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Old 10-24-2008, 01:58 AM   #1
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Default The Urantia Book

Has anyone else here heard of, or remember something called:

"The Urantia Book"


To begin with, Please! can we just relax?

I am not pushing, selling, recommending, suggesting, implying, prosthletizing, preaching, or any other damned thing that leads up to, or sneaks up on doing any of the above. I'm on a forum where, it seems like there's a fairly high percentage of adults, and "honest people".

Such places have always seemed to be where people can air, try out, and throw out ideas, impressions, etc, and learn from rattling them against similar kinds of folk.

I'm even in the book section

The Urantia Book is simply one of those things I encountered along the way, that I could never quite 100% make up my mind about. Couldn't completely discard, I guess, and so it pops up from time to time.

I just a quick search that revealed:
Urantia.org: And they say they, "Urantia Foundation was established in 1950 to be the custodian of the inviolate text of The Urantia Book and to ensure that the book's teachings are spread, with the help of readers and fraternal organizations, to all people."

Then theres a
Urantia Book Fellowship: They're not too gabby about just how they came to be. It appears there was a split, along about 1970 and these two sites are the result.

Both sites will allow you to read the critter for free, online.

I even found that it's still available @ Amazon.
Current price: $15.61, used ones for around $7.50.
he heh
I purchased my copy, hardbound, in about 1973. Back then I had a boundless thirst, and was determined to leave no stone unturned. This particular stone cost me $50.00 and it was a 2 week special order.

This is no minor doorstop, either. I mean it is roughly 2,100 8 1/2 x 11 pages, printed on "bible paper" and roughly the same sized type. I guess you'd call this a "channeled revelatory dissertation". Received in a similar fashion as the "book of mormon", the "aquarian gospel of jesus" etc.

You might see how far you get from Page 1. I have, on occasions and with a stiff tail wind, made it up to 50 pages into it, from a random starting point, before my eyes started glazing over.

"To err is divine. To really foul things up requires a computer." - Anon
"But for genuine jaw-droppin'-stupification of the masses... well you have to look to religion." - Fred

One of the first obstacles I faced with this critter, was it's meticulous, endless, and at times tedious partitioning of creation. Just trying to get my brain to get a beginner's handle on that made me thankful I can count all my children, and grandchildren on my fingers and toes.

There are Archangels, each with a department. Assistants, managing deputy assistant understudy angels who even have trainees, and ... a farm team!

It occurred to me one day that there was no need for God to banish Lucifer to "anywhere" or even "anytime"; all he'd have to do was hand him an Org-Chart and say, "Come back when you've memorized this."

And yet, on the same page that I encountered, in one paragraph, 7 distinct names for the "Supreme Creator" of this dance, and no distinction as to which refers to which facet, when, or why; I would come across really clear, and pretty stuff like:
God is primal reality in the spirit world; God is the source of truth in the mind spheres; God overshadows all throughout the material realms. To all created intelligences God is a personality, and to the universe of universes he is the First Source and Center of eternal reality. God is neither manlike nor machinelike. The First Father is universal spirit, eternal truth, infinite reality, and father personality.

Or how about:
The enlightened worlds all recognize and worship the Universal Father, the eternal maker and infinite upholder of all creation. The will creatures of universe upon universe have embarked upon the long, long Paradise journey, the fascinating struggle of the eternal adventure of attaining God the Father. The transcendent goal of the children of time is to find the eternal God, to comprehend the divine nature, to recognize the Universal Father.

Now, I agree that most of that is fairly "standard fare" you'd expect in the usual "Gnu-Age" book on such things. What kind of set it apart for me, was that according to the story, this stuff was all channeled beginning in 1925 to a group that grew around a 7th Day Adventist minister who took a fancy to spiritualism, about then. No Madam Blavatskys or Crowleys locked in thye closet, either.

One of the other things about the complexity of "theme" of this book, is that it struck an unexpected chord. Given the stuff being floated nowadays about the multiplicity of "non-terrestials" lurking about, and their various purposes for being here....

Well I guess that's where it struck the chord. I really don't have anything approaching an opinion, or even a clue as to whether Urantia might be another version/description of things. "Hide n' watch", I guess.

So, does anyone else know of this book? It's content? What have you?

