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Old 08-04-2009, 02:22 AM   #1
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Default On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

A revolution of 'Free Energy Devices'- "FED's" for the whole planet. A new NWO.

Grab your notebook and see what contribution you can make!

Instead of focusing on so much depressing **** of what others say is going to happen how about a break and participate in a project that will pull out of you the inspiration, purpose, excitement, and maybe even a fresh outlook at taking back your power.

As an extended thought from this thread… http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...968#post157968

On 8-08-2009 @ 8:00am and again at 8:00pm everyone focus on seeing an image of a 'Free Energy Device' as well as drawing out the parts and materials to make it work. Continuing attention to perfecting the mechanics and operations and concept of how your device will work and build it and use it. And then go show your neighbor what it is and how it works so they can duplicate it and create their own as well. Just have a notebook and a pencil and draw what images come to you and then ask for clarity and go from there. Good luck!!!! Oh and you do not need to sign a contract or give away any part of yourself in order to have access to creation... We are all Sovereign beings!

Free Energy Devices are needed to purify water, food, air, and even to travel with for your personal convenience, also lighting, heat, cold, communications, and some form of electricity/electromagnetism for your own space.

Move past the solar, wind, and temperature phase of Free Energy and open up to new ideas of devices that can operate on the principles of nature and even the physiological mechanics of our body.

Free Energy Devices belong to all Sovereign beings and come directly from Divine Intelligence… so there is no need to apply for a patent, or to sell the idea, model, or concept to a corporation or institution. Actually you do not need to fully understand what it is you may come up with as someone else may have another piece to your drawing or design. Share your concepts and drawings with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to get them involved as well.

Create your own viral email campaign and send this idea out to as many of your associates as possible. Keep the IDEA flowing to prevent any group from trying to take over the Free Energy Device market, it does not belong to any one group or control freak.

Remain diligent in giving away your Free Energy Device to everyone!!!!!

Do not apply for a patent or try to protect your idea- that is exactly what will continue the very conundrum we grew up in that maintains dependence, control and slavery. Write a book on the best uses of your design or other designs and make money with your experiences of using Free Energy Devices instead!

The thoughts of capitalizing on your idea or invention is normal but the full benefit will be realized when as many people as possible the world over have learned and can live with their own Free Energy Device that does not belong to any entity or corporation.

Remove the greed portion of energy by dispersing as many devices as possible to every corner of the planet for all to use freely.

You do not have to be gifted to participate… just pay attention to the fact that you are participating in this project and see what comes to mind. Continue asking ‘Divine Intelligence’ (God), or whatever you want to call the ‘spark of our lives’ for revelations and pictures and concepts of FED’s; Free Energy Devices to be shown to you and they will be over a period of time.

As a beginning concept to think about use this one… the Sun’s radiance flows through a seed in the ground and pushes the roots out of the seed, then the Earth pushes back up through the seed and the sprout reaches for the sky!!!! The roots are the Sun reaching in and the foliage is the Earth reaching out. Zero Point is the Heart of that Matter!!! Pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Two ships passing in the night, etc.

Tell everyone you know what you are doing and ask them for assistance and guidance with what you have come up with so far… let your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers steal your ideas… it will get them out faster (might as well use that side of our nature for a right purpose).

Keep passing out the knowledge of Free Energy Devices in as many places and forms as you can think of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh... copy and paste and email this to everyone you know!

Last edited by Karen; 08-09-2009 at 09:05 PM.
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Old 08-09-2009, 08:41 PM   #2
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED project!

Yesterdays dream for 8:00am brought up the idea of Bi-location, and at 8:00pm the image for a device was a silver frisbee looking thing with a silver matte finish and a glowing bubble on top and bottom. This 'thing' fit in the palm of your hand... maybe left hand!

On a side note... my experience with investors who are part of an industry will get you nowhere... meaning taking your idea to those who are part of the Free Energy Device groups will more than likely stymie your project!!!!!

Find investors who do not know anyone in this field and have no connections to those in the know. Keep those people in the dark of what you have and work with your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

Also, if you start with one idea keep adding many more ideas, plans and projects. Scatter the ideas amongst many other groups and do not allow one group to have access to all of your ideas, and do not tell one group about what you are working on with another group... this is not for deception sake but it is for maintaining your momentum should you encounter sinister motives with a group that you may not be aware of. Even take one idea to as many groups as possible and may the best group win!!!

Everyday ask for Free Energy Device ideas and specific plans to make them reality. Draw or write what comes to mind and ask for the right frame of mind person or group to help you.

If you ask it will be given... no ask no receive!! Simple enough.

