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Old 10-04-2008, 02:06 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Posts: 34
Default Theory on our links to Mars

I should start off by saying that this theory is something I deduced on my own. I have no links to the CIA, no past memories and have not had alien encounters. The initial theory I deduced in my teenage years and since then, I have added tiny pieces to it as I learned additional pieces of info. It may be superfluous, but it might help to fill in key blanks in terms of understanding our heritage.

I've had a theory on Mars for some time now- a theory that if true, would mean that Martian DNA has been cross mixed with our own going back nearly 10 thousand years and that some animals on our planet actually originated from the planet Mars. It is a theory that would suggest that the pyramids and Sphinx were or Martian design and origin and that Sumerian was one of the major languages spoken on Mars.

Before today, there was always a missing link in my theory- today I finally discovered that link.

But before I go into my theory, I feel it's important to discuss the impending approach of Nebiru- the Sun's "baby sibling" in what it seems is our home BINARY Solar System. It would seem that Planet X is really an unborn star (technically referred to as a Brown Dwarf) that is a little larger than the planet Jupiter which is on an elliptical orbit with the sun- it stays out of our way for the most part, but every now and then we cross paths with it, about once every couple of thousand years it seems.

Now as I'm sure you could imagine, a planet coming within close proximity to the Earth (1.5 times further away than the sun is by accounts) would be enough to give us more than a slightly bad weather day. In fact the orbit coming into the core of the solar system is believed by some to have caused on Earth such events as the destruction of Atlantis and Noah's flood.

However it is believed that that is not all it's responsible for the destruction of. It is believed that the Asteroid Belt was really once a planet called Maldek, which passed a little too close to the star and was destroyed as a result of a collision with one of its moons. This actually makes sense as the common theory about planetary ring formation is that it occurs as a result of a collision between moons that orbit it, so the Asteroid Belt being a Solar Ring system would be no different except in terms of scale.

Now, the only thing was that if my theory holds true, Maldek wasn't the only casualty.

There has been a theory floating around for years that Mars once yielded an atmosphere and conditions similar to our own planet.

Now what if there were more than just similar conditions there? There has been a theory floating around for a while which refers to a concept known as parallel evolutions. Now considering the fact that conditions could have been similar, that all the planets were formed with similar elements throughout them due to them sharing a common source in terms of the sun, that life formed almost identically on both worlds- I mean so identically that the difference could be as simple as one planet gave rise to cats and another to dogs- different animals yet not so alien that they look out of place in the same location. In the same way, humans could have shared a parallel evolution.

This then leads to another question of proof. If this was true, would there be anything on Mars to back up this claim? The answer lies in a location known as Cydonia. At Cydonia on Mars, you will find two things- a ring of 5 pyramids, and "the face of Mars". Now what is interesting with the face of Mars is that a few years back, researchers ran a topographical analysis and found it to be half simian (a form of ape), half lion. I should point out that the Sphinx and Giza is surrounded by 5 pyramids and that it is half man, half lion.

Now I've heard the skeptical decry this as merely a random coincidence caused by erosion. Fair enough- if just the face of Mars were there, I could regard this claim with credence; however that does not explain the existence of the pyramids. Straight lines are not natural formations. Try as hard as you may, but you will never find a natural formation that is a straight line- only man made formations are, so even if they'd been eroded over centuries, you still wouldn't find a pyramid being an natural formation as it goes against the shapes that naturally form.

So then that begs another question- was it a mere coincidence, and if not, what purpose did it serve.

I have a theory on that, one that if true would solve another great mystery of this world- The Bermuda Triangle.

Now the Bermuda Triangle is an interesting anomaly- by all accounts, it is where the gravitation, magnetic and electrical forces of the planet converge. Whenever storms occur within it, people and even sometimes vehicles disappear without a trace.

Based on our own level of practical knowledge of science and technology, this makes no sense. However when you look to the far reaches of theoretical science - even to the realms of science fiction - the answer becomes crystal clear. The Bermuda Triangle houses a warp gate!

What is a Warp Gate? Quite simply put, a Warp Gate is a means of traveling massive distances instantaneously- by punching two holes in the space time continuum and interconnecting them directly, you could theoretically travel from one end of the universe or as quickly as walking through a door into or out of a room.

So why would humans have need for such a device. The short answer is that humans strictly wouldn't! We'd have no need for it- we hadn't been to the stars, much less set up colonies or bases on other worlds. However if the Martians had discovered this technology, then they would likely have started colonizing as far out as other star systems- possibly even developing ways to travel to other galaxies.

So how would such a warp gate have worked and how would one have wound up on earth? Well admittedly this is simplifying the working of it, but essentially by using a very large amount of energy and by sending a signal through a dedicated communications channel between both gate portals a massive electrical disturbance was set up which created a controlled destabilization in the electric fields in the area, which in turn destabilized the magnetic fields in the area which in turn destabilized the gravitational fields in the area (electrical and magnetic fields are at 90 degrees to one another and it's quite possible that gravitational fields share a similar relationship).

The resulting destabilization of all 3 fields could theoretically cause a hole to be ripped open in space time. Now provided 2 holes were opened up in both places, travel could occur between both places instantaneously, regardless of the distance between both points.

