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Old 03-12-2010, 10:26 PM   #76
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Default Re: Being humble - a key to eternity

Never "MIND" Beren, (I know you dont)
Come on I will buy you a nice frothy pint of Guiness.
Love love and the see what happens. You said it brother.
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:33 PM   #77
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Default Re: Being humble - a key to eternity

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
Never "MIND" Beren, (I know you dont)
Come on I will buy you a nice frothy pint of Guiness.
Love love and the see what happens. You said it brother.

Haha Chris, you `re the man!

You know last time when I was in London , I enjoyed Guinness in some Red Spanish Bar near Oxford St.

But I believe beers are better near the lochs in water town pub`s

Love, love and see what happens.
You can never miss with that!
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:34 PM   #78
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Default multiverse...

Originally Posted by beren View Post

There are things in universe that we are not aware of, a lot of them.
it takes humility to acknowledge that.

There are universes in universes, out there is a multiverse in multiverse,
millions of stars...oceans of stars......

I feel JOY to have been able to come to this planet for a moment -
to experience ...

It takes a brave soul to fly and feel it all in eternity,

no seatbelts or humbleness needed...

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Old 03-12-2010, 10:38 PM   #79
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Default Re: A Course of Miracles

Originally Posted by Juho William Tauriainen View Post
False ego is an adversary, yes... but it is there to be transcended through forgiveness and spiritual work - a catalyst for growth and evolution. So it is really our friend! And humility is needed always. I don't know if it's a key to anything in particular, or a "first" step. It's one lesson among many. Some may be working on different lessons at the moment. Others may come by their humility as naturally as breathing. For you perhaps it is timely, since you started this thread. Thanks for giving us all something to ponder on our own, personal journeys.

Thank you for great reply!

Being humble is always a first step . Then when you learn and experience more , when you fold it in your soul ,occasionally comes ego to question your effort or progress to eventually divert you.
Then humility comes back to really help you carry on.

One may think that has learned enough. But really where is the limit to Creator`s children?

Humility is a worthy key to open doors which are deliberately placed in front us on our life journey.
If you don`t have a key- sorry.
Doors can not be jammed or broken.
Go back where you left it or search the area where you cast it.
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:40 PM   #80
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Default Re: multiverse...

Originally Posted by annemirri View Post
There are universes in universes, out there is a multiverse in multiverse,
millions of stars...oceans of stars......

I feel JOY to have been able to come to this planet for a moment -
to experience ...

It takes a brave soul to fly and feel it all in eternity,

no seatbelts or humbleness needed...


It seems like we`re speaking different languages here.

What would you do if Jesus Christ came right now in your room and wished to speak with you?
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:47 PM   #81
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Default Re: multiverse...

Originally Posted by beren View Post
It seems like we`re speaking different languages here.

What would you do if Jesus Christ came right now in your room and wished to speak with you?
He did ! It was about nine ten years ago.

I woke up during the night,

it was like "silver" vacuum that blocked my ears.

I felt lifted in my bed to a very bright silver light, and I heard a voice,
he said something to me, his voice was so familiar, kind...

and I asked him twice;
" are you really jesus" "that jesus the christians talk about"

and he laughed so heartily...very strange, someone was fooling me.

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Old 03-12-2010, 10:51 PM   #82
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Default Re: multiverse...

Originally Posted by annemirri View Post
He did ! It was about nine ten years ago.

I woke up during the night,

it was like "silver" vacuum that blocked my ears.

I felt lifted in my bed to a very bright silver light, and I heard a voice,
he said something to me, his voice was so familiar, kind...

and I asked him twice;
" are you really jesus" "that jesus the christians talk about"

and he laughed so heartily...very strange, someone was fooling me.

