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Old 03-24-2009, 07:09 AM   #1
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Default What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

I was just thinking I hadn't heard much from Benjamin Fulford lately and I was intrigued by the recent posts now up on his blog.


His current page includes blogs dating from 3/10/2009 - 3/23/2009

Here are two of those, the others are good too!


The exposure of Satan worshippers accelerates as the Federal Reserve Board heads for collapse.

The confessions of child sacrifice and cannibalism by a Satan worshipper on prime time US television is a sure sign Satan worship is coming to an end: http://mefeedia.com/entry/zionist-je...frey_/14196953

This confession confirms other sporadic confessions and a few rare historical court cases describing human sacrifice among Satan worshippers pretending to be Jews or Christians. As the Federal Reserve Board heads for collapse many more of the Satan worshippers who are often found amongst the super rich are sure to be exposed.

An aristocratic Satan worshipper contacted me to say that “Satan has gone to heaven,” and ask “what are we to do now?” My answer is they should abandon the Western concept of an eternal clash between Good and Evil and replace with the Asian concept of Yin and Yang or harmonious opposites. They can then also start worshipping life instead of fooling themselves about some sort of war between Satan and God.

We are likely to see many more horrendous confessions over the coming months and years. In order to have a fresh start for the planet I think we need to forgive those who confess.

This post is from 3/13/2009

Is the committee of 300 about to be dissolved?

Until the current financial crisis erupted many Western politicians, military personnel, members of intelligence organizations, scientists and other intellectuals did not know about the committee of 300 or the nature of the Federal Reserve Board. Like me, once they did find out, they got pretty angry. Many people are very angry that they murdered people like Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Roosevelt. For this reason it is looking increasingly likely the committee of 300 will be dissolved. Unlike the formal power structure of Western society, this power group used gangster methods like murder, lies and bribery which is why they may be designated as a crime group. That possibility is gaining strength by the day.

There is some evidence to back this up in the mainstream media. For one thing the US Treasury Secretary has been unable to find a single subordinate despite a frantic serach. Also, for example, Bernard Madoff, who was treated with kid gloves at first, is now going to jail for life. Many other bankers are also being arrested. Most of the arrests are not being reported in the corporate media. Take a look, for example, at the press releases being put out by the New York FBI and see how many involve the arrest of bankers and hedge fund managers etc. http://newyork.fbi.gov/press.htm How many of these made it to the no-longer mainstream media?

The issue is far from being settled yet but a good wind appears to be blowing.

SEE MORE INTERESTING BLOGS FOR THE PERIOD 3/10/2009 - 3/23/2009 AT: http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/

Last edited by peaceandlove; 04-14-2009 at 02:44 AM.
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Old 03-24-2009, 09:56 AM   #2
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

I sure hope he is right these things are coming to an end.

It's OK to forgive the villains, but how can they be trusted to stop being villains? To be sure they do no more harm, I think life in prison is the only answer. Jail 'em and forgive 'em. Maybe I'm wrong ... perhaps some can truly re-pent, to quote a keyword from my Dan Winter thread.
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Old 03-24-2009, 10:02 AM   #3
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

For one side he exposes satan worshipers "elite", he talks about the illuminazi and once he mentioned the Black Pope quikly haha but for other side he seems like desinfo agent or a good person with desinfo agents as contacts, really, in this case I don't know what to believe!

Cheerzo men
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Old 03-26-2009, 06:47 AM   #4
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

Most recent (in english) blog by Benjamin Fulford
Blogsite: http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/


The world needs to carry out the Chinese/BRIC plan for a new currency

The Chinese government, with the support of most of the world, has issued plans for a new global currency. The details can be seen here at the Bank of China homepage.http://www.pbc.gov.cn/english/detail...ol=6500&id=168

The plan calls for a reform of the IMF so that developing countries and Japan etc. get more voting rights. After that the IMF could issue a new currency based on a basket of global currencies and commodities. This plan would immediately boost the global economy and should be supported by Japan.

The US criminal government, of course, rejects this idea. President Obama’s March 24th speech turned out to be a meaningless dud. The new Treasury plan to deal with toxic assets is just a repeat of their lies and wishful thinking from 5 months ago. Even if they goose the stock market with a few more fiat dollars, nobody is being fooled.

