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Old 12-08-2008, 04:27 PM   #651
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

[QUOTE=THEWATCHER;91659][B]Thankyou, although i must state that my time here will be sporadic and occasional, still sorting many problems out. I have that a lot, lol I often wake from sleep to see triples, 1.11am, 2.22am, 4.44am etc etc. Daytime less often but might be working then suddenly turn and see the clock reading 3.33pm. Its one of those strange little eccentricities we go thru.

Hi Barry,
Great to have you back
I see the number combos everyday, and its always just a glance at the clock, no real reason and there they are. Im thinking about doing some calculations to figuire out just how common it is for number sequences to keep appearing ... could take a while

Barry, who/what is exerting restrictions on you? And why now? IS there new info. you cannot yet share? Or is there a near event comming up?

I totally understand if you cannot answer

Best Regards
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Old 12-08-2008, 08:03 PM   #652
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
[B]Thankyou, although i must state that my time here will be sporadic and occasional, still sorting many problems out. I have that a lot, lol I often wake from sleep to see triples, 1.11am, 2.22am, 4.44am etc etc. Daytime less often but might be working then suddenly turn and see the clock reading 3.33pm. Its one of those strange little eccentricities we go thru.

Hi Barry,
Great to have you back
I see the number combos everyday, and its always just a glance at the clock, no real reason and there they are. Im thinking about doing some calculations to figuire out just how common it is for number sequences to keep appearing ... could take a while

Barry, who/what is exerting restrictions on you? And why now? IS there new info. you cannot yet share? Or is there a near event comming up?

I totally understand if you cannot answer

Best Regards
a combination of things but apologise for not being able to openly state. If things change i might be able to say


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Old 12-09-2008, 02:20 PM   #653
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Hi Barry,

I was wondering on what your take on the Georgia Guidestones is? Is it a case of hiding something in plain sight? Or is it some well meaning individuals way of bring the NWO's agenda to the public conciousness?

Thanks in advance

Last edited by Alterego; 12-09-2008 at 02:24 PM.
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Old 12-09-2008, 10:33 PM   #654
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Originally Posted by Alterego View Post
Hi Barry,

I was wondering on what your take on the Georgia Guidestones is? Is it a case of hiding something in plain sight? Or is it some well meaning individuals way of bring the NWO's agenda to the public conciousness?

Thanks in advance
A mixture of both, little pointers placed here and there with just a touch of arrogance


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Old 12-10-2008, 05:10 AM   #655
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Taken from an Edgar Fouche interview with Paola Harris

EF: Put it like this: we are under threat.

Whoever has sent these genetically designed androids or robots (EBEs) to Earth has transmitted a return signal.

These beings have found an inhabitable planet with intelligent life forms, and sooner or later the real “striking force,” the real aliens, will arrive.

So we have embarked on this massive program; we have eggs from all these people.

We have created special, genetically modified children, and we have placed them in all areas of society through adoption, including placements with individuals connected to the government.

PH: Just a minute, you may be right! They have given these children to people connected to the government. I think I have met some of these children. But why would they do this?

EF: OK, I’ll tell you.

A microbiologist friend of mine is a great believer in junk DNA; that is to say, the potential of our DNA has never really been grasped.

In reality, it can form a third DNA helix, which is an important evolutionary change.

Once the One World Order is established, all the genetically modified individuals will be injected with another DNA element.

Imagine, for example, DNA capable of sparking off an evolutionary process inside them: these individuals will be able to control the world and not be influenced by aliens, even biological entities which communicate mentally.

They will all be placed in key positions, and obviously their seed and eggs will be used to make more human beings, who will also be endowed with these abilities.
Barry, the above quote came from a reported whistle-blower named Edgar Frouche.

What he is speaking of, in regards to the new children, new humans, sounds remarkably close to your own testimony regarding Humans MK2 and super-soldiers.

However according to Mr Frouche the creation of the next level of humans is born out of necessity because of the belief (and obvious fear TPTB have) of another race which is 'on it's way here'.

Barry are those mentioned in ancient texts returning or awakening? ( the Digital Beings of the Past/Future?)

I imagine if this is so and another race, more advanced is returning to the scene then it begets a necessity of evolution that humans either evolve to either 'match' or 'better' the other Beings or get run asunder.

