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Old 12-20-2008, 12:52 AM   #276
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Just a quick "Hello".

Best Christmas present watching the bush shoe incident.
Pure class.Still smiling.

Decided to subscribe .
Good to see a few stayed .
Sol was a bit dramatic I seemed to have missed something he perceived.
Delphi hows the laddie?

I have been watching the seismonitors and over the past week there has been around four earthquakes a day Richter 5 and above.
The hole in the magnetic shield is not looking good either.

Merry Christmas All
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Old 12-20-2008, 01:11 AM   #277
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Hi everyone
Just listening to the shipping forecast. hope everyone fares well in the winds and the floods.
also heard there's a big cat or two wandering in the woods around Alness

W's doing fine thanks Shaun. Glad you're still here.The police got involved as some people witnessed the incident and phoned the school. W said afterwards why did he feel like he was the one who'd done something wrong?

as for Sol's departure Greybeard (as ever!) wrote wisely on the goodbye Sol thread. It's sad he won't be at the next SGC gathering but I'm looking forward to connecting again in person. Given how long we talked in Inverness, do we need to plan an overnighter? i'm happy to host it here in the Borders if that's not too far for everyone to travel.

wishing everyone all the best for the Solstice Christmas and New Year.
love to all
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Old 12-20-2008, 10:45 AM   #278
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Some Amazing information videos on energy / quantum theory etc etc etc on this site; http://www.911truthbristol.com/cinema/zpe/zpe.html

Also Naomi Wolf's talk is very good http://www.911truthbristol.com/cinem...ro/bigbro.html

Wishing everyone a Blessed Yule, and a happy, non-commercialised, genial Festive Season whatever your faith / beliefs / philosophy!

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Old 12-20-2008, 04:10 PM   #279
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

I would like to wish everyone here a very peaceful and happy Christmas and a New Year that brings spiritual contentment in the year ahead and beyond.

My very best thoughts to you all ... Tom.
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Old 12-20-2008, 06:38 PM   #280
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Hi everyone
like Shaun I've been looking at the seismic info as well. is it an unbelievably naive question to ask why the depths vary except for those that are a round 10k deep?

love to all
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Old 12-21-2008, 02:41 PM   #281
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

did not mean to rant

Last edited by shaundelear; 12-22-2008 at 01:17 PM.
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Old 12-21-2008, 11:44 PM   #282
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

thanks so much for that long post
(rant about human arrogance in attempting to control something as massive as a pole shift deleted!!!)
I suspect the reason the earthquakes aren't reaching the media is actually good for the people in the areas affected - no casualties.
lets hope the number of earthquakes does drop from its current level.

Sorry Chris I'm forgetting it all just is! AGAIN!

love to everyone
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Old 12-22-2008, 12:40 AM   #283
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Originally Posted by Delphi View Post
thanks so much for that long post
(rant about human arrogance in attempting to control something as massive as a pole shift deleted!!!)
I suspect the reason the earthquakes aren't reaching the media is actually good for the people in the areas affected - no casualties.
lets hope the number of earthquakes does drop from its current level.

Sorry Chris I'm forgetting it all just is! AGAIN!

love to everyone
Your up late my friend.
Re earth quakes -- depth of 10 is actually fairly normal but that causes a lot of damage if its strong enough. What I do find strange is there is little report of after shocks ie the one in Sweden which is not prone to quakes.
It is as it it is but information is helpful. Its good to be aware without fear.

Im fraid Im off to bed now

Good night. x
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:36 AM   #284
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Apologies if this has been posted before- the Michael Tsarion talk - just saw it last night, very interesting.

http://gcpdot.com/ the Global Consciousness Project- will be interesting to see what happens on xmas day, and also when Obama gets inaugurated?!

Interesting Times indeed
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Old 12-24-2008, 12:37 PM   #285
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So sorry I am just back on line have been decorating (nightmare) but it’s all done it’s over hip hip hooray

Will catch up with all of you soon

My love brothers and sisters


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Old 12-27-2008, 03:21 PM   #286
Yoga Nanda
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

James in Glasgow here boys and girls ............sure y'all found the Zeta safe locations info re Scotland and Ireland a bundle of laughs, seem to be spending a lot of time in mountaineering/ winter sports shops these days too, Happy Noo Year everybody
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Old 12-28-2008, 03:16 PM   #287
Yoga Nanda
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Default Natural antidotes

In the event of any biological weapons attacks we could do with all the help we can get from Mother Nature, so here’s a quick summary for your use :-



ANTHRAX : (1) GARLIC capsules / powder / fresh garlic cloves

: (2)100/ 150mg taurine / or alpha lipoic acid or N-acetyl cysteine
spoon powdered 10000mg VITAMIN C in juice

: (3) 5-20mg MELATONIN (at bedtime?!)


(4) OREGANO : OregacinTM pills / OregacinTM capsules

NERVE GAS : 150mcg Huperzine A
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Old 12-30-2008, 10:24 AM   #288
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Default Re: Natural antidotes

Originally Posted by Yoga Nanda View Post
In the event of any biological weapons attacks we could do with all the help we can get from Mother Nature, so here’s a quick summary for your use :-



ANTHRAX : (1) GARLIC capsules / powder / fresh garlic cloves

: (2)100/ 150mg taurine / or alpha lipoic acid or N-acetyl cysteine
spoon powdered 10000mg VITAMIN C in juice

: (3) 5-20mg MELATONIN (at bedtime?!)