Since the United States is helplessly under the grip of a crime syndicate, all the other countries of the world need to go ahead and implement the new plan without US approval. Even the British government and the EU now despise the Federal Reserve Board. If the world took action the Fed would collapse and the American people would be free for the first time in 100 years.

Last edited by peaceandlove; 04-03-2009 at 04:10 AM.
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Old 03-26-2009, 06:52 AM   #5
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

Hey peaceandlove in that other thread with congresswoman Bachmann, she asked the question about the China currency thing to Bernanke and Geithner, and they both said no!
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Old 03-26-2009, 07:05 AM   #6
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

Blessings Dan,

Well, a week from now we will see if they make any progress. Some other prominent people have mentioned they did not think they could pull off a 'New World Currency' this quickly.

Stay tuned, it's like a soap opera out there...like Swanny said on another thread: "You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried."


Last edited by peaceandlove; 03-28-2009 at 09:28 AM.
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Old 03-26-2009, 07:09 PM   #7
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

hmmmmmmmmmm is this a good idea, China coming up with a new currency for the world to adopt? China does see itself as the new world leader, & we all know how they like to do business and rule their people. Are we just trading one evil for another?
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Old 03-26-2009, 08:27 PM   #8
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

Originally Posted by peaceandlove View Post
What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

I was just thinking I hadn't heard much from Benjamin Fulford lately and I was intrigued by the recent posts now up on his blog.


His current page includes blogs dating from 3/10/2009 - 3/23/2009

Here are two of those, the others are good too!


The exposure of Satan worshippers accelerates as the Federal Reserve Board heads for collapse.

The confessions of child sacrifice and cannibalism by a Satan worshipper on prime time US television is a sure sign Satan worship is coming to an end: http://mefeedia.com/entry/zionist-je...frey_/14196953

This confession confirms other sporadic confessions and a few rare historical court cases describing human sacrifice among Satan worshippers pretending to be Jews or Christians. As the Federal Reserve Board heads for collapse many more of the Satan worshippers who are often found amongst the super rich are sure to be exposed.

An aristocratic Satan worshipper contacted me to say that “Satan has gone to heaven,” and ask “what are we to do now?” My answer is they should abandon the Western concept of an eternal clash between Good and Evil and replace with the Asian concept of Yin and Yang or harmonious opposites. They can then also start worshipping life instead of fooling themselves about some sort of war between Satan and God.

We are likely to see many more horrendous confessions over the coming months and years. In order to have a fresh start for the planet I think we need to forgive those who confess.

SEE MORE INTERESTING BLOGS FOR THE PERIOD 3/10/2009 - 3/23/2009 AT: http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/

I was a little confused when I saw this blog where he mentione the exposure on Oprah on satan worshipping, because that Oprah Winfrey TV show was from the late 80's I think so why is Ben thinking that this is happening now.
Maybe he just saw that Oprah show and is blogging that?
I got a little confused about that.
I would like to think child sacrifice & canabalism do not exist anymore, as to me it is beyond horrific, but I don't understand why Ben would think this is just being exposed.
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Old 03-26-2009, 08:40 PM   #9
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

why do i get only this at his blog???

世界同時不況に始まり、政治的にも経済的にも「安定」や「安心」、「安全」とはほど遠い状況の現在、今まで の「体制」は崩壊に向かっている。これから世界は「激変の時代」へ突入する。現在各国では「世界政府」を作 るための交渉が最終局面を迎えている。主にロスチャイルドや欧米貴族と中国やその他アジアの商工会議所など で交渉が活発だが、大筋合意が出来そうだ。国際通貨の話し合いも間もなく決着がつくだろう。この話し合いが 上手く行けば、世界の「大本営発表」が変わる。第二次世界大戦後に日本人の「世界観」が変わったよう、欧米 や日本社会の「世界観」が大きく変わる。地球改良工事や封印された技術の開発が本格的に始まる。世界平和も 約束される。

