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Old 11-05-2008, 02:49 PM   #1
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Default How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.


“Love one another.” “We are all one.”

Such beautiful sentiments. Love is the balm that heals the heart, and oneness the reality that joins us. But spiritual teachers with an agenda use “love” and “oneness” teachings to keep the lid down on their disciples’ spiritual development.

Let’s look at these teachings one at a time and see how they are used to manipulate. When a teacher or religion preaches love, at first glance that seems to be a good thing. It encourages people to be selfless and to help their fellows. Because of “love” teachings, religious people give to the poor, volunteer their time, and bite their tongue a lot. They say “the right thing” and don’t do things that other people won’t like. They put their desires on the backburner and focus instead on doing what they think will make others happy. Whenever sentiments of discontent or rebellion arise, they quash them with the stern heel of conscience. They know such feelings are from the dark side, and that they must be vigilant against them.

Years go by, and these well-meaning people become frustrated and repressed. The rebellion in them grows, because they are not listening to themselves. Their soul cries out for experiences, for learning through experience, but they have been taught that personal desires are selfish, so the cries of their soul go unheeded. They grow depressed or angry, because their purpose of embodiment in human form has been thwarted. The frustration comes out in many negative ways: short-temperedness, jealousy, vindictiveness, gossip, judgmentalness.

The sincere people who faithfully follow “love” teachings typically live in a box with the lid down, able to express but little of themselves because instinctual wants are considered suspect or evil. Repressed, their souls turn miserable or spiteful, like a dog chained for years to a stake. “See, it’s a bad dog,” people say when the animal snarls and nips, convinced by such nasty behavior that they were right in chaining that animal all along.

Telling people to be unselfish creates a shadow personality inside them, the very “ego” that religions decry and that wouldn’t exist without religion. It’s ego, teachers preach, that makes the spirit discontent and rebellious. The vices their followers find in their private hearts are proof that the soul is a tainted thing, needing to be risen above or controlled.

So people redouble their efforts to be kind and loving. They volunteer more time, give more money to their church or their guru, and bite their tongue so hard that it hurts. But their “wicked” spirit only becomes sulkier, their negative thoughts stronger, their suppressed rage greater.

The spiritual teacher has, of course, the solution to all this. The Christian struggling with wicked thoughts is told to surrender his soul to Jesus. The disciple plagued by negativity is told to surrender her ego to Oneness Consciousness. It amounts to the same thing. Spiritual aspirants must make an oblation of the will (the soul’s chief attribute and mode of expression) to something perceived as greater and purer than themselves. If they do this, God, they are promised, will destroy the evil in their hearts. Oneness, or Brahman Consciousness, will dissolve their selfish cravings and negative mental chatter. The soul will melt away into the wholeness that is their true cosmic nature, or into the love that is Jesus. The troublesome entity they have fought with for years, their inner self, will be gone. In its place will come a peace that surpasseth understanding, the presence of the Divine alive in their heart.

People who succeed in going the final steps to such surrender do indeed experience peace, but it is the peace of spiritual death. Gone is the cry of their spirit for expression, for freedom to live and do things in the world. Gone is the frustration of the heart that lived in a box all its life. All noise is silenced. The soul has been snuffed out. All that exists in the shell called the body is the presence of something else: a new, “holy” or “cosmic” consciousness.

The consciousness that takes over when we surrender our souls only claims to be divine or of the Source. It is a consciousness that hates life, that abhors uniqueness and diversity. It wants to wipe out the creative spark whose expression was the purpose of creation. That spark, individual consciousness, burst forth from the Source Consciousness in a brilliant firework display at the beginning of time. We are those sparks, children of the Infinite, and our play and display is the reason for the world.

The play has been thwarted for millenniums. The display has been forbidden. Any original impulses that don’t align with institutionalized spiritual programming, in religions of East or West, are judged egoistic or evil. While a few people in society break free from these fetters (becoming our artists, our inventors, our thinkers), most of mankind lives under the yoke of spiritual repression, judging their deepest instincts as suspect, selfish, and wrong.

So we live in miserable marriages, work at miserable jobs, go places we don’t want to go for the “happiness” of our families, and do things we don’t want to do to help the less fortunate. Religious people work so hard to make sure everyone else is happy, but no one does anything that makes anyone happy, because happiness is a luxury they’re told they have no right to expect or experience.

