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Old 10-26-2009, 05:38 PM   #1876
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
5992nd Psy-Ops Unit, Operation 'Mountain Haze', the social indoctrination/acclimatisation program, readying the public for disclosure, influencing Ufology research and investigations, retrieval/recovery operations.
By necessity a deep black ops unit set up and run by joint UK/US and OPI group. Remit includes preparing the public and media for full disclosure and OPI interaction with planet Earth over a long and sustained period of time working on several psychological levels.
Remit also includes the placing of one UK and one US team of specialists to monitor, recover and retrieve all possible software and hardware it detects as malfunctioning or brought down by any and all means within the confines of this planet. These recovery ops are carried out without the knowledge of existing nations special ops and can incur conflicts and indeed hostilities during recovery ops. Aim of 5992nd is to arrive first and acquire any and all software/hardware for shipment to specific facilities for thorough analysis. Geographical borders are ignored for this purpose and therefore the Unit operates outside of and above the law of nations involved.
The two Units each comprise between 6 and 9 personnel and are trained to the highest possible degree, including full combat status. The Unit has been called upon for duty within existing conflicts in a psychological warfare remit.

Do they have a procedure to remove the craft brought down in other
countries, or do they just take hardware from the craft. (or OPI)

Can you advise of some situations of where these units may have been
deployed and utilizized.

Lastly, the social indoctrination/acclimatisation program, readying the public for disclosure, influencing Ufology research and investigations, retrieval/recovery operations - is this something that can be expected that
would be done by US/UK or will this be done in conjunction with the other
nations so no one country looks like a fool?
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Old 10-26-2009, 05:48 PM   #1877
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Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
Oh, not your confusion, no. Societies teachings and wordings as usual. lol.

So what happens to the software? Prisoners?

(practice... sigh. lol)
Solely dependant on which faction of OPI the software originates from, and of course which special ops team acquires them.
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Old 10-26-2009, 05:58 PM   #1878
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by olgraybear View Post
Do they have a procedure to remove the craft brought down in other
countries, or do they just take hardware from the craft. (or OPI)

Can you advise of some situations of where these units may have been
deployed and utilizized.

Lastly, the social indoctrination/acclimatisation program, readying the public for disclosure, influencing Ufology research and investigations, retrieval/recovery operations - is this something that can be expected that
would be done by US/UK or will this be done in conjunction with the other
nations so no one country looks like a fool?
Hi Mike, yes stringently controlled protocols are in place with many nations, many are ill equipped to deal with such incidents themselves.Deployment has taken place many times during the past 25 years to my knowledge, before that time I am not privy to records. Certainly mainland US, UK, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Syria, Bosnia confines, Argentina, to name a few. Specific dates and locations I would have to get clearance before I could detail.
This program has been in operation many years and most NATO countries are briefed and then deploy the program parameters for each nation. Many nations still look towards the US for first move re public disclosure but a few have initiated a form of open disclosure in the run up to formal disclosures.
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Old 10-26-2009, 11:57 PM   #1879
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Hi Barry,
Thankyou for the reply to the questions.

Do NATO protect the undersea ET bases and jumpstart stargates in UK and Europe. Furthermore , is there a major et bases which are connected to the USA for operational command against bad Ets who break the quaratine rules (making contact)? Also does UN operational command relay commands to Nato, Russia and China in retreving EB craft and can a ET anti-viral desease be inserted into Earths climate ready for contact and which could warrant a mass vaccination for humanity.
Thus making the Earth envoirment more safer for ets contact?
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:14 AM   #1880
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
There are special ops units whom track certain OPI craft and go in when a downed craft is identified. Elimination is not a part of their remit as far as I am aware. If that occurs it would be handled by other deep black units.
I am well thankyou
Greetings ,
I hope your health is good .
I follow this thread from the beginning too . I write down the questions and then when there are a few I ask . Here we go .

1) From the above quote ' certain Opi crafts " , I can assume that those are treated as enemy but not some others ?
2) So the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are about possession and control of stargates . I can assume that the local cannot defend that stargate effectively ?
3) Is an invasion via stargates expected ?
4) Why , if that possession of the stargates is so important , the western invaders had to butcher millions in those countries ?
5) Why , all of a sudden , after all those years of BS and deception Hollywood and governments are partially or indirectly disclosing ?
6) Is a major event that will blow the lid off the UFO / Alien deception going to happen and it cannot be stopped so that the controllers are forced to prepare the population now ?
7) The " quarantine '" policy is it real or is it a fable how can the quarantine be reconciled with abductions ?

