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Old 09-19-2008, 04:47 PM   #26
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

Originally Posted by nomadrush View Post
Yes I am a "normal poster" but I am also presenter of a weekly radio and TV show trying to get the message out that there is more going on out there than the mainstream media will tell, us about.

wish you luck on your purposes.
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Old 09-19-2008, 05:24 PM   #27
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

hi ross i have not posted at ats since they flamed the hell out of dan tanna whos threads i loved glad i found this place though lot more friendlier
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Old 09-19-2008, 05:42 PM   #28
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

Hah, what a synchronicity...

I have been backing off of ATS a bit myself as yes the ego is outrageous, and discussion just doesn't seem to happen there anymore. New people are bullied as well as those who don't suck up to certain "experts" should they present evidence contrary to the their views...as demonstrated by My friend/Ufologist from France on a particular case involving a certain "UFO" picture. It's a jolly thread jam packed with: humor! intrigue! & and plenty of close mindedness by the "experts". Doing exactly what they whine and complain that the main media does to them, rules by decree despite apparent evidence of an "anomaly". Here's the original thread for those of you interested in seeing an interesting pic and some fairly decent analysis (and lay observations) done by quiet a few different people.

Original Photo Surprise Thread on ATS

Which all of a sudden got resurrected out of no where yesterday too I might add...

So everyone eventually says "take the pic to Jeff (Ritzman)!" the resident photographer/expert. He says "it's a bird" by decree even though we present evidence that is completely not consistent with it being a cute little tweet-tweet. Like the shutter speed being able to stop a humming bird's wings in flight but still this thing was "blurred". It has a cone shaped "shadow" or "blur" around it that is not consistent with flapping wings, and tends to only show up in the Cyan & Magenta color channels.

Photo Surprise 2 Thread! More ATS Madness!

So apparently all the stress wasn't good for Jeff and his book writting so he went on the age-old "I'm leaving" tiraid. I keep telling people, just don't say anything and stop posting awhile and save yourself the drama but no....

JRitzman's Departure thread at Drama-tastic ATS!

I have avenged you John Lear! jk That was in response to John's last interview with PC. I don't think they're dis-info agents, I just think they're way too into themselves...
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Old 09-19-2008, 05:44 PM   #29
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

Originally Posted by Sarentack View Post
This is the exact reason why the Billy Meier case could be real, the people at ATS have contaminated that case so badly it make anyone doubt it ever took place.
No kidding they took Billy Meier and just tore that story to shreds. They did it so effectively that any new person researching that case would automatically dismiss it.

I say stay the heck away from ats!
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Old 09-19-2008, 06:05 PM   #30
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

The more stories I am hearing from ex and current ATS members today, the more I am sure that what has happened in the past few hours has been for the best. And hey - I am making some new friends too!

Every cloud has a silver lining after all!

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Old 09-19-2008, 07:31 PM   #31
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

No don't ever post or read stuff on ATS forum. It's such a bad forum.
They control everything and they are for the Secrecy of the governement concerning the Extraterrestrials and they have a bunch of skeptics who work for the Government.

It's not a good forum.
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Old 09-19-2008, 07:40 PM   #32
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

What makes you say that Bill? I can't say I know much about the ATS gang's history. I went there looking for other people to talk to about this stuff, and yeah, they tended to get in the way with their "expertise" oddly enough. But I can't say I know much about the admins and mods. It seems like there are some cool mods on there who don't take themselves too terribly serious which is nice. But yeah, the ones with the most influence seem to bring the most resistance.
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Old 09-19-2008, 10:22 PM   #33
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

I never joined ATS but was a reader for many years. One thing I noticed, especially over the past year, was the quality of posts, and how they went downhill. It used to be there were good discussions on "esoteric" topics, then it seemed to be nothing but politics and candidate bashing. Seemed like lots of new people were joining, the moderation was getting worse-so many reminders in each thread about one line posts, give me a break! It also seemed like there were more "uneducated" people posting gibberish and looking to provoke people into flamewars. I checked out the site the other day and couldn't tell if I was looking at a pop news site or a site devoted to mysteries...well, well, at least there are some other places to explore.
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Old 09-19-2008, 10:40 PM   #34
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

"golden goose" that made me laugh
visited ATS once and couldnt see past the adverts
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Old 09-20-2008, 01:52 AM   #35
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

Because I remember opening a discussion on the Roswell autopsy video and they all jumped on me saying that it is a fake.

We have great evidence that the video is genuine because Robert Dean confirmed it.
Apparently, the Edgar Mitchell confirmed it as well lately.

