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Old 03-24-2010, 08:39 PM   #1
Peace of mind
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Default Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?

Could they be more damaging than useful?

Most people wear their cell phones on their hip, could these devices be messing with the Root Chakras? After all, many people seem to have problems in this area.

Do you think wireless head devices (blue tooth) are tampering with the crown, 3rd eye and throat chakras?

What about HDTV’s? Have you ever thought that subliminal messages were being sent thru these stronger signals?

IPods and mp3 players are constantly in the ears of the populace, I wouldn’t be surprise if they were being used to corrupt the mind too.

I’m almost certain computers have ill affects on people, other than keeping the masses in cyberspace and complacent. Many literally and willingly place them selves inside of the Matrix and have forgotten about reality…and that’s probably not the worst of it.

All of these electronic devices deal with frequencies…so there could be a chance that they are secretly manipulating and causing the chaos in world.

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Old 03-25-2010, 12:39 AM   #2
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?

I think that anything electromagnetic can either interfere with or enhance one's own electromagnetic field. As far as cell phones, computers, tv's, microwave frequencies and others, they can definitely mess up your own frequencies, BUT, if you have already managed to raise your vibrational frequency level and are aware of the effects these things can have on you, you can control whether or not you accept the harmful effects of potentially harmful frequencies and even subliminal mind control techniques. If you have no control over your personal vibrational field then yes, you can be very negatively affected.

There are some wonderful machines that can truly enhance your personal electromagnetic field, such as the Papimi machine, the MRS2000 and the Bemer 3000, to mention 3 of the best ones. These machines create a pulsating electromagnetic frequency field and are very therapeutic with powerful healing effects on a cellular level. They can help reverse the negative effects of frequencies that disrupt our energy field.

Within 10 30-minute treatments with a Papimi machine all the severe symptoms of a stroke I had a few years ago were reversed. I also felt better than I had felt in many years. Since then I have extensively researched many different machines and am planning on buying an MRS2000 in the not too distant future since I reached the conclusion that it was somewhat better than the Bemer. There are many YouTube videos on both the MRS2000 and Bemer 3000 if anyone is interested in researching them. The US stopped allowing the Papimi machine to be used here a few years ago and the FDA stopped the clinical trials. There may have been some technical problems they used as an excuse to do so, but basically it worked too well for too many things, from healing cancer to HIV and so many other incredible results that it would definitely have been disliked by the medical cartels.

Speaking of beneficial frequencies, the Solfeggio frequencies can also be quite healing and I know there is at least one thread in here about them. Youtube has some good Solfeggio frequencies to listen to.

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Old 03-25-2010, 01:26 AM   #3
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?

Hello Peace of Mind. I am sorry not to answer directly to your question, but the heaviest burden that prevent anyone to "ascend" is the tremendous challenge to "Let go"...

In order to ascend, there are many things we all cherish that we will simply have to let behind. In these things, among the hardest are some of the greatest achievement we are so proud of. It is crude, but to ascend, we got to be lighter, in all its meaning. For some, it might means to let behind cherish people, or cherish talents, or cherish fortunes...

Forgiveness... is also necessary to alleviate ourselves for a complete New Beginning. It might look obvious at first sight. But, really, if one dedicates him/her self to this path, the rest becomes of little importance.

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 03-25-2010 at 01:31 AM.
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Old 03-25-2010, 01:33 AM   #4
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?

It is all about electromagnetism because thats what we are essentially, and we live in an electromagnetic smog which stops us utilizing all our senses. This is how they control us, subliminal transmissions and sub-aural frequencies to keep us docile, we scanned the local airport and radio transmitters and picked up all sorts of broadcasts right across the spectrum, my mate made a video of it...

I think the em smog stops us using the full range of our senses, such as psychic abilities, all of our chakras, and even affects our dreams. The miracle is that we can function at all in this poison, but then again, it is a miracle
one love, people get ready...
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Old 03-25-2010, 02:00 PM   #5
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?

Peace of mind,
We humans do not require "devices" of any kind to help us in our spiritual growth, as that is what ascension is.

I believe, anyone who is true to their heart, and care more about their fellow humans, then money, has already began the ascension process, as they have learned the most important lesson of all, that love transcends all, and the gifts we receive from love, do not cost anything, as the gifts we give in love, also, do not cost anything.

It is "love" that raises our frequency, not man made devices, or new age crystals etc. It does not matter how many books we read, or how many "conventions" we go to.

So yes, frequency devices do hinder, as all the emphasis has left the heart, and has gone back to the brain, because the brain is saying, we can do this much faster if we just think. There is no fast way, it is a process that cannot be rushed.

love & light
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Old 03-25-2010, 05:35 PM   #6
Peace of mind
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?