So it's evolve or perish. Evolve or succumb to the stronger Will of others?

I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on this Barry. ()

All the Best
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Old 12-10-2008, 10:58 AM   #656
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
they despise the secrecy, the human suffering, they have a conscience


This statement stood out to me. I wish that humans, especially those in power, had a conscience. I wish they could understand the suffering they are inflicting upon th masses and the darkness that they have shrouded the facts with.
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Old 12-10-2008, 03:57 PM   #657
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Taken from an Edgar Fouche interview with Paola Harris

Barry, the above quote came from a reported whistle-blower named Edgar Frouche.

What he is speaking of, in regards to the new children, new humans, sounds remarkably close to your own testimony regarding Humans MK2 and super-soldiers.

However according to Mr Frouche the creation of the next level of humans is born out of necessity because of the belief (and obvious fear TPTB have) of another race which is 'on it's way here'.

Barry are those mentioned in ancient texts returning or awakening? ( the Digital Beings of the Past/Future?)

I imagine if this is so and another race, more advanced is returning to the scene then it begets a necessity of evolution that humans either evolve to either 'match' or 'better' the other Beings or get run asunder.

So it's evolve or perish. Evolve or succumb to the stronger Will of others?

I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on this Barry. ()

All the Best

This is very interesting Ara.
From this perspective it would seem that the gene manipulation and creation of the Hybrids is an effort by some to preserve a piece of the human race.

I wonder what, therefore happens to the rest ...
Un-assisted Im sure we would struggle but I dont belive we are being left to do this on our own.
Can you confirm this Barry?

A certain human faction working with certain OPI, IMO, wanted the worst case scenario to occur and have done much to set this in motion. I also believe that for these OPIs, this is not their first harvest. The plans have however, so far, not materialised in the manner they were expecting. They are not done yet tho. But time is spiraling tighter and tighter.

I read that we, (human race) has something the others have never had. We are different. The outcome is believed to be very close as to which way it will play out but we have a chance.

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Old 12-10-2008, 11:11 PM   #658
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From this perspective it would seem that the gene manipulation and creation of the Hybrids is an effort by some to preserve a piece of the human race.
From your mouth to the Universe's ears.

Iain, here's a thought from another direction.

In the post above I've remarked :

"I imagine if this is so and another race, more advanced is returning to the scene then it begets a necessity of evolution that humans either evolve to either 'match' or 'better' the other Beings or get run asunder.

So it's evolve or perish. Evolve or succumb to the stronger Will of others?"

However there is another direction this can be seen from.

What happens when 'the stronger Will of others' is of a positive/goodwill to All orientation? I imagine that type of orientation would be viewed as a threat to those not of the same orientation.

If TPTB here are afraid of 'something' and if we are to believe Cliff High and George Ure's data which says the same thing, maybe what is 'coming' is something which will enable more personal control to the people? (how's that for thinking positively!)

Maybe what they are frightened of is not coming from 'out there' but from within the natural and unencumbered expansion of human consciousness?

Is it possible, the 'return of the gods', mentioned in ancient scripts, isn't referring to gods from outer space but from within the expansion of human conscious awareness? Or is it both? Inner and outer?

My understanding is some of those involved in the expansion of human awareness are happy to do so as long as they control the humans with those abilities.

From James Casbolt's thread a statement was made regarding the micro-chipping of the population, the ones they wanted chipped have been chipped. This implies the chipping/implanting is only for those either already "upgraded" or those marked for upgrading.

My mind is going in two directions at present. Are the TPTB facing a bi-directional assault? ('assault' would be from their point of view)

One is dealing with the natural and unencumbered expansion of human consciousnesses and Two is possibly from another group who are far more advanced than bog-humans who have advanced mental & technological abilities with a Strong Will of their own.

All the Best
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:39 PM   #659
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Taken from an Edgar Fouche interview with Paola Harris

Barry, the above quote came from a reported whistle-blower named Edgar Frouche.

What he is speaking of, in regards to the new children, new humans, sounds remarkably close to your own testimony regarding Humans MK2 and super-soldiers.

However according to Mr Frouche the creation of the next level of humans is born out of necessity because of the belief (and obvious fear TPTB have) of another race which is 'on it's way here'.