I'd like to hear what anyone has to say on it.

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Old 10-24-2008, 03:38 AM   #2
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

In his book Cosmic Voyage, Courtney Brown claimed to have used remote viewing to validate the existence of one of the ultradimensional species mentioned in the Urantia book, the so-called "Midwayers".

The Midwayers discussion occurs on pages 76-82. Unfortunately I cannot paste that chapter here since the PDF of the book I have is based on a photographic image of the book. But those interested can download the entire text at http://www.courtneybrown.com/publica...rtneyBrown.pdf .

I personally have only skipped around the Urantia book and read, perhaps, 10% of it. The entires seemed of varying quality to me. Then again, at least to my understanding this was authored by a team consisting of many individuals, so that probably makese sense.
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Old 10-24-2008, 07:12 AM   #3
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Hi Eugene, and C77;

I managed to make myself a Windows Help File version, so it's less "clunky" to load and read. And I can cut/paste from it as well.

This the section you meant? (snips follow)

Most of the inhabited worlds of Nebadon harbor one or more groups of unique beings existing on a life-functioning level about midway between those of the mortals of the realms and of the angelic orders; hence are they called midway creatures. They appear to be an accident of time, but they occur so widespreadly and are so valuable as helpers that we have all long since accepted them as one of the essential orders of our combined planetary ministry.

On Urantia there function two distinct orders of midwayers: the primary or senior corps, who came into being back in the days of Dalamatia, and the secondary or younger group, whose origin dates from the times of Adam.

The primary midwayers have their genesis in a unique interassociation of the material and the spiritual on Urantia. We know of the existence of similar creatures on other worlds and in other systems, but they originated by dissimilar techniques.

After a year of observing the work of this unique group, the Planetary Prince authorized the reproduction of midwayers without restriction. This plan was carried out as long as the power to create continued, and the original corps of 50,000 was accordingly brought into being.

A period of one-half year intervened between the production of each midwayer, and when one thousand such beings had been born to each couple, no more were ever forthcoming. And there is no explanation available as to why this power was exhausted upon the appearance of the one thousandth offspring. No amount of further experimentation ever resulted in anything but failure.

These creatures constituted the intelligence corps of the Prince's administration. They ranged far and wide, studying and observing the world races and rendering other invaluable services to the Prince and his staff in the work of influencing human society remote from the planetary headquarters.

This regime continued until the tragic days of the planetary rebellion, which ensnared a little over four fifths of the primary midwayers. The loyal corps entered the service of the Melchizedek receivers, functioning under the titular leadership of Van until the days of Adam.
Then it goes on beginniong with the "Nodites" etc.
"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

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Old 10-28-2008, 03:03 PM   #4
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Thoughts to ponder
Be thou, Spirit fierce!
Be thou impetuous one!
Reload & refresh
At time yet a hundred indecisions
& for a hundred visions and revisions
At a dire Need during interim hours

* * *
Thanks & Respect
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Old 10-28-2008, 03:20 PM   #5
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Yes, I read it back in the early 70's...facinating.
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Old 11-01-2008, 12:28 PM   #6
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Very intriguing from what small parts i've read-i only happened across it whilst surfing two years ago-i think it was meant for me to find in a way.It's quite an emotional ride,almost had me in tears of joy in parts.Very in depth literature-enlightening to say the least and projects a very alternate viewpoint on the grand schematics.
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Old 11-01-2008, 12:43 PM   #7
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

I've got a dutch copy of the book. The first chapter is pretty difficult to grasp. Once you get through there its not so difiicult anymore. Its a long ride.

Like all books its info and thats all it is. Its the brain that has to do the work. Once you're able to skip between the right and the left hemisphere its less hard to understand.
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Old 11-01-2008, 11:18 PM   #8
Seth Haniel
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Cool Re: The Urantia Book


Downloads in all formats even audio -
read it back in the ninties -
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Old 11-01-2008, 11:30 PM   #9
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

I read it through twice, and I will admit it resonates on some levels with me .... and other parts .... not so much at this time. Discernment remains the key, and I often find that at some later time I can re-read and find new understandings and meanings.
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Old 11-02-2008, 01:55 AM   #10
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

I read the book, too. I got kind of bogged down with it as I recall, but there were parts of it that are deep and touched the soul.