表と裏(話し合いに直接関わっている人物やKGB関係者、政界フィクサーなど)の様々な情報源を元に、「世 界政府」や「新しい体制」について現状況の最新情報をお伝えします。万が一この話し合いが上手く行かなけれ ば、世界は混乱に陥り今から2012年にかけて30億人が戦争や餓死などで死んでいくことになる。その最悪 のシナリオも用意してある。

我々がこの激動の時代を生き抜くために、今までの「常識」は通用しない。個人が正しい情報を得て、自分を守 り抜かなければならない。ビジネスでは失業者が増加する中、不況をバネに新しいテクノロジー、新しいサービ ス、新しいアイデアに注目をすれば成功する。これから起こるであろう様々な混沌とした事象に腹をくくって対 処できるための情報やア


lol, nvm, got it. :P

Last edited by Orion11; 03-26-2009 at 08:48 PM.
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Old 03-26-2009, 09:04 PM   #10
tribe of light
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

i want my baby ribs, baby ribs, baby ribs!

okay seriously. that was tasteless, unlike baby ribs which are delicious....

okay now ill be serious...

i think fulford raises some salient points that need to be considered, particularly the overwhelming desire to jettison the USD for another form of global currency. Economist Joseph Stiglitz has commented that the SDRs (special drawing rights) of the IMF (which are based on a basket of currencies) is a natural segue into a global currency. I have often wondered myself why we dont use SDRs as the reserve currency since its based upon a collection of currencies from powerful economies around the globe. it seems more fair in my opinion instead of oil being traded in fiat dollars so the USA gets basically an economic insurance that no other country is privy to just because we have the dominant currency...

I know this all came out of the Pax Britannica and Great Britain's previous domination of the world with the pound, but I am pleased to see so many countries trying to move on up....

The Federal Reserve is going to collapse just like a crack/cocaine/amphetamine (choose your favorite) after a long binge. The Fed casts a long shadow, but it only now weights about 30 kg and can barely support itself. So cannibalistic its appetite has become, it's now consuming the Treasury to justify its own existence. This is like a virus that consumes its host until the host dies as well as the virus.

Here is my prediction based upon a mathematical model i developed.

The constant is equal to (864e-pi)/(1728pi) where pi = 3.1415... and e = 2.718....

take this constant which is a proportion of a year and add it to the point of market collapse last october. it puts us at 2 April.

the same constant can be applied to the bottom of 13 nov 1929 and the date 21 april 1930 extrapolated as a relative high point before another long descent.

basically each of these 0.43204.... year long cycles have 6 legs with the last leg being the one that initiates a phase transition.... if you take the constant you will see that the last leg of the current 0.43204 long cycle starts 9 march and lasts until 2 april.... a time of rally in the markets.

despite what Geithner (sp?) says, I believe the world is going to take measures to remove the dollar from its high horse. Even if this is not an immediate change, it will be carried out via the IMF and SDRs before gaining more momentum.

what did the EU pres. recently say? something to the effect that our bailout plans are a "road to hell"?

All in all, I have to corroborate Fulford's comments on the economic condition of the USA and its reserve currency status, regardless of his pro-Asian bias.

This folks, is an economic crisis that began around 1931/32 (Britain jettison's gold standard) with an inflection point in 1971 (Nixon takes US off gold standard) to 2009 when now the USA passes the mantle of currency crisis. Maybe this time around we as a globe will get it right.
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Old 03-26-2009, 09:49 PM   #11
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

I don't know that much about Japan except it is rich in heritage, has a reserve of money and gold, and are very respectful people, business and family. They have done extremely well as a country and truly care about their other citizens. If Japan gave the thumbs up to follow a global currency should we embrace the change with open arms as to follow a role model ?

