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Old 04-22-2009, 06:23 AM   #1
Edward Alexander
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Exclamation Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

This may interest some of you, and hopefully be of some inspiration, provide some new insights, and be useful for your own personal and spiritual development.

It is a website revealing more about myself and my spiritual background, as well as a lot of information, teachings, practices, meditations and other material for you to enjoy.

This is information I have held back for a long time and finally decided to reveal and make public - I first posted some information about this around 6 months ago anonymously, but since then I have created a blog and decided to reveal myself and let people know who I am (or, who "Maggador" is, if seen from the other perspective).

I encourage you to start on my November 2008 posts, from bottom up as oldest post end up at the bottom of the page:

Then I advice you to do the same from the blog archives, going backwards through the months leading up to present, to get the information and posts in the order they were published.

Some of you will benefit from my posts whether you agree to my origins story or not, some of you will think I am making it up, some will think I am just mad, and others will believe and understand what I am and feel a resonation with what I am saying.

So with that said, feel free to check out my website, and decide for yourself if it is useful or not, if you think I am lying or telling the truth - for me it is irrelevant what you believe as I already know the answer to those things myself and I hope some can benefit from what I have to say - that is why I am here.

With love and deepest respect, may profound peace be with all of you!

-Edward Alexander (Maggador IX-777)
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Old 04-23-2009, 07:10 PM   #2
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

I will expand some on the topics presented on my website and create some threads for discussing them in the appropriate sections as I think it may be of the interest of quite some people here on these forums.

Most of it will probably be posted in the spirituality forums and related, and UFO and aliens forums (if there is such a forum ? )

So if you are curious on what I will be posting and where just look up my name with the search engine and check the latest threads.

Best wishes
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Old 04-23-2009, 08:50 PM   #3
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

you are

on ........

a roll alright Man ...

brilliant !!!!
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Old 04-23-2009, 08:59 PM   #4
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Please do explain what the Great White Brotherhood means.
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Old 04-23-2009, 09:15 PM   #5
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Hi Edward

Very very interesting and thanks for sharing. As soon as we can all get past the "He's just another weirdo" phase and learn to take from each other the better.

Now I have a question, I have 2 members of the family who experienced sleep paralysis. The one son has just recently (the last few weeks) had this twice. Could you throw a little more light on this please? I may have not read enough of your post and the answer is there, if so sorry for hassling.

Love and Light to you

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Old 04-23-2009, 11:31 PM   #6
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Zeddo: I will quote a small passage from an article on Astral Projection on my website:

Occasionally, we may find ourselves within one of the other bodies without knowing what is really happening – this is the case of for example sleep paralysis. This is a state where your mind is focused and active within either your etheric body or astral body, and thus you are unable to move as you lay there in bed, as you are not aware of this fact and try move your physical body. In other words, you may feel like you are awake and in your physical body, but actually you are within your etheric body, which you can not move and this makes you feel like your physical body is paralyzed and cant move.
Full article at http://pleiadiantalk.blogspot.com/20...formation.html

Hope this was helpful, blessings!

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Old 04-24-2009, 12:44 AM   #7
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Is this one of your sites? "The BEST ways to make money on the internet - Reviews, tips, information & resources"

Can I use forums to help me make money on the internet?

Let me know how, OK.
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Old 04-24-2009, 04:19 AM   #8
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Good deal, I recently decided to embark on a similar paradigm shift. It is a leap of faith knowing that one is risking the non-esoteric aspects of their lives that might reject such beliefs.
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Old 04-24-2009, 04:31 AM   #9
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Is this the same Great White Brotherhood that worked with Machaelle Small Wright to develop the medical assistance program which she wrote about in her popular book, "MAP: The Co-creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program"?
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Old 04-24-2009, 05:17 AM   #10
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Many people throughout the ages have worked with the Great White Brotherhood in different ways to assist Human kind, and that is their and our purpose of being here. I am not familiar with her myself so I can not speak about her specifically, as I would have to look further into it to figure that out. But it sounds plausible, as the Great White Brotherhood is here for Mankind.

