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Old 03-10-2010, 06:15 AM   #76
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Default Re: Matrix 5

RE: Circumcision:


He is correct, but he again does not take it back to a more basic cause. What I encountered was an overlord being (looked like an Annunaki) on this planet who's reproductive cycle included being a larva. In the larva stage this being had his outer covering thinly sliced. This was a traumatic incident for him and he dramatized it on the human population by requiring males to be circumcised. Since his fellow brothers, as larvae, were also most likely given small cuts (exactly why, I did not see clearly), thus he had some across-the-board agreement.

My guess is that this was done on both species as a means to have the males focus on developing intelligence and zeal in other areas of life. Just a guess.
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Old 03-10-2010, 10:48 AM   #77
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Default Re: Matrix 5

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Well 'The Chosen' I might have to agree with you about that quote!

The above 'quote' I do not remember reading in the matrix material so first off is it a misquote to discredit the 'author' or is this what the author thinks? Because if so, then I would have a problem with his thinking about the law of attraction as being only 'like attracts like' and that a final incarnation probably likes the same sex. If that is what the author believes then now I really question all of his material. Sorry but to become gay to be in a final incarnation is extremely laughable if the author wants to be gay then have at it… and ironically 'like repels like' in magnetism. Also, I can tell the author really did not fully define all the arenas of the Law of Attraction as there are many attributes to the generalized term. 'Like attracts like' AND 'opposites also attract,' one just has to learn or understand what situation or circumstance they are currently in in order to 'see' the mechanics of the LOA play out. Male wants female, magnetic field North flows into magnetic field South, negative attracts positive, the darkness attracts the light... the entire universal structure of physicality depends on three things... positive, negative and ground, which are not part of ‘polarity.’

I am going to conclude that the above quote is false and is not from the ‘author’ of the matrix series.
It is a quote I took from the following review


I don't know how it is presented in the books. I see now the price for these books is also pretty unreal (around 1K $ in total) ... just go to bittorrent and get them before you buy them so you make sure your money is well invested.. I downloaded several volumes and had a quick glimpse.. definately not something I intend to read.. delete
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Old 03-10-2010, 02:05 PM   #78
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Default Re: Matrix 5

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Sounds like a very mature perspective.

Am aware of one of my higher aspects being a dragon mother type who has issues
When I first started to read M5 I wanted to burn it But I kept reading and found that it caused me to look deep within myself and why I am the way I am. It helped ME to see my own areas of trappings to this earth matrix so that I could deal with them on my own level, not because of what someone else has to say. M5 can have a profound impact if it is ALLOWED to. It must be understood the the Author's observations are HIS, and you are to have your own. Nothing in M5 is absolute, although that is how the Author writes--that is the style. That is in fact done on purpose to challenge you on many levels. Truly, the Author does not care if you believe him, but you will be affected by the reading of it.
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Old 03-10-2010, 03:49 PM   #79
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Default Re: Matrix 5

The facet of Polarity/Duality in this Material causes Me to see Hierarchy/Control and while that is quite a bit of the Experience in Matter - I AM sure that We can all say We'd prefer the Top-down approach so as to see within all Realities possible. Not the two floors below approach. To coin a phrase - "We all want to know Whos in the Top Floor Penthouse..." - Right ?

That said - Of course there are MANY HSs experiencing Knowledge Into Wisdom but then with that stated by the Author of the Book or It's proponents (Multiple HSs, etc.) Co-ordinate Representation seems to left out within the Understanding of the Unum and the Prime Creator.

All of these HSs are in fact - Co-ordinate Representations of the "One" - "All That Is" - "First Source and Center of All Things" and so to be truly honest and factual without Sophistry - The Prime Creator at It's Level of Understanding is the Oversoul of All the MANY Co-ordinately Representative HSs experiencing Knowledge Into Wisdom anywhere within the Unum.

In the Begining - "One".

In Fragmentation - "One" knows Itself through Experience VIA Co-ordinate Representation (Us and all other Interference Patterns/Thoughtforms in Manifestation) thereby coming to know Itself - In Limitless ways.

To leave this most basic Understanding out - How We - All of Us in Manifestation - Are "All That Is" in Oneness with the Prime Creator/Absolute Consciousness - Pushes Me away from this Material and should do the same to Others.

With that stated - Polarism/Duality is Hierarchy and Control - And the Choice for All as a First Level Decision to be made when related to the continuance of an Incarnational Experience is ;

Do I intend to Experience in Matter more, or not ? If the answer is Yes - Hierarchy is the Norm while in Matter. So thats the Choice really - Isn't It ? Reconnection with Source beyond Hierarchy - Or Expereince in Matter w/ Hierarchy under Separation from Source to varying degrees.