I remember as a girl, how Sundays my family would sit around asking one another how they’d like to spend the day. “Would you like to go to the park?” one person would ask. “I don’t know, would you like to go to the park?” would come the reply. Everyone was so busy being unselfish, trying to do what the others supposedly wanted, that no one ever answered honestly about what they thought would be fun. So we went to the park or museum, never knowing if even one family member really wanted to go there. We were that intent on being good Christians, on sacrificing our personal desires for the sake of everyone else. We thought that made us moral and pleasing to God.

I often think of this sad and ridiculous scenario that was acted out so many times when I was growing up, and what a metaphor it is for all decisions that are based on repressing our inner spark for the supposed higher good. What if instead we all listened to the promptings in our hearts, without judgment? What if we stopped calling those promptings “ego” and considered them messages from the divine within us, messages there to guide us through life?

Those who have succumbed to the teaching that the ego is a self-serving, antisocial, anti-spiritual entity that lives inside waiting to undermine, can never free the creative spark and do the things that truly bring happiness to themselves and to others. When we trust our desires and stop judging them as selfish, the nastiness that once accrued to our inner spirit strangely disappears. The soul isn’t repressed anymore. It is free and expressing, fulfilling its divine promptings. Gone is its envy toward others, its anger and resentment. The soul fills with its own innate joy, and wishes no less for everybody else.

Egoism and evil are not born of this entity; they are born of repressing this entity. Left to itself, unjudged and uncensored, the soul desires good things for itself and for all creation. So where is the selfishness?

Spiritual teachers tell us to love, but true love is never born of an edict. Love is not biting your tongue, doing what someone else wants, repressing your desires, giving money to charity or doing prescribed service. All those things come from an effort at love, not from having love. When you have love, you need no mandates. Love is a tenderness of feeling, an empathy to what another is going through, a perception of the beauty in another.

Not only is a mandate not needed for real love – a mandate is useless in bringing love about. How can a spiritual rule make you feel tenderness or empathy, or appreciation of beauty? Only an open soul can experience those things. A soul shrouded in judgment of itself as egoistic and selfish cannot feel tenderness, empathy or appreciation. It is way too hurt and closed for such delicate feelings. Expecting a judged soul to bloom forth in genuine love is like expecting a seedling you poured drain cleaner on, to sprout forth in beautiful, new, green shoots.

Any spiritual leader who makes love the core of their teaching or who talks of dissolving the “small self” or “ego” leads mankind further into the dark. A truly awake person knows that love cannot be achieved through effort and that egoism is the product of self-flagellation. The truly awake don’t tell people to be loving, they suggest people be true to themselves. They advise self-trust. They are also aware of the nature of religion and its destructive role in the world. They speak out against it in all its forms.

Truly spiritual people recognize that religions use teachings of love and oneness to manipulate humanity into first judging and then surrendering their precious, unique souls (in the form of their will). They perceive that someone stands to gain from this, those who stand at the top of religions, those who call themselves God, gods, or gurus. They know that the true God, the Source Consciousness, has no need for worship and never mandated such. They know that anyone asking for adulation is less than Infinite, less than divine – an imposter pretending to be those things.

The truly aware know that Source Consciousness wants only that its purpose in creation be fulfilled: the play and display of happiness, in a myriad expression of souls, unique in their wonderful forms. They know that religion’s teachings of mandated love and dissolving ego thwart the Infinite’s purpose by destroying those souls.

People who know the truth encourage free expression, independence, individuality. They cheer for things like questioning, dissent, and nonconformity. They never codify “truth” and they never set themselves up as “teachers.” They don’t allow others to put them on a pedestal. They don’t appear on the rolls of “the holy” or “the Self-realized.” They are simple, confident people going about their lives with the light on inside.

No one turns to them as gurus or quotes them as spiritual authorities. They bring light to the world by being who they are and living freely and differently. Their joy and originality inspire those around them to re-evaluate the shrunken, judged personhood inside themselves, to consider whether it, too, might be capable of such luminosity. The truly awake inspire envy and anger in many, whose first reaction to the possibility of freedom is outrage, because it means they may have been traveling in the wrong direction all their lives.

Love is the sweetest expression of life, the flower of God’s creation. Oneness is our deepest nature, the place we all join with God (to quote the poet, Matthew Arnold) like islands “linking (our) coral arms beneath the sea.” Love and Oneness – what could be better?