With love
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Old 04-24-2009, 06:19 AM   #11
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood


Everyone joined this forum to discuss our material, not to hear others showcase theirs. Members who insist on promoting / showcasing themselves, their own websites, philosophies, products, services or other unrelated teachings will be unsubscribed.

Thanks Kathleen, that is what I thought!
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Old 05-04-2009, 06:51 PM   #12
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Well since I am one of the whistleblowers whom have contributed with various information to Project Camelot during the years, I do not think it would be unfair of me to let people know a little more about me and some of the information I have to share. The whole point of this place is to share and gather information, experiences and ideas - that is all I am doing and if anyone have some problem will that I guess the respective Admin/Moderator would have to contact me directly about it. I am far from insisting on promoting any "unreleated teachings" or material as mentioned above. Nor "showcasing" myself from one simple thread with only the intention of bringing people some new insights - which they seem to have enjoyed - just as any of the other whistleblowers would have done, after all the Camelot material is mainly close to 100% consisting of "whistleblowers" and would not be much without us/them.

Regardless, anyone who want to discuss the material mentioned in my post here and other places on the forum are more than welcome to do so as long it stays on topic

Best regards and blessings,
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Old 05-05-2009, 03:17 AM   #13
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Originally Posted by Edward Alexander View Post
as the Great White Brotherhood is here for Mankind.

With love
Who else do you know that is teaching the truths of the Great White Brotherhood? Who taught you here on earth? How do you see yourself as a whistleblower?

Last edited by KathyT; 05-05-2009 at 03:19 AM.
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Old 05-05-2009, 08:23 AM   #14
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Hi Kathy T.

The so-called Great White Brotherhood has been termed that or labelled that for abut 200 years plus at least that i a aware of, of course, their actual existence (minus the label) is infinte, or immortal. The theosophical society has used this term as has Elzabeth Clare Prophet in her teachings, check out books by The Summit Lighthouse publishers and many more.

Usually the "Ascended Masters" such as Dwhal Khul, Kuthumi, Hilarion, Serapis Bey Bhudda etc are part of this "great white brotherhood". Do not be put off by the term or label - it has NOTHING to do with race or skin colour.
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Old 05-06-2009, 02:29 AM   #15
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Originally Posted by Barron View Post
Hi Kathy T.

The so-called Great White Brotherhood has been termed that or labelled that for abut 200 years plus at least that i a aware of, of course, their actual existence (minus the label) is infinte, or immortal. The theosophical society has used this term as has Elzabeth Clare Prophet in her teachings, check out books by The Summit Lighthouse publishers and many more.

Usually the "Ascended Masters" such as Dwhal Khul, Kuthumi, Hilarion, Serapis Bey Bhudda etc are part of this "great white brotherhood". Do not be put off by the term or label - it has NOTHING to do with race or skin colour.
Barron, I am familiar with the Great White Brotherhood. I want to see Edward's answer.
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Old 05-06-2009, 11:51 PM   #16
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Kathy: Are you referring to groups and organizations here on Earth, or private individuals, that I am aware of, or people or entities that I know in person?

If the first is true, I am aware of two confirmed organizations here on Earth that teaches some of the material of the Great White Brotherhood, one is the mentioned Theosophical Society, the other is the Rosicrucian order. These would be the main two ones that I have found to be rather honest and close to the truth as far as the teachings goes, sure there are many offsprings and what not, as well as a lot of perverted secret societies implementing some of these teachings in with a mix of a lot of other things and other agendas - and a lot of private individuals whom have started their own "cults" from similar and related topics such as the Prophet couple mentioned and Ballard (Godfre Ray King) etc. If we go to the Pleiadian topic which again relates to the Great White Brotherhood thats even adding to these groups of both organizations and private persons.

Regarding myself, I am considered a whistleblower by people because of my inside knowledge from personal experience within various secret societies, occult cults and brotherhoods, governmental institutions such as NSA, the Military, and information that I have leaked out regarding these. Some of this information have been used by project camelot but I will not refer to any specific articles or posts due to my wish to respect the anonymosity of others involved in the information provided.

