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Old 09-20-2008, 03:37 AM   #1
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Exclamation IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Coast to Coast AM will feature George and Cliff from www.urbansurvival.com and www.halfpasthuman.com respectively, on Sunday, 21, with host George Knapp.

Using their webbot prediction technology, George and Cliff predicted earlier this year that there will be a significant starting on September 27, culminating into a major earth-shattering event on October 7 at 7:10am, lasting through till February of 2009.

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Old 09-20-2008, 03:39 AM   #2
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!


thats a mouth full!

can we get anymore details on this....
what would the event be...does anyone have any clue?
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Old 09-20-2008, 03:44 AM   #3
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by Andre View Post
Coast to Coast AM will feature George and Cliff from www.urbansurvival.com and www.halfpasthuman.com respectively, on Sunday, 21, with host George Knapp.

Using their webbot prediction technology, George and Cliff predicted earlier this year that there will be a significant starting on September 27, culminating into a major earth-shattering event on October 7 at 7:10am, lasting through till February of 2009.


Have you ever considered how the web bot works? It sorts through zillions of posts on the net and finds trends based on the use of certain words or phrases. Have you ever read the posts on godlikeproductions? I use that as an example of the kind of information and chat that contributes to those zillions of posts that the web bot sifts. If you sift paranoia, you get paranoid results. I think this whole web bot thing is based on false premises.
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Old 09-20-2008, 04:10 AM   #4
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Check out this link. If anything happens it will be another 9/11 type event according to the article.

I had a dream that I jumped out of bed and felt the pain of millions of people.
It was in the morning (could have been October 7th), but the screams were coming from people at night at a different location.

Let's hope nothing happens. But the clues to watch for on the news will happen September 22nd - 29th according to the article.

According to the article on the link above, the suffering will last 4 months.

Who knows what the deal will be? this all could be B.S. But I'm still researching...
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Old 09-20-2008, 04:18 AM   #5
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I found the source of the prediction. READ ON.
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Old 09-20-2008, 04:24 AM   #6
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Although the Aviv report may be spurious, reports out of Georgia and Pakistan are not. So it seems significant in that what happens in the roughly 4-5 months between now and Spring '09 could have an emotional release component of many times the magnitude of 9/11. For example, there's a report this week suggesting that the U.S. is beefing up forces in the region and may not appreciate the scope of the Iranian biowarfare capability.
This prediction may have something to do with Iran or Pakistan? Wait and See...
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Old 09-20-2008, 04:27 AM   #7
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

9D Council Perspective on Oct. 14th First Contact

Jelaila doesn't come out a say there will be a false flag visitation, but that the time isn't right for a real visitation, so?

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Old 09-20-2008, 04:34 AM   #8
Sideshow Shaman
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

webbot? Is not 'Predictive Linguistics' better?

wise people
stay away from GLP
you've been told

Last edited by Sideshow Shaman; 09-20-2008 at 04:42 AM.
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Old 09-20-2008, 05:40 AM   #9
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by suriel View Post
This prediction may have something to do with Iran or Pakistan? Wait and See...
Hey Suriel! Did you listen to the interview with Bill and Kerry on Paranexus Radio? It seems like whatever the event is, the possibility exists that the US Elections will be cancelled and martial law declared.

What do you think?
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Old 09-20-2008, 05:47 AM   #10
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Personally I don't see cancellation of the election or martial law.

There is such a clamoring for Change in the country, whether your for McCain or Obama that any attempt by Bush/Cheney to cancel the election or implement martial law WOULD be met with a national Outpouring of RAGE.

It's not going to happen imo.

Both McCain and Obama would be screaming their heads off as well as members of both parties in the Senate and House.

I WOULD PREFER a global ET appearance instead. Such an event would SHAKE the foundation of the world, especially the religions that would have more of an impact than any cancellation of the election, Martial Law or an attack on Iran.

Wouldn't a Global ET appearance all of a sudden constitute AN Earth-Shattering Event that could easily last for months?

Such an appearance would bring forth a Global emotional outpouring that perhaps would have millions of people screaming as though the end of the world had taken place.

Remains to be seen - I'll take an ET appearance vs. WWIII with Iran, cancellation of the elections or Martial Law.