Even though Hierarchy lessens as Vibration Increases - Know this - We will have it as Experience in one form or another until We finally return to Source and become Not.

Or Static as a another here likes to display...

Lastly - I will add that while approx. 43% of this Info appears to display great Truths or Knowledge not commonly available as mentioned by others and not only Myself - If You read this Material - Ensure that You can Discern enough to be able to sift the "Wheat from the Chaff" (As I've already stated in a previous post) so as to be able to see where this Recipe is missing some very Important Ingredients...

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Old 03-10-2010, 07:06 PM   #80
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Default Re: Matrix 5

Addtionally - It would seem that only the Rich or those who can afford the Book are on a "Final Incarnational Experience" - No ?

When I have to pay for something that will enable Me and more importantly - The Human Race - To be Free of all of this BS and finally Progress - I get Red Flags instantly...

That said - To all others willing - Do as Thou Wilst...

I completely agree! Especially with the part about having to pay for something (and how!) to benefit us... that is one of my personal bandwagons.

sorry I haven't figured out this quoting thing...I was responding to another's post- Mercunial, I think? I apologize if I slaughtered the spelling of your name.
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Old 03-10-2010, 07:23 PM   #81
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All is well - I have been called worse. Nothing but Love for You...

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Old 03-10-2010, 07:35 PM   #82
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Default Re: Matrix 5

Originally Posted by Mercuriel View Post
The facet of Polarity/Duality in this Material causes Me to see Hierarchy/Control and while that is quite a bit of the Experience in Matter - I AM sure that We can all say We'd prefer the Top-down approach so as to see within all Realities possible. Not the two floors below approach. To coin a phrase - "We all want to know Whos in the Top Floor Penthouse..." - Right ?

That said - Of course there are MANY HSs experiencing Knowledge Into Wisdom but then with that stated by the Author of the Book or It's proponents (Multiple HSs, etc.) Co-ordinate Representation seems to left out within the Understanding of the Unum and the Prime Creator.

All of these HSs are in fact - Co-ordinate Representations of the "One" - "All That Is" - "First Source and Center of All Things" and so to be truly honest and factual without Sophistry - The Prime Creator at It's Level of Understanding is the Oversoul of All the MANY Co-ordinately Representative HSs experiencing Knowledge Into Wisdom anywhere within the Unum.

In the Begining - "One".

In Fragmentation - "One" knows Itself through Experience VIA Co-ordinate Representation (Us and all other Interference Patterns/Thoughtforms in Manifestation) thereby coming to know Itself - In Limitless ways.

To leave this most basic Understanding out - How We - All of Us in Manifestation - Are "All That Is" in Oneness with the Prime Creator/Absolute Consciousness - Pushes Me away from this Material and should do the same to Others.

With that stated - Polarism/Duality is Hierarchy and Control - And the Choice for All as a First Level Decision to be made when related to the continuance of an Incarnational Experience is ;

Do I intend to Experience in Matter more, or not ? If the answer is Yes - Hierarchy is the Norm while in Matter. So thats the Choice really - Isn't It ? Reconnection with Source beyond Hierarchy - Or Expereince in Matter w/ Hierarchy under Separation from Source to varying degrees.

Even though Hierarchy lessens as Vibration Increases - Know this - We will have it as Experience in one form or another until We finally return to Source and become Not.

Or Static as a another here likes to display...

Lastly - I will add that while approx. 43% of this Info appears to display great Truths or Knowledge not commonly available as mentioned by others and not only Myself - If You read this Material - Ensure that You can Discern enough to be able to sift the "Wheat from the Chaff" (As I've already stated in a previous post) so as to be able to see where this Recipe is missing some very Important Ingredients...

Matrix V vol. 1 is 568 pages; vol. 2 is 240 pages; vol. 3 is 263 pages; vol. 4 is an online pdf and is still being added to and is hundreds of pages as well. How many of those pages have you read? Your comments are not even placed in the proper perspective of the materials, for you do not know the materials. This is like someone reading a couple of chapters of the Bible and then giving a commentary about it. The perspective needed comes about by being throughly knowledgeable about the work. The methodology of interpretation you are using is baseless since you have not read the materials. The books are about observations of the polarities in order to help free oneself of these polarities. It is not a dogmatic treatise of being in one or another polarity - and the all-that-is in this case is the reader. The questions that arise from reading the books are there to cause you to go within to That ONE source and receive your answers/guidance from that ONE. The books have had a profound impact in my understanding, and I am thankful I was not pushed away by uninformed opinion. But everyone MUST trust in their own Higher Self - God.
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Old 03-10-2010, 07:58 PM   #83
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Default Re: Matrix 5

I push no one away and have even agreed with You on this Material with the proviso that if People read it - They discern for themselves. Haven't You been reading what I've posted or have You centered on what You did not like about My Post(s) ? At any rate - TY for Your Perspective. You have Yours - I have mine and it is not Uninfomed. Our Opinions are obviously not the same. Have a great day...

