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Old 10-20-2009, 06:15 AM   #451
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Tone3 or 14 or both...

Can you please describe 3, 4, 5, 6 and higher dimensions (11 atm?)

Using as much logic as possible and as less abstract explanation as possible?

Example: 3D is a world where beings make stuff (living spaces, tools, vehicles, electronics...etc) using natural materials, live by breathing gas in their environment, drinking water and eating plant and/or animals. In case of being dumb asses they pollute and destroy their environment. They also tend to be quit suicidal and kill each-other on a regular basis. But there is also a chance for them to live in peace and tranquility as long as they do not peruse the materialistic way of life...since if they do...they eventually deplete the environment and die as stupid as they are.

Collier said there are a lot more colors in a higher dimension...now that for example tells me nothing. How are more colors suppose to explain how things are...

What I wish to know is stuff like:

Do you have a physical body?
Is everything the same, you are just vibrating higher?
What does it mean to vibrate higher?
Do you get any special "powers"?


Last edited by Spregovori; 10-20-2009 at 06:20 AM.
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Old 10-20-2009, 06:38 AM   #452
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Here's a start I created to help address this question: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=16911

My understanding is on the Astral, Astral realm is fourth period. It is represented as the water element. The fifth doesn't have an 'astral' they'd have to go down to the fourth to get to the astral.

Astral is not where truth is found, that's found in the spiritual, the realms of pure Being in the true 7th and above.

When ET's say they are from 12 D or whatnot, they are actually in pockets of the 4th or 5th generally speaking. They are either lying, or they are counting various pockets within the dimensions as dimensions themselves. They use a high number to sound very advanced. Beings in the true 7th plus are infinite spiritual beings, such as Buddhas, Christ Beings, Angels, Elohim (not ET Elohim, true Elohim) etc.

Each dimension adds layers of complexity to our experience. For example, we have 5 senses in this dimension (not including the pineal gland, our 3rd eye, our sixth sense), whereas in higher dimensions we will have many more senses, like I'm guessing on this one, but 50 senses in the sixth kind of thing. Life becomes deeper, more complex, more real, more beautiful.

The earth is NOT ascending to the 4th dimension. That is the astral realm, it is a fallen dimension and the 7 levels of hell are in the lower levels of the astral. We'll be ascending to a new 5th (a new heaven and a new earth right?), as there is a great in breath happening and everything is moving higher.

We will move back on the divine timeline where it is much more clear that all life is One and that "God" / the Source / the Father is accessible directly within us.

However, contrary to what some ET's might want us to believe, there is no free ride. Our karma doesn't just get erased or anything and there's no such thing as automatic salvation / ascension.

So those that think we just have to welcome the et's and then we get to ascend, or that we go to the right church and 'we will be saved', I personally believe this is deception.

Whatever we have created karmically it is our duty to balance. We must take control of our consciousness and help the rest of planet earth make it through this time in order to earn our right to ascend higher in the mind of God. This is the right handed path, the path of truth, Oneness, reality.

When people say you are multi-dimensional, they're not lying. You have a body in each of the higher realms. Part of the process of ascending is purifying / enlightening these higher bodies.

The best book in the world (I say with little hesitation, although of course this is my opnion), to help you purify yourself and prepare yourself for this process, prepare yoru higher dimensional bodies is this one by Mother Mary through a messenger here:

Master Keys to the Abundant Life:

The cover is terrible, the content is beautiful. It will clearly explain to you what's happening in your higher bodies, in the higher dimensions and how to fix em up. It's a worthy read...

Further if you want to understand the whole game and reality to the highest degree, this book is mind blowingly amazing, the best I think that has been released to humanity up to this time:

Very few people have read these books yet, but that will change... I'm posting now in case someone here is called and ready.

As for which reality I choose to live in, I choose to live in Truth.
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Old 10-20-2009, 08:36 AM   #453
no caste
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Are these video feeds still going to Obama's office? I doubt it.

Oh What the Snap! Here goes! -

{hmmm can't decide between Jimmy Hendrix or Buffy (the vampire slayer) Saint Marie and if it's Buffy I like 2!...}

About Jimmy - my physics teacher in high school said Hendrix was smarter than Isaac Newton.

This is for the kids on reserves playing in radioactive puddles -

Please someone, invite this artist (Buffy) to the NEXT INAUGURATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {And don't forget the skull and bones!}

Oh! Change of heart!

This is for government drug dealing below board {nice job on the marijuana!}

You'll note the mule is a zebra - weird eh? like the new zoo in Gaza

Last edited by no caste; 10-20-2009 at 10:37 AM.
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Old 10-20-2009, 01:33 PM   #454
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Spregovori View Post
Tone3 or 14 or both...

Can you please describe 3, 4, 5, 6 and higher dimensions (11 atm?)

Using as much logic as possible and as less abstract explanation as possible?

Example: 3D is a world where beings make stuff (living spaces, tools, vehicles, electronics...etc) using natural materials, live by breathing gas in their environment, drinking water and eating plant and/or animals. In case of being dumb asses they pollute and destroy their environment. They also tend to be quit suicidal and kill each-other on a regular basis. But there is also a chance for them to live in peace and tranquility as long as they do not peruse the materialistic way of life...since if they do...they eventually deplete the environment and die as stupid as they are.

