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Old 10-31-2008, 10:36 PM   #51
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

Originally Posted by unloadedgunn View Post
The only "points" you are getting across are these: 1) I'm sure the world is full of regretful people who wished they had spoken out about their respective truths, and I won't be one of them. Nor does it seem that either Norval or Gale will be.
Thank you

While Gale and I may have not been the first to alert the PTB, governments and so on,
about the bible ET connection back in 2002 with out the religious implications, we are not
the last to have made, or are making, this connection. Good questions and thoughts
Monkey, yet we have already answered those questions and ideas if you but read our
threads and posts about what the bible says.

It is good that many would question these things about who has what authority over
whom. We could entertain many ideas or philosophies yet it comes down to this simple
point. Mankind has been given ample time to read the document submitted by that
Kingdom authority (bible) and today is about to be held accountable to it's codes and
laws, just as the rest of the sentient intelligent life of the universe does, and have agreed

We are to look at all the evidence around us, what we see is the evidence of design and
incredible engineering, and all for us. Then we have the "us" a created sentient intelligent
life form called mankind or human. This, the document clearly states. Mankind were all
born under that Kingdom governance, but because of our being created with the qualities
we possess it was demanded by some that we be tested as to those qualities. A major
part of that testing is now over and we are about to enter into full blown membership in
that Intergalactic Kingdom.

Those that opposed this governance by a King have attempted to make their point and
have lost, both in thought and deed. The majority of the peoples of the galaxies have
agreed to this governance by a King, now that same choice has been offered to mankind.
It is as simple as being in truth to your heart that you ARE a good neighbor and will
conduct yourselves accordingly towards all sentient intelligent life forms of like mind. If
not, and you decide to do harm, be assured there is someone with the authority and
power necessary, appointed to this position, that will do what is necessary if your
neighbors don't, and then deal with why the neighbors didn't deal with it.

Simple codes to live by and apply to every sentient intelligent life form in the galaxies. Our
choices to make, the decision is for each and every person to make for themselves. The
document is in most peoples hands around the world today or is now easily obtainable for
most. Mankind can now comprehend that document, the bible, for we all can entertain
the ideas of an intergalactic government, because of our technological achievements and
our knowledge of the sciences, and some of "theirs".
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Old 10-31-2008, 10:50 PM   #52
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

My own conclusion is that the bible is irrelevant.
Because it has been translated many times and butchedred at the council of nicea.
Nuff said.
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Old 11-01-2008, 04:33 AM   #53
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

I guess when the veracity, historicity, and and authenticity of the bible are ALL in question to anyone actually paying attention...and this is the ONLY document you have to base the body of your "evidence" upon, everything is at question. You could tell me the daytime sky is usually blue, and I would question it because of the utter craziness of basing so called "research" on old, archaic, and passe' mythology. But you keep on tryin' Norval, I am guessing that a guy like you will have an easy time converting those people who have been indoctrinated into formal religion, and are strong minded enough to turn their backs to it, but not QUITE strong enough to gravitate to anything that doesn't smack of patriarchal dogma. Perhaps this is exactly why you are here, to grab up all the folks disillusioned by Christianity BEFORE they find the real truth. Keep up the good fight!
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Old 11-01-2008, 05:39 AM   #54
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

This research has nothing to do with religion or a cult nor grabbing up anyone in the context you are using. It’s about the survival of the human race in the face of what is coming. It is the culmination of years of research into the sciences, the mythologies, the Bible and other ancient writings. Whereas, the Bible is the only document that has had all the answers i.e. who, what and why we humans are here; who, what and why they are here, as well as timeline.
It is obvious some will never understand.
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Old 11-01-2008, 06:00 AM   #55
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
There likely will be a revelation, or arrival, of ET's on Earth sometime, maybe soon, and they may well be from some Galactic Federation or Council or similar. I wouldn't deny that.

However, any claims by them to have the authority of the Creator himself, or by their King to be the Creator incarnate, are no more valid than can be claimed by the rest of us, as either individuals or communities.

We are all the Creator incarnate, we all have freedom and authority over our own minds.

If ET's arrived I'd be the first to want to greet them.
If they start trying to impose their own laws then that's another thing. It would then have to be an invasion and conquest for them to claim any 'authority' greater than the one's already in place over us.

If indeed they start claiming ties to the bible and judaeo-christian mythology for legitimacy in this, then I would see that as a warning sign that these could well be our own NWO types raising a false flag - following the script given in the bible, which they know many are expecting to be fulfilled.

If, on the other hand, they arrived and liberated mankind from it's present domination, bringing enlightenment, etc. I couldn't complain, yet even then it would have to be done tactfully, carefully and through open negotiation rather than military force, as between any peaceloving countries here on Earth (I know, I know...).

So I do agree that this is firstly an Exopolitical situation, which is a whole 'nother level of complexity.
I also believe there is truth to the bible stories, of ET contact, etc, but the bible is not alone, as other cultures and mythologies have just as much to offer in that regard - and the bible itself is a distillation of many of these, albeit twisted by religious/control motives, etc. as you suggest.
Good post. I wonder how the King won the war. War is won by deception and force. History is written by the victors, not by the losers. Oppression is through force and coercion. Who is this mighty Chief Commander i.e. the King?