Last edited by Christo888; 08-10-2009 at 02:29 AM.
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Old 08-10-2009, 02:10 AM   #3
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

I think what we need is a revolution of the peaceful kind. I haven't got a clue as to how to organize it. I am so sick and tired of the ptb deciding for the world when it comes to free energy, something needs to be done.
Any scientists, physicists interested, please send me a private message for more info.

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Old 08-10-2009, 02:16 AM   #4
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

Cripes I missed this thread.
I agree with you about those investors, they are certainly there to stifle progress it seems.

I've been fooling around in a mini lab I have now and then with rare earth magnets, electric devices, and a bunch of Tesla and T.T. Brown patents ect...

One thing I have decided to do if I do come up with over unity is to go around to all the people I know, plus all the small business in my area, and install the devices for for cost or teach them how to do it themselves for free, as long as they share it with everyone they know as well. The goal to get so many people to have free energy that it can no longer be denied.

Maybe we can set up another go at this.
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Old 08-10-2009, 04:04 AM   #5
Cymatic Veilbegone
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

dang I missed it too. If you want to have another go, I'm game too. In the meantime I will include this in my thoughts.
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Old 08-10-2009, 04:35 AM   #6
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

OK... every single day @ 8:00am and 8:00pm think, focus, ask, draw, and write about a FED-Free Energy Device until the world is saturated in actual working devices for as many areas of everyday life as possible and including advanced travel and communications devices.

With a small understanding of caution... that your intentions are for the right use of Free Energy Technology and its use and purpose are within the Harmonics and Balance of Earth.

Everyday @ 8:00am and 8:00pm draw or write the flash image, idea, or perception of a FED and follow through on creating it, building it, and perfecting its function for ALL to use and duplicate.

Create your own websites, ebooks, blogs, etc. Make some money with your descriptions of experience or potential with FED's instead of holding back the product itself from being distributed.

I always wondered though if Hydrogen is flammable and Oxygen is flammable how come water doesn't burn.
Oh wait... water is a by-product of burnt Hydrogen.

Breathe deep fire up!
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Old 08-10-2009, 08:08 PM   #7
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Default free energy invention from my hometown erie, pa.

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Old 08-10-2009, 09:59 PM   #8
Unified Serenity
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

Christo888 I like this thread for creating new devices. I don't mean to be a stick in the mud regarding what you said, "Do not apply for a patent or try to protect your idea- that is exactly what will continue the very conundrum we grew up in that maintains dependence, control and slavery. Write a book on the best uses of your design or other designs and make money with your experiences of using Free Energy Devices instead!", but I will be.

If you do not put a patent on it, then the oil companies can and will, and it will be shelved. If you don't protect the information and give it away, then it will be patented by another and hidden from all. This has already happened in many areas.
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Old 08-10-2009, 10:11 PM   #9
Cymatic Veilbegone
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Default Re: free energy invention from my hometown erie, pa.

Originally Posted by lindabaker View Post
isnt it incredible how the more these water-for-fuel inventors get silenced, the more keep popping up? its almost like the universe is determined that this become public knowledge
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Old 08-10-2009, 11:34 PM   #10
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

Inspired wisdom will win out and our planet will be free. Many people can bring forth ideas at the same time in different parts of the world. Almost Miraculous, no? Now we just have to start producing the devices everywhere at once so that there are too many to suppress. We will win this one, and the time is near.
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Old 08-11-2009, 04:18 AM   #11
Cymatic Veilbegone
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

I spoke too soon...looks he is conveniently silent now as well ...

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Old 08-11-2009, 07:03 AM   #12
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
Christo888 I like this thread for creating new devices. I don't mean to be a stick in the mud regarding what you said, "Do not apply for a patent or try to protect your idea- that is exactly what will continue the very conundrum we grew up in that maintains dependence, control and slavery. Write a book on the best uses of your design or other designs and make money with your experiences of using Free Energy Devices instead!", but I will be.

If you do not put a patent on it, then the oil companies can and will, and it will be shelved. If you don't protect the information and give it away, then it will be patented by another and hidden from all. This has already happened in many areas.
Well US this is a huge concern with anyone whom has put there heart and soul into an invention. And yes any invention that disrupts the current paradigm of technology will be stolen, bought up, and/or shelved.

Go ahead and patent your idea... the same fate awaits as those before it! And any patent infringement will have to be defended which of course will eat up any capital invested and to bankruptcy court you go...
Sucks doesn't it?

So how does one distribute their invention with or without protection? Either way you can't win... ingenious system in place for those who rule the world isn't it?

