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Old 12-12-2009, 10:46 PM   #76
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Truth be told, It doesnt really matter to me because no one will ever take these experiences away fro me.
I have no fear anymore. no fear of dying because I know we go on.
I feel protected. I feel complete like never before...
I really cannot blame anyone for not believing me, it does seem so out of the ordinary that its hard to believe. I kow this.
If someone were to tell me, even a year ago,that all these experiences were going to happen to me, I would have told them they were nuts
But deep within i would have started searching, for i have always felt there must be more to life than what we experience here...


Originally Posted by purpledove View Post
Hi dear

May I suggest you watch the following video


its very beautiful and it will tell you a lot and perhaps while watching it you will get those chills, that rush of energy of Higher Self confirming or highlighting something it wants you to know is true or important to you...

I hope you enjoy... Its my favorite
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Old 12-12-2009, 10:59 PM   #77
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

It could be your "Home", the real one... that may be why you felt you knew the land. probably you did :
I had a similar experience and my experience was somehow more vivid than my waking life.
I was told this was my home in Heaven... A beautiful temple carved with magnifiscent glyph symbols on the facade. the temple was carved on a small mountainside, and above a small lake. all within a pristine jungle like forest. The water from the fountain inside my home and that of the lake were Holy... no Idea how I knew that I just did as soon as I touched it.
BTW, I am NOT religious at all... All water is Holy in Heaven isnt't it?!?

Oh my I cant wait to see the movie "Avatar" because the land of the planet seems very similar to what I saw... of course I only saw a small trailor... and of course there could be millions of planet looking similar...

Anyways I feel you may have been shown place you have lived in. places you call home...!??

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Hi Purpledove, you have wrote something that has been close to my heart since the year 2001, i too have seen this field you speak of.
I was beckoned by my guide whom i call Thomas taken astrally to a place that is so beautiful and although has a likeness to Earth's atmosphere/flora/fauna i knew in my heart it was not earth.
I can not say if it is in the Pleiadian star system but it was truly breath taking.
As i scanned the land before me and the sky above i noticed how bright and colourful it all was.
The wheat slightly swaying as a breeze swept around me i see birds flying high above and hear their calling, the sky was an exquisite blue and the sun danced off the wheat which made it look golden.
Off in the distance i could see a figure beckoning me i knew this was Thomas, as i approached the end of this beautiful field i could see clearer now an arch way of clematis in full bloom stood out to me in a vibrant purple colour, Thomas stood there and opened a wooden gate and made a gesture for me to go through.
He smiled and nodded his head to re assure me all was well, he took my hand and i walked forward.
Sadly this is all i remember, i was awoken after that, This was the last time Thomas made himself noticeable to me he has not been back to me since.
Knowledge was given to me about how things would change for me and showed me a beautiful land which i knew.
This place i knew well i felt one with it i came alive breathing the fresh air my senses were heightened everything felt so right for me.
I would loved to have found out where this place was.
I have also been off planet and stood on the service of another i actually remember looking out into space seeing the stars and two other planets that were in this orbit and very close by, much larger that looking at the moon.
What i will say is that i am 100% sure this is my first incarnation here and i know i am from the future.
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Old 12-12-2009, 11:02 PM   #78
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Hello Jacqui,
if 2 people witness the same reality is has to be true, is it seen physically or is it seen in another way
to you both

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Hi Purpledove, you have wrote something that has been close to my heart since the year 2001, i too have seen this field you speak of.
I was beckoned by my guide whom i call Thomas taken astrally to a place that is so beautiful and although has a likeness to Earth's atmosphere/flora/fauna i knew in my heart it was not earth.
I can not say if it is in the Pleiadian star system but it was truly breath taking.
As i scanned the land before me and the sky above i noticed how bright and colourful it all was.
The wheat slightly swaying as a breeze swept around me i see birds flying high above and hear their calling, the sky was an exquisite blue and the sun danced off the wheat which made it look golden.
Off in the distance i could see a figure beckoning me i knew this was Thomas, as i approached the end of this beautiful field i could see clearer now an arch way of clematis in full bloom stood out to me in a vibrant purple colour, Thomas stood there and opened a wooden gate and made a gesture for me to go through.
He smiled and nodded his head to re assure me all was well, he took my hand and i walked forward.
Sadly this is all i remember, i was awoken after that, This was the last time Thomas made himself noticeable to me he has not been back to me since.
Knowledge was given to me about how things would change for me and showed me a beautiful land which i knew.
This place i knew well i felt one with it i came alive breathing the fresh air my senses were heightened everything felt so right for me.
I would loved to have found out where this place was.
I have also been off planet and stood on the service of another i actually remember looking out into space seeing the stars and two other planets that were in this orbit and very close by, much larger that looking at the moon.
What i will say is that i am 100% sure this is my first incarnation here and i know i am from the future.

