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Old 10-12-2008, 04:18 AM   #76
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

This information and knowledge does restore ones sanity in an insane world.
Whereas, lies breed confusion, confusion breeds insanity.

I have to say; Bobbi has a good heart and is a good person, I am very thankful for her help with this research.
The kids and I, with my daughter’s boyfriend Evan that has Cerebral Palsy, the result of multiple births, went camping for a weekend in July of 2007 with Bobbi and Norval at Friday Harbor. Last Christmas, the kids and I visited Bobbi and Norval on the boat and was fortunate to be there for their marriage.

Last edited by Gale; 10-12-2008 at 04:28 AM.
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Old 10-12-2008, 12:34 PM   #77
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Originally Posted by Norval View Post
Yes, she is quite the gal, well, she puts up with me anyway.

Her allergy to BS helps alot in our research.
Yes, I FULLY understand your first statement Norval.
(and the second one too...hehe)

What little I know of your lovely Bride is this: She 'salts' her words.
She speaks when she has something to say. I admire people that can do that.
This tells me Bobbi is thinking before leaping.
To find a spouse that 'works with you' is rare indeed.
Love is Work. No getting around that. It took me most of my 25+ years married to Mrs Dood to finally understand/grok that.

Now that doesn't mean Mrs Dood does not call ME out on my BS. haha!
However, we have learned to love one another even with our differences.
Learning to love is a major key in a relationship.
(communication is #1 in my book)
When I got married so many years ago I realize now that I was pretty clueless on what love really is....

I am still learning...

I apologize for going a tad off-topic Norval.
I know you do not care for that.
I felt it was necessary to share my thoughts openly with you and other members here...please forgive me.
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Old 10-12-2008, 12:41 PM   #78
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
I apologize for going a tad off-topic Norval.
I don't think it off-topic at all.

Love is something you do. Not something you feel or talk about. It manifests through actions and goes to the heart of the subject matter.
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Old 10-12-2008, 04:13 PM   #79
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Bobbi and I wanted to make sure many others saw this picture taken yesterday morning.

I called it "The Mists of Avalon"
The Swan, the Heron at middle right, the Seals at middle left.

Love is expressed in many ways. One of those ways is self sacrifice and seeking the advantage of
another, in other words, help someone accomplish what they want to do.

Even our enemies are to be shown "love", but not to give them bullets for their guns, just
sustenance. We have even won the respect of some of those that we call agents. We have come
to realize that there are reformed former bad ETs also and acknowledged their positions in all of
this at this time.

Then there are the highbred, GMOs, ones with adopted DNA from mankind. Even they are loved
with a provision for continued life. We know that the bible expressly states when the ETs left their
positions and came to earth and "mated" with women, also from the abduction experiences, men
too. They are not to be killed, as in times past, but are afforded the same amnesty based on their
"heart", integrity, honor, and so on, just as mankind will be judged worthy of life, or not.

Remember, Jesus came from up ^ there, became one of mankind and went back up ^ there to be
crowned as King of the Universe. His "sacrifice" also covers all sentient intelligent life forms that
will avail themselves of this provision of amnesty and forgiveness. Yes, love is being shown
beyond our highest expectations.

Norval L. Cunningham
Gale Smart

Last edited by Norval; 10-12-2008 at 04:15 PM.
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Old 10-12-2008, 08:39 PM   #80
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Originally Posted by Norval View Post
Bobbi and I wanted to make sure many others saw this picture taken yesterday morning.

I called it "The Mists of Avalon"
The Swan, the Heron at middle right, the Seals at middle left.

Love is expressed in many ways. One of those ways is self sacrifice and seeking the advantage of
another, in other words, help someone accomplish what they want to do.

Even our enemies are to be shown "love", but not to give them bullets for their guns, just
sustenance. We have even won the respect of some of those that we call agents. We have come
to realize that there are reformed former bad ETs also and acknowledged their positions in all of
this at this time.

Then there are the highbred, GMOs, ones with adopted DNA from mankind. Even they are loved
with a provision for continued life. We know that the bible expressly states when the ETs left their
positions and came to earth and "mated" with women, also from the abduction experiences, men
too. They are not to be killed, as in times past, but are afforded the same amnesty based on their
"heart", integrity, honor, and so on, just as mankind will be judged worthy of life, or not.

Remember, Jesus came from up ^ there, became one of mankind and went back up ^ there to be
crowned as King of the Universe. His "sacrifice" also covers all sentient intelligent life forms that
will avail themselves of this provision of amnesty and forgiveness. Yes, love is being shown
beyond our highest expectations.

Norval L. Cunningham
Gale Smart
Inspirational stuff Norval, thanks.

Last edited by beauwalton@rocketmail.com; 10-12-2008 at 09:20 PM.
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Old 10-13-2008, 06:28 PM   #81
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Hello Norval. I want to keep it short and simple because I am tempted to write a long series of thoughts, but it would be too much.