(4) OREGANO : OregacinTM pills / OregacinTM capsules

NERVE GAS : 150mcg Huperzine A

Thanks for the information Yoga
This thred is a bit quiet at the moment due to Christmas/Newyear, it will perk up again soon.
Regards Chris
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Old 01-02-2009, 10:59 PM   #289
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Hi everyone
Hope you saw the new year in in style! May this year bring your best dreams to fruition.
Has anyone else been watching astralwalker's thread and the plans for group meditations on Sunday February 9th and (probably) May? They are suggesting those of us in the northern hemisphere might prefer to do the February one in the warmth of our homes, and that we gather at a sacred site for the May one.
Anyone interested in a trip to Easter Aquhorties (can anyone actually say it?) or Loanhead of Daviot (where some of W's paternal ancestors are buried) or Midmar or anywhere else in Aberdeenshire? Does anyone have a suggestion for somewhere else where the energy is clean and strong?
love to all
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Old 01-03-2009, 03:47 PM   #290
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Hello Delphi ...

Yes, 2009 ... I hope for the best for everyone's sake, but I'm feeling pessimistic I have to say. That, however, doesn't stop me from also wishing everyone a fulfilling year ahead.

I read the Astralwalker thread as it was when originally notified on the Camelot site. It's been added to a great deal since then, so I had decided a couple of days ago to re-read it, this time more deliberately as I sense there is a lot of good information in there. I haven't reached the part where group meditations are being suggested, but it sounds like a very attractive suggestion. I look forward to seeing what transpires.

I wonder if anyone is following the developments regarding Yellowstone?

Regards to all ...
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Old 01-05-2009, 12:19 PM   #291
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Hi Delphi Tom et All.
Happy new year.
Yes Feb at home seems good idea.
Tom I used to check Yellowstone regularly after I saw a program on horizon about it. Last time it blew there were days of darkness worldwide. We are amatatures when it comes to polution -- smiling. There was a botle neck in the number of humans at that time ie the population was greatly reduced to near extinction but we, the human race, made it through.
There is nothing new and I am positive about the future.
Death is inevitable ( if not now, when?) and not to be feared.
Enjoy the moment of Now which is eternal.
The play of life is allways Now. Events arise and subside in the moment. We continue to be regardless.
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Old 01-05-2009, 04:45 PM   #292
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Hey Scottish Ground Crew!

Thought I'd drop by and wish you all a HAppy New Year.

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Old 01-05-2009, 08:01 PM   #293
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Thanks Chris ...

The Yellowstone thread on the ATS website seems to have calmed down a bit with the input of a few more sensible voices. How easy it is to stir up concern, and I have to admit to paying a little more attention to it than perhaps I should!

I agree there's nothing new, and I too am positive about the ultimate future for us as eternal beings. I did mention previously that I was feeling pessimistic, but that came more from my concern for those around me who I care about but who seem not to be too aware of what is around the corner.

Christmas and New Year were very busy but happy for us, so I'm very content about that and looking forward to the pleasure of the company of my family and good friends in the times ahead. This brings to mind my thoughts about preparation for the significant changes that will be upon us over the next few years - I wonder what the current thinking among fellow forum members is on this?

(Thanks Iain ... and a Guid New Year to you too!)

Regards to all ... Tom.
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Old 01-09-2009, 05:47 AM   #294
Yoga Nanda
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

IF?? a pole shift occurs what are the realistic chances for us in Scotland? I've read the Zeta safe locations information and its none too encouraging. Nor the knowledge of how the tsunami occurred in Scotland 5800BC. After all we're not even a hundred miles across, coast to coast.
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Old 01-09-2009, 11:07 AM   #295
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Hi Yoga Nanda, Hi everyone
as far as earth changes are concerned I find David Wilcock and Drunvalo Melchizidek most reassuring: that if we are in our hearts we will be fine! It's navigating human-made situations that's more problematic for me, and again that's a matter of listening to my heart in all and any circumstances. I really want to get to the happy ending of the story!
love to all
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Old 01-09-2009, 06:02 PM   #296
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Smile Happy Endings

Thanks Delphi i am familiar with their work, but i gotta look after the children too so i'm interested in what all my Scottish brothers and sisters have to say about what our best bets would be........there's quite a few mountains to choose from!!!!! all the best to you
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Old 01-09-2009, 06:20 PM   #297
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Think we just have to wait for the moment and see how the situations re earth changes start to developpe.
I do however think that being in the heart makes a difference.
We will be guided Im sure.
Anyway whats so terrible about exiting this world.
If teachers are to be believed and I do we have had many life times allready.

Regards to all
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Old 01-11-2009, 10:56 AM   #298
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Hello Friends ...

I downloaded and ran the software from the following link:


This link came from the thread here ...

I know nothing about the Earth Grid, so I was intrigued to see that I could produce an overlay map of the UK that has so many lines intersecting at a point in the north-west of Scotland. Can anyone here give a simple explanation of what is being indicated here?

(Just click the thumbnail to enlarge the image a bit)

Regards to all ...
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Old 01-11-2009, 03:06 PM   #299
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

An explaInation of sorts for you as I have sailed the Minch many times in the past on route to the Orkney Isles.

There is a major magnetic anomaly that runs up the west coast of Scotland, and has a very large flucuation due to the very old rock and its unique mineral content. It makes navigation a little tricky, and has caught many an unwary person on or near rocks and small islands. I consider the Minch to be one of the most dangerous stretches of water for sailing up in Europe.

That this earth map shows this through their own research doesn't suprise me at all.

I corrected my spelling because the Spelling Nazis have turned up.

Last edited by Egg; 01-11-2009 at 04:38 PM.
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Old 01-11-2009, 03:13 PM   #300
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Default Spot the Ball

very interesting, would be more impressed if EXPLAIN was spelt correctly though! And i can't get any links to come up - thankfully nothing to do with Bonnybridge anyways ........c'mon tell us - what's it all about???
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