I don`t think that was him
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Old 03-12-2010, 10:51 PM   #83
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Default Re: Being humble - a key to eternity

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
What about positive thinking and self esteem? Are they in harmony with the teachings of Jesus? Are they a new religion which is out of harmony with the words attributed to Christ? What is the underlying principle in the four gospels? Is it positive thinking and self esteem, or something else? Without going into a proof text rant, I must say that I find positive thinking much more biblical than self esteem! Faith is closely related to positive thinking, and is well thought of in scripture in general, and the teachings of Jesus in particular. On the other hand, self esteem is closely related to pride, and is decidedly not well thought of in scripture in general, and the teachings of Jesus in particular. An extreme rendition of the joining of positive thinking and self esteem is 'I Am God'...which is not something that the Bible encourages its readers to go around proclaiming!

The problem is self delusion and self centeredness. Not facing reality is a form of lying...to yourself! Self exaltation is self centered. Self degradation is also self centered. The religion contained in the teachings of Jesus is a religion of responsibility! To be responsible is to face reality...see it clearly...formulate a responsible course of action...and then to implement this plan. It is duty centered! The focus is external...not internal! When someone lives responsibly, the byproduct is appropriate positive AND negative thinking (which includes both faith and doubt), and an appropriate self image. They are the fruit...not the root! In other words, positive delusion is not the solution to negative delusion, and self exaltation is not the solution to self degradation! Responsibility trumps both positive thinking and self esteem! The religion of positive thinking and self esteem is not the religion of the teachings of Jesus. The religion of responsibility is the religion of Jesus! We should seek the exaltation of the Human Race...rather than the exaltation of ourselves. Pride goes before a fall...but so does a lack of confidence! Balance prevents a fall!

Please don't misunderstand my seemingly harsh stance on positive thinking and self esteem. A negative thinking and self degrading Christianity opened the door wide open to these teachings. They have come as a breath of fresh air to millions of people around the world! But some have found Peale appalling and Paul appealing! Teaching and preaching centered in postive thinking and self esteem have been corrective...but they should not be normative! A religion of responsibility, as found in the teachings of Jesus is, in my view, the normative standard! The humble often submit to the proud. Refuse to kneel before tyrants! Stand tall...and lift!

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom
I am not a potted plant! I am not I am! I am somebody!

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 03-12-2010 at 11:05 PM.
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Old 03-12-2010, 11:00 PM   #84
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Default Re: multiverse...

Originally Posted by beren View Post
I don`t think that was him
as I am not humble enough to meet him ?

But, why did the angel like beings with the spacecraft come to see me...?
(and that was even in police reports, all that...)

and then somebody saw an angel behind me in a cafe...
very weird, indeed.
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Old 03-12-2010, 11:04 PM   #85
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Default Re: Being humble - a key to eternity

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
I am not a potted plant! I am somebody!
Oh honey, you are too smart for us! It takes time to digest.
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Old 03-12-2010, 11:12 PM   #86
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Default Re: multiverse...

Originally Posted by annemirri View Post
as I am not humble enough to meet him ?

But, why did the angel like beings with the spacecraft come to see me...?
(and that was even in police reports, all that...)

and then somebody saw an angel behind me in a cafe...
very weird, indeed.
With respect you are not actually saying what you believe except in yourself and yes thats enough. Your saying what you dont believe in. That ok too but I would like to hear where you are coming from.
Dont think Angels would need a space craft not that I disbelieve you saw Angel like beings.
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Old 03-12-2010, 11:22 PM   #87
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Default Re: multiverse...

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post

not actually saying what you believe except in yourself and yes thats enough.

but I would like to hear where you are coming from.

Dont think Angels would need a space craft not that I disbelieve you saw Angel like beings.
What do you mean by asking where I am coming from ?
I don't really understand.

I do not have any masters, spiritual teachers...
or any books, ideas, religions, ideologies that I would promote, or even suggest to anyone else to read or study.

I am open minded, open to learn more.

(p.s I did not just see them, I went into their spacrcaft, and I flew away with them, or maybe...that is why I do not believe in anything that is taught here on planet Earth, I find all that quite amusing, to be honest.

Hmmm...maybe I believe in universal laws to be free...without limitations.)

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Old 03-12-2010, 11:31 PM   #88
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Default Re: multiverse...

