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Old 11-17-2008, 12:43 AM   #451
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
LOL from a website called 'zedge', not sure if its .com or .net, they have a good selection there

warmest regards

How much information do you have that "you" feel "we" should have?
i'm confident that i will be able to continue to certain levels
Do you have a specific outline of information you need to share? How valuable to our "plan" is it?
Has it all been released, or is it about timing?
much more to come, yes timing does enter the equation

Do you "report" to someone or are you more or less a rebel?
What is your field of expertise?
in civilian work abductions, photo cases within the ufo field, non civilian MILABs, mindcontrolling technologies and psychological warfare

How can one PROVE to others the Aliens are indeed REAL or other such entities? Do you have ways of proving it?

Is this forum being "watched" by the PTB and more?
impossible to say, its generally taken for granted that these sites are routinely monitored, perhaps even more so these days in heightened security threats to nations, but of little consequence
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Old 11-17-2008, 01:01 AM   #452
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Hey barry, I dont know about you or even others here but I get "signs", "symbols", (literally) etc... in everything I do. (someone close to me gets them ALL the time) I often wonder if there is an actual "signs and symbols" club with the benevolent beings who wish to assist humanity (me). Any thoughts on this?
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Old 11-17-2008, 01:41 AM   #453
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Originally Posted by sammytray View Post
How much information do you have that "you" feel "we" should have?
i believe you should have access to everything over a period of time
i'm confident that i will be able to continue to certain levels
Do you have a specific outline of information you need to share? How valuable to our "plan" is it?
it is my aim to disclose everything i know, and its data i am confident will assist humanity
Has it all been released, or is it about timing?
much more to come, yes timing does enter the equation

Do you "report" to someone or are you more or less a rebel?
i have always been a rebel since my teens, i do not report to anyone but take advice from certain people from time to time, they watch my back so to speak
What is your field of expertise?
in civilian work abductions, photo cases within the ufo field, non civilian MILABs, mindcontrolling technologies and psychological warfare

How can one PROVE to others the Aliens are indeed REAL or other such entities? Do you have ways of proving it?
thats the problem, actualling proving 100%, no one has done this so far, we all hold certain data which might be sufficient but actual hands on proof, thats not easy

Is this forum being "watched" by the PTB and more?
impossible to say, its generally taken for granted that these sites are routinely monitored, perhaps even more so these days in heightened security threats to nations, but of little consequence
hope thats helped, regards

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Old 11-17-2008, 01:44 AM   #454
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Originally Posted by sammytray View Post
Hey barry, I dont know about you or even others here but I get "signs", "symbols", (literally) etc... in everything I do. (someone close to me gets them ALL the time) I often wonder if there is an actual "signs and symbols" club with the benevolent beings who wish to assist humanity (me). Any thoughts on this?
difficult to define, i know what you mean, many have this as if being subtly guided or shown directions to go or pursue, have seen this in others, perplexing but yes it exists


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Old 11-17-2008, 02:16 AM   #455
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
difficult to define, i know what you mean, many have this as if being subtly guided or shown directions to go or pursue, have seen this in others, perplexing but yes it exists


Thank you Barry for "being there"!!!

I am looking forward to our future conversations!
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Old 11-17-2008, 06:03 AM   #456
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
1. Is there exist any human MRK-I possessing enhanced capabilities that approaching or equal the level of planned human MRK-II?

there are indeed individuals around the globe that are almost equivalent to the next stage and the various governments of the nations where these people originate are paying very close attention to them
Hmm Interesting. Barry, these human MK1s with enhanced capabilities, are you saying they haven't been genetically enhanced, manipulated etc by outside forces and that Nature's course has allowed this evolution to occur?

3) If we need to be "upgraded " I am using computer language here we are certainly not worth much ?

on the contrary i believe the human race is priceless
The truest words I've ever read.

The Human Race is full of Life and there is no more powerful force in existence than Life. People say Knowledge is Power, however 'Life' is the Power. That is why each and everyone of us is precious, we are self-generating Life-forms. We require no outside power plug to animate us because we are a-live (wire). We generate the blue spark of Life.

To me, Life is precious and so is the human race.

