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Old 03-09-2010, 09:16 PM   #651
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Mother Mudra--

I was just about to log-out (after my last post) but only got so far before i realized i was heavy and aching in my spirit. So, i deliberately came back on this thread to ask you to send some more words of Truth, Light, and Love this way ..... I NEED them! ..... and then, before i could even ask, there you were with your magic of the Unified Love.

Thank you SO MUCH, sweet sister. I receive the balm for my soul that you so graciously offer us, and i extend you my deep gratitude

much love to you Mudra, Celine, Anchor, LionHeart, et al,

you sister in the eternal love of the One who Makes Us One,
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:24 PM   #652
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
so easy to point fingers, and, blame someone else
for spirit invasion/and, spirit attacks

and, yet - there is a law
- the law of attraction
and, one doesn't need to read too far into it

to discover, you are, what it is, YOU ALLOW

suit up ...
protect yourself...
& always, and, in all ways be diligent about it

there are as many timelines, as, there are people

there also is, a collective conciousness,
where everyone, is a piece of that

everything we have ever suggested to anyone,
we do it in a way, it totally protects you,
from all others, including us, by keeping things, in 100% alignment with YOU

we find it quite sad, that after, all the energy,
and, all the sharing, after 1000's of private emails,
that all these, so-called attacked people,
that many of you, do NOT choose to more closely eXamine,
the source of the root, that can block it,
thy_selves ...
yes, learn to know thy_selves

also we are aware of other things,
and, quite frankly, at this juncture,
if more of us, looked at our own roots,
and, built from there, NONE of this would happen

why is it, so many, need others, to answer their own questions ???

these answers, are your answers
~ NOT answers, others are supposed
to find for you, and, just give you the answers

we all need to get with it, and, get with ourselves

KNOW THY_SELF - or, aspects of THY SELVES

after a life, there is a review room,
during life, there should also be a review,
sometimes, when you just do NOT know,
it is time, to remove, the interference of others,
and, sit quiet, with thy_self/selves
and, discover, the 'real' answers

that is, what is called mining for your truth
and, doing it, that way,
is part of 'the responsibility' you have to deal with,
in peeling thru, all the layers of YOU

isn't it time, you all looked to the 'real' cuprit, in any equation ???

which, ironically, is always, and, will always be you,

what saddens us the most, is, that some of you,
actually were trying to hook us, up to some of these
so-called, 'the attack' senarios ~ when, in truth
we have done a lot of work, to help many people
to insure, that, they take back, their own control,
thru harnessing their own force/and, their own power
there are actually some of you,
who have been playing both sides of the table,
and, a round table, goes round, it has NO real sides
right now, my best advise, to anyone,
is this, learn to know thy_self, and, thy_selves
Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
I have to agree with the idea that anonymous accusation is insane. I can't think of a more insidious way of attacking with impunity than through anonymous accusation. Anything can be done under that blanket umbrella.

People have a right to know "was an action just, or not".
well said eXchanger and MP2.

So, where is the proof of the said accusations. I have no problem with the accusers/so-called victims staying anonymous, thats fine and well and i wish them much compasion and healing. But , to get to the truth of the matter, where is the proof? can you show it to us? Simply, redact the victim indentifying info out of the proof and show it to us, is this too much to ask?
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:26 PM   #653
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
For the sake of this post, I am going to do a channeling here for you today. The one I channel is called HIDDENFOOT.

ooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmm thump thump thump

Greetings everyone, and you too MP2,

Talk about taking a place at a table. Council of Thuban. Here's some Chinese English for ya;

Uncle John

And I swear I saw Jonah and Ross also in this list last night. That is 4 MODS plus an X-MOD with a total of 5 in MODNESS. How come SteveX isn't on the list? Does he play Igore in this group? And here is Richard taking the blunt of it as if there are no other Mods available. That's not hard to figure out is it? You don't need Universal math on that ine because a lot of these MOds are right here. Duh!

This is Hiddenfoot signing off and wishing a great day to all with Blessings for everyone. Thump Thump Thump
OMG, this is hilarious. Lil Miss chickenhawk, I've got terrible news. You're about to look very stupid. A role you don't have to take acting lesson for. That big incriminating list? It's a list of people who've visited the closet where Richard hid the Abraxas/Thuban stuff. That's all. visitors to a web page are on your list. I believe I made 2 posts the whole time, and one of them was to explain that Tango can't ban people.

