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Visions of the Future Visions of the future, What are you seeing? Thoughts, Dreams, Intuition....

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Old 10-14-2008, 03:37 PM   #1
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Default Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

Night of the Red Sky
The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'
from Tom Brown Jr.

Source: http://www.wolflodge.org/visibiliti/prophecy/redsky.htm

In the 1920s, an Apache wise man had a Vision of four prophecies that foretold death and destruction for mankind, unless we incorporate Spirit in our daily lives.
Two of these prophecies may already have come true.

A number of people can predict the future, but few get the timing correct. "Grandfather" was an Apache wise man and scout, named Stalking Wolf, who grew up outside white man's influence. His many predictions not only came true in the manner he predicted, but also when he predicted.

Tom Brown, Jr. learned extensively from Grandfather for twenty years, from their first meeting when Tom was seven years old. Stalking Wolf was the real-life grandfather of Tom's best friend at the time. The following excerpt from Tom's book, The Quest, tells of Grandfather's predictions for all of mankind.

* * * * *

Looking back, I can clearly see that Grandfather's prophecies, unlike anything else, had the greatest influence on my life. At the time they had little more effect than to frighten me and cause me to sit up and take notice. It wasn't until after his prophecies began to come true that their haunting impact began to affect me in a very profound way.

More than any other person-prophet, religious leader or psychic-I have ever met, Grandfather's prophecies, on both a major and a minor scale, came true exactly at the time he prophesied and exactly as he prophesied. With that record, I could not help but feel the impact of these prophecies on my life.

Grandfather could foretell the future with tremendous accuracy. Not only could he precisely tell us what would happen in the next moment, day, week or year, but with the same accuracy he could predict the possible futures for ten years and more away. It was not long before I began to keep detailed records of his predictions, along with other notes I kept on survival skills, tracking, awareness and things of the Spirit. I received from Grandfather hundreds of personal, minor predictions, and well over half have since come true. Along with the minor personal prophecies was a list of 103 major predictions, of which, to date, over 65 have become absolutely true, not only in time and place but also in the exact order in which they were predicted to happen.

Grandfather said that there was not future, only possible futures. The 'now' was like the palm of a hand, with each finger being the possible future, and, as always, one of the futures was always the most powerful, the way that the main course of events would surely take us. Thus his predictions were of the possible future, which meant that he always left a choice.

"If a man could make the right choices," he said, "then he could significantly alter the course of the possible future. No man, then, should feel insignificant, for it only takes one man to alter the consciousness of mankind through the Spirit-that-moves-in-all-things. In essence, one thought influences another, then another, until the thought is made manifest throughout all of Creation. It is the same thought, the same force, that causes an entire flock of birds to change course, as the flock then has one mind."

Out of all the personal and major prophecies that Grandfather foretold, there are four that stand out above all the rest. It is these four that mark the destruction of man and life on Earth, as we know it to exist now. Yet Grandfather said that we could still change things, even after the first two prophecies came true, but that there could be no turning back after the third.

Now that we have gone well past the second prophecy, danger and destruction are very apparent, and our only recourse is to work harder to change what has possibly become the inevitable. The urgency that I feel-now, more than ever-is a direct result of the second, impossible prophecy coming true. It is the reason that I teach, sometimes with a certain desperation, and constantly with the sense that we are quickly running out of time.

I should have worked harder and with that same desperation at a much earlier date, but, like the rest of mankind, it took a strong message to get me motivated. I should have known that these things he prophesied would some day come true, because his personal, minor predictions were coming true daily.
He so accurately foretold of Rick's death on a white horse, that I would some day teach, that I would have a son-and that taking him into the Pine Barrens for the first time would forever change my life. He predicted the formation of my school, my books, my family, and even the horrible mistakes I would make as I tried to live within society.

Yet with all of this coming true on a daily basis, I simply would not believe or accept that the major prophecy of man's destruction would come true, and its reality hit me hard. It was then that the urgency made itself known.

I remember so vividly the "night of the four prophecies"-as I have become accustomed to calling that night when Grandfather first made us aware of their possibility. We had been with Grandfather for five years at the time and were accustomed to his prophecies and their accuracy.

Our ability to understand the things of the Spirit world were as sure as our ability to survive and track. Very little of what society calls "the paranormal" shocked us any more, because miracles were part of our everyday existence. Grandfather was a living miracle, and so many of the things that he did on a daily basis, sometimes unconsciously, would be considered miraculous by most. Yet as savvy as we were spiritually, the night of the four prophecies shocked us like nothing we had ever experienced before.

We had been hiking all day without much of a break, making our way to a place where we were going to camp, atop a small hill that I now call Prophecy Hill. It was a typical midsummer hike: hot, humid and dusty, with no water available along our entire travel route. As usual, we still took time to stop frequently or take side trips to explore various areas along our route. The adventure and exploration kept us fresh and eager, making the fatigue, heat and thirst hardly factors.
Many times along the way, Grandfather would stop and teach us-not physical lessons of survival, tracking or awareness, but lessons dealing with the awareness of Spirit. Very often he would discuss the future and, almost as frequently, the past-the distant past.

At one point we stopped along the deer trail we were travelling and followed Grandfather through some heavy brush. The trees and shrubs were far different than those throughout the rest of the Pine Barrens, and I immediately knew this place as an old homestead or town of some sort. Even though the buildings had long since rotted away, the plants and trees still marked the spot where civilisation had once stood. Passing through several very thick areas, we finally entered a grove of very tall, old sycamore trees. From their branches and up their trunks ran huge vines, the kind one might imagine finding in a jungle. In fact, the whole place looked like a jungle-so out of place from the pine, oak and blueberry that is typical in the Pine Barrens. As we sat down, a deeper spiritual sense of awareness came over me, and it was then that I noticed the gravestones.

This was the place of a very old and probably long-forgotten cemetery, possibly belonging to the town that had once been here. The stones were old; some lay flat on the ground and others stood upright, though none was straight. Plants and bushes had overrun many of the stones, and I could barely make out the markings on the stones. The weathering process had worn away many of the names and dates, making them barely readable.

At once we were in awe, humbled and reverent in this place of death; at the same time, we were amazed that Grandfather had found it so easily. To my knowledge, none of us had been there before, nor had Grandfather ever spoken of this graveyard. Yet for some reason he seemed to be drawn to it, knowing that it was there on some unseen spiritual level, at least unseen to us. I suspect now, as I look back, that he knew that it would become a teaching lesson for us.
He walked over to a gravestone that was partially hidden by foxgrape vines and gently pulled them away. After a long moment, he motioned us to come over. We could barely make out the name on the grave or the dates, but at the bottom was carved clearly: "12 years old".

