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Old 10-04-2008, 04:15 AM   #1
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Default A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Kerry asked me:
" 09-25-2008 02:07 PMKerry Cassidy
hi norval,
I would be happy to hear why you were talking about me selling out :-) ??
Thanks for the apology at any rate.
Best wishes, Kerry"

Well Kerry and Bill, here you go.
The story starts with an email we (Gale and I) sent to you, Bill and Kerry, at Project
Camelot, prior to this forum, outlining what we had discovered in our investigations. A
copy of that email follows this letter. We received no answer. It was assumed that you
both were quite busy and would respond accordingly. To date, we still have no answer.
For those of you that don't know me or Gale, we are what are called whistle blowers.
But our story "seems" to be an old one because it's about the bible. No, it would be an
old story if it were about religion. The bible is not about religion at all, it is about ETs and
the message that has been in our hands, now complete for about two thousand years.

Here is where this all stands today. Soon after posting this
http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ead.php?t=2094 thread in the First Avalon
forum, I was inundated with messages and friend requests. Question after question has
been pouring in since then, support and confirmation for the first time on any forum that
hasn't turned false, so far.

Back in 2002 an email from a high up NASA official told me, about Gale's and my
research, that had been sent to him at his request, the following: "He who runs the fastest,
runs the loneliest". We were also told that "They didn't believe Louis Pasture at first
either". (One of the discovers of germs.) And the last thing he told us was that "You may
have discovered what bridges the gap between science and religion". All other forums we
have visited have professionally trained skeptics and debunkers to keep specific
information out of the public's eyes. They have done their jobs well.

Our original email to Bill and Kerry mentioned the Information Acquisition and Control
(IAC), agents. Now they have a forum with all kinds of agents with agendas. An
experience I had back in the early spring of 1997 involved agents from the FBI, DOD,
CIA, Secret Service and a couple of others, besides a couple of Tall Whites, may be of
interest? A friend was teaching me how to use the internet and search engines. We had to
define our searches a few times but finally got one that looked promising. The only bulletin
board / forum that was about the exact thing of the bible I wanted to discuss and was
searching for, turned out to be a top secret government think tank. A common search
engine of the time took us through a loop hole in the security at this top level university by
accident where I answered 4 of their primary questions. After that I was interviewed by a
presidential advisor twice. It was quite an experience.

Maybe I should have just posted like this in the beginning, presented myself and Gale as
potential whistle blowers? This message has to do with the survivability of the human
race. We are now past a time when one of the predictions of the bible clearly indicated
we could be destroyed, our entire planet wiped of life. Your governments now know this
to be true, as do many of the hierarchy of religions, and believe. The way we present the
bible's information is in a completely non-religious fashion. The bible, in very simple ways,
tells us about the government of the galaxies of our universe. Mankind was created for a
very good reason, many will be chosen as representatives of that government. Yes,
mankind is important and many are being offered a very responsible task in the future.

This then brings me to Kerry's question; "I would be happy to hear why you were talking
about me selling out :-) ??"

We now know that the agents seem to be allowing my and Gale's testimony to be heard.
Although the beginning is now locked up in Camelot, somewhat ironic, that, I would hope
to either be able to incorporate that thread with this and another to try and bring the
whole picture into focus or something along those lines. Divide and conquer is not new to
me. Many posters have voiced opinions about this split of the forum. I think it is a good
idea. Yet the bible's message is vital to both Camelot and Avalon as it contains
information that concerns what has happened, Camelot, and what is about to happen,
Avalon. Yet I can work both sides if necessary. That is, when Camelot reopens. Gale
and I have seen amazing forum changes soon after posting some aspects of the bible's
true message and the evidence we have. Your forum changed, I reacted, time will now
tell what really transpired, and time is running out. About these things, Bill, I would like to
comment from what I know of the bible to what you wrote here.

UFOs are real. (Agreed)
ETs are real. (Agreed)
ETs come from different planets and different times. (Many planets, but not times.)
ETs have different agendas. (Yes)
Some ETs are benevolent, and some see us as a resource to be exploited. (Yes)
Some ETs have 'helped' the human race evolve biologically. (Actually we were created)
The US military (and probably the military of other countries) have highly advanced
technology that may be beyond what we can imagine. (Possibly, but I have a good
imagination, and I don't think they have thought big enough.)
There is human and ET activity on the Moon. (I doubt it.)
There is human and ET activity on Mars. (I doubt it.)
Mind control is a reality. (It is possible to some extent.)
Abductions are a reality. (Yes)
Free energy is a reality. (Yes)
Antigravity is a reality. (Yes, three patents.)
Time travel is a reality. (No. As it would be the ultimate weapon.)
Contactee experiences are real. (Many)
Some channeling is real. (Many. Sources can be highly deceptive.)

