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Old 09-09-2008, 01:35 AM   #26
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

touche' Jester!!! good one!!!!

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Old 09-09-2008, 01:44 AM   #27
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

Why do you think they call it the net?

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Old 09-09-2008, 01:45 AM   #28
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

We have to think positive. I wake up everyday with the mindset that I will try to be a better person in every moment of every second and hope that that will translate to my fellow man.

So fear not.
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Old 09-09-2008, 01:57 AM   #29
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who cares if they see what we are planning or not.

I am not afraid are you?

Peace and Blessings
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:58 AM   #30
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

There is one undeniable fact which the existance of this website illustrates: humans across the planet are waking up to their own Divinity. They are finding the spirituality within their own souls. I myself had my first Mystical experience early this year as the forces of Light flooded my entire being. I can only describe it as Divine consciousness. I felt what mystics of old have described since the ancient days. This type of occurance naturally represents a great threat to the established order of organized religion, political hierarchy, etc. This awakening has been predicted by the ancients for millennia. There is no thwarting the momentum of collective awakening, as this is the process of Spirit. Heaven is uniting with an Ascending Earth. Our collective awakening is but one symptom of this unstoppable phenomenon. The powers of Light are beginning to overwhelm the forces of darkness which is part of why everything seems to be speeding up, as though we are now in a "race against time".

Heaven itself represents the ultimate threat to the powers that be and there is nothing that can ever change that. They can detain and murder whoever they wish, but they will never be able to destroy the powers and ambitions of the great All That Is. The TRUE Creator.

Last edited by Whitewolf; 09-09-2008 at 07:02 AM.
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Old 09-09-2008, 03:19 PM   #31
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

Is this site safe?

The better question was, "Is this planet safe?". Well, is the galaxy safe, or for that mater, the universe? That would depend on our ET neighbors, after all, there are only two "kinds" of ET's.

1. Those you would want for a neighbor.

2. Those you wouldn't want for a neighbor because you couldn't trust them with your kids, cows, or anus.

As I am all ready a "known" to the PtB (powers that be) there is no reason, or way, to hide in any fashion for me. Waves a "hello" to the Information Acquisition and Control IAC) agents that are on every forum.
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Old 09-09-2008, 03:31 PM   #32
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

This site is based on love not fear='safe!'
I understand what you mean concerning CIA,FBI etc. monitoring sites and am sure they will do here-we have nothing to hide;the cabal's have evrything to hide so what the heck!
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Old 09-09-2008, 03:35 PM   #33
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

Originally Posted by Norval View Post
Is this site safe?

The better question was, "Is this planet safe?". Well, is the galaxy safe, or for that mater, the universe? That would depend on our ET neighbors, after all, there are only two "kinds" of ET's.

1. Those you would want for a neighbor.

2. Those you wouldn't want for a neighbor because you couldn't trust them with your kids, cows, or anus.

As I am all ready a "known" to the PtB (powers that be) there is no reason, or way, to hide in any fashion for me. Waves a "hello" to the Information Acquisition and Control IAC) agents that are on every forum.
LOL hilarious I know what you mean but at least you're on a boat!
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Old 09-09-2008, 03:41 PM   #34
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

Originally Posted by llogun View Post
I think playing it safe
good you define for us,
what you think "playing it safe is" ???

that sounds like something someone imprinted you with

play it safe, rather than be sorry

i'd rather be sorry, that i did NOT play it safe !!!

besides, we can do more damage as "original sparks"
without physical bodies...
they know that,
that is why many truthseekers, and, truth_sayers
are walking around, and, NOT having any problems

dead men - and, dead women

A lot of their game, is UP

NOW, is a time, for many of us to gather
and, to be, who we are,
and, do that authenically !!!

Ask, ask, ask --
your own higher guidance - or essence aka higher self/or a monad

who you really are

why you are here in this time

and, what it is that you need to start to do

and, get doing it !!!

fear - is NOT something i subscribe too

(say, that last line until you really feel it)

then, you will know,

you have arrived at a place,

where if someone aims a ball at you,

you can hit it !!!

Ask, what your mission/and, your purpose is

if you do NOT know

then, sit quietly for 13-15 minutes
until you can do this, without a thought entering
your mind

then, put a pen/or pencil into your hand
and, see, what you start to write

you might be totally amazed at what lands on the page

we are here, to be solutions,
and, in order to be solution oriented,
you tackle problems, at a higher level,
than, whatever it was that created them.

one of my favourite sayings is this:

"you can NOT throw MUD...at dirt"
White Lotus Star
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Old 09-09-2008, 03:59 PM   #35
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post
good you define for us,
what you think "playing it safe is" ???

that sounds like something someone imprinted you with

play it safe, rather than be sorry

i'd rather be sorry, that i did NOT play it safe !!!

besides, we can do more damage as "original sparks"
without physical bodies...
they know that,
that is why many truthseekers, and, truth_sayers
are walking around, and, NOT having any problems

dead men - and, dead women

A lot of their game, is UP

NOW, is a time, for many of us to gather
and, to be, who we are,
and, do that authenically !!!