Barry are those mentioned in ancient texts returning or awakening? ( the Digital Beings of the Past/Future?)
The slumbering ones awaken, this could refer to a race that visited us a very long time ago and influenced civilisation, gave us a little boost re technology. The old ones I am in contact with state although their policy is non intervention they would take action against a warlike race should that race have an agenda towards this planet.

I imagine if this is so and another race, more advanced is returning to the scene then it begets a necessity of evolution that humans either evolve to either 'match' or 'better' the other Beings or get run asunder.

So it's evolve or perish. Evolve or succumb to the stronger Will of others?
this does not quite compute to the data i have, i am told there might well be an Alien Nation scenario but we will still have the safety around us

I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on this Barry. ()

All the Best
warmest regards

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Old 12-10-2008, 11:41 PM   #660
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Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
This statement stood out to me. I wish that humans, especially those in power, had a conscience. I wish they could understand the suffering they are inflicting upon th masses and the darkness that they have shrouded the facts with.
there are many, working within agencies, indeed the Military too, whom see ways of correcting the injustice and suffering, but numbers are still too low to make a real difference


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Old 12-10-2008, 11:52 PM   #661
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Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
This is very interesting Ara.
From this perspective it would seem that the gene manipulation and creation of the Hybrids is an effort by some to preserve a piece of the human race.

I wonder what, therefore happens to the rest ...
Un-assisted Im sure we would struggle but I dont belive we are being left to do this on our own.
Can you confirm this Barry?
correct, we have some powerful OPI allies

A certain human faction working with certain OPI, IMO, wanted the worst case scenario to occur and have done much to set this in motion. I also believe that for these OPIs, this is not their first harvest. The plans have however, so far, not materialised in the manner they were expecting. They are not done yet tho. But time is spiraling tighter and tighter.

I read that we, (human race) has something the others have never had. We are different. The outcome is believed to be very close as to which way it will play out but we have a chance.

Humans have unique qualities thats true


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Old 12-11-2008, 12:44 AM   #662
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Barry are those mentioned in ancient texts returning or awakening? ( the Digital Beings of the Past/Future?)
The slumbering ones awaken, this could refer to a race that visited us a very long time ago and influenced civilisation, gave us a little boost re technology. The old ones I am in contact with state although their policy is non intervention they would take action against a warlike race should that race have an agenda towards this planet.

*** This is very good to hear. Very re-assuring.

I imagine if this is so and another race, more advanced is returning to the scene then it begets a necessity of evolution that humans either evolve to either 'match' or 'better' the other Beings or get run asunder.

So it's evolve or perish. Evolve or succumb to the stronger Will of others?
this does not quite compute to the data i have, i am told there might well be an Alien Nation scenario but we will still have the safety around us

*** Ok thanks for clearing that up Barry.

What happens when 'the stronger Will of others' is of a positive/goodwill to All orientation? I imagine that type of orientation would be viewed as a threat to those not of the same orientation.

Barry, do TPTB view the 'Old Ones' as an ally or a threat?

Are the slumbering ones an ancient foe of the Old Ones?

Were the Old Ones responsible for the slumbering ones removal from this planet? (I'm thinking of the pictures of an ancient war in our skies within ancient writings)

All the Best
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Old 12-11-2008, 11:46 AM   #663
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
From your mouth to the Universe's ears.

Iain, here's a thought from another direction.

In the post above I've remarked :

"I imagine if this is so and another race, more advanced is returning to the scene then it begets a necessity of evolution that humans either evolve to either 'match' or 'better' the other Beings or get run asunder.

So it's evolve or perish. Evolve or succumb to the stronger Will of others?"

However there is another direction this can be seen from.

What happens when 'the stronger Will of others' is of a positive/goodwill to All orientation? I imagine that type of orientation would be viewed as a threat to those not of the same orientation.
Wow. That takes some time to wrap my head around But just think - if the will of the OTHERS is of a positive nature to ALL I am assuming that covers the ones trying to oppress the masses and yet these oppressers cannot see this? They must be heavily influenced/brainwashed.

If TPTB here are afraid of 'something' and if we are to believe Cliff High and George Ure's data which says the same thing, maybe what is 'coming' is something which will enable more personal control to the people? (how's that for thinking positively!)
This makes a lot of sense when you factor in the huge effort they have made to keep people dumbed down/under control. Using HAARP/the media/film/t.v/religion to name but a few - they have given it a good go. But I feel my own mind breaking out and I am 100% ordinary. The numbers will grow. I wonder if this is why they champion the reduced population. Less of a threat/more managable numbers.