I 'm asking this looking for your opinions because this is what I am leaning towards ????
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Old 03-26-2009, 11:27 PM   #12
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

I went to the video of Oprah Winfrey interviewing a woman who was giving information on the Satanists. It is a very old video video. Look at Oprah's dress suit. It is outdated. Also she is not as fat as usual. I think it is the only time Benjamin has misrepresented himself. I have followed him for the last 2 years and think basicly has good information. During his last apprearance on Jeff Rense, he was trying to say something optimistic but Jeff kept interrupting him to interject pessimism.
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Old 03-28-2009, 08:31 AM   #13
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Cool The secrets of the US dollar and the new currency

BLOG By BEN 3/28/2009

The secrets of the US dollar and the new currency


A lot of veterans in the financial industry are puzzled by why the US dollar does not collapse. There are some esoteric secrets to the dollar that explain this. First of all dollars are created at several locations around the world. All the dollars have a code number on them and, depending on the code, some are accepted as international currency and some are not. Over 70% of all the dollars ever created are held by non-Americans. Those people do not want their hard earned dollars to be devalued. For that reason, the countries of the world have stopped accepting all US dollars printed by the Federal Reserve Board since September 11th of 2008. That is why there is no hyper-inflation and the dollar has not collapsed despite the Feds printing out over 13 trillion dollars since September 2008.

No matter how much President Obama and the Feds say no to a new international currency controlled by the IMF, they are powerless to do anything about it. The Feds bought themselves a bit more time this week by cancelling their missile defense in the Czech republic and selling two air-craft carriers (to the Chinese?). However, no matter how much they try to buy time, the Fed has de facto lost the right to print a reserve currency.

For our Japanese speaking members and guests...


長い間金融を専門職としているかなりのベテランも含めて、米ドルが暴落しない理由がわからないようなので説 明します。世界の数カ所に「米ドル印刷機施設」がある。刷られたドルには必ず暗号がついている。その暗号に よって国際通貨として認められるドルと、認められないドルが存在する。今まで刷られたドルの70%はアメリ カ人以外の人達が所有している。所有者達はそのドルの価値を下げたくない。そのために去年9月以降アメリカ が刷ったドルは国際通貨として認めらないことになった。このような理由で米連銀が本来ならハイパーインフレ ーを起こす量である13兆ドルを2008年9月以降に刷ったがドル安にならない。

アメリカの輸入が年率51%減である理由は、アメリカがお札を印刷するだけでは世界で買い物が出来なくなっ たからだ。

要するにいくら米連銀やオバマ大統領がドルに代わるIMF通貨に反対しても、彼らにそれを決める権限などな い。今週アメリカがチェコのミサイル防衛をキャンセルし、代わりに空母を二つを売ることで少し時間稼ぎをし た。しかしいくら時間稼ぎをしても、米ドルはもはや基軸通貨ではなくなる。

Last edited by peaceandlove; 03-28-2009 at 09:29 AM.
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Old 03-28-2009, 09:38 AM   #14
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Thumbs up Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

The Universal Law of Attraction~
attract ~ intent ~ allowance = creating
a harmnony & balance ~ towards existing within
a cosmic yin and yang

Human sacrifice!
Oh so 3D

Last edited by giovonni; 03-28-2009 at 06:25 PM.
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Old 03-28-2009, 10:19 AM   #15
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

Originally Posted by tribe of light View Post
Here is my prediction based upon a mathematical model i developed.

The constant is equal to (864e-pi)/(1728pi) where pi = 3.1415... and e = 2.718....

take this constant which is a proportion of a year and add it to the point of market collapse last october. it puts us at 2 April.

the same constant can be applied to the bottom of 13 nov 1929 and the date 21 april 1930 extrapolated as a relative high point before another long descent.

basically each of these 0.43204.... year long cycles have 6 legs with the last leg being the one that initiates a phase transition.... if you take the constant you will see that the last leg of the current 0.43204 long cycle starts 9 march and lasts until 2 april.... a time of rally in the markets.

APRIL 2nd - The G20 Meeting.
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Old 03-31-2009, 03:27 AM   #16
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

3/30/2009 BEN's Blog

Jeff Rense files criminal charges against Alex Jones

Jeff Rense has filed a formal police report charging Alex Jones of Infowars.com with interstate terrorism and threats. According to Mr. Rense: “This is all about Jones...who called me at home last Tuesday afternoon just past 1pm and threatened to "destroy" me (and my family).

Rense says he will be moving his radio show to two new networks as a result of his spat with Jones.

Alex Jones was allegedly enraged by Rense’s posting of a link to this article.http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=387

That quotes from Alex Jones’s website’s comments pages to question whether or not Jones is in fact a Zionist agent. Rense also provided the following link to an audio clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_MV0RDBRZU where Jones is again threatening somebody.