And on many occasions everytime I talk about things that have proofs behind them, that forum shows it skepticity on the subject of Extraterrestrials.
Most people there are fast to dismiss any proof and even if you give them proof they won't believe you.
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Old 09-20-2008, 02:44 AM   #36
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

Yeah that's pretty much what happened to me too in the threads I posted. There's evidence of odd-doings-a'-transpirin' but no, they insist on their conclusion of course. As soon as you challenge their opinions you get to hear about how they wrote the books, and worked on the movies, etc so they don't have time to mess with a blurry "bird" picture, yet they'll keep necro posting in the thread about their assessment everyone time someone disagrees with their "expert" opinion. Heh it was funny I was censored when I replied to the "waste our time" comment with:

If you have got pics of the Zetan Greys BBQ'ing with US Airforce at Edwards AFB then by all means share or maybe try lending some constructive feedback on the case for a change.

I think that angered them because then even more mods (and Springer himself) show up and we get lectured at about "coming in someone's house" and telling them what's-what. That point was reiterated to me today in a necro posting bonanza to which I replied with a one finger salute

I'm not sure how many the staff/mods @ ATS enjoy me all that much there

I don't break the rules there, but I do try to bend them when it annoys the bullies
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Old 09-20-2008, 03:47 AM   #37
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Exclamation Re: The demise of the ATS forums

I had a recent run-in at ATS where two newly-registered members started a thread as sock-puppets waffling about hissing reptilians and David Icke, and making a mockery of the subject. I stepped in and basically said this load of poppycock has to stop... and guess what... a moderator stepped in and gave me a warning for an "off-topic post"!

Here I am, attempting to preserve the dignity of the ATS forums and we have moderators actively encouraging ignorant trolling. I am flabbergasted!

Ross, I feel for you man. You're not the only one to feel put out by the going-ons there.
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Old 09-20-2008, 09:54 AM   #38
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

There are some interesting comments been added to my blog overnight from other ATS and ex ATS members and some of them make VERY interesting reading! (http://blog.myspace.com/rosshemsworth)

The thread that they have put up for "damage limitation" contains the expected untruths and variations form the e-mail that was sent to me, but it's top of the news page with 66 flags so it's obviously caused great interest!

Yes it is true they have put commerciality above the treatment of their members but i guess everyone has a right to make a living, but at what expense?

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Old 09-20-2008, 10:01 AM   #39
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

Originally Posted by nomadrush View Post
There are some interesting comments been added to my blog overnight from other ATS and ex ATS members and some of them make VERY interesting reading! (http://blog.myspace.com/rosshemsworth)

The thread that they have put up for "damage limitation" contains the expected untruths and variations form the e-mail that was sent to me, but it's top of the news page with 66 flags so it's obviously caused great interest!

Yes it is true they have put commerciality above the treatment of their members but i guess everyone has a right to make a living, but at what expense?

This is the top story over there at the moment!

for original
more infoEveryone has their price, don't they ATS?

Before you guys remove this thread, as this is a conspiracy forum, can this not be censored?

A respected member of the ATS community Nomadrush is now on the road to being kicked off ATS due to so-called "brand exclusivity with an international entertainment production company"

So this is what ATS has finally become, the "three amigos" have finally sold their soul?

I'm sure Robbie William's involvement doesn't have a thing to do with this /sarcasm

I'll keep this short because freedom of speech obviously doesn't include critisism about ATS in any way shape or form.

This reminds me of John Lear's banning.

Please STAR and FLAG

Yuo can find it here, ATS
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Old 09-20-2008, 10:06 AM   #40
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

Originally Posted by gazbom View Post
This is the top story over there at the moment!

for original
more infoEveryone has their price, don't they ATS?

Before you guys remove this thread, as this is a conspiracy forum, can this not be censored?

A respected member of the ATS community Nomadrush is now on the road to being kicked off ATS due to so-called "brand exclusivity with an international entertainment production company"

So this is what ATS has finally become, the "three amigos" have finally sold their soul?

I'm sure Robbie William's involvement doesn't have a thing to do with this /sarcasm

I'll keep this short because freedom of speech obviously doesn't include critisism about ATS in any way shape or form.

This reminds me of John Lear's banning.

Please STAR and FLAG

Yuo can find it here, ATS
Please raise your issues and concerns in the following thread:
ATS issues

Thank you.

Thread closed.
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Old 09-20-2008, 10:18 AM   #41
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

ATS has turned into a showing of the dark side.

You do not have to look very hard to see the mischief.

Very toxic, I will not be back, not worth my time!

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Old 09-20-2008, 10:39 AM   #42
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Default Re: The demise of the ATS forums

It's sad really because it once did seem a good forum and it does have a massive membership. But as we saw from MySpace, when you get a massive membership, your site becomes worth millions of pounds and someone comes along and buys it!

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