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Old 09-05-2008, 10:58 AM   #1
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Smile Hi from Gloucestershire - UK

Hi All,

I'm really glad that Bill and Kerry have put this site together. Finally we all have a focused resource, created by the people that started me on this path to share our thoughts, ideas and most importantly, to hopefully extend the work of Project Camelot and bring together this network of like minded people!

If Bill or Kerry reads this, thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication over the last few years. I check your site every day and you have forever changed the way I look at our reality for the better. I think the most important thing I have taken away from all this is to not let it get you down emotionally as that would mean that 'they' have won.

Being in the UK, I feel nervous about what is ahead. We are in a very vulnerable position in terms of geography as well as politically. It seems like things are looming very close and reading between the lines from the media and of course more importantly the internet, it would appear that the game is starting to play out. I feel wholly unprepared, so for now, I'm doing what I can and enjoying time around loved ones.

I do hope to meet some people that feel the same way, so please post away!

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Old 09-05-2008, 11:29 AM   #2
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Hey Solomon, glad to see a fellow European in here so soon. I just registered after listening to the new George Green telephone conversation.

A brief introduction: I'm 21, just started working in a visualisation company (CG) - can't bring a referral, srry.

Other then that, I'm planning to go to America next year, first week of August (there's said that this week would perhaps bring some global events, so we'll see I guess) and I was thinking of meeting up with one of the Dr Steven Greer groups in which they teach you to make higher contact for the reason of having a higher, more direct source, then all the video's an audio's going on the web.

However, project Camelot / Avalon & disclosure / orion project have earned my trust and i've given my CG-support if needed.

My goal with these forums is mostly to get to know people who live in nearby countries in order to be able to create a tight-knit group that can start looking after eachother as soon as these events start hapenning..

I guess that since we're on these forums, we're depending on eachother as a group since we don't have any "going-underground-millions-of-dollars"-money and have to do it the RIGHT way, by taking this in like a human and not like a weezel

so, solomon, who's you?

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Old 09-05-2008, 12:03 PM   #3
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Hi SOLOMON and welcome , i'm in the US and a lot of us here feel the same way as the UK people feel , something is going on and something is going to happen soon , a lot of uneasy feelings lately seeing what is going on all over the world , hopefuly we all can find some information and answers here
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:32 PM   #4
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Hello Soloman and others,

This forum is a FANTASTIC idea, and just at the right time me thinks!

I am just across the border from you Soloman, we are from a small town in North Somerset.

Creating or joining a community that I have wanted to do for awhile now, we have a blog about our own little project:


Like so many people I have had a feeling for a very long time that SOMETHING wasn't right, just couldn't put my finger on it.

To be honest, the situation that humanity finds itself in really pisses me off. It feels to me that we have been led around like little children in a supermarket, with promises that if we are good then we can have some candy at the checkout!

I hope that we can put all our differences aside and create a new future, one that is more embracing of our often silly differences.

If anyone has some land in a good area and wants to get a community going, then give me a shout, cos I am seriously up for it!

Ok, rant over...


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Old 09-05-2008, 02:35 PM   #5
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hiya! I totally agree with your thoughts on UK..my sentiments exactly! With every day that passes, i am trying to work out a bigger picture on how the UK is going down with the whole game..and i feel highly uneasy about our geographical spot on the globe, and am wanting to get the hell out of here and be with other ground crew somewhere safer within the next 18 months.... want to join me on an adventure?! lol
are u starting to wind down committments? I really believe we all need to be doing this right now..cashing in any savings/investments/ re-invest assets into community projects and be mentally preparing to walk away from EVERYTHING to start over ...
am posting regular youtube videos on facebook so feel free to add me as friend ( I am under kate Norman- second down frm top in search) leave me a message so i know that your a P. Camlot ground crew!)
lets get this thing moving eh!
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Old 09-05-2008, 02:52 PM   #6
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hey J, I am based in BATH currently..am defo up for getting involved in a community project..but am not convinced UK is safe ..especially if there is an earth wobble/shift..a tiny land like ours is unlikely to survive the water...would u be considering abroad?
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:08 PM   #7
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Hi Fire,

My Nan lives in Bath!

