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Old 11-25-2009, 02:23 PM   #101
no caste
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
no caste,

I wish you were an American so that you would have standing and could be one of the those citizens who support the Articles of Freedom and what the delegates have done by taking part in the recommendations they have put together.

Thank you for your interest.

Is there an equivalent movement in Canada?
Your government will just have to invite me in! Actually our CDN Ambassador, Gary Doer, is a really good guy.

We are going through A LOT right now. Torture allegations in Afghanistan, kind of lined up with US national security and intelligence, a sneaky SPP/NAU Prime Minister, weak Liberal Opposition, a very steady NDP party and another party that represents French Canada (Bloc Quebecois). There's hand wringing about our Constitutional monarchy, since the Queen is getting on and many wonder about succession. Her head is on our coins, everything is very integrated with the UK monarchy, legally, constitutionally, historically. A republic is on the table for a lot of people.

Provincially, there's a new populist movement in Alberta. We have 10 provinces and 3 northern territories. On the whole, the four parties seem to work for most people, I think. There was a big merger in 2003 between 2 conservative more rightish parties, Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservatives (like Reps), in order to avoid split votes - the Liberals (like Dems) have suffered on account of it.

BUT - there are A LOT of accountability issues with this merged Conservative bunch IMO, stinky. Unfortunately, it all translates to national political apathy too, i.e. voter turnout's been waning, and the really excited people aren't much represented in government.

PS We have Communists, Marxists, Independents too!
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Old 11-25-2009, 02:39 PM   #102
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Actually our CDN Ambassador, Gary Doer, is a really good guy.
I don't know what "CDN" stands for.

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
There's hand wringing about our Constitutional monarchy, since the Queen is getting on and many wonder about succession. Her head is on our coins, everything is very integrated with the UK monarchy, legally, constitutionally, historically. A republic is on the table for a lot of people.
I have never understood the justification for the expression "Constitutional monarchy."

It's called an "unwritten Constitution," right?

Isn't that laughable?
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Old 11-25-2009, 03:00 PM   #103
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
I don't know what "CDN" stands for.
CDN = Canadian. We use that for currency too, like US$ or CDN$/ CAN$.

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
I have never understood the justification for the expression "Constitutional monarchy."

It's called an "unwritten Constitution," right?

Isn't that laughable?
Well, I think your Civil War got rid of it. I have never heard it called 'unwritten' or even a 'Constitution' actually, so that sounds like what a foreign country might describe it as. (?) You'll have to elaborate. We've have quite the job in Canada to keep the US at bay, historically. Canada has a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, that is written into the Constitution of Canada, which is an outcrop of the original British North America Act.
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Old 11-25-2009, 04:16 PM   #104
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

We're any lefties involved or was this a conservatives only party?
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Old 11-25-2009, 09:28 PM   #105
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
There's hand wringing about our Constitutional monarchy, since the Queen is getting on and many wonder about succession.
Please explain what the word “Constitutional” means in the above. Does it mean a monarchy that has a Parliament?

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Well, I think your Civil War got rid of it.
I don’t follow you here. Did you mean Revolutionary War? And if so, got rid of what?
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Old 11-26-2009, 08:03 AM   #106
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Please explain what the word “Constitutional” means in the above. Does it mean a monarchy that has a Parliament?
Yes. It's a parliamentary system with the Queen (Elizabeth II) as Head of State. In Canada, we have her representative, the GG (Governor General), who has a mansion in Ottawa, along with one for the PM and one for the Leader of the Opposition. The Queen actually has interceded to Canadians' benefit re a political corruption scandal. Our Senate is appointed. There's talk about switching to an elected Senate. Sometimes I think it's a GOOD idea, maybe build some proportional representation into our system through the Senate.

I don't know how it works in the US, but here a government can be elected with little of the popular vote. Kind of sad.

