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Old 10-13-2009, 12:54 PM   #26
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Default Re: orthodoxymoron threads

Thanks for your reply, Orthodoxy - I will get around to checking out
the links you have given -sounds interesting. I think the trouble
with my link was I left out "the" in divinecouncil.

Anyway, I spent 2 hours this morning watching the Jordan Maxwell
video, currently up on Avalon (Jordan Maxwell threads). It fascinates
me, and I am keen at present to see what else is up on his website.

It fascinates me because he is very anti-religion (especially the
Vatican) - I'm with him there - but what he is saying seems to
me to be essentially what the church, or more accurately, the
Bible is saying regarding the times we are living in, man being
created "good", the fall, there are real enemies, here with us
now, enemies of the Creator God etc.

If you haven't checked out this current video (interview with Bill
and Kerry), I think you would find it interesting, and I would
be interested in your take on it.

So I really want to get into that -but I will get back to Michael
Heiser and the links you have given. Good to know it interested
you -I wasn't sure.
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Old 10-13-2009, 03:24 PM   #27
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Default Re: orthodoxymoron threads

I like listening to people who know how to combine academic freedom with pastoral responsibility. The two people in the previous post (Heiser and Thompson) know how to do this very well.

Jordan Maxwell has a Roman Catholic background...and as a child listened in on conversations regarding Vatican intrigue. I have heard him hint that the Vatican does what it is told to do (by non-humans who are not necessarily good). He properly understands that the historical and comtemporary Vatican does not view the United States and the U.S. Constitution as a positive development on the world stage...to say the least.

Now I'm going to listen to Jordan Maxwell. I still find it interesting how his lecture at Awake and Aware was seemingly cut short while he was talking about the Vatican being the biggest enemy of the United States. I think this is true...but I don't think the Vatican really wants to be...but they do what they are told to do.

This may sound crazy...but the Draconians may have to decide that Responsible Freedom is in their best interest...before the Vatican can really do the right thing. I think the historical and present hierarchical arrangement of the universe is all wrong...but what do I know?
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Old 10-13-2009, 06:57 PM   #28
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Default Re: orthodoxymoron threads

Hi Orthodoxy - I didn't find out anything more of interest from
Jordan Maxwell. It seems he is only coming out now with the
interesting stuff! (Interesting to me anyway).

My interest in what he is saying is that I could take it on board
as how things are shaping up- but not in the way he intended!
It was as if (as one poster picked up) he was outlining Bible
prophecy whilst strongly critical of everything of that nature!
His coming "Son/Ruler" sounded very much to me like a
possible Antichrist. Just my take - others will see it differently.

I very much liked the interview with Michael Heiser - will watch
it again - and it did answer, in part, the question of the
violent God. Lots of interesting stuff there that could be
followed up. I would very much like to have heard Alden
Thompson, but could not get a decent volume on the video.
Tends to happen for me with Google.

I waded through the Church of God video. I see your point
re educating on human behaviour - but Oxy, it was long -
and it was boring!

Will be interested to hear what you think of the Jordan
Maxwell interview.
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Old 10-13-2009, 08:52 PM   #29
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Default Re: orthodoxymoron threads

I'm sorry you wasted your time on the WCG video. I have noticed a decided preference for the sensational throughout society...and not just on this site. Hollywood has trained us well to expect to be entertained...while we as a society ignorantly head straight toward the hot place. I hope that the new 'V' series will combine attention-grabbing sensationalism with a solid dose of reality regarding the trouble we are really in.

However boring they may be...documentaries which chronicle how people have been misled and manipulated...can prevent untold disillusionment and heartache. I see people jumping out of the frying pan...right into the fire...every single day.

Jordan Maxwell seems to have a crystal clear view of the trouble we are in. He convincingly presents the problems. Unfortunately...he offers few solutions. I have feebly offered some of my solutions here in Avalon. Unfortunately...there seems to be almost no interest in them. Jordan may be right. We may be so apathetic and desensitized...that we are past the point of no return regarding the New World Order Theocracy scenario.

The cynical views of Sigmund Freud and Edwin Bernays may be spot-on. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Anyone?

