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Old 10-27-2008, 08:52 AM   #1
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Default Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

I'm sorry, but I spent last night and this morning listening to this guy in the newest 3 part interview. There's something interesting and credible with this guy, but too much that just isn't. I think he is a government insider spreading fear, disinformation, and he ultimately wants us to give up religion, which is probably a new world order/one world government agenda anyway. There's something really off about him.

First of all, he offers no solutions, just a gloom and doom scenario and a lot of fear. If he's right about the nuclear devestation and no where to hide on earth, there's nothing that can be done about it. If he's not right, anyone who listens to him has just bought into all the fear that he spreads and wasted their time and energy feeling helpless and hopeless and waiting for the devestation. I'm certainly guilty of the latter, and who wants to live their life a paranoid fool, waiting for bad things to happen? Won't I feel stupid if they never do, like I wasted my life in anticipation that life isn't worth the effort of living? In the meantime, he promotes his web site on nutritionals, trying to make a profit. I would imagine that some of his products might come in handy for "preparing" for what is to come. Is that what a prophet does? Promote himself to make profits?

This guy has no peace in him. He talks directly to God? He is a prophet? I doubt that. What solution did he come up with during that interview? Hardly any. Just a lot of fear, gloom and doom. Total bullsh*t. How many times did he touch his nose during the interview, a body language sign that you're lying? He's a prophet? Prophets spread fear, gloom, and doom, offer no real solutions, and say that they are prophets? Some prophet.

This guy talks very fast, rambles about all sorts of different subjects, can't keep on topic 1/2 the time, etc. He's been everywhere and done everything under the sun, it seems. He was at Columbine, he was here, he was there, blah blah blah. I think he's some sort of pathological liar and bullsh*t artist, personally. I just don't know why he's even interviewed by Project Camelot.

There is something there. He possesses a great deal of knowledge and is talented. But, ultimately, he's done too much and his ultimate message is nothing but fear. What's the point? He's a fear monger with no real solutions. That's what the government likes to do. Send in guys like this with no real solutions, spreading fear and despair, and subtle disinformation. I think Alex Jones could be another one, frankly. Profiteering from making people scared, envisioning hopelessness, and not giving real solutions.

That's my opinion. Deagle's vibe promotes fear, confusion, and hopelessness.

Last edited by dragondweller; 10-27-2008 at 09:30 AM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 09:04 AM   #2
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Default Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

First of all. I am not trying to bash anyone or start a big debate around these "visionary characters". But Deagle is not the only one with outrageous claims concerning connection to "higher powers".

Why is he the guy that is "fake"?

How about that blond poster-boy that claims to be the reincarnation of Edward C Cayce? On basis of comparing photos and "feelin it"?!! (Don´t get me wrong, I think he has alot of interesting points apart from this)

Im not saying that anyone is a fake or questioning anyones visions of the future. But all these prophets should be judged on the same basis if one is to be judged. Deagle at least should get the proper respect for standing up and speaking out.

Love is the law people!

Last edited by aiwass322; 10-27-2008 at 09:10 AM. Reason: Edited out the pants joke. It was uncalled for.
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Old 10-27-2008, 09:10 AM   #3
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Default Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

This guy talks very fast, rambles about all sorts of different subjects, can't keep on topic 1/2 the time, etc. He's been everywhere and done everything under the sun, it seems. He was at Columbine, he was here, he was there, blah blah blah. I think he's some sort of pathological liar and bullsh*t artist, personally. I just don't know why he's even interviewed by Project Camelot.
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Old 10-27-2008, 09:13 AM   #4
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Default Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

I don't know much about this guy either, but w/ a title like that one, I was expecting a source rather than an opinion.

Originally Posted by dragondweller View Post
He's done anything and everything under the sun. He was at Columbine, he was here, he was there, blah blah blah. I think he's some sort of pathological liar and bullsh*t artist, personally.
If that's how you feel, then maybe you could investigate the doctors on call for the local columbine hospital on that day.

I understand being overwhelmed by information, but I try to address it piece by piece as best I can.

I realise this was a fairly gloomy message, but my first impression of the guy is that he believes what he is saying is true, but I have always thought that first impressions are overrated.

Your first impression is only a starting point. Investigate. Research. Revise your impression accordingly.
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Old 10-27-2008, 09:35 AM   #5
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Default Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

aiwass322 and raulduke... I smell wisdom. good reply.