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And if so, got rid of what?
The British. Well, except for the bunch that assassinated Honest Abe Lincoln. (?) Which Knights are those?
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Old 11-26-2009, 08:08 AM   #107
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
We're any lefties involved or was this a conservatives only party?
Nope, no lefties. They really hate lefties - homosexuals, godless types, tree huggers, peace activists, journalists, welfare bums, criminals, drug addicts ... don't go to church.

(I'm kind of simplifying )
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Old 11-26-2009, 09:51 AM   #108
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
In Canada, we have her representative, the GG (Governor General), who has a mansion in Ottawa, along with one for the PM and one for the Leader of the Opposition.
I’m learning something here. I had never heard of the Governor General.

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
I don't know how it works in the US, but here a government can be elected with little of the popular vote. Kind of sad.
I don’t know about little popular vote, but with our electoral college, the candidate can win the popular vote and lose the election. I think I’ve got that right, speaking from memory of past elections…

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
The British. Well, except for the bunch that assassinated Honest Abe Lincoln. (?) Which Knights are those?
Oh yeah – it was the British agents who stirred up the Civil War because America was becoming too prosperous and unmanageable? The slavery issue was actually waning in the States and would not have caused the war had not the British meddled?

One thing I’ve learned about Abe Lincoln in the last 3 years or so is that the “Great Emancipator” is a misnomer. He was not passionate about ending slavery; all he wanted to do was preserve the union. I think he emancipated the slaves so he could use them as soldiers…
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Old 11-26-2009, 09:53 AM   #109
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Nope, no lefties. They really hate lefties - homosexuals, godless types, tree huggers, peace activists, journalists, welfare bums, criminals, drug addicts ... don't go to church.

(I'm kind of simplifying )

no caste,

You're always good for a good laugh!
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Old 11-26-2009, 11:25 AM   #110
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Each state was allowed 3 delegates, 1 of which was the voting delegate.

48 states were represented. North Dakota had no nominees. Oklahoma had 3 delegates but evidently was not present. The District of Columbia had no votes cast so was not represented.

From the website, here is the Seated Delegates List:

Seated CC2009 Delegates

Tim Hobbs - Alabama

Schaeffer Cox - Alaska
Gene Brokaw - Alaska
Kath McCubbins-Carlson - Alaska

Edward Vallejo - Arizona
Howard Blitz - Arizona
Sylvia Boutilier - Arizona

David Helms - Arkansas

Joseph Andrews - California
Tony Dolz - California
Orly Taitz - California

KevinTebedo - Colorado *
Mary Anne Tebedo - Colorado
Terry Dodd - Colorado
Gary Coats - Colorado

Deborah Stevenson - Connecticut
Bradley Waslenko - Connecticut
Vince Pertoso - Connecticut

Bruce Ray Riggs - Delaware

Daniel Cook - Florida
Dan Gonzales - Florida
Dan O'Brien - Florida

Ronald Danforth - Georgia
Ernest Cunningham - Georgia

Darren Hawk - Hawaii

Paul Venable - Idaho
Jack Stuart - Idaho
Ronald Mann - Idaho

Kurt Kallenbach - Illinois
Rick Wos - Illinois
Ron Teed - Illinois

Gary Kah - Indiana

James Getman - Iowa
Clyde Cleveland - Iowa
Mike Angelos - Iowa

Reed Simpson - Kansas
Jay Atkin - Kansas
Richard Fry - Kansas

Charles Zoeller - Kentucky
Richard Treitz - Kentucky
Lynda Farley - Kentucky

Ryan McCain - Louisiana

Wayne Leach - Maine
Jack McCarthy - Maine
Alan Lowberg - Maine

William Newton - Maryland

Jeanne Golrick - Massachusetts
Jonathan Ferron - Massachusetts
Colleen Golrick - Massachusetts