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-14-2009 at 05:53 PM.
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Old 10-13-2009, 09:06 PM   #30
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Default Re: orthodoxymoron threads

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
I'm sorry you wasted your time on the WWCG video. I have noticed a decided preference for the sensational throughout society...and not just on this site. Hollywood has trained us well to expect to be entertained...while we as a society ignorantly head straight toward the hot place. I hope that the new 'V' series will combine attention-grabbing sensationalism with a solid dose of reality regarding the trouble we are really in.

However boring they may be...documentaries which chronicle how people have been misled and manipulated...can prevent untold disillusionment and heartache. I see people jumping out of the frying pan...right into the fire...every single day.

Jordan Maxwell seems to have a crystal clear view of the trouble we are in. He convincingly presents the problems. Unfortunately...he offers few solutions. I have feebly offered some of my solutions here in Avalon. Unfortunately...there seems to be almost no interested in them. Jordan may be right. We may be so apathetic and desensitized...that we are past the point of no return regarding the New World Order Theocracy scenario.

The cynical views of Sigmund Freud and Edwin Bernays may be spot-on. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Anyone?

Hi Ortho!

I read your replies for months now and today I got subscription so I can write. Got to say you are on a good track man! I would like to exchange thoughts with you about various subjects because I like your line of thinking.Go see my comments on Jordan`s thread which tone3jaguar started... I think there is one foundation we all can start of in order to really find the truth because enemy is working overtime to confuse us and makes us feel unworthy at all! Keep the faith man, there are people who didn`t bow down their knee to the ruler of this world. We are soon to be in the climax of the ancient battle over us, humans and our right to exist, love,understand,create,laugh... given by creator personally.

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Old 10-13-2009, 09:41 PM   #31
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Welcome beren...and thank-you. I agree with Jordan Maxwell that we are in a spiritual war...which could help to explain why valid solutions are skipped-over, ignored, or actively opposed. If we could see the unseen forces which I believe surround each and every one of us...we would probably be horrified. Ignorance is bliss...but it can get us enslaved and exterminated.

See you on the Jordan Maxwell thread.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-13-2009 at 09:43 PM.
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Old 10-13-2009, 10:16 PM   #32
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Yes it would probably horrify us. But there are also legions of angels who guards us along with Creator`s spirit. As beautiful as Lucifer was before his rebellion I would not be surprised that he fell so low today with his energy vibration that he can not take beautiful form now as he could in the past. When Jehovah created him he was not bad and he held very high position among spiritual beings. But as he wanted all the pride and glory and worship for himself he devaluated himself and discredited himself from eternal source of light ,life and love, wisdom and power. Little by little he was loosing his grace and enormous power he was granted from Jehovah or Yahweh (I don`t know what is today a true pronunciation) and with alienating himself from source of life he faded and fades still so I wonder when Jesus was speaking of a great dragon AKA Satan,Devil,Lucifer ,was he just speaking spiritually or maybe he spoke even literary because he knew that Lucifer was going to totally collapse without grace of God. Also angles that switched sides and rebelled too started to lose grace and power and turned themselves into miserable creatures called demons derailed of all grace , light and love, capable only to hate and bring misery to others. Have you notice that when Jesus was helping people against demons ,the demons were not killing people, rather they were torturing them and doing nasty stuff, maybe feeding on their fear and bad emotional distress. And suddenly when confronted with the son of God they freaked out panicky and begged him to spare them or saying ;" Are you came to torture us before appointed time???" ...So they fear and tremble of God and his son Jesus . That is even greater fear today because the hour is near when they will be destroyed . I know people and have talked with people with real life experiences and troubles with those demons and entities , they were saved immediately when there was Jehovah and Jesus `s help . There was one situation that my close friend told me when he and his daughter went to see one man to give him some stuff , (that man was practicing magic and I think tarot too ) , that man told them when they were sitting on his sofa that across him actually are sitting three persons, not just my friend and his daughter. He then had to confess them that he intended to somehow harm my friend and his daughter by magic but simply that third person (invisible to their eyes)was stopping him to harm them.
My friend is Christian and his daughter too.
Anyways the battle is hard but I think if we want to be human and to love and to know the truth and to live, nothing can stop us in that wish.
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Old 10-14-2009, 02:39 AM   #33
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Default Re: orthodoxymoron threads

The battles which go on just beyond our perceptions must be something to behold. I still think that evil entities can tempt, harass and annoy us...despite angelic protection. Obviously I don't know the details. This is just what I think.

