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Old 04-22-2009, 10:59 PM   #1
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Default Reptilians and Mind Control

The following link is to a Coast to Coast program with George Noory interviewing Stewart Swerdlow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJw_C...eature=related. It seems that I'm becoming a bit of a reptilian hound. I don't like doing this...but I fear that there is a reptilian cancer growing on the human race...so to speak...although the reptilians(if they exist) probably think that humans are a cancer growing on THEIR PLANET...and must be enslaved and exterminated to SAVE THE EARTH...and the reptilian race. Perhaps EARTH CHANGES(with the help of nukes under the polar icecaps and major fault-lines?) will be their method of choice to accomplish population reduction. Just speculation...as always. I would much prefer to work cooperatively with them...on a planet Earth governed by responsible freedom...instead of tyranny, enslavement, and extermination.

Author Stewart Swerdlow spoke about a Reptilian race which lives underground and first came here over 800,000 years ago. This information was imparted to him, he claimed, during the 13 years he served as an experimental subject in a government-sponsored mind control project in Montauk, NY. Between 200,000 to 300,000 people were experimented on in Montauk, and most of them did not survive, he said. Now, mind control can be employed worldwide via satellites, he noted. Among the details Swerdlow shared about the Reptilians: They originated in the Draco star system, and arrived in our solar system via hollowed-out asteroids. They colonized a Pacific continent called Lemuria and later battled with the Atlanteans. Eventually they formed a hybrid race with the Atlanteans. It is from this group that the Illuminati or ruling families descended. There are seven different species in the Draco empire. One type has white segmented skin, cat-like eyes, wings, and a pronounced jaw and teeth. The Illuminati are planning a "staged alien invasion" to trick people into forming a one-world government and they'll use holographic technology to project imaginary battles, Swerdlow warned. Ultimately, they seek to send millions of people out to colonize habitable moons of Jupiter and Saturn, he added.

This interview link was previously posted on a thread...but the link no longer works...is archived and read-only...and there was only one comment. That particular comment was critical of the thread poster...who just left Avalon...hopefully not permanently. The comment did make me realize that there were guidelines for Camelot and Avalon: 'Project Avalon needs to be about GROUND CREW MATTERS to do with building communities, safe places and making connections for the same. Project Camelot is about finding the truth, anything to do with whistle blowers testimony, aliens, ufos, conspiracies etc.' It does seem that Avalon is a real potpurri...with something for everyone...and even some evidence of competing factions! Can these diverse discussions be focused back toward the stated purpose? The speculative, gory, and upsetting stuff should probably be examined...but ultimately the positive building of community should be the real goal. I'm not sure how to do that. It seems that an intellectual safe place as well as physical safe places should be part of the mix. If we don't deal with the intellectual and spiritual challenges...there may be no safe places anywhere.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 04-22-2009 at 11:36 PM.
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Old 04-23-2009, 12:23 AM   #2
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Default Re: Reptilians and Mind Control

Are reptilians real? yes. Are cloaked beings able to project and alter their outer camouflage real? yes. Are small, subservient beings that are created for roles real? yes.

Are any of them native to this earth? no. Do they want to steal this planet and trick humanity into leaving? yes.
Is this agenda hard at work as we speak? yes.

How do we defeat such an agenda? by waking up, realising that earth, and only earth is our home, and we, humans are the only beings that should have dominance on it - no others. If they wish to visit and in a peaceful manner, agreed that is fine.

If not? I have a message - "Earths full, go home"
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Old 04-23-2009, 12:27 AM   #3
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Default Re: Reptilians and Mind Control

As for mind control - is it real? oh yes indeed it is. Is it easy now for the powers that be to completely 'own' a persons mind? 3 days with their people and you'll do what they want, when they want and you won't even know you have done it.

Thats if they have a task for you to complete - until they want you to do some thing you might be 'Mrs Jones at 32 Steel Street' and live a mundane life with a normal every day family, but suffer from some sleepless nights and a few weird dreams.
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Old 04-23-2009, 01:07 AM   #4
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Default Re: Reptilians and Mind Control

Originally Posted by Egg View Post
Are reptilians real? yes. Are cloaked beings able to project and alter their outer camouflage real? yes. Are small, subservient beings that are created for roles real? yes.

Are any of them native to this earth? no. Do they want to steal this planet and trick humanity into leaving? yes.
Is this agenda hard at work as we speak? yes.