Last edited by DOMINIC 777; 12-12-2009 at 11:08 PM.
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Old 12-12-2009, 11:36 PM   #79
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Thank you for this thread Dominic .. I see it's nicely growing and gathering more brothers and sisters from the stars.
I would love to know if there is anyone here who knows of a star that has two suns.
I have seen it in a dream when I was a teenager and clearly knew I was visiting
a far distant planet .
I also have seen an arch surmounted by a black Lion . I believe it's a stargate.
And I remember pristine gardens ...telepathic conversations with that beauty around ..and a sense of oneness with all light forms.

If this rings a bell to anyone I would love to hear from you .

Thank You
Love from me

Last edited by mudra; 12-12-2009 at 11:44 PM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 01:23 AM   #80
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Originally Posted by lucrum View Post
Somewhat offtopic, but still in the bounds of the subject....but "Jorel" is the name of Kal-El's (Superman) father, only written Jor-El.

Maybe the author of superman met the same one and was inspired?
Oh, wow, I didn't know that! I've actually never seen a "Superman" movie (except for the newest one a few years ago.), so this is definitely news to me!

Weirdly enough, a few days after having this experience, Obama was making a speech at some dinner (I can't remember the name of it, but it was at the end of July or beginning of August.), and he made a joke about his background, saying something about "Jorel" (hard "J", like "George".) being his father and that he was born on another planet. Obviously, at the time, I saw the synchronicity between what I'd experienced in the Fire the Grid II meditation and his joke, but I had no clue he was referencing "Superman"!

So thanks for the info, Lucrum. I've learned something today.

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Old 12-13-2009, 06:52 AM   #81
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Sirius is a binary star system for sure.
Sirius A and Sirius B.
The Sphynx... a female lion...
The ancient Egyptians were closely in contact with sirius. the Pyramids are all aligned with the star Sirius.
The pharaoes were said to be gods or demi gods aka Extra terrestrials, and would travel interdimentionally to sirius via a stragate in pyramids or sphynx or something like that.

I have read that the cat people are from Sirius star system.
There is a well known Stargate in Sirius.
It all seems to add up.
but of course it could be anywhere in this vast universe

But maybe that's a start... Hope it helps

Oh and about the pristine gardens ... well I sure would hope other civilizations dont trash their environment like we do...LOL


Originally Posted by mudra View Post

Thank you for this thread Dominic .. I see it's nicely growing and gathering more brothers and sisters from the stars.
I would love to know if there is anyone here who knows of a star that has two suns.
I have seen it in a dream when I was a teenager and clearly knew I was visiting
a far distant planet .
I also have seen an arch surmounted by a black Lion . I believe it's a stargate.
And I remember pristine gardens ...telepathic conversations with that beauty around ..and a sense of oneness with all light forms.

If this rings a bell to anyone I would love to hear from you .

Thank You
Love from me
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Old 12-13-2009, 09:31 AM   #82
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Is the Blue Light in Norway from the Pleiadians or the ARCTURIANS does anybody know.......its an E.T SIGN OF SOME SORT

Originally Posted by purpledove View Post
Sirius is a binary star system for sure.
Sirius A and Sirius B.
The Sphynx... a female lion...
The ancient Egyptians were closely in contact with sirius. the Pyramids are all aligned with the star Sirius.
The pharaoes were said to be gods or demi gods aka Extra terrestrials, and would travel interdimentionally to sirius via a stragate in pyramids or sphynx or something like that.

I have read that the cat people are from Sirius star system.
There is a well known Stargate in Sirius.
It all seems to add up.
but of course it could be anywhere in this vast universe

But maybe that's a start... Hope it helps

Oh and about the pristine gardens ... well I sure would hope other civilizations dont trash their environment like we do...LOL

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Old 12-13-2009, 09:36 AM   #83
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

That is pretty cool!


Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post
i have had one pleiadian around me, since, i was a child
- it is NOT my main guide
however, i asked it once, where it was from,
and, she said, pleiades/and,
when asked what she was, and, what level she was at,
she said she was a "being of light" and, 'it was 9th density"
i asked it what to call her...and, she told me
to call her Viv / or Ane
~ she's like a massive 'pool of lights'
i've often wonder if she is some sort of 'lady of the lake'
as, when she appears,
she puts an amasing glisten and, sparkle into the air,
and,you feel like you are in the middle of an endless ocean of amasing light

there have a been a few times~she has flashed lights,
to warn me of impending danger
(once, she warned me, when a car was driving
over the centre line, straight towards me, and, i would have likely
had a head-on crash, and, fortunately, i veered, further to the right,
and, the other vehicle, missed us)

and, there have been a few times
while sitting beyond thoughts,
and, pondering something another spirit is telling me,
that she flashs her lights, to confirm something

you've reminded me, of something important~
that i'd forgotten about
so thank you, for that ~ she is an important guide,
i should NOT overlook

the eXchanger
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Old 12-13-2009, 09:38 AM   #84
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post
Is the Blue Light in Norway from the Pleiadians or the ARCTURIANS does anybody know.......its an E.T SIGN OF SOME SORT
Hi, Dominic,

It is quite interesting to sort through all the input about what it was. Perhaps it was a mere distraction, and if that is the case, what should we have been noticing.....

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Old 12-13-2009, 10:24 AM   #85
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Hello Gnosis,
I have an intuitive feeling its a Love Stargate PoRTAL TO RAISE THE FREQUENCY on the Earth......there are to many synchronicites happeing at the moment....was theportal created by Pleiadians, arcturians or Tarians?

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Hi, Dominic,

It is quite interesting to sort through all the input about what it was. Perhaps it was a mere distraction, and if that is the case, what should we have been noticing.....

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Old 12-13-2009, 10:38 AM   #86
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post
Hello Gnosis,
I have an intuitive feeling its a Love Stargate PoRTAL TO RAISE THE FREQUENCY on the Earth......there are to many synchronicites happeing at the moment....was theportal created by Pleiadians, arcturians or Tarians?
Yeah, I did feel a lot of love flows a few days before the 12th, and then I sort of blew it yesterday and stooped to petty feelings and responses. Oh, cursed fixed polarities

You know what it reminds me of, and what you said above recalls to me the time when in a between lives abduction the Greys turned a machine on me that kept saying BE CALM and sent BE CALM waves out to me and somehow that machine got turned onto the very hotheaded Reptilian overseer and it was so funny catching a last glimpse of his firebreath just sputtering while I jumped through the vortex that someone sent to me.

Perhaps this was something that was meant for a bad purpose and then got turned around on the very people who sent it out. Beings are their own worst judge-jury-executioner

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Old 12-13-2009, 10:52 AM   #87
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Hello Gnosis, we have 2 choices..if we are positive about the blue flame portal,it is a Love Stargate Portal, if we think negative about it it it a HAARP mechanism.......I think it is a Love portal

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Yeah, I did feel a lot of love flows a few days before the 12th, and then I sort of blew it yesterday and stooped to petty feelings and responses. Oh, cursed fixed polarities

You know what it reminds me of, and what you said above recalls to me the time when in a between lives abduction the Greys turned a machine on me that kept saying BE CALM and sent BE CALM waves out to me and somehow that machine got turned onto the very hotheaded Reptilian overseer and it was so funny catching a last glimpse of his firebreath just sputtering while I jumped through the vortex that someone sent to me.

Perhaps this was something that was meant for a bad purpose and then got turned around on the very people who sent it out. Beings are their own worst judge-jury-executioner

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Old 12-13-2009, 11:15 AM   #88
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post
Hello Gnosis, we have 2 choices..if we are positive about the blue flame portal,it is a Love Stargate Portal, if we think negative about it it it a HAARP mechanism.......I think it is a Love portal
Yes, I grok to your think. As the NT says, to the pure all things are good and pure. You must have some clean karma regarding portals -- can I hold your hand,LOL.

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Old 12-13-2009, 11:26 AM   #89
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Hello Gnosis,
Ithink it is a love Stargate Portal created by 3 types Pleiadian ,Arcturian and Tarian(planet Tara) all blue .....if anyone souls empathises with this frequency ,vibration, then they are being raised to a higher dimensional vibration.....not all people on the earth belong to these 3 E.T. sound harmonics....
It should create healing for people of these frequencies.....

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Yes, I grok to your think. As the NT says, to the pure all things are good and pure. You must have some clean karma regarding portals -- can I hold your hand,LOL.