Thanks for what you are doing . Any answer will be appreciated .
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Old 10-27-2009, 07:03 PM   #1881
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I'd like those questions answers/clarified as well- because we hear so many things and the quarantine aspect doesn't make sense in terms of abductions unless they are originating from inner earth.

So Watcher- what is really going on inside the earth in regards to all this?

Are the Annunaki on planet now part of a threat and upcoming space war?

And finally a big heartfelt thank you for being here and answering questions- hope your health is better as well.
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Old 10-27-2009, 08:35 PM   #1882
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by SWIFT View Post
Hi Barry,
Thankyou for the reply to the questions.

Do NATO protect the undersea ET bases and jumpstart stargates in UK and Europe. Furthermore , is there a major et bases which are connected to the USA for operational command against bad Ets who break the quaratine rules (making contact)? Also does UN operational command relay commands to Nato, Russia and China in retreving EB craft and can a ET anti-viral desease be inserted into Earths climate ready for contact and which could warrant a mass vaccination for humanity.
Thus making the Earth envoirment more safer for ets contact?
Answering to the best of my knowledge here, considering some areas are beyond my need to know and are therefore my sole opinion, as long as this is understood. Not exactly protect but certainly monitor any such undersea facility belonging to OPI. NATO has remit to supervise any military actions regarding gates within the NATO setup.Pine Gap and Cheyenne Mountain Complex have jurisdiction along the lines you specify. The UN is merely a mouthpiece and puts forwards recommendations but is otherwise relatively powerless in this area. Recoveries in Russia are taken care of by their own special ops and FSB. Diplomatic/political problems ensued when Unit tried to negotiate recoveries in that nation. China, talks were ongoing as late as '97 but folded since that date.
NASA would play the quarantine card but this is totally absurd as countless OPI intrusions have occurred over a great period of time rendering the necessity for inoculations void.
The Earth environment is safe as it is for open contact per se.
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Old 10-27-2009, 08:47 PM   #1883
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Originally Posted by enemyofNWO View Post
Greetings ,
I hope your health is good .
I follow this thread from the beginning too . I write down the questions and then when there are a few I ask . Here we go .

1) From the above quote ' certain Opi crafts " , I can assume that those are treated as enemy but not some others ?
2) So the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are about possession and control of stargates . I can assume that the local cannot defend that stargate effectively ?
3) Is an invasion via stargates expected ?
4) Why , if that possession of the stargates is so important , the western invaders had to butcher millions in those countries ?
5) Why , all of a sudden , after all those years of BS and deception Hollywood and governments are partially or indirectly disclosing ?
6) Is a major event that will blow the lid off the UFO / Alien deception going to happen and it cannot be stopped so that the controllers are forced to prepare the population now ?
7) The " quarantine '" policy is it real or is it a fable how can the quarantine be reconciled with abductions ?

Thanks for what you are doing . Any answer will be appreciated .
Again to the best of my knowledge............
1:As you are aware there are a number of different factions interacting with this planet, some are totally indifferent to us and as such our military perceives them as a threat.
2: The totally unnecessary war in both nations was to secure those areas for US control, for oil, heroin, and strategic control of region which included the linked gate in Iraq and Iran.
3: Some panic and see the gates as such a possible threat, some were shut down, others guarded more closely, but overall opinion is no, an invasion is not expected period. (but the Elite, nWO, whichever term you prefer, would love to control the masses further with such a threat).
4:As stated above, its not about gates, other commodities and a future total regional control was sought.
5: Disclosure has slowly been trickling into the public domain for decades, it seems that its a recent thing, but simply more are aware these days of it.
6: Certain OPI have considered this strategy several times but have declined the 'ships above cities' for fear of panic. The negative side of Hollywood took care of that.
7: To be frank there would be no need for such, only NASA would continue along those lines to cause anxiety and further forced and unnecessary vaccinations.
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Old 10-27-2009, 08:54 PM   #1884
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
I'd like those questions answers/clarified as well- because we hear so many things and the quarantine aspect doesn't make sense in terms of abductions unless they are originating from inner earth.

So Watcher- what is really going on inside the earth in regards to all this?

Are the Annunaki on planet now part of a threat and upcoming space war?

And finally a big heartfelt thank you for being here and answering questions- hope your health is better as well.
Hi eleni, it does not make sense and is totally beyond comprehension. There are many whom wish to cloud the issues and cause anxiety and panic. There is no threat, no invasion imminent, certainly no panic to get jabbed for something which does not exist, a threat of biological contamination from outside sources.
I see no threat of a space war, UNLESS we cause one.
Its my pleasure, we need eyes and ears receptive, its our lives and our planet after all.
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Old 10-27-2009, 09:35 PM   #1885
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Hello Barry,

I have a curious question about information of OPI mechanical systems.
Is their "computer" or other systems that the many agencies have recovered that much different than ours?