How do we defeat such an agenda? by waking up, realising that earth, and only earth is our home, and we, humans are the only beings that should have dominance on it - no others. If they wish to visit and in a peaceful manner, agreed that is fine.

If not? I have a message - "Earths full, go home"
I know I sound like a broken record...but regardless of the history of the reptilian and human races in this solar system...with all of it's atrocities and injustices...we should simply base globalism on the U.S. Constitution...from the center of Earth...extending one million kilometers in all directions...and applying to both races. The alternative might very well be the complete extermination of the reptilian and human races...and the utter destruction of Earth. One Nation Under Satan: The Old World Disorder Reptilian Theocracy is not in either the human's or reptilian's best interest. I'm thinking that this may be a universal problem. There may be tyranny, war, and discord everywhere. Star Wars may be more than a Hollywood movie...a lot more. There may not be a Heaven anywhere in the universe. It may be one big mixture of Purgatory and Hell. Why not draw a line in the sand...and create a Heaven on Earth? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6USxs...eature=related A solution will emerge. Could that solution be Constitutional Responsible Freedom? It's a big idea. A True World Order. Who knows...it may be morning in the universe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWnmC...eature=related

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 04-23-2009 at 03:23 PM.
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Old 04-23-2009, 01:10 AM   #5
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Default Re: Reptilians and Mind Control

Author Stewart Swerdlow spoke about a Reptilian race which lives underground and first came here over 800,000 years ago. This information was imparted to him, he claimed, during the 13 years he served as an experimental subject in a government-sponsored mind control project in Montauk, NY. Between 200,000 to 300,000 people were experimented on in Montauk, and most of them did not survive, he said. Now, mind control can be employed worldwide via satellites, he noted. Among the details Swerdlow shared about the Reptilians: They originated in the Draco star system, and arrived in our solar system via hollowed-out asteroids. They colonized a Pacific continent called Lemuria and later battled with the Atlanteans. Eventually they formed a hybrid race with the Atlanteans. It is from this group that the Illuminati or ruling families descended. There are seven different species in the Draco empire. One type has white segmented skin, cat-like eyes, wings, and a pronounced jaw and teeth. The Illuminati are planning a "staged alien invasion" to trick people into forming a one-world government and they'll use holographic technology to project imaginary battles, Swerdlow warned. Ultimately, they seek to send millions of people out to colonize habitable moons of Jupiter and Saturn, he added.
Take it from someone who has done battle with the "Reptilians", Swerdlow's story is a great piece of fictional material. The Illuminati family bloodlines are human in origin. The Reptilian aspect of them is completely etheric and spiritual. There are negative reptilian ET's, there are also positive ones also. The negative ones that are connected to Illuminati bloodlines are ascended beings on the negative path. They are not part of the genetic makeup of the Illuminati families. The children in the illuminati families are born innocent and are forced to take on these negatively polarized beings and be loyal to them. That is how it has been carried on through the generations of those families.
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Old 04-23-2009, 01:23 AM   #6
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Default Re: Reptilians and Mind Control

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Take it from someone who has done battle with the "Reptilians", Swerdlow's story is a great piece of fictional material. The Illuminati family bloodlines are human in origin. The Reptilian aspect of them is completely etheric and spiritual. There are negative reptilian ET's, there are also positive ones also. The negative ones that are connected to Illuminati bloodlines are ascended beings on the negative path. They are not part of the genetic makeup of the Illuminati families. The children in the illuminati families are born innocent and are forced to take on these negatively polarized beings and be loyal to them. That is how it has been carried on through the generations of those families.
Are there particular bloodlines which are more receptive to these completely etheric and spiritual negatively polarized beings? Were you involved in exorcisms...or did you deal with physical reptilians...or both? In a sense...I tend to think that all of us do battle with regressive reptilian entities every day...some more than others. I wonder if Montauk Project participants got a lot of bum information from regressive reptilians? I don't trust anything of a supernatural nature. Hell...I don't even trust myself.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 04-23-2009 at 01:26 AM.
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Old 04-23-2009, 01:35 AM   #7
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Reptilians and Mind Control

Eh, I don't let the Reptilians control my life. Hell, I'd rather have a beer with a Reptilian than fear it. When we demonize things/people, we place all kinds of negative energy onto them and it just bounces back and makes us negative.
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Old 04-23-2009, 01:56 AM   #8
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Default Re: Reptilians and Mind Control