What does that leave us to talk about?

Here are some suggestions:

What's the future of the human race? (Answered above)
What might the ETs (and the Illuminati / our governments) have secretly planned for us?
(Read the bible.)
What do they still know that is not being told about possible and probable future events -
either planned, foreseen, or both? (What is "really" in the bible and right in front of
What are the most probable future timelines? (The one that we are in, the only one.)
How can we as individual, aware people respond to current events? (Learn the other
unexplored truths of the bible without religion.)
Can we influence events? (Yes, your own, and others by your actions.)
Can we influence timelines? (No, there is only one, ours.)
What might really be happening in the next few weeks and months? (I can only tell you
how it's going to happen.)
Are we collectively smart enough to stay ahead of the curve? (Sorry, this is on an
individual level only, but you can help each other to learn.)
How can we organize? (Maybe I can help a bit with that, as there is a true gathering
taking place now, only not quite what you expected.)
How much time do we have? (If you live through this you could have all the time you
want, restored to a youthful form with no defects, and never grow old again.)
Can we really envision or create the future that we want? (That would depend on what
one truly wants.)
What are the real risks or threats, and how do we recognize them? (Look around, read
the bible, do word searches in a bible computer program about what interests you. The
answers are all there.)

These issues above are what The Project Avalon Forum is for. There's plenty to talk
about. (And we agree.) {end}

There is a disclosure coming and all eyes will see it when it happens. Think of a ship that
is 1,500 miles big. Imagine the other ships that would come with the King of all the
Galaxies? You could call this "The New Age" understanding of the Bible. It will be soon

Is Camelot and Avalon up to the task of reporting what the bible's real message is?
Will I be up to the task of explaining it adequately and reasonably?
Norval L. Cunningham
Gale Smart
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Old 10-04-2008, 04:19 AM   #2
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

The email.
Care to see the big picture?Monday, August 25, 2008 7:45 AM
From: "Norval Cunningham" To: bill@projectcamelot.org, [email]kerry@projectcamelot.org, Bill and Kerry; While Gale and I retired from the research we were doing for the past 6 years on Concise and Systematic (CS) crater chains we still keep our eyes on the screen looking for interesting developments. Your Project Camelot seems to be finding many of the questions we all ask about the visitors. We see a development about the destruction that is seen in our solar system, it's acceptance that it was catastrophic and not by natural causes. Our investigations revealed many of the aspects your prime interviews have shown. Yet the main questions of who, what, and why they are here remains unanswered to a great degree. So many lies at all levels of interaction about the ET's amongst us, under us, and above us. We can help tie it all together with one last piece of information.
The internet is full of Information Acquisition and Control agents, and these IAC agents do not play well with others. Especially if you have information that they really do not want on the web. It was discovered that war in our solar system was not one of the things that they wanted to see discussed on the net. Especially if it included the pictures of proof. And for damn sure if it was to have happened in the past hundred years.
CS Crater Chains are a type of in line crater effect preposterously proposed to have been caused by a space rock, comet, asteroid breaking up and landing in such a manner as to cause a "crater chain", catina, or chain of craters. A funny thing that on the web we have had a few agree with us that these were "impossible" and obvious signs of "intelligence". Yet there were dozens that flat out lied to us, lied about what we were saying, confused the issues and attacked any that would come to our aid in forums. While in real life I have had hundreds agree that these crater chains "just couldn't happen normally". With only one or two dissenters that believed vehemently that they were naturally caused by a broken up space rock landing in such a precise pattern. Hundreds of times. What are the odds of these things?
Why do your interviews seem to have many of the pieces, but just can't make the connection? Your own searching's for "truth". Maybe we can be of some help, as we have been in the past, and still am, for certain government agencies.
Yes, disclosure is close about "their" presence here, but it will only come from "those" out there we think. My dealings with the government goes back over twenty years of their interest in the research I was doing into biblical prophesy. Gale and I met via the internet as friends in a chat room. Some time later we became research partners in the CS crater chain investigations which lasted from 2002 till 2006.
Our story entails many aspects of history, mythology, legends, folklore and fairy tales, besides how the bible ties it all together. With today's technology we can understand, it's not about what shape of sentient life you are, or from where, but whether you would be a good neighbor or not. Could we trust you with our kids and cows?
Norval L. Cunningham
Gale Smart

