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Old 09-10-2008, 06:18 PM   #26
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Cool Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

The more 'outrageous' claims made by James Casbolt have never been agreed nor verified by the original disclosures from Mr King, this is purely from the mind of James Casbolt. Mr King became a witness for Dr Greer in 2000 after supplying him and his team with over 600 pages A4 documentation. Mr King went on to be interviewed/filmed for the Disclosure Project. He has been interviewed by others too and was about to be interviewed by both Exoplitics UK and Project Camelot before warnings were issued. Since then Mr King has endured total trauma which he is still receiving medical assistance.
The original data from Mr King must be viewed in a separate light to the claims later made by James Casbolt.
Check it yourselves, most are available on YouTube and Google to name only two.

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Old 09-10-2008, 06:57 PM   #27
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Cool Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

In short, disbelieve James Casbolt if you so wish but kindly do not taint Mr King with the same brush, no good trashing someone whom originally put forward data many years before and had someone come along and use/twist/add to this original data. As stated above Bill & Kerry were due to interview Mr king for Project Camelot, unforseen circumstances dictated he could not be allowed such an interview, trauma followed and he is still in recovery.
Mr King and Mr Casbolt are actually Worlds apart.

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Old 09-11-2008, 12:20 AM   #28
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Old 09-16-2008, 06:42 PM   #29
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Originally Posted by Patti View Post
He looks quite young to be an agent in my opinion.

But I was very impressed by the photos on his website. If they are real, they are gooooood!!!

But I almost choked on my Brioche when I saw the picture with the Alien sitting on the roof somewhere in Mexico and staring into the window. Geeeeeezzz!!! Imagine this was your window!

This one: http://www.jamescasbolt.com/photos/page19.html

I will never ever sleep again with the curtains open!!!!
Jejejeje, I think that if you look closely it resembles Gollum from the lord of the rings...
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Old 10-15-2008, 12:12 AM   #30
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Originally Posted by QueenOfLeon View Post
I actually find it quite amazing, that given the nature of our research and the things we have found out, that you dont believe James. Barry king backed him up and only disassociated himself assumingly once he was threatened.

Ask yourself what motive has he got to spill the beans about this stuff? If it is true then he has annoyed alot of people and his life is in danger, if it is not true and he has embellished the story from bits he has found out on the net he has still annoyed people because mi6/m15 being envloved in the drug market is fact!! So why on earth would he talk about this stuff unless he knew something? You think he is dilluded cos you do not wish to believe something so extreme when it is extreme circumstances that brought us here, all of us.

Plus alot of the pictures have been proven to be wrong, cos he gets them from supposed inside people he trusts *if you consider he was mind controlled at the time, he was not able to move his head in certain directions and witness the shuttle trains for example* Insiders are trying to make him look stupid, and that only proves his story in my opinion.
you succinctly said what i believe as to why people do not believe his story. they are too scared to believe that such evil of this magnitude could actually happen and is happening. now come on you guys, see alex collier's videos, interviews, phil schneider, and many other credible testimony. well of course, it's going to be difficult to prove -- when the govt's whole agenda is to keep it secret. people risked their lives to smuggle photos out of those bases, etc.

if anyone is interested, i just found his testimony...sorry if this is old info for others. HE states:


"The new world order and UN one world government is this rigid control structure to clamp the people of the world into a totalitarian vice so they won’t have to tell us about the aliens. "

he also states the nuclear weapons were developed to fight the alien threat.
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Old 11-18-2008, 06:40 PM   #31
James Casbolt
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
In short, disbelieve James Casbolt if you so wish but kindly do not taint Mr King with the same brush, no good trashing someone whom originally put forward data many years before and had someone come along and use/twist/add to this original data. As stated above Bill & Kerry were due to interview Mr king for Project Camelot, unforseen circumstances dictated he could not be allowed such an interview, trauma followed and he is still in recovery.
Mr King and Mr Casbolt are actually Worlds apart.

The WATCHER is a man named William who works for the MOD

William is using divide and conquer tactics

James Casbolt
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Old 11-18-2008, 06:44 PM   #32
James Casbolt
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Did anyone see the news piece last Wednesday on UK television?

The otuside of Whitehall was filmed and two D.I.S officers were interviewed

The report said that DIS are having their funds cut and it may be shut down

Last edited by James Casbolt; 11-18-2008 at 06:46 PM.
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Old 11-18-2008, 06:51 PM   #33
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Originally Posted by QtesUKStoke View Post
hmmm just not sure what to make of him myself after watching parts 3&4 especially when explains the strange happenings with the dancing mummys and the shop window shutters! baffling
The spooks on this forum can check the police reports on this event. It is logged with the Southhampton police. The name of the shop in SH was called 'goldtouch'. A police van pulled up outside the shop and when the officers saw the mummies they were too scared to get out of the van.