Barry your mention of "key" reminded me of something. Some time back I realized that our "key" was akin to a "P.I.N" Code which allowed access into the recesses of the hidden (Amenti) Mind. As I realized this another meaning caught my attention and that was that a person's "P.I.N" (personal Identification Number-or personal frequency) can be used as a 'Library Card'.

simplified, yes unlock your own code, or as you say P.I.N and you access other areas and open doors, allowing further influences access to you and you to them

I also got this feeling that there are different P.I.N. codes for different levels of information held within this so-called Library. Plus this feeling the codes are a much sought after commodity by those who do not have access to such. Probably another reason the human race is so precious.

I know this is an etheric type question but do you know anything of this?
thats about as far as i can go on this at the moment

I imagine one must be careful when 'opening doors'/'ports' not to allow 'jacks' to be placed in the doorway/port which holds them permanently open?

(It would be akin to leaving your entry doors at home 'open', you never know who may 'wander' through. )

Barry that maybe why some abductees experience poltergiest activity, they've opened a mental port/door to that 'realm' where those entities exist.

So going through certain /experiences or processes effects the mind frequencies to the point where certain doorways/ports are opened and this is connected to "abductions" or the trauma associated with. Plus if the activity is on-going and long-term that suggests the port/doorway has been 'jacked' open.

Also if the person is using their PIN (Library Card) to access certain 'information' they may be used as 'tools' for gathering of data/intelligence etc.

Oh what a way of collecting information. Now that is a thought!

I was going to ask you Barry for a comment but I suspect I will get a "no comment' back! LOL

All the Best
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Old 11-17-2008, 11:02 AM   #457
Bruce Lee
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
1. Is there exist any human MRK-I possessing enhanced capabilities that approaching or equal the level of planned human MRK-II?
there are indeed individuals around the globe that are almost equivelent to the next stage and the various governments of the nations where these people originate are paying very close attention to them
Barry, why are there two batch of the MRK-I present, most without enhanced capabilities (dormant?) and some with it, is it:
a) done deliberately for some reason(s)?
b) black hat OPI produce low end version of MRK-I as their loyal slave workers on earth while white hat OPI secretly upgrade some low end MRK-I to high end version out of compassion?
c) it's just a long process of mere trial and error due to MRK-I was the 1st/early pre-product attempt by the OPI for ground testing and run into unforeseen variables, hence the needs to re-sequence the low end MRK-I's DNA again for the next upgrade to MRK-II and so on and so forth?

2. Is there an ongoing attempt to suppress these enhanced capabilities of human MRK-I by adding brain/nerve numbing/damaging chemical agents (Fluoride?, MSG?) in water & food supplies? If yes then by which faction & why?
nope, that would defeat the object, these individuals would be of use to the governments concerned
Hmmm, let me rephrase the 2nd question if you don't mind:
Is there an ongoing attempt to suppress/purge some unwanted capabilities of current low end MRK-I such as wild animal behaviors (over aggressive, brutal, savage, selfish, territorial) coming from the primate part of the hybrid DNA by adding brain/nerve numbing chemical agents (Fluoride?, MSG?, others?) in water & food supplies, so that they are more civilized and easy to be controlled by TPTB?
Barry, thanks again for your patient in answering my questions.

Best regards.
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Old 11-17-2008, 02:01 PM   #458
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Hi Barry, I hope you are well

Can you please advise what the significance of Scottish/Welsh blood lines is? I've often heard that native American blood falls into the same category. Is there something specific about this that is of importance to the factions?

Do the military exercise control over the small grey 'drones'? Are they used to abduct civilians on behalf of the military?
Are these drones owned by OPI?
Were a certain number given to the military to use/experiment on?

Are the UK, US, and Canada still working together on projects? What is/was their main objective?

Are the hybrids/MK2 humans being created purely as a weapon of the military? Whether that be for earth wars/space exploration. Or are they the future human race? Are they here to survive us if the predicted earth changes occur and us standard folks dont make it?

Apart from the underground lab facilities, are there underground 'ark' type facilities to preserve chosen individuals should the earth changes occur? If so, are there lists of people already chosen? Do people know if they are on a list to be saved?

You yourself have had contact with Alien intelligence - very cool Have they/do they guide you in what info. to release and when? Do you have a set plan for what/when to release? Are events around the world used as triggers to release more info?