The effect this stems from is theoretically not that different from what occurs with an electrical component known as a capacitor. A massive electrical charge gets filled up in an electrical storage reservoir (kind of like a damn holding water), until an electrical disturbance causes the electrical energy to discharge.

Now presuming this was true, where would the power source and storage reservoir for such a device occur? Considering the potential for something to go awry, an active power supply that was reactive would be unlikely (as in not nuclear) due to the potential catastrophe should something go wrong (such as completely destroying your planet's ionosphere - the layer of the atmosphere that keeps all the nasties like microwaves from hitting the earth's surface with a vengeance) because you stupidly took out the planet's magnetic field.

Also due to temperature variances, it's unlikely that a geothermal source was used. More than likely it was a solar source- if you pick an arid area that barely ever sees rain and set up an effective enough solar collector, you have limitless passive energy- no malfunctions, no active fuel source- just an effectively limitless power supply.

Here's where the Pyramids come into play. In the past 3000 years, they have not moved even 2cm when 2cm/per century is classed as the sinkage rate for modern buildings. Also the Sahara almost never rains so your source of energy is perpetually constant for roughly 12 hours per day (being roughly on the equator, the days have the least variance due to seasonal polar rotations). It is also worth noting that even today we cannot replicate the pyramids.

Furthermore there are two things which are interesting, and further give credence to. First of all, there are reports of people being electrocuted and dying in the top of the pyramids by holding up a glass bottle. Now glass is classed as a semiconductor- it shouldn't conduct electricity easily and will only do so when you pass a massive electrical charge though it.

This means that the natural properties of the pyramid allow it to store and produce electrical energy. Now the logical energy source for this would be the one thing that beats down on it directly almost day in and day out- the sun. Now this isn't the amazing feat that some people might think it is- light is already a form of electrical energy- higher in frequency than radio and lower in frequency than microwaves. Thus all that would be required to turn light energy into a usable energy would be for someone to lower the frequency. Then again, it's quite possible that whoever built the pyramids was already capable of using electrical energy directly at those frequencies and had found natural ways of doing so.

Now for all those who feel that the historians have always had it right with their presumptions of human built pyramids, here's some food for thought- in the early 1990s Sumerian (an ancient Arabic language) was thought to be around 5,000 years old. However less than a decade later, 9,000 year old Sumerian text was found inside the Sphinx.

Clearly this theory of human built pyramids doesn't hold up at all when you look at their physical properties and the shaky understanding that historians have of ancient times before about 850BC (in fact history wasn't officially recorded until 450BC by Herodotus and some of his sources can be classed as questionable at best).

So where does this leave us: my theory is as follows. Based on all of the aforementioned information and theories, there was a civilization on Mars thousands of years ago. They were possibly anywhere between 10,000 and 15,000 years more advanced than we were at the time. They'd not only been to the stars, and discovered scientific theories and practices that would make even Einstein's and Tesla's heads spin, but had even discovered how to travel instantaneously between locations through a technology known as warp gates. They used this technology to communicate and travel between different colonies in different star systems and had even possibly started exploring other galaxies.

Then one day tragedy struck. Nibiru's obit caused something even they had not foreseen- the destruction of Maldek. Maldek was reduced to fragments which shot out across the solar system and which would eventually form the Asteroid Belt.

However the shockwaves it produced were mind blowing. In a matter of minutes, Mars' atmosphere and biosphere were swept away like a strong breeze blowing away the autumn leaves. Noone on the planet survived and the resulting devastation took out their warp gate.

The surviving Martians within the Solar system were left with little choice but to reconstruct the warp gate on earth to allow them to evacuate. They surveyed the planet and found an area which rarely if ever rained and where there would be practically no sinkage, and then set about building the pyramids by fusing the mixture of sand required into blocks and then moving them into place using anti-gravity or tractor beams, before covering the whole thing in more of the sand compound and fusing it to the blocks in the required shape of a perfect pyramid.

From here they constructed a form of conduit running from Giza to Bermuda, before installing the warp gate in the Bermuda Triangle due to its focal nature (most likely the machinery exists not far under the ocean surface.

Now there were possibly two camps- Martians who were willing to travel to other colonies as refugees and those who wanted to stay in the solar system- even if they could only view their planet from afar. Now being an advanced civilization, they understood and were responsible enough to recognize the dangers of making technology indiscriminately available to a race before it was advanced enough to handle it.

So there was a choice put to people- either evacuate to one of the Martian Colonies or stay on earth but discard all technology. So one group of Martians stayed behind, with some animals of their own which were deemed to pose a minimal threat to the ecosystem of the planet, and formed rural communities. In the years to come, their technologies and societies became little more than old stories which were passed down and eventually lost.

Eventually there was intermarrying between Martians and humans, until Martian DNA was thoroughly through the gene pool of the Human race. Those that stayed stunted their evolutionary development- those who left continued it- checking in every now and again to determine our progress as a race.

So there you have it- the theory of the Mars that was and that ceased to be. I agree there's some hard evidence missing, but in terms of a theory, I feel that it's rock solid.
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