Originally Posted by annemirri View Post
What do you mean by asking where I am coming from ?
I don't really understand.

I do not have any masters, spiritual teachers...
or any books, ideas, religions, ideologies that I would promote, or even suggest to anyone else to read or study.

I am open minded, open to learn more.

(p.s I did not just see them, I went into their spacrcaft, and I flew away with them, or maybe...that is why I do not believe in anything that is taught here on planet Earth, I find all that quite amusing, to be honest.

Hmmm...maybe I believe in universal laws to be free...without limitations.)
Thats fine and thanks, you answered my question.
An enlightened being does not need anything either and smiles at our lack of understanding and is also completely free except for the law of Karma which is a universal law. Consequences for every action, thought word and deed. Good Karma is there for all, has to be earned though. Thats the law.

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Old 03-13-2010, 08:54 AM   #89
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Default Re: Being humble - a key to eternity

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Hello dear !
I like your back-to-basics thing!

Reminds me of a part of the U2 song Mysterious ways, where you hear - If you wanna kiss the sky ,better learn how to kneel -

Yea, Beren ...... totally inspired line.! and i think that means there's no either/or here ..... but BOTH. so, it's sorta like you can't have the sky without the earth ... not if you're human, at least.

I LOVE U2!! Good lyrics, good rock n roll, Celtic brothers.

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Old 03-13-2010, 09:25 AM   #90
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Default New Paradigm

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post

What about positive thinking and self esteem?

Are they in harmony with the teachings of Jesus?

Are they a new religion which is out of harmony with the words attributed to Christ?
We as a human race are destined to reach for the stars,
evolve to widen our experiences, lives, to other dimensions, vibrations, frequencies, you choose the right words,

and there we cannot any longer talk about "Christ" or "jesus".

WE have to find the inner truth in ourselves without any masters,
religious figures.

I read all the posts in this thread again,
and it really saddens me to feel the narrow mindedness,

if I say that I am not "humble" bow my head whatever I face in life,
it does not mean that I am arrogant, self centered, loveless being who demands love and respect without giving anything back,

why cannot you see ?

It is tough love.

When I was a child, I was a very shy and loving being,
but when the spacecraft came I did not hesitate a moment, but my more humble brother was cautious,
it was not for us, and stayed behind by the window looking at me when I was ready to step into a new dimension,

new experiences which literally opened a new universe for me.

What could be more enlightening than that ?

The truth is there will more who will soon face the same choices,
to be humble or take your chances ? some will be left behind.

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Old 03-13-2010, 09:35 AM   #91
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Default An Eagle

Originally Posted by RedeZra View Post

perhaps the Phoenix soars in the sky in humble gratitude

for the transformation of the tail

A humble being won't fly above others, above the clouds, to seek the Sun.

The Eagle/ Phoenix is free, full of joy and light.

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Old 03-13-2010, 09:47 AM   #92
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Default Re: New Paradigm

Originally Posted by annemirri View Post
We as a human race are destined to reach for the stars,
evolve to widen our experiences, lives, to other dimensions, vibrations, frequencies, you choose the right words,

and there we cannot any longer talk about "Christ" or "jesus".

WE have to find the inner truth in ourselves without any masters,
religious figures.

I read all the posts in this thread again,
and it really saddens me to feel the narrow mindedness,

if I say that I am not "humble" bow my head whatever I face in life,
it does not mean that I am arrogant, self centered, loveless being who demands love and respect without giving anything back,

why cannot you see ?

It is tough love.

When I was a child, I was a very shy and loving being,
but when the spacecraft came I did not hesitate a moment, but my more humble brother was cautious,
it was not for us, and stayed behind by the window looking at me when I was ready to step into a new dimension,

new experiences which literally opened a new universe for me.

What could be more enlightening than that ?

The truth is there will more who will soon face the same choices,
to be humble or take your chances ? some will be left behind.

I dont have the slightest problem with this A.
Its a question of definition of humility.
I kneel only before God and that is my personal understanding of God, not of any books though they helped, but the experience of being loved which rendered me incapable of speaking for two days, just filled with bliss and love for and seeing the love in all.
However I accept the law of gravity and other cosmic laws that come from a Supreme Intelligence that I call God for want of a better name.