Thats all I have for now!
Thanks loads Barry
Best Regards
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Old 11-17-2008, 04:05 PM   #459
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER


I see you have some other questions on the list!

To me I have some very important questions I would like to ask. I thank you very much for participating in answering them. I am truly grateful!

My first question is in regards to Anti-aging projects.
Are there "Anti-Aging" (DNA) Procedures in place?
Is "Anti-Aging" directly related to our DNA?
Were we Designed to age or is it because of the air we breathe, the food we eat, chemicals we consume that cause aging?
Do the foods we eat directly effect (enhance/destroy) our DNA?
Do you know of any specifics as to what these foods/chemicals may be in our supply that cause damage to our DNA?
Our brain barrier membrane is a protective "shield" natural to the human brain, are there actual chemicals/foods that are directly targeted to destroy this membrane allowing "access" to the brain by paranormal means?
Have we "surprised" the PTB with our resilience and survival of the fittest capabilities? (DNA)
Is it true we "ALL" have "ALIEN" DNA? (made with) Are there some whom have more than others for benefits to the PTB?
If we do have "alien" DNA could it be used against there plans?
Is there a product that can "heal" or "strengthen" our ORIGINAL DNA?
Are the powers looking to get rid of majority of the human population?
Has there plan been the "adaptive/survival of the fittest" experiment?
Have you heard of George Green and his writings?
How about the 4 laws of the universe?
Are the powers at be trying to manipulate the "4 laws" in to working to there advantage?

Is it possible for us to(how?) invoke the assistant of our planetary neighbors in higher dimensions to help "manifest" changes in the human body to correct it back to its original vibrational state? Return our body's to the original "archetype" as it was created within the galactic "equations"?

Okay, that is it for now! I know this is allot I hope you don't mind. Thank you so much Barry
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Old 11-17-2008, 10:11 PM   #460
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Hmm Interesting. Barry, these human MK1s with enhanced capabilities, are you saying they haven't been genetically enhanced, manipulated etc by outside forces and that Nature's course has allowed this evolution to occur?

The truest words I've ever read.

The Human Race is full of Life and there is no more powerful force in existence than Life. People say Knowledge is Power, however 'Life' is the Power. That is why each and everyone of us is precious, we are self-generating Life-forms. We require no outside power plug to animate us because we are a-live (wire). We generate the blue spark of Life.

To me, Life is precious and so is the human race.


I imagine one must be careful when 'opening doors'/'ports' not to allow 'jacks' to be placed in the doorway/port which holds them permanently open?

(It would be akin to leaving your entry doors at home 'open', you never know who may 'wander' through. )

Barry that maybe why some abductees experience poltergiest activity, they've opened a mental port/door to that 'realm' where those entities exist.

So going through certain /experiences or processes effects the mind frequencies to the point where certain doorways/ports are opened and this is connected to "abductions" or the trauma associated with. Plus if the activity is on-going and long-term that suggests the port/doorway has been 'jacked' open.

Also if the person is using their PIN (Library Card) to access certain 'information' they may be used as 'tools' for gathering of data/intelligence etc.

Oh what a way of collecting information. Now that is a thought!

I was going to ask you Barry for a comment but I suspect I will get a "no comment' back! LOL


All the Best
warmest regards

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Old 11-17-2008, 10:19 PM   #461
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Bruce Lee Quote...........
Barry, why are there two batch of the MRK-I present, most without enhanced capabilities (dormant?) and some with it, is it:
a) done deliberately for some reason(s)?
perhaps a natural advancement is responsible, or training from other sources, ancient sources from certain philosophies?
b) black hat OPI produce low end version of MRK-I as their loyal slave workers on earth while white hat OPI secretly upgrade some low end MRK-I to high end version out of compassion?
c) it's just a long process of mere trial and error due to MRK-I was the 1st/early pre-product attempt by the OPI for ground testing and run into unforeseen variables, hence the needs to re-sequence the low end MRK-I's DNA again for the next upgrade to MRK-II and so on and so forth?

