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Old 02-07-2010, 10:30 PM   #1
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Default "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

In an article on Infowars.com dated February 7, 2010, Alex Jones is trying to focus the attention of the American people on what really matters on this Super Bowl Sunday.

An excerpt:
The masses long ago abdicated their civic duties and have since forsaken the Constitution — and are in fact almost completely ignorant of it — and have abandoned their birthright of liberty in favor of mindless and indeed infantilized entertainment.

It is not merely the gladiatorial Super Bowl. It is an entire popular culture steeped in meaningless celebrity worship. Far too many Americans reject political involvement — their birthright — for a vicarious and perverse obsession with the minutiae of manufactured stars and starlets...

The Super Bowl event is a scientifically created mass mental illness that exploits man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions. It is the bellwether of tyranny.

In the video below, Alex Jones calls on each of us to remember what really matters on this Super Bowl weekend. Forget the pizza, nachos and the half-time musicians and educate yourself, your family and your neighbors on what the globalists have done by design to our culture and our very humanity.
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Old 02-08-2010, 01:22 AM   #2
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Thank you Seashore for your tireless contributions...
I've always abhorred spectator sports... I don't want to "get it"... so I'm voluntarily left out, preferring my inside story.

What gripes me is this appears at Alex Jones' site (I'm guessing as I've not clicked the link yet)...< but here we have it, our sources are SO questionable, so "out there".... though the topic is valid no doubt... there are no "reputable" sources for topics like this that the 'average joe" would recognize and even WE roll our eyeballs at the sources we rely on.

It's just so sad to me sometimes. At least I'm enjoying having the house to myself while my husband is down the road w/friends watching this ****! It makes me wonder sometimes how just OFF I am in this world... I'm used to it, still it gets lonely sometimes.
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Old 02-08-2010, 01:27 AM   #3
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

PS: the word that was censored above was KRAP< can you believe that???
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Old 02-08-2010, 01:35 AM   #4
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
PS: the word that was censored above was KRAP< can you believe that???
No I can't. I attempt to use it frequently. I have protested this being in the profanity filter - oh probably 5 times. I'm going to do so again, and squawk until it is taken out or I get a good reason why not.
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Old 02-08-2010, 01:40 AM   #5
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Thank you Seashore for your tireless contributions...
You're welcome and thanks for the appreciation.

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
It makes me wonder sometimes how just OFF I am in this world... I'm used to it, still it gets lonely sometimes.
Me too and yes, it does.


I don't really understand what you said about Alex Jones...
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Old 02-08-2010, 01:42 AM   #6
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
No I can't. I attempt to use it frequently. I have protested this being in the profanity filter - oh probably 5 times. I'm going to do so again, and squawk until it is taken out or I get a good reason why not.

I have marveled over it, too.

It happens to me when I quote Stewart Swerdlow on his expression "New Age ****"!

Last edited by Karen; 02-08-2010 at 01:58 AM. Reason: remove :blowup: from quote
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Old 02-08-2010, 02:02 AM   #7
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Question: What's the difference between watching the Superbowl if that's what you enjoy and going to the opera, if that's more your speed?

What would the reaction be if a thread blasted individuals that went to the opera, citing that it was a complete waste of time and had zero spiritual redeeming value?
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Old 02-08-2010, 02:15 AM   #8
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

I believe the point that Alex is trying to make is that we Americans don't have our priorities in order. He's not talking about football, per se.
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Old 02-08-2010, 02:25 AM   #9
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

OK - back to on topic, which is why I clicked on the thread to begin with, before I said oh cr@p and went off on another long side-trip ...

"Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness" - Yes, I do totally agree. It has been many years since I read "The Protocols of the (Learned) Elders of Zion"
now believed by many to be a hoax. I think the only part that is the hoax is who is being blamed for drawing up the protocols against whom, as it is a quite accurate picture of our world today.

From: http://www.churchoftrueisrael.com/pr.../prtcl_13.html
PROTOCOL XIII-Distractions
The need for daily bread. Questions of the Political. Questions of industry. Amusements. People's Palaces. "Truth is One." The great problems.

