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Visions of the Future Visions of the future, What are you seeing? Thoughts, Dreams, Intuition....

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Old 09-18-2008, 05:53 AM   #1
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Default Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

Hi all,

For the past few years i have had a recurring dream / nightmare which always has me running from invading forces. Sometimes the enemy is clearly ET and sometimes the enemy seems human (but very advanced weaponry).

The dream always ends with me trying to escape to the mountains but at the last "scene" before i wake, i always get zapped and wake up feeling frightened out of my mind. Also throughout the dream the scenery and general feel i get is that it takes place in the future.?

Then a month ago i discovered Project Camelot and watched their interviews and today i see the most recent post re:- Iran War - "Done Deal" and i'm really afraid !

Any thoughts on the dream or how not to associate the dream with the emminent developments would be appreciated.

Cheers all.
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:16 AM   #2
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Default Re: Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

Originally Posted by LOST IN SOUL View Post
Hi all,

For the past few years i have had a recurring dream / nightmare which always has me running from invading forces. Sometimes the enemy is clearly ET and sometimes the enemy seems human (but very advanced weaponry).

The dream always ends with me trying to escape to the mountains but at the last "scene" before i wake, i always get zapped and wake up feeling frightened out of my mind. Also throughout the dream the scenery and general feel i get is that it takes place in the future.?

Then a month ago i discovered Project Camelot and watched their interviews and today i see the most recent post re:- Iran War - "Done Deal" and i'm really afraid !

Any thoughts on the dream or how not to associate the dream with the emminent developments would be appreciated.

Cheers all.
I don't have any thoughts on how 'not' to associate the dream but to suggest that perhaps you were having prophetic dreams that were trying to tell you something. Perhaps to wake you up to what is actually happening in your world. I do not know what your back ground is and how informed you have been over the past few years as to what was going on within your government, and...even their conection to ETs and very advanced weaponry. I don't know your level of knowingness. But.....everything you have spoken of in this dream is in fact reality. This war is coming. The ETs and very advance weaponry is involved. The average man on the street if one was to try to stand before him and tell him the blatant truth about the world he lived in he would not only not believe a word you would say to him but more than likely call comeone to come and take you away sure in himself that you were truly insane and a danger to anyone you spoke to. Or, on the other hand the man stood in awe of your story and actually believed you the information could totally overwhelm him and cause him to take his own life so as not to have to live through what is projected that is coming.

I dare to say that I believe that your dreams were prophetic in nature as what you were seeing is all either already happened, is happening, or will very soon.

I have had prophetic dreams all my life. And the one that happened the fastest after my having it only took an hour to materialize. I had the dream and then very shortly I heard the doorbell ring, just like in the dream, (I worked nights and slept during the day), I got up and stumbled to the door and there stood the person who I had just dreamed about and I was standing there listening to the same words come from her mouth that I had just heard, and knew, after inviting her in, sat and listened to her story, which I already knew but I had heard it in the dream. This gave me a great advantage on how to handle the situation which was a large marker in my life.

I too have had dreams about these trying days we find ourselves in at the moment. One dream was last September, and the second one was this past march. I spoke about them in another post but I was so nervous and did not know how to navigate posting on this forum that I am sure I did not come across making much sense. I will rewrite that post, and post it somewhere else. I am just now trying to learn this software and how to navigate it.

I was warned about these days that we are living in January of 1980. I was told by a spirit being that came to me in the night and told me things about today. This spirit hovered over my bed in the embodiment of an infant. This caused me to wake up and when I opened my eyes and looked there was this infant floating in the air over my bed. I spoke to the little being saying that I was aware that I was not alone and there was someone there. I ask that spirit, (i was not asleep) "Pray tell me who are you and what do you want with me" No ans. I then said to this being, "you are a baby", then this entity spoke and said, "yes, I have come to you in the embodiment of a baby so that you would not be afraid." I replied, that I was not afraid, then the entity continued and told me , "I have been sent to you as 'a comforter", and because I have come you will always remember this visit and not be afraid". I waited for a moment and then this being continued, "know this, that in times to come many many years from now there will be very troubled times upon this earth. Things that now you could not even fathom or comprehend. This will come during the later days of your life. When these things come upon you you will become afraid believing that you will die and not be able to survive. That you will not be able to see yourself living beyond. For this reason I am here to tell you that you will not die in those times, that you will survive. You will live. That is the 'comforter" that will follow with you all the days of your life. At this point I indicated that I understood. When I did this entity disappeared.