Maybe what they are frightened of is not coming from 'out there' but from within the natural and unencumbered expansion of human consciousness?

Is it possible, the 'return of the gods', mentioned in ancient scripts, isn't referring to gods from outer space but from within the expansion of human conscious awareness? Or is it both? Inner and outer?
This is a fantastic line of thinking Ara. They will fear the inner Gods for sure. As above, look at their efforts to suppress. The outer Gods ... depends. I beleive the oppressers have aligned with what they believed as Gods (OPIs with a negative orientation). And as Barry mentioned any action from them will be countered by the OPI with the positive orientation. This Im sure the oppressers will also fear.

My understanding is some of those involved in the expansion of human awareness are happy to do so as long as they control the humans with those abilities.

From James Casbolt's thread a statement was made regarding the micro-chipping of the population, the ones they wanted chipped have been chipped. This implies the chipping/implanting is only for those either already "upgraded" or those marked for upgrading.

My mind is going in two directions at present. Are the TPTB facing a bi-directional assault? ('assault' would be from their point of view)
Lets hope they are!

One is dealing with the natural and unencumbered expansion of human consciousnesses and Two is possibly from another group who are far more advanced than bog-humans who have advanced mental & technological abilities with a Strong Will of their own.

All the Best
What I would really llike to see is a timeline! This situation we are in just now will not last forever. Surely there will be a point where things go one way or another.

Keep up the good work Ara
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Old 12-11-2008, 07:07 PM   #664
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The Watcher, The old ones I am in contact with state although their policy is non intervention they would take action against a warlike race should that race have an agenda towards this planet.
Can you give more detail on who the "old ones" are and the different factions/dynamics that are involved?

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Old 12-11-2008, 11:49 PM   #665
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Barry are those mentioned in ancient texts returning or awakening? ( the Digital Beings of the Past/Future?)
The slumbering ones awaken, this could refer to a race that visited us a very long time ago and influenced civilisation, gave us a little boost re technology. The old ones I am in contact with state although their policy is non intervention they would take action against a warlike race should that race have an agenda towards this planet.

*** This is very good to hear. Very re-assuring.

I imagine if this is so and another race, more advanced is returning to the scene then it begets a necessity of evolution that humans either evolve to either 'match' or 'better' the other Beings or get run asunder.

So it's evolve or perish. Evolve or succumb to the stronger Will of others?
this does not quite compute to the data i have, i am told there might well be an Alien Nation scenario but we will still have the safety around us

*** Ok thanks for clearing that up Barry.

What happens when 'the stronger Will of others' is of a positive/goodwill to All orientation? I imagine that type of orientation would be viewed as a threat to those not of the same orientation.

Barry, do TPTB view the 'Old Ones' as an ally or a threat?

there are conflicts within those, some regard them as a powerful ally whilst others, the old scholl types, see them as a stealthy threat whom might try and use their technology to threaten mankind

Are the slumbering ones an ancient foe of the Old Ones?
perhaps foe is incorrect, its a case of the teachers keeping unruly pupils in check

Were the Old Ones responsible for the slumbering ones removal from this planet? (I'm thinking of the pictures of an ancient war in our skies within ancient writings)
there were numerous skirmishes in the distant past, the texts covering some of these are as you know, to be found in ancient Indian texts

All the Best
warmest regards

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Old 12-11-2008, 11:52 PM   #666
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Originally Posted by Magamud View Post
Can you give more detail on who the "old ones" are and the different factions/dynamics that are involved?

certainly, as this is detailed, and my time is limited, i will copy/paste here asap


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Old 12-12-2008, 12:18 AM   #667
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Barry, James Casbolt made a startling revelation on his thread regarding the contents of a recent Looking Glass event.

snip from http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...p?t=649&page=9

My report says the open project for L.G in October 2007 saw

1) Oil prices rising

2) Precious metals rising

3) A possible nuclear exchange that scared many people in the project and the outcome was not desired in this timeline.

The Strategic Defence Initiative, L.A.C.E satellites and BRILLIANT EYES/PEBBLES were mentioned several times in the report.