Although I do understand the science behind what you’re presenting, I’ll be a bit cautious in listening to frequency tones; they can be detrimental to ones evolution. Natural fluctuations are the safest way to go. I also think Acupuncture can be harmful as well as beneficial (depending on whose practicing the procedure). Just visualize a modulator or machine emitting electrical pulses hooked up to the pins…I think the vibrations can unlock blockages and/or cause other illnesses…if not done correctly.

Feardia, that’s an interesting vid, I’ll look more into this, thanks.

Steve and Rosie thanks, as always, you are some good people…

I agree that love and having a higher consciousness/awareness will aid in ascension, but for those that are oblivious to the many deliberate attempts in keeping the masses in lower frequencies might not have a chance for evolving. With all the speculations about HAARP and mind control, it is easy to believe frequency devices play a big part in regulating the moods of the unaware.

Rationally explaining ascension has always been a controversial subject. IMO, this process is about believing in your abilities by casting away all fears. The planet as well as its inhabitants is going thru a phase, a interval where the alignment of Earth and other celestial objects/planets, stars will cause rapid oscillation in the frequency of all matter…making everything lighter. During this process, the thoughts created by humans are meeting less resistance…therefore manifestations (desired or undesired) are rapidly forming. Without this knowledge many will suffer. If people are in bad moods they might not have the usual leisure time to change their mind or attitudes toward a giving issue, their world can swiftly become too chaotic for them to handle. You can see this now. People are in misery because they rarely reflect before reacting, and now that time is speeding up most people are not yet mentally equip to adapt…this can and will cause more misery and hopelessness. With that said, now imagine if these frequency devices were also modifying the brain waves and body energies of the unsuspecting. That ain’t right…

With Ascension…I find it hard to believe that people will leave behind or lose everything they created…not without choice. I do believe everything causing strife, neglect, and disharmony will be removed so the entities that are in resonance with the planet can continue to prosper and evolve without the negativity. Leaving behind everything you put your love into doesn’t sound appealing, it sounds more like excepting death before journeying off into another realm. If this is the case, than it is with greater concern that this phenomenon it is not being properly explained…possibly because the very idea cannot be confirmed…at least not logically, yet. If love is focused on negative/lower vibrations…I can easily see the point you guys are getting at.

This is just my logical analysis on ascension. Not only does most of the other ideas of ascension have too many holes in them…No one has yet to prove them to be anything other than theories. The only other theory of ascension that makes some sense involves Egyptology, where the sun will aid in DNA activation by sending solar flares with information to be absorbed thru the skin. Hard to prove that too, especially when TPTB is responsible for most of the missing ancient artifacts of Earth’s history. I guess in due time we will all know the truth…until than I’m compel to serve the coffee to any and everyone looking for a better life. Watching people go about their day in sadness and ignorance is just not in my makeup. We all deserve a chance…many here were sleeping too at one time.

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Old 03-25-2010, 08:21 PM   #7
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?

Originally Posted by Peace of mind View Post

Although I do understand the science behind what you’re presenting, I’ll be a bit cautious in listening to frequency tones; they can be detrimental to ones evolution. Natural fluctuations are the safest way to go. I also think Acupuncture can be harmful as well as beneficial (depending on whose practicing the procedure). Just visualize a modulator or machine emitting electrical pulses hooked up to the pins…I think the vibrations can unlock blockages and/or cause other illnesses…if not done correctly.
Peace, I agree that frequency tones "ccould" be detrimental to ones evolution, but only IF you are at the point where it would affect you that way. Nothing is black or white only. I can also accept that acupuncture could be harmful to some. However, you do not have to accept the negative effects of anything. You are all powerful.

The two frequency machines I like most, the MRS2000 and the Bemer 3000 are very close to the natural magnetic resonance of the earth, called the Schumann Resonance. The inherent frequency of the earth is 7.8hz and our brains resonate at that frequency. Negative frequencies change our natural frequency and we have also deprived ourselves of replenishing it by no longer walking the earth as we used to do. Many now live in cities, inside most of the time and are subjected daily to the damaging frequencies from cell phones, computers, tv's, etc.

The MRS2000 and the Bemer can counteract these effects and restore ones natural frequency. Having experienced the effects myself I can tell you with conviction that these machines are very valuable for meditation purposes and have the ability to return your cells to normal functioning which in turn allows your body to work properly and heal you from just about any disease... VERY quickly in many cases.