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
Eh, I don't let the Reptilians control my life. Hell, I'd rather have a beer with a Reptilian than fear it. When we demonize things/people, we place all kinds of negative energy onto them and it just bounces back and makes us negative.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YSF5...eature=related I'd love to party with a bar full of reptilians...and I don't even drink. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kJkhEcQ44k I tend to think that there are very few truly regressive and malevolent reptilians...but that they have incredible power over the others...and us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYecfV3ubP8 If the top of the pyramid was converted or removed...the others might turn out to be quite nice. Again...I don't know if they even exist...but I am simply considering the possibilities and options...if they do. How about a rebellion...freedom-loving reptilians? You have nothing to lose but your chains. Also...Eve probably ate the apple(had sex with a reptilian) because Adam was gay! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKAW96N-Vms

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 04-23-2009 at 01:17 PM.
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Old 04-23-2009, 02:00 AM   #9
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Default Re: Reptilians and Mind Control

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Take it from someone who has done battle with the "Reptilians", Swerdlow's story is a great piece of fictional material. The Illuminati family bloodlines are human in origin. The Reptilian aspect of them is completely etheric and spiritual. There are negative reptilian ET's, there are also positive ones also. The negative ones that are connected to Illuminati bloodlines are ascended beings on the negative path. They are not part of the genetic makeup of the Illuminati families. The children in the illuminati families are born innocent and are forced to take on these negatively polarized beings and be loyal to them. That is how it has been carried on through the generations of those families.
Yes. thank you. tone3jaguar. i totally agree with you and also have had experiences with these beings.

i also dont agree with David Icke's theory that their are human beings that shape shift into reptilians. the reptilians are like you said, "completely etheric and spiritual."

this is not to say that their arent reptilians deep underground in 3D form. im not absolutely sure.
take care.

Last edited by Visvasa144; 04-23-2009 at 02:02 AM.
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Old 04-23-2009, 02:15 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Visvasa144 View Post
i also dont agree with David Icke's theory that their are human beings that shape shift into reptilians. the reptilians are like you said, "completely etheric and spiritual."
I have seen a reptilian shape shift BUT this was not physical. Only when I am abducted and the reptilian wants to communicate with me. They do it via the mind and insert images. I don't know the mechanics of it but it seems that they have to constantly keep in control of their projection or they will tend to shimmer and parts of them will be revealed for a couple seconds.
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Old 04-23-2009, 04:17 AM   #11
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Are there particular bloodlines which are more receptive to these completely etheric and spiritual negatively polarized beings?
Nope, Joe Blow could become one of them. The secret ancient knowledge that they have scalped from the dark side of the Atlantian Mystery Schools is kept in the families. That is the only reason certain bloodlines are aligned with these negative entities.

Were you involved in exorcisms...or did you deal with physical reptilians...or both? In a sense
I was possessed by one of them over 12 years ago. It was not an exorcism that removed it. A shaman was able remove it in an instant without any rituals. I have not come face to face with any of the ones in this reality. The only physical reptilians that are on the planet at this time are an ethical peaceful race that keeps to themselves and has a base under the Atlantic Ocean. They do not interact with the population of the planet because if they did the good ET's would kick them off of the planet for violating the laws of non interfearance.

I went up against the Rothschilds and their servants and caught the short end of their black magic stick over and over again. Just so happened that I figured out how to counter their efforts faster than they could come up with new strategies. Mostly what you deal with when going up against forces like this are programed thought forms that originate from the consciousnesses of the 5th dimensional negative ET's. Many of which where reptilian when they where at lower levels of reality pre-ascension.

...I tend to think that all of us do battle with regressive reptilian entities every day...some more than others.
Most people are not doing battle with the negative thought forms, they are just feeding them with their negative emotions while the whole time being completely oblivious to them. Society is in the process of polarizing. The negative ET's are going after everyone they can that is either on the fence or has already fallen on the negative side of it. Once the transition happens they will only have those that go to negative 4th dimension to pick on. So they are trying their best to increase the numbers of people that will end up there. This is why the Illuminati timed the economic problems for right now. The negative et's told them to. They just follow the instructions of off world bad guys. They are dumb f--ks.

I wonder if Montauk Project participants got a lot of bum information from regressive reptilians? I don't trust anything of a supernatural nature. Hell...I don't even trust myself.