Power Corrupts. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. Are there any beings in the universe who are exempt from the truth of this concept? I don't think so. Has universal history consisted of tyrants replacing tyrants replacing tyrants replacing tyrants? I think so. How long does it take for a good-guy to become a bad-guy once they achieve Absolute Power? Not very long...in my view.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-14-2009 at 02:44 AM.
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Old 10-14-2009, 10:42 AM   #34
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The battles which go on just beyond our perceptions must be something to behold. I still think that evil entities can tempt, harass and annoy us...despite angelic protection. Obviously I don't know the details. This is just what I think.

You are right about that. It is all about free will. But the thing is that many do not realise that with free will comes responsibility . It means that if you attract bad guys and spirits and entities... they will surely come. And they are nasty. But on the other hand ,if you do not want them around or anything conected with them, they will be blocked from harrasing you . Surely they will try but they simply can not do anything if you call in your help the supreme helper, God and his son Jesus. Also I like this conversation with people because eventually all cards will be laid down and people will be informed what exactly that we do invokes or calls those beings to harm us. People are awfuly ignorant about this subject and rather tend to not think what they actually do in their life. Babylonian things such as tarot, horoscopes, witchcraft, magic, spiritualism, human sacrificing ,worshiping of the Sun ,worshiping devils and demons in disguise and almost all you can think off of today´s life is THE thing that calls ,attratcts those evil spirits and entities. Truth is simple , but can we take it? People are scared of actually being responsible and they like legends ,stories, myths, shows... because it somehow paints diferent realities. That is why they are bound in slavery. Light is exposing the deeds of darkness and they would rather dwell in darkness because light would actually show who and what they really are. Also when a person dwells in darkness long enough, its vibration is lower and lower, when you are touched by light and wish to be in the light you rise your awareness and become more of divine being, as we are when we are created.


Did you read Tolkien´s works?
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Old 10-14-2009, 06:02 PM   #35
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I have not read J.R.R. Tolkein's books...but I have read several C.S. Lewis books. My favorite is 'Screwtape Letters'.

You rightly understand the relationship between freedom and responsibility. I'm just starting to grasp this subject. This is the key to everything. This is the truth which will set us free.

If we choose to do the right thing...the bad-guys are going to try to keep us from doing the right thing. To believe that believers are somehow exempt from competition with evil entities is naive in my view. We are in the middle of a spiritual war.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-14-2009 at 06:06 PM.
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Old 10-14-2009, 07:59 PM   #36
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On the other hand , I did not read anything from Lewis. I saw Narnia movies but I am not so fond of them.
Tolkien`s work is extensive and very broad. He was a professor of English language at Oxford and very respected fellow. Through his book from Silmarilion to Lord of the rings and few others connected in between those works he said a lot in a form of epic fiction. He borrowed a lot from Bible and a lot from Norse and Finnish legends. I really like his work because I see his deeper message to us through his works.

Among many curious things he wrote , he presented Sauron ,the evil lord as the lidless eye bathed in fire...Illuminati comes to mind thinking about this... He basically said about him that through his time he was loosing his power and ability to transform. He when created ,was high spirit,(maiar) who could take almost any form but little by little as he was spending his power on hatred and evil deeds he could no take anymore beautiful form, only lidless eye bathed in fire ...

Very interesting topic about Tolkien...

