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Old 10-15-2008, 02:34 AM   #151
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
PS:ARA thanks for your questions to Barry, very interesting... had a NASA friend with abduction experience, will send him this thread. Very enlightening.
You are welcome swordsmith.
I'm a naturally curious person so it is within my personality matrix to ask lots of questions.

I hope others find this thread of help too.

Barry has a lot to offer in the way of understanding.

There's a great deal of information here if you can cross reference data and pull the different threads of information together in your mind.

The more we question, the more answers we get to further that understanding and the more the threads come together.

All the Best,
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Old 10-15-2008, 04:41 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by Love/Light 13 View Post

Thanks again for your contributions to the forum. Your opinion/slant on things is very interesting.

Random question first............ How do you see the next 5 years playing out? Do you see a huge, earth shattering "moment" occuring on the planet, or do you believe there will be a more gradual movement toward the positive or the negative, depending on the choices we make?
The next five years? might depend much on if we get to see any type of official disclosure, or depending on a reality shift within the human race, signs are there of this but its slow.

Also, do you have any knowledge of past lives you may have lived? Is this a philosophy you believe to be true, reincarnation, that is? If so, could you share any past lives you believe to have had?
thats an interesting question. I have been regressed to what on the surface appears to be past lives but this is a tricky subject matter, the mind can do all manner of things once in a deep hypnotic state. One i recall was being a Canadian pilot during WW2 stationed at an airfield in Essex, England.

Thanks, and i hope the questions aren't too random!!
not at all, they are fine, thankyou

L/L 13



"out of MANY, we are ONE"
warmest regards

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Old 10-15-2008, 05:22 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry, Miriam Delicardo spoke of meeting a series of men who she referred to as "The Clones". These men claimed they worked in programming and that they also installed super computers globally.
Do you think they are installing programmes onto the Cray Computers you have referenced?
"The Clones" as such are not a name i am familiar with but the claims they make are very familiar. Yes thats quite possible, SOP it would seem.

'The Clones' also stated they were interested in alien technology and were involved in the field of Ufology, attending UFO Conferences and meeting with reported abductees/contactees such as Miriam. They seemed very interested in Miriam and were able to monitor her whereabouts.
A number of agencies and shadowy groups do this too

The Super Computer System you've referenced, is it also a Genetic Databank? Does it hold the genetic blueprints of the people 'sampled' during experimentation/implantation? Does it monitor genetic drift in family lines? Does it monitor the changes made to each subject's genome? Tracking the changes?
In my files i referenced a genetic program called 'The Survey', this is the genetic program run by 3 major powers US, UK and Canada. They hold a central database linked with every major hospital and health centre, mostly keeping tabs on the genetically enhanced/upgraded individuals

If they are genetically tracking their own hybrids are they also tracking and keeping files on "other's" hybrids?
I'm sure there is a wealth of data in that databank on many types

The super-computers networked in this planet are also networked/connected to off-world planets, but are they also connected to computers on space-based platforms? Are they using Space based Relay Stations?
The flow of data I'm sure is vast and unhindered to all necessary points
Is there an Off-Planet Head Quarters where all the computers are connected too? A hub if you will. A Central Control Station?
If there is I do not know of it

Barry, there is a researcher, Eve Lorgen, and she has spoken and written about what she terms The Alien Love Bite Scenario were certain people are hypnotically induced/programmed to 'fall in love' with a specific person (who has been chosen based on certain genetic dispositions/traits) and to procreate and produce a child/ren based on that union. That 'child'/ren' may also be 'partnered' with another "bred" child later on to produce a next generation child.
I know yes of this from personal experience but refrain from giving data in an open forum. But the answer is yes such methods are utilised.

