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Old 10-08-2008, 05:53 PM   #1
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Default Rocky_Shorz collection

Well This thread was started from a Discussion in Telepathics Communications network explaining how I opened up to my gifts, and how it has kept unfolding over the years until I am where I am today...

When it first starts, you might think you are going crazy or just talking to yourself, but a couple easy tell tale signs you aren't.

1st - Words start coming to you with an accent...

2nd - Broken English like someone is translating straight from a foreign language.

3rd - Subjects you've never thought of suddenly start arguing in your mind

4th - sayings you've never heard of before pop into your head. Example, I was thinking about what it would take for Brittany to straighten out and I heard - "Loose the nose hose sista"

5th - someone asks you a question about a subject you've never studied, and it's like in the Matrix, someone uploaded a program into your head, you know everything about it.

6th - de Ja vu - things you've never done before, but yet you remember doing them many many times...

7th - You are talking with someone and they can't quite figure out how to ask a question and you roll out the answer...

I'm sure there are many many more, but these are things you will all experience as you awaken...

I'm from Minnesota, I think its in our blood...

Well in my dreams, I was first just going along for the ride, but then I willed myself to go back in time and meet with people of different ages, and it happened, then I willed myself forward in time and saw in amazement what our world will become. It was like a time traveler, except just in my dreams...

This went on for months before I realized I could start questioning those in my dreams and they gave me answers...

a historic candy land...

I followed my ancestors back, George Washington, Leaders of the Vikings, and the Celts. Royalty in France, and in the middle east... I was at Stone Henge in a Robe when it was first built, relative of the King... I stopped when I found myself related to King David...

Then I started looking forward in time, I checked out automobiles that were beyond perpetual motion, popped the hood because the engineer in me wanted to know how they worked...

Trains transporting goods back and forth across the country on Magnetic rails, without an Engine...

Then one day, working at my desk I heard the voice while I was awake...

That's when I guess I was really attached to the grid, I went to a center on Mediums to watch what they did and connected instead of the Host...

I had an old Scott walk up to me and start talking that I had returned...

We talked for 15 minutes and then my friend tapped me on my shoulder and asked for me to talk in English so all of them could understand what we were saying.

When I looked at him questioningly, he said we were talking in a foreign language...

many many stories like this have followed...

One day I was struck in the heart by a missing child, kidnapped from her bed and I asked for answers and was shown where she was laying...

I knew how important the gift was and for years helped in solving cases.

one day I realized the pain was too much, I had done my part and it was time to move on...

That's when I met friends in my head and realized I was a part of something special...


From Deagle's Thread

Many were pounding on Deagle for not having his visions come true....

I'm one that would thank him for helping to focus my energies in the right direction, at the right time...

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
While many have been focusing on what might be coming, I tried to make changes from the point I have contact.

I have been painting Dreams for Rothschild of the future he is creating....

The terrors, the death, the misery of Billions of people...

If the world has ever needed to give someone their light, it is this man, who is on the brink of destroying us all...
I didn't mention this since it happened, but the night I told all of you of who I was working on, I went back again, this time I asked who he was afraid of...

He looked towards China, and right as I was about to see the face of who he was thinking of, I was shaken from my dreams...

I looked at the clock, and it was just after 1:30...

I just heard about an earthquake in China and looked it up...

Magnitude 6.4 - EASTERN XIZANG
Monday, October 06, 2008 at 01:30:45 AM (PDT)

does anyone know where the group opposing the Illuminati is located?

I keep telling myself coincidence...

Why was I blocked from seeing who he is?


Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post

I just heard about an earthquake in China and looked it up...

Magnitude 6.4 - EASTERN XIZANG
Monday, October 06, 2008 at 01:30:45 AM (PDT)
hmmmm anyone surprised that China's market closed at 1372.03?

72/100 - 45/60

pretty close...

It comes with a message...

The zero in the middle is what you will have left unless you Listen...

in America, there is a reason our money says - in God we trust.