The parts in particular I do remember well

The one part where the angels or helpers of some kind go and create life on the various planets throughout the universe.

The other part is where the book explains in detail Triunity and the Triune God. Growing up and going to Sunday school I never could really understand or grasp the concept. And as an adult it was just as hard--until I read Urantia. Then it all made perfect sense to me!

I think there is also a passage in there about the races that have been on the earth at one time or another--it assigns colors to them--and how they warred and warred, wiping each other out or blending with each other until they created something new.

I haven't read it since that time and it's been over 25 years. Maybe I should read it again?
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Old 11-02-2008, 05:01 AM   #11
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Fred, I thought that was you.... recognized the sense of humor, heh-heh. Yes, I have a copy of TUB on the shelf. I must say you've got me beat. I didn't make it to page 50. If I was stranded on a desert island, it would be great to have a copy along. I guess I kinda gave up on big reads like that when I got serious about the internet. e.g., just spent the last 30-40 minutes catching up on Terence McKenna's material by watching YouTubes. That would have taken me months just a few short years ago!!!! Anyway, reminds me of a time when I was tripping and I said tomyself, I wonder how big the universe really is? you could lose yourself asking questions like that, man. (to be read in a George Carlin voice) I guess what I'm trying to say is that just a few pages into that book I was feeling pretty much like a pimple on the ass of an ant. And I must confess, I kind of skipped to the end. There I read "God is Love". Being in agreement, I put the book back on the shelf. Since we're on the subject though, have you read "The Keys of Enoch" or the "Voyager" books. Not sure, but I think that all 3 are channeled and all 3 offer involved and fascinating explanations of 'how it is'.
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Old 11-02-2008, 04:41 PM   #12
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Smile Re: The Urantia Book

Originally Posted by Fredkc View Post
Has anyone else here heard of, or remember something called:

"The Urantia Book"


To begin with, Please! can we just relax?

I am not pushing, selling, recommending, suggesting, implying, prosethletizing, preaching, or any other damned thing that leads up to, or sneaks up on doing any of the above. I'm on a forum where, it seems like there's a fairly high percentage of adults, and "honest people".

Such places have always seemed to be where people can air, try out, and throw out ideas, impressions, etc, and learn from rattling them against similar kinds of folk.

I'm even in the book section

The Urantia Book is simply one of those things I encountered along the way, that I could never quite 100% make up my mind about. Couldn't completely discard, I guess, and so it pops up from time to time.

I just a quick search that revealed:
Urantia.org: And they say they, "Urantia Foundation was established in 1950 to be the custodian of the inviolate text of The Urantia Book and to ensure that the book's teachings are spread, with the help of readers and fraternal organizations, to all people."

Then theres a
Urantia Book Fellowship: They're not too gabby about just how they came to be. It appears there was a split, along about 1970 and these two sites are the result.

Both sites will allow you to read the critter for free, online.

I even found that it's still available @ Amazon.
Current price: $15.61, used ones for around $7.50.
he heh
I purchased my copy, hardbound, in about 1973. Back then I had a boundless thirst, and was determined to leave no stone unturned. This particular stone cost me $50.00 and it was a 2 week special order.

This is no minor doorstop, either. I mean it is roughly 2,100 8 1/2 x 11 pages, printed on "bible paper" and roughly the same sized type. I guess you'd call this a "channeled revelatory dissertation". Received in a similar fashion as the "book of mormon", the "aquarian gospel of jesus" etc.

You might see how far you get from Page 1. I have, on occasions and with a stiff tail wind, made it up to 50 pages into it, from a random starting point, before my eyes started glazing over.

"To err is divine. To really foul things up requires a computer." - Anon
"But for genuine jaw-droppin'-stupification of the masses... well you have to look to religion." - Fred

One of the first obstacles I faced with this critter, was it's meticulous, endless, and at times tedious partitioning of creation. Just trying to get my brain to get a beginner's handle on that made me thankful I can count all my children, and grandchildren on my fingers and toes.

There are Archangels, each with a department. Assistants, managing deputy assistant understudy angels who even have trainees, and ... a farm team!

It occurred to me one day that there was no need for God to banish Lucifer to "anywhere" or even "anytime"; all he'd have to do was hand him an Org-Chart and say, "Come back when you've memorized this."