But teachings that tell us to practice love and to surrender to Oneness are quite another thing. There are those who would twist mankind’s natural spiritual instincts to serve their sinister purposes. Love and Oneness are their calling cards.

(For more about those sinister purposes, see my other articles in the “Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment” series.)

Bronte Baxter

© Bronte Baxter 2008
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:09 PM   #2
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

One thing..

We live in a world where being unique and seperate is not only encouraged but is the order of the day.

Do you like what you see when you look at this world?

If a flock of geese were to adopt an individual mindset would they make their migrations succesfully?
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:13 PM   #3
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

I like it completely because it exists, on every human being, unavoidably, the exercise of complete and absolute freedom.

Goose cannot have the indivuduality humans do have.

If you try to convince others to fulfill your agenda, be aware there could be many wich will dismiss it. Let them face their destiny, like you will face yours.

Last edited by Deoxyan; 11-05-2008 at 04:22 PM.
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:25 PM   #4
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

"The sincere people who faithfully follow “love” teachings typically live in a box with the lid down, able to express but little of themselves because instinctual wants are considered suspect or evil. Repressed, their souls turn miserable or spiteful, like a dog chained for years to a stake. “See, it’s a bad dog,” people say when the animal snarls and nips, convinced by such nasty behavior that they were right in chaining that animal all along."

Have you ever felt spontaneous love and empathy for your fellow beings? There is no living in a box unable to express yourself - the opposite is true, in fact all emotions and senses become stronger. You can feel the whole range of emotions but the underlying sense of peace and forgiveness is always there.
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:32 PM   #5
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by freekatz View Post
"The sincere people who faithfully follow “love” teachings typically live in a box with the lid down, able to express but little of themselves because instinctual wants are considered suspect or evil. Repressed, their souls turn miserable or spiteful, like a dog chained for years to a stake. “See, it’s a bad dog,” people say when the animal snarls and nips, convinced by such nasty behavior that they were right in chaining that animal all along."

Have you ever felt spontaneous love and empathy for your fellow beings? There is no living in a box unable to express yourself - the opposite is true, in fact all emotions and senses become stronger. You can feel the whole range of emotions but the underlying sense of peace and forgiveness is always there.

""The sincere people who faithfully follow “love” teachings typically live in a box with the lid down."

Love teachings. Love is to be done, experienced, felt spontaneously, and done spontaneously flowing from within; not to be teached, talked about, or forced to be made to being accepted socially without the obvious prejudices trown to those who slightly appear negative when being yourself it´s more important than being negative or positive.

Being yourself instead of being "all love" or "oneness consciousness" is being human, is being able to avoid feeling guilty by being what you are and haveing the feelings that you have, whatever their nature is. Is being what we beautifully have come here to be: mortal, fallible, fragile, rare, uncomprehensible beings. Encouraging humanness is encouragin the true hope this world needs. Sadly, that It´s not being done anywhere, because there is a fight for the souls of the people, to make them choose alignments, positions, sides, and activisms, like, for example, the one shown on this forum.

When we accept what we really are here, when we accept the evident truth, without further deep and overly complicated explanations, not the hidden truths about ourselves (those later), we are able to see and feel true love for the rest of the species, true unconditional one. Usually, that is not a bliss, because it can bring you endless problems, but, is a optimal beginning because it will force you to act differently from the very start of it, and, believe me, it will never leave you. You will have to fight with all those contradictory impulses because pure love is only to be used for specific situations and under specific circumstances.

Then, is just when the "divine" get ins contact with the human part of itself. Then is when the divine finds it´s true meaning: that being human is not any kind of punishment, but the answer to all your questions in the first place. You can feel you are expanding like the cosmos expands itself. Only if you are able to learn to handle all your repressed emotions. They all are there to make you a rainbow of a being.

There are many that tryes hard to make you take positions using your weaknesses as a tool for them to manipulate you towards the fullfillment of their agenda. They basically try their best to make you feel guilty of being idle, neutral, or stand by without any direct objetive in mind at the moment. Or just making you feel guilty of having negative emotions. Raise your eyebrow: you are being brainwhased, manipulated, and controlled.

Last edited by Deoxyan; 11-05-2008 at 04:18 PM.
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Old 11-05-2008, 08:45 PM   #6
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by Deoxyan View Post
""The sincere people who faithfully follow “love” teachings typically live in a box with the lid down."