Not that it's important. What is important, and going to redden your cheeks some, is that the cracks have arrived, and the light is shining and the truth is climbing out through the cracks, and hidden foot has been hiding her role as hidden hand too. Big surprised.

Oh, how delicious. Feeling that light yet? coming soon. who's been manipulating things from formerly concealed, dark little corners? why none other than our own little miss Medieval princess, ChickenHawk. Come on now. Take a bow for the folks. But put some clothes on first. Must be getting drafty there all exposed like that.

In any case, I think playing at batman would be more fun than "awwwww, I was supposed to get the pink lightsaber today. Pink is my colour. MOMMMM?

Give it a rest, Lionhawk. There are grownups playing here.
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:32 PM   #654
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post

Give it a rest, Lionhawk. There are grownups playing here.
i did not get that "feeling" last nigth MP2

i am not proud of how i feel...
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:32 PM   #655
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by beren View Post
1.What are our choices?

2.Do you wish to become a dragon kind or do you wish to grow as human-an image of Creator?

Choose wisely.
Your view is one to be contemplated...

Did the creator not create these beings as well?

are we to suggest that the infinite one was unaware of such an outcome?

Do you believe that humans are going to evolve over night like a light being switched on?

Perhaps you are of the belief that a messiah will come to save us...

I choose human evolution my friend .... although i plan on doin it withouth hate for any being created by the creator... sorry just my take..
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:35 PM   #656
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

i would very much like to share with my fellow avalonians a couple of my fav buddha dhammas

it is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.
then the victory is yours;
it cannot be taken away from you, not by angles or by demons, heaven or hell

to straighten the crooked
you must first do a hard thing'
straighten yourself

you too shall pass away,
knowing this, how can you quarrel?

i really hope that you ALL understand what i am trying to say

because i have really had enough of all of this and i know others have too.
sometimes silence is golden and calm is healing.

before anyone says oh just another person spouting love and not meaning it.........well i mean it very much i do live my life by this, for me it is the ONLY way forward though this life. i have friends here on both sides of the camp and i am so saddened that this fighting is still going on. so i would ever so gently remind folks to PLEASE be respectfull to one and another. you get what you give out that is one of the universal laws and you may like to meditate on that for a while

and so i will let you ponder on these thoughts............

love to you all
m x
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:38 PM   #657
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I hope you are prepared to relinquish some fire before letting it spew on every post...

All members of the forum should be treated with courtesy... even if they are good at pushing buttons...
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:39 PM   #658
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

don't all of you miss the days here in Avalon of absolute terror sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for the world to come to an end...

at least we all stood together...
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:39 PM   #659
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Someone should make a movie called 'Camelot and Avalon' covering the high and low points of the Bill and Kerry saga. The trouble is...it would have to be twenty hours long...and that would be after extensive editing!

Lionhawk...I liked your version of the Council of Thuban! I can't believe the drama surrounding abraxasinas and the Thuban threads! Save the drama for your mamma! We are quite the unruly bunch...aren't we!

I'm still sensing an abraxasinas/walk-in attempted defection from darkness to light. I could be wrong...and I have no idea if this attempt has been successful...or will be successful. Here's an invitation to you abraxasinas (and your walk-in)...to reject evil...and choose goodness...no matter how much it costs. I doubt that any of us have any idea whatsoever...what it would cost to be a top-level spiritual defector. I doubt that any of us have any idea whatsoever...how much it costs to keep light on this Earth. No idea.

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:40 PM   #660
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Majorion View Post
Haha, thanks for that Fred...
I'm just not understanding how this whole topic of someone getting banned has evolved into a debate about Jesus Christ, possession, demons, etc...
Everyone needs to take a chill pill IMHO
And frankly IMHO, it's brain-dead cr@p threads like this one, staying atop the "New Posts"
list for a week at a time that probably get people to stay away in droves.

I am so glad I am not a mod here. Like I tried to say politely on
  • page 6 (i believe) it's pointless,
  • page 15 that it should have been thrown in the crapper on page 2,
  • and again here on page twenty-whatever it is.
Mostly what I am getting from it is a growing decision not to bring anything serious here,
considering what this thread reveals about so many, and what topics have legs.

