and questions that are already surfacing from just the promos are any indication, there will be a flood of people looking for answers. The more of them that get pointed towards the light as opposed to fear and self service the more the plans of the PTB will fail.

thanks for the post, this is one to keep bumping back to the top periodically
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Old 10-03-2009, 02:00 PM   #5
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Thanks Bou .... x

And 777 ... you always put a different perspective on things ... your right there are clues everywhere ... people don't realize to what extent ... but we all are waking up slowly ... I'm getting there...


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Old 10-03-2009, 04:04 PM   #6
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Hi gang

Ummmm..... I agree very much in princable with what you are saying, people shouldn't dwell on negative emotions, and right now the public needs to find out the unbiased truth (or probability anyway) about this coming event and reflect with positive thoughts so as to help them ascend, but I really don't think 2012 can be turned into doomsday (if its not going to happen anyway that is) by people watching some movies.

"Independance Day" & "The Day After Tomorrow" were both mentioned in one of the clips, so we can use them as an example, when "Independance Day" was released, did the negative ET's declare open warfare upon the planet? No, they just kept up their usual ops "The day After Tomorrow" like wise didn't bring about the collapse of the global conveyor belt, and plunge us into the next "Ice Age".

The problem is none of us really know whats going to happen, so its easy to over react, but I feel everything will work out just as its meant to....... What ever that is

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Old 10-03-2009, 04:10 PM   #7
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

I of course choose ascension over calamity, who wouldn't?
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Old 10-03-2009, 06:22 PM   #8
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
I of course choose ascension over calamity, who wouldn't?
Hi Observer...

Yes of course all of us here will choose the latter...It's also up to us, to wake up as many sleepyheads as possible.....

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Old 10-03-2009, 07:32 PM   #9
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

[QUOTE=viking;174370]2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Where will you be by 2012… Ascension or Calamity

As we are approaching 2012 most of us more or less have a good idea what to expect with upgrades with our DNA, Accension, 5th 6th and higher dimensions.

Now bearing this in mind we are fast approaching the most amazing transformation we will experience in 25000 years. I believe it is going to be mindboggling!!! In fact when my inner self really thinks about what we are to expect and putting aside all the negativity with cataclysmic scenarios. I feel on top of the world. My hairs stand on end.
Absoultely !! Viking. That's how I feel as well. I feel exuberant that we will finally be abe to be ourselves. The true: -I AM THAT I AM - I can't wait to get back my 12 or more strands of DNA. NO MORE LIES; NO MORE DECEPTIONS; FREE AT LAST.

The PTW know this and I believe that this will be their last ditch attempt to control our minds, and direct our thought patterns with the release of these extremely negative films and all sorts of images within the next few months. They are desperate and will continue any way which can to hijack our thoughts and direct them towards a calamitous outcome.

Can you imagine how the masses are going to react to all this incoming hype about the 2012 scenario. This will be on people minds 24/7. They won't realize it but they will all be inputing towards a very real cataclysmic event which they have helped towards the manifestation!!! Everyone will be talking about it. Even worse if they believe it, they will make it happen!! Expect a huge influx of people trying to find out what is going on these coming months. People will be seeking all sorts of advise about 2012!!! They will be asking all sorts of questions…And they will be reading all sorts of negativity.

So be prepared all Lightworkers…all Followers…all Servers of the Devine plan.

We are all here for a reason to WAKE UP THE MASSES.

This will be a pivotal point towards our Mass Thought Projection and Hijacking of our Minds.

Don’t let them control our thoughts.

Let us tilt our flow of positive energy towards the light.

And enjoy the Change that will transform our lives.

WE WILL WIN. And it’s up to you to do your part.

Slowly slowly we are all remembering….
I too am nervous about these movies being shown to the general public and the fear and negative manifistation that they may bring on. However, you are absolutely right in saying that it is up to us to be calm and gently guide our fellow human beings into peace, love and light with us.

Which way will you tilt?? Ascension or Calamity?? I AM CONSCIOUSLY TILTING TOWARDS ASCENSION.
Thank-you Viking, for sounding the alarm. We have to prepare ourselves to help each other out
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Old 10-04-2009, 08:00 AM   #10
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Thank you for kind words yiola... Haven't seen you here much... You should pop in more often...yes exciting times ahead...at times my patience runs a bit thin...but we will get there eventually.

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Old 10-04-2009, 08:30 AM   #11
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Is it possible the ptw have timed the economic collapse now to get the people thinking the end is near, and as the movie comes out they will buy into it more and more... FEAR is the goal. We must counteract the fear with HOPE and LOVE for all.
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Old 10-04-2009, 11:39 AM   #12
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

The time is fast approaching when all here will be called upon to speak the truth with clarity.

The antidote to what the ptw are doing is truth.

The way you will heal those that are afraid, and have those fears stirred up with media manipulation is by telling them the truth.

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Old 10-04-2009, 12:02 PM   #13
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

thank you Viking for this thread. i believe it is a very important one. And Yolas for your input...let us be ready...
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Old 10-04-2009, 01:01 PM   #14
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

remember that the light is inside too, let it flow out and touch others, the way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart.
bou x
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Old 10-04-2009, 03:03 PM   #15
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

I choose light. It is my right to do so.
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Old 10-04-2009, 07:43 PM   #16
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
Is it possible the ptw have timed the economic collapse now to get the people thinking the end is near, and as the movie comes out they will buy into it more and more... FEAR is the goal. We must counteract the fear with HOPE and LOVE for all.
Yes I have thought this many times....