As for Bill Deagle, I have no problem, no fear with his message and I believe he his in line with Project Camelot. Keep an open mind, take what you want, forget the rest, the world is vast.
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Old 10-27-2008, 09:42 AM   #6
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Default Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

Dragondweller, sounds like the fear is all in you, don't blame the messenger, things are just the way they are, if it frightens you, that is your choice, just turn off the screen and watch the nice guys if it makes you feel better. Wouldn't want to scare the poop out of the dragon !

Its obvious to me Dr. D knows a lot, but it's up to the individual to sort fact from opinion from possible disinfo. EVERYbody puts spin on whatever passionate things they say, mostly, I believe HE believes what he says.
Very much of his info is corroberated from quite a few unconnected sources.
Discernment is the key, and it comes with a calm detachment. I must admit the Granada Forum lecture he gave freaked me out, but a few years down the road from then, and not a lot shocks me now. One must stay balanced to see what resonates.

There seems to be a lot of fear of fear here, understandable, but then it just shows you have to work on yourself. It just isn't a very nice world out there.
Much of it is, in fact ,vile. If you can't take the heat, get out of the cauldron.

As for the remarks about Dr. Bill's "avoirdupois", he's just busy changing his density.

I appreciated the interview, especially the fairly non-intrusive stance Kerry and Bill took. Fascinating. Thanks.
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Old 10-27-2008, 09:50 AM   #7
Elephant Man
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Default Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

Books hold a lot of information, they are not spiritualy aware though. They are just books with words. Likewise some people. If a book feels wrong dont read it or if you do and still dont like it, forget it.
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Old 10-27-2008, 09:50 AM   #8
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Cool Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

Don't shoot the messenger if you don't like the message.
This is something we should keep in mind.

And then there is that always returning accusation of "fear mongering", we so often seen on this forum. Ok. Sometimes it IS "fear mongering".
But, doesn't it depend on what people are afraid of? If you're afraid of nothing at all, let's say, you'd never accuse someone of "fear mongering", I suppose. And when you're afraid of almost everything, you'll accuse everyone all the time.
So, if you have a terrible insight, or a bad message, you'd better keep it to yourself, since there always will be people accusing you of "fear mongering" ?
This people often are the same people, who keep shouting: be positive, positive, positive... until it get's negative.
I think you're always responsible for your own fear.

Bill Deagle has indeed nothing that looks like what you would expect of a prophet.
Then also, there are only two kinds of persons who tell you they speak directly to god: those who really speak directly to god, and those who are very ill. There are more of the latter than the first kind of course.
Concerning Bill Deagle, the picture doesn't not look right. In my eyes, he is yet another one..., well informed person. He must have read many, many books; seen numerious documentaries; attended lots of conferences, etc... Most so called witnesses or whistleblowers seem to be not much more than that. Sadly. Still, it's always interesting to hear the view of a well informed person explained in detail. It would be better in an orderly fashion, less chaotic... but it's better than nothing.

he ultimately wants us to give up religion
If Bill Deagle wants to give up religion, he can. And if you see what religion has done to the world, to people in all of our history, maybe we'd better follow him in his steps. Spirituality is ok, but religion?
Spirituality liberates, religion enslaves.

Last edited by stefaan; 10-27-2008 at 09:53 AM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 10:01 AM   #9
love and gratitude
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Default Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

Bill Deagle - EGO EGO EGO
A true man of god is humble and gracious.
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Old 10-27-2008, 10:05 AM   #10
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Default Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

Originally Posted by LaRosa View Post
aiwass322 and raulduke... I smell wisdom. good reply.

As for Bill Deagle, I have no problem, no fear with his message and I believe he his in line with Project Camelot. Keep an open mind, take what you want, forget the rest, the world is vast.

Spot on La Rosa . Discernment is the key . I am instantly on guard with people big on religion , ex alphabet agencies operatives and there are plenty of them ! (once an alphabet agency operative = always an alphabet agency operative ) . Sorting out what is true and what is BS is the hardest part ; in some cases I just refuse to even listen to the person ...
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Old 10-27-2008, 10:09 AM   #11
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Cool all depends on ones....


Each one is probably 100% right in their own Worldview.
Until each see the whole picture we have to take onboard what we see in our worldview and accept change when it is right.