Buddha left an important question in Proverbs 30:4 for all of you, can you answer it?

and all of you already know about the 3 or III

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Old 10-08-2008, 06:14 PM   #2
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

from the people who are preaching positivity thread...

Originally Posted by Orion Morris View Post
I am sorry if I came across wrong...

Honestly I just got my first teaching job and for the first time I am able to make a difference and see it on a daily basis...

But for those of you who believe that our thoughts manifest into reality then I feel like it is pointless to point out all these horrible possibilities. I am not saying that all of them are not relevant to post...

I just feel like we need to laugh and love a little more... maybe throw a party.. while we can!!
Well in the worst case scenario, what do you think one of the most important jobs will be in a Ground Crew Community? - A teacher...

just for a moment, let your imagination go...

imagine if you could look at someone, feel what they fear and go after the source? If it's nothing, just let it go, but if it is something real, being able to close your eyes and rewrite the story...

Imagine having those abilities, and staying away from negative stories, because of their bad vibes... Are you helping if you close your ears to what you should be listening for?

You are a teacher, imagine the gift of trying to teach a frustrated child, and all you have to do is imagine it in your mind and the child is able to see the image...

Think of a child having nightmares, and you being able to see them, erasing the evil and replacing it with dream that makes them smile...

What if I told you that you already have the ability?

A natural teacher...

for the next dimension...
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Old 10-09-2008, 02:03 PM   #3
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

This is still one of my favorite lines...

Originally Posted by Theresa View Post
whoa!! weather at their HOUSE?? "just too much, man, let it all hang out....."
Well we need all the angels awake at this time, so I'm turning curiosity into reality for many...

Have any of you had a tongue depressor in your mouth, and pushed down on the end... because of leveraging you aren't able to keep it from moving?

well time to concentrate on the Cat 4 heading for the Baja, a storm surge pushing down on the tongue depressor at the end of the san andreas fault...

many have seen san Fran in rubble, this might be the event that will cause it...
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Old 11-01-2008, 05:02 AM   #4
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

October 31st, General David Petraeus Sworn In As Head Of US Central Command in Afghanistan...

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
Omar, you are always looking for signs from Allah, open your eyes and listen...

It's Saturday 11/1 and Quetta has had 11 earthquakes, this is Rocky, the 1 that delivered the 11th Commandment to Islam - "the Will of God is Peace"

Are you ready to stand against al Queda and other militants to bring peace back to your nation?

The deal is, you must understand, the veil(curtain) burned down between the men and women in a Sacred Mosque catching fire to the Holy Qur'an. Women are no longer to be treated as a footstool, they are to get the same rights to education and opportunities as men, and the veil can come off if they so choose.

Muqtada al-Sadr from Iraq listened to his spiritual adviser, and had his followers that would listen lay down their weapons, and today they are prospering, the fighting almost behind them.

It's your turn, to stand up as a leader and help to bring peace to Afghanistan.

Talk with the US commander, its time to stop all this pain for your nation.

It's up to you...
Isaiah 11:1 Out of the Stump of David's family will grow a shoot...

He will rule against the wicked and destroy them with the breath from his mouth...

In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard and the goat will be at peace...

11:10 In that day the heir to David's throne will be a banner of salvation to all teh world. The Nations will rally to him, for the land that he lives will be a glorious place.

The Mayan Calendar ends on December II I(21st), 2012

The following Day, II II(22nd) is my birthday, and the beginning of the new Mayan Calendar...

Last edited by Rocky_Shorz; 11-02-2008 at 04:52 PM.
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Old 11-02-2008, 05:00 PM   #5
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

over the last few evenings, I have gone out for a walk around my neighborhood and the strangest thing is happening...

as I walk down the sidewalk, the street lights keep going out, their light sensors are telling them it is daylight.

a hundred yards behind me, they are turning back on.

I really don't understand what is going on, but I have a feeling, I'm stumbling down the path of Destiny.

