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Old 11-11-2008, 05:25 AM   #51
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Classic doctrines of demons. They revel in ambiguity and circular reasoning.

And why shouldn't they? You give them legal right to by suppressing and hating the truth of God.

I am begging you folks, for your own protection, stop consulting with demons before it is too late. What do you have to loose to investigate this? Do it while you still have time.
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Old 11-11-2008, 10:27 PM   #52
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

o ye of little faith...

If I closed my ears to the Holy Spirit, where would we be?

I understand how opening yourself up can allow demonic possession, but if you are protected by the one, it is just a peaceful walk on the beach...

The problem with the world is so many like you that are capable of receiving messages, have been taught not to.
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Old 11-11-2008, 10:51 PM   #53
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

The Battle with Abaddon is over...

The Devil's Abyss

Went to the martyr and saw it was there
hopelessly lost and drowning in despair

Hearts of frozen steel spinning dangerous lies
Evil hatred burning dark through their eyes
Quietly follow the path into the depths of hell
Nightmares and horrors too wicked to tell

Seal is broken chains lie empty in the cage
The beast has escaped in a firey rage
Reaching into the trinity drawing Michael's sword
Quietly praying, asking for strength from my Lord

Bells of Heaven, Angels marching forward strong
The power of pure hearts heard through their song,
Evil cringes, hiding from the light
Chains wrap its limbs, dragging into the night

charred memories, tears of hope, gentle wings touch the land
rainbow of life growing, coming together hand in hand.

Copyright ©2008 Rocky Shorz
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Old 11-14-2008, 11:36 PM   #54
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Default Orbs at the Obama Rally in Chicago

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Old 11-15-2008, 12:54 AM   #55
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Love the orbs.
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Old 11-15-2008, 05:12 AM   #56
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

I don't know "who" Obama the man is- I voted 3rd party. I do know that the hope leading up to the election of so many and then the win changed something in the energy of this country, probably the planet. And it was a good feeling- still is! This election it was HOPE vs FEAR. Hope won.

What will Obama do? I don't know what he plans to do for real or what others plan for him to do. I do know, though, that the energy has shifted and the vibration is HIGH. Is it not true that when lower vibrations are surrounded by higher vibrations that the lower have to rise to match the higher? So what does that mean regarding our govt?

Obama is a manifestation of US. If we don't continue on this path of hope and joy it will only be because we have allowed our collective vibration to lower by falling back into a fear/negativity cycle. Whether our system changes for the better or worse it will be because of us, not one man. Keep shining.
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Old 11-15-2008, 02:14 PM   #57
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

judging by the people he surrounds himself with, the support he gets media wise, the ludicrous promises he exposes(he reminds me of a cheerleader for the super bowl, definitely the aipak poster boy ). aipcac who controls the u.s.a. will do anything to accomplish their goals. he seems to be nothing more than an emotional fisherman. and yes he has netted a lot of fish. the direction he appears to be taking us already, going by his,"appointees" looks like the same old "path of destruction". i'm only guessing that because it's not important to him that he be a natural born citizen of the u.s.a. that his appointments to highly sensitive positions, having dual citizenship and more loyalty to to foreign countries is a prerequisite. i don't think he brings anything special just because he is black(a good scapegoat), or buy into that it's a new paradigm when americans can elect a black. i don't want to see americans turned into second class citizens for"world diplomacy". on the contrary i think he"s handing out rose colored glasses to those who can't grab them fast enough who buy into that dream. listen, there are only two kinds of people in the world, either you are right or you are not right. the world is watching to see what he will do with the opportunity of the millennium. to coin a phrase "i'm from missouri,and i'll believe it when i see it".show me cause we ain't seen nothing yet! i do however wish him luck and will do my best to support my president, my country and its' constitution, as a patriot.
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Old 11-21-2008, 12:53 AM   #58
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Personally, I'd have to look at who Obama is surrounding himself with, his cabinet picks. Not one of his picks is on the side of light. It is reported that he isn't even a US citizen, that he had gay relationships with his pastor and choir leader { who was found dead} , smoked crack with a gay man while a senator. He has no shining record of accomplishment in the senate. He was first term and didn't finish that.I hope for the best but***** I don't think he is the anti-christ, but I do feel he is a false prophet. He is where he is at because of the powers that be. Does Mind Control ring a bell, folks??? The sheeple have done their job. It really looks like another Clinton era cabinet.