Hmmm, let me rephrase the 2nd question if you don't mind:
Is there an ongoing attempt to suppress/purge some unwanted capabilities of current low end MRK-I such as wild animal behaviors (over aggressive, brutal, savage, selfish, territorial) coming from the primate part of the hybrid DNA by adding brain/nerve numbing chemical agents (Fluoride?, MSG?, others?) in water & food supplies, so that they are more civilized and easy to be controlled by TPTB?
no because those qualities can be utilised by certain military factions

Originally Posted by Bruce Lee View Post
Barry, thanks again for your patient in answering my questions.

Best regards.
no problem, hope i've helped, regards

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Old 11-17-2008, 10:38 PM   #462
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Hi Barry, I hope you are well
i'm fine thankyou

Can you please advise what the significance of Scottish/Welsh blood lines is? I've often heard that native American blood falls into the same category. Is there something specific about this that is of importance to the factions?
thats correct, my bloodline is celtic, Scottish primarilly, native Americans also are within this category. It is believed that these bloodlines carry advanced qualities and so are thus more sought after, someone more versed on this topic i'm sure can answer more fully than i

Do the military exercise control over the small grey 'drones'? Are they used to abduct civilians on behalf of the military?
if you are refering to the PLF drones then yes the MILABs are run by military but there are more than one type of MILAB abduction
Are these drones owned by OPI?
ownership is a question i do not think actually is relevent as both on and off planet intel have facilities to create and use them
Were a certain number given to the military to use/experiment on?
the technology was given to the military from OPI

Are the UK, US, and Canada still working together on projects? What is/was their main objective?
they are indeed with many other nations attached to this. Genetic engineering/enhancement/modification main purpose

Are the hybrids/MK2 humans being created purely as a weapon of the military? Whether that be for earth wars/space exploration. Or are they the future human race? Are they here to survive us if the predicted earth changes occur and us standard folks dont make it?
some unfortunately will be used as weapons systems, depending on factions whilst others are for survival within hostile environs, which covers a host of situations

Apart from the underground lab facilities, are there underground 'ark' type facilities to preserve chosen individuals should the earth changes occur? If so, are there lists of people already chosen? Do people know if they are on a list to be saved?
not sure of the remit of these survival facilities, as there are a number of such places. London CLC was, at the time i was placed there 1978, was a main cold war facility. Part of the huge complex beneath the city of London. Here they were preparing to gather certain individuals in the event of nuclear war. Enhanced individuals were to be paired up and their remit was assisting the government and post war re-establishing the race with advanced humans. I was placed on readiness in 1980 but luckily the call never came.

You yourself have had contact with Alien intelligence - very cool Have they/do they guide you in what info. to release and when? Do you have a set plan for what/when to release? Are events around the world used as triggers to release more info?
yes, i regard myself as extremely fortunate i have contact with these beings, they assist and yes do guide to a degree, they have likewise intervened on occasion and saved my life literally. i have no set plan as my disclosures began in 1994 and have continued ever since with more detailed data being released since 2005, as that particular level/timeframe was then reached. Political events can shape the release or non release yes.

Thats all I have for now!

My pleasure, hope its been of use
Thanks loads Barry
Best Regards

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Old 11-17-2008, 11:13 PM   #463
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Is there, have ever been any use of Majick by the operators at the facilities that you are aware of that may be associated with some of the abductions, be it adults or children?
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Old 11-17-2008, 11:23 PM   #464
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Originally Posted by sammytray View Post

I see you have some other questions on the list!

To me I have some very important questions I would like to ask. I thank you very much for participating in answering them. I am truly grateful!
my pleasure, will help where i can and answer what i can