My take on this is that while Alex Jones avoids the subject of Zionism and has a huge ego, he clearly attacks key institutions like the Bilderbergers and has played a great role in awakening many people to the dangers of the New World Order. It is a classic illuminati trick to infiltrate opposition groups and then get them to start fighting each other. Alex Jones should not have to censor information that his wife and kids are Jewish. Instead of threatening Mr. Rense personally, he should have attacked the content of the article about him. He should also, as I do, wear his Jewish connection like a badge of honour and fight against the Zionist gangsters on behalf of righteous Jews and all humans everywhere. Remember the essence of Judaism is the Golden Rule and it applies to all peoples and not just Jews. Mr. Jones should apologize to Mr. Rense. A request for a comment from Mr. Jones has not been answered at the time of writing this. Finally, I would like to remind him of an Asian saying: “the powerful eagle hides his claws.” The enemy is too powerful for truth seekers to waste energy fighting each other.

Blog: http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/
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Old 03-31-2009, 04:27 PM   #17
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Default The London G20 meeting is looking likely to end in tears

The London G20 meeting is looking likely to end in tears

Blog By Ben



The differences among the various members of the G20 are so big it is looking likely the much anticipated meeting will deeply disappoint all concerned. First of all while much of the developing world supports the Chinese/Russian plan for a new global currency run by a reformed IMF, the Americans are against it and the Europeans are split. The committee of 300 engineered the US financial collapse in the hopes of making the privately owned BIS the issuer of a world currency so the Chinese plan has put them into a state of shock.

The real problem is that the criminal cabal that controls the US is increasingly isolated and disliked. The entire world is watching in disgust and horror as they try to get American taxpayers and other countries to bail out criminal bankers who engineered the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. The Federal Reserve Board, meanwhile is using every trick it can think of to fool the rest of the world into accepting some of the $15 trillion in funny money it has printed since last September. The Americans are also fighting efforts to shut down all those offshore tax havens that shelter the world’s criminal elite.

British/US relations are also at an all time low with MI6 leaking US secrets all over the internet and to other countries.

So it is that while the Bretton Woods meetings that set up the post war financial system lasted 22 days, the G20 will only meet for 4 and 1/2 hours. Unless some big changes come soon the G20 will issue a very disappointing statement vaguely calling for greater regulation of derivatives and papering over all the giant cracks. Many will call for a solution to be postponed until July. It is looking increasingly likely the world’s creditor nations will have to take the financial nuclear option and dump their treasuries while unilaterally converting their own US dollar holdings into a new currency.

Last edited by peaceandlove; 03-31-2009 at 04:36 PM.
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Old 03-31-2009, 04:52 PM   #18
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

There is so much information out there that it becomes almost impossible to piece it all together. In order to understand what is actually happening and what the end result will be, we need to go beyond logistical politics. The simple fact is that darkness and negativity are being naturally purged from the planet at this time. All of these secret societies are various distortions of the easy to understand balance of light and dark that is the will of the creator of all that is.

These belief systems started out with very simple and humble beginnings. When the original cultures where formed on this planet they had no knowledge of the science of how things work. All they new was that during the day things where good because of the presence of the light. They viewed the setting of the sun as the bringer of evil for the simple reasons that this is when the natural predators came out to hunt. Over the course of time through various shamanic methods these people gained relationships with the higher dimensional entities that where responsible for the manifestation of day and night in our holographic reality.

Because the entities that where responsible for the manifestation of darkness where not as ethics oriented as those of the light, the more selfish of these early civilizations chose to align themselves with these entities. The more people that aligned them selves with the darkness the more powerful these entities became. They became so powerful that they where able to in some cases overcome the light. However they where only able to do this because of the distance our solar system was away from the light, or the photon belt.

Over the last few thousand years, the position of our solar system in relation to the illuminated portion of the universe has played into the hands of those who choose to align themselves with the darkly oriented consciousness of this galaxy. Because we where a fair distance away from the creation energy that manifests in the form of light they where able to successfully work with negative 4th and 5th density entities. These entities only had to insert the paradigm of separation and service to self in order to use these negative elites as their puppets.

