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Old 11-18-2008, 01:58 PM   #1
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Default People Are In A Trance, To Wake Them Up Or Not

In my area there is a large object, that is similar to the object that others have mentioned here. Basically it is a large glowing ball, similar to the one James Gilliand sees, but it seems to be in a slow moving object, but it follows pretty well the same trajectory every night.

Anyway, people had me convince that I was seeing things, and that is Venus. Man in 46 years I have never seen Venus that low or be in the same orbit around the Earth.

So a week or so ago another once showed up, as if in response to my skepticism. So I just smile, and say hello and go about my way, but it is so low. I am thinking, ok, I am crazy, that is another star.

So last night, and this is at 6pm my time, here these two large light orbs are in the sky, not another star to be seen. There are hundreds of cars going by me and parked in traffic, and not one person seems to notice them. So I decide to to for a walk to the local park and observe them, but when I come back out of my house the second smaller one is gone. I just think it is behind cloud cover.

So as I walk, I don't see any clouds where it was, so I am going along and thinking, it is just my imagination, thinking of going back home, and then right there as I look in the area where it was previously, it just appeared and lit up so to speak, and it became a very very bright glow. It was maybe a few thousand feet away. It was there the whole time. Not one car reacted, they just seem to be in their own little world. It was just bright for 30 seconds and then it blinked off.

So I go to the park, and as per another post, what I have been asking for is a green laser beam, and not too long after there the beam was projected across the sparse clouds there. Remember this is at 6:40 pm now, and it is dark at that time here, but still, there is alot of cars.

So the beam is there, but the ship is still cloaked or something, and I can't figure out the source of the beam. But it was horizontal so it had to be made far up.

So as I watched the sky, there was one star that seemed quite brite, almost the light frequency of a hologen light. As I am watching it, it starts to move, and then pick up speed. So in my binoculars I tracked this across the sky as it picked up speed and it took off very quickly towards towards the larger planet/star that is here every night in the sky, the first one I was watching.

So am thinking that must have been the source of the green laser beam, but as I scanned the sky which now had no clouds in it, all the sudden I realized there was like a streak in the sky, at first I thought it was a plane contrail. It was however a laser beam cutting through the sky. It was still there, just no clouds so nothing to bounce off. I tried to see it without my binoculars but it was not visible that eay. However with binoculars you could see if for sure, it traced right across the sky. So there was another ship there somewhere I could not see.

Then there is another one I have been watching here, that is like an reddish glow to it out over the harbour almost all the time. I noticed that it was possibly in line with that green beam and it was about say 4 miles away over the basin here. When you look at it in binoculars it seems more of a series of flashing lights, red, blue, white, just like George Green mentioned.

Now, in the 9 months I have been playing around with communicating with these entities, mostly to see if they were aware of me, I have come to the realization they are.

And there is no doubt that they are able to read my thoughts, as I have proved to myself over that period of time. Secondly they can impress on me a thought, but it takes the form of something I already know. Example, I will got a strong urge to go for a coffee next door at the coffee shop, strong urge, and it was on the trip back I saw them.

See, for me, I do not have a direct connection, but they seem to know how to trigger in you an action, or replay a thought maybe? Say they were recording your thoughts, and you did something, and they stored that and said, ok, when he thinks about getting a coffee he thinks this. So they maybe impress that thought back at you but very very strong. That is the best way I can tell you so far.

So, in keeping with the post. Do I try to wake these other people up? Or is this something just for me. I do not seem to have good enough communication yet to figure out why they are bothering to communicate with me, but I sense that there is a very good reason, and that maybe we are in say a trust phase. Because until last night, I still doubted I am seeing what I am seeing, but I have to say now, I do not see how I can deny it.

Yet when I tell other people, they tend to go for the paper and say, nope it is Venus, and it was undermining my own sense of what I feel. Of course Venus can't turn itself off, but then people just can say, well there were clouds, etc., they are so ingrained in their skepticism they can make up any excuse so they do not have to believe you.

Also I am pretty sure they can read my mood. I do not know why there was alot of fear as a result of say people who have reported abductions etc., and well as far as I know it has never happened for me.

So, for those in contact, can you shed some light on this. What should I do next ? Should I sit back or try to wake people up, which I feel most likely will just estrage myself from people and make me a bit of a laughing stock on the evidence I have so far.

Last edited by orb; 11-18-2008 at 02:01 PM.
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Old 11-18-2008, 02:23 PM   #2
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Orb, Hello,
I take it You mean't TRANCE, not trace?
You can alter that, both litterally here on the header , and with people, but Yes it comes with a lot of ridicule.
Just do as ducks do with water, and let it fall off you.

I am a dowser, and thus "SEE" other things, most people laugh and ridicule, thats their loss?
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Old 11-18-2008, 02:50 PM   #3
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Greetings Orb!
I have seen many lights myself, there is a picture of one in my photo album that only showed up using a digital DSLR. It is a green orb.

In the same area during full sunlight, I have seen glowing white "orbs" just sitting in the sky - then they just take off, staight up.

The people are in a trance. They are too busy running around trying to make money to pay for all the items they believe they need to be happy.