I get this feeling the Next Gen children will be predisposed towards certain fields of endeavour where they are guided, mentored, influenced and monitored by other forces.
Yes they will be, more adapted, enhanced and upgraded

Are you aware of this Barry?
Very much so

Barry, if you can be implanted with a device which could render harm to you if you 'step out of line', has the same technology been implanted in people in power or people who hold positions of influence?
Yes i have that, did have 2 such devices but one (sternum, used to initiate cardiac arrest) was removed. The remaining device is located in brain stem, CNS, which enables the controllers full monitoring and controlling capabilities plus the instant 'drop dead on spot', trying to remove that in that location would be lethal. Yes i would not be too surprised to know certain leading figures have these, of course have no proof of this

It would seem the O-P Intelligences who are sharing genetic knowledge with groups here are Master Geneticists.
They certainly know their job yes

If they can build a stronger human then the opposite is also true, there are those who can also engineer humans to be more susceptible to and predisposed to certain illnesses and diseases such as Radical-fast acting- Cancers not to mention implantation of genetic fail-safe mechanisms. They could also engineer any manner of bio weapons to lower the Immune System of the bog-humans.
Super humans, super soldiers

This is the information you are trying to awaken the public too?
Very much so, years before anyone else came out with such data

Obviously there is no end to what can be accomplished in a laboratory when people have the right knowledge.

There can be much good accomplished but also great evil in a laboratory.
If put to right use yes we could elimanate misery and pain, but its not seen that way, they want better fighting machines, better weapons

On the subject of Mind Programming, are they connecting people (children?) into a VR Matrix where they put them into different scenarios to monitor how they react?
The MCT capabilities are almost endless and guinea-pigs are treated to a vast array of programs

Do they use a VR Matrix for training?
VR is old hat compared to what can be achieved in the labs at facilities using the trip seat, screens, coupled to computers

Could they connect a group of people into one scenario in the VR Matrix so they are able to interact within that programme?
yes that has been done

So when a person has completed a programme, via the chair, would they walk away with a memory of being involved in a task or scenario which was completely real to all of their senses but was in fact a false reality?
creating screen memories allows a person to be reprogrammed that way yes

If so, and the programme they were placed into was a trauma based scenario then the person who carries those 'memories' would also carry the trauma associated with that experience within their psyche.
They would indeed and that can lead them to despair and even suicide

Is this happening?
Unfortunately yes

Are they monitoring 'stress levels'? Or monitoring how stress/trauma reacts upon the person's genetic make-up? Pushing them to their mental limits? In order to expand their mental limits?
Thats part of the process, pushing humans physically and mentally sometimes to destruction

I have heard many people who speak of their psychic boundaries expanding after severe trauma, especially on-going traumas.

This type of experiment could also be used for mind-programming. Yes?
As stated above yes

Barry, their (OP INTELLIGENCES + USAF/NSA) cloning ability is far more advanced than where mainstream science is now so have they cloned and replaced people of power, or people in positions of influence?
I have no proof whatsoever so replacing such individuals is still hearsay and maybe wishful thinking. Cloning capabilities are very advanced

Could they have taken genetic samples from people, made changes (subtle or otherwise) to that genetic sample and then cloned the re-engineered DNA sample?
You're good I give you that, possibe yes

Hybridization and Cloning, two processes used in conjunction?
2 processes, may or may not be mixed

What is preventing those 'humans' (or human hybrids) in power from using cloning to experience longer life spans?
There is always someone higher up the chain to enforce such matters do not realise

Do the Off-Planet Intelligences Clone themselves?
I have no idea sorry

I think that will do for now. Once again Thank you Barry for always taking the time to address my questions.

Heaps of Gratitude,

All the Best

You are very welcome, regards

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Old 10-16-2008, 02:00 AM   #154
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You're good I give you that, possibe yes
Ara . . . I agree with Barry. You are very, very good at piecing this information together in ways that help us all understand the complexity of the reality we live in.

Thank you!

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Old 10-16-2008, 02:04 AM   #155
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Have you come across this website Barry?
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Old 10-16-2008, 02:12 AM   #156
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

TheWatcher, I was wondering if you (and abunch of Aliens) and any of your kind had a coffee with Mr Bush and-or other world leaders? If so, what is the main topic you-s normaly talk about?
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Old 10-16-2008, 02:27 AM   #157
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Thanks Barry for answering my endless questions.

Barry, the PLF that the USAF/NSA use seem to be Basic models with basic programming, ie basic instinct/reaction programmes.

Do the PLFs come in different degrees of model? With each subsequent model having more than Basic programming?