Grandfather then spoke. "Who are these people; who is this boy? What did they work for and what were their hopes, dreams and visions? Did they just work physically or did they work for the things beyond the flesh, for a grander purpose? Certainly they affected the Spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, but did they really work to the best of their ability to make things better for the future of their grandchildren, or did they do nothing other than to perpetuate the myth of society? Were they happy, joyous and filled with spiritual rapture, or did they just lead lives of labour and mediocrity? And did this boy live close to the Earth and the Creator, or did he just give up his youth, his sense of adventure, to toil, as did his parents and their parents before them? This boy was exactly your age, and I suspect he had hopes and dreams much like yours. But this is his legacy, lying in a forgotten grave."

"But, Grandfather," I said, "isn't it enough just to be happy and live your life fully?"

After a long moment of silence, Grandfather answered. "It is not enough that man be just happy in the flesh, but he must also be happy and joyous in spirit. For without spiritual happiness and rapture, life is shallow. Without seeking the things of the Spirit, life is half lived and empty. And by spiritual life I do not mean just setting aside one hour of one day of one week for worship, but to seek the things of the spirit every moment of every day. I ask you, then: What did these people do to seek spiritual enlightenment and rapture? Did they just give in to a life that was little more than work? They were given a choice every day of their lives-as you will be given a choice to seek the rapture of the Spirit or to resign yourselves to a life of meaningless work. The end result is always the same: forgotten graves and forgotten dreams of forgotten people. It is not important that anyone notice or remember, but that you work to touch God and affect in a positive way the consciousness of the Spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, thus bringing the consciousness of man closer to the Creator."

We left the graveyard without a word and headed up to the campsite on the hill. By the time we reached the camp, it had cooled off and the Sun had long since set. As we built shelters and a fire and gathered food, time seemed to fly by unnoticed, as my mind was thoroughly engrossed in thoughts of the lessons in the graveyard. I wondered how much I might be like that nameless dead boy in that forgotten grave. Was I just seeking the flesh and not working hard enough in the things of the Spirit?

It was then that I realized the deeper lessons of what Grandfather was trying to teach me. I realized then that I should live life as if I were to die tomorrow, for that is what happened to that young boy. No one can be assured of another day, but we must live each day fully, in flesh and most of all in Spirit. It isn't important that anyone remember who we were, but that we made a positive change in the consciousness of the Spirit-that-moves-in-all-things, the life force of the Earth, and, in doing so, find spiritual rapture and touch the Creator.

I sat by the fire after the work was done, relaxing, still deep in thought about the boy in the graveyard. Grandfather sat at the far end of the fire, his eyes closed, but I suspected that he was not sleeping. In the firelight, his features appeared more that of a spirit than of flesh. Quietly he leaned forward and answered the many questions I had on my mind. At times, his ability to know what was on my mind was unnerving, sometimes making me angry to think that he could know my thoughts.

"Did you ever watch a flock of sandpipers on the beach, how they ebb and flow with the tides, becoming at times not a gathering of individual animals but one organism, moving as a unit together along the surf? When they burst into flight, their cohesiveness is even more startling and wondrous. At once they all will be flying in a certain direction, and then in an instant the entire flock will turn simultaneously and take a new direction.

"Studied closely, there is no one bird that makes the decision to turn, but it seems to be a Spirit, a collective consciousness, that runs through the flock instantly. When viewed from afar, the flock appears to be one animal, one organism, one consciousness, governed by the collective force and spirit of all the individuals. It is this same consciousness that runs through man, Nature and the Earth-that which we call the 'Spirit-that-moves-in-all-things', or the 'life force'.

"I suspect," he continued, "that it is but one bird that creates the thought that turns the flock, and the one thought becomes immediately manifested in all the others. The individual then transcends self and becomes one with the whole. Thus, at once, the bird moves within the flock and the flock moves within the bird. So, then, do not ask what you can do to affect the life force in a positive way, for the same Spirit that moves within the birds also moves within you. One person, one idea, one thought can turn the flock of society away from the destructive path of modern times. It is not a question as to whether we make a difference, for we all make a difference, each of us in our own way. It is the difference we make that is important."

"So if we live a life that is close to the Spirit, seek the spiritual rapture of oneness, that will affect the outcome of life," I said. My statement was more a question than a declaration.

"It is not enough," Grandfather said, "just to seek the things of the Spirit on a personal level. To do so is selfish, and those who just seek the spiritual realms for themselves are not working to change the Spirit that moves through the consciousness of man. Instead they are running away, hiding from their responsibility and using their wisdom for their own glorification. Spiritual man must then work for a principle, a cause, a Quest far greater than the glorification of self, in order to affect the spirit that can change the course of man's destruction."

I sat for a long time in the quietude of the night, trying desperately to understand what Grandfather had told me. In essence, it was not enough to work for spiritual enlightenment for self, but to work for the spiritual enlightenment of all of mankind. To work only for self, to cloister oneself in the seeking of spiritual rapture, is to run from this responsibility. What Grandfather was saying is that a spiritual person must take the wisdom and philosophy of the Earth and bring it back into modern society.

Grandfather spoke again. "Trying to live a spiritual life in modern society is the most difficult path one can walk. It is a path of pain, of isolation and of shaken faith, but that is the only way that our Vision can become reality. Thus the true Quest in life is to live the philosophy of the Earth within the confines of man. There is no church or temple we need to seek peace, for ours are the temples of the wilderness. There are no spiritual leaders, for our hearts and the Creator are our only leaders*. Our numbers are scattered; few speak our language or understand the things that we live. Thus we walk this path alone, for each Vision, each Quest, is unique unto the individual. But we must walk within society or our Vision dies, for a man not living his Vision is living death."

* Matt 23:9-10: And call no [man] your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, [even] Christ.

For a long time there was no other conversation. I retired into my own thoughts and doubts. I did not want to live within society, for the wilderness was my home, my love, my life and my spiritual rapture. I could not see why a man could not live his Vision in the purity of wilderness, away from the distractions of society. I could feel no urgency or see any reason why I should take what I have learned back to society.

Grandfather's voice shattered my thoughts. "The Earth is dying. The destruction of man is close, so very close, and we must all work to change that path of destruction. We must pay for the sins of our grandfathers and grandmothers, for we have long been a society that kills its grandchildren to feed its children. There can be no rest, and we cannot run away; far too many in the past have run away. It is very easy to live a spiritual life away from man, but the truth of Vision in spiritual life can only be tested and become a reality when lived near society."