All of the people that where a part of the Montauk project where debriefed by the very same mind control techniques that they helped to create. They simply did not just remove or block the memories. They also layered fake memories on top of the real ones so that these people would not be able to sort it out later on. I think the only person I have ever heard of that was not scrambled on their way out of the program was David Wilcocks contact "Daniel". Preston Nichols did not even remember that he was part of the project until years after the conclusion of it.
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Old 04-23-2009, 05:06 AM   #12
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Quote: The only physical reptilians that are on the planet at this time are an ethical peaceful race that keeps to themselves and has a base under the Atlantic Ocean. They do not interact with the population of the planet because if they did the good ET's would kick them off of the planet for violating the laws of non interfearance.

Response: So...physical reptilians don't abduct humans, conduct genetic experiments on human beings or eat children? Do non-physical reptilians abduct humans, conduct genetic experiments on human beings and eat children? Which non-humans live and work in the Deep Underground Military Bases? Why don't the good ET's kick all malevolent ET's off Earth? The 1954 Greada Treaty? Also, Swerdlow indicates that the reptilians anciently lived in the area of the Pacific Ocean. Were these the malevolent reptilians? Did the benevolent group of reptilians live with the Atlanteans? Is Swerdlow generally correct...other than regarding bloodlines? Is the New World Order and the Alien Agenda one and the same thing? Sorry for all the questions. I have dozens more! Thanks!
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Old 04-23-2009, 06:11 AM   #13
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Awesome posts… which reminded me of some info. that came from somewhere which may be beneficial to some. I don’t know if any questions posted here would be answered but maybe it can shed some light on the distance between how they get away with what ‘they’ are doing and how ‘they’ are doing it. In that ET’s have their own Hollywood style technology but of course far more advanced special effects, such as Holograms that operate at 144,000 cps which make them appear as solid objects that can literally be interacted with and a person is none the wiser too.

Also the special effects using ‘Phi Phenomena’ and the ‘Beta Movement’ sequencing effects in order to convey illusions of mind and reality, including invisibility and cloaking of objects and buildings, as well as image projecting into your thoughts and dreams. So my conclusion is that ‘they’ have to use technology to deceive because the evolution in Light has no place for deceptive evil energy therefore no true evolution can be furthered- misery loves company. So are they scared ‘they’ will be left behind in the evolution of spirit?

Several circumstances have occurred especially last year that really brought the whole ET Hollywood illusions and special effects technology to my attention and now it seems appropriate to post here. The first part I wrote on 10-28-2008 and the second one I wrote on 11-25-2008.


How can two people have convincing opposing viewpoints of an unfolding timeline and they both make sense?

Imagine if you will… that you suddenly realized you are actually connected to the whole of creation, a real living part of all that is. Sure, we have all heard this many times and in so many ways, but what if you really got it this time. I mean it really energizes your understanding so much so that you begin to feel that connection to the Whole of all that is; in that case, what would you do with your thoughts? And further still, you grasp that you are ‘tuning in’ moment by moment, your countenance, attitude, essence, your vibration of understanding and your comprehension is joining a large influence in the unfolding of events of reality in this world? I suppose a modulation, a balance of thought, a temperance in evaluating information would be in order then. This of course would lessen the influence of the current overall weight of the mass of thought towards a negative realization (large definition), and yet provide opportunity to emphasize your own influence of understanding towards something of a better outcome. For instance, if two people have opposing views of a ‘potential’ timeline that is supposedly unfolding or is unfolding and the events appear to be cascading towards a specific ‘script’ (which may or may not be real, true, or even such a ‘thing’ exist), then the most convincing ‘view’ may temporarily have the upper hand. But if both people’s view is correct, how could that be? We could all use a ‘Rolex’ to track time and events quite accurately I’m sure, or we could all have different mechanisms to track time and events, and if we were all looking to track the same ‘thing’ then we have become locked in synchronistically to the fulfillment of the event being tracked, be that as a destructive or a beneficial event to the whole!

For example; if ‘11:11’ is symbolic, and represents a segment of two parallel timelines that are running concurrently, obviously side by side, and each blink or frame of ‘11:11’ is a fragment of time with an experience inside of it and they are stacked on top of each other, what is the interpretation going to be of the next segments outcome on the screen of reality (projection, prophecy, prediction)?