First, the bible is a book to be studied with discernment and absolutely with the light of other sources. You have to be able to compare. Because you already know by now, all actual versions of the bible have been altered many times.

Second, if you see signs of the apocalypse coming out, it is because the controllers are following it like a script.

Remember, all that is official, or as an official tag on it, is altered for the purpose of controlling. Not only the bible, all the books which has a powerful impact over the masses.

The real Holy Bible is still written as we speak and is growing from the seat of the Soul.

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 10-13-2008 at 08:30 PM.
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Old 10-13-2008, 08:22 PM   #82
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

i have been a searcher all my life. i have studied the bible many times for different reasons. my personal opinion is that revelations is a story about the internal struggle we all face within our own soul. a battle between light and no light.

i do not think any of the enlightened ones who came came before us intended to start a religeon. jesus was in fact a devout jew. religeon was created after the fact by followers of the enlightened ones who presupposed the intentions of the enlightened ones.

If the bible, torah, book of the dead, etc give you peace then good for you. I have come to the conclusion that organized religeon is about control. i travel about and look at these magnificent buildings with 50 rooms built out of the finest quality materials available and wonder how many hungry people could have been fed instead. here is how I view religeon and it's role:

imagine you are a parent with 3 children and their chore is to alternate taking out the trash each day. child 1 loves to help with the household and takes pleasure in being productive and not only takes out the trash but cleans the can and puts in a new trash bag in it's place plus asks if they can do anything else to help. child 2 keeps postponing his time and usually tries to get on of the other 2 children to do it for him. if that doesn't work, you as the parent threaten to take away his privildges and ground him if he doesn't take out the trash. after him-hawing around and stomping his feat, he eventually takes out the trash but that is all he does, nothing else. child 3 refuses to do any chores so you exclude him from family activities & ground him to his room as punishment.

child 1 and child 2 both did their chores. the trash got taken out in both cases however as a parent, which would you feel better about, the 1 that willingly did the deed or the 1 that you had to coerce & threaten?

to me, child 1 is the spiritual one that doesn't need a higher authority to threaten them into doing the right thing. child 2 is the church goer that attends on sunday to feel good about his self and then screws his neighbor on monday. child 3 just screws his neighbor anyway, but he doesn't try to make you think he is somebody that he is not.

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Old 10-14-2008, 01:39 AM   #83
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Fortunately the alterations never harmed the message.
"Second, if you see signs of the apocalypse coming out, it is because the controllers are following
it like a script."
Yes, that is because it is a script in many ways.
Thanks for your input.

As a CPA, you are aware of the manuals that it takes to study the tax codes for various financial
states of peoples resources, to ensure you provide them with accurate information. You lament
because they did not follow your suggestions to avoid this crises they now face. I too will lament
for those that do not make the connection about ET and the bible and to not look at it from any
religious point of view. This discussion is about that connection based on our ability to
technologically comprehend the bible. It is about the Government of the Galaxies, not religion or
religious views. It is also about advanced technology to restore ones health completely.

It is written that riches will be thrown in the streets when King Jesus comes.
I guess that treasure becomes trash then.
Thank you for your input.
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Old 10-14-2008, 04:15 PM   #84
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Perhaps now that some are fed up with the New Age 'channeler' prophecies that are clearly false, they will take a good hard look at this book which accurately predicted:
1. The rise of the NWO
2. The return of Israel as a nation (against all conceivable odds)
3. The signs in the sky
4. The rise of the New Age religion
5. The dominance of reptilian ET's over society
6. The birth and death of Jesus
7. The rise and fall of the Roman Empire
8. The rise and fall of the Greek Empire
9. The rise and fall of the Babylonian Empire
10. The fall of the Egyptian Empire
And on and on and on....

So, as Norval suggested...Calm down and read it.
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Old 10-14-2008, 10:40 PM   #85
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Originally Posted by arcora View Post
Perhaps now that some are fed up with the New Age 'channeler' prophecies that are clearly false, they will take a good hard look at this book which accurately predicted:
1. The rise of the NWO
2. The return of Israel as a nation (against all conceivable odds)
3. The signs in the sky
4. The rise of the New Age religion
5. The dominance of reptilian ET's over society
6. The birth and death of Jesus
7. The rise and fall of the Roman Empire
8. The rise and fall of the Greek Empire
9. The rise and fall of the Babylonian Empire
10. The fall of the Egyptian Empire
And on and on and on....

So, as Norval suggested...Calm down and read it.
The rise and fall of the Anglo American Empire
And gods disgust of the league of nations, (United Nations)
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Old 10-14-2008, 11:05 PM   #86
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

... for the cliff notes ... this sums things up in a reasonably condensed version that feels close enough, for me:

War in Heaven

... in the few weeks spent within this material, my heart has blossomed and i am empowered to have a user guide that allows each to find harmony ...