And yet, on the same page that I encountered, in one paragraph, 7 distinct names for the "Supreme Creator" of this dance, and no distinction as to which refers to which facet, when, or why; I would come across really clear, and pretty stuff like:

Or how about:

Now, I agree that most of that is fairly "standard fare" you'd expect in the usual "Gnu-Age" book on such things. What kind of set it apart for me, was that according to the story, this stuff was all channeled beginning in 1925 to a group that grew around a 7th Day Adventist minister who took a fancy to spiritualism, about then. No Madam Blavatskys or Crowleys locked in thye closet, either.

One of the other things about the complexity of "theme" of this book, is that it struck an unexpected chord. Given the stuff being floated nowadays about the multiplicity of "non-terrestials" lurking about, and their various purposes for being here....

Well I guess that's where it struck the chord. I really don't have anything approaching an opinion, or even a clue as to whether Urantia might be another version/description of things. "Hide n' watch", I guess.

So, does anyone else know of this book? It's content? What have you?

I'd like to hear what anyone has to say on it.

You are a very funny man....the fingers and toes comment had me laughing out loud.

The Urantia followers have a lot of infighting about copyrights. The book was received by a Kellog, of the famous cereal family, and because of his rantings, he was placed in an insane asylum. The doctor who was taking care of him became fascinated with his rantings and started writing them down. Beginning 1905 and over a 20+ year period hand-recorded by Dr. William S. Sadler, a noted Chicago physician and psychiatrist. Kellog was not at all interested in what was coming out of his mouth, In successive years more info has been received but the persons will not give their names out.

I personally know of some that have been threatened and harassed.

For it, it can be said the things contained in this book are nothing short of fascinating.

Against it, some so called Christian say it is demonic. That's total bs.

In some aspects it is heavily laden with Adventists view such as the claim that Jesus was Angel Michael in heaven, something the Bible does not put as belief.

The revelations that started coming forth regarding science, have been only lately confirmed.

When the *powers*that*be* heard about this, they wanted to intervene by planting thoughts in the heads of the receivers. It was then that they became a members only organizations loosely based in small pockets of groups that are isolated and they participate in different church scenarios according to their own beliefs.

Urantian followers do not behave in any way like religionists, although some can be quite inflexible and other dabble in strange stuff.

Present day followers heavy into the book claim to receive information through transmissions, they use the letters tr to differentiate from chanellers because in the process they are quite conscious of their own personality. They 'hear' inside
their ears and start transcribing.

Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of Urantian followers is the 11:11 phenomenon proposed by George Barnard over 50 years ago. He says the number belongs to the 1,111 followers of God, the half angel and half human Midwayers, who fought the rebels Satan and Caligastia. 1111 is their calling card. The rebels wanted to shorten the process by which humans would approach their inner God and shorten the evolutionary path. There are more than that number by now. According to George, Satan, Caligastia and their followers have been totally exterminated in the 1990s after been given numerous opportunities to correct themselves. Earth had been placed in a quarantine of sorts because God did not want to contaminate other peaceful planetary beings.

George is an extremely talented and funny man, who can also be quite inflexible in his beliefs.


At present Urantian followers say a new revelation is forthcoming and many are still receiving messages.

An independent confirmation of the existence of the Midwayers has been claimed by Dr. Courtney Brown, a remote viewer who worked for the government and turned to spirituality when he started seeing Jesus and Buddha in remote viewing sessions. That is what stopped the program on the government. The fundamentalists generals thought they were engaging in demonic practices. Dr. Brown is not a Urantia follower.

Dr. Brown has a free book that can be read online.


The Urantia book has as you know complicated passages and issues, but it is an incredibly beautiful book when it describes Jesus, prayers and the way to connect to the thought adjuster, or God within.

The most beautiful and liberal of Urantia book websites is:


That is the part that all religious books contribute to mankind, the good parts that join us all.

Happy search!