One cannot patent a plant- but create a process that duplicates the properties of a plant (drugs) and patent that... we all know the story right! Also one cannot patent Free Energy but create a process that harnesses it and patent that... then your back to the dilemma of tptw.

So what does the world do to remove this blockage? Change the rules !!!!!! Stop trying to patent a device and instead provide the information!

(Besides rumor has it that China owns the USPTO anyway... I think it was President Ford that sold it to China... totally not sure on this, I did not research to verify which President may have done this.)

One of the biggest lies is that Oil is a limited resource, well Oil is renewable it always has been... just about any living organism produces Oil... and Earth is one large living organism! But as long as everyone believes Oil is non-renewable it can be regulated because we are taught that. Oil is a by-product of an organisms process. Let's go take a little step higher... Gold is not limited... it is a by-product of a transmutation process of a base metal. Similarly as Rust is a simplified by-product of entropy under certain conditions surrounding Iron.

Lightening strikes the sandy beach and leaves a pool of glass in its wake, Sun shines through the crashing salty ocean waves and Negative Ions are produced, etc.

Perhaps 6.8 billion different ideas exist to harness a process of Divine Intelligence and not one will be the same nor would it be necessary to patent.

The following is not patentable...
"... ‘Creation’ manifests itself through mutation and transmutation, implosion and explosion, duplication and multiplication. And Freedom is won by quest and conquest where-by an in-fusion of Divine Intelligence; the innate Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence in its desire for expanse of itself emanates through infinite potential manifestations over time; Animations of Divinity..." Christo888(surname)

Write all the books and draw all the charts you want and can come up with as Copyrights and Trade Marks are simple and easy and can provide some form of origination for credit and authorship. Intellectual Property and 'Work Product' belong to the originator if you want it to be.

Originally Posted by lindabaker View Post
Inspired wisdom will win out and our planet will be free. Many people can bring forth ideas at the same time in different parts of the world. Almost Miraculous, no? Now we just have to start producing the devices everywhere at once so that there are too many to suppress. We will win this one, and the time is near.
My 'lindabaker' that is a fabulous idea!!!!

:thumb_yell o:

Create as many devices that harness the power of the "Animations of Divinty" as possible.

Last edited by Christo888; 08-11-2009 at 07:20 AM.
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Old 08-11-2009, 07:59 AM   #13
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

Wish I could remember the source of this information - an inventor turned on a free energy device and TPTB showed up and stopped him. Later he secretly produced another one, but as soon as he turned it on - there They were again ... THEY know. You cannot hide it from them.
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Old 08-11-2009, 10:46 AM   #14
Connecting with Sauce
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

This was recently shown at the recent conference... and the guy asking all the questions is from Essex too and an Automotive engineer... small world


the blogs:

Add me to any list of physists / engineers... I have a physics degree and an engineering MSc in Acoustics... I just wish all the interesting stuff hadn't been suppressed as I'm finding out now...
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Old 08-11-2009, 03:46 PM   #15
Cymatic Veilbegone
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

I got this from Susan's thread...but it belongs here too

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Old 09-19-2009, 06:53 AM   #16
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Default Re: On 8-8 start up the FED - Free Energy Device project!

There is a guy who has collected various patents from the patent office.
He have a book called Hydrogen Power System.
This book is focused on Hydrogen technology. There is a non-UFO oriented version of this book with only expired public domain patents, and with a particular emphasis on hydrogen conversion of automobile engines here. I do maintain that the hydrogen technology can be applied to the UFO style craft that I have disclosed in the previous volumes of the UFO How-To series. In fact, I completely endorse/recommend having hydrogen/water power as either a primary or secondary power system for the craft. I have released the various hydrogen conversion patents that have gone public domain. The first hydrogen engines appeared in the patent office during 1930's, and the 1970's saw quite a few hydrogen engine/conversion patents also.
He also have a book called Permanent Magnet / Self powered systems
Whether one chooses to use the words

self running,

self starting,

self powered,

over unity, or

perpetual motion,

the end goal is the same:

A power system that can meet required energy needs.

In these pages are found those power systems.
He's book Esoteric power systems
In these pages are found power systems that defy conventional technology:

atomic batteries,

acoustic-magnetic power systems,

electrical recovery systems,

an engine that runs on atomic waste,

cosmic flux turbine,

the linear magnetic generator,

the electric capacitive pulse discharge engine...
He also have some other books

Here's an interview with Luke Fortune, the author of the books:

I'm not an engineer, so I havent ordered any of his books and tried to replicate any of the systems.

Last edited by PolarBear; 09-19-2009 at 06:32 PM.
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