Project Bluebeam hologram projected from satellite me thinks. The Egyptian theme connects to the OSIRIS program ( cloning and necromancy run from TRAPDDOR facility in Wales )
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Old 11-18-2008, 07:33 PM   #34
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Bear this in mind please. Barry King began disclosing information into the public domain in Feb of 1994, this continued until Dec of 2000, by which time he became a witness for Dr Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project. James Casbolt came forward with his 'information' during 2006, claiming memories were flooding back giving him this data. He actually travelled all the way from Cornwall to see Barry King after watching a DVD showing Mr King's claims.
This was early 2007. Out of curiosity Mr King listened to the claims of Mr Casbolt and agreed to assist him if that were possible. Timeline is important here. The data re the underground facility and project data was first released in FEB. 1994 by Barry King. James Casbolt began talking of such things in 2006 and believed he had confirmation of his memories AFTER watching the Barry King DVD, put together by ufo researcher Miles Johnston.
BMK data came 12/13 years BEFORE Mr Casbolt appeared on the scene. Just to clarify folks.

That just makes it all the more compelling in my opinion. Anyone facing the constant ridecule that he does, couldnt do it off the back of someone elses re-hashed info. I would say he has conviction and belief in what he is trying to do, and anyone doing this for some kind of validation or fame only would have long gone by now. I say James has got melon sized balls and I take my hat off to him.

Last edited by QueenOfLeon; 11-18-2008 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 11-18-2008, 08:28 PM   #35
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Originally Posted by QueenOfLeon View Post
That just makes it all the more compelling in my opinion. Anyone facing the constant ridecule that he does, couldnt do it off the back of someone elses re-hashed info. I would say he has conviction and belief in what he is trying to do, and anyone doing this for some kind of validation or fame only would have long gone by now. I say James has got melon sized balls and I take my hat off to him.

At the end of the day, I don't care who believes what. It will all be in people's faces soon anyway. I mentioned the 4 stages on the implimentation of the new world order ( see link below ). Corrupt factions of the Illuminati will then attempt to establish their power base in Isreal after this. If the Olympic games scenario happens then we will see a televised 'landing' of extra-terrestrials in Isreal. This will be filmed on CNN and such. The ET's will be greeted by representatives of the Catholic Church or UN. The ET's brought onto the world's stage will be probably be renegade factions of the Sirian 'albino' Annunaki, who are currently residing in Pine Gap, Mt Ziel, Oak Ridge- Tennesee, Area 51, CLC-1 under London and other places. Benevolent Annunaki are also located in these places. The official line will be the world has made 'first contact' with aliens and the messiah has returned after 2000 years. All the hell will then break loose.

This information comes from Illuminated friends who work side by side Annunaki in various DUMBS around the world.

Last edited by James Casbolt; 03-03-2009 at 02:51 PM.
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Old 11-18-2008, 08:32 PM   #36
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Here is the link I mentioned

The recent news report of the 2012 Olympic games symbol giving people epileptic fits was very interesting. Move the four letters around and you get

What is Zion exactly?- It is the human/hybrid descendents of the Watchers, who landed on Mt Hermon thousands of years ago ( Mt Hermon is on the 33rd degree latitude )

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Old 11-18-2008, 08:32 PM   #37
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Regarding the situation outside Goldtouch In Southhampton, the night before the mummies two extremely large men dressed in Delta Force uniforms were seen outside the shop. They were lifting the metal shutters up and down using telekinisis. When the men left the area the shutters were still going up and down for over an hour later. Over 40 witnesses saw this as wellas local police who were called

Police interviewed my colleague who owned the shop after this. CCTv cameras were shut down at the time

Last edited by James Casbolt; 11-18-2008 at 08:37 PM.
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Old 11-18-2008, 08:44 PM   #38
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Hi James nice to see you on this site and i say good for you for standing by your beliefs and putting your case across so to speak.
There are many who find this info very hard to take in. There are many who have had lives touched by these dark agendas.
I believe your story because the things you have been saying ring true with some strange events that have interupted my life.
I'm currently in e.mail mode to you about certain bloodlines and abduction scenarios and awaiting your answer to your last mail.

The sooner people believe this stuff the quicker all this will be brought out into the open, only wish more would see what is really going on.