Listen to all as that grain you seek is amongst the chaff.
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Old 10-27-2008, 10:33 AM   #12
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Default Re: all depends on ones....

@dragondweller: I changed the thread title ammended from "Bill Deagle a fraud and phony"

If you have any serious objections to the actions I have taken or want a new title - let me have a PM.

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Old 10-27-2008, 10:35 AM   #13
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Default Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

First and foremost, I believe is unnecessarily rude to call anyone a fraud and a phony. That's the kind of one-dimensional judging tool that only encourages a fracture in the process of communication.

I personally like Dr. Deagle, and what I like the most about him is how he uses his FREE WILL, which is the most important treasure anyone could have. He has a personality and a way of saying things that is very unique and potent. I certainly believe existence requires a polarity in its manifestation.

Our planet (ourselves included) is going through a period that is of extreme importance, and we all know this. We need fellow humans willing to panic people to REACT TO CHANGE. That's Dr. Deagle's intention, because it's hard to get out of the comfort state we peoples in developed nations are.


About this comment of yours:
Originally Posted by dragondweller View Post
This guy has no peace in him. He talks directly to God?
If you are able to connect to the source of your creation (God) , which is something we are all capable of doing because we are fragments of this source of creation (God) , then it's perfectly feasable he can speak to God, just like I do very frequently, and know a lot of people do even more frequently. Tuning In to the source of your creation should come natural to you.


In general terms, I completely disagree with your entire point of view and your personal opinion.
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Old 10-27-2008, 11:39 AM   #14
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Default Re: Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

Originally Posted by dragondweller View Post
First of all, he offers no solutions, just a gloom and doom scenario and a lot of fear.
What solution did he come up with during that interview? Hardly any. Just a lot of fear, gloom and doom. Total bullsh*t.
But, ultimately, he's done too much and his ultimate message is nothing but fear. What's the point? He's a fear monger with no real solutions.
That's my opinion. Deagle's vibe promotes fear, confusion, and hopelessness.
i first want to say that i really appreciate the effort project camelot puts into keeping us informed. but it is disheartening when i see that some are watching the videos and not paying attention to the interviewees.
bill deagles ultimate message is not 'be afraid very afraid'. his ultimate message is that you are a powerful being most likely unaware of your power, and that it would be in your best interest, truly, to get in touch with that which is higher than yourself.
the only solution he offers is your own personal choice. you can feel fear, or you can feel love.

Originally Posted by dragondweller View Post
If he's right about the nuclear devestation and no where to hide on earth, there's nothing that can be done about it. If he's not right, anyone who listens to him has just bought into all the fear that he spreads and wasted their time and energy feeling helpless and hopeless and waiting for the devestation.
this is an interesting point. many of the threats to our well-being alleged by dr. deagle and many, many others are quite out of our control. so it seems strange that you would seek solutions to these problems.
the pathogen threat is probably the most deal-withable. if you are truly healthy in mind and body, your immune system should be able to fight anything off. if you are not healthy, it means you probably have some holes in your diet or some personal issues to work on, (living in fear comes to mind). are you too afraid of death to shop around a bit? you can change your diet, but nutrimedical.com is not the only place that sells supplements..

all that said, bill deagles assertions are 'scary' in an obvious way. so i do question if not his credibility, then his wisdom because he should be saying something that he is not. that is, self-preservation is far more achievable when fear of death is conquered by love of life. and what is death but fear and what is life but love?

the source of your own feelings is not external. it is unfair to hold others accountable for your own emotions.

Last edited by uniconr; 10-27-2008 at 11:43 AM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 12:44 PM   #15
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Default Re: Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

Bringing my "comment" over from another thread...so as to entrain with other positive posts here. Thank You! Onward and Upward!
Does every site on the internet have to be infiltrated with senator's sons and daughters? Your posts of negativity and sarcasm are blatantly ludicrous...and it is sickeningly obvious that you are plants of disruption here and on other sites of this nature. An opinion is one thing...consistent ugliness is another.

If anyone, and I mean anyone at all, listens(really listens) to Dr. Deagle and what he is saying and sharing and applies a fraction of their own good energy to what they personally choose to in their own lives in their own heartfelt way...your lives will change in the now right now (that is me talking). If you simply turn your attention and energy away from any and every personal tie with the government and/or state and/or religion(as we know it) you possibly can without loosing alignment on your path of service to others than all will be well and good in the now, right now. These interviews give us information on making focused choices so that we can change things to spiritual goodness in double-time and triple-time and quadruple-time in front of us...it is information to help us "unplug" the propagated sickness from our own power source in an upgraded and targeted and expedient way so that we ALL can get on with helping one another out of the maze of deceit and lies, right now.