Last edited by Gale; 10-04-2008 at 05:07 AM.
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Old 10-04-2008, 04:34 AM   #3
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wow man, took me a minute to get through all that. ive got 2 questions for ya if your up for it. my first is what you said about if we survive this "storm" we will all be youthful and be immortal? are you talking like ascension or us gaining the powers to shape ourselves or something?

my second question is kinda half question/half statement. in your research of the bible i was wondering if youve dug into all the different translations and edits done to the bible over the years. i watched a video about some old guy who was working through the translations and found some interesting little points, like several sections lose a lot of meaning in the translations.

thanks for your time, i know you just finished that huge post so you gotta be wringing your hands still hahahah
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Old 10-04-2008, 04:45 AM   #4
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Has anyone studied the keys Of Enoch ( JJ Hurtak ) that book was written in 1977. Very similar.
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Old 10-04-2008, 05:15 AM   #5
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Question Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Norvel & Gale,

I recently read a very provocative document taken from a forum discussion back in 2003 and resurfaced most recently here on Project Avalon under the thread: Bloodline insider in which this person or entity claiming to have access to secrets we do not stated that religious books from the major institutionalized religions have only a small core of truth floating in a sea of perversions. What say you?
Also, do you have a different version of the bible than most? It is fact that many books held by the gnostics were removed or intentionally kept apart to the conventional version used today (i.e. the Gospel of Judas, etc.). Are you referring to the conventional version of the bible for your claims/secrets/etc? Please clarify/enlighten.
Thank you.
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Old 10-04-2008, 06:05 AM   #6
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Hi Gale and Norval,
Wonderfull stuff as usual,!
I for one don't think we all ended up on this forum together by accident, have you two any thought's on this.
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Old 10-04-2008, 06:33 AM   #7
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Thank you. I looked at your picture the other day (Norval) and as an intuit I knew you were a whistleblower and had a lot of pertinent information to share. Keep it coming!!!
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Old 10-04-2008, 07:00 AM   #8
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i understand that the bible has been revised many times by kings and what not. how much of it is what we are looking for, if we were to pick the the bible up and enlighten ourselves to the connection.
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Old 10-04-2008, 11:28 AM   #9
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

I awakened at 3:30 this morning, pondering all that I've been witnessing here at Avalon ... and the bottom line question that surfaced in my mind has everything to do with your statement above: "With today's technology we can understand, it's not about what shape of sentient life you are, or from where, but whether you would be a good neighbor or not. Could we trust you with our kids and cows?. Good morning Norval, and by gosh, you became my first friend here. Hello to Gale! I'll be staying tuned.
Old 10-04-2008, 11:50 AM   #10
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Thank you Norval and Gale, for being brave enough to come forward and give us the truth, many have been searching for the truth for a long time now, and I am sure many others are very grateful to you and Gale also.
I know there are going to be some really troubled times ahead, which is an understatement, but me personaly I will be glad when the King of the Galaxy comes, perhaps then, there will be true peace for all.

what ever is done in the dark will come to the light.

Isaiah 26:20
Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors, behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until the wrath is past.
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Old 10-04-2008, 01:14 PM   #11
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Give the man a cigar......
And Gale a big hug.

Wonderful,.......as usual
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Old 10-04-2008, 02:04 PM   #12
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Good morning, from the Pacific North West, 6 am here, and it's the Sabbath, the seventh
day of the week. A day of rest. Personally I think we need to talk with the Big Guy about
this 6 day work week. I was just getting used to a 4 day work week when I had my
retirement party at 50 years old. It was at my retirement party I was told that my
retirement was put on hold. Ministers retire at 60, and Priests at 50, according to the
bible, Except for one type of Priest which never retire, can someone tell me what that is?

First, thank you Gale for correcting my mistake of not getting the email in my first post.

Yes, those alive after the "storm" will be restored to even better physical condition than
their youth, but will not be immortal. Applied technologies will do that. The "message" still
got through all the attempts at destroying the bibles. Yes, my old shipwright hands get to
hurting at times. Thank you.

The "message" can be discovered and understood with just the "abridged" 66 book
version of the bibles. (KJV)

Wes White Wolf,
"Project Avalon under the thread: Bloodline insider in which this person or entity claiming
to have access to secrets we do not stated that religious books from the major
institutionalized religions have only a small core of truth floating in a sea of perversions.
What say you?"
I would say that you have it backwards. The bible is the book of truth floating in a sea of
muddy waters because of all the books "about" it. Which bible? Pick any one you like.
For research we use our computers data base with many bible versions and other ancient

Hey Gazbom,
By accident? Probably about as "accidental" as a CS crater chain.