PS: Morguana;
I just gave it a thought. Dump this turkey in the crapper and flush.
"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

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Last edited by Fredkc; 03-09-2010 at 09:44 PM.
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:42 PM   #661
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
don't all of you miss the days here in Avalon of absolute terror sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for the world to come to an end...

at least we all stood together...
Yeah...those were the days......
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:49 PM   #662
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I never lived in terror - did I miss something?

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Old 03-09-2010, 09:55 PM   #663
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not really anchor, same old, same old at the mo

would like to share ross's words once again

I would like to say:

Energy is energy, in all its forms. We use it, play with it, share it, attract it, repel it, whatever you wish to do with it. However, using it wisely is of paramount importance to our existence.

It is most helpful, to find a moment to remind ourselves of this, as we can all indulge in 'not so productive' energy streams to then find ourselves feeling physically, and emotionally tormented in differing degrees.

You all know that you really only have control over yourself and thus your own energy, I recommend in using it wisely.


Ross H
sammasati (remember)
m x
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:55 PM   #664
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
I never lived in terror - did I miss something?

go back to sleep anchor and remember 2008 was a wonderful year...

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Old 03-09-2010, 09:57 PM   #665
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Fredkc View Post
And frankly IMHO, it's brain-dead cr@p threads like this one, staying atop the "New Posts"
list for a week at a time that probably get people to stay away in droves.
I'll second that.

These people posting are more interested in hearing themselves speak, pointing fingers and antagonizing others than in making helpful contributions.

I'm out.

Last edited by Sideshow Shaman; 03-10-2010 at 12:39 AM. Reason: even Anchor is egging them on
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:59 PM   #666
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
I never lived in terror - did I miss something?

we didn;'t either

people can't visit threads,
that are hidden from view ?

although systems likely keep a record,
of anyone who ever visited them
while they were up

as, for lionhawks comments ~ how is it, that you post laugher ?
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:03 PM   #667
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Fredkc View Post

PS: Morguana;
I just gave it a thought. Dump this turkey in the crapper and flush.
That or close it and hang it up on the Avalon wall of Shame...

but my vote is...
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:05 PM   #668
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Fredkc View Post
Thanks for the humor Fredkc, A picture sometimes can say alot! lol

Originally Posted by Ross H View Post
Hi all,

I've been tending to flood damage the last few days and have only had time to check in and semi catch up...

I would like to say:

Energy is energy, in all its forms. We use it, play with it, share it, attract it, repel it, whatever you wish to do with it. However, using it wisely is of paramount importance to our existence.

It is most helpful, to find a moment to remind ourselves of this, as we can all indulge in 'not so productive' energy streams to then find ourselves feeling physically, and emotionally tormented in differing degrees.

You all know that you really only have control over yourself and thus your own energy, I recommend in using it wisely.


Ross H
Those are wise words indeed Ross H. Thank you for reminding us ALL.

Originally Posted by gita View Post
I am astonished of how I’ve become to see all sides of the arguments in the last few pages on this thread. I’ve managed to see the wisdom expressed on both sides (whilst trying to ignore the rest and having a good giggle in the process). So I shall leave you with some wise words that I’ve come across on my travels;

“Two opposing truths can exist simultaneously in the
same space. Do not therefore assume that That Which
Opposes You is That Which Is Not Good For You.
It may be just the reverse.

So be aware and stay awake! The Law of Opposites
sometimes leads you to a Divine Dichotomy.”
Gita, thanks for the insight and for the wise words as well. We all are learning a lot here, to say otherwise is arrogance. I'm glad some of this energy, wasn't wasted

Originally Posted by hippihillbobbi View Post
Thanks, Agape. I appreciate your bringing this back around to the concept of mirrors, i.e., the "evil" we perceive in the other is typically a reflection of our own unrecognized "evil." But many people are not comfortable yet releasing the concept of duality ..... or of seeing it as a "step" on the way to Unity.

At the risk of continuing the brouhaha, i feel i must say (as, indeed, someone already has noted...MP2 perhaps) that one of the primary "Truths" that i appreciated from Abraxas and the Thuban thread (YES ... I AM ONE OF THE DRAGON-CULT MEMBERS! Fair Disclosure!!) is the emphasis put on the importance of transcending polarity, e.g., the polarity on this thread, between B&K, and in all its various forms out in the "real" world. I have been "attacked" for this concept (though not by name) by many dragon-haters here who seem to equate "transcending polarity" with ideas like "it's ok for evil dracs to eat babies and possess our souls." those of you who have studied some Buddhism or Taoism or even any "pop" western translation of these ancient philosophies can probablyl recognize this interpretation as coming from the perception that duality is real rather than illusary. but to many others of us here, it sounds instead like ya'll think "transcending polarity" is tantamount to "choosing NOT to fight with the forces of light/good against the forces of darkness/evil."