"How do I know that we are so close to that destruction?" I asked.

"I had a Vision," Grandfather said. "It was a Vision of the destruction of man. But man was given four warnings to that destruction, two of which gave man a chance to change his ways and two of which would give the children of the Earth time to escape the Creator's wrath."

"How will I know these warnings, these signs?" I asked.

Grandfather continued. "They will be obvious to you and those who have learned to listen to the Spirit of the Earth; but to those who live within the flesh and know only flesh, there is no knowing or understanding. When these signs, these warnings and prophecies, are made manifest, then you will understand the urgency of what I speak. Then you will understand why people must not just work for their own spiritual rapture but to bring that rapture to the consciousness of modern man."

The Four Signs

Grandfather had been wandering for several years and was well into his forties when the Vision of the four signs was given to him. He had just finished his third Vision Quest at the Eternal Cave when the Vision made itself known. He had been seated at the mouth of the cave, awaiting the rising Sun, when the spirit of the warrior appeared to him. He felt as if he were in a state somewhere between dream and reality, sleep and wakefulness, until the spirit finally spoke and he knew that it was not his imagination. The spirit called Grandfather's name and beckoned him to follow.

As Grandfather stood, he was suddenly transported to another world. Again, he thought that he was dreaming, but his flesh could feel the reality of this place; his senses knew that this was a state of abject reality, but in another time and place.

The spirit warrior spoke to Grandfather. "These are the things yet to come that will mark the destruction of man. These things you may never see, but you must work to stop them and pass these warnings on to your grandchildren. They are the possible futures of what will come if man does not come back to the Earth and begin to obey the laws of Creation and the Creator. There are four signs, four warnings, that only the children of the Earth will understand. Each warning marks the beginning of a possible future, and as each warning becomes reality, so too does the future it marks."

With that, the spirit warrior was gone and Grandfather was left alone in this strange, new world.

The First Sign

The world he was in was like nothing he had ever known. It was a dry place with little vegetation. In the distance he saw a village, yet it was made out of tents and cloth rather than from the materials of the Earth. As he drew closer to the village, the stench of death overwhelmed him and he grew sick. He could hear children crying, the moaning of elders and the sounds of sickness and despair. Piles of bodies lay in open pits awaiting burial, their contorted faces and frail frames telling of death from starvation. The bodies appeared more like skeletons than flesh, and children, adults and elders all looked the same, their once dark-brown complexions now ash-grey. As Grandfather entered the village, the horror of living starvation struck him deeper. Children could barely walk, elders lay dying, and everywhere were the cries of pain and fear. The stench of death and the sense of hopelessness overwhelmed Grandfather, threatening to drive him from the village.

It was then that an elder appeared to Grandfather, at first speaking in a language that he could not understand. Grandfather realized, as the elder spoke, that he was the spirit of a man-a man no longer of flesh, but a man who had once walked a spiritual path, possibly a shaman of this tribe. It was then that he understood what the old one was trying to tell him.

The elder spoke softly. "Welcome to what will be called the 'land of starvation'. The world will one day look upon all of this with horror and will blame the famine on the weather and the Earth. This will be the first warning to the world that man cannot live beyond the laws of Creation, nor can he fight Nature. If the world sees that it is to blame for this famine, this senseless starvation, then a great lesson will be learned. But I am afraid that the world will not blame itself, but that the blame will be placed on Nature. The world will not see that it created this place of death by forcing these people to have larger families. When the natural laws of the land were broken, the people starved, as Nature starves the deer in winter when their numbers are too many for the land to bear."

The old one continued. "These people should have been left alone. They once understood how to live with the Earth, and their wealth was measured in happiness, love and peace. But all of that was taken from them when the world saw theirs as a primitive society. It was then that the world showed them how to farm and live in a less primitive way. It was the world that forced them to live outside the laws of Creation and, as a result, is now forcing them to die."

The old man slowly began to walk away, back to the death and despair. He turned one last time to Grandfather, and said: "This will be the first sign. There will come starvation before and after this starvation, but none will capture the attention of the world with such impact as does this one. The children of the Earth will know the lessons that are held in all of this pain and death, but the world will only see it as drought and famine, blaming Nature instead of itself."

With that, the old one disappeared, and Grandfather found himself back at the mouth of the Eternal Cave.

Grandfather lay back on the ground, thinking about what he had witnessed. He knew that it had been a Vision of the possible future and that the spirit of the warrior had brought him to it to teach him what could happen. Grandfather knew that people all over the Earth were now starving-but why was this starvation so critical, so much more important than all the rest, even more important than the starvation that was taking place now?

It was then that Grandfather recalled that the tribal elder had said that the entire world would take notice, but that the world would not learn the lessons of what the death and famine were trying to teach. The children would die in vain.

Grandfather looked out across the barren land that surrounded the Eternal Cave to try to re-establish the reality of his 'now'. He said that it was still hard to discern between waking reality and the world of Vision, but he felt that he was back into his time and place.

He told me that the Eternal Cave was always a place to find Visions of the possible and probable futures, and it was not uncommon for the searcher to have a Vision at the mouth of the cave, not just inside.

In a state of physical and emotional exhaustion, Grandfather fell into a deep sleep, but it was in this sleep that the warrior spirit appeared to him again and brought the remainder of the first sign to completion.

In his dream, the spirit spoke to Grandfather. "It is during the years of the famine, the first sign, that man will be plagued by a disease, a disease that will sweep the land and terrorize the masses. The white coats [doctors/scientists] will have no answers for the people, and a great cry will arise across the land. The disease will be born of monkeys, drugs and sex. It will destroy man from inside, making common sickness a killing disease. Mankind will bring this disease upon himself as a result of his life, his worship of sex and drugs, and a life away from Nature. This, too, is a part of the first warning; but, again, man will not heed this warning and he will continue to worship the false gods of sex and the unconscious spirit of drugs." [Author's note: This is presumably a reference to AIDS.]

The spirit continued. "The drugs will produce wars in the cities of man, and the nations will arise against those wars, arise against that killing disease. But the nations will fight in the wrong way, lashing out at the effect rather than the cause. It will never win these wars until the nation, until society, changes its values and stops chasing the [false] gods of sex and drugs. It is then, in the years of the first sign, that man can change the course of the probable future. It is then that he may understand the greater lessons of the famine and the disease. It is then that there can still be hope. But once the second sign of destruction appears, the Earth can no longer be healed on a physical level. Only a spiritual healing can then change the course of the probable futures of mankind."