My first question is in regards to Anti-aging projects.
Are there "Anti-Aging" (DNA) Procedures in place?
cannot comment on that side of things as i have no idea sorry
Is "Anti-Aging" directly related to our DNA?
sorry, again i have no idea
Were we Designed to age or is it because of the air we breathe, the food we eat, chemicals we consume that cause aging?
i think its a natural process you see throughout the living world here on this planet, food choice might prolong health but not to such a large degree. Depending on the chemical it could reduce life or not affect at all
Do the foods we eat directly effect (enhance/destroy) our DNA?
i do not see that as a factor no
Do you know of any specifics as to what these foods/chemicals may be in our supply that cause damage to our DNA?
Our brain barrier membrane is a protective "shield" natural to the human brain, are there actual chemicals/foods that are directly targeted to destroy this membrane allowing "access" to the brain by paranormal means?
certain procedures including military grade drugs/chemicals can do this yes
Have we "surprised" the PTB with our resilience and survival of the fittest capabilities?
they actually have forecasts, scenarios so all seems to be within the known parameters so far(DNA)
Is it true we "ALL" have "ALIEN" DNA? (made with) Are there some whom have more than others for benefits to the PTB?
controversy reigns among the scientists on this issue, i could say yes but be shot down by someone more 'scientific' lol
If we do have "alien" DNA could it be used against there plans?
not sure if that would be so
Is there a product that can "heal" or "strengthen" our ORIGINAL DNA?
if there is you can count on it being very secret
Are the powers looking to get rid of majority of the human population?
answered previously, there are factions which would like to reduce the population by around 50%, there are others whom would simply reduce the numbers by removing the bad elements, this is emotive, dangerous ground really
Has there plan been the "adaptive/survival of the fittest" experiment?
but on a larger scale
Have you heard of George Green and his writings?
no i have not sorry
How about the 4 laws of the universe? know of them but not part of my disclosures
Are the powers at be trying to manipulate the "4 laws" in to working to there advantage?
as above, prefer a no comment here if thats ok?

Is it possible for us to(how?) invoke the assistant of our planetary neighbors in higher dimensions to help "manifest" changes in the human body to correct it back to its original vibrational state? Return our body's to the original "archetype" as it was created within the galactic "equations"?
gonna pass on this topic

Okay, that is it for now! I know this is allot I hope you don't mind. Thank you so much Barry
do not mind at all, as long as you can appreciate that there are areas i either cannot comment on or would prefer not to comment on from time to time. thankyou. regards

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Old 11-17-2008, 11:27 PM   #465
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Originally Posted by Deb View Post
Is there, have ever been any use of Majick by the operators at the facilities that you are aware of that may be associated with some of the abductions, be it adults or children?
Hi Deb many occult procedures and practises might well have found their way into official use at some facilities, and it would not surprise me to learn of unofficial practises used by their personnel

warmest regards

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Old 11-17-2008, 11:55 PM   #466
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
do not mind at all, as long as you can appreciate that there are areas i either cannot comment on or would prefer not to comment on from time to time. thankyou. regards


Do you know of any specifics as to what these foods/chemicals may be in our supply that cause damage to our DNA?
Our brain barrier membrane is a protective "shield" natural to the human brain, are there actual chemicals/foods that are directly targeted to destroy this membrane allowing "access" to the brain by paranormal means?
certain procedures including military grade drugs/chemicals can do this yes

Are these military grade drugs/chemicals "masked" with names or products that we may believe to be safe?

Is it true we "ALL" have "ALIEN" DNA? (made with) Are there some whom have more than others for benefits to the PTB?
controversy reigns among the scientists on this issue, i could say yes but be shot down by someone more 'scientific' lol
I thank you for that answer

How about the 4 laws of the universe? know of them but not part of my disclosures
I understand... Thank you!
Are the powers at be trying to manipulate the "4 laws" in to working to there advantage?
as above, prefer a no comment here if thats ok?
I COMPLETELY understand... Thank you!

Is it possible for us to(how?) invoke the assistant of our planetary neighbors in higher dimensions to help "manifest" changes in the human body to correct it back to its original vibrational state? Return our body's to the original "archetype" as it was created within the galactic "equations"?
gonna pass on this topic
Once again I COMPLETELY understand.. Thank you

Why do you believe YOU were "chosen" to speak out per say?

Are we being mind controlled or influenced through the cellular phone industry?

How about the new "go digital only" for TV'S in February? Is this connected to their plans?

I have felt minor humming vibrations from the ground... is this some sort of EMF or mind control device?

How about the towers all over the place, what kind of "energy" is being released? (obviously not so good) What are the effects?

