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Old 09-11-2008, 05:06 PM   #51
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Default Re: All Things New England

Oct 4th 6:00pm Manchester NH sounds good to me.
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:36 PM   #52
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Default Re: All Things New England

I just realized that I'll be in Connecticut for 4 days that weekend, so no I won't be able to make it.
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Old 09-11-2008, 10:34 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Mr_mike View Post
midcoast me here...... ive been following camelot here for bout a yr . aside from aliens all of what ive read about the political and military seems to have played close to each other.we ( my household) have been building up for this winter three times fold. it takes alot for a household of six. we have gardening and canning foods down to a science, meat drying, ect,ect.... ive been dabbling with the ideas of biodiesel for fuel. verses storing gasoline. diesel stores better and bio is way cheaper to harness than norm diesel. any ways i would like to get things more organized in our community. it very tight nit and we have helped each other in the past in some form or another.i think the biggest problem ive run into is dis bielief . people know things arent right but not sure what is. most folks are older generation and always seem to be prepared everything. are there any ideas on community building here??
I love the midcoast area of Maine! Just got back from a vacation there...

Re: community building ideas, I'd recommend "Creating a Life Together", by Diana Leafe Christian. Great book.
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Old 09-12-2008, 02:48 PM   #54
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Default Re: Northern New England

Maybe we should get the discussion going about what to do if times really do become ruff. My personal concern is that I am not ready financially because I am still in college. It's my last year. So I will be trying to make the best of my resources to my full potential. It's very difficult seeing as I only work part-time.

Anyways, there are many alternative communities that already exist within the united states that we should all do some research into as to how they operate regardless of whether or not you choose to move out of the U.S. Also survival technique books and plant and animal books should become resourceful as well. I would definately invest in canned goods and water filters.

At the same time we are trying to prepare for anything the physical plane throws at us all of us should be trying to evolve ourselves spiritually for the current and future changes in the planet. Look into meditation techniques for the purposes of unlocking your chakras. As George Green said this could be the prison planet that is about to embark on it's judgement from the hierarchy so we definately want to be ready if need be for a ascension of consciousness of both the physical and spiritual plane. The uploading and downloading he talks about with the waking state and the dream state. We must have some kind of balance as spiritual beings. Remember, all of us are co-creators and have a responsibility in this plane for development. That is why we are given free will. Now that alot of us are awake there is definately work to do. Waking up isn't the final destination it is what you do with the tools you have been given.

Please keep posting and let's get some sort of game plan going.

Some of my talents and skills:Management Information Systems major,some Experience using Land Surveying Equipment, very cooperative and easy to work with, typing, good writing skills, somewhat knowledgeable about farming, experience working w/ concrete.
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Old 09-12-2008, 07:46 PM   #55
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Default Re: All Things New England

www.palbee.com I set up my account for vid conferencing at this site
1 hr limit ; 5 people limit; records all meeting for posting later

use your avalon user name for this account; when a few people get set up we can kick this mother******* off.

((this site is in s.korea and I had to email admin@palbee.com to get the account activated when no confirmation email was sent.........they were cool about it.........small hassle)))
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Old 09-12-2008, 09:58 PM   #56
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Default Re: All Things New England

hello my name is mike . i live in central maine i was hoping to find a group for mainas'. looks like i broke the ground here.i would like to here some of your strategies for the up and coming events. we are doing our best in our household for normal winter preperations and then tripleing that including storing fuel and starting in on biodiesel production. between fire wood and bio we will be toasty. im am looking for more verification on these "world events" if things are truely going to happen in this way. ive been camelot for a year now. some of it is hard to take in most has been proven in the news. so are we in danger here???
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Old 09-13-2008, 02:30 AM   #57
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Default Re: All Things New England

I'm new here...I'm in R.I. Gregor, my parents are in Lovell, Maine, so I'd just scoot myself and family up to their big old farmhouse when TSHTF. It's a fairly high elevation, lots of water nearby, and just feels "safe" for lack of a better thought-out reason.

One of these days, I should get a camera for this old machine; I think video-conferencing would be a good idea.