Rick Butkowski - Michigan
James Dowling - Michigan
David Schied - Michigan

Mark Johnson - Minnesota
Kenneth Lucier - Minnesota
Lyle G Daken - Minnesota

W. Scott Sanford, M.D. - Mississippi
Danny Bedwell - Mississippi
Bruce Olley - Mississippi

Catherine Bleish - Missouri
Ray Herron - Missouri
Ralph Saunders - Missouri

Rick Jore - Montana
Stan Jones - Montana
Jerry O'Neil - Montana

William Ramsey - Nebraska

Ed Bridges - Nevada
Wilton (Swannie) Swenson - Nevada

Rick Humboldt - New Hampshire
William Kostric - New Hampshire
Frederick Harvey - New Hampshire

Charles Lukens - New Jersey
Peter Boyce - New Jersey
Robert Nyholm - New Jersey

Michael Lunnon - New Mexico
Dave Batcheller - New Mexico
Elisheva Levin - New Mexico

Robert Schulz - New York
John Wallace - New York
William Berg - New York

Jeff Lewis - North Carolina
Michael Adamskie - North Carolina
Bob Lightner - North Carolina

Jim Davis - Ohio
Ron Dickerhoof - Ohio

Vicki Fleshman - Oregon
Larry Graves - Oregon
Margarete W.Murphy - Oregon

Floyd Houdeshell, Jr. - Pennsylvania
William Taylor Reil - Pennsylvania
Hagen Smith - Pennsylvania

Jeremy Doucet - Rhode Island

Brian Frank - South Carolina
Karen Ruff - South Carolina
J.D. (Justin David) Shultis - South Dakota

PK Lowrey - Tennessee
Tona Monroe - Tennessee
David Riden - Tennessee

Michael Badnarik - Texas
John Bush - Texas
Jon Roland - Texas

Mark Andrew Beach - Utah
Gary Alder - Utah
Scott Bradley - Utah

Stewart Skrill - Vermont
Michael Cushing - Vermont
Larkin Forney - Vermont

Tom DeWeese - Virginia
Dean Smiley - Virginia

Darin Stevens - Washington
Jeff Williams - Washington

Kevin Patrick - West Virginia

Richard Church - Wisconsin
Rudy Eckert - Wisconsin
Brent Arnold - Wisconsin

Catherine Vandemoer - Wyoming

* I don't know why Colorado has 4 names listed.


On this Thanksgiving Day, these are people I am thankful for!

These names may go into the history books of the future.

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Old 11-26-2009, 08:09 PM   #111
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Nope, no lefties. They really hate lefties - homosexuals, godless types, tree huggers, peace activists, journalists, welfare bums, criminals, drug addicts ... don't go to church.

(I'm kind of simplifying )

That's shamefully UNamerican of them, why do they want to hate people?
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Old 11-30-2009, 06:55 PM   #112
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

What follows is an article that sums up very well the crisis situation the United States is in regarding our Constitution and Bill of Rights.


"Puggle Sam"

Acrylic - Stained Glass 2009 19.5" x 30" x 1"

Collaborative Art Piece with Mixed-Up Mosaics

The Constitutional Bankruptcy of our Republic

Nathan Janes

Uncle Sam was created as a symbol of the United States representing the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice. Although this symbol has been a patriotic representation for over 150 years, Uncle Sam cannot stand as a fair symbol of our nation any longer. With recent attacks to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, citizens' rights have been eroded. If this long time representative of our nation could speak to us today perhaps he would remind us that our constitution gives us unalienable rights from the creator to the individual and can not under any circumstance be surrendered or taken.

Contrary to the common misconception, the United States is a constitutional republic and not a democracy. In a republic, the sovereignty resides with the people themselves and one may act on his own or through his representatives when he chooses to confront a problem. The people have no obligation to the government; instead, the government is a servant of the people. Since September 11, 2001 we have been witnessing the destruction of our republic. Congress is gradually dismantling the Bill of Rights and the Constitution with the strong influence of the two most recent presidents. The public is distracted by a left/right paradigm that is controlled by the establishment. While the public is busy criticizing those on the other side of the paradigm, the establishment's power grab goes unchecked and our constitutional rights are further eroded. In this way national sovereignty and the freedom of individuals is being destroyed.