Originally Posted by Peace of mind View Post
Ascension…I find it hard to believe that people will leave behind or lose everything they created…not without choice. I do believe everything causing strife, neglect, and disharmony will be removed so the entities that are in resonance with the planet can continue to prosper and evolve without the negativity. Leaving behind everything you put your love into doesn’t sound appealing, it sounds more like excepting death before journeying off into another realm. If this is the case, than it is with greater concern that this phenomenon it is not being properly explained…possibly because the very idea cannot be confirmed…at least not logically, yet. If love is focused on negative/lower vibrations…I can easily see the point you guys are getting at.
If by Ascension one means raising your vibrational frequency while in your body to the point that your body becomes light and appears to be invisible to others, I would say at that point there is nothing to leave behind. Although I have not had the Ascension experience I have left my body many hundreds of times and traveled on other dimensions. There was never a thought about giving up anything. When you gain the ultimate power of Love, there is nothing to lose and nothing to give up.

I read The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield in the mid 90's. It's quite an exciting "New Age" book about Ascension written as a fictional journey. You might enjoy reading it as it leads one to an understanding of one good view of ascension.

Personally I have never seen the need to Ascend when one can simply leave the body behind without raising one's vibrational frequency to the point where the body disappears from the 3D world along with soul. I'm sure there are theories about why this may be advantageous, but perhaps it is unnecessary. I felt that it was completely unnecessary when I was travelling out of body which is one of the reasons why I had no interest in pursuing Ascension. Maybe leaving the body consciously is similar to Ascension and one could do either/or.

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Old 03-26-2010, 03:15 PM   #8
Peace of mind
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?

hmmm, so do you think these machines can heal someone with Cerebral Palsy? If they can't, than all they are doing is just listening to tones...am I right? Interesting thou, i look more into it.

What if the people do not know they are being manipulated, or know they actually have a choice in accepting the negative or positive, after all the masses were not brought up that way. People here were liberated at one point, what about the others, especially the ones who truely can assist and really make a difference in the new world? Peolpe need a chance before choice...they need to know what they're dealing with first.

Prince (the singer) once said he noticed every time there was a chem. trail spraying, people will end up fighting or become very stressed out. It’s been said that there is barium salt in these spraying. I can only think of 2 reasons why they will be spraying metal dust. They are either blocking out the sun rays(reflecting), preventing us from receiving DNA activation energy from the Sun, or creating a more efficient conductive atmosphere for sending signals and to better manipulate the waves in the air.

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Old 03-26-2010, 05:26 PM   #9
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?

..or with nanotechnology microchipping us...and definitely making us sicker...
300 people in Norway under 30 have been reported to have Alzheimer's..(aluminium)...
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Old 03-26-2010, 06:19 PM   #10
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?

Hi Peace of mind, I guess the cables and cords could be an obstacle yes.
For ascension, like Jesus did on a cloud to the Heavens, I mean.
Just kidding
My second guess is that our consciousness is capable of transforming all kind of unbalanced or harmful frequencies that radiate from devices and electricity sources. That's part of the ascension process and not a hindrance, I believe
we have to learn to trust that manifestation power. There's so much roads that lead to Rome and from Rome. Here are some links on cell phone blessing and one leading to a topic on ascension, by Chris Bourne.



Don't worry, be happy
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Old 03-26-2010, 06:25 PM   #11
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?


from time to time I've bumped into this word Ascension
people have talked about this guy Ascension
though I've never understood what it was
and here in this thread he comes again !
so I goggled it and here he is :

well if you like a lot of attention it might be cool
but I really never liked that, so I rather go to :


it looks much cooler (warmer) there

and I can swim with miss Turtle

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Old 03-27-2010, 05:28 PM   #12
Peace of mind
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Default Re: Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?

hard wires can be a option too, I just think signaling thru the air waves is a bit more incognito and flexible. I understand that someone with awareness can over come anything, but the main targets are the people who trust in everything the governments and religion tells them. This is why I asked, “Do you think frequency devices hinder ascension?” in other words…could there be a possibility that electronics are secretly being used to manipulate the unaware?

I wouldn’t mind expanding my abilities in such a way…and I absolutely appreciate the little things in life. I appreciate a sunny day, a smile on someone’s face. When an ant scuttles by carrying a chunk of bread crumb and his wounded partner in its mouth…I am in awe. I appreciate a walk on the beach. Imagine If sand had the ability to be animated…and if one gain of sand became bias towards the others, a domino effect happens, a ripple, in time…beaches will only be a myth in someone’s discussion.

I wonder what type of vegetation is on this Ascension Island… in the middle of no where. Nice

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