Ask, ask, ask --
your own higher guidance - or essence aka higher self/or a monad

who you really are

why you are here in this time

and, what it is that you need to start to do

and, get doing it !!!

fear - is NOT something i subscribe too

(say, that last line until you really feel it)

then, you will know,

you have arrived at a place,

where if someone aims a ball at you,

you can hit it !!!

Ask, what your mission/and, your purpose is

if you do NOT know

then, sit quietly for 13-15 minutes
until you can do this, without a thought entering
your mind

then, put a pen/or pencil into your hand
and, see, what you start to write

you might be totally amazed at what lands on the page

we are here, to be solutions,
and, in order to be solution oriented,
you tackle problems, at a higher level,
than, whatever it was that created them.

one of my favourite sayings is this:

"you can NOT throw MUD...at dirt"
White Lotus Star
I hear what your saying but why so many spaces on your words? This thing has auto word wrap. Its hard to read long spaced out posts, maybe its just my vertigo kicking in again.
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:18 PM   #36
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

Remember the Roman Legions 'golden' rule DIVIDE AND CONQUER We must do our utmost NOT to be divided about the important issues.

This forum has been brought to us by two very caring people, who must have felt very divided many times in the past, as they came up against all the inconsistencies in their public and private lives. BUT they kept it together stayed on track and did what had to be done, the same with the Eagles Disobey team. WE CAN DO THIS ALSO, all it takes is...


if we are to know courage, we must first feel fear. A stout heart overshadows shaking knees
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:52 PM   #37
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

Hello! To all. Wow! My Heart is full of so much joy after reading all these wonderful replys. I truly cant not stop from shedding tears of happiness. All of us coming together to make this world a better place, to help one another. I feel so empowered that no fear will enter in. Be at peace, we were all meant to be here at this moment in time to help all humanity and save our beautiful Earth. Always look for the positive in everything, live in the moment, and love life. Please send out loving thoughts to all people and dont forget the animals. Sorry this probably sounds so mushy, but I am so greatful for this website Bill and Kerry developed and to know there are so many others out there awakening.
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:30 PM   #38
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

My point is this, and call me paranoid but I prefer the word sensible....I have been fantastising and looking for communities like this where we can connect and build communities for survival, however something always stops me from agreeing to meet anyone in the flesh, and YES I know I need to get over this...but you just dont know. I could build a wonderful rapport with a few of you, maybe alot of you and feel a genuine kin ship with you, but we are dealing with trained actors here, so how do you know really who each other are? The fact is you dont, so when you do meet up, how do you know your not giving your vitals out to some luciferian worshiping mole after a promotion? YOU DONT!! And that dear friends is my point!

Im not scared cos I know I have been here before and I will be here again, I also know I planned this incarnation at this time for a reason....but I certainly wont be giving the game away to some random I dont know. Nomatter how lovely you all seem.

And you do all seem lovely!


Anyone else agree?
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:38 PM   #39
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For a few mins whilst registering my profile I did worry about safety but for once I thought it's about time to stand up and be counted. One for and all for one! Nows not the time to hide, to fear man, nows the time to stand united, who's with me?
Love and Peace to all.
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Old 09-09-2008, 07:12 PM   #40
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Realised how fiesty that last post sounded, actually i'm really scared and spend many nights wide awake as If on 'watch'. Many times waking with a very fast heart beat so much so I' been to the hospital twice with it. All medical tests ok Can' be explained. Also have ringing in the ears and pins and needles.
Love, peace and courage to all
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Old 09-10-2008, 06:12 AM   #41
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

A famous line, , , "Fear is the mind killer."

A better line is "The TRUTH will set you free."
Feel safe? I do. That is because I know what many of the "lies" are. As Hoagland said in his interview on PC, (this should be close) "There are lies at every level." He was quite correct. In part answer to a message sent to me with a few questions, no, I am not whom you asked about. Why do I know some of the lies and truths about what is going on with ET's? Why do I not fear what is coming upon this planet? Because I welcome it.

Our world is highly unstable in many ways. Blame is everywhere and rampant as to the why. Yet we are not destroyed, even with the "catastrophic" event that destroyed much in our solar system, we are still here. Something destroyed those structures that many talk of on our moon, and other places. Yet, we are not destroyed. So I would have a bit more confidence in our world, and it's population, surviving what is coming. It takes time to dig
through all the information that is available via the net. I think sites like PC and these forums are invaluable. Gather yourselves together, do not be afraid.