On October 26, 2001, American citizens' right to privacy ended with the passage of the Patriot Act. Of the 435 US Representatives, the Patriot Act was read by no one before it was voted on and passed, a violation of the Representatives' oath of office. The 342 paged bill allows for violations to citizens' rights including the search of home and property without knowledge or consent of the citizen, known as "sneak and peek" spying. Also permitted by the bill is the indefinite imprisonment of any citizen without due process, access to the courts, or the counsel of a lawyer. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is now able to obtain records from businesses, hospitals, bookstores, and libraries for any reason and can search phone, email, and financial records without a court order.

Since the passing of the Patriot Act, a number of bills have been initiated and passed by Congress, which further violate citizens' liberties. The Military Commissions Act of October 17, 2006 assigns dictatorial powers to the president while stripping citizens of the right to habeas corpus. The John Warner National Defense Act empowers military troops to police within US cities during emergency situations to suppress public disorder and dissent, a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. The US has also engaged in torture, initiated undeclared wars, built FEMA camps that closely resemble concentration camps, encouraged the public to spy on each other, and committed several other acts that allow the government to have increased control over the lives of its citizens.

A number of groups and individuals constitute the establishment or ruling class elite and weld enormous influence over our country's policy makers. Our government servants are constantly changing laws to favor and protect global banks. While the Constitution is being destroyed, these global bankers are committing financial terrorism. The private banking cartel of the Federal Reserve has been all but openly permitted to bankrupt our country and destroy our wealth, setting up the need for a global currency. The multinational corporations as well as the technocrats of large foundations and other non-governmental organizations lobby congress with a large degree of influence as well. Seldom is it the voice of ordinary citizens the shapes the actions and opinions of our representatives in congress.

From the influence of the global powers and ruling establishment a new world order is emerging. Once only recognized by the media as mere conspiracy, it is now considered a reality as hundreds of articles across the world address this issue on a weekly basis. The standardization of one system of government throughout the world is steadily being introduced as we come into the Age of World Managers. If you look at the charter and mandate of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, you will see that the future they envision is a world of service. According to these documents, every individual's only purpose will be to serve the world state. We are living through a cultural revolution right now that is transitioning us into a world system.

The major media plays a significant role in forming social opinion as it relates to global and national events. Many people's thoughts and opinions are chiefly shaped by what they view on television. These individuals have been trained not to look at the obvious but only at what is presented to them. This country has fallen victim to a form of psychic tyranny, where we have become mind slaves of major media mainly through the use of television. If you study Stalin you will see how those in power know that the masses can be strongly influenced by repetition. The media bombards the public with repetition of certain thoughts or opinions and individuals slowly start to adopt these thoughts and opinions as their own. Lenin once said, "We shall conquer the world by the use of slogans." President Obama was elected on an array of slogans one of which was taken from a children's cartoon, "Yes We Can."

Our culture, created mainly by the mass media, has trained the public to be docile and apathetic. The people of the US have become conditioned to accept what is presented to them; they are kept in a state of ignorance as to the true on goings of our government. Rather than trust themselves, many people will only shape their opinions from those who are presented as experts or authority figures in the mass media. In this way the US resembles the beginnings of a scientific dictatorship- a managed society ruled by the intellectual elite. It will be through the use of slogans and scientific experts that the new world order will be ushered in; the establishment is ensuring a smooth transition to a global system without significant opposition from the people.