You mentioned before that 'grey PLFs' and 'reptilian PLFs' are manufactured, but are they also manufacturing 'human' looking PLFs? They could be used within the population for gathering data etc, for any use really and they would blend in.

Maybe some of these contact stories have to do with PLF Humanoids?

I wonder if they programme "Commandments" into their advanced models? Like a "God Program".

Can the OP Intelligences 'link in' with the PLF and use the PLF as an extension of their own intelligence? Use them as 'probes' if you will?

Can "humans" or "Hybrids" ?

Barry, you've shared with us that they (USAF/NSA) are more interested in creating super beings as super weapons.

Do we have more than one group working here creating MK2 Super Humans?

Two reasons given for the MK2 Human:

:to be the next generation of humans so the human race continues on albeit in an altered and further GM form, (moon and Mars Colonizers)

:super humans for the sole purpose of being used as Super weapons

I'm trying to understand whether there are two separate agendas here or whether the two are working in conjunction or opposition.

If one group is trying to create super humans as weapons then I suppose the other groups have to also ensure their 'super humans' have equal abilities.

Is there more than one group creating 'their ' super humans or are they all working in agreement?

Is this the Secret War? Each faction is producing their own super-humans?

Onto a different subject!

When a person is in the tripseat and are ARV'ing into the 'past' can information be passed to specific people?

Would that person perceive that information as inspiration?

Could the process of passing information to people in the 'past' or 'future' be akin to channeling?

Could the People of the past have information pertaining to the construction of certain technology "passed" to them via ARV?

(They could then note the information down for future generations to find. ie in artifacts,manuscripts, scrolls, biblical wares, sumerian seals etc.)

Is this why so many Societies ,Alphabet groups, not to mention the Vatican, are interested in accumulating ancient artifacts?

If this is possible, then maybe information pertaining to microwave and scalar technology is hidden within ancient artifacts too? Or infinite energy sources, stargate technology, portal technology, genetic information, just like Dan Burisch stated.

Everything here seems too controlled and hidden, it's as though a 'play book' is being followed.

Thanks Barry.

All the Best
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Old 10-16-2008, 02:32 AM   #158
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by ChaliceWell View Post
Ara . . . I agree with Barry. You are very, very good at piecing this information together in ways that help us all understand the complexity of the reality we live in.

Thank you!

You are very Welcome CW, and a big Thank you!

I couldn't do it without Barry's input, not to mention his patience with my endless questioning.

All the Best,
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Old 10-16-2008, 03:09 AM   #159
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

I was wondering if TheWatcher had anything to do with a magazine (for kids) that came out years ago, it was called: The Spine Chiller - Magazine. If anybody else has read or seen it? Now I am thinking about it with what TheWatcher has written in his posts, it seems to be a connection of hidden information as most of what has been written in the magazine is really strange and odd, but with one of the stories in the magazine it showed about the Philadelphia Experiment, with info in it that I have not seen nowhere else on the Internet - When I saw what people-aliens have written in this thread it reminded me about the magazine. I really hope other people have read and seen the magazine.
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Old 10-16-2008, 04:22 AM   #160
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER


Last edited by MAP; 11-19-2008 at 07:46 PM.
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Old 10-16-2008, 05:31 AM   #161
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Do you know what the metallic orbs in the sky are? I've witnessed these many times a few months ago.
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Old 10-16-2008, 02:11 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by Antaletriangle View Post
Have you come across this website Barry?
Yes i have seen it, very interesting site and full of data, no he does not it seems detail the (for the sake of steve the Mod) facility at Peasemore

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Old 10-16-2008, 02:12 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by gordon View Post
TheWatcher, I was wondering if you (and abunch of Aliens) and any of your kind had a coffee with Mr Bush and-or other world leaders? If so, what is the main topic you-s normaly talk about?
Oh yeah we regularly do lunch in the place

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Old 10-16-2008, 02:14 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by gordon View Post
I was wondering if TheWatcher had anything to do with a magazine (for kids) that came out years ago, it was called: The Spine Chiller - Magazine. If anybody else has read or seen it? Now I am thinking about it with what TheWatcher has written in his posts, it seems to be a connection of hidden information as most of what has been written in the magazine is really strange and odd, but with one of the stories in the magazine it showed about the Philadelphia Experiment, with info in it that I have not seen nowhere else on the Internet - When I saw what people-aliens have written in this thread it reminded me about the magazine. I really hope other people have read and seen the magazine.
Never heard of that mag, have never written for any such mags although others have placed articles within various media over the years

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Old 10-16-2008, 02:16 PM   #165
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Originally Posted by MAP View Post
one of the members here sent me a message and wanted me to show you this

this member thought you might be interested in this info?