Now, on a positive note, All is as it should be. I don't care what any of the controllers do, THEY CAN NOT SURVIVE THE LIGHT!!!!! Our universe will be fully in the photon belt soon. What we see in the news shows me that the dark ones are failing fast. Their ballout isn't working. Truth of the world powers is being revealed. Fear not my friends. We are moving into GOD's light and love. Things are accelerating daily towards a rebirth of earth and the enlightened ones of us should be able to feel it inside. I don't believe there is one in power now that shall not be changed or eliminated from the realm we are about to enter. It's all birthing pains folks.

Be at peace with yourself, share love with everyone you encounter. Many will not respond but you plant a seed when you share love. It's sad that many will not make it to higher ground but their soul will continue on for GOD would have that none should perish. All are being given the chance to live in the everlasting light. It just gonna take some a couple million more years to wake up. hehheeh

Love and Light
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Old 11-21-2008, 02:11 AM   #59
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
Thank you, Theresa. Lovely.
It does not matter who he surrounds himself with. What matters is what, HE DOES. It does not matter, who he puts around himself... Keep your friends close, your enemies closer... It will be HIS actions that define him. Not who is in his circle. What his thoughts are ,and the actions he takes, not what advisers say, thats important. He is not even yet really the President and already look, at all who are ready to fry him. Yes it may look like Business as usual, but we must wait and see what he finally does, to make any judgement. I still have a great feeling, about the man, and have great hopes, for his tenure. All I know is that since the election, I feel much less angst about still being in the country, and indeed Have less of a push, from my heart to leave. I feel a great relief about the feelings of the World, compared to when Bush was pulling my strings every day, and I just wanted out, ASAP. I still want out, as it is morally and economically, not my energy to remain here, but Im not feeling as pushed as I was, before Obama won, and for that I am grateful. I have not been this relaxed and calm for that last 2 terms with the NeoCon leadership in play. Although many of the players he is signing up are from those administrations, I feel and pray, they will be newly aware, with this man at the Helm. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt till he proves me wrong. Just perhaps he will not embarrass us all as Bush did. That will be wonderful.

He still must operate in the broken machine and if he fixed it all at once, he would surely be 'permanently' removed. Even if he could fix it, it will take more time than he has available. What he can do is lesson the damages accrued by Bush and the prior administrations, and by doing, lesson the severity, of the needed and just corrections we see coming, with the Harvest. That would be a great victory in itself. Anything more he could do, would just be gravy. The corrections we need must come on a global scale. No one President has the power to do what is surely needed, but he could be a step in the right direction!

Last edited by efields; 11-21-2008 at 02:21 AM.
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Old 11-21-2008, 03:29 AM   #60
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Best interview with David Wilcock yet. Lot of important info on Obama. He nailed it.

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Old 11-21-2008, 11:55 AM   #61
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by msv View Post
Best interview with David Wilcock yet. Lot of important info on Obama. He nailed it.

Yes great Interview and Great information. Nailed it He Did.... One of his best interviews I agree.

So Obama is sort of a Useful Idiot and does not have a clue about any of the info on these Boards of even the Illuminati. Now that sounds perfect. When and IF he discovers it all what will he do.... Probably not what they would like, thats nearly a given. No wonder they are so fearful of his leadership. I have been saying since I first heard him speak "he reminds me of JFK". We shall see if he can remain true to his visions. Hope for us all....
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Old 11-22-2008, 03:19 AM   #62
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Old 11-22-2008, 03:21 AM   #63
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
The pope is the anti-christ...........I also heard many say it was blair or prince phillip. I'm saying its the pope. the big deciever of all !!!!!!
The info I have is that the "antichrist" is the Catholic church, so that would include the pope as a supporter of the "antichrist" energy that the church has taken on and become more so in the past 50 years. The church certainly hasn't been true to the teachings of the Christ, so therefore anti - Christ. All other pointing of the finger at others is just the usual distraction away from the truth.
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Old 11-22-2008, 04:39 AM   #64
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

I loved this thread...as a Brit looking over expectantly at you guys, all i can say is: NOTHING can be worse than Bush

love and peace
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Old 11-22-2008, 05:55 AM   #65
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by piers2210 View Post
I loved this thread...as a Brit looking over expectantly at you guys, all i can say is: NOTHING can be worse than Bush

love and peace
What about your Gordon Brown and his speed camera and congestion charge cronies?
Bill "the Doctor"
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Old 11-22-2008, 06:48 AM   #66
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Hi there Doctor Who....you're right maybe Gordon Brown is worse hehe