Love teachings. Love is to be done, experienced, felt spontaneously, and done spontaneously flowing from within; not to be teached, talked about, or forced to be made to being accepted socially without the obvious prejudices trown to those who slightly appear negative when being yourself it´s more important than being negative or positive.

Being yourself instead of being "all love" or "oneness consciousness" is being human, is being able to avoid feeling guilty by being what you are and haveing the feelings that you have, whatever their nature is. Is being what we beautifully have come here to be: mortal, fallible, fragile, rare, uncomprehensible beings. Encouraging humanness is encouragin the true hope this world needs. Sadly, that It´s not being done anywhere, because there is a fight for the souls of the people, to make them choose alignments, positions, sides, and activisms, like, for example, the one shown on this forum.

When we accept what we really are here, when we accept the evident truth, without further deep and overly complicated explanations, not the hidden truths about ourselves (those later), we are able to see and feel true love for the rest of the species, true unconditional one. Usually, that is not a bliss, because it can bring you endless problems, but, is a optimal beginning because it will force you to act differently from the very start of it, and, believe me, it will never leave you. You will have to fight with all those contradictory impulses because pure love is only to be used for specific situations and under specific circumstances.

Then, is just when the "divine" get ins contact with the human part of itself. Then is when the divine finds it´s true meaning: that being human is not any kind of punishment, but the answer to all your questions in the first place. You can feel you are expanding like the cosmos expands itself. Only if you are able to learn to handle all your repressed emotions. They all are there to make you a rainbow of a being.

There are many that tryes hard to make you take positions using your weaknesses as a tool for them to manipulate you towards the fullfillment of their agenda. They basically try their best to make you feel guilty of being idle, neutral, or stand by without any direct objetive in mind at the moment. Or just making you feel guilty of having negative emotions. Raise your eyebrow: you are being brainwhased, manipulated, and controlled.
I don't know if you have had some particularly bad experiences with "spirituality" but your statement "They basically try their best to make you feel guilty of being idle, neutral, or stand by without any direct objetive in mind at the moment. Or just making you feel guilty of having negative emotions." has never been my experience.

I do not take well to any kind of control or structure, I practice Transcendental Meditation and no one has ever tried to control me or tell me to feel guilty for my feelings or thoughts. This does not mean I walk around in a bubble of innocence believing all is wonderful in the world. From my perspective your comments are extreme generalizations that have no basis in truth.

I hope one day (if you wish) that you will be able to feel the pleasure of true connectedness with this beautiful planet and all the beings who inhabit it.
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Old 11-05-2008, 08:58 PM   #7
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by Jenny View Post
Hi Deoxyan,

Maybe you want to review your intentions of why you registered on Avalon?

Please, take some time to think it over.

are you threatening me with mod measures by just posting this thread and mi free opinion?. When the post you quoted talks about being non-mentally controlled, you, a mod, came out saying that, it gives food for thought you know.

Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
If you seek individual power and freedom then you to choose
to separate yourself from everyone else. This will be your journey.
Enjoy the illusion while it lasts.

In the journey of the mind involves self exploration and freedom.
But when this lesson is achieved, everything eventually goes back to the source. Gather your wisdom and share it with others.

But the lesson of the mind is coming to an end.
To go to the next level of your spiritual evolution
you must now learn how to love and deal with this connection
to all creation.

If you choose to ignore the divinity in all existence, you
will be free to think for eternity but be still in your own separate realm
of repetition and suffering.

You don´t know me at all to suppose that much about me. I would add you misinterpeted or misunderstood my words in a huge degree, what more can i say... try understand them again, rereading, etc. Have patience.

Originally Posted by freekatz View Post
I don't know if you have had some particularly bad experiences with "spirituality" but your statement "They basically try their best to make you feel guilty of being idle, neutral, or stand by without any direct objetive in mind at the moment. Or just making you feel guilty of having negative emotions." has never been my experience.

I do not take well to any kind of control or structure, I practice Transcendental Meditation and no one has ever tried to control me or tell me to feel guilty for my feelings or thoughts. This does not mean I walk around in a bubble of innocence believing all is wonderful in the world. From my perspective your comments are extreme generalizations that have no basis in truth.