Also we as people who are trying to see and be responsible are constantly being attacked for our soul sake. When you fight evil and its legions they run away...for awhile ...but they always return with vicious attitude and more eager to spiritually destroy you. That is why I think that it is crucial that we know what we are doing, whom we are fighting, who is helping us . Without that knowledge we`re just easy targets just as 99% of the people on the globe!
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Old 10-16-2009, 06:21 PM   #37
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Thank-you for your insights.
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Old 11-09-2009, 05:15 AM   #38
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I'm just thinking out loud here...which is what I do every day here...for better or for worse. I'm going to renew my vow to review these threads. Sometimes repetition is essential. Churches use repetition...week after week after week. This is partly good and partly bad. The alternative crowd runs around like chickens with their heads cut off! I guess what I'm saying...is that I'm going to try to build on a foundation. I'm considering the United States of the Solar System thread to be the foundational thread...with the other 39 threads as supporting evidence. I doubt that anyone else has the time, motivation, or energy to help me do this...but one never knows.

It's no secret that I'm burned-out big-time with traditional religions of all kinds. I seem to pick on the Roman Catholics...but they're just the biggest game in town...which most of the others follow...whether they realize it or not. I don't hate any of them...but I'm still burned-out. I am equally suspicious of New Age philosophies, religions, and programmings. I'm really one miserable S.O.L.S.O.B. But misery loves company...so here is my invitation to accompany me on my spiritual quest...but don't expect it to make you happy. I just want the truth. I don't care about the happy part. The PTB will give you what you want...and tell you what you want to hear...as they lead you down the primrose path...on the Highway to Hell...paved with bad intentions.

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Old 11-28-2009, 11:48 PM   #39
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I hope no one takes any of these threads too seriously. I'm just trying to make everyone think...sometimes by being a bit contrarian and irreverent. I want to stop posting...but I just can't seem to help myself. The areas of study are more important than any conclusions I have seemed to reach. Your answers are more important than my answers.

Which is more important and desirable...Peaceful Dialogue or Triumphant Victory? Which of these two options should the most powerful factions in our Solar System choose to pursue?

I don't really know...because I don't really know the facts. All I know is that what has been (and is presently) transpiring...is really $crewed-up. Just look at the carnage and misery of the past 100 years. And we're supposed to be 'civilized'. For shame.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 11-28-2009 at 11:58 PM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 06:37 PM   #40
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I'm having a bad day. I don't want a solution. I just wanna bitch.

The most recent Avalon meltdown screwed up most of the video links...and I have been spending hours repairing the damage. I made a post...just before the meltdown...where I questioned whether I should post it or not. Well...when I tried to...I got that database problem screen repeatedly. I went to another site...and when I returned...the message had posted. Shortly thereafter...the site went down. I'm sure there was no connection...but it made me wonder at the time. Also right after I made that questionable post...I could have sworn that something supernatural briefly appeared between me and the monitor. Probably just my imagination...but it made me wonder at the time. This whole thing seems to be an uphill battle...with few rewards...and many possible problems...such as getting on lists for discussing controversial topics in a public forum. It really seems to be an exercise in futility and a tempest in a teapot. Gotta go take my medicine...before I really get going. Over and out.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 12-13-2009 at 06:45 PM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 07:56 PM   #41
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You know Oxy i love your spirit your continuing force forging forward always looking for the truth.
I always read your posts so please don't stop i feel we are getting there but still that little piece of the jig saw puzzle is missing.
You have covered nearly/ probably all the perspective on ET races and if any one new starting out on this forum cares to check back through all your threads there is a lot of enlightenment.
well done Oxy you deserve a medal for that
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Old 12-14-2009, 11:59 PM   #42
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Thank-you Jacqui D. I'm just dealing with the kid's-stuff...and even that is scaring the heck out of me.
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Old 12-16-2009, 06:46 PM   #43
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To all the new people...I have been stumbling around the internet for a while now...and this is a collection of some of my escapades. Please take a look...and tell me what you think. I think the regulars got tired of me a long time ago...so maybe I can pick a fight with some of you newbies...before you get me all figured out! These threads probably won't make you happy. They might cause you to become very upset...so be forewarned. My goal is to make you think...and not to spoon-feed anyone with anything. I keep saying that I don't know...and I really don't. I'm just trying to deal with the crazy world and universe we live in. I see things getting worse...before they get better. We are going through a trial by fire...on the way to bigger and better things.

