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Old 11-01-2008, 07:05 PM   #1
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Default Was the Moon built by a Super Race??


We often gaze at he stars and Moon and wonder where we truly originated from…Perhaps the answer is staring at us right in the face…..

I have just finished reading my second book on this subject and have found the whole subject absolutely fascinating. Here are a few points that I have picked up. I have tried to compress the information as much as possible.

I don’t want to go into too much detail/mechanics of these findings so I will just deal with the specifics.

Samples taken from the moon suggest the moon rock is approx 1 billion years older that earth…..

When Apollo 13 turned for home the 3rd stage of the Saturn V launch vehicle was sent crashing to the moon. As expected it struck the moon with the equivalent of 11 tonnes of TNT. The shock waves continued for nearly 1 hour and the reverberations lasted for 4 hours and travelling to a depth of about 25 miles leading to the fact that the moon has a very light core or has no core at all. Also there is a huge difference with the speed of sound travelling through rock or metal.

NASA had admitted that hey had to reconsider theories of the Moon. With these new findings and undeniable evidence there was a distinct possibility that the core is indeed hollow and that the inner crust could be made of Metal!! Nothing like this happens when objects strike earth. Please note that it is well understood that a natural satellite cannot be hollow. Its simple, if the Moon is hollow SOMEONE OR SOMETHING MANUFACTURED IT…SO LETS CLARIFY.. Solid objects do not ring like a bell but hollow ones do!!!

Also the Moon is a gigantic planetary stabilizer and with this stabilisation process we are able to have the 4 seasons. Without this we would have no higher life forms as we know it. The earth roughly tilts at 22 degrees and ensures that most parts of earth get there fair share of warmth throughout the year in other words the earth is extremely balanced. If we had a more pronounced planetary tilt the earths oceans would certainly be frozen. On the other hand if the earth was not tilted at all the regions around the equator would be unbearably hot thus causing extreme weather patterns!!! Biodiversity would not be possible so evolution would not have progressed. So the earths tilt is paramount to our existence. Without the Moon the Earth would indeed topple over. Also without the moon we would have no tides and again this would affect the eco system and messing up the earths life patterns…NO MOON NO HUMANS…!!

Further facts.. The moon is one 400th the size of the sun. The moon is 400 times closer than the sun. The moon is rotating approx 400km per earth day. The earth is rotating 40000 km per day and the moon is turning at presisely100 times less. There are further mathematical co-incidences that I have not listed. I can post if you require. Perhaps there is a message within these Mathematical anomalies!!!

The number play involved in the earth/moon is staggering to say the least…the odds of all these numbers synching are mind boggling!!!

The moon mimics the sun at key points of the year…whilst the sun sets in he north the moon sets in the south and vice versa in the winter solstice.

The moon appears exactly the same size as the sun when viewed from earth…Is this co-incidence? …in other words when we have an eclipse the moons fits absolutely perfectly in front of the sun!!!! Amazing precision!! Mmm another natural MIRACLE !!! I think not.

It would appear that an intelligent agency/beings constructed the moon to enable life to develop upon the planet earth …………………….

The Moon remains one of the biggest riddles of all times.


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Old 11-01-2008, 09:35 PM   #2
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Default Re: Was the Moon built by a Super Race??

Originally Posted by viking View Post

We often gaze at he stars and Moon and wonder where we truly originated from…Perhaps the answer is staring at us right in the face…..

I have just finished reading my second book on this subject and have found the whole subject absolutely fascinating. Here are a few points that I have picked up. I have tried to compress the information as much as possible.

I don’t want to go into too much detail/mechanics of these findings so I will just deal with the specifics.

Samples taken from the moon suggest the moon rock is approx 1 billion years older that earth…..

When Apollo 13 turned for home the 3rd stage of the Saturn V launch vehicle was sent crashing to the moon. As expected it struck the moon with the equivalent of 11 tonnes of TNT. The shock waves continued for nearly 1 hour and the reverberations lasted for 4 hours and travelling to a depth of about 25 miles leading to the fact that the moon has a very light core or has no core at all. Also there is a huge difference with the speed of sound travelling through rock or metal.

NASA had admitted that hey had to reconsider theories of the Moon. With these new findings and undeniable evidence there was a distinct possibility that the core is indeed hollow and that the inner crust could be made of Metal!! Nothing like this happens when objects strike earth. Please note that it is well understood that a natural satellite cannot be hollow. Its simple, if the Moon is hollow SOMEONE OR SOMETHING MANUFACTURED IT…SO LETS CLARIFY.. Solid objects do not ring like a bell but hollow ones do!!!

Also the Moon is a gigantic planetary stabilizer and with this stabilisation process we are able to have the 4 seasons. Without this we would have no higher life forms as we know it. The earth roughly tilts at 22 degrees and ensures that most parts of earth get there fair share of warmth throughout the year in other words the earth is extremely balanced. If we had a more pronounced planetary tilt the earths oceans would certainly be frozen. On the other hand if the earth was not tilted at all the regions around the equator would be unbearably hot thus causing extreme weather patterns!!! Biodiversity would not be possible so evolution would not have progressed. So the earths tilt is paramount to our existence. Without the Moon the Earth would indeed topple over. Also without the moon we would have no tides and again this would affect the eco system and messing up the earths life patterns…NO MOON NO HUMANS…!!

Further facts.. The moon is one 400th the size of the sun. The moon is 400 times closer than the sun. The moon is rotating approx 400km per earth day. The earth is rotating 40000 km per day and the moon is turning at presisely100 times less. There are further mathematical co-incidences that I have not listed. I can post if you require. Perhaps there is a message within these Mathematical anomalies!!!