Do you know of any specific music bands ( from the past or now ) who's music was used to brainwash/influence negatively?

are our troops being poisined while over seas? Are they being brainwashed or misled to serve country instead of fellow humans ( when the Sh..hits the fan )

Good for now
Thank you again Barry!
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Old 11-18-2008, 01:05 AM   #467
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by sammytray View Post
Do you know of any specifics as to what these foods/chemicals may be in our supply that cause damage to our DNA?
not foods no, but concerned over certain pesticides, but main worry comes from the poisonous chemtrailing
Our brain barrier membrane is a protective "shield" natural to the human brain, are there actual chemicals/foods that are directly targeted to destroy this membrane allowing "access" to the brain by paranormal means?
certain procedures including military grade drugs/chemicals can do this yes

Are these military grade drugs/chemicals "masked" with names or products that we may believe to be safe?
thats an area i cannot go into yet sorry

Is it true we "ALL" have "ALIEN" DNA? (made with) Are there some whom have more than others for benefits to the PTB?
controversy reigns among the scientists on this issue, i could say yes but be shot down by someone more 'scientific' lol
I thank you for that answer

How about the 4 laws of the universe? know of them but not part of my disclosures
I understand... Thank you!
Are the powers at be trying to manipulate the "4 laws" in to working to there advantage?
as above, prefer a no comment here if thats ok?
I COMPLETELY understand... Thank you!

Is it possible for us to(how?) invoke the assistant of our planetary neighbors in higher dimensions to help "manifest" changes in the human body to correct it back to its original vibrational state? Return our body's to the original "archetype" as it was created within the galactic "equations"?
gonna pass on this topic
Once again I COMPLETELY understand.. Thank you

Why do you believe YOU were "chosen" to speak out per say?
chosen is perhaps not the right term although selected by a certain rogue element within British Intel to act as their voice i suppose is same thing

Are we being mind controlled or influenced through the cellular phone industry?
besides the conflicting scientific reports of dangers re use of cell phones, especially children, it would require the full operational setup to include cell phone towers to enable any type of controlling measures used on the public

How about the new "go digital only" for TV'S in February? Is this connected to their plans?
it is of course more convenient, 'cleaner' to use digital rather than noisy analogue, applications have been reviewed

I have felt minor humming vibrations from the ground... is this some sort of EMF or mind control device?
solely depends on location, type of area, what physical symptons you perceived

How about the towers all over the place, what kind of "energy" is being released? (obviously not so good) What are the effects?
anything microwave is not good

Do you know of any specific music bands ( from the past or now ) who's music was used to brainwash/influence negatively?
in 1967 project aquarius (concerning music influences on the masses) began, over the past 40+ years there have been a number of bands whose music was designed to influence, primarilly by the CIA, one example of a well known band from the 70's and early 80's whose certain tracks could mind influence into a certain manipulative state, were Supercharge. Perhaps that gives an idea?

are our troops being poisined while over seas? Are they being brainwashed or misled to serve country instead of fellow humans ( when the Sh..hits the fan )
def into troubled waters here, but YES, since Gulf war our troops have been poisoned with various chemicals, hence the GWS suffered by so many. Once in the services you are 'brainwashed', subject to severe desensitisation, and moulded into an automatic killing machine. This causes severe psychological problems afterwards including uncontrollable rages.

Good for now
Thank you again Barry!
Hope its helped, my regards

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Old 11-18-2008, 04:58 AM   #468
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Ara… you made reference to human females and sexual encounters with male Aliens… (page 9)

This may not exactly apply but it is interesting and has been on my “shelf.” One woman, who became a close friend often talked about what she did at night with a smile, as we became closer she opened up more and described her “visits.” And she enjoyed going to bed and would wait for visitors, not physical visitors but “visitors.” Sometimes several a night… she described some. Ya know, now I know why she would joke with me about she should be making money while she sleeps and grinned! I haven’t figured out why she had pointed ears shaped like a bat yet though, for real! Hmmmm.

And then recently in Tampa I became friends with (had to be my other friends twin), the same storyline and how men will line up at night to visit with her and she knew that she was fixing their kundalini energy and that was her job.

I’m keeping this simple…lot’s too it, and of course would fill this thread with comments and jokes but, this is Barry’s section of the Universe. I would like to post a pic, may take a day or two to post it, that someone close to me drew. And Barry or Ara if you have any input I am interested to hear.

Thank you both for your insights.

Also, is there a facility that has White roofs, rectangular buildings nestled in the foothills of a mountain ridge with a large gray and white windmill and may have an association to "Bavaria(n) Air"?