I tried to share this with one person and they laughed and said, oh it was just a dream. It was not a dream, it was a prophesy. What you saw over and over many times was not 'just a dream' Dreams are just one time things. This was a wake up prophesy but you may not have had the 'tools' necessary to see and understand. As I also did not understand for many years. Go inside and ask for guidance on how to continue with this learning process that the 'dreams' only started for you. It is not too late to continue with this inner learning as my education from other sorces continued all my life. I am at the end of mine. I don't know your age but I guess that you have much ahead of you and you can benefit from continuing. And you are in the perfect forum for that to happen. Thank the Stars that you found this place. I found Camelot last year and it was a God-send.

What you described above in your dreams is exactly true 100% on the mark. Someone was trying to tell you and they had the story right. If you ever have any questions about my prophetic dreams, or any of my hundreds of mystical experiences please do not be afraid to ask. I have quite a story to tell, if I ever learn how to navigate this forum. (SMILE)

Stop and soak up the love that is radiating towards you from the people on this forum. It is something real, solid and tangible. And it is all free. Emma

p.s. A plea for mercy from those reading this. I have over time actually written three books. I do know how to write, but I am having problems learning to navigate this forum and everything involved here. I promise my writing will improve as I catch the hang of it. I am not as uneducated as I appear at this juncture. Please bear with me.
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:52 AM   #3
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Default Re: Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

Wow !! No need to apologize ! Great response !

Yeah i hear the prophecy angle and was hoping that it wasn't.

Well maybe i'll just move to the hills now and buy a little river front joint now.

Or alternatively, i'll just sit here in town and face what comes with a smile lol.

Thanks again.
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Old 09-18-2008, 08:33 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by LOST IN SOUL View Post
Wow !! No need to apologize ! Great response !

Yeah i hear the prophecy angle and was hoping that it wasn't.

Well maybe i'll just move to the hills now and buy a little river front joint now.

Or alternatively, i'll just sit here in town and face what comes with a smile lol.

Thanks again.
(SMILE) I am afraid it is too late my friend for you to just take that tactic. For one your number has been called. Someone out there tapped you on the shoulder giving you some wake up calls. Hence the dreams. Then another tap and you find yourself on this forum. It is too late to run.

There are powers that be that have plans for you or you would not have been called all those years back. They are not going to let you get off that easy. You may be late hearing the call but consider yourself called. You have been drafted into this army we have going that you see right here on this forum and around the world.

I cannot say a lot being that I do not know anything about you except what you wrote, but do know that once that door is opened it will not shut. And..........the door is open and you stand among the rest of us in this world's call and you will know, day by day what to do because you will be shown and told. All you have to do is listen, and then really 'hear' what you hear and not allow yourself to just write it off as silly mind chatter. Your innerself knows what it is for you to do to survive these changes.

I was ready to do the same as your famous words above until that still quiet voice within told me to sit still. And I have been guided day by day into what to read, where to go, what to do, what to say and whom to reach out to, etc etc etc.... And dear one......I have reached out to you. Join us and we will win and we will survive. I will post my prophetic dreams tomorro so some can see what has been averted, and what 2012 is all about in reality and not in fancyful thinking. Emma
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Old 09-18-2008, 08:57 AM   #5
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Default Re: Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

Yet another great response.

I'm happy to join and am impressed with and honoured to join this great community.