Omar received the message, and while he was sitting with his advisers discussing his dream and whether they should talk with the US commander, an earthquake hit, not 10 miles deep like the first 11, this one was only 1 Mile under the surface...

It will be interesting to see what happens over this next week...
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Old 11-02-2008, 05:43 PM   #6
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
over the last few evenings, I have gone out for a walk around my neighborhood and the strangest thing is happening...

as I walk down the sidewalk, the street lights keep going out, their light sensors are telling them it is daylight.

a hundred yards behind me, they are turning back on.

I really don't understand what is going on, but I have a feeling, I'm stumbling down the path of Destiny.

Omar received the message, and while he was sitting with his advisers discussing his dream and whether they should talk with the US commander, an earthquake hit, not 10 miles deep like the first 11, this one was only 1 Mile under the surface...

It will be interesting to see what happens over this next week...
You are a SLider. See below:


Street Light Interference is a relatively young field of paranormal research. How and why it occurs is still not completely known and most of the evidence is weak at best. Yet it has been noted that something strange may just be going on. Often times those involved are refered to as SLIders.

It gets it's name from the fact that certain people, when passing directly under a street lamp somehow turn it off. Then (usually) once they pass all the way under it, it comes back on. People who experience this do so on a constant basis, at different times and different lights. They also have a tendency to break electrical items, such as lamps, light bulbs, computer, radio etc. Some also drain batteries quickly. My own experience has been the opposite - batteries have lasted unusual long periods of time.

There are some things to remember and to take into account when assessing if this happens to you:

- Cities will turn off the street lights for short durations during the night. Usually a couple of minutes or longer. I've heard two reasons, to save power and to rest the bulb.

- A good sign that you're a SLIder is a more frequent experience of turning a series of street lights off. So each time your drive under a light on a street it turns itself off. Lights turn themselves off randomly during the night as programed by the city, but it is supposed to be one light per street, or block area. If unsure, go ask them. There may be a rational explaination.

- Other incidents outside of the street lights are also good indicators of what's going on. Some SLIders can disrupt traffic light- either by accident or by intention on always having a green. Others have difficulty turning on lamps because the bulbs pop - either internally or externally. Difficulties with other electrical equipment. It doesn't have to be all the time. Researchers, such as the ones at Princeton (PEAR Home Page), think that emotions play a big role, just like in poltergist activity.

A street light or two going out around you once a year (or less for that matter) is not anything. Several times a week/month and not being able to turn on the lamp is.

If you are a SLIder and are having difficulty coping the best advice is to take a deep breath and find that inner calm. The more stressed, scared, angry etc you are the more likely something is going to have a problem.

Outside Links:

SLI Effect Must have Adobe Acrobat in order to see this page. A 55 page research paper.

SLI Info and Forum

CNN Story

Wikipedia article Unfortunately it is very short.

From SWIFT Archives

Reprint of Washington Post Article
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Old 11-02-2008, 06:01 PM   #7
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

hmmmm, today is 11 II(2), I've gone this far, sharing what is going on with all of you, so now I'm going to add another incredible twist...

Many years ago, when Saddam was attacking the Kurds, the future Monarch was sent to America, a hundred miles from where I was living, we are the same age went to the same university, he moved west when I moved east.

He moved from San Diego the year I arrived, met my sister, got married and had a son before he died from Cancer.

I am the only "blood" uncle, which means until he is of age, I would be considered the Monarch...

To me, the difference between a King and Monarch is about the same as Coincidence and Destiny...

outside of forums, everyone knows me as Dave

so for the next 11 years, I am King David II...
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Old 11-03-2008, 03:14 PM   #8
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

Obama, this is my message for you...

World Peace, by the end of 2012

When you take office, your first step will be turning around the World's economy, so let me share with you how it can be done.

Right now, there are over a million homes in foreclosure and standing vacant.

You are to pull back our troops, time to shut down the war machine. Each of the soldiers that have fought with their hearts to bring peace to a part of the world that isn't thankful for our sacrifices. I want them to have first choice on foreclosures.

for the banks who are receiving 850 billion dollars, you will finance these men and women, there is not one American that will feel bad knowing their tax dollars are going to our soldiers to buy a home.