I was/am considering Central Portugal, the thing is our Financial Situation is currently so F**king bad it's not even funny.

It's funny that it seems that those who know something is not right and things are heading down the toilet, they seem to be the ones who can't afford to do what is needed to do.

Go Figure, talk about a challenge...LOL

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Old 09-05-2008, 03:18 PM   #8
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Hi Matt and subsequent Posters,

I was good to see an early post from the UK and, indeed, not too far from my location (I currently live near Oxford but grew up in Gloucestershire).

I echo the sentiment of all the posters as regards the superb and courageous effort of Bill and Kerry in exposing the hidden technology and agendas. I expect this new site will prove just as valuable in organising practical ways of responding to developments. I first came across Project Camelot about a year ago, just after realising (somewhat late in the day) that there was a hidden physics and thence searching the net for further evidence. I have subsequently introduced the site to many friends (those I know have open minds) and they visit the site daily as I do. We all regard the site as the very best on the net in these matters (in all respects - scope, variety, quality, timeliness, independence, etc).

Like you Matt, I do not yet have a clear idea as to the best method of preparation for events but I agree the UK would be significantly affected. I am not exactly young and certainly not at peek fitness. Most of my skills would be irrelevant if the present infrastructure of society collapses. As an example, I have no real current skills in growing food or survival techniques (albeit they could be learnt but time seems short now). I would prefer to remain in the UK and have thought about localities that best fit the recommendations (height, water, de-populated, etc). Then again, something tells me to stay put because I may be more useful in this environment (I live a small town) - and a number of contributors to Project Camelot have emphasised that you should follow your instinct. Even in that scenario, there is the question of how big a group is practical when the trouble hits (as most methods of communication and transport may cease or be controlled by then). As an example, is it feasible that a combined Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire group could work together after the collapse with practical consequences (obviously before that collapse all forms of cooperation remain useful)? Should we follow up right now with at least regional meetings to foster these contacts in real life?

Strangely, the one skill I have that may still be relevant after the collapse is technological. My original interest was the hidden physics and I have spent all my free time and money immersing myself in the subject, trying to discern the germs of truth from amongst the disinformation, the frauds and the foolish. I am now convinced that the aether (or call it the zero point field or space-time or the continuum or the vacuum) exists and that this supports scalar/torsion/vortex waves, space-time distortion and a conscious, linked universe plus additional sources of universal energy and new methods of propulsion and medicine.

[As an amusing aside, I have spent most of my life as a traditional scientist with a conservative outlook and suffered considerable insomnia for three month when I first found about the new physics - because it destroyed many of my foundation stones. After returning to normal sleeping patterns, it happened again when I understood the further implications for life and consciousness (why it took longer to realise that I still don’t know). And then it happened a third time when I discovered the political and social agendas pertaining to the hidden physics. I am OK now but I am still staggered to think the whole of the last century could have been utterly different had Tesla won the day – hopefully he still may do so belatedly.]

I have decide to focus my remaining efforts in the areas of local energy production, propulsion and medicine, as there are common practical elements to all three areas (such as high voltage and high frequency electronics, plasmas, magnets, pancake coils, etc) and they will become even more relevant following the collapse. I have assembled the apparatus to quickly prove the core principles (starting with energy because almost everything else needs that) and all likely the materials to scale up. I also have access to small scale engineering facilities if matters progress. Of course, time is now very short and I may fail (as many have already). So, it would be very useful to make contact with other sympathisers and contributors to this site who have meaningful experience of these topics (and, of course, somebody from the inside could impart the optimum practical knowledge but that may be expecting too much).

