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Old 02-10-2010, 05:13 AM   #1
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Default sw Virginia, mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, WVA

Snowmageddon, my foot. It's ALL MANMADE!

Chemtrail Watch group to collect data now forming

Since the middle of December, southwest Virginia has been heavily chemtrailed. All of the abnormally gray sky we're having has been artificially created, we have been deliberately deprived of our normal amount of sunshine - which has kept our temps lower than normal and our heating bills high. The East Coast blizzard before Christmas and the one in early February were heavily chemtrailed (manmade) events. This is not Mother Nature at all. There's NOTHING natural about this, and I want to prove it, starting now.

I'm so angry about how we're being manipulated that I'm forming a Chemtrail Watch group to collect data, get time/date-encoded time-lapse video, and use all this data to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for public education and for presentation to local, state, and national governing boards. We're going to demand answers and we're going to present proof. No more of this "it's just regular jet traffic" nonsense.

This whole thing may be weather wars aimed at Washington, DC, since they in fact have taken the brunt of these two major storms, but that's just a guess.

Anyone on this forum who knows anyone in southwest Virginia, or the mountains of North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, or West Virginia, will you help out by sending them an email about this group now forming? They should indicate their interest by emailing ctwatch22@aol.com and we'll send them info on how we're going about this. We don't need their name, just their initials (in case we get more than one person in the same location) and their location.

Thanks so much! You're a great bunch of people!
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Old 02-10-2010, 05:39 AM   #2
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Default Re: sw Virginia, mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, WVA

Maybe it's just the beginning of an ice-age. Just my 2 cents.
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Old 02-10-2010, 10:31 PM   #3
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Default Re: sw Virginia, mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, WVA

Hi Doodah, it's good to see people getting off their butts and doing something pro-active. We've been hearing so much about chem trails and now we are past the point of wondering what their purpose is. Your snowfalls would be considered normal here in Canada but definitely not where you live.

Best wishes for the success of your project and God bless.
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Old 02-10-2010, 11:07 PM   #4
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Default Re: sw Virginia, mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, WVA

Thank you, sunflower! Your comment is much appreciated. Yes, positive action at least creates a vent for some of the steam coming out of my ears because of how angry I am about all this. So far, no one from Camelot has responded to help out. I guess there aren't too many people from the USA on here. Too bad, but I've contacted friends who have friends who have friends, etc., so the group is developing from a local word of mouth level. Several people are already collecting data. I'm still hoping that someone will turn up with time-lapse camera capability, which would be great if we can get it.

Thanks again! Love, peace, and success to all of good heart.
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Old 02-11-2010, 11:46 PM   #5
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Default Re: sw Virginia, mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, WVA

Hi doodah i am in northern Indiana. Don't have time lapse or any high tech gear ,but I do have two eyes and a brain. and yes chemtrails right above me. I would love to help with this project . contact me here or at watermunky@yahoo.com.
I feel orgone technology would be a great way to deal with this . chaz
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Old 02-11-2010, 11:59 PM   #6
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Default Re: sw Virginia, mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, WVA

I know about as much about the chemtrails as most folks here. I take cayenne and other herbs regularly even if for only psychological reasons, to help against it's health affects. But the weather is a cycle because it's been like this before, fifties and sixties had lots of snow and rains in these parts.

It's ok. And better because drought we experienced for over 7 years caused stress to our area and our people worried that we would dry up wells and springs.

From my perspective. March winds in Feb. means an early spring. I'll take it. grin

I'm in piedmont NC. The weather has been cold and wet and windy recently. Makes me appreciate the seasons all the more but I don't feel it is a mark of another ice age. If ice ages exist at all.

We do see chemtrails here. I can't prevent them. If I could find out what's going on, I would. If I could stop them, I would.

I enjoy this life. I would like to make friends with like attitudes.

I didn't mean to make light of your concerns. I just want others to know that there are folks like me who have put things into perspective and who want to get back to the business of life and pursuit of happiness.

It is what it is. Like he said, start helping one another.
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Old 02-12-2010, 12:40 AM   #7
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Default Re: sw Virginia, mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, WVA

Originally Posted by sunflower View Post
Hi Doodah, it's good to see people getting off their butts and doing something pro-active. We've been hearing so much about chem trails and now we are past the point of wondering what their purpose is. Your snowfalls would be considered normal here in Canada but definitely not where you live.