I want the communities to open their arms, help them find the jobs they need to get on their feet.

This is the future of our country...

Manufacturers producing weapons will need to regear, to make renewable energy equipment.

It will be a tough transition, but the middle east will find peace.

The King of Saudi Arabia has heard my messages, and for years has been doing his part in changing the world for the better.

Yesterday on fox was a brief story on how he has built a De-Radicalization facility and is in the process of rehabbing 3600 future terrorists, teaching them moderate Islam.

These facilities need to be built throughout the middle east.

Israel oh Israel...

The wall shall come down

Open your coffers and doors, let all those sweet Jewish ladies fire up their stoves and prepare for the feast...

Have you hugged a Palestinian today?

The Middle east is in God's hands now, and if any of you still are believers, you know in your heart that he is there watching over you.

America has done its part, its time for us to go home.

You will always be welcome in Kurdistan, the heart of the Middle East...
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Old 11-03-2008, 03:32 PM   #9
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

I'm sure many of you are shocked, never expecting to find such heavy meaning through a conspiracy website...

But I'm sure there is no coincidence that this was where I was meant to be.

I have a feeling my footsteps of destiny are leading me to Kurdistan, to the headwaters of the Tigress and the Garden of Eden.

Maybe Bill and Kerry are meant to join me so we are there at the end of the Mayan Calendar.

Evil doesn't feel our population is sustainable, but I humbly disagree.

Imagine our deserts turning green with grain...

The day is coming...
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Old 11-03-2008, 07:50 PM   #10
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

I just received a confirmation Omar accepted...

I'm not sure if it was through here,

U.S. Commander David Petraeus is in Islamabad for talks with military and civilian leaders on regional security issues.
or here

In northern Pakistan, officials said they are continuing to search for an Afghan government advisor who was kidnapped while visiting his in-laws in Chitral on Sunday.

Police officials said Akhtar Kohistani, an adviser to the Afghan Ministry of Rural Development, was kidnapped when gumen broke into his relative's home.
hmmm conflicting report...

but this is the message the Taliban Commanders sent today

The refusal to negotiate comes straight from the Taliban's supreme leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, Sabir was quoted as saying. "The tone of his rejection has been so strong from the first that no one would dare to raise the subject with him."

But Newsweek says Sabir hasn't seen Mullah Omar in years, and he doesn't know of anyone who has. Internet posts released in Mullah Omar's name on Muslim holy days are the only hint that the one-eyed leader is still alive. All the same, Sabir says he and thousands of other Taliban won't stop fighting until they're back in power.

Distrust is spreading in the ranks, Newsweek says, adding that off the battlefield, Taliban fighters wonder aloud what has become of Mullah Omar. Some think he may have been put under house arrest by his second in command and brother-in-law Mullah Baradar.

"He may have removed himself, or someone may have removed him," says a former Mullah Omar aide. "For the past two years, no one that I know has any hard evidence of where he is or what he's doing."

What would Mullah Omar say about mowing down civilians and beheading captives in the name of jihad? the aide asks, describing his former boss as a simple, decent village mullah who was always upset to hear of his men doing bad things.

Everyone seems eager to talk peace in Afghanistan except the only people who can turn the wish into a fact, the magazine comments, pointing out that Taliban's "brutal insurgent ally" Gulbuddin Hekmatyar has endorsed the idea of negotiations;

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Old 11-03-2008, 08:44 PM   #11
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10/8/05, 8:50 a.m. (03:50:38.6 GMT) The largest earthquake in the history of Pakistan...

Very close to where the kidnapping just happened...

This is the earthquake that followed 3 days after this message...