Last edited by Esther; 11-02-2008 at 04:55 PM.
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Old 11-20-2008, 08:02 AM   #13
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Interesting book indeed. I kinda browsed thru it long time ago. Wouldn't mind to have it in my library.
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Old 12-08-2008, 06:50 AM   #14
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Fred, thank you for starting this thread. I was just about to start a thread and ask questions about this book, when I found your post. I think what you say sums it up, 1) Just trying to get my brain to get a beginner's handle on this huge book, 2) I found myself jumping and flipping through many pages trying to find something “good” before my eyes started glazing over, or I began to fall asleep, and 3) I don’t really have an opinion.

Something that did strike me odd… if this book was “divinely” authored… for the benefit of all of mankind… why is it slanted towards Christians.. .why not give us a history of Buddhists, and Muslims, and many other world religions? It does boggle my mind that anyone could author this monstrous book.
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Old 12-08-2008, 07:03 AM   #15
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

The book was channeled into our existence...and because of that, is tainted...I read it, and found much truth in it, but the over all theme that supports "pre-destination", turned me off... as well as the promotion of Hierarchy... or the "chosen few" ... there are quite a few places where it is off the mark, and finally it jumps the tracks all together.

If I had to say what it was, I would say it is the history of an alternate reality.
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Old 12-12-2008, 12:17 PM   #16
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Hi all!

I read the Urantia Book about since I have 16 more or less.

I know a lot this book and All my life I have tought that this are the Ultimate source of knowledge.

Bot in my many investigations I realize that this chenneled book have a lot of flaws and desinfo, so clever are that is like theosophy desinfo, channeled to from "more elevated beings" (see this blog).

A asked the other day to Dr. Deagle about the Urantia papers and he says that the book was desinfo to and he will gonna talk in his show about it.

That's really tune with the idea of a New World Order New religion.

Defragmenting the believes of the people first (with material like this, the theosophycal new age, the wingmakers, etc) and then making the "solution" with his new religion.

Problem - Reaction - Solution, they allways do that.

Im sorry but I turn out about my believe in this book, at least until I don't discover the "truth" about it, it smells so nice...

Cheers........ mmmmm
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Old 12-12-2008, 05:29 PM   #17
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Thumbs up Re: The Urantia Book

Read all Four Books...

It is always good to remember...

That said - The Books get about 80% of what is true. Setup, Adminstration and description of Powers and Principalities are accurate. It is also accurate about the Trinity and Triune Nature of the Creation as well as its Makeup (7 Superuniverses rotating around an 8th Central Superuniverse). That said - The Rebellion is also a good account of why Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia, Daligastia and the Midwayers fell from Their former estate...

That stated - The Origins of Mankind - The exclusion of Edits made to Us - and the Nephilim and It's Issues are concoctions/made up within the Book(s). These Items or Issues within them (The Books) should bear further Discernment by those Who read the Urantia Book(s)...

Last edited by Mercuriel; 12-12-2008 at 05:39 PM.
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Old 12-12-2008, 08:51 PM   #18
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Originally Posted by ENdJOY View Post
The book was channeled into our existence...and because of that, is tainted...I read it, and found much truth in it, but the over all theme that supports "pre-destination", turned me off... as well as the promotion of Hierarchy... or the "chosen few" ... there are quite a few places where it is off the mark, and finally it jumps the tracks all together.

If I had to say what it was, I would say it is the history of an alternate reality.
Interesting comment, ENdjoy. We got the impression that the book belongs to a parallell Universe!
It does have beautiful sequences, but also quite repulsive segments.

One split came about when a group of the Urantia Brotherhood lived in Paris in the early -80s and one or more members got the prediction that Paris would be hit by a nuclear bomb. They all moved, but no bomb hit. Were they happy? Naah... Unreliable prediction=worse than a bomb. LOL
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Old 12-12-2008, 09:19 PM   #19
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Originally Posted by Ashatav View Post
Hi all!
I read the Urantia Book about since I have 16 more or less.
I know a lot this book and All my life I have tought that this are the Ultimate source of knowledge.
Bot in my many investigations I realize that this chenneled book have a lot of flaws and desinfo, so clever are that is like theosophy desinfo, channeled to from "more elevated beings" (see this blog).

Problem - Reaction - Solution, they allways do that.
Discernment is one thing, a witchhunt is something else.
This book and this brotherhood do not fit in the category of obtrusive prozetylizing. They do not necessarily have ties with the NWO cabal.