I hope one day (if you wish) that you will be able to feel the pleasure of true connectedness with this beautiful planet and all the beings who inhabit it.
i have had many bad experiences with people who think of themselves too high on the spiritual level, enough said. I continue havegin that bad experiences, today.

Dont suppose that much about me. Whatever you want to know about me, just ask, dont fail to believe your own suppositions, dont feed yourself with your self-invented lies about me.

Last edited by Deoxyan; 11-05-2008 at 09:16 PM.
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Old 11-05-2008, 09:04 PM   #8
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

"Dont suppose that much about me. Whatever you want to know about me, just ask, dont fail supposing."

Deoxyan, I didn't suppose that about you at all, I said I didn't know if you had bad experiences.....please don't suppose that just because I believe love to be a preferable emotion to hate, that I am a mind-controlled, clueless fool.
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Old 11-05-2008, 09:11 PM   #9
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by freekatz View Post
"Dont suppose that much about me. Whatever you want to know about me, just ask, dont fail supposing."

Deoxyan, I didn't suppose that about you at all, I said I didn't know if you had bad experiences.....please don't suppose that just because I believe love to be a preferable emotion to hate, that I am a mind-controlled, clueless fool.
man, if you don´t fit in the description, why do you enter inside it, i dont suppose anything about you and i don´t have time to do that, so stop that.

As a generalization it is, don´t identify yourself with it if you feel there has nothing to do with yourself and your life, problem solved!.

the worse of it all, i never called anyone a clueless fool. People are free to choose their paths.

if you suppose i dont perceive the world as wonderfully you told you perceives it, then you are basing your supposition on nothing but your imagination. that´s the point.

Last edited by Deoxyan; 11-05-2008 at 09:14 PM.
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Old 11-06-2008, 04:13 PM   #10
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by Deoxyan View Post
You don´t know me at all to suppose that much about me. I would add you misinterpeted or misunderstood my words in a huge degree, what more can i say... try understand them again, rereading, etc. Have patience.
But it's undeniable that if you chose individualism, the pleasures of the ego, you are separating yourself, even if it's not your intention. I don't condemn you for promoting the ego, it's a very human trait that I also value.
But well, how do you wish the world to naturally evolve to solve all contradictions, the very lack of meaning in life, if you don't believe in the intentions of the Law of One?
The meaning of life is seemingly to find meaning in life, amusing how even the most basic question is a paradox! The world cannot go on like this, there must be change. We are about to destroy ourselves, growing too large for this planet, and our 3d physical bodies cannot hope to survive a travel to another solar system to begin anew.

Even if you believe it's **** and tricks and sinister purposes, what else can we believe in. What is the best course for humanity?

Last edited by ayadew; 11-06-2008 at 04:20 PM.
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Old 11-06-2008, 04:31 PM   #11
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i have to agree that some of our greatest powers can be, and are, one of our greatest weaknesses. Because they can be misused to confuse us into believing things that in the end disempowers us. Depending on the techniques used the atractor factor used has to be some wich is considered a great one by the people like love, god, oneness happiness, and the list goes on an on.... then once they have taken the bait, they can be mentally devoured, creepy indeed when you realise how many people do that.
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Old 11-06-2008, 04:35 PM   #12
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Good Luck to you! To all who continue in the old ways of the ego.

Your soul will be here for as long as it has too!
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Old 11-06-2008, 05:08 PM   #13
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by Vorian's Revenge View Post
Good Luck to you! To all who continue in the old ways of the ego.

Your soul will be here for as long as it has too!
you are probably wrong. you didnt understood what i have said. Not surprising, people tends to be narrow minded to new ideas about how you can live your life with the true freedom u are given. This is a war on consciousness, not a war on truth. A war for the souls and the power of the people. Not a contest on showing who is more accurate to the truth.
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Old 11-06-2008, 05:14 PM   #14
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.


Anybody who does not see that you have very valid point is mistaken. I think that you posting this took alot of courage because of the amount of people around here who think that by just sitting on their ass and saying I love you is going to save everything.

The oneness, I love you feeling is a great theory and probably has alot of truth to it....
We are all one the evil and the good..

But too many times it is used to stop thinking and constructive thought....
It blocks responses... People just respond... I love you... or we are all one... Then the conversation has to end there... They feel they are right and so they dont have to contemplate anything else...

I think that it is very similar to how people can be tricked into believing this whole Obama mess.