There is a fine line walking in both worlds, it has taken me over 20 years to do it comfortably, since you are a seeker, you will see many things that the "busy" people do not see.

I just smile to myself when I realize that I have had a special moment in the other realms, and consider myself to be one of the lucky ones that get it.

Life is a PERSONAL journey, to be savoured and enjoyed.

love & peace

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Old 11-18-2008, 03:02 PM   #4
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

i have a few thoughts on this

you sound sure that no one else is seeing these lights so i'm going to assume you're right. i'd try to get someone else to literally stand next to you one night so you can both look together. if they are consistently there and not when you bring a guest, i'd start leaning toward the notion that it's only for you to see.

consider purchasing a cheapo telescope to get a closer look.
consider recording video.

you might be starting to see the higher dimensions. some say as we drift closer to the galactic center there will be new sights (from the astral plane?) as we transition from our lower dimensions to the higher. if so, lucky you.

also, play with the telepathy concept with them. when you think you're being influenced or observed, think about them and ponder their purpose, or an encounter. (if you're into that)
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Old 11-18-2008, 03:14 PM   #5
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Default Re: People Are In A Trance, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Oh well, others are seeing the large one for sure. But they are just sort of like, it might be a planet. The more I talk about it at parties I run across people. Or say with my son who said, geez, my girlfriend and I were out for a evening picnic and saw that, but it is just a star right?

Now the smaller one that has appeared recently, it might be just for me. The first time I saw it was in response to me thinking that others might be right and that it is just a bright star. Then boom, seconds later this one appeared.

I do have some video, but it is all subjective as well, sure it looks like a plasma ball on video camera, but again, maybe it is just a digital artifact of the camera.

[QUOTE=herbivore;82358]you sound sure that no one else is seeing these lights so i'm going to assume you're right. i'd try to get someone else to literally stand next to you one night so you can both look together. QUOTE]
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Old 11-18-2008, 03:18 PM   #6
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Default Re: People Are In A Trance, To Wake Them Up Or Not

I should also say, that one other thing happened that was wierd last night. there was a strange cloud, with say a square cut out of it, and it moved across the sky. I was thinking, strange, very strange, it was alost as if something intersected with the cloud. Anyone else see this?
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Old 11-18-2008, 03:22 PM   #7
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Oh, and as for the green beam, there is this project here called Lidar at the university, for weather analysis. It uses a green laser, but that is supposed to be vertical, and I have no idea how a vertical beam would trace across the sky the way this one did.

Literally one horizon to almost the other horizon. However it could be perspective say from a earth position due to the intensity of the beam, or skattering. Or who knows maybe it is what is attracting the ships, and the researchers have no idea they are doing it. I just can't see how a vertical beam can create a horizonal bar through a low lying cloud.
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Old 11-18-2008, 03:59 PM   #8
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not


Just curious where you live. Western North America?

I had an experience one night also that makes me wonder if they can read our thoughts.

As I was looking up at the stars I was thinking how nice it would be to see something to confirm that they were out there. Exactly where I was looking an image appeared about 1/4 the size of the moon. It reminded me of looking into a stream and seeing the side of a fish as it turned in the water and the sun reflected off of it. It only appeared for a second but was very real.

I am finding most people are in a trance, but there seems to be more and more people waking up. I have noticed conversations I have been having with people that they are talking about things that I have known for a while. I much prefer to have other people bring up some of the subjects so I can expand on their awareness, than be the one bringing it up and not being sure if they think I am crazy.

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Old 11-18-2008, 08:56 PM   #9
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waking people up isnt easy most think you are crazy, but then I normally start sending them to links to learn for themselves. and I normally wait for them to see me again and they normally want more info, it has to be done a little at a time, which is what brought me to where Im at right now, learning discovering, and to be honest its hard because you wake up one day and discover everything has changed and you are somewhat alone because of what you have discovered
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Old 11-18-2008, 09:20 PM   #10
Jacqui D
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Hi Orb,
You know your seeing something let others get on with there little lives and take no notice when you are ridiculed.
Sometimes i feel if something actually came down and hit them on the head they would still say OH whar was that!! and go on there way lol!
Saw some strange clouds rolling in this evening, it was just turning dark the day has been grey and gloomy but as i was driving back home noticed this really black cloud almost solid looking and huge and bulbous.
It felt a little sureal and i kept thinking when that cloud moves i'm sure a ufo will be there.
It has been known for ufo's to take on forms of cloud cover.
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Old 11-27-2008, 11:10 PM   #11
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Nothing like a good old thanksgiving get together with my speeping family.
I feel so alone right now. I tried to show Zeitgeist the movie, and Zeitgeist Addendum to my 25 yr old cousin and she couldn't care less. She ratherwatch FX christmas movie and keep chatting with her friends about last nights's drunken adventure on her blackberry.
My mother thinks I read and watch too much of that stuff and my "theories" are "interesting". My brother might be of some hope; however, he rather sleep on the couch while watching a game of good old football, while I sit and watch Mumbai go to pieces and think about my son's future.
I know I can't expect to wake people up. they either want to or they don't. I just feel right now like they are all in some trance and I just want to puch it and say....LISTEN UP YOU ZOMBIES!!! IF YOU DON'T WANNA' WAKE UP, GO AWAY!!! All I can do is let go and just enjoy the time I have with myself!! and Avalon.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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Old 11-29-2008, 07:09 AM   #12
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Couldn't have said it any better myself Deb...
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Old 12-09-2008, 01:20 PM   #13
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Ummmm, maybe they should have thrown a few orgy scenes into Zeitgeist, and then, a few obligitory sex scenes, and it would keep people there for the whole thing :-)