Last edited by Mercuriel; 03-10-2010 at 08:05 PM.
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Old 03-10-2010, 10:05 PM   #84
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Default Re: Matrix 5

Originally Posted by Mercuriel View Post
The facet of Polarity/Duality in this Material causes Me to see Hierarchy/Control and while that is quite a bit of the Experience in Matter - I AM sure that We can all say We'd prefer the Top-down approach so as to see within all Realities possible. Not the two floors below approach. To coin a phrase - "We all want to know Whos in the Top Floor Penthouse..." - Right ?

That said - Of course there are MANY HSs experiencing Knowledge Into Wisdom but then with that stated by the Author of the Book or It's proponents (Multiple HSs, etc.) Co-ordinate Representation seems to left out within the Understanding of the Unum and the Prime Creator.

All of these HSs are in fact - Co-ordinate Representations of the "One" - "All That Is" - "First Source and Center of All Things" and so to be truly honest and factual without Sophistry - The Prime Creator at It's Level of Understanding is the Oversoul of All the MANY Co-ordinately Representative HSs experiencing Knowledge Into Wisdom anywhere within the Unum.

In the Begining - "One".

In Fragmentation - "One" knows Itself through Experience VIA Co-ordinate Representation (Us and all other Interference Patterns/Thoughtforms in Manifestation) thereby coming to know Itself - In Limitless ways.

To leave this most basic Understanding out - How We - All of Us in Manifestation - Are "All That Is" in Oneness with the Prime Creator/Absolute Consciousness - Pushes Me away from this Material and should do the same to Others.

With that stated - Polarism/Duality is Hierarchy and Control - And the Choice for All as a First Level Decision to be made when related to the continuance of an Incarnational Experience is ;

Do I intend to Experience in Matter more, or not ? If the answer is Yes - Hierarchy is the Norm while in Matter. So thats the Choice really - Isn't It ? Reconnection with Source beyond Hierarchy - Or Expereince in Matter w/ Hierarchy under Separation from Source to varying degrees.

Even though Hierarchy lessens as Vibration Increases - Know this - We will have it as Experience in one form or another until We finally return to Source and become Not.

Or Static as a another here likes to display...

Lastly - I will add that while approx. 43% of this Info appears to display great Truths or Knowledge not commonly available as mentioned by others and not only Myself - If You read this Material - Ensure that You can Discern enough to be able to sift the "Wheat from the Chaff" (As I've already stated in a previous post) so as to be able to see where this Recipe is missing some very Important Ingredients...

I love the way you say it, and it is a higher aesthetic vibration expression of what I have been saying.

In Matter Universe there is always the apparency of someone being in the top floor penthouse being the Games Master. In my bottom up approach I am always finding that the Games Master is my own creation or Another allowed to serve me, to give me my "drug fix" or my reason for it. I must not know myself --opposing-- I must know myself.

In my work to undo or unwind all my windings and doings, i.e., obsessive/compulsive creates, I am going back up the same way I came down, "up" and "down" being convenient terms. I built something and now I am learning the tools to unbuild it.

We just left the wound up magic universe (see "Alice in Wonderland" movie for an idea of what it was like, at least for me and my co-players), and am now in the universe of concepts where the air is more rarified, but still we did have our problems and our disgruntlements with others. We are not yet the "ghost in the machine", just ghosts thinking about machines/matrices.

I do not think the Matrix V materials covers this ground, so I am temporarily out of interest, and out of game, lol

As one big eternal kid, I am learning how to take responsibility and clean up my room before I can go out and play again, ha, ha. One new rule I'm making: don't ever again carelessly leave pieces of myself strewn around universes. Perhaps in the next big game it won't even be an issue.

Also, the need to even have a Game I have to go and process as a possible compulsion, and what ever opposes it.