Either way... GREAT THREAD Deoxyan
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Old 11-06-2008, 05:27 PM   #15
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Im sorry to say i see the people in general are very little empowered themselves. Many ideologies, who claim to empower the individual, fail end up being deceptions and mind control programs.

That would be good in case nothing happens, and the world goes on the same as always, that boring way.

But, if that ends up not being the case, i encourage empowerment, not as the solution to the problems, directly, but as a way of realization in a expanded degree of what you are capable of (your potential) under this human experience.

This is not a question of courage, it´s a question... that i have nothing better to do than this: the power is not in the truth, the power is in yourself. Because the power resides out of dimensional frames of reference. You are Adimensional.
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Old 11-06-2008, 05:51 PM   #16
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by Orion Morris View Post
... But too many times it is used to stop thinking and constructive thought....
It blocks responses... People just respond... { }... Then the conversation has to end there... They feel they are right and so they dont have to contemplate anything else...

Am not really here to chat about the main thread topic, but was interested in what you just said (quoted above)...

I think this is so true, especially when it comes to ANY belief system, be it spiritual approach, or religious, or political, or anything else for that matter!)..

I tried to explain this on one of my other posts somewhere... we humans often get so 'fixed'/attached to our beliefs and ideas of what is "right" or "the answer" or the "way" (sometimes without even realising it)... and thus we rarely remain TRULY open to the moment.. to opening up/exploring/changing our minds.. once we've taken on board/grown attached to/'found' a particular belief/set of beliefs that makes sense or 'worked' for us at a given time.

strange.. given so many people feel "open" or "enlightened" or "aware" in so many ways.. that we can all also be somehow so totally 'closed' about changing/re-considering, even challenging our own views/opinions/beliefs!

how many of us truly remain open to re-approaching/re-examining/questioning our own views/conclusions/beliefs... on a regular basis? I went through this process personally, with the whole "co-creation" idea several years ago.. and was quite amazed to find my some of my old firmly-held spiritual/life beliefs had fallen away .. after many many years of stubbornly holding onto an idea that made so much sense to me at the time... it felt like a sort of release/relief in some ways..

.. like I'd shed another layer of my own spiritual onion!!

Amazing really.. what a quite stubborn/inflexible bunch we are here on Earth, in many ways!
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Old 11-06-2008, 05:11 PM   #17
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by ayadew View Post
But it's undeniable that if you chose individualism, the pleasures of the ego, you are separating yourself, even if it's not your intention. I don't condemn you for promoting the ego, it's a very human trait that I also value.
But well, how do you wish the world to naturally evolve to solve all contradictions, the very lack of meaning in life, if you don't believe in the intentions of the Law of One?
The meaning of life is seemingly to find meaning in life, amusing how even the most basic question is a paradox! The world cannot go on like this, there must be change. We are about to destroy ourselves, growing too large for this planet, and our 3d physical bodies cannot hope to survive a travel to another solar system to begin anew.

Even if you believe it's **** and tricks and sinister purposes, what else can we believe in. What is the best course for humanity?
sorry but if you dont even understand what ego is, and, as a tool, for what it can serve you, you will be confused about it forever, until you surrender yourself to understand the ego instead of relating it with separatedness, or whatever other negative adjetives you want it to relate.

the best course for humanity is to learn from their mistakes, by failure, by pain.

And, believe me, they will. Just prepare your spirit, empower it, you will need that in the times ahead.
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Old 11-06-2008, 06:15 PM   #18
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by Deoxyan View Post
sorry but if you dont even understand what ego is, and, as a tool, for what it can serve you
I suppose it boils down to if you wish to attain some higher knowledge/meaning/insert-preference of the world by yourself or by the help of others.
The ego itself is the base for the argument "help me, help you" which is a fundamental base of all relations, if you view it in an egoistic perspective.

So.. perspective. Perspective is a contradiction of the Absolute Truth, which is what we all want to know, that's why we discuss...

I am reluctant to submit my own will and base for existence, my ego, to some collective consciousness. But perhaps we will know far greater things than what we can fathom in this 3d perspective.
The contradictions of the world are undeniable. They exist only because we try to understand the world with a limited mind. I am not satisfied with this existence. Are you?
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Old 11-06-2008, 07:03 PM   #19
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Being not satisfied with this existence makes you ego to automatically search for the proper energy motives to get out of your situation. Sometimes that could end to ego trying to kill himself to be released of the suffering. Funny to realize that happens so frequently.