Originally Posted by deb003 View Post
Nothing like a good old thanksgiving get together with my speeping family.
I feel so alone right now. I tried to show Zeitgeist the movie, and Zeitgeist Addendum to my 25 yr old cousin and she couldn't care less. She ratherwatch FX christmas movie and keep chatting with her friends about last nights's drunken adventure on her blackberry.
My mother thinks I read and watch too much of that stuff and my "theories" are "interesting". My brother might be of some hope; however, he rather sleep on the couch while watching a game of good old football, while I sit and watch Mumbai go to pieces and think about my son's future.
I know I can't expect to wake people up. they either want to or they don't. I just feel right now like they are all in some trance and I just want to puch it and say....LISTEN UP YOU ZOMBIES!!! IF YOU DON'T WANNA' WAKE UP, GO AWAY!!! All I can do is let go and just enjoy the time I have with myself!! and Avalon.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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Old 12-09-2008, 02:26 PM   #14
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

I heard those orbs are for monitoring and come as small as a soft ball.This info came from a military source.
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Old 12-10-2008, 04:04 AM   #15
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Pfft, if they were I could care less if they want to hear me **** and discuss the boring subjects with my friends that I do. What a boring life that would be monitoring me. Hell, I would tell them everything I do anyway, save the money, give me a call.

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
I heard those orbs are for monitoring and come as small as a soft ball.This info came from a military source.
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Old 12-10-2008, 08:00 AM   #16
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

I always look up at the sky and I have seen strange clouds but not much else to pique my interest. I read this stuff all the time and I've thought about telling people. I worry that they'll think I'm eccentric or something.
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:24 PM   #17
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Yes they will. As David Icke says, the difference between Sheep and Humans are simple, at least with Sheep they need a dog to keep them in line, with Humans they keep each other in line. So I guess, you can continue not to talk about it, not be eccentric, and be controlled by other Humans. Or you can take a chance on being eccentric and not being controlled. Either way is fine, up to you.

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
I always look up at the sky and I have seen strange clouds but not much else to pique my interest. I read this stuff all the time and I've thought about telling people. I worry that they'll think I'm eccentric or something.
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:35 PM   #18
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
I always look up at the sky and I have seen strange clouds but not much else to pique my interest. I read this stuff all the time and I've thought about telling people. I worry that they'll think I'm eccentric or something.
Same here. My wife has seen lights in the sky twice recently but I wasnt around.
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Old 02-13-2010, 09:02 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by hueyii View Post
Same here. My wife has seen lights in the sky twice recently but I wasnt around.
I suspect who they know who they want to contact and who is ready.
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Old 02-13-2010, 10:33 AM   #20
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

BTW: Fixed the thread title for you - A..
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Old 02-13-2010, 11:01 AM   #21
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Default Re: People Are In A Trance, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Originally Posted by orb View Post

So, in keeping with the post. Do I try to wake these other people up? Or is this something just for me. I do not seem to have good enough communication yet to figure out why they are bothering to communicate with me, but I sense that there is a very good reason, and that maybe we are in say a trust phase. Because until last night, I still doubted I am seeing what I am seeing, but I have to say now, I do not see how I can deny it.
Hey Orb ...I see these things most nights...I get fed up with the looks I get whilst explaining to folks what they might be!! Whenever I try to wake people up to whats what I get the ridicule thing and worse, but it doesn't bother me...

I find the best way is to go with your heart and feed them with snippets until they ask you??... I wonder what that could have been?? will open there minds a liitle more as opposed to stating what they are...

Hey happy travels...

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Old 02-13-2010, 12:38 PM   #22
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Default Re: People Are In A Trace, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
I heard those orbs are for monitoring and come as small as a soft ball.This info came from a military source.
That is true, but there are orbs from the Krystiac races and the Guardian Alliance too, I work with them. Also sometimes you can see the little ones that are different colours, they are elemetals and have a great conscioussness

No point in trying to wake people, people only wake up when they are ready and in this planet apparently 66 pct have already chosen the path of self destruction

Still 33 pct is rather a lot of people, where is every body?
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:41 PM   #23
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Default Re: People Are In A Trance, To Wake Them Up Or Not

Hi Orb, I am in Southern Ontario and saw this little black orb 2 years ago in October I caught it on my cellphone. I reported it and apparently a little red one was seen the next day over the 401 by people in their car and they snapped a shot of it as well. For those of us who are looking, I think there are plently of things to see.
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Old 02-28-2010, 04:48 AM   #24
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google, electronic harassment, and satellites. electronic harassment, and surveylance. Yes, they can read your thoughts, see through walls, and microwave your family.
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ufo george green orb

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