What saddens me with thinking about this stuff: I have a brother in prison sentenced to 15 years, 10 to serve. My little state isn't much higher than sea level...and he cannot escape any major catastrophic weather event.
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:22 AM   #58
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Default Re: All Things New England

Does anyone want to shoot for a video conference tonight at all? I feel things are paramount, as we all probably do, and there are some things I really want to start sorting out right away.

My large focus at the moment is a safe zone, and establishing this safe zone. It doesn't matter if I know what's going to happen, and I have a bunch of survival supplies if I don't know where to go.

First off, there's a rumor that the reason there are a large amount of Seven Day Adventists in Maine is because during the end of days, it is a safe haven.

Anyways, my intuition has been telling me to stay in Maine, but go North. There are two areas that have really come to my attention. The Eastern portion of the White Mountains, just across the NH border, but North of Newry, Rumford, and Sunday River. This would include the Grafton Notch and Rangeley Lakes Region. What is interesting about this, Willian Reich had his lab for some time in the Rangeley Lakes region, were he conducted his studies on Orgone, had exchanges by mail with Einstein, and even saw UFOs. There is a UFO/Conscienceness Exhibition there actually this 20th. I really wish I could attend.

The second area is Mt. Katahdin and Baxter State Park, about an hour plus North of Bangor. The area, besides hikers, is rather remote and untouched, plus its state owned. Mt. Katahdin is the tallest mountain in Maine and has some very interesting myths revolving around it from the Abeneki and Penobscots. One seems to be rather akin to the story of Jesus Christ, and another seems to portray it almost as entrance to the World Beneath (Hollow Earth). The largest known cave in Maine is also located on a remote part of Mt. Katahdin. The famous Alaghash abductions, along with another famous abduction happened not to far from this site also.

So, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in scouting out Mt. Katahdin, specifically this cave, and see if it presents us with anything. And yes, I know it's quite an undertaking. Also, I'm working a lot with my intuition here, so I recommend highly you try to do the same. It seems to be the only true thing going for me right now.
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Old 09-14-2008, 03:41 PM   #59
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Default Re: All Things New England

Originally Posted by GregorArturo View Post
Does anyone want to shoot for a video conference tonight at all? I feel things are paramount, as we all probably do, and there are some things I really want to start sorting out right away.

My large focus at the moment is a safe zone, and establishing this safe zone. It doesn't matter if I know what's going to happen, and I have a bunch of survival supplies if I don't know where to go.

First off, there's a rumor that the reason there are a large amount of Seven Day Adventists in Maine is because during the end of days, it is a safe haven.

Anyways, my intuition has been telling me to stay in Maine, but go North. There are two areas that have really come to my attention. The Eastern portion of the White Mountains, just across the NH border, but North of Newry, Rumford, and Sunday River. This would include the Grafton Notch and Rangeley Lakes Region. What is interesting about this, Willian Reich had his lab for some time in the Rangeley Lakes region, were he conducted his studies on Orgone, had exchanges by mail with Einstein, and even saw UFOs. There is a UFO/Conscienceness Exhibition there actually this 20th. I really wish I could attend.

The second area is Mt. Katahdin and Baxter State Park, about an hour plus North of Bangor. The area, besides hikers, is rather remote and untouched, plus its state owned. Mt. Katahdin is the tallest mountain in Maine and has some very interesting myths revolving around it from the Abeneki and Penobscots. One seems to be rather akin to the story of Jesus Christ, and another seems to portray it almost as entrance to the World Beneath (Hollow Earth). The largest known cave in Maine is also located on a remote part of Mt. Katahdin. The famous Alaghash abductions, along with another famous abduction happened not to far from this site also.

So, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in scouting out Mt. Katahdin, specifically this cave, and see if it presents us with anything. And yes, I know it's quite an undertaking. Also, I'm working a lot with my intuition here, so I recommend highly you try to do the same. It seems to be the only true thing going for me right now.
Gregor, Do you have anyone else organized to check this out? Or are you starting from scratch with just yourself? It sounds fun and totally interesting. If you wanted to go in at least 10 days from now then I would definitely be down. That hand wound I was telling you about needs to heal a bit first, but I'm 100% in. I wouldn't mind driving either. I've got a small hatchback that can fit whatever we need and is good on gas.