With that, the warrior spirit let Grandfather fall into a deep and dreamless sleep, allowing him to rest fully before any more Vision was wrought upon him.

The Second Sign

Grandfather awoke at the entrance of the cave once again, the memory of the warrior spirit still vivid in his mind, the spirit's words becoming part of his soul.
When Grandfather looked out across the landscape, all had changed. The landscape appeared drier; there was no vegetation to be seen, and animals lay dying. A great stench of death arose from the land, and the dust was thick and choking, the intense heat oppressive. Looking skyward, the Sun seemed to be larger and more intense; no birds or clouds could be seen, and the air seemed thicker still. It was then that the sky seemed to surge and huge holes began to appear. The holes tore with a resounding, thunderous sound, and the very Earth, rocks and soil shook.

The skin of the sky seemed to be torn open like a series of gaping wounds, and through these wounds seeped a liquid that seemed like the oozing of an infection, a great sea of floating garbage, oil and dead fish. It was through one of these wounds that Grandfather saw the floating bodies of dolphins, accompanied by tremendous upheavals of the Earth and violent storms. As he held fast to the trembling Earth, his eyes fell from the sky, and all about him, all at once, was disaster. Piles of garbage reached to the skies, forests lay cut and dying, coastlines were flooded and storms grew more violent and thunderous. With each passing moment, the Earth shook with greater intensity, threatening to tear apart and swallow Grandfather.

Suddenly the Earth stopped shaking and the sky cleared. Out of the dusty air walked the warrior spirit, who stopped a short distance from Grandfather. As Grandfather looked into the face of the spirit, he could see that there were great tears flowing from his eyes, and each tear fell to the Earth with a searing sound.
The spirit looked at Grandfather for a long moment, then finally spoke. "Holes in the sky."

Grandfather thought for a moment, then, in a questioning, disbelieving manner, said, "Holes in the sky?"

And the spirit answered. "They will become the second sign of the destruction of man. The holes in the sky and all that you have seen could become man's reality. It is here, at the beginning of this second sign, that man can no longer heal the Earth with physical action. It is here that man must heed the warning and work harder to change the future at hand. But man must not only work physically, he must also work spiritually, through prayer, for only through prayer can man now hope to heal the Earth and himself."

There was a long pause as Grandfather thought about the impossibility of holes in the sky. Surely Grandfather knew that there could be a spiritual hole, but a hole that the societies of the Earth could notice would hardly seem likely.

The spirit drew closer and spoke again, almost in a whisper. "These holes are a direct result of man's life, his travel, and of the sins of his grandfathers and grandmothers. These holes, the second sign, will mark the killing of his grandchildren and will become a legacy to man's life away from Nature. It is the time of these holes that will mark a great transition in mankind's thinking. They will then be faced with a choice-a choice to continue following the path of destruction, or a choice to move back to the philosophy of the Earth and a simpler existence. It is here that the decision must be made, or all will be lost."

Without another word, the spirit turned and walked back into the dust.

The Third Sign

Grandfather spent the next four days at the cave entrance, though for those four days nothing spoke to him, not even the Earth. He said that it was a time of great sorrow, of aloneness, and a time to digest all that had taken place.

He knew that these things would not appear in his lifetime, but they had to be passed down to the people of the future with the same urgency and power with which they had been delivered to him. But he did not know how he would explain these unlikely events to anyone. Surely the elders and shamans of the tribes would understand, but not society, and certainly not anyone who was removed from the Earth and Spirit.

He sat for the full four days, unmoving, as if made of stone, and his heart felt heavy with the burden he now carried.

It was at the end of the fourth day that the third Vision came to him. As he gazed out onto the landscape towards the setting Sun, the sky suddenly turned to a liquid and then turned blood-red. As far as his eyes could see, the sky was solid red, with no variation in shadow, texture or light. The whole of Creation seemed to have grown still, as if awaiting some unseen command. Time, place and destiny seemed to be in limbo, stilled by the bleeding sky. He gazed for a long time at the sky, in a state of awe and terror, for the red colour of the sky was like nothing he had ever seen in any sunset or sunrise. The colour was that of man, not of Nature, and it had a vile stench and texture. It seemed to burn the Earth wherever it touched. As sunset drifted to night, the stars shone bright red, the colour never leaving the sky, and everywhere the cries of fear and pain were heard.

Again, the warrior spirit appeared to Grandfather, but this time as a voice from the sky. Like thunder, the voice shook the landscape. "This, then, is the third sign, the night of the bleeding stars. It will become known throughout the world, for the sky in all lands will be red with the blood of the sky, day and night. It is then, with this sign of the third probable future, that there is no longer hope. Life on the Earth as man has lived it will come to an end, and there can be no turning back, physically or spiritually. It is then, if things are not changed during the second sign, that man will surely know the destruction of the Earth is at hand. It is then that the children of the Earth must run to the wild places and hide. For when the sky bleeds fire, there will be no safety in the world of man."

Grandfather sat in shocked horror as the voice continued.

"From this time, when the stars bleed, to the fourth and final sign, will be four seasons of peace [that is, one year]. It is in these four seasons that the children of the Earth must live deep in the wild places and find a new home, close to the Earth and the Creator. It is only the children of the Earth that will survive, and they must live the philosophy of the Earth, never returning to the thinking of man. And survival will not be enough, for the children of the Earth must also live close to the Spirit. So tell them not to hesitate if and when this third sign becomes manifest in the stars, for there are but four seasons to escape."

Grandfather said that the voice and red sky lingered for a week, and then were gone as quickly as they were manifest.

The Fourth Sign

He did not remember how many days he'd spent at the mouth of the cave, nor did it make a difference, for he had received the Vision he had come for.
It was in his final night at the Eternal Cave that the fourth Vision came to Grandfather, this time carried by the voice of a young child.

The child said, "The fourth and final sign will appear through the next ten winters [that is, ten years] following the night that the stars will bleed. During this time, the Earth will heal itself and man will die. For those ten years, the children of the Earth must remain hidden in the wild places, make no permanent camps, and wander to avoid contact with the last remaining forces of man. They must remain hidden, like the ancient scouts, and fight the urge to go back to the destruction of man. Curiosity could kill many."

There was a long silence, until Grandfather spoke to the child spirit, asking, "And what will happen to the worlds of man?"