Know nothing of it but will certainly watch vids and then comment

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Old 10-16-2008, 02:17 PM   #166
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Originally Posted by halebox View Post
Do you know what the metallic orbs in the sky are? I've witnessed these many times a few months ago.

Can you please be more specific, location, dates, times etc, thanks

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Old 10-16-2008, 02:54 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Thanks Barry for answering my endless questions.
That is perfectly ok

Barry, the PLF that the USAF/NSA use seem to be Basic models with basic programming, ie basic instinct/reaction programmes.

Do the PLFs come in different degrees of model? With each subsequent model having more than Basic programming?
They seemed at that time, 1979 very advanced indeed, only the one type or model . Of course as technology develops i would not be surprised to learn of modifications to these over the years, i'm sure even the facility would have been revamped over time

You mentioned before that 'grey PLFs' and 'reptilian PLFs' are manufactured, but are they also manufacturing 'human' looking PLFs? They could be used within the population for gathering data etc, for any use really and they would blend in.
I can only state what i saw, worked with, experienced at that time. It might be possible but i have no direct knowledge of this

Maybe some of these contact stories have to do with PLF Humanoids?
your guess is as good as mine

I wonder if they programme "Commandments" into their advanced models? Like a "God Program".
Again all i can say is that whilst i was there basic programming only for basic requirements

Can the OP Intelligences 'link in' with the PLF and use the PLF as an extension of their own intelligence? Use them as 'probes' if you will?
good question, have no direct knowledge of that but would appear feasible

Can "humans" or "Hybrids" ?

Barry, you've shared with us that they (USAF/NSA) are more interested in creating super beings as super weapons.

Do we have more than one group working here creating MK2 Super Humans?
working together directly in these programs we have the following, there could be others of course......NSA, USAF, DARPA,CIA,NASA,Porton Down,USN,.......

Two reasons given for the MK2 Human:

:to be the next generation of humans so the human race continues on albeit in an altered and further GM form, (moon and Mars Colonizers)

:super humans for the sole purpose of being used as Super weapons

I'm trying to understand whether there are two separate agendas here or whether the two are working in conjunction or opposition.

If one group is trying to create super humans as weapons then I suppose the other groups have to also ensure their 'super humans' have equal abilities.

Is there more than one group creating 'their ' super humans or are they all working in agreement?
Not only different groups but different countries, Russia has a similar program to the US

Is this the Secret War? Each faction is producing their own super-humans?
Its the human way to do things

Onto a different subject!

When a person is in the tripseat and are ARV'ing into the 'past' can information be passed to specific people?
There is no interaction with living beings in that sense no, someone from a past timeline might 'sense' the RVer but they cannot see or hear them

Would that person perceive that information as inspiration?
would have to be a gifted individual

Could the process of passing information to people in the 'past' or 'future' be akin to channeling?
physical interaction is not possible, doubts about mind links as never been in that kind of process, mine has been observation only

Could the People of the past have information pertaining to the construction of certain technology "passed" to them via ARV?
even if it were possible they would have no reference and it would be beyond their understanding

(They could then note the information down for future generations to find. ie in artifacts,manuscripts, scrolls, biblical wares, sumerian seals etc.)
valid, and i think i know where you are going with this but not sure it would be possible, i might be off the mark but own experience has been observe and report only

Is this why so many Societies ,Alphabet groups, not to mention the Vatican, are interested in accumulating ancient artifacts?
logical assumption

If this is possible, then maybe information pertaining to microwave and scalar technology is hidden within ancient artifacts too? Or infinite energy sources, stargate technology, portal technology, genetic information, just like Dan Burisch stated.
very feasible but i cannot say yes or no

Everything here seems too controlled and hidden, it's as though a 'play book' is being followed.
perhaps with good reason, some anyways

Thanks Barry.

