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Old 03-16-2010, 01:05 PM   #1
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Default blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

blessings to all

my reason for starting this thread is one regarding whether or not specific blood groupings have any relation, directly or indirectly, to what some call the waking up process, the consciousness shift, the change, ascension, a new way of living and being....the name is not important...but it is how people in general are all of a sudden finding themselves within a world of change on a progressively rapid scale. on every level. that is happening now and affecting the way they think and behave...like it or not.

could our blood grouping have an effect on the way we individually make our choices in our respective situations.
does our blood group affect the disposition of our dna for instance, and what differing effects could this have or not have on us.
we know vibration has a big part to play re the structure of our dna (cymatics)...then could the cellular structure of our blood contribute in any way also.
there is a lot of material for instance pertaining to the sudden emergence of the rhesus O negative group which can not be explained and by most accounts points towards an unearthly origin and an awkwardly scientifically unexplanation.
would be interested to know of peoples views on it if any.

here are some links re that info -


i dont like this era of labels we are accustomed to if im honest, whether someone is black or white, indigo or crystal, o negative or ab positive....it doesnt matter imo, we just are...here, now.
this topic is not really up my street either in all honesty with regards to reptilians and gods etc...however it does interest me on a level somewhere so i thought i'd put it our there.

much love and peace always, mike (bananaman)

ps. please read only and leave the believing up to yourselves, if it doesnt resonate...please leave and move on.
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Old 03-16-2010, 01:14 PM   #2
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Default Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

From what I have studied in keylontic sciences it is not related to blood groups, rather to DNA potential

But because of the "load out" cycle which we are in now, even those that are of illuminate descent can get out of the cycle of destruction and de-evolution

All beings in this planet have three options

1) Ascencion, via Higher Earth for which we have to prepare before 2012

2) The path of step back and return, which means that if a person (due to the electromagnetic changes that will happen in 2012) has lost their ability to ascend they can go back to the "gardens of Edon" in the middle worlds and be reborn again into another planet that support the ascencion mechanics. Again the person need to do some work towards correcting their DNA distortions before dieing naturaly

3) The path of de-evolution or black hole fall that implies that all ascension potential is lost and the consiousness gets disintegrated into space dust

All are valid paths, it is a personal choice

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Old 03-16-2010, 01:38 PM   #3
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Default Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

hey stardust, cheers for the reply...your info is most interesting.
from what i gather dna has the ability to change under specific circumstances. i respect and enjoy what the Law of One info has to offer but on a personal level i believe there is more to it then just these 3 options or paths we are destined for. i dont think we can actually grasp the entire concept of what we are destined for. imo.
however i found this topic very interesting and thought i should make a thread for i dont think it there is much about on it. the fact is nobody can prove where this differentiating blood group originated from....just that it did, 7% of us have it...it is universal in the sense that we can all take it...people with it have specific traits allegedley....and ironically most people in positions of ''knowledge'' cant or dont know what to say on the matter.
if origins on human history is your thing i believe this is an area that can not be left un-investigated. how much info u find is another story...

peace always, mike
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Old 03-16-2010, 01:50 PM   #4
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Default Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

Hi Mike

In a working Universe which is aligned with the natural laws of the Cosmos we will certainly have more choices but because this universe is falling we don't

But going back to blood types. They are related to the interbreeding of humans with beings from other species. There is an incredible amount of information about lineages in the Voyagers II

In this moment there is no "pure bloodline" other than the Illuminati families which kept themselves separated from the rest of humanity

All of us are a mix or blend of diferent species and therefor to regain our human DNA potential of 12 strands there is some healing that needs to be done

Even the Indigos have come to mix families as there are no other choices availble anymore. The grail Kings were no more ages ago, they were the ones who had 48 DNA strand potential. This is due to the degradation of the planet

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Old 03-16-2010, 01:55 PM   #5
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Default Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

Fundamentally important topic.
That and another new one today, Thought Is All There Is

This b'ness of DNA, to me, is vitally important topic and I look forward to anyone who can offer whatever jaw droppings are out there.

This is why I am so Onto Ashayana Deane's work. The bottom line, as stated by Stardust... is that of getting out of the cycle of destruction & devolution.

However, I find that most people place themselves into a "higher" slot than they might actually be, self deception rampant, delusions of being Enlightened. Proof of their DNA state and/or bloodline would be telling of their true status, a real wake up call. Make sense? Kind of like thinking you are Well and Good only to have a doctor tell you that you are terminal.

We cannot get there unless we accept where we are. How can we accept where we are if we do not really know? After all, does not Ash'a herself tell of the sleeping indigos? What about those who think they are awake & "fully activated" and are Not?

Thank you.
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Old 03-16-2010, 02:06 PM   #6
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Default Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

I personally believe you are on to something, for the past few years I have been following Dr. Peter D'Adamo advice on what certain blood groups should eat. For instance I am A+ according to his research I should have very little meat because my blood group was considered to be a cultivator type. When I eat meat my body aches and seems to reject it.

"D'Adamo groups those thirteen races together by ABO blood group, each type within this group having unique dietary recommendations:

Blood group O is believed by D'Adamo to be the hunter, the earliest human blood group. The diet recommends that this blood group eat a higher protein diet. D'Adamo bases this on the belief that O blood type was the first blood type, originating 30,000 years ago.

Blood group A is called the cultivator by D'Adamo, who believes it to be a more recently evolved blood type, dating back from the dawn of agriculture, 20,000 years ago. The diet recommends that individuals of blood group A eat a diet emphasizing vegetables and free of red meat, a more vegetarian food intake.

Blood group B is, according to D'Adamo, the nomad, associated with a strong immune system and a flexible digestive system. The blood type diet claims that people of blood type B are the only ones who can thrive on dairy products and estimates blood type B arrived 10,000 years ago.