Collier said there are a lot more colors in a higher dimension...now that for example tells me nothing. How are more colors suppose to explain how things are...

What I wish to know is stuff like:

Do you have a physical body?
Is everything the same, you are just vibrating higher?
What does it mean to vibrate higher?
Do you get any special "powers"?

I can only attempt to explain the 4th dimension. What separates the dimensions from each other is simply frequency ranges where the background geometry of the reality within the perception of the being in it is more complex. In other words the background geometry has more dimensional complexity to it, hence the word dimensions. Some people (law of one studiers) call them densities instead of dimensions. Density referring to the higher density of the geometry in these higher realms of consciousness.

The best visual aid that I know of that assists with this is a demonstration of the science of Cymatics. Here the sound is cranked up and the medium is quartz sand. You can see that when certain sound frequencies are attained that the geometric organization of the sand becomes much more complex. This is showing us a window into how the stuff that everything is made of, consciousness, reacts to different frequencies of consciousness.

I can only attempt to convey what the 4th dimension is like and even with that I am only going to be able to scratch the surface. Until I have actually experienced these dimensions, or anyone else for that matter, then we can only make descriptive guesses at what they are like. We actually need higher dimensional DNA in order to perceive these higher realms accurately. The 4th dimension is a seemingly material world when you are in it. The main difference that I know of is that there time is 3 dimensional and space is constant. So there you can walk fowards and move through time here. It is an inversion of space / time into time / space. This world is highly pliable to the conscious intent of its occupants. In other words, your mind becomes like a replicator on star trek.

In order for an ET craft to transit from one side of the Galaxy to the other, the craft actually has to shift its frequency out of the 4th dimensional world and into the frequency of the 3d astral. Then in this astral phase of consciousness, faster than light travel is possible using conscious intent. They can not travel distances in the 4th dimension because that is time / space. If they fly distances there, they will end up traveling through time. When we see them materialize then dematerialize their ships this is because they are simply shifting the frequency of the ship in and out of either the 3d astral or the 4d.

I can only guess what the higher dimensions than the 4th are like. I think that the main thing to understand is that the higher the dimension the more connected you are with the creator of this Universe. Each dimension is getting one step closer to being completely reintegrated with the consciousness of the creator. The creator is 8th dimensional and is about to ascend to the 9th. That is what the end of the 16.4 billion year long cycle of the Baktune long count Mayan calendar is all about. That is the end of an evolutionary cycle for the entire universe. At that point the creator of this universe will become more integrated with the multiverse than ever before which should have some interesting effects.

Last edited by tone3jaguar; 10-20-2009 at 01:40 PM.
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Old 10-20-2009, 01:38 PM   #455
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Their alliance is with the creator of all that is. Their plan is to strategically integrate earth into the galactic community.
So, they are 4th dimensional, allied with the creator (did they say which one?), and want to integrate us... I'm not so sure they have our best interest at heart.
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Old 10-20-2009, 02:18 PM   #456
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

[QUOTE=no caste;179548]Are these video feeds still going to Obama's office? I doubt it.

Oh What the Snap! Here goes! -

You misunderstood me over the videos. I have no clue if the ones on this forum are directed to Obama. BUT the ones that are on anything coming from CCZimmerman or Asthar.................deffinately are. That was the video that was posted when I made the remark

It showed his link as a subscriber. Once you subscribe to a site they are forward along.

I really care less what the IP is as mentioned as even I know how to change that around.........Links are a different story
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Old 10-20-2009, 02:27 PM   #457
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

This forum projectavalon.net? I don't see those names (Asthar and CCZimmerman) on the member list.
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Old 10-20-2009, 02:32 PM   #458
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Sarahmay View Post
So, they are 4th dimensional, allied with the creator (did they say which one?), and want to integrate us... I'm not so sure they have our best interest at heart.
Which one? There is only one creator of this universe. Some polytheistic cultures of the past categorized different aspects of the creator and called these categorizations gods. They are just aspects of the creator of all that is, just like we are.

Like I said, if they where up to no good then why would they wait this long to show up? If there where this many nefarious ET's out there then we would have been taken over long ago. They are waiting for the planet to invite them by letting go of our karmic cycles. This time draws near.

I will say that I think that it will happen after the end of the 6th Day on the Baktune long count Mayan Calendar which is mid Nov. How long after this I have no idea.
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Old 10-20-2009, 03:06 PM   #459
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
I will say that I think that it will happen after the end of the 6th Day on the Baktune long count Mayan Calendar which is mid Nov. How long after this I have no idea.
Check FRIday 13th November ... 9 months EXACTLY takes us to FRIday 13th August 2010
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Old 10-20-2009, 03:09 PM   #460
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

2 different replays to same question...some similarities yet still a lot of differences

I read them both (followed the links etc) so thx for the answer
Also a nice video...perhaps this is how crop circles are formed...just a guess

I wish I had a magic wand
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Old 10-20-2009, 05:08 PM   #461
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Spregovori View Post
2 different replays to same question...some similarities yet still a lot of differences

I read them both (followed the links etc) so thx for the answer
Also a nice video...perhaps this is how crop circles are formed...just a guess

I wish I had a magic wand
The higher dimensions will all ways be subjective to describe from the consciousness of this dimension. It is just interesting stuff to think about, not need to know stuff.
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Old 10-20-2009, 07:56 PM   #462
no caste
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
You misunderstood me over the videos. I have no clue if the ones on this forum are directed to Obama. BUT the ones that are on anything coming from CCZimmerman or Asthar.................deffinately are. That was the video that was posted when I made the remark

It showed his link as a subscriber. Once you subscribe to a site they are forward along.