Actually take a piece of paper and draw four parallel lines all the way across the paper. Now make H’s, like a film strip all the way across the paper and at each H use the ‘colon’ sign, the two missing links or tribes in plain sight, to show the separation, a series of 11:11’s or H:H’s (representing a space and time of experience) like frames of a movie or film strip. Now, let’s say the first ‘11’ (or H) has a script written, by someone, the powers that be, and scheduled ready to go and as scenarios fall into place based on a sequence of set goals in time, certain events will occur when the frame of that ‘set goal of experience’ gets closer to the projector light in order to show it on the screen (reality?). Let’s assume (which is appropriate here) that the second ‘11’ has another script written and will also have the potential to play on the screen of life as well. Let’s also assume that the first ‘11’ has more of a chance to actually play on the screen mainly because of the sheer volume of numbers of people that want (whether knowingly intending it or not) that movie to play for whatever reason. And the second ‘11’ has somewhat of a chance to play on the screen but it is hinging on how many can influence or energize the switch or at what point during the frames being played will or can a switch be made?

To keep this simple… let’s say someone or person ‘A’ was able to read and/or experience portions of the first 11’s script ahead of time and was very effective at describing what that script is and pretty sure of reasonable timeframes for the full movie to play out and that the events do not sound appealing. Well, a second someone or person ‘B’ probably will not agree with person A’s description and instead portrays their own version of what they are reading for that script of the first 11’s set goals of experience, yet they both seem like they are quite confident in what the script says.

What if they are both right? Is that possible? Does that mean predestination? Yet our future is not written or cast in stone for someone else’s benefit without our permission, though someone may want it to be, so how could that be possible? Two timelines (bear with me)? Well the ‘weight’ of potential for the first script to be played is much more influential based on long term planning and programming of the masses to accept the first script as reality (call it really planning ahead). But person B has strived to portray, or read the script towards a much better outcome not realizing that their description is creating the plot or outline of the second 11, which is also correct. But the second 11 does not have as much ‘weight’ of the masses to actually switch the second 11 over into play mode and switch off the first 11. Now of course add-in everyone’s own idea (of whom understands) of what the first potential scripts outcome through ‘projections’ is going to be… and the “tug-of-war” of finding followers to be swayed over to one’s side of reading the script, by tptb in order to make that potential experience become real begins!

Typically, everyone’s quiet during the movie in a movie theatre all sitting together in a group at attention, so you can watch the plot unfold and then determine if you liked the movie or not after it was over, but you had no say in the plot of the movie because it was to entertain you, and you paid for it whether you liked it or not. Besides, some of these movie plots really seem out of this world. I wonder what the qualifications are for writing movie scripts? They do a great job really nailing it down so it won’t unravel or fly away on them.

Anyway, now imagine if you will that suddenly a missing ‘WAY’ becomes available again, for the 13th time that would actually connect the two 11’s together at certain intervals or at each segment; each ‘colon,’ or frame if you will, so that both 11’s are now connected from here on out (draw it in your own paper example if you want to, a series of X’s to form a matrix out of the 11’s (H’s, an X in each box) and the colon as if there are three dots on each ‘1’, connect the dots so that you have 2 X’s in each H with a colon still separating the 2 parallels).

This would become a ‘gate way’ for the script or plot of the first 11 to be influenced by person B’s portrayal of the outcome and would begin to mix into or rewrite the experience of the segments or frames in time, say each second of time perhaps, that is getting ready to play on the screen. And as more people grasp that their influence (waking up, Self-Awareness, innateness) actually is merging into the experience of the plot that is getting ready to play out. And because of the volume or ‘weight’ of influence (which does not necessarily have to be numbers of people) changing the script faster, the plot within the timelines moves into the influence of the ‘greater’ intention- the Zipper effect. Ahhhh… the ‘seeing’ of the importance of the balancing of, or modulating the mind in holding the stability of understanding in the face of the revealing Light.

Certainly various segments of a detrimental pre-planned influenced plot has momentum and will/may transpire, but the growing awareness, could have a different twist on the next segment, and/or even reach a point in segments of time to come when there is no longer a pre-planned or written script able to operate anymore. Influence into the planned script mutates the actual experience and now no one can read the pre planned script as it disappears off the papers it was written on and the computers can no longer calculate any outcomes? Not even Internet spiders and bots would be able to foretell human anticipation through language anymore, as even they currently are only limited to a maximum 18 months ahead in the future.

So the ptb’s spotty future of detrimental dominating events can only come into fruition as the time marches closer to the purported events being propagated. And this can only occur by condensing information (through any means available) towards it into the belief systems of as many people as possible so that the events would be more likely to occur without interruption but self-awareness erases their plot. Like using the ‘fish hooks of beliefs,’ or distractions (hooks) with little signs on them saying “pick me, pick me,” which are everywhere waiting for a bite, but the bait is getting old, and the hooks are beginning to show their shiny-ness!