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Old 03-13-2010, 03:43 PM   #93
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Default the humble man

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post

I kneel only before God ....
just filled with bliss and love for and seeing the love in all.
your humility is breaking my heart,
but more than that my heart is aching from finding you labelling yourself
as a recovering alcoholic for the rest of your life.

I am not any kind of teacher, but please, do not do it.
It was just one step in your life, and you are over it now.

Life can give you much more, you are a scorpio EAGLE like me.

your friend,
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Old 03-13-2010, 03:53 PM   #94
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Default Re: New Paradigm

Originally Posted by annemirri View Post
We as a human race are destined to reach for the stars,

and there we cannot any longer talk about "Christ" or "jesus".

WE have to find the inner truth in ourselves without any masters,
religious figures.

I read all the posts in this thread again,
and it really saddens me to feel the narrow mindedness,

why cannot you see ?

The truth is there will more who will soon face the same choices,
to be humble or take your chances ? some will be left behind.

Is it not narrow minded to call my reference to the words attributed to Jesus..."narrow minded"? I have decided to follow Jesus. Though none go with me...still I will follow. No turning back. You seem to have missed the crux of what I was attempting to communicate. This saddens me. Having said that...I have repeatedly stated that the first and last commandment should be 'Thou Shalt Have No Gods'. Can I not attempt to harmonize my life with the words attributed to Jesus....without having a God...in the generally accepted sense? I'm going to repeat my original comment one last time. Please comment on the actual content of the post.

What about positive thinking and self esteem? Are they in harmony with the teachings of Jesus? Are they a new religion which is out of harmony with the words attributed to Christ? What is the underlying principle in the four gospels? Is it positive thinking and self esteem, or something else? Without going into a proof text rant, I must say that I find positive thinking much more biblical than self esteem! Faith is closely related to positive thinking, and is well thought of in scripture in general, and the teachings of Jesus in particular. On the other hand, self esteem is closely related to pride, and is decidedly not well thought of in scripture in general, and the teachings of Jesus in particular. An extreme rendition of the joining of positive thinking and self esteem is 'I Am God'...which is not something that the Bible encourages its readers to go around proclaiming!

The problem is self delusion and self centeredness. Not facing reality is a form of lying...to yourself! Self exaltation is self centered. Self degradation is also self centered. The religion contained in the teachings of Jesus is a religion of responsibility! To be responsible is to face reality...see it clearly...formulate a responsible course of action...and then to implement this plan. It is duty centered! The focus is external...not internal! When someone lives responsibly, the byproduct is appropriate positive AND negative thinking (which includes both faith and doubt), and an appropriate self image. They are the fruit...not the root! In other words, positive delusion is not the solution to negative delusion, and self exaltation is not the solution to self degradation! Responsibility trumps both positive thinking and self esteem! The religion of positive thinking and self esteem is not the religion of the teachings of Jesus. The religion of responsibility is the religion of Jesus! We should seek the exaltation of the Human Race...rather than the exaltation of ourselves. Pride goes before a fall...but so does a lack of confidence! Balance prevents a fall!

Please don't misunderstand my seemingly harsh stance on positive thinking and self esteem. A negative thinking and self degrading Christianity opened the door wide open to these teachings. They have come as a breath of fresh air to millions of people around the world! But some have found Peale appalling and Paul appealing! Teaching and preaching centered in postive thinking and self esteem have been corrective...but they should not be normative! A religion of responsibility, as found in the teachings of Jesus is, in my view, the normative standard! The humble often submit to the proud. Refuse to kneel before tyrants! Stand tall...and lift!