~ much love ~
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Old 10-15-2008, 01:05 AM   #87
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

When is "disclosure", his return, this King of the universe, when is the return of Jesus?
When will that one thousand five hundred mile big Heavenly New Jerusalem show up?

True, it is written that we will not know at what time of the day, nor the day, that disclosure will
happen. As has been stated before in these threads about the bible, it will happen like a thief in the
night. It also says that it will be at a time when it is least expected.

We are also warned not to run here and there looking for anything. But it does say to look up and
see the signs, and to look around and see the "times" we are in. We are to know the "season" of
when it is immanent. Why else would anybody be searching as we all are?

Because we all know something is going to happen.
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Old 10-18-2008, 12:25 AM   #88
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.

I am not going to be posting any more in this thread as it has served it's purpose. I restate the first
post as it reflects the intent of these postings. When it comes to "knowing" about what is coming
upon mankind and earth you may find the bible to be your only true source. Think about it. Why
are so many trying to steer people away from just reading the bible?

Originally Posted by Norval View Post
While many still attempt to twist this information back to religion, you can forget it, stop trying to
turn this into a religious argument. This is about a document, the bible, as the message from ETs.

With out the religious rhetoric and verbiage, or words, I will attempt to explain what the bible says
in simple terms about what just happened in the Open Letter thread. This concerns all of us here
at Camelot / Avalon. It is there for all to see what took place and who said what to whom. It is
the "why" that needs to be addressed to see the real picture.

With the following premise:
That of accepting that there are ETs amongst us.
That they are the bad ones that were recently kicked out of "heaven".
That the bible gives us the "picture" on the puzzle box.

The whistle blowers have provided us with much of our information about what these bad ETs are
now doing. Thank you to them. Since these bad ETs, cast down fallen angels, are real physical
beings that eat our food, and we theirs, (manna), and have done unbelievable atrocities to
mankind, are right here amongst us at this very forum, what do you think they are up to now?

When it comes to the truth about who and what these bad ETs (the demons of old) really are they
will react in exactly the way it shows in the Open Letter thread. Their tactics and methods are well
stated in the bible. First and foremost is that the head honcho of these bad ETs is also the "father
of the lie". There are lies at every level and even amongst the bad ETs. You should see the look
on their faces and hear their responses when confronted with the facts of their destruction in our
solar system. Many of these bad ETs didn't know that. Many of the bad ETs were lied to also.
Ironic is what I now find that to be. I have heard these words several times, "What? He can't
know that! How can he know that? He's not supposed to know that!" Quite shocking the first
time it happened. You know for a fact, at that time, you are talking to a bad ET and they are
asking those questions of another, obviously, bad ET present.

Now, is the time to either accept what the bible really is or not. Not from the view point of any
other book as they are not needed. Just the bible, read it for what is really is, our true path to the
stars and the good sentient intelligent beings that didn't want these bad ETs as neighbors anymore.
The enemy the good ETs defeated out there are here now, in person and in force. That is not our
problem as they will be dealt with soon enough by a few of mankind and a whole lot of good ETs.
All you have to do is to learn about that new government of the stars that is about to unfold and
the bible is the document to learn it from. Not second hand either, read it for yourselves.

As I have stated before, I don't quote scripture, as it is called, because you should be able to
recognize what I am talking about if you had read it for yourselves. There are those here that can
help ones to get started with out overwhelming them, like starting at Matthew then Galations, 1st
Corinthians, Jude, and Revelations. The last book of the old testament in most bibles is Malachi, a
good first book to read, it's just three pages long.

Any questions?

We will not respond to any questions posed in a religious way, so be advised to
use words that would be used when discussing a government document. That is all we ask.
Thank you all for your support that has been given to us. You are not alone in knowing the bible
ET connection.

Norval L. Cunningham
Gale Smart
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Old 10-21-2008, 09:03 AM   #89
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

And keep looking up, , , , , , , , ,
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Old 10-21-2008, 10:51 PM   #90
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Originally Posted by Brinty View Post
May I make an observation here?
I've known a few preachers who were anything but religious.
"Lo and Behold...." Verily I say unto thee...

Religion doth make one preach but a being a preacher doth not make one religious

Oh yeah forgot... no religious mumbo jumbo...

Okay so how come no one will answer my question about the animals and the ark?

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Old 10-21-2008, 11:06 PM   #91
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Originally Posted by zorgon View Post

Okay so how come no one will answer my question about the animals and the ark?
I assume you mean this?

from another thread:
1) How many animals of each kind got on the Ark
2 of each unclean
14 of each clean

Originally Posted by zorgon View Post

Okay so how come no one will answer my question about the animals and the ark?
Because it seemed you already knew the answer.

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Old 10-22-2008, 03:34 AM   #92
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Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Originally Posted by zorgon View Post

Okay so how come no one will answer my question about the animals and the ark?

Sorry old chap, I must have zizzed off and missed it. Ask again and I'll try and stay awake to hear it this time.
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