Public relations pioneer Edward Bernays wrote in his 1928 book, "Propaganda", "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country…" Everyday it grows more evident that we do not control the government; the government is controlled by the global elite who are increasingly managing the people. Our nation is becoming something that we have long fought against. A repressive society has been created within this once great nation and "we the people" are unwittingly becoming serfs to our own public servants. Their objective to rule rests in the annihilation of our consciousness as they create a state of learned helplessness among the masses. If we don't wake up and become conscious of where our country is heading, we may soon find ourselves in a world resembling a prison planet of total centralized control where all our freedoms are taken away for our supposed security. It's time for people to start being individuals and to create independent thought. Since 2001, government officials have repeatedly said, "Terrorists hate us for our freedom." Now it is clear that the true terrorists are the ruling establishment working through those who are elected to represent and serve the people.

The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not reflect those of Mixed-Up Mosaics.


Now that the Continental Congress 2009 has concluded, it is up to we the people to follow-up and do our part to implement the Articles of Freedom that have been established as a result of the hard work done by this gathering of patriots.

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Old 12-01-2009, 06:06 PM   #113
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

I emailed my (voting) delegate, Tom DeWeese, regarding the status of the Articles of Freedom. A committee is working on completing the document and the website to view them is:


This is actually the CC2009 website, so evidently there will be no separate website set up for implementation of the Articles.

(And evidently there are no plans for conference calls at this time.)


There is also The Tenth Amendment Center for people who want to help restore our God-given freedoms that are supposed to be protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Last edited by Seashore; 12-01-2009 at 06:11 PM. Reason: Format
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Old 12-01-2009, 07:35 PM   #114
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post

There is also The Tenth Amendment Center for people who want to help restore our God-given freedoms that are supposed to be protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Here is a new thread to track this initiative:

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Old 12-05-2009, 10:33 AM   #115
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
During one of the sessions of the Congress a delegate of the state of Tennessee, Tona Monroe, offered a YouTube video of herself speaking at a town hall meeting as a substitutute for speaking directly to the delegates for her allotted time to speak. This was done to illustrate the point that she wanted to make. I emailed her to ask her the name of the video so I could find it on YouTube. She emailed back so here it is:

YouTube- Bob Corker is asked a Hard Question
I have had an email correspondence with Tona. She has sent me a link to a page on her website that she has composed giving her reflections of the Congress. Here is what she said:

Reflections of Continental Congress 2009
by Tona Monroe, delegate from Tennessee

On November 11, 2009, I arrived in St. Charles,Illinois, uncertain of what we would accomplish; other than documenting our grievances with our federal and state governments. But I was certain that we delegates would form lasting bonds in the cause of freedom.

One of the biggest mistakes that I believe this body made was the adoption of the rule that discussion of constitutional amendments would be ruled out of order. It’s not that I believe that the Constitution needs to be radically altered, but that it has already been radically altered by our Supreme Court through interpretation and egregiously ignored by our Congress and President; therefore, amendments could bring our government back into compliance with its original meaning. A better rule would have been that talk of a Constitutional Convention would be ruled out of order.

I for one, wanted to discuss Representative Michele Bachman’s HJR 41, which would prohibit the president of the United States from entering into a treaty to adopt as legal tender a currency issued by an entity other than the United States. As a result of the adoption of this rule, I had to accept the fact that I had to move forward with other issues as there were many that needed to be addressed.

It quickly became clear that Robert’s Rules of Order was a challenge for many of us. Filled with zeal and good ideas, we stumbled around with good discussions but little plans of action the first few days. Seeing the frustration of this, I took it upon myself to write a resolution that would create subcommittees to write resolutions on each of the items on the agenda.

After receiving the blessing of some of the delegates sitting near me, I took my resolution to Jeff Lewis, a delegate from North Carolina. To my surprise, I found that he was writing a resolution that was almost identical to my proposal, but with greater details. We had no disagreement in developing the structure for resolutions of the agenda issues. My only concern was that his proposal was greater in length, and therefore more apt to be rejected by the body. However, his details were good and I decided to support his plan.