Today is a great day to become focused, energized in purpose, honing in on the light and motivated with intention until complete.

10:55 is 5 to 11 on 11-25-2008

You’ll love this one. As I was thinking about my perceptions recently about microburst black holes, there getting larger now, often appearing around me, this guy from across the way yells over to me and says, “hey is it 11,” and asks again right as I look over to him, “what time is it” pointing to his wrist? So I of course oblige and look at my cell phone for the time and it is 10:55. I yell out to the gentleman that it is 5 to 11, he promptly turns to a pay phone and I continue on my way. The movie “Jumper” immediately comes to mind and I suddenly realize the significance of 5 as 5 being the 5 senses of being in body. I turn back around virtually within seconds upon realizing this to look for the gentleman but he is not there! Go figure. The Hollywood world we all live in but don’t or cannot realize it.

Of course 11 has many meanings but the most recognizable, to me anyway, is the sequence or ‘frames,’ borders if you will, of how time is portrayed in time/space; which is called Phi Phenomena. And is how a film strip would represent a sequence of events in spaces of time that portray events in linear fashion as if watching a movie. Phi Phenomena is the ‘Karate Chop’ of alternating lines, first a 1 on the left appears and then a 1 on the right appears and each ‘1’ begins alternating at a rapid pace to the point where you can no longer discern the lapse of time between the lapses of time in the 1’s alternating back and forth or from right to left, hence all you see is the number 11.

Next, you would add a bar or horizontal place holder to represent the measured sequence of a ‘timing’ that has elapsed between one box of a captured event and the next box of a captured event, this is symbolized by ‘H’. And now you have continuous boxes of ‘H’s, segments of events being viewed as they unfold in a captured measured sequence of time; each box is a fragment of a sequence of an event unfolding in a space of measured time; called Space/Time or Time/Space, either label, it doesn’t matter, it is the same thing.

And Beta Movement is the alternating of the dots of a colon. Which can be flashed in rapid succession so that it appears to be standing still. Of course this is the effect used for marquis signs like at movie theatres. And could even be the technology to be used in the so-called ‘Blue Beam Project’ because you can use different shades of color to have effects of movement of shapes in a similar colored background.

Third dimension is the illusion (your mind is the 4th dimension stargate- the revolving door- the mediator) of being ‘captured’ in measured linear sequences of events unfolding in your experience as your current ‘belief’ system- (a coagulated magnet of your ego understanding) understanding holds you in the movie of your awareness of how ‘it’ all works.

Use your focused intention of Self-Empowered Purpose, Thoughts, to attract and change the circumstances you find yourself in to expand your life and those around you. It will never be done for you; it will only be done by you.

- Warp time in the binary of pi (pi cannot be contained). Perhaps you may become the next “Jumper”! Pay phones anyone!

Everyone has Ruby shoes to change/expose the Hologram and connect the dots of parallel time lines of 11:11.
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Old 04-23-2009, 11:51 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
Eh, When we demonize things/people, we place all kinds of negative energy onto them and it just bounces back and makes us negative.
I agree. maybe we can have a positive influence on them.....
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Old 04-23-2009, 12:22 PM   #15
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Standing up for ourselves is NOT negative: it is a manifestation of our internal recognition that we are unique, loved and worthy of being in existence. Remember that the reptilians have spent thousands of years setting up institutions, religions and societies designed primarily to make us feel small, powerless and worthless- they did so for a reason. That reason is so we don't fight back.

Thinking nice things about your slave masters and captors is exemplified by the Helsinki Syndrome, and the same applies here. Having a preference for sitting down and having a beer with one shows that you have a more highly evolved sense of morality and spiritual awareness than they do, but it in no way implies that they feel the same. Your good intentions don't mean anything if all the reptilian wants to do is lean over the table and pull your heart out of your chest before laughing and going after your family.

We aren't demonising them, they have done that to themselves and by themselves. By recognising them as evil we are seeing them AS THEY ARE, rather than how they want us to see them. I have plenty of experience that they have nothing but hatred and contempt for us and none that suggests otherwise.
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Old 04-23-2009, 12:53 PM   #16
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What Stew says is true, illuminati human-reptilian hybrid ruling bloodlines shapeshift into reptilians.. Physical reality is holographic projection of mind patterns so shapeshift is possible and it is instantaneous and has to do with DNA.....it's not a gradual process as u see in Underworld movie lol...
Read his books before u make any conclusion abt this guy.

