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Old 10-04-2008, 08:41 PM   #51
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Hi Norval,

What's your opinion about "The Urantia Book".


Does it fit your way of thinking or do you see it as disinfo?
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Old 10-04-2008, 08:43 PM   #52
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, , , another book?

, , , another book.

I am having enough fun just talking about the bible, thanks, LOL

It is the Sabbath, so I am off of here till later.
Keep looking up, ,
and reading the book. The bible.


Last edited by Norval; 10-04-2008 at 08:45 PM.
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Old 10-04-2008, 09:02 PM   #53
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Originally Posted by Alexandra View Post
Norval I do not believe in religions. They are hive mind control systems, in my opinion, of course. I am familiar with the cosmic hierarchy and all of it's councils. I also know that they do not promote superiority unless they are in service to self portions of this galaxy. When one has all of the answers there is no longer a need to be here to learn. Therefore, since you are still on this planet, I gather you are still a student. Good speed on your journey to the Creator of all that is not just the Order of Melchizedek.

You certainly have a point there. All of us must humble ourselves before Elohim. If we feel that we should be superior than others, then you just stumbled and hurt yourself. Remember that the least in the Kingdom of Heaven will be called the greatest, while the greatest will be called the least.

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Old 10-04-2008, 09:09 PM   #54
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Originally Posted by gazbom View Post
Old Dood, It's obvious, time travel doesn't exsist, why, because no body ever came back to introduce themselves, and one group or another, would have wiped us out by now to gain domination.
That is where Time Lines come into play....
You cannot 'Go back' then change something then 'Come back' here to this time line.
Old 10-04-2008, 09:22 PM   #55
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Originally Posted by ctophil View Post

You certainly have a point there. All of us must humble ourselves before Elohim. If we feel that we should be superior than others, then you just stumbled and hurt yourself. Remember that the least in the Kingdom of Heaven will be called the greatest, while the greatest will be called the least.

Please explain what you mean? I didn't stumble or anything. what are you talking about?
Old 10-04-2008, 09:36 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by ctophil View Post

You certainly have a point there. All of us must humble ourselves before Elohim. If we feel that we should be superior than others, then you just stumbled and hurt yourself. Remember that the least in the Kingdom of Heaven will be called the greatest, while the greatest will be called the least.

Ah, the famous system of politics, it is a message of revenge and power.

My view,
There are no greatest, there are no least, we all have the same value, we are only different right here and now in how we view things and how we know ourselves.

Being angry is not knowing oneself, being angry is demonstrating the lack of selfknowledge.
We are all equal, there is not need to humble.
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Old 10-04-2008, 09:45 PM   #57
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Originally Posted by Alexandra View Post
Please explain what you mean? I didn't stumble or anything. what are you talking about?
Hi Alexandra,

I wasn't referring directly about you. I was further explaining about the superiority concept you pointed out to Norval. I was just saying that if you believe that you are superior than others in this world, then you are actually hurting yourself. We must all humble ourselves before the Creator will open up to you. Just like these powerful bloodlines who believe they are totally superior to us and want to rule all of us. What does this get them? Does it matter if you have the whole world but end up losing your soul in the end? Hope that helps!

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Old 10-04-2008, 09:59 PM   #58
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Default so sorry camelot

Dump this trash barge and sail for the sunrise

before its too late. this forum is riddled with

Egomania ,Dementia and dumb.Goodluck Bill and

Kerry and i wish you the best.I know your hearts

are in the right place.You should take into

account that this cancer will spead.

I still cant believe the bunk i have read here.

Mr norval ,did you blow the whistle that the bible has secrets?

Or that some folks see aliens or the fact than mankind has a much different and more interesting past than told to us in the history books? Nevermind please. I wont be reading anymore and wont see your reply.