However, we are beginning to move into the hyper illuminated portion of the galaxy. This is referred to as the PHOTON BELT. Therefore, the closer we get to the equator of the galaxy the more illuminated the field of consciousness becomes on earth and the other planets. The more illuminated the field of consciousness the more difficult it is to use the dark side as a useful source of power. The dark side is loosing their ability to overcome the light. Not only that, they are loosing this ability exponentially every day.

Then end result in the big picture is that the forces of darkness are loosing their power fast no matter how many followers they have accumulated. On the geopolitical scene this is and will be manifested in the form of negative elites loosing all of the occult power they have worked so hard to get. Once this power is dissolved it results in their being exposed by the newly gained power of ethics that the consciousness of light is now wielding.

The critical turning point was back in late November. As predicted by the Mayan Calendar, we moved into a portion of the galaxy that was illuminated enough for ethics consciousness to take over on the planet. This is referred to as the Sixth Day on the Mayan Calendar.

In conclusion, it is my view that it is not important to focus on all of the tiny details that are a manifestation of the process I have described here. This guy gets convicted, this guy grasps at straws to retain power and etc. These things are not important. What is important is what the end result will be. That end result over the next couple of years will be a world where the dark side no longer has any say in the way things play out.
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Old 03-31-2009, 05:41 PM   #19
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

Originally Posted by pyrangello View Post
I don't know that much about Japan except it is rich in heritage, has a reserve of money and gold, and are very respectful people, business and family. They have done extremely well as a country and truly care about their other citizens. If Japan gave the thumbs up to follow a global currency should we embrace the change with open arms as to follow a role model ?

I 'm asking this looking for your opinions because this is what I am leaning towards ????
Sorry, but adding to Kathleen's concerns, the Japanese people as a whole would never fully embrace a foreigners input if it wasn't to some end or purpose.
The Japanese might seem respectful, and yes, on a person to person level they are extremely polite, kind and helpful and many might consider Benjamin a true friend, but on the whole this respect and closeness is just another way of keeping your enemies close(r than your friends) and the politeness a way of keeping the interference at bay.

As I read once, even Japanese business PR is basically not only propaganda but also 'cushion'. Nice people promising you heaven while in the background completely other things are going on.

There is no doubt that Benjamin believes and is honest in my mind, but seeing him as an actual instigator is rather silly, as much as I would like to believe it.
He's good PR concerning normal modern man as he uncovers the PTB schemes without going into the occult, spiritistic and extraterrestrial.
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Old 03-31-2009, 06:34 PM   #20
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

once there were a few
then, more than a few
then, quite a few
then, over the years, approx every 25 years
a new, generation, was spanned,
then, there were 3 generations of them,
take 13 - x 4 x 4 x 4 = 3328 living ones on the wrong side of
a total earth equation

(1/3- carrying old knowledge
1/3 - carrying out the orders of the older ones,
and, 1/3 - in training/or, evolving to the agewhere the training takes place)

unfortunately; you normally, (not always)
follow the road, your elders, put down, in front of you)
there are some exceptions to that rule
(some do walk away)

now...isn't there a group of 10

(nine + 1 (who keeps the other 9 in check, note, i didn't say keeps them honest)

that group of 10,
needs approx 30 each to spin things = 300

however 300 - is vastly different, than, the original 3

(that's 10 times - the chances to screw it all up)

the old boys - are NOT nearly as, powerful as they were
when, they where just 3 - or 6 or 9 - or even 10
or, 13 groups of them

in an information age - that is, exactly what happens
information becomes available, that, never, in the past,
would be available, in the way, in which, it is today !!!

there are so many different sides
all trying to scramble up the same pin
there isn't room for all of them at the top

therefore, since we also live in a time of accountability --
lets face it, we are accountable, for a lot of different things
it goes hand/and, hand
with the information age

there comes a time, when, there just isn't time,
for all this accountability --
and, they make a lot of deadly mistakes

i'll bet, that, if you looked at records
you'd find, that 1/3 of all people, who are employed
in parts of the world,
all work, to levels that require
accountability, and, records etc.,

even your soul, logs a record, in the book of lives

all the actions, that occur
creates more and more records,
which come with more and more accountability...
and, more, and, more information
for people to tap into this

and, this is eXactly what is occuring

the dark side of the equation is becoming eXposed !!!