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Old 04-23-2009, 12:59 PM   #17
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An interesting suggestion was made to me the other day. It was that since the Reptilians are incapable of love, that sending them Love and compassion is the surest way to send them packing, because the law of attraction is inescapable. It's written into the fabric and is a basic part of the universal template.

If we flow love and compassion at them, they have to match it on the rebound, or they have no choice but to vacate. I haven't had a chance to use it because I'm well protected, but I'm pretty sure this is a sure bet.

They feed on the lower vibrational emotional levels, and so their whole existence revolves around generating fear and anger and hatred and pain.

Something tells me that love and compassion would have all the attractiveness of a bowl of spit.

We're working out our own polarities right now. And we're getting to the end of the line on it. That's why all the apparent stepping up of the "dark side" activites. But they are only there doing what they are doing, and only have the ability to be there and do what they do, because we are polarized and they are simply the "right reptile for the job" in providing for us the mirror for our internal struggles.

The current struggle is playing out on the stage of the 3rd dimension, because that's where we will have the experience of total immersion, and make the best of the learning experience.

If we really want a target for our attention, it would be most productive to focus on our own personal relationship with polarity. Solve that and reptilian mind control is instantly as relevant as watching the flintstones.
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Old 04-23-2009, 02:07 PM   #18
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In a hypothetical human 'victory' against the reptilians...I would prefer that the reptilians be incarcerated in faraday shielded environments...rather than being slaughtered. I may be very naive...but I like to think that if their hard-line tyrannical leadership was converted(if that is even possible) or removed...that over a period of time(thousands of years?) that most of the reptilians would mellow...and become productive, law-abiding citizens...living in harmony with human beings.

In the meantime...thinking happy thoughts...while under reptilian tyranny...may be exactly what they want...for the stupid human peasants to be happy with their servitude. It reminds me of a savings and loan scandal victim...being urged to get counselling...so he could be happy without his money. The guy said 'I don't want to be happy without my money. I just want my money!' I don't want to be happy without my freedom. I just want my freedom! Give me liberty...or give me death.
Better dead than rep.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 04-23-2009 at 02:10 PM.
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Old 04-23-2009, 02:37 PM   #19
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What they "want" is to be fought and opposed. That's their wheat field.

This game will never be won on the ground (or underground) because it's not being fought there.

The real battle here is internal, and anything that keeps our attention externalized, comes under the category of strategic opportunity lost.

What did Gandhi achieve and how did he achieve it?

Last edited by Myplanet2; 04-23-2009 at 02:41 PM.
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Old 04-23-2009, 02:45 PM   #20
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Response: So...physical reptilians don't abduct humans, conduct genetic experiments on human beings or eat children?
Some children that disappear are a result of human abductions by the negative magic crowd. They then sacrifice the children to make the etheric negative et's happy and in return are granted dark powers. The negative et's feed off of the high intensity fear that the children go through while being killed. This is rare, most abductions are just sick f--ks who want to have sex with children.

The abductions are a result of future time line humans, from an alternate time line to ours, comming back from the future to take samples of our genetics to try to fix their genetic problems. Or at least that is the story that Dan Burisch, former Majestic 12 employee, sais happened.

Then there are the illusionary abductions that are done by the negative 4th and 5th density ET's. The ships, the beings on them, and the whole deal are all thought forms generated by powerful negative beings. This is my current understanding of these matters that is a result of both material and intuitive research.

Do non-physical reptilians abduct humans, conduct genetic experiments on human beings and eat children?
They are not capable of physically abducting humans because they exist in a higher reality that is only connected to ours through consciousness. Beings do not need to eat meat once ascended above this reality. They live off of different kinds of energy. The good guys live off of love and the bad guys live off of fear. They symbolically eat children by consuming their emotions.

Which non-humans live and work in the Deep Underground Military Bases?
These would be the ones that you could not tell where not from earth accept for eye and skin color. Again this is from my research, not from direct experience.

Why don't the good ET's kick all malevolent ET's off Earth?
From what I learned reading he Law of One channelings, higher dimensions are not allowed bypass our freedom to choose how to polarize our selves. The negative ET's are a consciousness construct of this Galaxy and are present to speed up the evolution of the good side. If there was no negative consciousness then positive consciousness would never have a reason to evolve. You know, the old Yin Yang deal.