Feather Of Faith
many know me as the poet, changing the world as we know it...

martyrs of Islam, important warning call
fear of God's power should be known by all
The meaning of Islam is will of God
The will of God is peace, lost oxes plod

the eagle has vision seeing the path
lion guards the entrance, terrible wrath
hurting women and children, deepest sin
erasing your name and also your kin

soul barbequing, burning fires of hell
no paradise realized as they fell
destruction, violence, filled with dispair
tools of the devil, too late for prayer

look inside, take the evil from your heart
forgiveness, scale of justice, glowing start
molehill of grief or mountain of kindness
stumbling through darkness, knowing truths blindness

judgment coming do you weigh good or bad
earth angel asked, left you happy or sad....

Copyright ©2008 by Rocky Shorz
I always wondered if Osama was close...
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Old 11-04-2008, 05:03 PM   #12
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

India is moving the right direction...


New Delhi, Nov. 3: Six thousand Muslim clerics are set to gather in Hyderabad on November 8 to issue the “biggest ever fatwa” against terror.

Organised by the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, the country’s largest Islamic body, the meet will have muftis from all states condemning the propaganda that “regards terrorism as synonymous with jihad”.
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Old 11-06-2008, 10:10 PM   #13
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

I'm bringing this across from the Future Events thread...

Originally Posted by Merkhava View Post


Iraq is becoming balkanized by the West. The western banking cartels will not tolerate an independent Iraqi government that does not follow the West's agenda for permanent military bases and oil field development. Iraq's democratically elected government will not tolerate the proposed SOFA which is deemed political suicide for any Iraqi official who supports it. Iraq will only accept a withdrawal agreement, not a security agreement. So the probability is high that the Iraqi government is going to be destabilized through intrigue and assassinations in a similar way Iran's democratic government was overthrown in 1953.

That instability could lead the Kurds to declare the independent State of Kurdistan. That development would create a harsh reaction in Turkey and Iran. It would become a catalyzing situation that could ruin Turkey's relationship with the West. Extreme pressures within Turkey would force the Turkish government to invade Kurdistan and take control the Kirkuk oil fields.

Well anyone that is religious will understand that Kurdistan is the country that was cut into 4 pieces. It is the location of the Headwaters of the Tigress, and the Garden of Eden.

The 4 pieces of Kurdistan will once again be united as a country...

It is written and with Turkey and Iran being run by those who believe in God, it will be allowed to happen.

I won't return until Kurdistan is a country...

I have stayed the Hand from crushing Iran to rubble, giving back Kurdish lands is a small price to ask...

Daniel 11:4 But at the height of his power, his Kingdom will be broken apart and divided into 4 parts. It will not be ruled by the king's descendants...

12:4 ...keep this prophesy a secret; seal up the book until the time of the end.
The message I am told to share with you, is not in the bible...

edited to say, I'm not surprised you are the one that asked...

the Eagle is Kurdistan's National Bird

Tehran Iran, is located in Kurdistan...

That is the strangest twist of all, I have the ability to call down God's fist to crush Tehran, but in doing so, would destroy my own lands...

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Old 11-08-2008, 11:47 PM   #14
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You see, Tehran has always known the 1 the 11th promised would be returning, they just never expected him, to step off a plane as their King.

I have many important truths to share with all...
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Old 11-09-2008, 08:21 PM   #15
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Last night I was told to find the writings of Saint Michael, I looked for any mention through the sources I have available.

I haven't found any books, was the reason I am here on Avalon is to connect to one of the Vatican insiders to find a way to read these messages?

I went back to the first page to see what was written, and there at the top I saw the answer...

This thread was started with a post on Michael Saint Clair.

could it really be that simple?

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Old 11-09-2008, 08:42 PM   #16
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I had a dream right after 9/11

I was on a Mountaintop overlooking a Valley below, I watched as this Beast festering with dark light stood, and started to walk tripped and fell flat on his face. On the 3rd time watching it, I busted out laughing, it was pretty funny.

Then I zoomed in, to the feet of this beast, and saw a Ram hiding in the shrubs. Each time the beast would rise it would dive out from hiding and race forward ramming its head into a toe causing it to trip.