Peace to those of good will.
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:12 PM   #42
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I think no site is safe, they already know who you are through various data collection points such as Blogs, myspace, facebook, youtube, google etal. In my experience of forums you are always going to get those who like to disrupt threads cause animosity and spread BS. Hopefully as a community who have followed Bill and Kerry's work with project Camelot and using our common sense we will be able to spot any disruptive disinformation agendas and weed them out.

Peace & Blessings
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Old 09-10-2008, 03:33 PM   #43
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Question Re: Is This Site safe?

My understanding is that we are all waves of the Divine Ocean and that is all that really matters. Fear not, we all play our part in raising collective consciousness. The problem cant be solved at the level it was created ie egoic mind. Only Divine intervention can. We are Divine beings having a human experience. Through our collective spiritual intention to have a peacful harmonious world it will manifest. That Power is Ultimate. We are in the right place at the right time. There are no acidents, the Totality brings it about.
Is there anyone here from Scotland?
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Old 09-10-2008, 03:40 PM   #44
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well the site is safe, but all of us on it have been added to the terrorist watch list...
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Old 09-11-2008, 07:27 AM   #45
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
well the site is safe, but all of us on it have been added to the terrorist watch list...

I think I wuz already on the "christmas card" list, the "she's off her rocker, and somebody left the gate open again" list, the "opinionated biatch" list, so why not one more?!
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Old 09-12-2008, 05:16 PM   #46
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I hope they are watching

I hope they are reading

I hope they have been taken aback by the rate at which membership is growing here

I hope they are nervous that more people than once though are awake.

I hope you brainwashed IAC agents start reading and opening up your own hearts

Is this site safe? Hell NO
Is it inspiring to realize I am not as alone as I thought? Hell YA
Does that inspriation attract more inspiration, confidence and determination? For Sure

does this site propagate the awakening? will it contribute to the critical mass of aware humans required to advance? YES IT WILL

This site is dangerous..... to them!
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Old 09-12-2008, 05:34 PM   #47
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

Originally Posted by QueenOfLeon View Post
Im lovng the physical right now with the people I love, in this current form, so I will prolong it as much as possible.
How can you prolong it? I ask seriously - because I would like to know.

I have taken to the philosophy that I cannot prolong it and, while I enjoy my family each and every day, I have begun to see them as spiritual beings themselves who have chosen to be here, with us and with me, in this time.

As to your original question - is it safe?

From prying eyes - no.

From disastrous consequences - yes.
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Old 09-12-2008, 05:58 PM   #48
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It may prove handy to look at it from a multitude of perspectives as you each choose, with individual discernment, the level of participation and exposure / disclosure you elect to engage your Avalon Shipmates with.

If they put us on the no-fly list, who will pay the fuel surcharges, as our footprints lighten the pollution load on gaia?

If they monitor our communications, they will be infected with our pure intentions, and our memes will influence their DNA.

If they freeze our accounts, we'll learn exchange and barter techniques faster.

We choose our experiences, we are responsible for our consequences, we are sovereign, we are free to be free, and free to be managed, and free to be enslaved, all paths are wide open.

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Old 09-13-2008, 12:05 AM   #49
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

My take in this is
1) we need to all keep with the line of thought "Not to Fear"

If you believe in other beings some of which are Draconian, they feed on fear.

2) If communities are at a point of actually physically establishing a safe community: The only really safe way to communicate a location is by mouth so people need to connect off the net,off email,off phone. Its how it was done before we had this technology

3) You will see this throughout my posts
It is positive,explanatory,connects many themes and gives useful ideas, all in all a great website to read.

4)Re-safety. Another common theme is that if our Leaders stay very visible it is harder to carry out threats as it is the insurance policy theory. let the world know who we and if theyknock us off(not a favourable outcome) it makes what we are saying that much more credible.
I was a member of ww3 site and if any of you out there were too you are all to aware of what they can do.

I think we are in a time when we are so visible,so many and so awake that those tactics won't work now and they Know it.
This does not mean we should not be wise to what roads to travel down in our near future. A sentiment communicated in the above site.

5) Lets all post like COEXIST has. They are 4% we can be the other 96% if we open all eyes. So We invite you to be like us WE LIVE WITHOUT FEAR!

6) I LOVE YOU GUYS: They just don't get that- we are different,races,cultures,sexual orientation,religion,age,size,wealth. But we all have one thing in common. We will not harm each other. They would eat each other alive. How they hate us for that. I am unsure whether they will ever learn to be like us nice, caring people.


Just a quick footnote for any doubters out there. I made a recent
discovery. I rented a movie cos a disclosure person had mentioned it on the radio here. As I watched 'enemy of the state" with will smith (second time).
My ears caught a scene where the ex-NSA agent is reading the profile of the bad guy behind it all. He quotes the quys date of birth outload *** 9 11 40***. Oouuch ! The movie was made in 1998
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Old 09-13-2008, 12:08 AM   #50
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Default Re: Is This Site safe?

Sites like this are always monitored, but sometimes you just have to step up to the plate, it is always up to the individual
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