There was another period of silence until finally the child spoke again. "There will be a great famine throughout the world, like man cannot imagine. Waters will run vile, the poisons of man's sins running strong in the waters of the soils, lakes and rivers. Crops will fail, the animals of man will die, and disease will kill the masses. The grandchildren will feed upon the remains of the dead, and all about will be the cries of pain and anguish. Roving bands of men will hunt and kill other men for food, and water will always be scarce, getting scarcer with each passing year. The land, the water, the sky will all be poisoned, and man will live in the wrath of the Creator. Man will hide at first in the cities, but there he will die. A few will run to the wilderness, but the wilderness will destroy them, for they had long ago been given a choice. Man will be destroyed, his cities in ruin, and it is then that the grandchildren will pay for the sins of their grandfathers and grandmothers."

"Is there then no hope?" Grandfather asked.

The child spoke again. "There is only hope during the time of the first and second signs. Upon the third sign, the night of the bleeding, there is no longer hope, for only the children of the Earth will survive. Man will be given these warnings; if unheeded, there can be no hope, for only the children of the Earth will purge themselves of the cancers of mankind, of mankind's destructive thinking. It will be the children of the Earth who will bring a new hope to the new society, living closer to the Earth and Spirit."

Then all was silent, the landscape cleared and returned to normal, and Grandfather stepped from the Vision. Shaken, he said that he had wandered for the next season, trying to understand all that had been given to him, trying to understand why he had been chosen.

Grandfather had related the story to me in great detail during that night of the four prophecies. I don't think that any event had been left out, and his emotions and thoughts were such that he actually relived it for us. Thus the power of his Vision became part of our spirit, our driving force, and a big part of our fears.
I sat for a long time up on the hill. The fire had gone out, and all had retired to sleep for the night. Creation seemed to be at a standstill, awaiting this darkest part of the night to pass by. I felt alone and vulnerable, as if all of Creation were scrutinising my every thought.

Grandfather had these Visions some time in the 1920s.

About the Author:

Tom Brown, Jr has called the wilderness home for most of his life. In 1978 he wrote his first book, The Tracker (an autobiography), and founded the Tracker School where he teaches courses in survival skills such as tracking, nature awareness and ancient Earth philosophy. He has since written another 15 books, including Tom Brown's Field Guide to Wilderness Survival as well as The Search, The Vision, The Quest, The Journey, Grandfather and Awakening Spirits. For details on tracking courses and how to obtain Tom's books, visit The Tracker, Inc. website at www.trackerschool.com.

This article was extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 7, Number 1 (December 1999 - January 2000).

The Tracker, Inc.
by Tom Brown, Jr © 1991
PO Box 173
Asbury, NJ 08802, USA
Fax: +1 (908) 479 6867
E-mail: TrackInc@aol.com
Website: www.trackerschool.com
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Old 10-14-2008, 04:18 PM   #2
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Namaste, Brothers and Sisters in Oneness of Spirit.

Thanks for this document, Member Carol; Knowledge is Strength.

It seems to me that it could be interesting, revealing and quite useful to compare 'Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather' with 'An Urgent Call to Mankind' (http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ead.php?t=5168 ) and to study both thoroughly.

Such a serious, objective and critical study could eventually provides us with some indications as to how to move forward in such a way that those Prophecies remain only Prophecies - and not Predictions.

Peace and Wisdom.

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Old 10-14-2008, 07:33 PM   #3
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Indigenous Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 1)

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7cyl...eature=related

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqfvU...eature=related

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9piIz...eature=related

Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z57zs...eature=related

Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BqJM...eature=related

Hopi Prophecy Rock - The End of Times - 2012 - It's The End Of The World As We Know It

Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198
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Old 10-14-2008, 07:43 PM   #4
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Thumbs up Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

Thank you Carol & RaKar!

All of this is very good information and I give this much more consideration than most other sources out there!

You are definately on to something here...remember what Dan Burish said about potential of changing the timelines? There is some amazing activities going on as I write this behind the scenes to do just that. Love, Light and Intention are the buzzwords everyone should be concentrating on right now rather than wasting all that energy on supposed UFO craft parades. The real ETs have a special trick up their sleeve for the Dark forces...and they are not going to see it coming!

Love & Light (seriously)
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Old 10-14-2008, 07:47 PM   #5
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Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

Thanks Carol for posting this. It is a no brainer that we are all in a self destructive path. The question and the reason I feel for the value provided by project avalon is learning how to turn things around. What we learn from our mistakes is that once we learn our lesson we don't have to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. We move on to another chapter in our lives. Learning from our mistakes is the hard part, just keep trying, never give up. The world is not always so black and white.
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:08 PM   #6
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Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

I read the prophecy and remembered a Fugazi song called Burning too


Anytime but now
Anywhere but here
Anyone but me
I've got to think about my own life
We are consumed by society
We are obsessed with variety
We are all filled with
anxiety that this world
would not survive
We gotta put it out the sky is burning
We gotta put it out the water's burning
We gotta put it out the earth is burning
Outrage but then they say...
Anytime but now
Anywhere but here
Anyone but me
I've got to think about my own life
The world is not our facility
We have a responsibility
To use our abilities to
keep this place alive
Right here right now
Do it. Now. Do it.
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Old 10-14-2008, 11:44 PM   #7
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Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

Hi Carol
I read this too written by Tom Brown Jr and read most of his books. The vision of Grandfather remains with us and in Toms books he goes through many challenges in the Cave of Time to work hard to stop the future he saw in his vision.

Timeless books and work by Tom Brown who has kept the sacredness of Grandfather and his ways during the years.

You might also have heard about Red Elk a Heyoka medicine man and Elder he has a website or two-- and can be found on youtube to hear the audio version of his vision.

Like Grandfather he also saw the Sky turning red and that this would be the final sign.

Tom in his books also shows the way of inner vision and working on intuition etc. as well as dreams of a prophetic nature that he has used to guide him to the opposite result by acknowledging his own character and choosing a different reaction.

thank you for posting this information!
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Old 10-15-2008, 11:14 PM   #8
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Greetings to All in Peace,
Thank You Member Carol, for making available the Story and Four Prophecies of GrandFather Stalking Wolf. These 'Intermesh', like parts of a JigSaw Puzzle, with the Teachings, Prophecies, and Predictions of Billy Meier. Many of which have been translated from the original German Language into English, and available at the website:

Myself, I am also a GrandFather - in the literal Sense - I have now Nine GrandChildren. I am also Native American, 1/16=part-by-Blood and Genetics. My Original Tribal People, the Algonquins of the New England Region, no longer have a Natural Homeland. The People are scattered in small villages, and among the White Towns, but still persist. Some even Remember.