Last edited by eagleman; 09-20-2008 at 05:57 AM.
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Old 09-20-2008, 05:57 AM   #11
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

word is
wise folk may discerningly
visit GLP
to check what spews
like the enquirer
holding clues
for those to connect
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Old 09-20-2008, 09:04 AM   #12
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by doodah View Post
Have you ever considered how the web bot works? It sorts through zillions of posts on the net and finds trends based on the use of certain words or phrases. Have you ever read the posts on godlikeproductions? I use that as an example of the kind of information and chat that contributes to those zillions of posts that the web bot sifts. If you sift paranoia, you get paranoid results. I think this whole web bot thing is based on false premises.

If it sifts through zillions of posts, finding all the trends of certain words or phrases, then the reason why it works is because all of the trends have emotional 'sparks' in them, which are creative. Then they predict what these emotional 'sparks' will manifest as.

That's how I understand it. Doesnt matter what kind of false premises or misunderstanding is in a post, or how incorrect it is, because it is the emotional outburst contained in it which is creative... just like real life

You dont have to understand what you are create, but you still create it...

And at HalfPastHuman they explain it gets very complicated because each emotional outburst creates like a ripple, and then every ripple runs into one another which affects the outcome. The trick is to read what the release of all the ripples will be (release being the outcome).

I assume this is how it works....
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Old 09-20-2008, 09:39 AM   #13
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

The reason many of us are here, on this web site, and why we listen to Bill and Kerry's material - in addition to many others - is intriguing to me. It appears to be a collective meme without a prosaic source.

Why do you feel that this time period is significant? Why do you resonate with paranormal material? Why are you interested in the 2012 phenomena?

Are humans capable of seeing into the future at a subconscious level, or are we talking about a genetic memory with an alarm that is about to sound?

It may simply be that Earths position in a more energetic part of the galaxy is enhancing the psychic ability of those prepared to listen, and that this ability transcends the 3rd dimension limits of time and space.

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Old 09-20-2008, 02:05 PM   #14
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

I consider myself extremely intuitive, if not psychic. On the morning of Sept. 4th I had a vision of an Old World map and superimposed in the corner of this map were the typical N, S, E, W, directions which happened to be pointed in unnatural directions. As I noticed this, the superimposed earth below started to shake violently and would not stop, even as I came out of the vision. I asked when this would occur and "they" said "October/November".

(At the time, I had no idea of any possible October Event, so I had no idea if "they" were meaning 2008, 2009, ??? Since this vision I have heard many people are having dreams/visions about an event occuring Oct. 2008. I listened to Bill and Kerry's radio interview on paranexus radio and Kerry even mentioned having a dream relating to this, however she did not give details.)

I intuited the meaning of the vision to be this:
An "earth shaking" event will take place and we will all be changed forever. The reason for the Old World map is this- the world as we know it will be gone and a new one emerge with whatever this "event" will be.

Anyone else have any dreams/visions regarding next month???? Please share...
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Old 09-20-2008, 02:55 PM   #15
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Andre, thanks for your question. I do sense that Bill and Kerry are on to something. But, until it happens, there is really no way to piece things together. And if nothing happens, then they could be getting disinformation.

There is no way we would have Martial Law in the USA. It doesn't make any sense for the US to punish its own country. I think our government is more concerned about foreign affairs than what is occuring here.

War is a possibility for around the October period. It would make more sense due to the October 2008 through February 2009 time period. Because it is obvious that Bush will not let our country economically crash. They will just keep pumping money in from the Federal Reserve.

And people are way too aware of the terrorist false flag plots. So, I am guessing that there could be some kind of naval skirmish around Iran. Afterall, this political strategic move would gaurantee McCain in the White House.

We will see. Let's pray that nothing bad happens to any innocent people.

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Old 09-20-2008, 03:09 PM   #16
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Here is a link from youtube from Cliff (web bot guy) about October 7th.

Don't believe everything you hear. But it makes good entertainment.

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Old 09-20-2008, 04:09 PM   #17
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

FYI, there is another parallel thread on Avalon at:

Half Past Human

so many threads, smiles ...