James i would like to have a word about a certain Steve Hedges who you mention on your site.
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Old 11-18-2008, 08:57 PM   #39
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Just recieved this from one of my contacts

"Oh, as for General xxxxxxxxx he said look out over Christmas as he has spotted your name on various assignation sheets. He also said that he resigned after finding out about OSIRIS because he was disgusted by this program"

Looks I'm in for a fun Christmas! What else is new. I supposed I'm meant to be scared when I get bundled into a van at the end of my terrace in St Ives and interogated recently. Also when I get messages on my phone saying I'm going to be killed with guns being cocked in the background.

How can I be scared of death! Maybe I died once already in the OSIRIS program. Maybe the necromancy and ressurection technlogy at TRAPDOOR brings you back with PSI powers off the scale.

Maybe the recent underground explosion at Montuak and Fort Bragg in North Carolina was caused by my mental MPO/LERM vector intention. Maybe I'm RVing certain people right now. Maybe I'll stop your heart with one pulse from my circle.

Last edited by James Casbolt; 03-13-2009 at 03:59 PM.
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:02 PM   #40
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Hi James nice to see you on this site and i say good for you for standing by your beliefs and putting your case across so to speak.
There are many who find this info very hard to take in. There are many who have had lives touched by these dark agendas.
I believe your story because the things you have been saying ring true with some strange events that have interupted my life.
I'm currently in e.mail mode to you about certain bloodlines and abduction scenarios and awaiting your answer to your last mail.

The sooner people believe this stuff the quicker all this will be brought out into the open, only wish more would see what is really going on.

James i would like to have a word about a certain Steve Hedges who you mention on your site.
Hi Jacqui

I've printed out your email and will go through it in detail tonight. Thanks for the kind comments.

Steve Hedges/Jack Harmes another muppet who kills for pleasure. Death is commonplace in this game, but the rightous only kill when they have to. Often the only difference between angels and demons is were you are standing at the time.

'Between all notions of good and evil is a field. I will meet you there'
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:12 PM   #41
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Okay James thanks for that!
I'm certain my family have been indoctrinated in these underground bases in Berkshire.
My neice worked at AWRE Burghfield early 80's, i need to speak with her but haven't seen her for a few years now and have lost contact.
Her mother my sister told me that when she applied to work there they had men in black round to the house vetting the family!
Very stange indeed never heard that one Before,
A lot of the local people worked there apparently Hh!
Also she did have to sign the official secrets act, she has no recollection much of those days hm!! wonder why!
I wondered if she was chipped back then, the memory loss well do you think she had her mind wiped?
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:22 PM   #42
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

I could go on and on about one black-op after another I've been involved in, but I'd fall asleep with boredom at the computer.

I'll leave you with this bedtime story- It involves OSIRIS. On August 4th 2006 I was taken by DELTA FORCE operatives ( 1st Special Forces Operational Deatchment-based at Fort Bragg- The so-called 'defenders of planet earth' who clear up the 4 or 5 shot down reptilian disks that come down all over the world every month ) from the local DELTA EXTRACTION POINT in St Ives. I was taken to TRAPDOOR at Brecon Beacons and was shown certain things relating to the OSIRIS program.

Recently I recieved a phone call from my colleague who owned Goldtouch in SH. He told me he was picked by special forces guys dressed in suits, with black ties with a red stripe in the middle ( DELTA FORCE/OCTERINE-1 ties- OCTERINE-1 operatives last spotted around the time and place of Dr Kelly's death ).

A car followed my colleague along the motorway in Worthing and flashed it's lights behind him. One of the men signaled for him to pull over which he did. They pulled up behind him and got out. The man on the right said "xxxxx please come with us" and used some kind of covery hypnosis on him as he went deadly calm and very compliant. The other guy in the suit got in his passenger side and said "Please follow my colleague".

They drove to a carpark were a black MVP type vehicle with blacked out windows was parked. They all got out and one of the Delta guys opened the door of the MVP. The first person he saw in the MVP was me. However I wasn't in Worthing at the time, I was in the St Ives. He said he was happy when he saw me. They got in the MVP and the second person he saw was our other colleague who I can't give you the name of. The third person sitting next to him was a perfect replica clone of himself!!!!

It was just sitting there staring at him. He said that two other young guys he had never seen before were also in the van ( it was one of those conference room type vans with the chairs around a table ). He said no-one said anything to each other, everyone just sat there staring at each other!!!!!

The Delta guy then says "Okay xxxxxx, what have you got to tell us", my friend says "I don't know what your taking about" and then another long silence commences for a over a minute with everyone just sitting there staring at each other.