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Old 11-01-2008, 06:19 AM   #56
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

Originally Posted by Gale View Post
Monkey and warngen, already asked and answered.
...and already responded to - but just because I haven't accepted it doesn't mean I haven't understood it - and I tried to explain why.
I thought that the conversation had progressed, having taken that into account, but I see this isn't really a conversation with you. You're here for your presentation of 'the facts' and no debate will be entered into.

Oh well, if you'd followed my posts you'd see I'm trying to present a bigger picture, in which it's clear that the Creator just wouldn't work that way.

...but since we're repeating past conversation here is one I'll QFT...
Originally Posted by unloadedgunn View Post
I have to chime in here, 100th Monkey, that YOU are more lucid, enlightened, and objective on the issues at hand than the so called, or should I say "self proclaimed" experts. I see someone here in Norval who would have us all believe he has eschewed "religious BS", and yet speaks in the same totalitarian terms as any bible thumper you would ever hope to meet.

It seems he already has his place in the New Galactic Order (or whatever this agenda being ramrodded down all our throats is called) and has no problem with the new version of the same old thing because he himself is an insider. All we need is another "concerned theological educator" to help the PTB along on their goose stepping march of manifest destiny. I am personally saddened that I have not read the word "sovereignty" in this thread once (maybe I missed it).

Seems like we are throwing out the bathwater, and replacing it with koolaid.

The bottom line for me is simple...we all have an internal compass, and inherently know right from wrong...PERIOD. WE DO NOT need a descended alien king in our affairs any more than we need a pedophile priest, a child sacrificing pope, or an adulteress stoning imam. The days of giving over our rightful birthright (or own personal godhood) to others are OVER, spread the word.
Thankyou unloadedgunn. You took the words right out of my
New Galactic Order indeed.
Norval and Gale seem to be obsessed wth judging their 'neighbours', when the only one we really have any true authority or control over is ourself. Anything else is artificial and interventionist.

Norval, I was going to say that although you've taken out the religion from the bible you've left in the very worst parts - the parts that tainted whatever good was in the religious side - the fear and control structure.
- but unloadedgunn beat me to it.
Originally Posted by Norval
The majority of the peoples of the galaxies have
agreed to this governance by a King, ...
How do you know?
Originally Posted by Gale
This research has nothing to do with religion or a cult nor grabbing up anyone in the context you are using. It’s about the survival of the human race in the face of what is coming. It is the culmination of years of research into the sciences, the mythologies, the Bible and other ancient writings.
With the conclusion that we should all willingly submit to our coming conqueror, or die in his vengeance.
Hard to see a difference.

If such a conquest happens then it will be self evident that it is not the Creator's authority being exercised, since he just doesn't do that.

Therefore we are justified in rebelling - and filled with hope in success of that resistance, since the power we resist isn't really that of the infinite creator - it just masquerades as such.

Last edited by 100thmonkey; 11-01-2008 at 06:30 AM.
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Old 11-01-2008, 06:27 AM   #57
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post
Norval and Gale seem to be obsessed wth judging their 'neighbours'

Hmmm... Thou Shalt Judge Thy Neighbor...

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Old 11-01-2008, 07:15 AM   #58
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

Remember the story of the boy who cried wolf?

I bet those villagers were sorry they didn't listen to him one last time.
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Old 11-02-2008, 11:06 AM   #59
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

Originally Posted by 100thmonkey
Norval and Gale seem to be obsessed wth judging their 'neighbours'
Originally Posted by feeler View Post
Hmmm... Thou Shalt Judge Thy Neighbor...

Wrong, but good attempt.
It is important to know your enemy, be able to recognize who the enemy is, what are his tactics, what is his weaponry etc.
The old adage “Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer”

How can anyone protect their family if they don’t know who the adversary is; they will just end up thinking everyone is their adversary which seems to be the going trend. Don’t forget to verify your own family members.

Last edited by Gale; 11-02-2008 at 11:09 AM. Reason: fix a word
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Old 11-04-2008, 05:25 PM   #60
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

I finish my posting in this thread with this message.

Gale sent this to me this morning for my birthday. It would be wise to get to KNOW your
Father, and his Son the King of the Universe.


There are many others that know what we know and will help you now.
We are not alone. WE are going to be one third of the planets population.

Peace to those of good will.
Norval L. Cunningham
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Old 11-04-2008, 06:32 PM   #61
Gabe Gabriel
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Default Re: The Bible, Our Conclusion. by Norval and Gale

Gale and Norval,

As you know there are many people that have been hurt in some way by "religion", "organized religion" during their lives. Also there are many other types that just want to "disregard" and or "ignor" the Bible because they "heard" somewhere that the Bible has been "changed" and so because the Bible has been changed then they "feel" that they can attack the scriptures and any one that stands up for them as well.

This is for the "attackers". In order for the Bible to be written down in "English" so you can attack it, you have to change some of the words out of necessity. In order to write the Bible in English you must first do what is called "Transliteration". There are differences between English and Hebrew launguage. Not every English word and Hebrew word are exactly alike, so the translators have to make changes in order for the words to make sense. The Hebrew is a much richer and fuller launguage than english is, so some words have to be changed, because English is such a dumber launguage than Hebrew is.

Also Gale and Norval as you know there are just people that attack because they are sent by the "Darkness".

The funniest ones are the ones that "attack" because they saw it written somewhere that the Bible has been changed and therefore cannot be good and so anyone that uses the scriptures must also be bad.

Ignor is the shortcut to ignorant.
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