I understand most of you here that visit this site and do not post responses or post positive entrained thoughts are good people and living your life in service to others and helping to change things in the now...
But come on, you others that post nothing but belittling remarks...start living from the heart, there is still time to become a part of the wonderful entrainment of loving consciousness changing the world.
Expressing opinions consistently laced with hate(in any shade) has had its day.

Changing everything Dr. Deagle knows of and shares, one 'everything' at a time in the now that you choose, so that the energy of the dark force on this planet dissipates and disappears is what the passing on of the knowledge from these interviews is all about! This information gets to the "core" of evil matters...and the more we concentrate on dissolving the energy of this core and changing it ALL to unconditional loving consciousness the sooner we will turn that core to love and light re-connecting it to the Higher Consciousness...

Our Higher Consciousness of Love!

Project Camelot video interview with Dr Bill Deagle - Page 3 -
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Old 10-27-2008, 01:14 PM   #16
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Default Re: Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

Frankly I don't think I can form an opinion from just 1 viewing. There is such a wealth of info that I ned to study this closely. Perhaps we all need to look again.
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Old 10-27-2008, 01:56 PM   #17
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Default Re: Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

Thank you everyone for your feedback.

Yes, I do find Deagle's delivery potent and powerful and scary.

Correct me if I'm wrong but if I understood his message correctly, he said there is no way to stop what is coming and no where to hide. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

He did say certain positive empowering things like standing up to evil and getting in touch with ourselves, etc.

But some of his comments just go overboard with scariness. They are going to come and shackle you and take you away? They will kill 90% of the population and chip us? There's no where on earth to hide? Not underground, not anywhere? He talks directly to God? Directly all the time? I find that hard to believe, because my understanding is that God is the ultimate force/entity in the universe and is most likely a perfect source of love, not hopelesness, evil, and fear. He talks directly to God, the most powerful entity in the universe, but he has no power to stop any of these evil things himself and he's not smart enough to spread a message of strength, love and hope to people, rather than paralyzing, scary, and depressing fear? I'm sorry, but there's just something very not prophet-like about him and his message.

I mean some of the things he says will happen, very well may happen. But, there's nothing positive, loving, or empowering about his message. No solutions. Just fear spreading, for the most part.

I mean, where is the hope in this message? What am I supposed to do with this information? He just goes overboard with fear, evil, and lack of options. For a so-called prophet, there's not enough free will and love in his message, from what I can perceive. Not at all. His vibe and message is not a message of very much hope, love or free will, in my opinion. What if we all don't vote? Is that solution even remotely possible considering what a small percentage of people are on Project Camelot/Avalon? His message is very weak for a so-called prophet, but he does have a lot to say that is interesting, I suppose, if you can weed out the B.S. and nonsense, and keep from crapping your pants with fear.

Last edited by dragondweller; 10-27-2008 at 02:00 PM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 02:03 PM   #18
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Default Re: Bill Deagle a fraud and phony

Originally Posted by love and gratitude View Post
Bill Deagle - EGO EGO EGO
A true man of god is humble and gracious.
I'd have to view that as personal opinion.

Seemly most likely in my explorations so far is that connections "upstairs" would work on a graduated scale. Degrees of connectedness. Total connections would probably be undetectable farther south, while total un-connectedness is not likely possible.

Most, like Bill Deagle would likely fall somewhere in the middle, which is an awkward place to be.

I've known, and do know many who were "hooked right up" at a high level (you have to look past the words, because they do no justice to the reality) who seemed insane to those with little connection. communication becomes very garbled between the physical and the spiritual realms.

Communication on the physical requires constant proof, and "I can't get touchy/feely with it, so it's bull...) while communication from the spiritual realms, (yes, there is a heirarchical structure there too) often comes across as dream like or disjointed from time, with a metaphorical quality.

It's a rare, priceless gem who is able to straddle both worlds, and speak in both in understandable fashion.

Bill is not one of those people. Bills existence in the here and now, obviously plays heavily in his output. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have a higher connections, nor does it mean he has nothing to offer.