When Jeff and I got to the floor, a motion had already been made by Paul Venable, a delegate from Idaho. At that point, I could see Jeff’s frustration because he could only speak to the motion on the floor. I was at the microphone on the other side of the room, so that I would be next to speak, and I tried repeatedly to tell him to make a substitute motion. Obviously, Jeff couldn’t read my lips and he sat down after making a few comments.

At that point, the only thing I had in my hand was the resolution I had written; a more concise version of what Jeff had intended to propose.

Thus, I proceeded to substitute Paul’s motion with mine. After reading a few sentences, Jeff rose from his seat and asked me to wait a minute. He then brought me his resolution and I immediately withdrew mine and offered his to the body. The resolution passed, and the rest is as is often said, history.

From that point on, the body was much more organized; Robert’s Rules of Order no longer being a complicated challenge. The body organized into subcommittees where our best work was done. Many fine documents were produced, enumerating many of the egregious and flagrant violations of our Constitution. These documents and resolutions are the result of our collective knowledge and sacred labor, and they are how I believe that posterity will remember Continental Congress 2009.

Emotions ran high and low with feelings ranging from fulfilling joy, to heavy hearts. Many statements and resolutions brought me to my feet to render fervent applause.

My heart sank when Continental Congress failed to adopt John Bush’s amendment to encourage people to resist a draft to fight in unconstitutional wars. War should never be an offensive strategy and I pray that all Americans realize that it is not unpatriotic to question the role of our military any more than it is to question the role of our President, Congress or the Courts. A true patriot thoroughly examines everything our government does.

Freedom radiated from the body when the Preamble was read; in the same spirit that our founders had when they produced the Declaration of Independence. It was an inspiring moment that reaffirmed my belief that freedom and liberty shall live on forever in the hearts of men and women.

The 16th amendment resolution unified the body resulting in thunderous applause because every delegate in the room knew that a free people always own the fruits of their labor. The preamble of the Declarations and Resolves and the 16th amendment resolution are perhaps the shinning moments of Continental Congress 2009, but I encourage all Americans to examine all the documentation produced by the Congress because there is much to learn and enjoy.

The action plan of Continental Congress 2009 and the Articles of Freedom are currently somewhat vague, but I call upon my fellow Americans to remember the following statement: I AM my brother’s keeper. It is our solemn duty to carry forward the torch of freedom now and forevermore.

To all fellow Americans, present and future, please reflect and act upon the work of Continental Congress 2009 along with the work of past and future generations, with the goal of universal freedom for all mankind.

I would like extend a special thanks to my dear friend Bob Gosnell of Lake City, Tennessee for his help in editing my comments. Also, thank you to all the people that worked behind the scenes to organize and successfully run Continential Congress 2009.
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Old 12-05-2009, 10:44 AM   #116
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
An important debate concerning Obama's eligibility to be President and Orly Taitz's legal action took place and will be continued on Saturday. Orly Taitz wants the Congress to endorse her legal action.

Here is a link to an Infowars.com article about Orly Taitz and the birth certificate issue:


Dr. A. True Ott has done research and written an article about Orly Taitz's husband and his connection to artificial intelligence software that is used to create flu viruses and to Novartis, the patent holder of the bird/swine flu vaccination:

From the website of a delegate from Tennessee, Tona Monroe, here is a photo of Orly Taitz with Tona.

It is a mystery to me as to Orly's intentions. She seemed sincere from what I saw of her watching the webcast:

Tona with Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.

For the record, I am not a birther per se, but Orly's statements about Obama having citizenship in 4 countries concerns me greatly. He should revoke all citizenships that he has with any country other than the USA.

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Old 12-05-2009, 10:52 AM   #117
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
During one of the sessions of the Congress a delegate of the state of Tennessee, Tona Monroe, offered a YouTube video of herself speaking at a town hall meeting as a substitutute for speaking directly to the delegates for her allotted time to speak. This was done to illustrate the point that she wanted to make. I emailed her to ask her the name of the video so I could find it on YouTube. She emailed back so here it is:

YouTube- Bob Corker is asked a Hard Question
Here is a video of Gary Franchi interviewing Tona:

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Old 12-05-2009, 08:43 PM   #118
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

BlogTalkRadio has a show called "Revolution Radio."