Are you thinking of camping out? I'd be very interested to check this cave out as well. I think tenting it and possibly having a low-key fire in the wilderness and under the stars would be rad - especially knowing that there have been UFO sightings in the area. What kind of a hike are you anticipating to get to the cave?

Have you ever read or heard any of Michael Tsarion? I think that he is right down your alley.

It's funny that you say what you have about going north if you are to stay in maine. I have been thinking the same thing, especially and obviously staying away from the coast. Your two ideas, information and incredibly similar attitude is meshing uncannily with mine. I have a good deal of survival/camping equipment on hand as well. I always keep my gas tank on full and am ready to ditch town whenever need be. I'd love to scope out a possible go-to spot with you.

I am not prepared with any of the necessary equipment to have a video conference, so you will have to count me out on that.

I think that timing and ideas are coming together in perfect time. If you're down, lets meet up some evening this week and talk.

Last edited by Irving; 09-14-2008 at 03:44 PM.
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Old 09-14-2008, 07:26 PM   #60
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Default Re: All Things New England

I'm in for a video con today or tonight............I got my palbee account setup.....what service do you want to use?

Gregor, your post gave me an idea;

Given our various locations and expertise, I suggest we create sub-groups of our NewEngland Community. Volunteers Needed.

>>> Scouting Team: Those who are already in the areas most of us are interested in and have the time and resources to mount expeditions that can be video doc'd and shared with us.

>>>Resource Team: Those who find themselves in a position or profession to locate or create resources for the group effort. This can be anything from bio-fuel production, tools, information, transportation, communications, agriculture, etc.

>>>Research Team: All the news hounds and local mythos experts can keep the rest of us up to date and informed.

>>>Special Ops Team: These can be the go-to people who have locations and resources already in place, who can help small groups in case we get caught off gaurd.

You know what........I'm gonna create a website right now where we can post these vid cons, other vids, information, etc.
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:10 PM   #61
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i would like to meet up with you all could you send me some specs on yime and local
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Old 09-15-2008, 12:50 AM   #62
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Hey, tomorrow night - Monday, 10:00PM EST, how's that sound for everyone? If there's alot of people interested, I recommend we do TeamSpeak, as people with just mics can participate, and its absolutely free. It's conversation that is the most important part, and yes, more the merrier. So if you can make it & want to participate, post here, and let us know if you have either a mic or a webcam. Thanks!

To come to think of it, a permanent team speak channel for us might help out really well, as that would provide a platform for permanent continuous conversation. However, that means we'd need a permanent server.
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:47 AM   #63
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I have no mike or webcam but I am free tomorrow evening... Could I somehow just watch/listen?
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:52 AM   #64
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Default Re: All Things New England

Originally Posted by Mr_mike View Post
i would like to meet up with you all could you send me some specs on yime and local
I have proposed a meeting in Manchester, NH on the evening of October 4th. So far four people have committed to coming. See post #37 in this thread.

Anybody else interested in coming?
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Old 09-15-2008, 03:12 AM   #65
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If we do teamspeak, it also has chat and yes, you can just listen, all integrated into one
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Old 09-15-2008, 08:36 AM   #66
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i like the teamspeak idea and i would also like to meet everyone in person too.granted it seems like i am the furthest one away (midcoast) i think it is worth my wild to have this meeting in person as well.......
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:33 PM   #67
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Default Re: All Things New England

Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
I have no mike or webcam but I am free tomorrow evening... Could I somehow just watch/listen?
I am in the same boat NewParadigmGuy.
Hopefully we can find a way to comm regularly.
Let me know if we can watch the conference and possibly participate. I'll do the same if I find out.
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:33 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by NewParadigmGuy View Post
I have proposed a meeting in Manchester, NH on the evening of October 4th. So far four people have committed to coming. See post #37 in this thread.

Anybody else interested in coming?
Hey New Paradigm Guy,

I am interested in the Oct. 4 meeting in Manchester. I'm near the VT border in southern NH. Just returned from camping in Jamaica, VT area...a scouting/recon mission to check out the area/terrain.