This whole thing is a joke.right? My turn hehe (In jest)."Im here to say to all folks in forum land. i want to tell you that sometimes government and other important people lie to us.My discovery will be of monumental importance for all times and all people."I get dibs on the first book the screenplay and Royalties everytime someone says"doomsday". Awesome! i've heard it all before (ALL)long before this forum was born. Try meditation,it'll help with tension and dealing with ass hats like myself.

p.s i'm hoping on october 14th the galaxy will

expel some large scary space crafts for your

viewing pleasure.i'll be knitting and having tea

with goblins that day .Do tell the details.
Goodluck all.
Old 10-04-2008, 10:08 PM   #59
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

For all you who DID NOT see this?
SEE IT !!!


Old 10-04-2008, 10:10 PM   #60
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Hi Norval & Gale, thank you for coming out so to speak.
This is no coincidence for me I have been listening to what Red Elk has to say about all this as well and relistened to his last message just last night. He was on Coast to Coast I believe either on Sept. 17th or 18th.. He seems to think much if not all this could be avoided (cataclysms) if we follow the creator. Would the Gnostics be more in line with less disinformation or is the bible free and clear, I really want to know.

I understand from research that it has been altered to serve the money changers and reinforce slavery. However I still value it for the moral value system it represents as well as guidance. I am sorry to say I do not find it a religious book for me to follow but more of a guide for life in general. I have researched far to many wars and conflicts that start over this subject "religion" as many people wish to represent their god as better than any other god for me this is not god in any fashion nor could it ever be it is an illusion in the mind of that person and their religious system.
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Old 10-04-2008, 10:29 PM   #61
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Hi Norval,

You are right about who's behind the bible, but certainly you are wrong if you think they (ET) create us. In this case totally opposite, they want us to believe that, it's part of the game. We are pure energy not some ET/Dr.Frankenstein experiment.

All religions on this planet are produced to keep us blind, and as far is possible from the real true.
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Old 10-04-2008, 10:35 PM   #62
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Many blessings to everyone,regardless of your beliefs. My belief is that no matter what anyone does they are still part of the whole and hate towards any individual or group is unacceptable. Therefore, as I have said before, no one individual or group is right about everything. We all have a piece to the puzzle. Annihilation of one group over another is archaic and we should all have learned better by now. Enough said.
Old 10-04-2008, 11:14 PM   #63
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To believe is one thing, but to know is something completely different.
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Old 10-04-2008, 11:19 PM   #64
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Originally Posted by nagualton View Post
To believe is one thing, but to know is something completely different.
Yes, I have to agree.
Believing something really means nothing...or doesn't really matter.
What IS...now that is something to think about.
Old 10-05-2008, 12:10 AM   #65
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Well, I see by reading we have had quite the effort by some posters to disrupt the
information flow any way they can. There are a few of us that are aware of the "other
agents" operating in these forums on the net. Yes, there are the information agents, IAC,
getting and controlling information as best they can, now we see the "other agents" at
work too. I have mentioned the bad ET's, the losers of that war out there in our solar
system and beyond. By their attitudes or attributes you will know them.

One key way to recognize them is by their inability to keep their mouths shut when it
comes to a chance to defame, ridicule, malign, discredit, vilify, and degrade the bible and
it's message. Of course they will always try to make the person posting out to be just as
deplorable by deceitfully twisting the posters words around to suit their slanderous
attacks. And, yes, it is all in the bible about their methodologies but more importantly is
why they do it. Their hatred for the bible is next only to their hatred of mankind. Again the
bible is the only book that tells why.

Me? I'll stick with what tells me the truth about what is happening, and why, in our world
today, and in these very forums. Far to many have seen these posters tactics and now are
able to recognize them. Now they can also learn why they are here. Read the bible.

There is no religion in the bible, only what ones want you to think is there.
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Old 10-05-2008, 12:23 AM   #66
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BTW, I've been studying the 'Keys of Enoch" for a couple of years in a study group lead by Hurtak approved leaders. The information in it is quite mind-blowing--very different than what I'd run into previously in my studies.

After getting into the work of Maxwell Jordan, I too started questioning which version of the Bible folks quote from. I did come to see from studying Enoch and Jordan's work how scientific/technical the information in the Bible is. I laughed my fool head off after years of chasing wisdom from Lama's, Bon Po Trungpas, a varity of Swami's, Zen Masters, Taoists, Kahunas of all stripes, how the Bible has pretty much got it covered....