Continental Congress 2009 has been featured on the show. There is an "On Demand Episode" available to listen to. Here is a copy and paste of the blurb:


On Demand Episodes

Original Air Date: 12/2/2009 9:30 PM
Revolution Radio

Report on the Continental Congress 2009! Join drkate and other CC2009 delegates for a discussion of the exciting 11-day Continental Congress. Tonight we will be joined by Terry Dodd, delegate from Colorado, constitutional scholar and CC2009 faculty member Red Beckman, and other delegates. We hope you will take the time to listen in, learn about the "Articles of Freedom," and become part of the critical mass needed to return to constitutional governance!

Here's the link. Scroll down to the "On Demand Episodes." I recommend downloading (right-click & Save Link As...) so that you can use your own player. Also be advised the intro lasts about 3 1/2 minutes:

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Old 12-05-2009, 08:48 PM   #119
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

America, The Beautiful

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Old 12-05-2009, 09:07 PM   #120
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
From the website of a delegate from Tennessee, Tona Monroe, here is a photo of Orly Taitz with Tona.

It is a mystery to me as to Orly's intentions. She seemed sincere from what I saw of her watching the webcast:

Tona with Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.

For the record, I am not a birther per se, but Orly's statements about Obama having citizenship in 4 countries concerns me greatly. He should revoke all citizenships that he has with any country other than the USA.

Citizenship in 4 countries ......

if one is to be a leader of his nation perhaps he should decide which nation he belongs to before he decides to become their president.
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Old 12-06-2009, 02:43 PM   #121
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Sing it, Ray!!!
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Old 12-06-2009, 03:28 PM   #122
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Sing it, Ray!!!
This song is primarily about the beauty of the land, but I like it because I associate it with liberty and due process.
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Old 12-21-2009, 12:53 PM   #123
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Smile Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post

I anticipate that there will be a document entitled "Articles of Freedom" that will be online soon. This will map out the:

1. Remedial Instructions to be served upon state and federal officials.

2. Civic Actions the people may take, should those officials fail or otherwise ignore the Remedial Instructions.
The document entitled "Articles of Freedom" is now online. I have established a new thread for this: "Articles of Freedom - The Works of the Continental Congress 2009".
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Old 12-22-2009, 09:19 PM   #124
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Continental Congress 2009

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
The elected President of the Congress Michael Badnarik...
Michael Badnarik has suffered a heart attack. From Infowars.com:


Libertarian Party Candidate Michael Badnarik Suffers Heart Atttack

Kurt Nimmo
December 22, 2009

Badnarik campaigning in July 2004.

Michael J. Badnarik, the Libertarian Party nominee for President of the United States in the 2004 elections and a former software engineer and radio talk show host has suffered a heart attack. Badnarik is also the president of the 2009 Continental Congress.

Badnarik was in Madison, Wisconsin, attending a hearing regarding a raw milk case when he collapsed, according to Gary Franchi, the National Director of Restore the Republic. “After the hearing he got in a car to go to lunch with friends; he then slumped over. His friends attempted CPR and contacted the paramedics. They attempted to revive him 3 times with no success. Upon the 4th attempt his heart was revived yet with erratic behavior,” writes Franchi in an email.

Michael was taken to a local hospital in Wisconsin and fitted with a temporary pacemaker and a balloon pump to ease stress on his heart. He remains in an unconscious state and his condition is listed as serious.

In November 2009, Badnarik was elected as one of three delegates from the State of Texas to attend the 2009 Continental Congress sponsored by the We The People Foundation, and subsequently elected parliamentary president of that body.

In October 2008, he began hosting a talk radio program, Lighting the Fires of Liberty, on the Genesis Communications Network.

[End of Article]
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