Some of the links in the threads may be ruined. There was a site meltdown...and it destroyed most of the links on my threads. I've reconstructed some of them...but it may be a few days before I finish repairing the damage.

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Old 12-30-2009, 03:04 PM   #44
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Just another invitation for conversation. I'm not trying to make anyone happy. I'm just trying to relentlessly pursue the truth...and not necessarily according to SaLuSa. If you want to be happy...move to Oregon and smoke weed.

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Old 12-31-2009, 08:47 AM   #45
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Rational conversations and concepts do not seem to succeed. Fame, fortune, power, and pleasure seem to do very well. We also seem to be sitting ducks for exciting, sensational, and entertaining things...even if these things are not ultimately in our best interest. It may be past time to move on. I think I wore out my welcome a long time ago. I often feel as though I got dropped off on this planet by mistake. I don't feel like I belong here. Maybe I don't. I've been neglecting my personal finances and home maintenance. Idealistic dreamers may always lose to greedy b@$t@rd$. The bottom-line may be the bottom-line after all.

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Old 01-17-2010, 03:14 AM   #46
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This is just an renewed invitation to talk to me about some of these threads. The subjects were not chosen with malice and forethought. They were pretty much random choices of roads less traveled. I have encountered few kindred spirits throughout my life...but hope springs eternal. I'm still searching.

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Old 01-23-2010, 04:01 AM   #47
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This is pointless. I'm out of here. I need to concentrate on doing what pays the rent. I also feel like I'm grandstanding and self promoting...and I don't like that. Also...this stuff is too controversial...and I want to try to get myself off of the lists before the theocracy and enslavement really kicks in. I have learned the hard way that people really do not want to be free...and I certainly do not wish to force freedom on anyone. That would be an oxymoron.
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Old 02-04-2010, 04:08 PM   #48
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I am still interested in discussing these threads. Is this an appropriate forum to do so? Is there another forum which might be more interested and receptive? Should I join the crowd...and Groove with the Thubans? Maybe I should start channeling...conjure up UFO's...or have an intimate relationship with a Reptilian. It's got to be sensational...doesn't it? Give 'em what they want...right? Tell 'em what they want to hear...right? Maybe I should do some market research...and post accordingly. Any ideas?

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Old 02-25-2010, 06:11 AM   #49
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I'm still interested in some rational conversation on these quite diverse and random threads. There is a common editorial slant...which should become clear as you sample the various threads. It's sort of a road less traveled...but that might make all the difference. I don't try to make people scared or angry...and I don't claim special powers or experiences...so there is limited interest. However...simple and boring might be the way out of this mess.

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

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Old 03-12-2010, 06:18 AM   #50
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I'm trying to let go of a lot of this stuff. One side of me wants to be a crusader for The United States of the Solar System. The other side of me wants to shut the @#$% up...and just live...especially since it appears that most of us are not interested in being responsibly free or in the self-rule of this Solar System. I completely identify with Jordan Maxwell's comments at the end of the Camelot interview. I have sensed the same thing in many other progressive and profound thinkers.

I may just gather what I have done on the site...and craft it into something...I don't know what. I just need to do something different. Maybe I'll just review everything. I've been trying to build some sort of a foundation...as in philosophical and theological roots...which would actually work for everyone. I think I just need to go through all of the threads...and rethink everything. A little bit of knowledge...and a lot of emotion...can be very dangerous...and I don't wish to be dangerous. Just the opposite. So...I'm going to try to post a lot less. I've tried to do this before...but the abraxasinas situation and my first ufo sighting sort of wore me down to an all-time low.

I really think you might find these 52 threads to be a profitable road less traveled. I've tried to be honest...but I am a master of none of the subjects. I claim very little. I just wanted to discuss various topics which mostly were not the latest craze. I have longed for some academic analysis of my speculations and thinking...but so far...this has not occurred...and I doubt that it ever will. I guess I'll just have to keep using my imagination...to explore these roads less traveled. Perhaps that will make all the difference.

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 03-15-2010 at 10:03 PM.
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