Best wishes for the success of your project and God bless.
As a former resident of Virginia/DC area, up here in Toronto we are having what looks like a "Virginia" winter
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Old 02-12-2010, 12:43 AM   #8
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Default Re: sw Virginia, mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, WVA

Originally Posted by watermunky View Post
Hi doodah i am in northern Indiana. Don't have time lapse or any high tech gear ,but I do have two eyes and a brain. and yes chemtrails right above me. I would love to help with this project . contact me here or at watermunky@yahoo.com.
I feel orgone technology would be a great way to deal with this . chaz
Jester T. has mentioned he makes orgone emitters...
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Old 02-12-2010, 02:25 AM   #9
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Default Re: sw Virginia, mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, WVA

Spiralina ... We do see chemtrails here. I can't prevent them. If I could find out what's going on, I would. If I could stop them, I would. It is what it is.

Hi Spiralina... We're going to try to find out what's going on, but we're going to go in with documentation, not just questions. But I hear you and I understand you as well.

I had a dream the other night. Some military guy was talking to me, a commander of some kind, and he was sending me off to do something I knew was wrong and horrible and he was telling me: "You have no choice."

I replied to him: There is always choice. YOU choose. (It wasn't spoken in the dream, but I knew I meant "You can choose whether you are sending me out on this mission of destruction, so choose something else.")

It's sort of like with the chemtrails, for myself. It's become a chosen mission to collect data and help raise public awareness. At least you are aware and I don't object to you saying "that's the way it is." For me, if it was only Mother Nature, I'd agree with you. But when this is a program being DONE to us, I can't be quite so casual about it. I'll do what I can do, whether it amounts to a hill of beans or not, and in the meantime I will tend my gardens and enjoy as much of the natural Earth as is left. I have a great love for this planet.
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:00 AM   #10
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Default Re: sw Virginia, mountains of Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, WVA

I've taken pictures of them many times. It's amazing still, how many people have never noticed them around here. If I"m with someone and see them, I point them out. They ask, what are they? I say their chemical sprays, "oh, you mean condensation", no, they are chemical sprays that build up and block the suns rays to the point that you can look directly at the sun without hurting your eyes. That it comes down in rain and can be detected in lab analysis. Bad stuff like arsenic and barium. Still, they don't have a clue what I"m talking about.

It doesn't alarm them.

I don't debate it because I don't know what I"m debating. This stuff is over all our lands and it's peoples including politians and the military bases. I believe they are unmanned, no pilots, remote controlled perhaps. I don't know if the planes are of human origin. I don't understand how there are no reports of downed planes. Who can afford this undertaking? I have more questions then answers.

some say they are laid down in front of weather fronts but this isn't always the case. Seems like they can dissapate rain clouds and yet we're having much more rain then experienced in a long time.

I take it personal when they seem to place x's right above my home area.

They travel in threes and fours. What the heck is goin on, I think.

I wish I could be more helpful but I can't do anything about it. I don't know who is responsible. I don't have health problems that I know of caused by these things. The only thing I have noticed are that people are losing their short term memory more then ever before... and affecting all age groups.

Have I left anything out? They're there. Why? I don't know. I'd like it to stop, I miss my clear blue carolina skies and the fresh feelings on clear days.


Originally Posted by doodah View Post
Spiralina ... We do see chemtrails here. I can't prevent them. If I could find out what's going on, I would. If I could stop them, I would. It is what it is.

Hi Spiralina... We're going to try to find out what's going on, but we're going to go in with documentation, not just questions. But I hear you and I understand you as well.

I had a dream the other night. Some military guy was talking to me, a commander of some kind, and he was sending me off to do something I knew was wrong and horrible and he was telling me: "You have no choice."

I replied to him: There is always choice. YOU choose. (It wasn't spoken in the dream, but I knew I meant "You can choose whether you are sending me out on this mission of destruction, so choose something else.")

It's sort of like with the chemtrails, for myself. It's become a chosen mission to collect data and help raise public awareness. At least you are aware and I don't object to you saying "that's the way it is." For me, if it was only Mother Nature, I'd agree with you. But when this is a program being DONE to us, I can't be quite so casual about it. I'll do what I can do, whether it amounts to a hill of beans or not, and in the meantime I will tend my gardens and enjoy as much of the natural Earth as is left. I have a great love for this planet.
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