Everythng seems to be coming to a head...The coming collapse will instill FEAR in a lot of people. You are right United, as we approach these times counteraction is the key...We all know we will not be hoodwinked into the FEAR...but many will be...and it's up to us to guide and lift them out of the loop...the films/media/adverts and build up will be very powerful...so you can imagine with the backup from a little research (what did you find when you first started researching 2012) people will really start to believe...

The more FEAR...the easier the control...let's turn it around!!

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Old 10-05-2009, 01:06 AM   #17
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Great thread!

Yes, I agree. The Way we pass the upcoming tests we face is by helping others pass theirs. Together we will make this happen.

It is very true that fear in the collective consciousness could outplay negative events, that is why it will take people, like those in this forum, to awaken to the higher consciousness within themselves and help show the people there is a better way and a more true reality where the problems do not need to occur. That way we will have a beautiful start to a much better age, a Golden Age, without the prophecised birth pains.

The key is in becoming selfless, in focusing on helping others, the more we do this, the higher we ourselves will climb and the more empowered we will be. Following our own divine direction we receive from within, the direction in our hearts that is love based, totally empowering and beyond all fear.

Great thread.
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Old 10-05-2009, 08:25 PM   #18
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Thanks Chakras...And Anchor and yes, may truth prevail...

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Old 10-05-2009, 09:39 PM   #19
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

I don't know if anyone has watched the interviews with Ric Clay, he basically seems to uncover a plot to disrupt high jack 2012 ascension.. He seems to have done his research..

It very interesting how Ric talks about the location of the 2012 Olympics the logo spells out zion, the location being stratford. With A 12 ( A being a pyramid ) and 12 the disciples. The A 12 or great eastern road separates leytone and leytonstone, Ley lines, these meet here as shown by the names. He has a lot more to add in his interview it's very intreasting...

I also worry about all the vaccinations being forced upon us not only for health reasons but it is my worry that these have been created as mood altering shots.. To change peoples mood brain functions to the run up to 2012... and autism showing how these shot are aimed not only at our immune systems but also at our brains...

But the Swine flu never took off how they hoped it would, people are scarred of these shots... They have planed this for years but have not accounted for how resourcefull we are and how strongly these changes will be opposed and rejected, the more they try the quicker and harder they will fall.. This I am manifesting... every turn they will fall..

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Old 10-05-2009, 09:50 PM   #20
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Originally Posted by chelmostef View Post
I don't know if anyone has watched the interviews with Ric Clay, he basically seems to uncover a plot to disrupt high jack 2012 ascension.. He seems to have done his research..

YouTube - Rik Clay & 2012- RIP 1

It very interesting how Ric talks about the location of the 2012 Olympics the logo spells out zion, the location being stratford. With A 12 ( A being a pyramid ) and 12 the disciples. The A 12 or great eastern road separates leytone and leytonstone, Ley lines, these meet here as shown by the names. He has a lot more to add in his interview it's very intreasting...

I also worry about all the vaccinations being forced upon us not only for health reasons but it is my worry that these have been created as mood altering shots.. To change peoples mood brain functions to the run up to 2012... and autism showing how these shot are aimed not only at our immune systems but also at our brains...

But the Swine flu never took off how they hoped it would, people are scarred of these shots... They have planed this for years but have not accounted for how resourcefull we are and how strongly these changes will be opposed and rejected, the more they try the quicker and harder they will fall.. This I am manifesting... every turn they will fall..

It's all true...I loved him...he was a young David Icke...it's a real shame he was taken out by them...

He did a great job in very short space of time.

may God bless him...

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Old 10-05-2009, 09:59 PM   #21
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Hello Viking. I have posted this on another thread about 2012 mayan calendar as well. The cycle is not 26000 years but rather 16 billions year of evolution of the Human consciousness. We are leaving the 9th underworld to get into the first step of the Heavens...

Here is about systems thinking as an evolution of our linear thinking.

Systems Thinking: Ancient Maya’s Evolution of Consciousness and Contemporary Systems Thinking
Ass Prof Tadeja Jere Lazanski, PhD
University of Primorska,
Faculty of Tourism Studies-TURISTICA


Here is Carl Johan Calleman, a serious researcher about the mayan calendar and one of the few on who many are building their own theory about 2012. His website is:


Here is the pyramid of the evolution of consciousness of Humanity. We are currently on the 8th step. The whole evolution began 16 billions of years ago.


And here is an interview with the man:


It is all about evolution of human consciousness. No polar shift. No devastating climatic event. But a tremendous shift in human consciousness which will cause some major positive change for the future. A new Human is coming...

Namaste, Steven

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Old 10-05-2009, 10:01 PM   #22
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Yes Stef , I to believe that even though there may be some curve balls thrown at us, the manifestation of failure of the dark side is not an option , but a predetermined ending of what should not be here at all.

Those of us who believe and know will continue the path to 2013 and beyond, believe it, live it, know it and continue the energy of you towards positive ways .
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Old 10-06-2009, 09:59 AM   #23
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Thanks Steven....I will have a read later...looks very interesting...

Again Chelmo thanks for reminding us about Rik Clay ... amazing chap ...

I was going through some of his vids and the information he talks about is amazing....

I have posted what I believe are connected to this thread...



As events unfold are we starting to join the dots together...?


Last edited by viking; 10-06-2009 at 10:50 AM.
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Old 10-06-2009, 10:50 AM   #24
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

2012… Ascension disguised as Calamity by those that don't want us to evict them
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Old 10-06-2009, 11:53 AM   #25
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

you said it swanny, boo hissss to them
bou x
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