We've got the most surveillance cameras in public places of any nation on earth. hmm

I hope Obama works out.....but....but he is inheriting a mess.
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Old 01-25-2009, 09:13 PM   #67
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

I think that labelling Obama "saviour" or "antichrist" is completely out of proportion. He is neither, just an opportunist, who has been given an offer, he can't refuse. It is very difficult to believe, that he has not been aware all along, that he did not qualify to run for president, because he was not "a natural born citizen" i.e. someone, who has two American parent and is born on American soil. OBVIOUSLY he doesn't qualify!

What really gets me is, how many Americans do not THINK at all, but just let themselves be carried away and a time, when their country needs a good, strong leader more than ever.

I think he will have to paid quite a price for the fraud, he has committed and boy and I ever glad, I am not in his shoes!

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Old 01-30-2009, 10:53 PM   #68
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by Ali Quadir View Post
Jesus said: Judge the tree by the fruit it produces... So far Obama looks good.

It'd be awesome if he was a lightworker. But there's still this prophecy of an antichrist lingering in the back of my mind. If something is to good to be true, it usually is... And the point about the antichrist is that initially he looks like a long hoped for savior that will bring the needed changes....

And... Er... Well.... However the difference is he's already warning people that he will need their help. So even though he guides it will still be the people themselves fixing things. Which is good. Savior = bad

I'm not saying he is, or is not. I honestly do not know. Just that I would very much like him to be but I grew suspicious of life on this planet. The way he moves his body the way kids respond to him and every vibe I pick up from him are positive.
Almost 3 months after this was posted, I still agree with it. Time will tell, but still on the fence. The anti-christ will be a great deceiver.

If he is truly a lightworker, lets hope he steps in to stop the BS in Gaza!!!
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Old 01-30-2009, 11:09 PM   #69
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by piers2210 View Post
Hi there Doctor Who....you're right maybe Gordon Brown is worse hehe

We've got the most surveillance cameras in public places of any nation on earth. hmm

I hope Obama works out.....but....but he is inheriting a mess.

I heard from a sourde that Brown is a Ped...... well you know....I dont mean a pedalist put it that way - and he may also be a clone!!!

not really surprising if either were true, what do you think??
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Old 01-31-2009, 12:59 AM   #70
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

One of my reactions to B&K's interview with RS was "Well that explains why Gordon Brown is blind in one eye."

Love to all because the PTB are the PTB in order to wake us up!
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Old 01-31-2009, 01:52 AM   #71
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by david pavlak View Post
As one who has only recently become a visitor to this site, and after reading all the comments in this particular thread, I have to say that I am a little bit suprised about all the references to an "anti-christ".

For, you see, there is no such creture as an "anti-christ" or any creature known as "satan". All these beings are inventions from mens' religions. Man has for centuries confused his many religions with the universal consciousness known as God, thinking that they are one in the same thing.

I apologize in advance for any offense taken by other readers.
You may be right in a spiritual sense. However, these prophecies are so important to the dark humans on earth that I believe they will stop at nothing to make sure that these prophecies are fulfilled.

Project Blue Beam?
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Old 01-31-2009, 04:56 AM   #72
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by bodzoyfa View Post
You may be right in a spiritual sense. However, these prophecies are so important to the dark humans on earth that I believe they will stop at nothing to make sure that these prophecies are fulfilled.

Project Blue Beam?
Yes I actually agree with both of you. The PTB 's plan is to use the book of revelations as a "screenplay" to reenact the written prophesy. I have read where the true meaning of satan is actually ego.

Time will tell which side Obama is working for. I hope that he is a white hat and working for the right side.

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Old 01-31-2009, 09:22 PM   #73
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There is NO Antichrist, just as there is no hell, and there is no satan, except in the minds of few who created those entities to instill fear, and exact control over the many, and those who choose to believe in their existence.
Obama,s function as a "Lightworker" is to anchor the Light and expose the truth. In order to fulfil his mission, "which includes the whole of earth" he has to surround himself with certain personages, and take action that at this moment may be deemed unacceptable or curious, to say the least. However, so far everything is unfolding exactly the way it should. The feathers of the remaining Dark Puppets, are, and will continue to be ruffled, but who should care??? Remember, there is nothing to worry about, "The Universe Is Always On Time"
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