I've probably missed some strategic posts, but I too am having difficulty understanding your displeasure with B&K, Norval...
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Old 10-05-2008, 12:33 AM   #67
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Yes, I got through more than an hour of it before it just refused to load the rest. And even at that point, I was cheering out loud and pumping the air--like Tiger Woods sinking that million dollar putt, having that expansive heart feeling when 'Willy, The Orca" sails over the barrier to freedom at sea... Finally, some uplifting thoughts and visions are breaking through the gloom like sun burning off fog!
I quickly searched their site to see how I could sign up to help their movement any way I could...
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Old 10-05-2008, 12:35 AM   #68
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Another twister of words?

I've probably missed some strategic posts, but I too am having difficulty understanding your displeasure with B&K, Norval...
How many times do I have to state I am not the least displeased with Bill and Kerry.
Don't you think they, or a moderator would have responded by now if it was that?
The only problem is in the minds that want there to be something.

Bill and Kerry, everyone can see what a time of it some of these kinds of posters are having in your forums. Are there enough flames yet? Shall I break out the marshmallows yet?
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Old 10-05-2008, 12:42 AM   #69
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Originally Posted by sunnyrap View Post
BTW, I've been studying the 'Keys of Enoch" for a couple of years in a study group lead by Hurtak approved leaders. The information in it is quite mind-blowing--very different than what I'd run into previously in my studies.

After getting into the work of Maxwell Jordan, I too started questioning which version of the Bible folks quote from. I did come to see from studying Enoch and Jordan's work how scientific/technical the information in the Bible is. I laughed my fool head off after years of chasing wisdom from Lama's, Bon Po Trungpas, a varity of Swami's, Zen Masters, Taoists, Kahunas of all stripes, how the Bible has pretty much got it covered....

I've probably missed some strategic posts, but I too am having difficulty understanding your displeasure with B&K, Norval...

Mind blowing is putting it lightly I have had the KEYS for over 10 years, and for a book written in 1977 it is amazing. I highly recommend Mr Hurtak's book. The most influential read of my life.
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Old 10-05-2008, 12:44 AM   #70
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Fail to see how I'm twisting anything--unintentional, if you took it that way...

BTW, I'm following several sites that disagree with your position of it being 'unlikely' that there is civilisation on Mars. This one in particular looks pretty interesting:

Evidence of a City on Mars?

YOWUSA.COM, 14-Sep-08
Marshall Masters

Evidence of a City on Mars? On February 01, 2008, Youtube user sean1david1ryan posted his analysis of an ESA Mars photo he obtained from the ESA web site titled Mars Civilization: Evidence By European Space Agency.

In response to reader inquiries we decided to give it a look. First thing we noticed was that this video has been viewed over 193,000 times and has earned a solid 4-star ranking. This tells us it has passed an essential smell test, with the general public.
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Old 10-05-2008, 02:25 AM   #71
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Perhaps, if you would be kind enough, you could give us the whole truth and then we would all know what is real. Then there would be no reason for this forum to exist. You would not have to deal with agents or bad ET's or any other undesirables. Sounds like a plan to me. If someone knows the truth then don't you believe they should help their fellow humans?
Old 10-05-2008, 04:25 AM   #72
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Post Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Hi, I just came upon Norval's thread for the first time this evening and read through pretty much all of it. It was very interesting to me; Norval's posts, because I've had an experience in my youth; age 18; I'm now 46, that I've always been extremely curious about.

It was religious, in a sense, as I was "trying to be" a Youth teacher at the brief time.... To clarify, I was 18, out of H.S., and wanted to explore my "born into Catholic upbringing" a bit more than Sunday gospel. So, never have read 'any bible' at the time.... I decided to 'help out' as a teacher's assistant to a young teacher in his 20s teaching 'the book of Revelation.'
I did want to help these 8th graders learn.... but, looking back, I think my real objective at the time was to appease deep curiosity and finally do some real Bible study myself!

Well.... it's a long story and I don't want to strain any eyes telling it here... but what happened to me after that short, summer course was over... was anything but boring.