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Old 12-13-2009, 11:28 AM   #90
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

[QUOTE=DOMINIC 777;198809]
Hello Gnosis,
Ithink it is a love Stargate Portal created by 3 types Pleiadian ,Arcturian and Tarian(planet Tara) all blue .....if anyone soulhas empathy with this frequency ,vibration, then they are being raised to a higher dimensional vibration.....not all people on the Earth belong to these 3 E.T. sound harmonics....
It should create healing for people of these frequencies.....AL WE NEED NOW IS 2 PEOPLE TO WITNESS THIS TRUTH

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Old 12-13-2009, 03:27 PM   #91
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Hello Purpledove

Originally Posted by purpledove View Post
Sirius is a binary star system for sure.
Sirius A and Sirius B.
The Sphynx... a female lion...
The ancient Egyptians were closely in contact with sirius. the Pyramids are all aligned with the star Sirius.
The pharaoes were said to be gods or demi gods aka Extra terrestrials, and would travel interdimentionally to sirius via a stragate in pyramids or sphynx or something like that.

I have read that the cat people are from Sirius star system.
There is a well known Stargate in Sirius.
It all seems to add up.
but of course it could be anywhere in this vast universe

But maybe that's a start... Hope it helps

Oh and about the pristine gardens ... well I sure would hope other civilizations dont trash their environment like we do...LOL

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Old 12-13-2009, 03:38 PM   #92
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Don't know why I feel the need to share this..maby the Egyptian connection...but the star Sirius, has a connection to Isis:

from Wikipedia
Isis also assimilated Sopdet, the personification of the star Sirius, since Sopdet, rising just before the flooding of the Nile, was seen as a bringer of fertility, and so had been identified with Hathor as well. Sopdet retained an element of distinct identity, however, as Sirius was quite visibly a star and not living in the underworld— which might have conflicted with Isis' representation as the wife of Osiris, who was the ruler of the underworld.

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Old 12-13-2009, 03:51 PM   #93
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

tHE BLUE PORTAL in Norway is a vital key linked to the Pleiadians Arcturians and Tarians ..also linked to the Circle of LoVE AROUND THE eARTH

Originally Posted by BROOK View Post
Don't know why I feel the need to share this..mabye the Egyptian connection...but the star Sirius, has a connection to Isis:

from Wikipedia
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Old 12-13-2009, 03:54 PM   #94
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post
tHE BLUE PORTAL in Norway is a vital key linked to the Pleiadians Arcturians and Tarians ..also linked to the Circle of LoVE AROUND THE eARTH
And the Halls of Amenti Staff of Amenti..Blue flames
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Old 12-13-2009, 04:00 PM   #95
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

[QUOTE=DOMINIC 777;198814]
Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post
Hello Gnosis,
Ithink it is a love Stargate Portal created by 3 types Pleiadian ,Arcturian and Tarian(planet Tara) all blue .....if anyone soulhas empathy with this frequency ,vibration, then they are being raised to a higher dimensional vibration.....not all people on the Earth belong to these 3 E.T. sound harmonics....
It should create healing for people of these frequencies.....AL WE NEED NOW IS 2 PEOPLE TO WITNESS THIS TRUTH

Check out this dream I had two weeks ago...yes...I have empathy with these thoughts


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Old 12-13-2009, 04:11 PM   #96
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

Hello Brook ,I UNDERSTAND YOUR DREAM it is based on reality and Love

Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post

Check out this dream I had two weeks ago...yes...I have empathy with these thoughts


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Old 12-13-2009, 04:27 PM   #97
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

[QUOTE=DOMINIC 777;198910]Hello Brook ,I UNDERSTAND YOUR DREAM it is based on reality and Love

The entrance to Tara
And while I'm at it....I got this really weird feeling about an earthquake. Probably nothing. Just thought I'd share that feeling. Being in California can do that to ya...haha

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Old 12-13-2009, 04:51 PM   #98
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I always associate the word TARA with "Gone with the wind"...Scarlett's beloved home...
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Old 12-13-2009, 05:24 PM   #99
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

hELLO Brook,
There may be solar disorder, but keeping positive is key,however some people have a very strong intuition , so we must keep an open mind

Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post
Hello Brook ,I UNDERSTAND YOUR DREAM it is based on reality and Love

The entrance to Tara
And while I'm at it....I got this really weird feeling about an earthquake. Probably nothing. Just thought I'd share that feeling. Being in California can do that to ya...haha
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Old 12-13-2009, 06:31 PM   #100
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Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

David Wilcock says this is bluebeam HAARP.....THE BLUE LIGHT IN NORWAY....NORWAY SPIRAL
He also says that it could be coming from the E.T'S THEMSELVES...ATTACKING haarp....
This is confusing the issue....is it HAARP or is it E.T created from the circle of LoVE...BLUE FLAME?
i think it was the E.T.'S

Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post

Check out this dream I had two weeks ago...yes...I have empathy with these thoughts


Last edited by DOMINIC 777; 12-13-2009 at 06:50 PM.
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