Blood group AB, according to D'Adamo, the enigma, the most recently evolved type, arriving less than 1,000 years ago. In terms of dietary needs, his blood type diet treats this group as an intermediate between blood types A and B. "


I personally think that a persons blood type could be of more importance, instead of just a fluke. I can say that after I greatly minimized red meat, my awakening progress hastened. My mind was much more sharp and I had many more lucid dreams. I have a friend who is O and his body rejects fruits and veggies and they make him very lethargic . Anything that minimizes being lethargic, I feel contributes to "awakening."

I am very interested in where this thread may go, thank you for starting it.

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Old 03-16-2010, 02:36 PM   #7
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

does anyone know why rh negative O blood, can NOT be cloned
yet it is a universal blood donor ? anyone can get it,
however, only rh neg O- can get rh neg O
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Old 03-16-2010, 04:51 PM   #8
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Default Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

Originally Posted by ewhite View Post

Blood group B is, according to D'Adamo, the nomad, associated with a strong immune system and a flexible digestive system. The blood type diet claims that people of blood type B are the only ones who can thrive on dairy products and estimates blood type B arrived 10,000 years ago.

I am B and it is true about dairy products for me...I love them and I digest them well. I have a strong immune sysstem too...but when it comes to my digestive system it is rather sensitive..
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:37 AM   #9
Frank Samuel
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Talking Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

I honestly do not know if DNA and the awakening is related to our blood type, I am O positive. I spend months reading thesis upon thesis and scientific papers about the DNA in particular junk DNA. After a few years of research I have understood DNA to be a language code. It is of course not written as a common language like for example English, is written in vibrational codes. I guess you might say your inactive DNA contains special messages that when we begin to decipher this language code is like finding the keys that open a familiar beautiful door to a room hidden from your mind instead this special room is connected to your heart . The language code of each person's DNA is unique that is why some people are awaken from a very early age while others might take an entire lifetime or many lifetimes. Is being able to communicate with the world via this special room that contains a library of information that can only be decipher by activating your inactive DNA or junk DNA which is not junk at all.Since this is not physical per say I don't think it affects your physical body rather it affects your cognitive awareness as it connects to your heart. Think about it is like trying to walk with your hands instead of your legs our view is 360 degrees different. It transport you to another dimension. This is just my view , Mikey you bring a good point about blood types so for me is another thing to research in connection to DNA activation. Thank you for this thread.

Blessings to all..
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:45 AM   #10
Frank Samuel
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Talking Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

Edit because I been having a bit of trouble with my internet connection so it posted the same post twice. Sorry !!!

Last edited by Frank Samuel; 03-17-2010 at 01:52 AM.
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Old 03-19-2010, 11:47 PM   #11
Frank Samuel
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Talking Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

Mikey as always when a question that catches my attention is posted then I have to search for the answers, Surprisingly enough I stop looking for other people answers and just sit and trust that the answers will come to me.
The genes or blood group do have a correlation to the NOW. Not so much blood types but your gene pool. My brother and sisters are all from different mothers, same father, I did not meet then until in my mid 30's, my father took off when I was a baby and I never saw him again until I found him here in PR. My sisters all live in the states. To make a long story short, you might say the intellectual capacity of all of my brother and sisters are off the charts. Now this cannot be a coincidence. Why is that ? That is a very good question, now is there a universal gene pool that connects people like us, I am talking about we the people in this forum. Are we interconnected in a cognitive level ? I believe so, despite our hang ups different levels of maturity we are indeed connected mentally, maybe is because there's an invisible cognitive highway in which like minded people begin to tap into another reality. More to come.
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Old 03-20-2010, 02:52 PM   #12
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Default from O+ to O-

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post

does anyone know why rh negative O blood, can NOT be cloned
yet it is a universal blood donor ? anyone can get it,
however, only rh neg O- can get rh neg O
Originally Posted by Mikey View Post
the sudden emergence of the rhesus O negative group which can not be explained and by most accounts points towards an unearthly origin and an awkwardly scientifically unexplanation.

This is so weird,
everybody in my family, in my blood line are O blood,
and so is everybody in my children's father's family,

my children are both O -,

I was myself O+ until 911 day, when I had blood transfusion due to inner bleeding.

As now when I and my daughter have visited ten times the hemophilist (is that the right spelling for blood specialists ?),
due to the tendency to bleed easily, they say that I am O- as well.


Last edited by annemirri; 03-20-2010 at 03:00 PM.
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Old 03-21-2010, 09:19 PM   #13
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Default Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

I have AB RH-, so called the copper line of blood. Other call it blue blood, because copper-based blood turns blue-green upon oxidizing.

But.. well. It is something hard to describe, but I always knew that we are not alone in the Universe. My mother thinks the same, she is also of AB RH-. Of course, thinking that we are not alone has nothing with the waking up process.
Personally, I feel that I have a huge inner conflict. Let's say, I don't have a great compassion and love for humanity. I could not understand why we are such pests, why we are hurting each other and animals? Why do we kill? Why do we rape? etc.. My personal motto is "Wer die Menschen kennt, liebt die Tiere", it means "He/She, who knows the human race, loves animals."

But I work hard to overcome my programming via genetics. It is not blood/genetics which makes you, It is your soul personality which makes you.
I want to experience better Earth, so first I should change myself.

Anyway, look at Native Americans for example Iroques or Cherokee Indians, they have also high percentage of AB RH- blood, and for me they are highly awakened. I would like to be like them one day.
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Old 03-23-2010, 02:05 AM   #14
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Default Re: blood groups, dna and its relation to 'now'

Hi Susan.. I didn't know that about O neg I am O neg and very relieved I can't be cloned.... I guess Obamma can't be o neg then??
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