Allow, if you will, that I may share some of my Experiences from my Youth:

I am born and grew up in New Hampshire, where my family owned about 90-acres of wild woodland and about 50-acres of open fields. This adjoined a huge wilderness territory that extended up into some rugged granite mountains. In the fields was a small orchard of red & yellow apple trees and pear trees. In season, there grew wild strawberries, cranberries, rhubarb, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries. The woods were pine trees, spruce trees, elm, oak, maple (ones from which we made maple syrup and maple sugar), birch trees, ferns, natural springs with little brooks, and delightful red mint berries.

I explored all this from the earliest when I could walk, usually by myself, and eating freely of the wild supply of Creations' bounty. I grew with a natural and mutual empathy with all the wildlife and animals that lived in those woods. I had become attuned with nature.

One time, deep up in the mountains, I was followed by a large wildcat (it's paw-print was as large as my own foot). It circled around me several times at an unseen, yet in-hearing distance, as I progressed through the dense woods until I came out on an old logging road. It could have had me for lunch at any moment, but I also thought "if this were to be my fate, I would surrender and accept". I had let go any fear, and continued in peace. However as I continued, I had got the feeling that as it was following me, it was also protecting me.

At about age 7-years, when I was then climbing to the very tops of many different trees each day, I climbed to the top of a 30-meter (nearly 100-foot) tall pine tree. Up there, arms wrapped around the top branches, I was swaying gently with the wind and admiring the top view of the forest all around. I suddenly became FLOODED with LOVE, a feeling which seemed to actually be coming from the tree itself. By this I know the trees and all of nature are/is filled with a living spirit which is aware of our presence and our intent.

At about age 10-years, while walking through the woods, I came to a large area of chest-high ferns surrounded by spruce and birch I had not seen before. As I waded slowly through these ferns, unable to even see anything below the tops, I came out to near the edge of the ferns close to a granite boulder. There, sunning itself next to the boulder, was a badger. This badger was the size of a medium dog. Most people who know them, know they are very territorial, and they can be vicious if cornered. This one rose up, turned around and started to waddle off into the deep woods. It stopped alongside the boulder and turned it's head around to look at me. Then, to my amazement, as I was looking into it's eyes, WORDS came CLEARLY into my mind which said "Go In Peace, O' Man". By this I know that all the animals are also Intelligent Spirits, and they CAN communicate with us Humans - IF they CHOOSE, and IF we can LISTEN (while in a state of "meditation-in-activity", a state of Zen consciousness, with a suspension of judgment).

At about age 27, in 1973. I was then living in a house in Utah where I had been attending college as a veteran on the GI-Bill. In the afternoon one day, I went into my bedroom to pray and meditate. Suddenly, the room seemed to get perceptibly darker, and I felt the sense of a presence. Turning my head to the right, I could see the OUTLINE of an entity in the doorway. The middle of the outline was in the shape of a human person, and was transparent, where I could see the hallway beyond, and it was completely surrounded by a darkness. There was no communication from it, and I felt a sense of foreboding, a feeling of dark intent. I raised my right arm and firmly commanded the entity to leave my presence and to leave my house. Instantly, the entity vanished and the house felt normal again. As I looked out the window, I felt relieved to see the sunlight in the trees. By this I know there are occasionally spirits around, of which we are not usually aware.

So, Yes, I DO have a deep Appreciation of Vision and Prophecy, Whatever the Source.

Peace of Spirit be With Us ALL

{By Permission of Michael Horn, I Post}: http://WWW.THEYFLY.COM/

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Old 11-05-2008, 07:31 PM   #9
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Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

interesting RED earth and water vision:
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Old 11-12-2008, 04:52 PM   #10
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Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

Part One

He is standing on you eyelids
His eyes is in your mind
He has the spirit of your shape
And everything you say leave betray you
To be caught and engulfed by marvellous hands
His eyes are always open and do not let along sleep
His prophecies has been unwillingly listened, that
Make your sun evaporate & moon fall beneath arches of nights
He shows you the thin images of future appearances
He persist to relieve you from the worry of being a man
He speak without anything to say and any word leave out
Before He crack a floor of ice that spread over the world
He has become the one to foretell how your world will be shifting
& He is?——You!

Part Two
Strangely, not sure why, upon reading this thread, a glowing flame that compels to contemplate what is the possible solution to this awkward predicament... not so long later, it arrives at a reading place & something to contemplate: meaning a New Paradigm?

Quote from 'Becoming'
The empowerment of humanity is of the utmost importance
in the outcome of the entire scenario. This empowerment
cannot come from the outside. This is an inside job
that each individual human must accomplish on his/her

Enough is said. we travel in the realms of gold, everywhere is opportunity to manifest our desirable future...

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Old 11-13-2008, 06:04 AM   #11
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Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

This thread, is the thread of truth

wow...great stuff

the eXchanger
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Old 02-07-2009, 04:14 PM   #12
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Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

The prophetic accuracy of Stalking Wolf's visions are quite stunningly clear thus far, both in their highly detailed descriptions and sequence of events, as presented to the young Tom Brown and friends. Here is the prophesied timeline as interpreted in the context of the ongoing magnetic polar reversal:

1st Sign............ 1975 - 1985 . African famine and AIDS spread
2nd Sign........... 1985 - 1995 . Holes form in Earth's ozone layer, permitting destructive solar rays
3rd Sign........... Dec 22, 2012 . Magnetic reversal ignites a plasma canopy seen as red skies worldwide
4th Sign............ 2012 - 2022 . Large-scale destruction of low-resonance human technology ensues

This interpretation of the timeline of Grandfather's visions is based on the notion that plasmas in our skies (now seen as auroras) will become more and more visible, eventually forming a complete canopy enveloping Earth. Identical scenarios of firestorms and the Red Dawn are prophecied by several other indigenous traditions from the Americas, including the Hopi, Sioux and Maya.

Contemporary solar scientists as well as Mayan timekeepers are predicting the most intense solar event in the history of humanity, culminating in a system-wide magnetic reversal involving all of Sol's planets on December 22, 2012. The Prophecy of the Night of the Red Skies predicts an atmospheric change of epic proportions in our imminent future, however, without providing a specific date, after which time humanity is advised to abandon his technological traps before they become lethal.

The precursors of this oncoming energy wave are already manifesting, as the electromagnetically oriented patterns of weather, animal and plant activity around the world are collapsing. Even more specific to the prophetic warnings are recent incidents of anomalous electric fires, such as the igniting cellphones and shavers in Vallejo, California, as well as in the Berici Hills of northern Italy and Messina, Sicily.