So relax, this book might belong to a parallell universe, and then it is in the category 'interesting artifact'
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Old 12-12-2008, 09:43 PM   #20
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Originally Posted by Ashatav View Post
Hi all!

A asked the other day to Dr. Deagle about the Urantia papers and he says that the book was desinfo to and he will gonna talk in his show about it.

That's really tune with the idea of a New World Order New religion.

Defragmenting the believes of the people first (with material like this, the theosophycal new age, the wingmakers, etc) and then making the "solution" with his new religion.
The problem with NWO religion is that it aims on eliminate religious freedom, the right every one has to choose their own religion, or none at all. They have worked on this project for many years, and it will be a hybrid of belief systems to fit the agenda of a totalitarian world government.
There is no threat in any religion unless they try to make one of them the only choice for all of humanity.
Bill Deagle is a 'fire and brimstone' prophet of the Old Testament type: 'Repent, repent, fear God or we all go to hell or worse.'

You are free to choose this type of religion, but leave the rest of humanity a free choice as well.

Last edited by Josefine; 12-12-2008 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 12-12-2008, 11:38 PM   #21
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Originally Posted by Josefine View Post
The problem with NWO religion is that it aims on eliminate religious freedom, the right every one has to choose their own religion, or none at all. They have worked on this project for many years, and it will be a hybrid of belief systems to fit the agenda of a totalitarian world government.
There is no threat in any religion unless they try to make one of them the only choice for all of humanity.
Bill Deagle is a 'fire and brimstone' prophet of the Old Testament type: 'Repent, repent, fear God or we all go to hell or worse.'

You are free to choose this type of religion, but leave the rest of humanity a free choice as well.

Of course, the people can believe in anything they want.

I don't have religion, you are saying otherwise, I make it Clear now.

I just put more information about what I have researched to help the decision or simply not If I put more information you can simply choose to don't see it.

More information isn't bad, help the people to judge by themselves.

Why believe something blindly because is well writen? Having so many historical flaws and cientific flaws?

In these times of materialism we seek in anyplace we found to fill the spiritual vacum in us because our ambient.

The thing is if smells nice the wise people at least must investigate something about it efore Blindly believes, it's uncientific, and more if it is channeled, it might be a scam, see the New Age agenda thread for example and the range of the scam, is amazing.

If you see the post you are replying I have readed the book since I had 16 years and I know it very well.

But I research more into it and for now I changed my mind, I changed my mind for Now because this book smells Really nice but the evidence (like the cientific evidence of the archeologyst Jonathan Grey) shows different.

Maybe something to contrast.


Last edited by Ashatav; 12-13-2008 at 12:05 AM.
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Old 12-13-2008, 10:37 AM   #22
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Originally Posted by Ashatav View Post
Of course, the people can believe in anything they want.

I don't have religion, you are saying otherwise, I make it Clear now.

I just put more information about what I have researched to help the decision or simply not If I put more information you can simply choose to don't see it.
More information isn't bad, help the people to judge by themselves.
Why believe something blindly because is well writen? Having so many historical flaws and cientific flaws?
Obviously you do have a problem. Most people do not believe blindly. You say you believed blindly in the Urantia Book, until it dawned on you that maybe it was not what you could put your trust in after all.

You should 'research' yourself first, at least then you have a chance to know the person you are talking about.
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Old 12-13-2008, 08:00 PM   #23
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

since all energy moves through
one form of channel or another,
and, since all energy
transfers from one form, to another form

then all channels,
have potential
and, within potential exists
duality - good or bad

so NOT all channeling could possibly all be bad

some of it, is actually quite good

i think, everything we eXpress a thought,
or even do a deed - consciously, or unconsciously
we channel it

the eXchanger
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Old 12-14-2008, 05:36 AM   #24
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

there is a good link
above, that you can listen to this book
online - while doing other things

it's quite interesting

cheers & love
the eXchanger
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Old 12-14-2008, 06:36 AM   #25
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: The Urantia Book

Originally Posted by Josefine View Post
Obviously you do have a problem. Most people do not believe blindly. You say you believed blindly in the Urantia Book, until it dawned on you that maybe it was not what you could put your trust in after all.

You should 'research' yourself first, at least then you have a chance to know the person you are talking about.
Wow, totally out of place ALL of the things you say.

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