~ namaste ~
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Old 09-20-2008, 05:11 PM   #18
Sideshow Shaman
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by Zynox View Post
word is
wise folk may discerningly
visit GLP
to check what spews
like the enquirer
holding clues
for those to connect
Discernment certainly makes a difference.
I enjoy listening to public 'chatter' too,
but I do it elsewhere.

GLP is run by people of very dark intent,
be careful what you absorb.
(I think you are,
but not everyone is)

Your computer will be infected with spyware too, icky.
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Old 09-20-2008, 05:45 PM   #19
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Knapp must have some reason beyond generalities unless he had nothing to do w/producing tomorrow's show. If Iv'e the time I'll give it a hear ans see.
As for GLP, I don't see any structure there.

What I read is anyone and everyone member or visitor at GLP writing whatever the hell they want, whenever they want to.
GLP's an open sore website, nothing more.
The difference between Totally Controlled & Out of Control ?? -- ATS v. GLP.
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Old 09-20-2008, 05:50 PM   #20
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Thanks Suriel and Zynox, great links.

I can't wait til' Sunday for the interview.
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Old 09-20-2008, 06:37 PM   #21
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by suriel View Post
There is no way we would have Martial Law in the USA. It doesn't make any sense for the US to punish its own country. I think our government is more concerned about foreign affairs than what is occuring here.

Because it is obvious that Bush will not let our country economically crash. They will just keep pumping money in from the Federal Reserve.

Your post points above got me thinking deeper about the HPH work, in that, when do we sense that the tipping point 'event' has occurred?

As an example, for many, Many, MANY folks, their current existence is that the crash has occurred, and they are already in the trenches of being drawn and quartered. In many ways, I feel there will only be further signposts of escalation, maybe only a bell curve, without too many specific derivatives or spikes. Not sure, just some food for thought. Are we trying to apply Cartesian coordinates to a chaotic process? I DUNNO!

Second, can Bush and the Knights of the Broken Table direct anything, or more significantly, do they direct everything, as in, full frontal orchestration?

Some of my posts over in the Meltdown Blog ( http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ead.php?t=2697 ) are seeking to dissect this very question (AKA Shattering the Glass-Steagall Act), but not many folks are engaging in discussion there yet.

~ namaste / my brothers and sisters ~
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Old 09-20-2008, 10:28 PM   #22
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

3rd ID and another unit to be RE-DEPLOYED to the U.S. starting October 1st. Here's the link to Army Times.


They'll be under Northern Command, and reacting to 'horrific incidences' which I won't name, but I'm sure you know what they are.

This could be likely tied into the Oct 7th event. And yet, we know that allies could intervene, and I'm hoping they come sooner rather than later. I'm open to another world emerging now that is Reverent to all life, and consumed with the work of creating, loving, forgiving, visioning, laughing.
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Old 09-21-2008, 01:25 AM   #23
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by Andre View Post
Coast to Coast AM will feature George and Cliff from www.urbansurvival.com and www.halfpasthuman.com respectively, on Sunday, 21, with host George Knapp.

Using their webbot prediction technology, George and Cliff predicted earlier this year that there will be a significant starting on September 27, culminating into a major earth-shattering event on October 7 at 7:10am, lasting through till February of 2009.

Just wanted to bump this for everyone that is interested in hearing this, if anyone can record it and post it later for those that cant hear it, that would be appreciated.

Regards and Blessings
Soul Sequence
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Old 09-21-2008, 01:36 AM   #24
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

you need to go over and have a look at myspacesecrets vids on youtube.

http://uk.youtube.com/user/myspacesecrets <-- I have been following his vids and he has been discussing everything that has been happening with the economy. Yes he is predicting a big event, for the end of this year that will probably coincide with a HUGE MARKET CRASH.

its amazing how much truth people bring to the table.
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Old 09-21-2008, 01:39 AM   #25
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by jesterx View Post
you need to go over and have a look at myspacesecrets vids on youtube.

http://uk.youtube.com/user/myspacesecrets <-- I have been following his vids and he has been discussing everything that has been happening with the economy. Yes he is predicting a big event, for the end of this year that will probably coincide with a HUGE MARKET CRASH.

its amazing how much truth people bring to the table.
lol, that's funny Jester, I was actually listening to it from your last link post as I received this from you........Thanks....GMTA

Regards and Blessings,
Soul Sequence
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