All the Best
My pleasure, hope i've helped a little

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Old 10-16-2008, 03:44 PM   #168
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

I got a question how about taking a picture of your self and showing us the real you? so good of you to come online and share so share some more I for one would like to see the real you.
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Old 10-16-2008, 05:34 PM   #169
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Los Angeles about 6 months ago for about 3 months I saw these regularly in the daytime. There are other youtube vids with these same orbs all over the usa.

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Can you please be more specific, location, dates, times etc, thanks

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Old 10-16-2008, 05:37 PM   #170
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Thanks for your information I hope my questions are not redundent info.

1. Chemtrails, what are they?

2. Other whistleblowers you allign with and those you dont.

3. Has the human species been in a prolonged timeless war with malevelont entities?

4. Evidence of this war in our own solar system with the craters and irregular planet movements?

5. Alex Collier any thoughts?

6. Know any ways to defend yourself from a reptillian/malevelont being?

7. Billy Meir any thoughts? Talmud of Emmanuel?

8. Know of any underground bases in Arcata, California?

9. Free Will council, anything come to mind?

10. Know of any information where I could learn more about this ancient war? Orion Wars?

11. Do any type of special diet to keep yourself healthy?

12. Any types of materals you try to avoid?

13. Any ambassador type greetings to use when meeting other sentient beings?

Thanks for your time, best wishes to you.

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Old 10-16-2008, 06:25 PM   #171
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by showmemo View Post
I got a question how about taking a picture of your self and showing us the real you? so good of you to come online and share so share some more I for one would like to see the real you.
Odd request, you see me in the vids from youtube is that not enough? One good reason why i should post my image here?

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Old 10-16-2008, 06:27 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by halebox View Post
Los Angeles about 6 months ago for about 3 months I saw these regularly in the daytime. There are other youtube vids with these same orbs all over the usa.

OK, i'll have a looksie around and then make a comment if i may

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Old 10-16-2008, 06:46 PM   #173
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

THEWATCHER, how could one get hold of some bio material of these engineered beings, even if as little as a few 100 cells?
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Old 10-16-2008, 09:16 PM   #174
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Dearest The Watcher/Barry:
many people send private emails
-underneath the surface of project avalon
(that are applicable to comments/i have made previously on The Watcher Thread - or, other threads
or, The eXchanger's Thread
(which was once, under st. clair's section)
and, it got lost -- lucky, i had a copy of it,
and, i have re-posted it)
it is very difficult to follow every thread...
so, my dear friend "The Watcher/Barry"
do you mind, if i answer them, "out in the open" on "the eXchangers thread"? i would kind of like a place, where all my stuff is together, that way, i can reference it, add to it, edit it, instead of having to pop onto 1000 different threads--it might be easier that way
(if there is something, you wish to slip to your thread,
from my thread, or vice versa, it would be easy to just add a link
love, susan
the eXchanger
(i have about 250 emails/asking similiar questions-
or, what to do, re; healing/invoking your "missing capstone/higher self/or essence", escaping dark lord/dark masters from the 24th/25th/26th dimensions, renegades,
spiritual interference, hybrids, angelic hybrids, stones to use, techniques to use, etc.,)
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Old 10-16-2008, 11:40 PM   #175
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Magamud View Post
Thanks for your information I hope my questions are not redundent info.

1. Chemtrails, what are they?

2. Other whistleblowers you allign with and those you dont.

3. Has the human species been in a prolonged timeless war with malevelont entities?

4. Evidence of this war in our own solar system with the craters and irregular planet movements?

5. Alex Collier any thoughts?

6. Know any ways to defend yourself from a reptillian/malevelont being?

7. Billy Meir any thoughts? Talmud of Emmanuel?

8. Know of any underground bases in Arcata, California?

9. Free Will council, anything come to mind?

10. Know of any information where I could learn more about this ancient war? Orion Wars?

11. Do any type of special diet to keep yourself healthy?

12. Any types of materals you try to avoid?

13. Any ambassador type greetings to use when meeting other sentient beings?

Thanks for your time, best wishes to you.

Please excuse delay in responding, will do so ASAP

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