{Sometime I will write more about it in detail.... but for now I'll be concise}

Norval and Gale, I hope you're reading.... because I'd love to get your feedback later---

First, let me tell you I was not your "average Sunday school teacher type" --ok... (For 1980 anyway)
This means, I was 'a little bit' of "the partier".... (I don't want to sound 'vain' here.... but, I had no idea; (totally naieve!) of how 'attractive' a female 'I WAS'..... (I mean i didn't think i was ugly..... but (and i don't want to focus on this) ----- what I'm trying to tell you is I WAS THERE FOR A REASON UNKNOWN TO ME AT THE TIME --- OK ..... It was not for the teacher he was quite short, wore glasses (I wear them now... you know-- at 18... It was like; He's a geek!), etc... but he was extremely kind !

Anyway, never saw the teacher or students (except for one girl) again after the weeknight class was over after some several weeks.

Maybe a week, or two, at the most later..... "The Action Began..... !"

OK--- (I can't give the story any justice.... until i write it all out detail for detail.... but.....) in a nutshell {and that's what I'm afraid of some may think i was "a nut" at the time... !}

It started with me having an 'extreme dream' one night.... Is it called a Lucid dream ? --Where you are 'awake'...

(yes--- many details--- but the climax was 'SEEING' (my first and last time to do so) a "Light Being" at my doorway.
NOW, today, I can call it a Light Being, or advanced being, or ET.... from all I've learned about this over the net for the last three years..
But, at that time, I 'thought' it was Jesus....
I had cleared that up after I told a Pastor
my story in 2002.... (I left Catholic faith in 1995... and explored a non-denominational Christian church until 2005... when i first became "net saavy")

I liked the fact that "born again Christians" -- unlike Catholics -- ACTUALLY READ THE BIBLE....

AND i was able to FURTHER EXPLORE ! ---Through various (2 or 3) Bible studies I did with the women's group while I raised my babies.
My husband and I (of 20 years) 'planned' the first 2 babies....
The 2nd two--- happened no matter how careful we tried not to let it --- AND, the timing was 'real funny' --- the pregnancies occurred BOTH TIMES right in the beginning of a 'new Bible study'... !
(I was 41 with the last.... Thank God, all healthy children)

Now, YOU may say this is all not so strange.... but it does get weirder..
the time i was 18 that is---
"Entering another dimension..... Seeing visions.... being hospitalized by my parents because of it.... etc.."

Also, after having the last of four babies at age 41,
I noticed a "letter Y" sort of "engraving" in the center of my 'navel' --belly button-- It was not there before the pregnancy...
(I always, since childhood, had a large, outie navel... It goes inwards now)

Just "weird coincidences"...... Even though most here will say 'there are no coincidences'...... Ya just don't know

Since my real committed Christian days... I've had quite "a ride" on the internet over the last three years... learning and discerning, of course...

I read Norval's first post--- and it really rung (resonated) with me.

I haven't belonged to a church for 3 years.... and tend to not have a religion at all.... but i do feel strongly about "A Creator" --- and maybe there are multiple 'versions' of a Christ--- the most recent being; Jesus of Nazareth..
History does repeat itself as they say...

Maybe he was 'the final' teacher of that magnitude.... "so to speak" ---

/anyway... Just wanted to sum up and say I am glad Norvel and Gale are doing what they're doing---

All need to share--- and not be afraid---

Love to all~ teresa*
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Old 10-05-2008, 04:53 AM   #73
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hi norval and gale
i think we would all like to hear your view on Dr Deagles telephone call this morning.


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Old 10-05-2008, 11:41 AM   #74
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I for one don't think we all ended up on this forum together by accident, have you two any thought's on this.
Highly unlikely by accident.
Great collating keep up the good work.

Give the man a cigar......
And Gale a big hug.
Thanks and hugs back.
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Old 10-05-2008, 12:01 PM   #75
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Please can someone ERASE my and all i written from this forum?

Hehe some here are still STUCK in the illusion of the money loving bible.
I just cant waste time on ppl like that sorry and GOOD BYE.
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