The changing ambient conditions of Earth are mitigated by the world's gigantic pyramidal transducers of infrasound, the Orion pyramids at Giza, which serve to balance the energy moving through our planet to reduce erratic earthquakes. This energetic build-up process has already reached evacuation levels in various parts of the world. Piezoelectric firestorms are concurrently being experienced in waves of erratic activity, also measured as infrasound pulsation, in Ratria, India, Bodibe, South Africa, Seattle and Santa Barbara, USA.
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Old 02-07-2009, 05:45 PM   #13
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Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

2nd Sign........... 1985 - 1995 . Holes form in Earth's ozone layer, permitting destructive solar rays

I feel this time line is misread. It's not just the ozone hole of this era. We are still in the 2nd prophecy, but just. This is why I've been so happy (though not now, it's personal). The holes would have to be obvious on earth to a seer as we all read the land and skies. Apocalyptic 'signs' are not subtle and/or far away; they're in your face, above our heads. I was terribly alarmed by it - before I began researching anything. When the skies are gone, there is nothing.

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Old 02-07-2009, 07:15 PM   #14
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I read Tom Brown's books several years ago, and they contained powerful messages. Messages of warning, and messages of hope, of call to action to implement healing changes for earth. I am gardening, propagating and planting trees, for my vision is to see this wonderful earth covered in trees again. My vision is to live in a forest, so I will continue to plant trees.
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Old 02-07-2009, 08:28 PM   #15
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Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
2nd Sign........... 1985 - 1995 . Holes form in Earth's ozone layer, permitting destructive solar rays

I feel this time line is misread. It's not just the ozone hole of this era. We are still in the 2nd prophecy, but just. This is why I've been so happy (though not now, it's personal). The holes would have to be obvious on earth to a seer as we all read the land and skies. Apocalyptic 'signs' are not subtle and/or far away; they're in your face, above our heads. I was terribly alarmed by it - before I began researching anything. When the skies are gone, there is nothing.
Where are those hole photographs? What holes is this about? The magnetic field?

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Old 02-08-2009, 12:37 AM   #16
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Joseph Farman, Brian Gardiner and Jonathan Shanklin, are the BAS scientists who discovered the Antarctic ozone hole. Their paper was published in Nature , May 1985, the study summarized data that had been collected by the British Antarctic Survey showing that ozone levels had dropped to 10% below normal January levels for Antarctica.

In the 1980's the first measurements of this loss were actually documented. In 1984, when the British first reported their findings, October ozone levels were about 35 percent lower than the average for the 1960s. When the first measurements were taken the drop in ozone levels in the stratosphere was so dramatic that at first the scientists thought their instruments were faulty.

NASA Nimbus 7

The U.S. satellite Nimbus-7 quickly confirmed the results, and the term Antarctic ozone hole entered popular language.

The ozone hole appeared first over the colder Antarctic because the ozone-destroying chemical process works best in cold conditions. The Antarctic continent has colder conditions than the Arctic, which has no land-mass. As the years have gone by the Ozone Hole has increased rapidly and is as large as the Antarctica continent. The hole lasts for only two months, but its timing could not be worse. Just as sunlight awakens activity in dormant plants and animals, it also delivers a dose of harmful ultraviolet radiation. After eight weeks, the hole leaves Antarctica, only to pass over more populated areas, including The Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the tip of South America. This biologically damaging, high-energy radiation can cause skin cancer, injure eyes, harm the immune system, and upset the fragile balance of an entire ecosystem. News about the ozone hole that forms over Antarctica each October has spread around the world. The ozone hole can be as big as 1.5 times larger than the United States.

Size Comparison Antarctica -United States

Below is a table of geographic areas to be used as references in conceptualizing just how large the ozone hole can get.

Following are referable areas:

Australia8,923,000 Sq KmUnited States9,363,130 Sq KmEurope10,498,000 Sq KmAntarctica13,340,000 Sq KmRussia17,078,000 Sq KmNorth America25,349,000 Sq KmAfrica30,335,000 Sq KmS. Pole to 70 S15,300,000 Sq Km
Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center

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Old 02-08-2009, 04:08 AM   #17
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Thanks for that Dan, a pictures worth a thousand words!!
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Old 02-09-2009, 10:16 PM   #18
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I'm kind of stuck on the argument that it needs to be visible though. I read somewhere that the Aurora Borealis will be visible all over the world if the magnetic field of earth diminishes further. What's the connection between the Ozone layer and the Magnetosphere?
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:53 AM   #19
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Solar Storms</B>
  • There are two kinds of solar storms: coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar flares. A flare occurs when magnetic energy builds to a peak near the Sun's surface and explodes. This intense, fast-paced event sends high-energy particles into space. A much larger storm, a CME erupts when magnetic field lines snap, sending billions of tons of particles into space at millions of miles per hour. The particle cloud expands to over 30 million miles by the time it reaches Earth.
Impact From Space
  • When the particles ejected from the Sun interact with the Earth's own protective magnetic shield, its magnetosphere, the impact can be observed as aurora. Gases in the upper atmosphere become excited and glow. These are most commonly seen near the Earth's polar regions where the magnetic field lines guide the charged energy toward Earth. If viewed from high above Earth, they appear as ovals. Images taken by astronauts in the space shuttles show the depth of aurora. Other impacts from this energy pouring into the Earth's atmosphere, include short-circuiting power grids that cause blackouts, disrupting communications, damaging satellites, and endangering astronauts with radiation.
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:57 AM   #20
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Hello Czymra,

The Magnetosphere is mainly the electromagnetic field generated by Earth. Earth's environment extends all the way from the sun to the Earth and beyond. It is not an empty wasteland of space. Instead, near-Earth space is full of streaming particles, electromagnetic radiation, and constantly changing electric and magnetic fields. All of these things make up our magnetosphere. The magnetosphere includes the Van-Allen belts closer to Earth, and these are what 'guides' dangerous high-energy particles (electrons, protons &c) towards both poles of Earth - creating the Auroras.

The Ozone layer, conversely, is produced in the higher levels of the Earth's Atmosphere. As Oxygen (= O2) AND water vapor (= H2O) (Two Hydrogen atoms and One Oxygen forms the water Molecule) both rise through the Stratosphere (between about 6 and 31 miles). Certain wavelengths of Light Energy react to cause a disassociation of the Oxygen. This creates IONIC (Charged) Oxygen which then gloms together (glom is a 'technical term', just means the Ions of Oxygen bond together) to form O3 (=Three atoms in the molecule of Ozone).