It raced over to hide and glanced over at me wondering if I was there to help. I busted out laughing when I saw the face was President Bush.

I ran across the story of the Ram who had its Horns (Iran/Iraq) tangled in the bush and smiled...

When the horns are snapped off, the whole land lives in peace.

The battle against Abaddon is already over, he will not be rising for a battle that will destroy this world.

I have helped protect our children, world peace is almost a reality.

my concentration is about to turn to saving our environment...
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Old 11-09-2008, 09:49 PM   #17
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The Dead Sea Scrolls are approximately 900 documents that are written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. They were found in caves near Jerusalem in an ancient village called Qumran between the years of 1947 and 1956. The Dead Sea Scrolls contain some of the oldest copies of parts of the Old Testament. They also contain writings of a religious group called Essenes. This group was based in Israel in 200 BC and they lasted until 100 AD.
Interesting these scrolls were found in a village so close in name to Islam's holy book...

Qumran - Qur'an

Has anyone researched The Dead Sea Scrolls?

The story says Jesus spent from his teen years until mid 20s with the Essene in a village, but according to records, they disappeared 100 years before his birth...
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Old 11-09-2008, 10:53 PM   #18
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The Bible contains three geographical definitions of the Land of Israel. The first, found in Genesis 15:18-21, is vague. It describes a large territory, "from the Nile to the Euphrates", comprising all of modern-day Israel, the Palestinian Territories, and Lebanon, as well as large parts of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. The proportion of current Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey included in this territory is debatable.
Israel stretches to Kurdistan...

Being from the bloodline of King David, peace is very possible throughout the lands...

Being from the bloodline of George Washington I should have the same vision to lead...
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Old 11-10-2008, 06:36 PM   #19
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The Kingdom of Armenia was the first state to adopt Christianity as its religion[7] in the early years of the 4th century (the traditional date is 301).[8] The modern Republic of Armenia recognizes the exclusive historical mission of the Armenian Apostolic Church as a national church.[9]
Armenia lies in the highlands surrounding the Biblical mountains of Ararat, upon which, according to Judeo-Christian history, Noah's Ark came to rest after the flood. (Gen. 8:4).


According to the Old Testament the Kurdish Wan Lake is The lake in the Garden of Eden

The very first mention of the Kurds in history was about 3,000 BC, under the name Gutium, as they fought the Sumerians (Spieser). The territory of present-day Kurdistan corresponds roughly with the ancient Kingdom of Gutium (Qurti), which is mentioned in cuneiform records about 2400 BC, and had its capital at Arraphkha (modern Kirkuk).[10] Later around 800 BC, the Indo-European Median tribes settled in the Zagros mountain region and coalesced with the Gutiums, and thus the modern Kurds speak an Aryan language (Morris).

7,000 years older than Stonehenge: the site that stunned archaeologists

Circles of elaborately carved stones from about 9,500BC predate even agriculture

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Old 11-10-2008, 07:21 PM   #20
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Among the most fascinating folks in the world are people known as the Kurds. They are older than history. The Land of Kurda is mentioned in Sumerian clay tablets - the world's oldest writing - over 5,000 years ago. The Land of Kurda - Kurdistan - was ancient five millennia ago.
The emerging reality is that the Kurds are the key to peace, freedom, and democracy throughout the entire Middle East.

Kurds are thought to be the descendants of the Biblical Medes
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Old 11-11-2008, 07:44 PM   #21
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Default Happy Veteran's Day

Originally Posted by StClair View Post
Nothing is yet set in stone,
Once again you surprise me with your answer... I just realized the time of the post when I went back to copy it over here...

Today being veterans day, I wanted to share with all a special message...

The Sword in the Stone.

* A veteran soldier walks up before the crowd, draws his sword and takes the microphone. *

"many people want the cross to come down because it is a religious symbol"

* at this point he raises his sword above his head for all to see. *

"The sword has always been a symbol of a warrior, an Icon of valor and strength. The sign of a man who is willing to die for what he believes. A great Warrior understands the might of the sword isn't in the steel of the blade, it comes from the handle and the heart of the man behind it."