The Delta guy then says "Okay ask your friend Simon Anderson, or whatever he's calling himself at the moment, what's going on he knows"

Time about to run out library, I'll talk to you crazy cats tommorow- remember this is all real but it's all a game as well. Happy playing!!
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:30 PM   #43
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Yes i know about these clones.
I do not wish to put info on this site,i'll let you know about it in a mail.
All i will say is they are convincing!
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Old 11-18-2008, 10:10 PM   #44
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personally speaking you could not make this up, i am not being gullable but as my old man would say you need to have a good memory to be a good liar

i could not remember all that stuff and string it together......i dont know i could be wrong but he seems quite plausble to me
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Old 11-18-2008, 10:27 PM   #45
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hey james do you think these b****rds fried my laptop the other night i am so ****** off i've had earache off our lass lost everything on it gonna cost a small fortune to put right

keep up the good work james very very interesting and remember keep your head down back to the wall and only run when you have to

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Old 11-18-2008, 10:31 PM   #46
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Originally Posted by Antaletriangle View Post
This is a 4 part interview with james casbolt,a victim of mind control-he states that there's an alien base deep under parliament and brecon beacons,Peasemore etc.He also states that he saw aliens whilst being subjected to mind control in his younger days.He remembers being escorted with other kids into and underground base at Greenham common where the CND protests occurred during the Thatcher years in the early eighties.


I guess you and I are on the same wavelength...Synchronicity...Antale!
Kick at the Darkness until it bleeds Daylight!....Bruce Cockburn
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Old 11-19-2008, 12:31 AM   #47
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Default Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Hi Kate,

I have to answer your call as Steve the person and not Steve the moderator.

From what I have managed to gather about James Casbolt from other sources as ABS etc. is that he is being lenient with the truth, with a lot of parallels between what he claimed and what William Moore was saying back in the 1980s.


I also understand that he had dealings with Barry King, Mr. King being a security guard at around the time when Casbolt was taken in for mind control testing at a base near Greenham Common / Peasemore. They became good friends and even had dinner together in Barrys' place it was suggested.

A little later Casbolt and King argued about royalties or copyright for a book or something like that which was being reproduced illegally.

I, as any other individual, should let the reader make up their own mind about Mr. King and his claims. I do, however, make it clear that I have my reservations.

When listening to 'revelations' we really must be prepared to listen to the source of the information. Many times I have heard interviews and read articles where people use, "according to......" quite a lot.

It is so easy to get lost within this labarynth of information and know who really knows what and if the source really is them, or a friend, or an insider.

I listened to a telephone conference of George Greene lately. I really do like George Greene. On the economic front he's very clued in. I can really understand him and what he's trying to say.

He said one thing that really suprised and intrigued me. He said that the information he got was from his 'insiders' but added that the information he gives is no secret it's published out there, you just have to look for it.

The information had been published.

It reminded me about what Robert Dean said years ago that the information is out there screaming, you just had to do your homework.

What I'm trying to get at, taking a very long way round is that it's just as possible that James Casbolt is just a talented fertile minded author, just like Steven Spielberg is a talented film director, as he was a mind control guinea pig held secretly underground somewhere.

Finally, the Houses of Parliament indeed do have underground tunnels, where Sir Winston Churchill had his secret bunker and near to where our old friends Thomas Bates, Guido Fawkes and thier chums almost managed to blow the whole thing up (under the House of Lords).

"Please to remember, the fifth of November.
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot..."

Best regards,


Originally Posted by Kate View Post
heya folks! yep, i came across this guy about 6 months ago..and just didnt know what to make of him!!
It is interesting, and its got to be watched ...intruiging!
comments from others please?
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Old 11-19-2008, 03:11 AM   #48
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Cool Re: James Casbolt:Underground U.K. bases!

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
The WATCHER is a man named William who works for the MOD

William is using divide and conquer tactics

James Casbolt
James I gave you this information in confidence, Just to inform you how spooks work on these things. William (MoD) gave orders to DI op to begin the ID for THE WATCHER whilst i was unavailable. William set the profile and ordered way it was to be and once I was able to take over myself he backed out. SO, THE WATCHER here on this forum now is me, Barry King, NOT William. Just to set record straight mate.
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Old 11-19-2008, 08:11 AM   #49
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James, what is the Osiris Program?

I thought it was connected with 'resurrection' plus something between "cloning & re-animation"?

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 11-19-2008 at 08:15 AM.
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Old 11-19-2008, 09:10 AM   #50
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So what is the end game? What are the competing elements trying to achieve?
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