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 03-13-2010 at 04:10 PM.
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Old 03-13-2010, 04:07 PM   #95
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Default Re: New Paradigm

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
Is it not narrow minded to call my reference to the words attributed to Jesus..."narrow minded"? I have decided to follow Jesus. Though none go with me...still I will follow. No turning back. You seem to have missed the crux of what I was attempting to communicate. This saddens me. Having said that...I have repeatedly stated that the first and last commandment should be 'Thou Shalt Have No Gods'. Can I not attempt to harmonized my life with the words attributed to Jesus....without having a God...in the generally accepted sense?

Ortho ,
I can understand that.

In fact I tried to think it over but the more I did the more it was obvious to me that I can not escape God.
He is everywhere. I walk on his Earth, breathe his air, eat from the fruits on Earth .

My soul is a particle of him, there fore HIS. I did't decided to create myself, he parted a piece of himself and created me.

And beside all he gave me free will.

I am humbled by that.

Even if I or you think tomorrow that we are separate from God, we are in fact not.
Simply it is not possible. Maybe only to disintegrate our self. To ask Creator to unmade us.

Otherwise all roads leads to Creator whether we acknowledge that or not.
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Old 03-13-2010, 04:37 PM   #96
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Default Re: the humble man

Originally Posted by annemirri View Post
your humility is breaking my heart,
but more than that my heart is aching from finding you labelling yourself
as a recovering alcoholic for the rest of your life.

I am not any kind of teacher, but please, do not do it.
It was just one step in your life, and you are over it now.

Life can give you much more, you are a scorpio EAGLE like me.

your friend,
Honestly annemiri I am not actually labeling my self. The body has an allergy to alcohol I cannot deny that, therefore I do what it takes to look after the body
I dont put any head above mine including Chris/ Greybeard. The nearest I can get to it is, and its an allegory, Chris follows me around like a faithful pet, he amuses me most of the time. I am aware of what Chris does as somehow separate from that which I am yet part of what I am .
There is a gratitude to God for this life and respect for all who have taught me.
I respect the teaching of Jesus, Christ is Jesus in oneness with God and at a different level from Jesus. I dont know if I making sense. I am endeavoring to let go of all that I am not. That takes time. Till then I respect the functions in my life. Ie I play music, I sing but thats a function not truly what I am.
Anything I feel or believe does not invalidate anything you believe annemiri. A Scottish saying.
"You know your own know best"

Thanks for your kind thoughts.
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Old 03-13-2010, 04:53 PM   #97
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Talking Re: Being humble - a key to eternity

Mr. Grey you are a humble man indeed, to recognize our own faults is not an easy thing to do. You are indeed a good brother and friend to many here, a true source of inspiration. My hat is off to you Chris and the soul who is touching mine.
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Old 03-13-2010, 05:06 PM   #98
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Default Re: Being humble - a key to eternity

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel View Post
Mr. Grey you are a humble man indeed, to recognize our own faults is not an easy thing to do. You are indeed a good brother and friend to many here, a true source of inspiration. My hat is off to you Chris and the soul who is touching mine.
Forgive my Scottish Scorpio humor.
We are both touched.
By what?????

Divine madness.

Though my God is singular the following quote applies.

"Those who the gods would love they first make mad"

Going the club anyone???

We get awful serious times my friends.

I always come back to your Quote Beren and I thank you for it.
Love love and then see what happens.
We are all touhing each other here my friend Frank.
A lot of love on this thread
Thanks Beren for a place of sanity.

Brothers and Sisters in arms

In Dire Straights???
I think not.

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Old 03-13-2010, 05:33 PM   #99
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Divine madness indeed and maybe a good glass of ale. I am not of a drinker but as they say down my parts, yo voy a mi ! Meaning I can drink up a storm.
Jusk kidding as you all know humor is gooooooooood for the ol sooooul, opps I think I had one too many.

Love and blessings to all....
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Old 03-13-2010, 09:00 PM   #100
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Default Re: the humble man

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
Honestly annemiri I am not actually labeling my self. The body has an allergy to alcohol I cannot deny that, therefore I do what it takes to look after the body.

Ok, I am sorry,
but you tend to mention that alcoholism, being a recovering alcoholic,
in many of your posts and it felt to me like you were labelling yourself.

I am happy for you if that is not the case.

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