In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people's palaces. . . Soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds: these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing more and more disaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we, because we alone shall be offering them new directions for thought of course through such persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us.
My X was a sports nut, with the TV running sports nut competitions all the time. To this day I cannot stand the sound of crazed screaming crowds, with the announcer talking over the top of them. It makes family gatherings on Holiday/sports day very unpleasant for me. So few see the con of the induced mass insanity - not meaning to insult any sports fans here ... we are each on our own path ... There is no sound I love more than silence - Maybe I am from Andromeda!
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Old 02-08-2010, 02:30 AM   #10
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Originally Posted by Instead View Post
Question: What's the difference between watching the Superbowl if that's what you enjoy and going to the opera, if that's more your speed?

What would the reaction be if a thread blasted individuals that went to the opera, citing that it was a complete waste of time and had zero spiritual redeeming value?
There is a long reply and a short one to this. I will opt for the short one. Before I do, Thanks Seashore, great post.

Let us look at the 2 variables you have given, super bowl vs opera.
Hmmm, one is filled with manic people who have to display their clours supporting their chosen gladiators and the other is fille with people dressed in their gladiatorial uniform of choice, usually evening wear.

Let us now look at the impact these have on the people who prevail at such venues. Superbowl first.
You have thousands (apparently over a 100 000 at the superbowl?) all pumped up with adrenalin screaming in orgiastic euphoria at a bunch of jerks in tight pants and helmets with shoulder pads and safety gear scientifically designed for the visual affect more than the safety aspect. The whole scene is carefully crafted , again scientifically, to mimic men at war in an arena reminiscent of the "good old days" in rome. Nothing is by chance, it is not a game, it is a total mind blast (use the F word for "blast) and it has the desired effect. Huge money is made out of this fiasco and the arguments rage for a year till the next designed orgasm for the masses. I think you get my point.

This is VERY different. Not really my cup of tea but I understand why it is a favourite for the afficionados.
The auditorium is hushed, no one dare cough, or break wind for fear of ruining the ambiance. The thing is this. We are light beings and light emanates at a vibrational level. Music is a vibrational expression of passion, true gifted ability and comes from lovingly crafted instruments and voices that take many many years of training to perfect. The connection is at the vibrational level. They wouldn't play opera at the bowl, that is the domain of rock music (I imagine?). The spiritual experience at an opera concert is unique as you are lifted vibrationally up through your chakras to be one with the expression being delivered from the stage.

Superbowl = Frenzy = Dumbing Down
Opera = Upliftment = Enlightenment

There can NEVER be a comparison between classical music and physical sport.

Thats enough, you get what I am saying.

Last point. It matters not who posts this, wether it be Alex Jones or Alex in Wonderland, the point is valid.


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Old 02-08-2010, 02:35 AM   #11
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Thanks, Karen.

I remember how bad I used to feel when my grandmother felt so left out on Thanksgiving Day when the damned football game was on... Grrrrrr

I love sports for people to play themselves for the exercise and all the rest...

Our country is going down the toilet but all is right with the world as long as there's some entertainment for most folks...
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Old 02-08-2010, 02:47 AM   #12
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Wow Zeddo, I woke up this morning and read the last few pages of "Becoming" from the Handbook for the New Paradigm series, added more spiritual growth MP3's to my Zune and now I'm reading the Avalon forum while watching the SB with my daughter and doing push-ups with her each time a team scores. (Up to 95. whew)

I'm in jeans and a dress shirt (No team jersey) and I'm not drinking anything alcoholic.

Tell me more about the person I am because I am watching the Superbowl?
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Old 02-08-2010, 03:07 AM   #13
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Originally Posted by Instead View Post
Wow Zeddo, I woke up this morning and read the last few pages of "Becoming" from the Handbook for the New Paradigm series, added more spiritual growth MP3's to my Zune and now I'm reading the Avalon forum while watching the SB with my daughter and doing push-ups with her each time a team scores. (Up to 95. whew)

I'm in jeans and a dress shirt (No team jersey) and I'm not drinking anything alcoholic.
Tell me more about the person I am because I am watching the Superbowl?
Ahhhh, it is quite the challenge to express our opposing opinions without insulting the "other side." Can it be done? I don't know. By leaving out the more descriptive and colorful adjectives, you can reduce the sting of a piece of written opinion. I often try to do it that way. The first impulse for some, and for me, is to add a bunch of colorful adjectives ... but then I read through a few times, and if I'm thinking about the "other side" I edit them out. I found the Zeddo reply to be colorfully humorous, but put myself in the shoes of a sports fan - and it's not ... unless for some reason it strikes your funny bone too.

