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Old 04-26-2009, 07:33 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
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Wink Why the "FAIR TAX" is UNFAIR! and What Should WE Do to SAVE the American Economy?

Decisions, decisions...where to post this, mods feel free to MOVE IT!

Why the "Fair Tax" is Unfair
by Darrell L. Castle
Constitution Party Vice-Chairman

Posted by AmandaMoore on 04/26/09 02:31 AM
The following explanation is in response to inquiries asking, "Why is the Constitution Party opposed to the "Fair Tax"?

Politicians cannot be trusted to make the Fair Tax a fair tax. This tax could be imposed by a simple act of Congress while formally ending the income tax would require a Constitutional Amendment. Therefore, Congressional nature being what it is, there is a good chance we could end up with both.

Second, the Fair Tax proponents say the tax would start out at 23% but they admit that the real number would be closer to 30%. With a 30% federal sales tax and a state sales tax of 10% as it is in Tennessee, the actual sales tax would be about 40%. That would be an outrageously high tax!

Third, the Fair Tax proposal calls for a rebate of the tax on food and basic necessities to those below the federal poverty level. You can be sure this would create another large federal bureaucracy to manage the rebate.

Finally, the main reason I oppose the Fair Tax is because the correct direct Federal tax on the American people is no tax at all. There is no legitimate reason whatsoever for any direct Federal tax on the American people. My position is easily validated when we examine the actual reason we have a current income tax in the first place. It might surprise you to know that the income tax does not exist primarily to fund the expenses of operating the Federal Government. Instead it exists to pay interest to our central bank which is the Federal Reserve System and to pay interest to the other central banks of the world for the money they create on their computers and then lend to us. This system is unconscionable because it reduces us to the level of medieval serfs working on the estates of the central bankers. Serfs were bound to the estate of the land owners for whom they worked their entire lives. The owner literally owned their labor just as the Federal Government own ours (if you don't give the fruit of your labor to the Federal Government, men with guns come and get you and put you in jail). The serf usually got to keep about 50% of what his labor produced for his own needs just as we are allowed to keep about 50% of what we produce. The serf's labor could be sold to others just as our labor is sold to China and other countries to pay the interest on the money the Federal Government borrows from those countries. Our labor represents the minutes, hours, days, months, and years that make up our lives. That is what has been taken from us, not for a legitimate purpose, but to pay interest to central banks. Allow me to explain.

If you look at this year's budget, you will see that it is approximately $3.6 trillion. The deficit started at $1.2 trillion, is now $2.3 trillion, and is heading for $3 trillion because tax revenue has slowed dramatically. This means the Federal Government will spend at least two-thirds more than it takes in through tax this year alone. The difference must be borrowed from other countries or central banks. The principle and interest must be repaid from tax revenue. That is why the government is obsessed with the collection of taxes. A budget even close to constitutional levels could easily be funded by a small, non-punitive, import tariff.

To purchase goods and services, the American people would be required to pay this tax. Therefore, the Fair Tax is a tax on consumption and is payment extracted from us for permission to live. What it says about us is that we cannot pursue our hopes and dreams without the Federal Government's permission which is granted by payment of the tax. We cannot feed our families without permission from the Government. Even if the Government rebates the food tax, we must beg (apply) for it. Most importantly, to accept the Fair Tax as something better than the income tax would be to concede the principle that the Federal Government does not have the legitimate right to directly tax us. So, the only fair direct Federal tax is no tax.

For more information on this issue, please read What Should We Do to Save the American Economy? and Darrell Castle Explains the Federal Reserve.

Source: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=16869

What Should We Do To Save The American Economy?
by Darrell L. Castle

Posted by SonsofLiberty1 on 01/26/09 4:02 PM

Article written by Darrell L. Castle Bankruptcy and Personal Injury Lawyer not to mention the running mate of Chuck Baldwin of whom Ron Paul supports and Chuck said "Rons fight is my fight". Darrell is also a vietnam vet. Here is the intro read the rest by clicking on link ->

Continues: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=9263

...or view at the Constitution Party website: http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com/feda..._20090123.html

Darrell Castle Explains The Fed
Constitution Party 2008 Vice-Presidential Candidate

February 15, 2009

Article: http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com/feda..._20090216.html

Last edited by peaceandlove; 04-26-2009 at 07:50 PM.
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