Thank you, I / we, do not know everything, but like all, we are learning and sharing.

There are many online bibles with good search engines, try those.

Thank you. Like your signature too.

Hi again. Yes, after the King has delivered "vengeance" to the enemies, we will then have
peace and good neighbors. Your questions have been a great help, thank you.

Hey Swami,
You and Gazbom keep yer feet dry over there. Thank you.
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Old 10-04-2008, 02:09 PM   #13
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Old 10-04-2008, 02:24 PM   #14
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Forgive me, but what is the problem? I am lost here. You have presented your view, why are you upset? I am serious. I do not see what I must have missed about the communications between you and Kerry & Bill.
Old 10-04-2008, 02:26 PM   #15
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Thanks Norval we really appreciate your efforts.
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Old 10-04-2008, 02:39 PM   #16
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Indeed there is a lot of info in the bible , i usually don't talk much about it because there are some people who don't like or maybe can accept what the bible says if you read it in a non religious way. You can take for example Ezekiel visions, even in the apocalypse you can see the description of ET's (14His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. ) Even there is a part where it mention the (Confederation of elders) but don't remember where is it right now.

I think you have done a great job and maybe will inspire others to do some search.
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Old 10-04-2008, 02:40 PM   #17
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Question Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Originally Posted by Norval View Post
I would be happy to hear why you were talking about me selling out :-) ??
Norval L. Cunningham
Gale Smart
I've looked up what cunning means and got this:
false, low, mean, nasty, sharp, vicious, vile roguish, slick, calculating, dodgy, smooth, obscene, slithery, immoral,... and the list goes on.

Cunningham could mean: cunning them.
No(r)val(ue), just cunning them ???

Then when I look up what Gale means, I get the following:
storm, stormy weather, storm wind
Producing a smart storm, are we ???

Maybe I am wrong, but may I ask:
Who is selling out who?
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Old 10-04-2008, 03:02 PM   #18
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Keep up the good work Norval!

and stephan... your stretching it IMO, I suggest you let actions speak louder than words.

And the only minister that cannot retire to my knowledge is the Pope, the only time a pope change happens is when one dies.
Old 10-04-2008, 03:13 PM   #19
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well I'd tend say that time travel is real and ETs ARE from different times and activity on the moon and mars.....well we've landed on the moon at least and thats public.....isnt it?
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Old 10-04-2008, 03:14 PM   #20
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Default Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Originally Posted by stefaan View Post
I've looked up what cunning means and got this:
false, low, mean, nasty, sharp, vicious, vile roguish, slick, calculating, dodgy, smooth, obscene, slithery, immoral,... and the list goes on.

Cunningham could mean: cunning them.
No(r)val(ue), just cunning them ???

Then when I look up what Gale means, I get the following:
storm, stormy weather, storm wind
Producing a smart storm, are we ???

Maybe I am wrong, but may I ask:
Who is selling out who?
Hey Stefaan, you one of them bad ET's Norval warned us about!
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Old 10-04-2008, 03:28 PM   #21
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This are difficult times for everyone of us and im sure that the people out there who will like to see forums like this turn apart will be celebrating to see us argue and blaming one another. We have many points of view , still don't know the all the true , so let's try to change all that with love , light and compassion for our brothers. If we want Et's to help us i think we need to put all out efforts and show them that no matter what we have lot of love to give and share.
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Old 10-04-2008, 03:32 PM   #22
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what ever is done in the dark will always come to light.
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Old 10-04-2008, 03:51 PM   #23
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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so what are you saying norval and gale.. that is different to what most of us know already?? i dont see why anyone would be upset.. there is a section on avalon to post relevant spiritual info and whars happening in the 3d matrix world.. and i taek it your saying that there will be nuke war ect ect.. then the benevolent beings step in so we do not totally destroy oursleves?? as in the bible or is there something else in there..
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Old 10-04-2008, 04:26 PM   #24
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I am very excited about all you wrote.

I believe in time travel and feel that Noval and Gale's expertise pretain to the bible more so that time travel.

I heard too many say they knew more about their personal project than others.

That doesn't mean that what you two wrote has "no value" Indeed it does , and a very fascinated one at that.

Off to the half price store again for me.

love & peace to all

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Old 10-04-2008, 04:35 PM   #25
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Cool Re: A "Whistle Blower" open letter to Bill and Kerry, and the forum.

Originally Posted by gazbom View Post
Hey Stefaan, you one of them bad ET's Norval warned us about!
Yes, yes. I am. Please, don't tell the others !

Last edited by stefaan; 10-04-2008 at 05:02 PM.
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