Reading the various posts here, I am feeling, intuiting that there are several potential safe spaces, radiant zones in the New England area...and they are most likely in and around the White and Green Mtns. Mountains are key, with us inhabiting the valleys, the niches of the ground crew. Many questions as to how we would all interconnect and network, when the infrastructure begins to shift in earnest.

I am in flux and have some definite flexibility of circumstances now. I caretake a property, six acres with a pond, surrounded by wetlands. It is very private here. It is a place where people could meet, with potential for short-term camping. I'm just throwing that into the dynamic mix for the future.

The video conferencing and teamspeak? are initial modes of communicating I suppose...I personally lean strongly towards in person meetings when the group(s) are more formed. I have to be in the presence of others to be able to deeply intuit whether there is the potential for working and preparing with others. Anyone else feel that? I'm not dissing technology, it's about looking into the eyes of another, feeling the energy fields of others.

Please let me know in a private message if the meeting Oct. 4 is going to go down.

Last edited by Kusala; 09-15-2008 at 07:47 PM.
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:59 PM   #69
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Default Re: All Things New England

Originally Posted by GregorArturo View Post
If we do teamspeak, it also has chat and yes, you can just listen, all integrated into one
Hello Gregor,

Just looked into teamspeak...I have a Mac (OS X) and it seems the software available is for Windows. Is this true?

Judging from the content of your posts, you are in a good place in many respects.
Peace, K
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Old 09-16-2008, 12:34 AM   #70
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im all set up with team speak if we are still on for 10:00 tonight
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Old 09-16-2008, 12:43 AM   #71
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Hey Kusula. Thanks for joining us! And yes, Teamspeak has an unofficial version that supports Mac, just look on their site. I was suppose to go to a festival this 3rd-6th, but as of today, I am pretty sure we're in for a ride, so I am going to have to opt out and join the band wagon to Manchester, so yes Irving, I am back on.

I'm going to say let's try to do a teamspeak server tonight. If anyone has a really good connection, it would be great if you could host, otherwise I'll plan on hosting. I have a cable connection which will at the very best just get through with 10 connections, but really more around 5ish. Thing is this we can also use the chat, and speak mic if wanted, and we can all here.

I'll be online until 10, which is when I want to begin, so just message me if you're in. My AIM is also itEndedHere.

I found a site that can also host our teamspeak server at $0.25/slot/month and its setup absolutely immediately. I even verified it with them by e-mail, and for 20 slots it's only $5.00, so 10 slots $2.50. And it would be permanently up for the whole month.

And there's always just using a chat room too if need be, which AIM has but theres other sites too.
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Old 09-16-2008, 01:29 AM   #72
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The server is up and currently running. You can download Teamspeak and easily connect. Just message me through Avalon or AIM for the IP address & password.


Anyone without a mic can still listen to the convo, and send text messages (chat) to all the users in the room still. Also note, most laptops do have a builtin mic on board in disguise, it's just this little hole somewhere, usually around the keyboard.

Last edited by GregorArturo; 09-16-2008 at 01:56 AM.
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Old 09-16-2008, 09:10 AM   #73
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Default Re: All Things New England

i could not make it last night i had an emergency to go to/ house fire/ plz fill me in when some gets a min
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Old 09-16-2008, 07:42 PM   #74
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Default Re: All Things New England

Originally Posted by Mr_mike View Post
i could not make it last night i had an emergency to go to/ house fire/ plz fill me in when some gets a min
Thats terrible man. Sorry to hear that. I had a house fire last year as well. It was quite an experience. I hope that no one was injured.

The teamspeak session ended up being just myself and Arturo. I had no mic or camera and I typed while Arturo spoke into a mic. haha. It was an interesting way to try to communicate, but you didn't miss much. Perhaps sometime soon we can get a session going with more of us.
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Old 09-16-2008, 10:57 PM   #75
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Mr. Mike, sorry to hear about the fire and I hope everyone is OK.

I had some trouble getting the Teamspeak software installed but I think it is OK now - if anyone wants to try another chat soon I'm game!
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