At the very minimum, we could form a group with relevant experience and facilities that is able to quickly manufacturer and support, on a small scale and in a spread of locations, the best common practical solutions that may still emerge.

Kind regards,
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:30 PM   #9
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Hi Nigel,

You have a lot of life experience that would be vital in the event that society is totally destroyed. I firmly believe that you would make an important contribution to any community that you are a part of.

Like many people on this forum, I am not sure staying in the UK is a good idea. But if your feelings are telling you to stay put, then that sounds like your destiny my friend. We all have to make a stand somewhere, atleast you know where you are going to be standing.

Good on you!


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Old 09-05-2008, 03:45 PM   #10
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hey Jay..well if ur ever visiting bath, let me know and will meet for drink! well i guess u can see the dire current finances as an opportunity for u to get used to going without ,...LOL! ( which is prob what most of us will be experiencing a\t some point!)

Nigel, you sound a wonderful person who has insight, brains and a heart! it is right that we will all have to make a decision on lacation in coming few years..and we need to trust our instinct and where we have always been drawn to as a guide!!
Your skills will indeed be valuable if things all grind to a halt...
many of us here will have individual offerings on a soul level to what we are able to contribute in these fascinating times we live! Although i so far have very few practical skills like building or growing veg...I am a skilled holistic therapist/mentor..and my strength lies in support and mediation...one way or another we will all eventually be pooling our skills and abilities so things can be alot more manageable! wishing everyone a good day today!
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:51 PM   #11
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Thanks Fire,

Like many people I don't have skills that are very transferable into these coming times, I mean for christs sake I was trained as an Administrator for the MoD!

At the moment I am concentrating on learning to grow food, make herbal remedies and basic survival skills. The thing is, if it all goes up in smoke in this part of the world, do you really want to survive and face what may turn out to be a very lonely and possibly a slow painful death?

Many things to ponder.

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Old 09-05-2008, 04:57 PM   #12
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i know Jay....when i properly started to take on the enormity of whats happening and where it could go...my first thought was, hell..where can i get pills that can cause fast death in the event of being around to witness your worst nightmares!! we just have to remeber to B R E A T H E and trust we are doing the right things in the moment to prepare for the rockiest ride of the century...!! for me, its not a concern about passing thru to another dimension at death...but it is a strong chosen desire to be around to guide my child thru this evolutionary transition period...heyho...its all very thought provoking tho!!
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Old 09-05-2008, 05:03 PM   #13
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Like you fire, death does not bother me, it's just another part of the journey. Mind you I do have a preference to how I die, the thought of being tortured slowly is not that appealing, not sure why...lol

Living through these times is made more testing/confusing by the fact that my partner and I have 2 young children together, they are 2 and 4 years old. I feel that it is my duty to make sure they get into new and promised land.

My worst nightmare is dieing and leaving my children to what could possibily be a slow death sentence.

hmm how morbid was this post...lol

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Old 09-05-2008, 05:26 PM   #14
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ditto on those sentiments for protecting our kids!!...lol ..cheerful is US heh?!! lol never mind...its prob this damn constant rain and greyness bringing out the worst in us...
( along with the happy news reports! not.) well, I am off to eat a hearty meal and drink red wine while I can.. lol!! all the best to everyone on this site! ciao for now..
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Old 09-05-2008, 05:33 PM   #15
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Default Re: Hi from Gloucestershire - UK

Hi All,

It's truely inspirational reading everyone's comments. Already seeing people appearing on this site from the UK especially is fantastic. I think sends an important message and if this site can bring us together it will certainly achieve it's aim.

My skills are not what I would consider transferrable to the impending age. I've worked in IT all my life and am currently working as a software developer. I'm sure at the first sign of a significant incident (and i'm certain there will be one soon), the fragility of the internet will be apparant either through physical breakdown, government intervention or sabotage. This will leave all of us blind and industry crippled.

Nigel, it certainly sounds like you are putting your time to valuable use. I would be most interested in hearing about what you have been working on. I too believe that if Tesla had not been 'supressed' as he was by the oil cartels, then the world would be a very different place.