"When a hero falls, his sword is planted in the dirt over his head."

* at this point, he drives the sword deep into the ground, and bows his head. giving the crowd a chance to see the sword glistening in the sunlight. That's when they realized, they are looking at a cross *

"The strength is still in the handle. To Christians, the three points of the
cross, remind us of the Trinity, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but at the heart of it's meaning, stands for a hero that died for what he believed."

"Mt Soledad's Cross is San Diego's reminder of all of our heroes, both men and
women, that have died for our Freedom."

"In their memory let it stand, let it be our Sword in the Stone"

"Let it stand for all who died, bringing peace to the World"

King David II
my plans are to return to the Garden of Eden and build a large cross on top of a Mountaintop placing these words on a plaque before it, reminding us of the day wars ended on our world...

On the cross where the thorns were, I plan to hang the Star of David...
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Old 11-12-2008, 06:51 PM   #22
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Ancient 4,300-year-old pyramid uncovered in Egypt on 11/11

located on the Map I shared of Medes...

ever hear the saying if she knew she'd roll over in her grave...

my firewall was hammered out of Iran yesterday, I guess the message, is no longer Hidden...

Judism and Islam never believed Jesus was the King of King's.

I think the Vatican and Illuminati have been watching what I am sharing, do you think they have always known?

If this is something they didn't want revealed, wouldn't I have disappeared before sharing it?
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Old 11-12-2008, 08:02 PM   #23
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I just read Bob Dean's interview and he reveals the location of Noah's Arc...

BD: And so, the guys in the NRO took their Keyhole system and focused on the Ararat Anomaly, which is, you know, a puzzle. Well, when the word got out, when the pictures were finally down-loaded and they computerized and enhanced them and cleaned them up, and they pushed them on the wall or they broadcast them on the wall there at NRO, the remarks went something like this -- and these are actual quotes: Jesus Christ, it’s a god-damn boat! Christ! It’s a big boat!

OK. One would say: Why would something like that be so highly classified that it is way above top secret? Why would the discovery of a boat on Mount Ararat be classified so far above, you know... anything?

Anyhow, the story comes out. The reason they classified it is because, after they discovered that it is a god-damn boat, a big god-damn boat, they inserted a team of SEALs on the site. That’s a term that the military uses to put a bunch of guys on a scene.

KC: Right.

BD: Apparently they dropped them by aircraft. They parachuted down, a dozen of them or so. They inserted them onto the scene and these guys spent several days in this god-damn boat. And then they extracted them by helicopters.

And when they extracted them, the guys brought with them some “anomalous artifacts” which have never been described or named. But those anomalous artifacts is what led to this whole thing being classified not only Top Secret, but the way the hell above.
The Assyrians wrote about battles against the Urartian tribes from the thirteenth century BC until the sixth century BC when Urartu was destroyed by the Medes.
Ararat is the newer Armenian name of Urartu from the Hebrew Torah written by Moses (c. 1406-1446 BC)
This is very close to the Garden of Eden...

Noahs Ark on Ararat on the Kurdistan Armenian boarder

I myself learned the story as it has been passed down through Generations of Kurds. Seeing what Bob just shared confirms much of what I have heard.

Last edited by Rocky_Shorz; 11-12-2008 at 08:12 PM.
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Old 11-12-2008, 08:25 PM   #24
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years ago when I was told Osama had passed, I asked where he was buried, I thought the answer was Mt Arafat, a range in Saudi Arabia close to Mecca...

But now I'm wondering if his followers brought him here to Mt Ararat.

Maybe when I travel over there, the Spirit will guide me to where he was put to rest.

I could use that $50M reward to start a Kingdom...
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Old 11-12-2008, 08:28 PM   #25
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: telepathic communication network

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
I could use that $50M reward to start a Kingdom...
absolutely, nothing like a man on "rocky shorZ"
to collect a big reward,
and, then start a kingdom -- good plan
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