Nuclear impact points were recorded in California, Canada ( Northern Alberta ) and two places on the East Coast. Also a small exchange between the Middle East and Europe.

The death toll according to the LOOKING GLASS viewing stream was approx 12 million. The stream was viewed by multiple nations vectoring in on the same timeline at once.

Barry, if the event resulted in the deaths of 12 Million people this leads me to ponder if there some protocol the Old Ones must follow before they step in?

Thinking back through time, where masses of deaths have occurred world wide through wars and such, I wonder if the Old Ones will only step in if the destruction of the planet itself is apparent or if events could lay this planet to waste?

All the Best
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Old 12-12-2008, 12:32 AM   #668
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Barry, do TPTB view the 'Old Ones' as an ally or a threat?

there are conflicts within those, some regard them as a powerful ally whilst others, the old scholl types, see them as a stealthy threat whom might try and use their technology to threaten mankind

***Now that makes a great deal of sense.

Are the slumbering ones an ancient foe of the Old Ones?

perhaps foe is incorrect, its a case of the teachers keeping unruly pupils in check

***So they are trying to keep the Young Ones in order? So they don't ruin the classroom.

Were the Old Ones responsible for the slumbering ones removal from this planet? (I'm thinking of the pictures of an ancient war in our skies within ancient writings)

there were numerous skirmishes in the distant past, the texts covering some of these are as you know, to be found in ancient Indian texts

Thank you so much Barry.

All the Best

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Old 12-12-2008, 12:37 AM   #669
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry, James Casbolt made a startling revelation on his thread regarding the contents of a recent Looking Glass event.

snip from http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...p?t=649&page=9
yes, i read that

Barry, if the event resulted in the deaths of 12 Million people this leads me to ponder if there some protocol the Old Ones must follow before they step in?
natural events would of course be outside any controls used, engineered events would certainly come under the scrutiny of the old ones. Such aggression would be monitored and checked before it could become a reality
Thinking back through time, where masses of deaths have occurred world wide through wars and such, I wonder if the Old Ones will only step in if the destruction of the planet itself is apparent or if events could lay this planet to waste?
depending on the threat perceived

All the Best

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Old 12-12-2008, 12:40 AM   #670
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post

Thank you so much Barry.

All the Best

Very welcome, my warmest regards

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Old 12-12-2008, 10:35 PM   #671
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Just as soon as i'm given the clearance to do so i will relate some of my past here as well as my current working within the DIS Group DI8 and the P.O. Unit and how this relates to my disclosures.


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Old 12-12-2008, 11:17 PM   #672
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Just as soon as i'm given the clearance to do so i will relate some of my past here as well as my current working within the DIS Group DI8 and the P.O. Unit and how this relates to my disclosures.



Hi Barry hows things.
This is good news.

I was wondering if you could advise if we will have any warning before a comin event, that is will whistleblowers such as yourself be allowed to warn us of a significant event in the near future?

Best Regards
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Old 12-12-2008, 11:26 PM   #673
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Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Hi Barry hows things.
This is good news.

I was wondering if you could advise if we will have any warning before a comin event, that is will whistleblowers such as yourself be allowed to warn us of a significant event in the near future?

Best Regards
any really big event will hopefully be widely reported, but bear in mind there are differing factions and agencies involved with certain whistleblowers so data might be a bit hotch potch. False flags certainly will be disclosed including locations and dates, i'm quite well thanks for asking


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Old 12-13-2008, 01:51 AM   #674
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
any really big event will hopefully be widely reported, but bear in mind there are differing factions and agencies involved with certain whistleblowers so data might be a bit hotch potch. False flags certainly will be disclosed including locations and dates, i'm quite well thanks for asking



remember me?? We had some good chats a few weeks ago. Glad to see your back Hope you are doing well and I look forward to re-visiting some of my previous questions that you weren't quite ready to answer.
Many thanks to you Barry, for all that you ARE!
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Old 12-13-2008, 01:49 PM   #675
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Originally Posted by sammytray View Post

remember me?? We had some good chats a few weeks ago. Glad to see your back Hope you are doing well and I look forward to re-visiting some of my previous questions that you weren't quite ready to answer.
Many thanks to you Barry, for all that you ARE!
Of course, hope you are well. Apologies for unanswered questions, please repost and i'll do my best to answer. Thankyou for your very kind words, much appreciated.

Warmest regards

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