I hear you and .. as much as i'd like to run .... i just can't.. lol

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Old 09-18-2008, 09:36 AM   #6
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[QUOTE=LOST IN SOUL;18204]Yet another great response.

I'm happy to join and am impressed with and honoured to join this great community.

I hear you and .. as much as i'd like to run .... i just can't.. lol

Cheers. :

I am glad to 'hear' it, I knew that would be your response. Let me share something with you. Most of the time I am in the company of great sentient beings. This has been going on for a long time. When I saw your post I 'knew' that I was meant to reach out to you and I did.

I do not have the words to explain to you how my life is guided and led by these beings but I have written extensively about in my journals for years.

You will do great things in the future. You are being watched. We all are.

Everything you have ever been taught about the world you live in, the history of this planet, and almost everything you have learned from any source holds no real truths. Mostly all lies perpertrated upon us, the slave race of beings, by powerful people for their own private selfish gain. It will only be in places like this forum that you will learn real truths about your world. Please absorb all you can while you can. And it is time for the lies to stop. (smile)

Thank you for sharing your time and space with me this day. Emma
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Old 09-18-2008, 10:01 AM   #7
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Default Re: Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

Well thank you Emma.

The pleasure is mine. And thank you for your time. I appreciate you responding. And happily agree with all your comments.

I wonder what i might dream tonight ?? Maybe i'll see you there . lol .

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Old 09-18-2008, 10:20 AM   #8
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Default Re: Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

Funny that,

I had a dream simular to what you have said .
It was only once, but it so marked me that I wrote a book on it. Called the Pyrenean Ridge. I wrote it 10 years ago and it was set for the coming 4 years. But it also had part of it that was set in the future. This was due to the changing of technology in the dream. I didn't get zapped but some people did.

I haven't thought of this book for ages but now that you mention the dream I will try and get it out in print.

I cann't really interpret your dream only say that you have the answers in you and through time and meditation you will see the messages unfold over time. I am not sure this helps but I thought I should drop in my pennies worth.

Love and light to Auz.

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Old 09-18-2008, 11:21 AM   #9
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Default Re: Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

Originally Posted by LOST IN SOUL View Post
Hi all,

For the past few years i have had a recurring dream / nightmare which always has me running from invading forces. Sometimes the enemy is clearly ET and sometimes the enemy seems human (but very advanced weaponry).

The dream always ends with me trying to escape to the mountains but at the last "scene" before i wake, i always get zapped and wake up feeling frightened out of my mind. Also throughout the dream the scenery and general feel i get is that it takes place in the future.?

Then a month ago i discovered Project Camelot and watched their interviews and today i see the most recent post re:- Iran War - "Done Deal" and i'm really afraid !

Any thoughts on the dream or how not to associate the dream with the emminent developments would be appreciated.

Cheers all.

the dream only states the real fear u have to such scenario to happen. Usually, dreams are metaphorical expressions of our emotions made images.

Last edited by Racsouran; 09-18-2008 at 11:36 AM.
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Old 09-18-2008, 11:49 AM   #10
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Default Re: Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

Well thank you both Lawlessline and Racsouran.

I am impressed with the kind and informed responses.

A part of your dream sounded very familiar to me Lawlessline where the technology changed. Uncanny !

I am also appreciating Racsouran's comment, as i do tend to worry about the future and internalise those anxieties sometimes, so all of the above responses have allayed some of my fears.

Many thanks.

P.S. bedtime for me now, so if i don't respond for a while please excuse me.
Thanks for posting.
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:33 PM   #11
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Wow, my post here has completely disappeared.
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:13 PM   #12
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Default Re: Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

Originally Posted by LOST IN SOUL View Post
Hi all,

For the past few years i have had a recurring dream / nightmare which always has me running from invading forces. Sometimes the enemy is clearly ET and sometimes the enemy seems human (but very advanced weaponry).

The dream always ends with me trying to escape to the mountains but at the last "scene" before i wake, i always get zapped and wake up feeling frightened out of my mind. Also throughout the dream the scenery and general feel i get is that it takes place in the future.?

