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Visions of the Future Visions of the future, What are you seeing? Thoughts, Dreams, Intuition....

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Old 10-07-2008, 08:04 PM   #1
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Default Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Well it's 3 pm ct Oct 7 , and nothing happend , haha ! web bot PFFFT yea right . Anyways Love and light will WIN !!! non of your doom and gloom predictions !! HA !~
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Old 10-07-2008, 11:10 PM   #2
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Hi Morphius,
Check out the thread labeled half past human(two threads below this) by jimbo83478 for an update from the source.
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Old 10-07-2008, 11:14 PM   #3
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Did you listen to them?
It is probably not one big huge event like 10 nukes going off in the USA, at 7 am on Oct 7
but a series of little dominoes falling one by one.
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Old 10-07-2008, 11:16 PM   #4
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Yes... I have looked at George & Cliffs historical comments, and they have been consistant in saying it may very well not be a 'nuke/911' event - but more subtle. Read their update. It is making sense to me.

However, can I get a collective "Whew....!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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Old 10-07-2008, 11:44 PM   #5
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

For sure, at least for today After all, they were a day early on the Musharraf resignation.

No, seriously, though, given all the things that happened today worldwide, I could see a number of them being a trigger for major problems down the road.

And we should not conflate Mr. Deagle's predictions with the time monk's predictions, and make them one and the same.

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Old 10-07-2008, 11:50 PM   #6
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It could be a greater awakening happening and you know it's rough to wake up. It may take 4-5 months for those emotions to calm down as they gain knowledge and discipline.

Just another perspective.
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Old 10-07-2008, 11:51 PM   #7
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Well its October 8th here and I'm not dead.

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Old 10-07-2008, 11:57 PM   #8
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Today was a great day , the interstelar reactionless hyperdrive using free energy was invented...mark my words..lol
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Old 10-08-2008, 12:16 AM   #9
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Originally Posted by Morphious View Post
Well it's 3 pm ct Oct 7 , and nothing happend , haha ! web bot PFFFT yea right . Anyways Love and light will WIN !!! non of your doom and gloom predictions !! HA !~

Your an idiot, the webbot predicted "huge amount of release language" starting Oct 7th, not the end of the world. The real meaning of Oct 7th, is that everything will be falling down like a domino effect, after this date.

As soon as you think a problem is fixed, bam, another problem. As soon as you think that problem was fixed, bam, another problem begins again etc. This will continue on for SIX full months, untill things settle out.

Webbot predicts that these SIX months is the LEAST of our problems. 2009 will be the year of turmoil , and human harvesting.

It was your good friend Dr. Deagle who predicted DOOM and GLOOM on the 7th, not webbot!
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Old 10-08-2008, 12:19 AM   #10
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

It'll be just a series of falling dominoes over the time, not an all-out and total major event like the ones on 9/11/01.

The debate is still on tonight as far as I know.
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Old 10-08-2008, 12:24 AM   #11
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After the Miriam D's interview and Bill Deagle's call, I just could not bring myself to listen to any further calls, either by George and Cliff or the other phychics. I was on doom and gloom overload and ready to find the nearest large reptile to offer myself to in sacrifice.

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Old 10-08-2008, 01:00 AM   #12
Mark Stephenson
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

The interview on Rense last night was just a joke, They backpeddled so fast they almost came off the bike. Totally contridicted virtually everything they said on C2C.

We should be looking at how Reinhardt has now called both the biggest drops in the stock market this year TO THE DAY.

Now theres an insider with some information he is right "Legatus" IS where the power is, I watched his video on the 2nd October on google before they pulled it and he said they would crash the market around 800 points on the 6th and buy it back up.

No crystal balls there, he has insider knowledge, I dunno how u'd get hold of him for an interview but it would be dynamite.
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Old 10-08-2008, 02:34 AM   #13
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

So that ***** just rambles off talking about his "visions" of massive destruction, or the first signs of them going to start happening on the 7th. I haven't seen anything at all except just slight fluctuations in the market, it worried me all last night. Living in southern California, as where he described all of this devastation to happen, how am I supposed to react to his "prophecy"? I mean, really. I just don't know. For now, I think it's all bogus and I will continue living the way I feel comfortable, rather than stocking up on food and water. And if it does in fact happen, then God help me.
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Old 10-08-2008, 02:44 AM   #14
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I do not understand as an intelligent race we can sometime be that we are going by a 'bot prediction' now? The ETs must be scratching their heads on this one. "You mean they are putting faith in web bots now?? Insanity"

C'mon that kind of thing really can't be credible right?

I feel sad that any credit is given to a computer scenerio that has no soul or human element and promoted here.