Last edited by Christo888; 11-18-2008 at 05:17 AM.
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Old 11-18-2008, 05:48 AM   #469
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tricky one, Dan Burisch is emphatic that all looking glass/stargates are shut down, decommissioned. But i have different, slightly different info that suggests some are still secretly in use.

2006/2007 i began by listing the locations of these and tried to explain to friends/colleagues about the issues of why the US so badly wanted control in the Middle East, and not just for oil as many think.

The stargate technology in that region was desired by the US for their control.

Enough said, this is an area we have to be cautious on
Barry, is there anyway you could get your 'different info' to Dan? As you stated Dan is emphatic that all the man-made Looking Glasses have been decommissioned.

Maybe the LG's your info pertains too as 'still being in use' aren't 'man-made' ones?

Do you suspect LG technology is still being used in the Middle East? Iran?
('suspicion' doesn't equal 'conviction', so "suspicion" away....LOL )

Barry, according to testimony released by Dan, if all man-made stargates/LG aren't decommissioned the Earth experiences a cataclysmic event which results in billions of deaths. Hence the publicly revealed drive to capture all the technologies from around the globe.

Looking at this from another direction, if there were so many different factions using stargate/LG technology for their own benefit then there would be far more variables in the system. More variables, less control.

If every group was using this technology to view the future then each faction could adjust events so they either do occur or don't occur to suit each faction's agendas. However if one group can obtain every one else's LG technology but still maintain a hidden repository of that technology and use it themselves then the variables are lessened. They have the Controlling interest so to say.

Also, if a play-book is to be adhered too the less the variables the better.

Do you suspect those who 'captured and decommissioned' the stargate/LG technology are doing so so they keep controlling interests?

Or do you suspect another faction/s has/ve relied on Dan's group to capture and decommission all the other factions LG technology allowing themselves to maintain and use their own covert technology, giving them controlling interest?

All the Best
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Old 11-18-2008, 06:07 AM   #470
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sorry if this has been asked already, but 19 pages is a lot to get through after years of flouride in the water and amalgum fillings in my head.

just a few quick questions

1.Who exactly are the watchers?
2.what are the features of them? (height, hair. eye colour)
2.Did they have anything to do with our evolution as in altering our DNA? (if yes, How?)

Again I appologize if these questions have been asked before,

There is a reason I asked those particular questions and will elaborate further depending upon the answers
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Old 11-18-2008, 12:17 PM   #471
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Hi Barry

Your answers are always of use and always greatly appreciated.

I have taken a few notes and have a few more q.s if I may ..

Between 79-81 you were a Security officer at the Peasmore facility. How did you come about this job? Was it a direct link to being a participant since childhood?
I am also assuming this is why you knew so much about what went on at the facility? Isnt it usually a case of a need to know basis? Are you still obtaining new info. from your contacts? Is Mr Whitemore (Sentinal) still running the show?

Part of the procedure of mind control was the screen insertions. By what means are they inserted? Comps/drugs/hypnosis? I have heard that the mind is stripped back to a point where resistance is broken and these screens may be freely inserted. Is this correct? Have you heard of a case where a pesons mind was too strong to be manipulated? What are sleeper cells used for specifically?

In 78 you under went deep regression. Is this a way to clear/sidestep the implanted screens?

You mentioned that you have an implant, a chip. This chip is used to track you. Send you info/allow others to pick up info from yourself. Do you have any control over the chip? Is it still active? You mentioned they can ... basically kill you with this chip. Do you know how this is so? Is it chemical?
They must know you are diclosing secret info. If they really wanted to stop you could they? Have they tried to? Is this possibly a scenario where you Alien contacts saved you as mentioned previously? Im guessing the higher the public profile you have, the safer you are. More protected to be in the open than hiding.

You mentioned the Portondown facility. It has been well documented in programs and the news many of the crimes commited there. For example, advising subjects they were testing cures for the common cold etc. but actually testing chemical agents. Many seem to have died at this facility alone. How can this still be allowed - even though its already in mainstream news?? Surely this is a crime against humanity at the highest level.

Were women and children used?

You mentioned British Intel auth'd disclosure. DI8. Why? If so many people know of this secret world why isnt it out? What is the main control keeping this out of the public? Im guessing the media and the ignorance of many is a factor. The net isnt so easily controlled .. yet. Do you know of future plans for tighter control over the net?