How do we get along yet express our different selves?
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Old 02-08-2010, 03:09 AM   #14
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Thanks, everyone.

Can we somehow make our country as important as the Super Bowl?
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Old 02-08-2010, 04:40 AM   #15
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Originally Posted by Zeddo View Post
Hmmm, one is filled with manic people......

all pumped up with adrenalin screaming in orgiastic euphoria at a bunch of jerks in tight pants and helmets with shoulder pads.....
That's alot of people to stereotype, although I guess that's how sterotypes work. I can forgive you for supporting these streotypes if you've never played football, or have little exposure to it. I played american football for about 8 years and I can confirm that this "meathead" stereotype is applicable to a few who tend to be very loud and sometimes that alone can make them high profile. It's a bummer that these are the people who dominate the headlines, because there are a hundred smart, kind, humble players for every Terell Owens. For the majority of people who are fans or players, they are simply finding an outlet for their athleticism and competetive nature.

I know that for me as a kid, I liked to hit people (tackle), I never wanted to hurt anyone, but for some reason I was just good at running someone down, it was fun, and football was perfect. I'm glad it was an option for me although I did outgrow it.

The NFL is definitely a corporation though, and like many corporations they are indeed guilty of corrupting the original product, but that doesn't mean that everyone who likes football subscribes to the same standards of the corporation.

Originally Posted by Zeddo View Post
Superbowl = Frenzy = Dumbing Down
Not necessarily, basically another stereotype. There's a very cerebral chess like aspect to the game that is extremely complex and completely unseen by the casual observer.

Originally Posted by Zeddo View Post
There can NEVER be a comparison between classical music and physical sport.
I disagree. Both can be beautiful. I certainly subscribe to the idea that beauty is subjective, but I defy you () to tell me that this is not beautiful....

0:55 ..... beauty
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Old 02-08-2010, 05:17 AM   #16
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

If they glamorized and advertized opera with the exact same methods that they do football, then the masses would be huddled around their TV's every Super Vocal Sunday watching opera.
If they sold ballet dancing with sex, drugs, and other tempations the way they do murder music in the US then the masses would be wearing pink tutus rather then baseball caps.
This has been proven in other cult-ures. Americans like football cuz its what they are fed. Canadians prefer Hockey cuz its what they are fed. Italy prefers soccer cuz its what they are fed. Australia cricket? France Opera? India yoga? China martial arts? We can also go back in time and see all sorts of different sports or events that were big cuz... its what they were fed. These are of course generalizations but I hope it makes the point.

And I think that is the point of the article. They can make people buy into anything they want to using perfected manipulation techniques.

Originally Posted by Instead View Post
Wow Zeddo, I woke up this morning and read the last few pages of "Becoming" from the Handbook for the New Paradigm series, added more spiritual growth MP3's to my Zune and now I'm reading the Avalon forum while watching the SB with my daughter and doing push-ups with her each time a team scores. (Up to 95. whew)

I'm in jeans and a dress shirt (No team jersey) and I'm not drinking anything alcoholic.

Tell me more about the person I am because I am watching the Superbowl?
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Old 02-08-2010, 06:04 AM   #17
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Alex Jones has lost all credibility that he once had and personally, I never thought he had any.

Regardless, he still makes a good point. I didn't watch the Super Farce because I detest football and everything it stands for.
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Old 02-08-2010, 12:41 PM   #18
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
In an article on Infowars.com dated February 7, 2010, Alex Jones is trying to focus the attention of the American people on what really matters on this Super Bowl Sunday.
Another excerpt:

As the Roman Empire drew to a close, the poet and satirist Juvenal wrote about an infantilized populace that had surrendered its birthright of political involvement.

“Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties,” he wrote, “for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.” The Latin phrase panem et circenses is often translated as “bread and games.”

In America, circa 2010, the phrase bread and circuses, or bread and games, has become what passes for our national anthem.
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Old 02-08-2010, 06:19 PM   #19
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Originally Posted by raulduke View Post
That's alot of people to stereotype,.
, basically another stereotype.
methinks i am being stereotyped as a serial stereotyper......if the stereotype fits, wear it.
Originally Posted by raulduke View Post
I defy you () to tell me that this is not beautiful....
THAT IS NOT BEAUTIFUL.....but then, whatever spins your wheels eh.