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Old 10-08-2008, 03:08 AM   #15
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Originally Posted by Mark Stephenson View Post
The interview on Rense last night was just a joke, They backpeddled so fast they almost came off the bike. Totally contridicted virtually everything they said on C2C.

We should be looking at how Reinhardt has now called both the biggest drops in the stock market this year TO THE DAY.

Now theres an insider with some information he is right "Legatus" IS where the power is, I watched his video on the 2nd October on google before they pulled it and he said they would crash the market around 800 points on the 6th and buy it back up.

No crystal balls there, he has insider knowledge, I dunno how u'd get hold of him for an interview but it would be dynamite.
Do you have a link to that vid, or a name i can google? sounds interesting the Dow seems like a ever sinking ship right now
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Old 10-08-2008, 03:17 AM   #16
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HPH stated that the event could be anything, and not necessarily something BIG and obvious - merely that an event will occur that will precipitate future hardships.

If we look closely, a few noteable events did occur today. There was the Fed getting into the OTC derivatives business. This actually prevented an imminent world wide meltdown but will actually make things alot worse down the road (hyperinflation, anyone?).

Bernake was also seen on TV today, saying basically that everything sucks and we're all going to die. Or something to that effect. As soon as he got his ugly mug off the screen, the Dow tanked and tanked hard. Investors are even more afraid now which will impact near-future market events.

Iceland is about to go bellyup. One of Iceland's banks has today denied its customers in the UK any deposits or withdrawals. This could be the catalyst that bring the UK down, as many of us have been hearing of. Additionally, there is some scary news just now about the LIBOR rates and how that is going to affect bank to bank lending in the UK.

Remember, trick is to keep watching the next few days, weeks and see if these events are indeed going to spark something much much greater then.

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Old 10-08-2008, 03:23 AM   #17
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Originally Posted by Average Joe View Post
Well its October 8th here and I'm not dead.

You sure that your not?
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Old 10-08-2008, 03:33 AM   #18
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Could this be the 10-7-08 prediction in progress?

Syria Massing Troops Along Border with Lebanon
By Edward Yeranian
07 October 2008

Eyewitness reports say that Syria is continuing to mass troops along its border with Lebanon, prompting the warning from the United States not to meddle or to intervene militarily. For VOA, Edward Yeranian reports from Beirut.

Fresh reports of a Syrian troop buildup along Lebanon's eastern Beka'a Valley are ringing alarm bells in Beirut and Washington.

Quoting Lebanese security sources, the Arab daily al-Hayat, reports the Syrian army has deployed tanks to the Beka'a Valley border town of al-Qa'a. Eyewitnesses also report that the Syrian Army has dug trenches and erected earthen barriers.

Two weeks ago, Lebanon's LBC TV broadcast images of Syrian troops camped along Lebanon's northern border, sparking initial fears of an invasion.

The latest Syrian troop buildup follows a series of defense protocols signed Monday by U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense Mary Beth Long and Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Murr.

The three agreements include a one-time U.S. gift of $63 million in military equipment to the Lebanese army. The Israeli Web site Debka File claims the gift includes a number of Cobra helicopters now stationed in Jordan.

U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State David Hale told a Lebanese radio station the United States has "no intention of changing its policy towards either Lebanon or Syria," and it is "committed to Lebanese sovereignty."

Monday, State Department Spokesman Robert Wood said the United States told Syria any "intervention" in Lebanon is "unacceptable."

Syrian officials have repeatedly insisted the troop build-up along the border is merely intended to "combat smuggling."

The head of the Political Science Department at the American University of Beirut, Professor Hilal Kashan, thinks Syria is preparing the ground for an eventual Lebanon incursion by using the Fatah al-Islam guerrilla group, which Syria created, as a pretext.

"If terrorist attacks against the Lebanese Army in the north continue to go ahead, and it is my understanding that Fatah al-Islam is engaged in these activities against the army, and we all know that Fatah al Islam is a [Syrian] intelligence creation, and reports from Syria say that the Syrians have arrested their leader, Chaker al Abssi, and that they aborted, last month, a terrorist attack against a packed stadium in Damascus. So, all that is designed to show that there is a wedge between Fatah al Islam and Syria," said Kashan.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said last week that Islamic militants inside Lebanon "pose a threat to Syrian stability."

Lebanon's parliamentary majority leader Sa'ad Hariri responded to Mr. Assad, asserting that "Syria represents a threat to Lebanese stability."
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Old 10-08-2008, 04:19 AM   #19
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Here is my 2 cents ... As I see it, HPH predictions can provide us the general direction and the major phases that are going to happen in the future. Like any predictive models, HPH model is based on a few key assumptions and has its own limitations. It can never be viewed as an exact description of actual future events, especially the dates, which is always the most difficult to pinpoint. So, we need to pay more attention the big picture given from HPH, and bear in our minds that the PTB may fine-tune their decisions in light of mass opinions, including the HPH predictions.