SWP30 - The Nato Firefly. Is it manned? What's its function - is it a weapon/reconisance/reaction tester? Is it still operational to your klnowledge? Where is it based?

Remote Viewing - Is it a type of phycic process using our own inbuilt looking glass? Through practice alone, could one harness this ability? Obviously drugs were used to enhanced abilities. I have heard that canabis can induce such effects (Not that I have/will ever use). Is the drugs function to help relax the brain state?
Is/was RV used as a means of spying? Can RV used to comminicate? Can RV be used to implant messages to a person over distance? If so, I am suspecting that many of the 'channelers' out there are being used, fed false info to discredit them and disclosure in general. Is this something you are aware of?

Through RV you seen the past and future? Has anything you seen come to pass? Can you specify an event?

I realise this is quite alot Barry but I have 2 more random questions ..

The Greys - does the neck join the skull in a different place than humans? i.e. Ours is connected up to the back of our skull, greys appear to be right up through the underside of the skull.

Money - These programs must cost a hell of a lot. I'm sure these programs had their many ways of obtaining money but Government subsidies must have also been used. Given the current economic conditions do you see these labs struggling with funding?

Barry, the info you have supplied is extremely informative and invaluable. Im sure I speak for all who post/read this thread when I say we are very greatfull. People have asked a LOT of questions here - and your answers always lead to more Q's

Barry, what would you have us do with this info?

I myself am attempting to compile all the questions and answers on this thread into their specific categories for ease of reference.

As always, thanks and best regards
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Old 11-18-2008, 04:32 PM   #472
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Why do you believe YOU were "chosen" to speak out per say?
chosen is perhaps not the right term although selected by a certain rogue element within British Intel to act as their voice i suppose is same thing

Why you?
Did you "naturally" have upgraded DNA?
Did they clarify why with you?

How did you "feel" after realizing or being "told" that this is what "we" (meaning the Intel agency's or benevolent beings )would like for you to do for us?

Thanks Barry
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Old 11-18-2008, 06:13 PM   #473
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see i have some catching up to do here, will try later on responding ok?

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Old 11-18-2008, 06:28 PM   #474
Bruce Lee
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Barry, why are there two batch of the MRK-I present, most without enhanced capabilities (dormant?) and some with it, is it:
a) done deliberately for some reason(s)?
perhaps a natural advancement is responsible, or training from other sources, ancient sources from certain philosophies?
So what you are saying is both batch of MRK-I are the results of evolution after hybridization and special training is required to invoke the dormant capabilities?
b) black hat OPI produce low end version of MRK-I as their loyal slave workers on earth while white hat OPI secretly upgrade some low end MRK-I to high end version out of compassion?
c) it's just a long process of mere trial and error due to MRK-I was the 1st/early pre-product attempt by the OPI for ground testing and run into unforeseen variables, hence the needs to re-sequence the low end MRK-I's DNA again for the next upgrade to MRK-II and so on and so forth?

Hmmm, let me rephrase the 2nd question if you don't mind:
Is there an ongoing attempt to suppress/purge some unwanted capabilities of current low end MRK-I such as wild animal behaviors (over aggressive, brutal, savage, selfish, territorial) coming from the primate part of the hybrid DNA by adding brain/nerve numbing chemical agents (Fluoride?, MSG?, others?) in water & food supplies, so that they are more civilized and easy to be controlled by TPTB?
no because those qualities can be utilised by certain military factions
Yes got it, thanks.
My logic as follow:
Coffee=Primate gene
Sugar=OPI gene
2in1=Refined MRK-I gene
3in1=Refined MRK-II gene

MRK-I creation is akin to spoon coffee, spoon sugar, add hot water and stir, results are either too bitter, too sweet or just nice.
Variables=coffee & sugar

Now comes MRK-II, we have 2in1 coffee+sugar stick, pour mixture, spoon creamer, add hot water and stir, bingo... balanced sweetness and bitterness plus creamy taste.

How about MRK-III then, get a 3in1 coffee+sugar+creamer stick, pour mixture, add hot water and stir, voila... perfect taste, no complain.

Barry am I getting near with above logic/analogy?

Best regards.
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Old 11-19-2008, 12:50 AM   #475
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Require further time to respond to above, please be patient, thankyou all

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