It is the Ozone which protect us from the Ultraviolet Light, which is dangerous to life. The Ozone can be broken down in reactions with Cl (Chlorine), and more so by Br (Bromine) Compounds. Bromine has replaced Chlorine to sterilize Swimming Pools, and in Industry to treat Cooling Tower water. Chlorine has also been used in Refrigeration, and as the 'dreaded' CFCs in spray cans. Old refrigerators in dumps (or junked out in the forests) are still a huge danger to the Environment. But the Bromine will destroy MUCH MORE Ozone than Chlorine.

Already, the loss of much of the Ozone over the South Pole has killed the Surface Plankton in an area of several thousand square-miles around Antarctica. the Surface Plankton is (was) the major food source for Whales and other life in the Oceans.


Ozone Distribution in the Atmosphere...:

Relative Ozone concentrations...:

Hope this makes it more clear.

Certainly don't want to confuse anyone with too many facts.

In Peace

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Old 02-10-2009, 09:33 AM   #21
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Thanks J rod, now if someone can help me find that Nasa article about holes in the magnetosphere I think we have at least both types of holes covered here...
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Old 02-10-2009, 03:39 PM   #22
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SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Earth's protective magnetosphere has two large holes that are letting in disruptive solar winds, scientists said on Tuesday.

Understanding how these holes form will help them better predict the electrical storms that cause power grid blackouts and the aurora, activity that will peak in 2012 as sunspots hit their maximum level.

Scientists at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco said they had been entirely wrong about how solar particles that cause the storms were entering the Earth's magnetosphere.

The magnetosphere is a bubble of magnetism that surrounds Earth and protects us from solar wind.

Scientists once believed that the particles entered when the sun's magnetic field was aligned opposite to that of the Earth's. But findings presented at the meeting show that 20 times more solar particles enter the Earth's magnetic field when it is aligned in the same direction as the sun's magnetic field.

The alignment causes the two magnetic fields to connect and tears holes in the Earth's magnetic field over the poles.

"What we observed was the breach in the levee," said Jimmy Raeder, a physicist at the University of New Hampshire. "This has taken us completely by surprise."

In June 2007, NASA's five THEMIS spacecraft probes flew through one of the tears just as it was opening. Sensors recorded a torrent of solar wind particles streaming into the magnetosphere, said Raeder.

"The opening was huge -- four times wider than Earth itself," said Raeder. "This kind of influx is an order of magnitude greater than what we thought was possible."

Most of the particles are deflected back into space, but some circulate in the magnetosphere, get energized, and cause electrical storms that trigger power grid outages, cause problems for aircraft flying over the poles, and can damage satellites in geosynchronous orbit.

"There's a bigger risk because we have more stuff in space now," said Raeder.

Scientists said that the majority of solar storms take place midway through and on the tail end of the solar cycle. This 11-year cycle of activity is at its minimum now and electrical storms will be at their peak in 2012.
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Old 02-10-2009, 03:44 PM   #23
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Dec. 16, 2008: NASA's five THEMIS spacecraft have discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than anything previously thought to exist. Solar wind can flow in through the opening to "load up" the magnetosphere for powerful geomagnetic storms. But the breach itself is not the biggest surprise. Researchers are even more amazed at the strange and unexpected way it forms, overturning long-held ideas of space physics.
"At first I didn't believe it," says THEMIS project scientist David Sibeck of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "This finding fundamentally alters our understanding of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction."
The magnetosphere is a bubble of magnetism that surrounds Earth and protects us from solar wind. Exploring the bubble is a key goal of the THEMIS mission, launched in February 2007. The big discovery came on June 3, 2007, when the five probes serendipitously flew through the breach just as it was opening. Onboard sensors recorded a torrent of solar wind particles streaming into the magnetosphere, signaling an event of unexpected size and importance.
Right: One of the THEMIS probes exploring the space around Earth, an artist's concept. [more]
"The opening was huge—four times wider than Earth itself," says Wenhui Li, a space physicist at the University of New Hampshire who has been analyzing the data. Li's colleague Jimmy Raeder, also of New Hampshire, says "1027 particles per second were flowing into the magnetosphere—that's a 1 followed by 27 zeros. This kind of influx is an order of magnitude greater than what we thought was possible."
The event began with little warning when a gentle gust of solar wind delivered a bundle of magnetic fields from the Sun to Earth. Like an octopus wrapping its tentacles around a big clam, solar magnetic fields draped themselves around the magnetosphere and cracked it open. The cracking was accomplished by means of a process called "magnetic reconnection." High above Earth's poles, solar and terrestrial magnetic fields linked up (reconnected) to form conduits for solar wind. Conduits over the Arctic and Antarctic quickly expanded; within minutes they overlapped over Earth's equator to create the biggest magnetic breach ever recorded by Earth-orbiting spacecraft.
Above: A computer model of solar wind flowing around Earth's magnetic field on June 3, 2007. Background colors represent solar wind density; red is high density, blue is low. Solid black lines trace the outer boundaries of Earth's magnetic field. Note the layer of relatively dense material beneath the tips of the white arrows; that is solar wind entering Earth's magnetic field through the breach. Credit: Jimmy Raeder/UNH. [larger image]
The size of the breach took researchers by surprise. "We've seen things like this before," says Raeder, "but never on such a large scale. The entire day-side of the magnetosphere was open to the solar wind."
The circumstances were even more surprising. Space physicists have long believed that holes in Earth's magnetosphere open only in response to solar magnetic fields that point south. The great breach of June 2007, however, opened in response to a solar magnetic field that pointed north.
"To the lay person, this may sound like a quibble, but to a space physicist, it is almost seismic," says Sibeck. "When I tell my colleagues, most react with skepticism, as if I'm trying to convince them that the sun rises in the west."
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Old 02-10-2009, 06:45 PM   #24
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

Thank you guys, those pics are fabulous. Hmmmm! The earth protected by the magnetophere? We human beings are also etectro-magnetic. Does that mean that when our electro-magnetic bands are strong and working well, we are not breached by anything that can harm us? When we resonate with Love and Light, our Powerful consciouness deflects anything that could bring harm to our earth body Just a thought.

Love to All

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Old 02-10-2009, 07:08 PM   #25
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 149
Default Re: Night of the Red Sky: The Prophetic Visions of 'Grandfather'

awesome you guys!

the pics really were great to help me understand..

hey carmen...i think you are on to something there...
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