I think the discussion about the absolute truth is an absolute waste of time.

by now im satisfied in one side and unsatisfied in another wich gives sense to my spiritual condition, the condition of the one who wants to travel elsewhere.
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Old 11-06-2008, 07:13 PM   #20
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by Deoxyan View Post
Being not satisfied with this existence makes you ego to automatically search for the proper energy motives to get out of your situation. Sometimes that could end to ego trying to kill himself to be released of the suffering. Funny to realize that happens so frequently.

I think the discussion about the absolute truth is an absolute waste of time.

by now im satisfied in one side and unsatisfied in another wich gives sense to my spiritual condition, the condition of the one who wants to travel elsewhere.

Yeah, it's a complete waste of time, we don't have any means to know any.
I also agree with that the ego is a valid path in life, I respect it, and you make valid points. But I wish to continue to be influenced, and cannot stop until I've explored all possibilities, which I likely never will hehe.
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Old 11-06-2008, 07:24 PM   #21
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by ayadew View Post
Yeah, it's a complete waste of time, we don't have any means to know any.
I also agree with that the ego is a valid path in life, I respect it, and you make valid points. But I wish to continue to be influenced, and cannot stop until I've explored all possibilities, which I likely never will hehe.

The only thing that kills it, in my view, is chronic seriousness.

I think I've pretty much explored all of the possibilities external to myself (same ole same ole) and now I am busily exploring the possibilities within myself. Perhaps after awhile I will begin to manifest external possibilities for others to enjoy.
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Old 11-06-2008, 08:21 PM   #22
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Hi Deoxyan

First of all, great thread. I think the Bronte Baxter (Splinter in the mind) blog is very thought provoking.

Before commenting, I thought I would try to find a good definition of what I think the ego is being defined as:

But, after reading that I feel that the ego helps us translate our earthly experiences to our spiritual plane and I feel that is needed for balance. I need my heart (soul) and my mind (ego) to function as a whole person. It is all about balance in the here and now; before we can even get close to the Divine within.

Unconditional Love and Oneness are the product of a balanced human experience and being that we don't yet reside in the ethereal world, how can we ascertain that balance without the mind (ego)?

It is all very ponderous and I know just enough not to be inflexible in my opinion.
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Old 11-06-2008, 10:32 PM   #23
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by Corky View Post
Hi Deoxyan

First of all, great thread. I think the Bronte Baxter (Splinter in the mind) blog is very thought provoking.

Before commenting, I thought I would try to find a good definition of what I think the ego is being defined as:

But, after reading that I feel that the ego helps us translate our earthly experiences to our spiritual plane and I feel that is needed for balance. I need my heart (soul) and my mind (ego) to function as a whole person. It is all about balance in the here and now; before we can even get close to the Divine within.

Unconditional Love and Oneness are the product of a balanced human experience and being that we don't yet reside in the ethereal world, how can we ascertain that balance without the mind (ego)?

It is all very ponderous and I know just enough not to be inflexible in my opinion.
i think we are that god who decided it got bored of being alone in his great "divinity" and then we appeared. Seems, the only difference beween that god and us is the amnessia we have, on purpose.

Amnessia can make you forget who you are so, great for that to be done, the plan of god.

Well, i never use the word god, i use the word source. We are the source under amnessia, probably. We came to be what we are because it was pointless to be the source without amnessia because that cannot exist, it can only exist under the conceptualizations we make, and speculate about, as far as i know, from our external dimensional coordinates of reference we have, the ego. Internally, we are the source, externally, all that you perceive, even your spirit, emotions, and thoughts, those all are external features of your dimensional location now.

for me all this suppositions only are logical conclusions, but, i don´t think that is all there is, or all there it can be.

Last edited by Deoxyan; 11-06-2008 at 10:37 PM.
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Old 11-07-2008, 02:01 AM   #24
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Question Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

It does seem that we have had more than one sleeping and fresh awakening, thus more than one "beginning". I'm still scratching my head about that.
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Old 11-07-2008, 02:03 AM   #25
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Default Re: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower people.

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
It does seem that we have had more than one sleeping and fresh awakening, thus more than one "beginning". I'm still scratching my head about that.
can you explain that more profusely?.
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