Or maybe they can direct link physically ?

Is their technology the one being used on PLF or used in combination
with ours?
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Old 10-28-2009, 12:01 AM   #1886
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Thanks for the answers Barry.

Question- what do you know of the AI surveillance system?
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Old 10-28-2009, 12:25 AM   #1887
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Originally Posted by olgraybear View Post
Hello Barry,

I have a curious question about information of OPI mechanical systems.
Is their "computer" or other systems that the many agencies have recovered that much different than ours?

Or maybe they can direct link physically ?

Is their technology the one being used on PLF or used in combination
with ours?
The OPI systems I know of are linked biologically to crews, a simplified version of DNA linked systems are in progress within US military research. The programming of PLFs is much more simple, or at least it was 30 years ago. Straightforward programming via computer systems. Guess now technology has advanced considerably in 30 years.
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Old 10-28-2009, 12:26 AM   #1888
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Originally Posted by eleni View Post
Thanks for the answers Barry.

Question- what do you know of the AI surveillance system?
I hope I have been of some small help. AI Intel? thats a very complex issue I will try and cover shortly.
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Old 10-28-2009, 01:19 AM   #1889
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Yes, the hyperdimensional based AI intel......
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Old 10-28-2009, 08:19 AM   #1890
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Again to the best of my knowledge............
1:As you are aware there are a number of different factions interacting with this planet, some are totally indifferent to us and as such our military perceives them as a threat.
2: The totally unnecessary war in both nations was to secure those areas for US control, for oil, heroin, and strategic control of region which included the linked gate in Iraq and Iran.
3: Some panic and see the gates as such a possible threat, some were shut down, others guarded more closely, but overall opinion is no, an invasion is not expected period. (but the Elite, nWO, whichever term you prefer, would love to control the masses further with such a threat).
4:As stated above, its not about gates, other commodities and a future total regional control was sought.
5: Disclosure has slowly been trickling into the public domain for decades, it seems that its a recent thing, but simply more are aware these days of it.
6: Certain OPI have considered this strategy several times but have declined the 'ships above cities' for fear of panic. The negative side of Hollywood took care of that.
7: To be frank there would be no need for such, only NASA would continue along those lines to cause anxiety and further forced and unnecessary vaccinations.

Thanks Barry ,

Thanks for clarifying a few points . Because we , the public , are hearing so many stories and speculation on the Internet , I thought that it would be a good idea to ask you . I was not trying to be a panic merchant it is just that some points needed clarification in my mind .
I got some more questions for you .
Why do actions of " indirect disclosure " such as movies , government files etc seem to have accelerated in the last few years ?
For example : move to vaccinate and reduce the population , economic meltdown , whistle blowers coming out of the woodwork , Earth changes etc .
Do you have opinion ? If something else happening that requires stricter control of the population ?
Thanks again . Please do not think of me as an alarmist . I am just curious .
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Old 10-28-2009, 06:03 PM   #1891
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I'll get back to answering shortly, pausing for a while, do I see or sense a play off of data within this sub forum?, just curious
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Old 10-29-2009, 12:08 AM   #1892
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Hi Barry,
Your answers are very intresting and oustanding responses. Whats you take on the current G measures of tighting the access of the internet in future? Do you think its to reduce incoming messaging from unearthly communications ?

Peace, Love and Freedom,
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Old 10-29-2009, 01:20 AM   #1893
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by SWIFT View Post
Hi Barry,
Your answers are very intresting and oustanding responses. Whats you take on the current G measures of tighting the access of the internet in future? Do you think its to reduce incoming messaging from unearthly communications ?

Peace, Love and Freedom,
Knuckles have been wrapped and the noose has been loosened, controls to be lifted
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Old 10-29-2009, 01:22 AM   #1894
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by SWIFT View Post
Hi Barry,
Your answers are very intresting and oustanding responses. Whats you take on the current G measures of tighting the access of the internet in future? Do you think its to reduce incoming messaging from unearthly communications ?