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Ahhhh, it is quite the challenge to express our opposing opinions without insulting the "other side."
too true, too true Karen

Originally Posted by Instead View Post
Wow Zeddo, I woke up this morning and read the last few pages of "Becoming" from the Handbook for the New Paradigm series, added more spiritual growth MP3's to my Zune and now I'm reading the Avalon forum while watching the SB with my daughter and doing push-ups with her each time a team scores. (Up to 95. whew)

I'm in jeans and a dress shirt (No team jersey) and I'm not drinking anything alcoholic.

Tell me more about the person I am because I am watching the Superbowl?
Oh wow, I am SO IMPRESSED, MY HERO !!!
Seriously, why do you take some ones opinion which goes against yours so personally? Do you feel threatened, judging by your response you have a need for credibility as both a spiritual and physical person. Wassup man? You really need to chill out. Go watch a game, it will relax you.

Oh yes, do me a favour and actually READ what I wrote, do not SURMISE that you did. Now rant all you want, I shant be popping my head back into this thread.

Oh HJ, you were supposed to be in this multi quote....

WHAT? He has lost all credibility but makes a valid point? Did you read that before you posted it?

I'm outta here before I get shot.
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Old 02-08-2010, 08:43 PM   #20
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Here is the video where Alex explains where he is coming from on this:

Last edited by Seashore; 02-09-2010 at 01:58 PM. Reason: Embed the YouTube video
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Old 02-08-2010, 09:37 PM   #21
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Here is the video where Alex explains where he is coming from on this:
Alex Jones joins with fellow patriot Mark Dice in protesting America's favorite sports ritual-- the Super Bowl. Sure, the game is a good contest between two top rivals, but football isn't what really matters. While America has fallen asleep in front of the television let so many distractions take over its thoughts, our country has been looted financially, our military has been used to carry out ever-expanding wars, our President and Congress have ignored the Constitution and our people have stopped their participation in the process.

Until we wake up and fight back against the damage being wielded politically, we have no business getting caught up in gladiatorial distractions. The heat of the contest has become a substitute for our real manhood. Our tribal instincts to protect the community and drive away its enemies has been overtaken by the thrill of cheering, shouting, painting our faces and wearing the colors of a team.

Alex calls on each of us to remember what really matters on this Super Bowl weekend-- forget the pizza, nachos and the half-time musicians and educate yourself, your family and your neighbors on what the globalists have done by design to our culture and our very humanity.
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Old 02-08-2010, 10:33 PM   #22
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Thanks, Karen.

This brings tears to my eyes...
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Old 02-08-2010, 10:39 PM   #23
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

My sister and I only watched the important plays of the last half. We also watched the Who. I felt sad for them because they have lost it. And most of the songs they played last night were CBS bought and paid for for their CSI crime shows. Go figure.

My only consolation to the Super Bowl which we have only watched between breaks from other shows now for many years, is that this particular one fulfills the karmic payback.

The Saints won last night--very big! They have never won before. We must remember what our government after Katrina tried to do to the people and city of New Orleans. And may I remind everyone it was the Bush administration with his "Brownie" on top of the emergency who did what was done to these people.

To win a game like this and for New Orleans to be celebrant of it is a victory to show that no one has the right to do what they did to New Orleans and the people of that area, especially when they were in dire need and poor and black, many of them.

Several people stated last night that they can't keep New Orleans down, that she was here to stay. And that sends a very strong message to anyone else who may be thinking of trying the same garbage.

So, even though I feel the same as you--these games are to keep the huddled masses and the poor poor and unthinking, let us celebrate this particular super bowl with New Orleans. It is for them this game was played and won--a very karmic victory.
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Old 02-08-2010, 11:09 PM   #24
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Default Re: "Super Bowl Sunday: Scientifically Crafted Mass Mental Illness"

I agree, anything that redirects focus from important issues is 'pass-time' activity, and will make no ill judgment, we all need a break sometime.

"all work and no play....blah blah blah"

I thought I'd add:
Superbowl Sunday is also known as "domestic abuse day", as 911 operators receive more domestic disturbance calls than any other day of the year.

Look it up.

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