I eventually left my home country after having my computers seized by the governments two times containing a lot of this information as well as being charged for "computer related crime" because having in my posession material I should not have had. These charges, arrests and seizings of my computers where all related to my above mentioned involvements and connections and I went out more offensive starting to spread the truth of what is really going on more widely around in the world.

I assume you can also call me a whistleblower from my own Pleiadian origins claims

Best regards
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Old 05-07-2009, 03:54 AM   #17
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

(Sorry for my abscence, I do have a "real life" as well, and I do manage groups of up to 20 people a week in my house, the goal is reaching 100, and spread my messags to those whom understand and can take it in practice and see it works. Those will then be able to teach others the same, this is the seeding process. I am moving soon to spread my message in other parts of the world, and yes alll is free I do not charge anything, to those whom wonder about the donation feature on my website, look at it like this: Every Man on this Earth need an income to survive - I let people chose themselves if they think my teachings were worth it or not, thus you can get all material first and pay later, or not pay, regardless if you like it or not. I do NOT sell any material, I have books and video documentaries under production that will be released and spread for FREE. Anyone who donates, chose any amount from a dollar and up, from what they believe they got out of my teachings. Everyone else, there is no charge - there is no charge for even those of you whom have great experiences and insight from my work, it is free and will remain so. If money was my goal, I would simply put up my videos and books for sale only as there are PLENTY of people in this world interested in this, but I want EVERYONE to get their chance - thus the explanation of the donation system I recently implemented, this is my WORK, takes all my TIME, i spend DAYS on helping people privately as well as writing in forums and updating my website. You can go to Alex Jones, David Ikce, and their like if you want to pay for what I will give for free, peace be with you and love)
-Maggador IX-777
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Old 05-07-2009, 12:53 PM   #18
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Hi EA,

How SYNCHRONISTIC!! I was led to this very site earlier today! and all of sudden before I am about to go offline and to bed, I get the 'urge' to go to PA forum and what should I see/find, but this very thread talking about the very site I was led to!

Well well Well!

Just thought I'd let you know

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Old 05-08-2009, 05:35 AM   #19
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Thats the way of synchronicities

Make sure to pay attention to them, they do not happen randomly, but for a purpose, to get you deeper into yourself.

Be well and blessings
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Old 05-08-2009, 08:12 AM   #20
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Originally Posted by Edward Alexander View Post
Thats the way of synchronicities

Make sure to pay attention to them, they do not happen randomly, but for a purpose, to get you deeper into yourself.

Be well and blessings
It Sure Is !! and I Surely do! pay attention to them.

That's another strange/synch thing - I have had the words "PAY ATTENTION" literally jumping out at me from every which way etc.... over the last 24 hours!

Now for you to say those very SAME words, after being led to your site is making me really sit and go 'Hmmmmm'.

I know of the White Brotherhood and I also have my 'own' Pleiadian Perspective

Now that the mundane world of work has finished for me, for this working week, I will be going to your/this site. I look forward to reading what you have posted there Maggador IX-777.

Be Well too Maggador,
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Old 05-08-2009, 10:29 AM   #21
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Thanks for that Edward, much appreciated and keep up the good work !

Originally Posted by Edward Alexander View Post
Zeddo: I will quote a small passage from an article on Astral Projection on my website:

Full article at http://pleiadiantalk.blogspot.com/20...formation.html

Hope this was helpful, blessings!

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Old 05-12-2009, 01:45 PM   #22
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Fab info here

bumpin up

for your


to good to miss
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Old 05-14-2009, 11:39 PM   #23
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Pleiadian Talk - Perspectives of a member of the Great White Brotherhood

Well hopefull you had the time to check some of my material by now, sorry for my late reply, been pretty busy here.

I just made another post in the Spirituality forum in Project Avalon titled:
Contacting your inner Guide - Change yourself, change the World

Feel free to check that one out as well and give any comments there, any input, good or bad, always appreciated to hear what people think of what I have to share.

My work is as always to spread the messages of truth, and the methods on how to find the truth from within, and reveal the lies and deceit that is shaping the reality - or illusion - we are trapped within. The good thing is once you start finding out what cosmic laws are in effect and how they work, you can start living in harmony with them and thus create a better projected World for yourself and others.

Be well, and love on your way towards self realization!
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