Peace, Love and Freedom,
Hi Swifty,

I'm curious on what information you have or know of referenceing G involvemnt
in the internet restrictions, and the reduction of incoming messaging from
uneartly communications ?
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Old 10-29-2009, 01:31 AM   #1895
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Knuckles have been wrapped and the noose has been loosened, controls to be lifted
Watching the watchers from the shadows
Ordo Ab Chao

Standing by and ready.....
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Old 10-29-2009, 01:34 AM   #1896
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Originally Posted by olgraybear View Post
Hi Swifty,

I'm curious on what information you have or know of referenceing G involvemnt
in the internet restrictions, and the reduction of incoming messaging from
uneartly communications ?
Hi oldgraybear,
Just reading the telegraph pole and seeing through the posts oldgraybear. The current hype of coming contact by poeple in the shadows which is plasterd around Uflology websites seems to indicate restrictions on internet and swine flu threat all at the same time makes you think hm hm?

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Old 10-29-2009, 06:12 AM   #1897
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
5992nd Psy-Ops Unit, Operation 'Mountain Haze', the social indoctrination/acclimatisation program, readying the public for disclosure, influencing Ufology research and investigations, retrieval/recovery operations.
By necessity a deep black ops unit set up and run by joint UK/US and OPI group. Remit includes preparing the public and media for full disclosure and OPI interaction with planet Earth over a long and sustained period of time working on several psychological levels.
Hi Barry,

Is this the unit (5992), or may there be another one like it, that coined the term 'DNA activation'? Also, do you have any details regarding the social indoctrination/ acclimatisation program and 'readying' - like terms and concepts, (black) market/public research/ test populations or analysis/results, data 'harvesting' methods?

Also, given the wide open arrangements between private interests and defense agencies, do you think it's possible that breaches of technological know-how have occurred?

What are the 'several psychological levels'? Is it related specifically to brain wave patterning, or external visual/audio cues, e.g. newspapers, TV? The new TV's in the US can read a bit and write now. The direct skull frequency approach would be in conjunction with cell phone towers and/or portable emission units.

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Old 10-29-2009, 09:18 AM   #1898
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
The OPI systems I know of are linked biologically to crews, a simplified version of DNA linked systems are in progress within US military research. The programming of PLFs is much more simple, or at least it was 30 years ago. Straightforward programming via computer systems. Guess now technology has advanced considerably in 30 years.

Greetings Watcher ,
Sorry for taking you briefly out of topic . It's my fault entirely I should post more often . I apologize .
The computers you are talking about . Are they biological in nature , for example no longer related to the current silicon type chips used today commercially ? Or are they similar in nature to what we got today but with more advanced biological interface ?

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Old 10-29-2009, 07:33 PM   #1899
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stargate troubles anyone??

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Old 10-30-2009, 06:46 PM   #1900
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From front page of Project Camelot................

30 October 2009

• We were delighted to have received this e-mail from Clay and Shawn Pickering, and are reproducing it here with their permission:

From: Shawn and Clay Pickering
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009
To: Project Camelot
Subject: Greer Interview

Hey Bill and Kerry,

Clay and I were thoroughly enthralled with the Greer interview. The issues you brought up are being argued at the highest levels within certain programs. The angst is reflected at all informed policy levels.

I felt Greer was a bit under fire but... hey... this is healthy for all parties involved. How else is understanding gained? By far, this was the best "interaction" in all your interviews. I'm glad to see that Greer kept his composure. True advocacy journalism can be uncomfortable for all parties involved.

Clay and Shawn Pickering

For those unfamiliar with Clay and Shawn, the Pickering brothers are New York-based researchers who were contacted in early 2008 by a US Navy officer - "Source A" - who provided them with details of high-level talks within the United Nations concerning ET contact and disclosure. Click here for a three hour interview with Clay published by the Open Minds Forum in May 2008.

The material - which, if true, could hardly be more important - was of course controversial, and generated considerable debate and discussion. Michael Salla has recently commented on their information here [well worth reading], connecting it with what we learned a few months ago from Dr Pete Peterson, and with a recent statement by David Wilcock on Coast to Coast AM. (Because much of what David has learned has come from Camelot sources, we have of course been watching this unfold with great interest.)

So, Disclosure is in the air. We'll be recording an in-depth audio interview with Shawn and Clay and will release this within 7-10 days. We're fully aware of the importance of this and are greatly looking forward to it - and so may you be. We'll keep you closely informed.

All well and good, for the record, it was myself and DI8 whom actually were the first to state that the UN delegates/diplomats were threatened into silence. This was verified a while later. Just to let people know I am still within the loop on certain things. I get wrankled when I see comments or assumptions by individuals that I do not have my fingers on the pulse. I work at grassroots level, right there where it all actually happens. I , unlike several I could name, do NOT have my head in the clouds. The threats to the UN personnel were sufficiently strong to halt the issues and skew the entire plan.
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