Hi Fire, I think you are right when you said to take in everything and breath and reflect. These are diificult times and you are not quite sure what to believe, what sounds right and what doesn't. Instinct is a great ally and I believe we should trust in ourselves more. I personally feel like i'm on a more spiritual path since my 'journey' in to this world began. I feel worried for my family and people around me and the best I can do is hope to help them as best I can.

I've been trying to broach this whole subject with people around me, but, I'm sure that some of you already have tried and have been met with disbelief or the attitude that everything is normal. After all the TV still works and Tesco's is still open!!!!

Jay, sounds great what you are doing and I will definately be checking your blog regularly! Perhaps a bit further down the line a 'meeting' of members of this forum and like minded individuals would be an idea?

Anyway, sorry for my rant, but I have (and still have!) a lot on my chest concerning this whole subject and I feels great to contribute in this way.

Nice to meet everybody,

All the best,

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Old 09-05-2008, 05:47 PM   #16
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Hi Matt,

I personally think that this forum is going to prove to be a God send, I just hope it doesn't go like all the rest of the forums that are created in order to establish communities and the like, and then everyone gets distracted by what I like to call 'Intellectual Masturbation'.

Communication is great and inspiring, but the purpose we are here is to create:

A. Networks
B. Community

Building a community takes a long old time, and unless everyone is singing from the same page of the hyme book then nothing will ever be achieved.

Like you Matt, I have a lot that needs to be gotten of my chest. I have a nasty feeling that nothing will really happen untill the s*** hits the fan, seems to be a recurring theme in the history of mankind.

It's like we can see the lava flow heading down the road only a few meters from where we are, but although we know we are in danger we seem to think that we still have time to have another pint.


Last edited by QtesUKStoke; 09-13-2008 at 01:43 PM.
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Old 09-05-2008, 10:00 PM   #17
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hiya peeps... hmm just been reading through all the threads here...this seriously is going to be a powerful sight..and we can all do our best to not let it turn into anything else but an informative,friendly, caring place for other lost souls who are waking up to the 'new reality'! Like Matt mentioned..it is very hard for the average person to even conceive we have all been born into a form of slavery which is sold to us as 'freedom' ..and as long as it all appears normal on the outside..people will continue to sleepwalk and be blind to whats really happening out there!

I am having a very hard time convincing family/friends/colleagues that this is happening..and i am on the verge of having to let go or walk away from some people as I cant ever go back to the old paradigm...its impossible! ( it is a hard thing to do though)I have been desperate for this site to be completed so we can crack on and start to properly become involved....and here we all are...the first batch of many many people who will flood through in the coming months... I am sooooooo happy to be connecting with like minded people..and its fab that there seems to be a few from UK already planting the seeds of friendship!
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Old 09-06-2008, 11:50 AM   #18
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Greetings all..

Also hailing from the UK, Birmingham actually. Its good to see a fair few British showing up here, so early aswell. It kind of presses home just how many people are waking up, which is obvious by the amount of registrations the forum has had in a short time.

JayPierce - your project sanctuary seems like a very noble goal, i wish you success. Perhaps once the forum is established and the numbers have swelled, we'll have enough of us here to assist your project. End of the day, thats what we are all here for!
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Old 09-06-2008, 01:07 PM   #19
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Thanks for those kind words, sometimes it feels like a challenge that will never be completed.

But the world works in weird ways, so I shall wait and see what happens next in regard to the sanctury.

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Old 09-07-2008, 08:40 PM   #20
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Just to say hello from Manchester great reading,glad to know other like minded people are around locally
peace to you all
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Old 10-07-2008, 04:30 PM   #21
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hello all, new member here, im from south wales UK.
glad to see so many people waking up, now lets bring down this house of cards and expose the NWO for exactly what they are, a bunch of power hungry satanic control freaks! LOL!
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