The number play involved in the earth/moon is staggering to say the least…the odds of all these numbers synching are mind boggling!!!

The moon mimics the sun at key points of the year…whilst the sun sets in he north the moon sets in the south and vice versa in the winter solstice.

The moon appears exactly the same size as the sun when viewed from earth…Is this co-incidence? …in other words when we have an eclipse the moons fits absolutely perfectly in front of the sun!!!! Amazing precision!! Mmm another natural MIRACLE !!! I think not.

It would appear that an intelligent agency/beings constructed the moon to enable life to develop upon the planet earth …………………….

The Moon remains one of the biggest riddles of all times.


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Old 11-01-2008, 09:49 PM   #3
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Default Re: Was the Moon built by a Super Race??

Originally Posted by viking View Post

It would appear that an intelligent agency/beings constructed the moon to enable life to develop upon the planet earth …………………….
Read a bible literally without the religious aspect. Then look at a the Sumerian/Egyptian genetic manipulation found on old artifacts.

It wouldn't suprise me a bit when there would be a lot of spaceships "out there" which we call planets

I think we were created by higher intelligent civilisations to grow up here and gain knowledge and then to "boldly go where no one's gone before"
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Old 11-01-2008, 09:57 PM   #4
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Default Re: Was the Moon built by a Super Race??

Viking, absolutely facinating.

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Old 11-01-2008, 10:07 PM   #5
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Default Re: Was the Moon built by a Super Race??

Viking great post. I have read lots about the moon and the anomlies it has.

can you explain this a little better for me?

"The moon is rotating approx 400km per earth day. The earth is rotating 40000 km per day and the moon is turning at presisely100 times less."

You havent mentioned the fact that our moon doesnt rotate. Its stuck in motion??? (i think)?
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Old 11-01-2008, 10:15 PM   #6
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Default Re: Was the Moon built by a Super Race??

Originally Posted by Flashback View Post
Viking great post. I have read lots about the moon and the anomlies it has.

can you explain this a little better for me?

"The moon is rotating approx 400km per earth day. The earth is rotating 40000 km per day and the moon is turning at presisely100 times less."

You havent mentioned the fact that our moon doesnt rotate. Its stuck in motion??? (i think)?
thats true we never see the dark side of the moon
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Old 11-01-2008, 10:43 PM   #7
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Default Re: Was the Moon built by a Super Race??

Originally Posted by Shadowstalker View Post
thats true we never see the dark side of the moon
We're never to see the dark side. That's where the enlightened ones maintain the base.
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Old 11-01-2008, 11:13 PM   #8
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Default Re: Was the Moon built by a Super Race??

In the last few months I have had to come to grips with:

The Moon was towed here and anchored by ETs.
The Earth is hollow and there are all sorts of inhabitants living underneath it - I forget their names - that is probably because of the Amnesia beam,
As well as the industrial revolution kicking off pollution we have chemtrails consolidating airborne threats - didn't know about them - but once again the amnesia beam plays havoc with my brain,
That there is a room called jump where people get transported to and from Mars and the moon where they play ping pong besides other stuff.
That the real illuminati's live under the surface as well - probably to escape the chemtrails and the amnesia beams as well as all the other beams,
That a lot of the triangular shaped UFOs are probably ours.
That the government and the not so rich illuminatis down the scale of illuminating themselves live underground in their 4 mile down havens.

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Old 11-01-2008, 11:24 PM   #9
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Default Re: Was the Moon built by a Super Race??

Listen to Bob Dean talk about it being a base for The Annunaki here:

John Lear says it's a satellite in here:


He and Zorgon give you some pictures here:


or Mr. Hoagland shows you a spaceship up in Saturn's Rings


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Old 11-01-2008, 11:30 PM   #10
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Default Re: Was the Moon built by a Super Race??

Originally Posted by Topper View Post
We're never to see the dark side. That's where the enlightened ones maintain the base.
There is no such thing as a "dark side of the moon"

The sun shines on the moon equally at all times. When we have a full moon the other side of the moon is completely dark. If we have half a moon, its half on the other side. If we have a quarter, its 3 quarters on the other side. When we have a new moon, it completely dark on this side and completely lit up on the other side we can't see.

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Old 11-02-2008, 12:40 AM   #11
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interesting, i read that the moon is one of the only spheres in the universe that travels in a near perfect circle while every thing else travels in an ellipse, meaning that it is technically a satelite. But i would verify that yourself. Also the moon makes the tide go in and out giving us a possible source of hydro power, I know this to be true. I also think that as we humans are 55-60% water it must effect our emotions too (further proven by the fact some one who is not in contol of their emotion is a known as a lunar-tic(lunatic) lmao. Peace
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Old 11-02-2008, 04:19 PM   #12
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I will try to explain....Yes there is a dark side but viewing from Earth the moon is rotating on its axis ....Its the sun in forn of the moon that creats the dark side. Not because you can only see one side!!

I hope this make sense if not I will see if I can track some diagrams....

Truly facinating stuff... I m afraid NASA have not been totally honest with the public and I think its about time they came clean. Thety are treating the Universe and its secrets as if they own the rights to where/why/when and how we got here !!! Which is a crime in itself....

I dont think a word exists for me to express my outrage for them!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Flashback View Post
Viking great post. I have read lots about the moon and the anomlies it has.

can you explain this a little better for me?

"The moon is rotating approx 400km per earth day. The earth is rotating 40000 km per day and the moon is turning at presisely100 times less."

You havent mentioned the fact that our moon doesnt rotate. Its stuck in motion??? (i think)?
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Old 11-02-2008, 09:44 PM   #13
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Default Re: Was the Moon built by a Super Race??

The moon's placement is impossible for a natural object. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if a moon was made of say quartz. >: D
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