and, in that eXposure,
this is where the grand page in the cosmos,
takes its turn

it is happening in this now

as, i have said many times,
the outer circles, will turn away, and, become whistleblowers
and/or, the inner circles, will turn on themselves

either way -- it adds up to accountability/as, well as, exposure !!!
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Old 03-31-2009, 06:37 PM   #21
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

Jones and Rense are disinformation agents. They spin against you. Nothing they say can be taken without a grain of salt. The U.S. is headed towards monetray collapse. it is only a matter of when. And then they wont have the money to interfere with other nations anymore. Good for everyone...
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Old 04-03-2009, 02:27 AM   #22
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

I've always liked BJ. I like the new blog its quite interesting and informative. what's up with Jones vs Rense!!!
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Old 04-03-2009, 04:50 AM   #23
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Default Re: What do you think of Benjamin Fulford's latest blogs?

I like Ben's Blogs. He has great inside sources and he writes with help of his inner voice.
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Old 04-04-2009, 06:10 AM   #24
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Default 04/04/2009 Ben's Blog

04/04/2009 Ben's Blog

G20の声明を分析すると、闇の権力の大きな敗北であったように見える。特に注目するべきところは、IMF の1....continues http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/

Many mysteries still surround the G20 but it appears to be a major defeat for the illuminati

A careful read of the G20 statement and of comments by various world leaders seem to indicate the illuminati have suffered a major defeat. The most important point to note is the $1.1 trillion given to the IMF. It includes $250 billion worth of Special Drawing Rights meaning the ability to create a new global currency has been taken away from the Federal Reserve Board and given to an IMF that is going to be largely under the control of poor countries and non-Europeans.

The other point is the promise to lend $5 trillion to the ordinary peoples of the world. Is that $5 trillion the money the Bush/Clinton crime group stole from the rest of the world? Have they been forced to give it back; too early to tell for sure.

The other big change was the clear determination of world leaders to shut down offshore banking secret tax havens. By saying the “era of banking secrecy is over” the world leaders seem determined to bring the giant, world-controlling shadow banking system under their control.

However, there are still many unanswered questions. For example, why wasn’t a solution to the $1500 trillion derivative question offered? Also, what did Obama agree to during his secret meeting with the 13 bankers representing the 13 illuminati blood lines? What is going to happen to them and their Federal Reserve Board?

The G20 statement is also quite vague and that means it is possible many loopholes will find their way into the detailed agreements that have yet to be worked out. We still have to wait and see and keep vigilant until the beast is truly brought to heel.

BEN'S 4/2/2009 BLOG INCLUDES A JEFF RENSE STATEMENT IN REGARDS TO ALEX JONES.....http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/

I like Mike at FEVERIAM youtube channel and his commentary on the G20 'Official' Communique':

Don't Panic! Its Official, a new Global Currency on the way

Video (13:06): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ull_H...e=channel_page

Last edited by peaceandlove; 04-09-2009 at 07:13 AM.
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Old 04-07-2009, 06:04 PM   #25
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Default Tensions within the secret government of the West and in China are escalating

BEN'S BLOG 4/7/2009

Tensions within the secret government of the West and in China are escalating

Almost immediately after the euphoria of the G20 ended, serious trouble has begun to brew behind the scenes. The problem is that the Bush/Clinton/Rothschilds and their clan elders do not want to give up any of their power. They made a secret deal with China to condemn the Americans and many Europeans to 50 years of debt slavery in order to pay off debt owed to the Chinese. Many powerful actors in Europe, the US and China are opposed to this deal. For that reason bankers are starting to be assassinated. The US military is also making bellicose noises saying they would rather fight that accept slavery.

There is something extremely unnatural about the Chinese making a deal with a group that tried to kill 80% of all non-European peoples. No matter how you think of it, it would be a better deal for China to accept payment in gold and European and American friendship and cooperation than it would be to try to make a deal with human slave traders.

BLOG: http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/b.../04/index.html
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