However, the general development of the economic collapse is, in my opinion, not reversible. It has been planned for decades and the elitests are waiting for the bubble to burst now. They created the financial bubble through fractional banking and derivatives financing. By inventing the money, they know better than all others on when the game will end. And they have arranged their positions in a way that they become the beneficiaries of the collapse.

The immediate trigger will be the financial derivatives markets. The derivatives are basically money created out of thin air. You can consider them as gambling tickets "derived" from other financial instruments, which could also be nothing but tickets. This whole derivatives bubble can sustain itself only when most of the players in the markets choose not to cash in their positions. If the confidence of the market is lost and everyone tries to settle their positions into cash gains, all the "tickets" will change into bad debts and rewrite a huge portion of assets of most banks into debts, and hence bankrupt them.

I remember listening to a radio interview in which the guest said that the derivatives traded globally were valued at 590 trillian dollars, with 520 trillian in US markets. As a comparison, US GDP is said to be 13 trillian. Banks all over the world have invested heavily in derivatives. And the markets are about to burst any time now. This coincide with the HPH predictions on the global economic collapse in October.
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Old 10-08-2008, 04:20 AM   #20
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Default Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Originally Posted by LiquidSwordz View Post
Your an idiot, the webbot predicted "huge amount of release language" starting Oct 7th, not the end of the world. The real meaning of Oct 7th, is that everything will be falling down like a domino effect, after this date.

As soon as you think a problem is fixed, bam, another problem. As soon as you think that problem was fixed, bam, another problem begins again etc. This will continue on for SIX full months, untill things settle out.

Webbot predicts that these SIX months is the LEAST of our problems. 2009 will be the year of turmoil , and human harvesting.

It was your good friend Dr. Deagle who predicted DOOM and GLOOM on the 7th, not webbot!
Well first off , an idiot ? thats a bit harsh no ? And if you listen to the first interview with them on coast to coast ...they said it " Would" be a 9/11 "Like" event something like the emotions of the masses will be the same blah blah. If you honestly think that a computer program can predict the future in any way shape or form i would question your own "HUMINT". Webot did predict something "bad" would happen. Thats all they predict. George noory even askes him in the interview (George Ure) " Is there any good news from this program" ? No, he states that not what it's designed for.
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Old 10-08-2008, 04:23 AM   #21
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Furthermore, I would like to simply say. If enogh people or programs on computers make enogh "Predictions" eventually some will come true..It's a mathamatical fact indeed !
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Old 10-08-2008, 06:14 AM   #22
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Cool Re: Oct 7 Web bot predictions

Maybe...... the key here, is to go back to basics regarding upcoming events. one gets the impression that everbody is running around waiting for somthing to take place, i bring your attention to the song.. waiting, waiting on the world to change....I'm with willcock on this 1.
I really believe we are witnessing a war on consciousness, the issues are very, very, very complex and we are indeed at a unique point in history. the old duality element of this universe has been condensed so much and things are unraveling at an alarming rate. it's a war over good and bad through conscious thought. Tit for tat.
We are Co creating our reality. when addressing these issues, dont forget the so above-so below, Consciousness creates reality, The law of attraction principle. What we think is what we get. it's that simple.

We are all one consciousness fighting for the future we want, including the bad guys!!
If a million and 1 people envisage a horrible future and only a million envisage a nice harmonic future guess whats going to happen.!!
you guessed it. Even though by a minority of one, thats how competitive it is on a collective level.
TheseTimes are critical, and every positive mind counts. Okay it's good to be aware of what the 'powers of be' are up to.
But dont let them steal your future by manipulating your thoughts through scare tactics,

They are cornered, and no-one is going to fall for of there false flag event's any more.
This aside, there is still this issue of a split in humanity, while the smart get smarter the dumb get dumber, this complicates things even further. you only have to look at the news papers and in the streets to witness this. but this is a topic for another thread.

Regarding the web bot technology, nothing is set in stone, as you can understand when we here of something in the pipeline, we automatically shift our thoughts accordingly, so it's as if we are always one step ahead of the game this is where it gets really tricky, we would all be as well hoping for a future we would like, rather than trying to guess or predict something we dont. I am sure this is how we more or less got in this position in the first place by messing with technology we shouldn't be. There for creating varous timlines etc.
However, we are very powerful individuals and things can change in an instant Given we focus on Positive intent, The intelligent man will inherit the earth.... Peace All.
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