There is a protective shielding around the earth that is designed to keep them out. However, when there are large enough numbers of people that need to steep learning curve for their own personal evolution, holes open up in the shielding and negative consciousness gets in. It has also been stated that atmospheric nuclear testing ripped open temporary huge holes in the shielding as well. You can only guess who was behind the instinctual science of the Manhattan Project. That would be the negative ET's. They almost succeeded in getting us to voluntarily destroy all life on the planet.

Also, Swerdlow indicates that the reptilians anciently lived in the area of the Pacific Ocean. Were these the malevolent reptilians? Did the benevolent group of reptilians live with the Atlanteans? Is Swerdlow generally correct...other than regarding bloodlines? Is the New World Order and the Alien Agenda one and the same thing? Sorry for all the questions. I have dozens more! Thanks!

Based off of what I have heard thus far about Swerdlow's testimony, it sounds like channeled material to me. I would not put it past the negative ET's to try to attempt a smear campaign against the positive ones so we would be afraid of them if they ever disclosed their presence. I have never listened to Swerdlow. All I can tell you is that the stuff you are telling me he is saying about this stuff does not resonate as truth with my instincts.
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Old 04-23-2009, 02:55 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post

I am blown away by your post....I even drew the 4 parrallel lines, the "H"s....I'm a little confused by the placement of the 3rd dot.

Top and bottom of each '1' and the third dot goes in the middle of the '1' for the horizontal bar to connect to create the 'H'... then the two '11's can be connected by drawing lines to the colon to create a full connection of the matrix. You should be able to have the letters 'WAY' visible between the two '11's using the dots of the colon. The colon will have an XX pattern with an added vertical bar from top to bottom dot of the colon. XX is feminine DNA.

Connect a few dots (thoughts of inspiration or understanding) and the seperation becomes connected. Then one's influence gets their lionshare of effect into the Whole once again. A fragment of the Whole can become a Whole fragment, and so on. 13 is the unseen doorway, gateway, 'WAY' waiting to be connected in order to be seen to walk through.
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Old 04-23-2009, 03:04 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
An interesting suggestion was made to me the other day. It was that since the Reptilians are incapable of love, that sending them Love and compassion is the surest way to send them packing, because the law of attraction is inescapable. It's written into the fabric and is a basic part of the universal template.
This is accurate information. The most effective method of countering their negative thought forms is with the opposite energy of love an light. They only have power when we give them power with fear. Keep in mind that anger is the egos version of fear. If what they do angers you, then you are playing right into their hands. It goes against all of our primal instincts to react to situations with non-combative emotions. However, this is the lesson we are all here to learn. If you push against them, they will come back with higher intensity lessons for you to learn. This will continue to happen until you have switched to the method of love and light. Then the bombardment instantly stops.

We're working out our own polarities right now. And we're getting to the end of the line on it. That's why all the apparent stepping up of the "dark side" activites. But they are only there doing what they are doing, and only have the ability to be there and do what they do, because we are polarized and they are simply the "right reptile for the job" in providing for us the mirror for our internal struggles.
Yep, they are manifestations of the things that we incarnated to learn. They are a designed construct of the Galaxy. There is nothing in this universe that is an accident. It all happens for a reason.

The current struggle is playing out on the stage of the 3rd dimension, because that's where we will have the experience of total immersion, and make the best of the learning experience.
Yep, this is the highest level of reality where the two sides coexist so closely together. It makes this reality harsh. However if it was not harsh, then we would just sit around with our thumbs up our asses learning nothing.

If we really want a target for our attention, it would be most productive to focus on our own personal relationship with polarity. Solve that and reptilian mind control is instantly as relevant as watching the flintstones.
That is right also, as soon as an individual no longer needs to be exposed to their consciousness they vanish from the individuals experience. Trust me, I got a full dose of them and they went away for ever the instant I realized that love and light was the answer.
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Old 04-23-2009, 04:26 PM   #23
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First off, this is a Camelot thread and will be moved to that forum.

Second, yes, of course retilians exist and are real.

Next, pray for them and for their spiritual evolution because that is what undoes them. How do I know? Personal experience. These particular beings do not have access to the higher spiritual dimensions.

In addition also ask, pray for angelic intervention where they take these various troublesome beings to a dimension from whence they cannot escape. There are numerous angels looking for work. Please feel free to give them a job.
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Old 04-23-2009, 04:33 PM   #24
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Old 04-23-2009, 05:45 PM   #25
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this is very convincing....where is part 2?
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