I really care less what the IP is as mentioned as even I know how to change that around.........Links are a different story
Thanks, mntruthseeker. I wrote President Obama a letter instead.

Last edited by no caste; 10-20-2009 at 08:08 PM.
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Old 10-21-2009, 04:08 AM   #463
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Thanks, mntruthseeker. I wrote President Obama a letter instead.
you are such a brat pffffffff right at you

I already sent him a letter complaining about you and said you probally would

CCzimmerman or ashtar are not members here. This was all related to the video below. Check the subscribers.............one is directly linked back to obamas web site............

Last edited by mntruthseeker; 10-22-2009 at 02:55 AM.
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Old 10-21-2009, 08:00 PM   #464
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Update 10/21/09

Number of mother ships parked around Earth 1033

Number of craft parked inside the mother ships 20,333

Number of Supply Ships 49

Number of Et's on the ships = 1,842,142
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Old 10-21-2009, 08:45 PM   #465
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM


Aren't they a bit early?
Don't they have anything better to do while we "wise up" ?
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Old 10-21-2009, 08:46 PM   #466
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Fredkc View Post

Aren't they a bit early?
Don't they have anything better to do while we "wise up" ?
I bet they have a LOT of popcorn.
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Old 10-21-2009, 10:43 PM   #467
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Fredkc View Post

Aren't they a bit early?
Don't they have anything better to do while we "wise up" ?
I don't know, that is a political question that you will have to ask them.
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Old 10-22-2009, 03:28 AM   #468
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Old 10-22-2009, 03:32 AM   #469
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Could be fake, but worth posting

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Old 10-22-2009, 03:57 AM   #470
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
you are such a brat pffffffff right at you

I already sent him a letter complaining about you and said you probally would
Great, then maybe he'll notice it in the, wait, I copied from the auto thank you, tens of thousands of messages from Americans each day. It's funny that you use the word 'brat,' since it's on my list of very important definitions. Anyway, for the record:

Hello President Obama,

I want to inform you that I am in full support of, and feel identical to, this video letter to you sent by Charlie Sheen. [link] It is ditto from me.

Additionally, I feel a strong respect for many Americans who have researched what I feel is a criminal and convoluted cover-up, let alone what appear to be actual complicity of government officials in the attacks. It is a testament to truth that civilians have been busy for years, trying to resolve unanswered (and incorrectly answered) questions about September 11th, 2001.

Here is one public thread which actually closes the case:

In addition, it's been suggested that "Hayden and the NSA- the most ignored "9/11 connection"?

Gen. Michael V. Hayden, currently [sic: 1999–2005] Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence has also served as Commander of the Air Intelligence Agency and as Director of the Joint Command and Control Warfare Center. But more important, he was also former head of the NSA (March 1999 - April 2005). The role of the NSA regarding 9/11, and ironically also the 9/11 truth 'community', is consequently dismissed and ignored by many '9/11 truthseekers'....

I urge you to support a proper truth commission report, which may include considerations of the Oklahoma bombings, CIA assets (foreign nationals) and secret mind control programs of the US government, if warranted.


PS I have chosen this as a non-policy comment, because there is no satisfactory public policy regarding citizen surveillance (or 'weaponization'), government criminality, US black operations meddling in other countries, etc.
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Old 10-22-2009, 01:22 PM   #471
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post

I was wrong, the helicopter was real. This explains the high production values:

Don't you just love viral marketing?

Here's an additional note for the "Something brewing" aspect of this. The green ET near the end, the one with the multiple dangly bits for a nose, is very similar to one a friend of mine has seen repeatedly in meditation. Her opinion is that it is not a coincidence.

Last edited by Jnana; 10-22-2009 at 02:28 PM. Reason: note on green ET
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Old 10-22-2009, 07:58 PM   #472
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

From another thread

You will meet your Galactic brothers and sisters in all planes simultaneously, including the physical plane. At this very moment there are more than one million star-ships around your planet and everything is going according to the Confederation’s plan. On each one of those ships are thousands of volunteers, highly trained, who are working eagerly to bring about the change needed for massive awakening of your collective.
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Old 10-22-2009, 08:35 PM   #473
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I can go along with that Swammy I am finding that message all over now a days. Not only that they are around us, but right here with us.

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Old 10-23-2009, 12:25 AM   #474
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Someone over on the CSETI forums copied my technique of asking the craft to show up then snapping pictures. Here is the pic

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Old 10-23-2009, 12:27 AM   #475
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Oh way kool
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