Then a month ago i discovered Project Camelot and watched their interviews and today i see the most recent post re:- Iran War - "Done Deal" and i'm really afraid !

Any thoughts on the dream or how not to associate the dream with the emminent developments would be appreciated.

Cheers all.
u know ,I've had similar dreams,I'll tell u what u should do,even though I have,and the dreams get much scarier after,and then I'm too afraid to follow my own advice but listen friend,the final door before enlightenment is facing fears,the et's,or demons,trying to get in your dream are stopping u from reaching godhood,being with the creator,don't run in the dream,let them shoot u,kill u,what so ever,just have constant faith at the time in your dream if you can,and they can only go so far,all they can do is step up the fear in the dream,....remember when neo touched the mirror in the matrix,and the reality of conciousness was going through him slowly,and he panicked and started goin into shock,that was fear gripping him,if he relaxed ,had faith,and remembered there were others guiding him,he would of reached oneness at that moment........hope this makes sense ,somewhat.......blessings to you.
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Old 10-08-2008, 12:38 PM   #13
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Default Re: Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

Originally Posted by LOST IN SOUL View Post
Hi all,

For the past few years i have had a recurring dream / nightmare which always has me running from invading forces. Sometimes the enemy is clearly ET and sometimes the enemy seems human (but very advanced weaponry).

The dream always ends with me trying to escape to the mountains but at the last "scene" before i wake, i always get zapped and wake up feeling frightened out of my mind. Also throughout the dream the scenery and general feel i get is that it takes place in the future.?

Then a month ago i discovered Project Camelot and watched their interviews and today i see the most recent post re:- Iran War - "Done Deal" and i'm really afraid !

Any thoughts on the dream or how not to associate the dream with the emminent developments would be appreciated.

Cheers all.
Gday ,
l couldnt help but add my comments. I have noticed the tendancy for some to say to you that yes its about a real future event, and maybe they are correct, alternatively it may just as easily be a symbolic representaion of where you are at spiritually/emotionally equally possible.
Therefore you have two options, first option believe the dream is actually what could happen and let it, or decied on a course of action that wwould help you avoid it.Second option simply view the dream as a symbolic representaion of where you are at e.g it may be telling you that quite simply that you make bad chioces that are life threatening even though you know better chioces are possible.
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Old 10-08-2008, 02:16 PM   #14
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i've had similar dreams too. mine usual involve fighting against these 'enemies' and trying to protect people. not 100% sure if they are prophetic, symbolic, or something else altogether.....
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Old 10-09-2008, 10:59 PM   #15
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I have had exactly the same dream as you OP. Except I always survive . I've always had this feeling of "you must be prepared" so even when I was a young boy I've learned everything I could about survival.

I joined the Marine Corps for more knowledge then found out how truly horrible our government could be and got the **** out of dodge. I'm still very young (20) however I feel as though our resistance is on its way.

I have already organized a group of former military men and friends that I have met in Gym's and weight rooms throughout GA. We all know that when things happen we can depend on each other. I've seen these men in my dreams as well.

So we don't have long to wait for the bad stuff, I'm just glad I have lots of ammo, friends, and have taught myself how to fight with words and knowledge as well as with weapons.
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Old 10-10-2008, 10:10 AM   #16
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Default Re: Anyone welcome to anylize my recurring dream ??

One insight for dreams of this nature is that forces, first are coming after you.
That would seem to be the key to undoing what your dream is trying to help you with and it could be that you might want to look at how to spiritually strengthen yourself and learn more about lucid dreaming.

it may be a dream of the future, it may be a dream to get you to embark on a new way of seeing your spiritual strengths grow so that you are not in fear.

it could mean that you might discover hidden strength and new ways of viewing the future and your part in it.

I hope you are an adventurous person and can perhaps find ways to repell the forces coming after you-

good journey!
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