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Old 09-07-2008, 12:08 AM   #1
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Default A Message for all ?


I have come across a website that has drawn me further into investigating the "Message". I invite all to go and listen, learn and decide for themselves what this is. The site is www.Newmessage.org

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Old 09-07-2008, 12:27 AM   #2
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Default Re: A Message for all ?

From my own understandings Gods message to the world; it is for his sons to learn to forgive all that one thinks has done them harm or bad deeds.
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Old 09-07-2008, 09:53 PM   #3
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Default Re: A Message for all ?

I got a blank page
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Old 09-12-2008, 03:07 AM   #4
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Default Re: A Message for all ?

very lovely site...
didn't have a chance to read it all...
i just skimmed through some main pages for titles...
very lovely site - with earth and space accenting the content that way
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Old 09-15-2008, 12:34 AM   #5
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Exclamation Re: A Message for all ?

Everyone...this information is real! Please visit www.thealliesofhumanity.org to see the TRUE alien agenda and what is happening now. There are measures we as a race must take. Please read the allies briefings. They will tell you the real facts. We must wake up and begin to unite to save our selves!

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Old 02-04-2010, 04:12 AM   #6
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Default Re: A Message for all ?

"The visitors understand the hierarchy of power because they themselves live by it, following their own chain of command, you might say. They are highly organized and very focused in their endeavors, and the idea of having cultures full of free-thinking individuals is largely foreign to them. They do not comprehend or understand individual freedom. They are like many technologically advanced societies in the Greater Community who function both within their respective worlds and in their establishments across vast reaches of space, utilizing a very well-established and rigid form of government and organization. They believe that humanity is chaotic and unruly, and they feel they are bringing order to a situation that they cannot themselves comprehend. Individual freedom is unknown to them, and they do not see its value. As a result, what they seek to establish in the world will not honor this freedom."

This statement reminds me of the Greys and "hive mind" mentality. Do you know "who" the transmissions are from?
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Old 02-10-2010, 12:35 AM   #7
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Default Re: A Message for all ?

I ran across this interview from awhile back and loved some of the concepts.

How are the cultural states of mind organized? How do they fill the needs of the Orion group and the Brotherhood?

Well, start with the prime factor of body identification. The society promotes the concept of "you are your body," which results in fear, especially fear of "death," which is tied in with the idea of physical pain. Combine this with religious doctrine and various cultural ideologies and you have a very fertile ground for manipulation. There is also promotion of identification with the personality and ego. The ego is culturally conditioned to a reactionary state, which is encouraged by media and literature to focus on the elements of security, sensation and power. Under these circumstances, individuals are basically disempowered and blind. In terms of cultural activity, individuals are put in a position where they spend most of their time dealing with "self preservation," "self-gratification" and "self-definition." These functions are basically left hemisphere related. The ego structure often becomes fragmented into "partial selves," making the problem even worse. What is missing is the love of truth, life and the creator that we are all a part of. The idea is to transform "self-preservation" into right action, “self-gratification" into right feeling and "self-definition" into right thought.

This is not probable in the Orion based culture in which we reside if the missing elements are not introduced. What will help to introduce it is the quickening of the vibrational resonance as we move into the fourth density, and what we are seeing around us is the desperation of the negative forces as they grapple for position and control. The alien agendas are beyond secret government manipulation, and at this time they are very worried. That is why the mind control technology has been developed and implemented - to make sure that they can try and preserve control over the population.

Thanks to the publication "The Sovereign Scribe," we are following this section with some interviews with Al Bielek and Preston Nichols; the material relates very well to the data that you have just read. It features some interesting data about the alleged United States ventures on Mars and more data about the Delta-T antennas. Enjoy!
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198
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Old 02-10-2010, 12:38 AM   #8
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Default Re: A Message for all ?

Originally Posted by Carol View Post
"The visitors understand the hierarchy of power because they themselves live by it, following their own chain of command, you might say. They are highly organized and very focused in their endeavors, and the idea of having cultures full of free-thinking individuals is largely foreign to them. They do not comprehend or understand individual freedom. They are like many technologically advanced societies in the Greater Community who function both within their respective worlds and in their establishments across vast reaches of space, utilizing a very well-established and rigid form of government and organization. They believe that humanity is chaotic and unruly, and they feel they are bringing order to a situation that they cannot themselves comprehend. Individual freedom is unknown to them, and they do not see its value. As a result, what they seek to establish in the world will not honor this freedom."

This statement reminds me of the Greys and "hive mind" mentality. Do you know "who" the transmissions are from?
Agree Carol, that's the G's to a tee.
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