As a member (in good standing! LOL!) of the Abraxasinas/Thuban/Dragon Cult, i feel the right to assert that it has certainly been painful for me to read this entire thread, with its persistent theme of exorcism, witch hunt, inquisition, lynching, demonization. Tony/Abraxas undoubtedly can be said to be a man-with-a-mission, but he is most certainly a MAN, not a MONSTER or evil spirit or ET out either to eat us, possess our souls, sexually harrass us, or turn us into Thuban slaves!

Unless someone was harassed by Abraxas in a PM or personal E-mail (which, at the moment, i don't think we know), then HE HARASSED NO ONE!! How do i know this?!!? I was there! i have read every word of his original thread and every word posted on the threads in our "Thuban Social Group." There was no sexual harassment in any of this material! There may have been teachings re: sexuality that offended someone--either a member of the Social Group or someone just "lurking" there. But there was NOTHING that I was ever exposed to in this group nor on the public thread that could remotely be construed as sexual harassment!

If, indeed, there HAS BEEN some instance in a private message that either WAS or WAS CONSTRUED AS sexual harassment by Tony toward the "recipient," then that is another matter altogether. (and all our love and wishes for healing should go out to both "perp" and "victim.") But we DO NOT KNOW THIS at the moment, and so imo we should hold our judgment of Abraxas as a person until this IS KNOWN (if ever) one way or another. As far as the Thuban material goes, of course, everyone is free to discern/discriminate/judge its worthiness untill the cows come home, (as we say down south!). but it sure would be nice if those of you who perceive this material to be "evil, dangerous, unworthy" or whatever would AT LEAST talk respectfully to those of us who (using our own God-given powers of discernment) fail to see the same devils and demons in it and Abraxas as you do.

I Love You All, my sisters and brothers. dragon-lovers and haters alike!

Your sister in the love of Father-Mother God and her-his Son, Jesus
Hippihillbobbi, You are trully gifted, we all are in our on ways. But I just love how said it above. Took the words out my mouth/mind ,so to say.
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:22 PM   #669
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
That or close it and hang it up on the Avalon wall of Shame...

but my vote is...
fred and rocky-shorz i so agree, but it seems that when we do this folk who just cant let sleeping dogs lie goes and posts another thread.....like many headed hydra

but for the record if it was my vote then i can say its a yes

love m x
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:24 PM   #670
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
That or close it and hang it up on the Avalon wall of Shame...

but my vote is...
Well lets see who the top ten posters are to this thread at this time:

Who Posted?
Total Posts: 668
User Name Posts
Myplanet2 82
THE eXchanger 56
Céline 53
Stardustaquarion 32
Jonah 23
Rocky_Shorz 21
orthodoxymoron 19
SteveX 16
Why post if you dont like it?


Last edited by Anchor; 03-09-2010 at 10:34 PM.
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:25 PM   #671
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
Well lets see who the top ten posters are to this thread at this time:
Yes i talk alot...probably most people think i say alot of nothing..

but i know i dont.
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:29 PM   #672
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
Well lets see who the top ten posters are to this thread at this time:

Why post if you dont like it?

Because of spiritual integrity...because I care...because I love
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:30 PM   #673
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Originally Posted by Céline View Post
Yes i talk alot...probably most people think i say alot of nothing..

but i know i dont.
You wear your heart out in the open.

I dont see many people seriously complaining about the way you post.


Last edited by Anchor; 03-09-2010 at 10:36 PM.
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:32 PM   #674
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
Well lets see who the top ten posters are to this thread at this time:

Why post if you dont like it?

Dont like what?

This is NOT a thread about Thuban..never was...
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:33 PM   #675
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
Because of spiritual integrity...because I care...because I love
I like your posts.

Comment was aimed at those who posted a lot but are calling for the thread to be dumped.

I sympathise - it isnt nice to see a thread that you really dont want to read being smashed to the top of the forum new list every five seconds.

That is why I asked to see if threads can be marked unbumpable (maybe this would require a change to the forum software - probably).

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