He's one of a long list of people who's long term product is likely to be multitudes having learned the art of discernment.

If you're looking for someone to say, "this is what will happen to you, and this is what you must do about it", then you have not yet begun to learn the lessons of discernment on offer by all those with feet in both worlds.

There are some excellent observations and opinions in this thread.
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Old 10-27-2008, 02:05 PM   #19
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Default Re: Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

I cannot comment on Dr. Deagles credibility but please allow me to say:

"Harry Truman is my seventh cousin. By direct lineage, I am president of the United States. I have been empowered by this lineage to be president of the United States. People may say, 'how can Greg be president? He does not look like a president.' To this I respond, I did not choose this job. I am president. I have direct lineage to the presidency. This is not easy, but somebody has to do it. Ask me any question and I will give you very long answers. You will see how much I know about being president. Thank you for your support in this noble burden.
BTW a three book deal has been signed and a movie is in the works. You can read more about this at website:
for further information on how bad it is, see the doom blog at:


Last edited by Greg10036; 10-27-2008 at 02:24 PM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 02:08 PM   #20
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Default Re: Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

I think that the most important thing Deagle said was about religion and getting away from it. All the great spiritual teachers have said that you don't need ANYONE to speak to 'God' for you, and they were right. Religions are institutions set up to enslave the mind and supress the knowledge of our own divinity and innate worth. Whatever else he said I agree 100% with that part.

As for the rest of it... well, his visions of horror aren't pleasant but they aren't impossible either. I'm sure the nutcases that actually run this world would love to see them manifest but that doesn't mean they will. I have to say that his visions don't resonate with me but I'm pretty sure he believes what he says.
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Old 10-27-2008, 02:11 PM   #21
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Thumbs down Re: Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

He is not a Prophet of our Creator, what Bill said about the Messiah is a lie. We are to expect the coming of King Jesus, the Messiah. Bill's wording in part 3 went something like, “We are the Messiah”, is wrong, so creditability just went down the toilet.
In totally dismissing the coming of King Jesus he can avoid any discussion of the Kingdom, the ramifications and what is expected from us humans.

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Old 10-27-2008, 02:17 PM   #22
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He said what he wanted to say. I listened to him as well as I listened to many others. And I am going to follow my inner voice when it comes to critical decisions. But I believe it is good to listen to many sides, to many people and on the basis of all that, draw your own conclusion.
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Old 10-27-2008, 02:18 PM   #23
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Default Re: Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

Originally Posted by Gale View Post
He is not a Prophet of our Creator, what Bill said about the Messiah is a lie. We are to expect the coming of King Jesus, the Messiah. Bill's wording in part 3 went something like, “We are the Messiah”, is wrong, so creditability just went down the toilet.
In totally dismissing the coming of King Jesus he can avoid any discussion of the Kingdom, the ramifications and what is expected from us humans.

Opinions dressed in "facts" clothing.
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Old 10-27-2008, 02:22 PM   #24
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Default Re: Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

Originally Posted by Gale View Post
“We are the Messiah”
THIS is meant in a SPIRITUAL context!

You and I ARE One with the Creator...
EGO dissolves and we become AS the Creator and "co-create" our destiny in the physical by personal-unselfish-unconditional LOVING in the NOW...
Transcending the physical to the spiritual/mystic world of ONENESS!
And bringing that ONENESS to Mother Earth with OUR every thought, word and action, right now in the now!

That is what he means and implies by the statement:

"We Are The Messiah"

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Old 10-27-2008, 02:26 PM   #25
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Default Re: Comment on Bill Deagle credibility

hes didnt say anything we doidnt know about already.. he went into more detail which was great. organised religion is tosh as he stated. the people that follow it are unknowingly in most cases being ultimatley controlled by satanic forces. the books and teachings are way twisted and corrupted by current day satanists like the pope ect.. i mean we can take what he says about himself with a pinch of salt. i like his info and dont stan one way or the other on him being a prohet as much as i do about david wilcok channeloing edgar cayce or whatever.. remember we are moving into the endtimes. life a s we know it is about to come to an abrupt halt so we cant really rely on past judgemental attituded to people.

we must be open minded yet caustious,follow no organised currently established religions or cults and maintain our soverignty as humans at all costs..all major religions have been corrupted, i think he is getting at follow god personally with out a conduit such as a preacher or other go betweens..
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