Big agreement with "The Author" about what he refers to as "polarity addicts". I can spot polarities a mile away now :-))

I certainly now have all the tools I need to enter into a "Final Incarnation" phase, and am scanning pasts and all possible futures to see why I would need to continue this Game -- always looking through a window, but never going through the door, especially now that I have the key to go through the door.
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Old 03-10-2010, 10:57 PM   #85
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Default Re: Matrix 5

Originally Posted by HORIZONS View Post
Matrix V vol. 1 is 568 pages; vol. 2 is 240 pages; vol. 3 is 263 pages; vol. 4 is an online pdf and is still being added to and is hundreds of pages as well. How many of those pages have you read? Your comments are not even placed in the proper perspective of the materials, for you do not know the materials. This is like someone reading a couple of chapters of the Bible and then giving a commentary about it. The perspective needed comes about by being throughly knowledgeable about the work. The methodology of interpretation you are using is baseless since you have not read the materials. The books are about observations of the polarities in order to help free oneself of these polarities. It is not a dogmatic treatise of being in one or another polarity - and the all-that-is in this case is the reader. The questions that arise from reading the books are there to cause you to go within to That ONE source and receive your answers/guidance from that ONE. The books have had a profound impact in my understanding, and I am thankful I was not pushed away by uninformed opinion. But everyone MUST trust in their own Higher Self - God.

Yes, I respect your call to read all the materials. Yes, I really really like the concept you put out that the Reader is the All-that-is. In fact, I had that very discussion today.

But hear this, when someone starts heatedly defending something to the point of jumping on someone else's case, it is a red flag for me. I've been in enough cults and fundamentalist groups now and am wiser for it :-)

Secretly I was hoping that the Matrix V materials would be as high or higher level corresponding to what I am subjectively experiencing, and that it might aid me to comprehend better what I am seeing/experiencing, not just another compulsive/obsessive games mockup to keep me trapped.

I have only read the freebie stuff, no torrent downloads. Would appreciate you if you can liberally sprinkle this thread with Fair Use quotes, thank you.

Can you please explain to me why so much attention is paid to the Sequential vs Simultaneous? It looks to me The Author needs to merge a polarity from whence this win/lose game came from -- or maybe I do :-)

One can say it is better to at least be on the positive side of the polarity, but I say Perfection is forever, so locate and rise above the Thought that caused the polarity in the first place.

Does The Author instruct on how to change the prime thought that caused the polarity that caused the sub-levels of games?
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Old 03-10-2010, 11:16 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Yes, I respect your call to read all the materials. Yes, I really really like the concept you put out that the Reader is the All-that-is. In fact, I had that very discussion today.

But hear this, when someone starts heatedly defending something to the point of jumping on someone else's case, it is a red flag for me. I've been in enough cults and fundamentalist groups now and am wiser for it :-)

Secretly I was hoping that the Matrix V materials would be as high or higher level corresponding to what I am subjectively experiencing, and that it might aid me to comprehend better what I am seeing/experiencing, not just another compulsive/obsessive games mockup to keep me trapped.

I have only read the freebie stuff, no torrent downloads. Would appreciate you if you can liberally sprinkle this thread with Fair Use quotes, thank you.

Can you please explain to me why so much attention is paid to the Sequential vs Simultaneous? It looks to me The Author needs to merge a polarity from whence this win/lose game came from -- or maybe I do :-)

One can say it is better to at least be on the positive side of the polarity, but I say Perfection is forever, so locate and rise above the Thought that caused the polarity in the first place.

Does The Author instruct on how to change the prime thought that caused the polarity that caused the sub-levels of games?
I hear you, note taken - emotional fire can be difficult to deal with at times.
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Old 03-11-2010, 01:10 AM   #87
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That's okay -- I defend my friends too
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Old 03-11-2010, 01:55 AM   #88
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Default Re: Matrix 5

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
That's okay -- I defend my friends too
Thanks for understanding.

Now to your questions:

"Secretly I was hoping that the Matrix V materials would be as high or higher level corresponding to what I am subjectively experiencing, and that it might aid me to comprehend better what I am seeing/experiencing, not just another compulsive/obsessive games mockup to keep me trapped."

It is definitely not designed to keep you trapped. Over and over again you are advised to trust ONLY in YOUR Higher Self. The observations of the Author are just that - his observations - he does not want any followers or credit for anything. He is just challenging the reader in his verbal expression. It is a challenge just to deal with his style of writing and demeanor - I personally think this is by design. If we can't get by/through his writing persona that says a lot more about us then him.

"I have only read the freebie stuff, no torrent downloads. Would appreciate you if you can liberally sprinkle this thread with Fair Use quotes, thank you."

I will give that a shot in future posts.

"Can you please explain to me why so much attention is paid to the Sequential vs Simultaneous? It looks to me The Author needs to merge a polarity from whence this win/lose game came from -- or maybe I do :-)"

That's a biggie. I'll give it a shot: We all started out as Seq's incarnating into this Milky Way at some point. As such we can have only one incarnation at a time, thus Seq. The Seq is able to keep all its previous life memories, but the evolutionary tract is very slow. Thus some of us - as Higher Selves - became bored with this slow process of the game. Along comes earth: After the original indigenous Earthers were genetically altered by alien races, the modern humanoid species provided a very unique opportunity for our HS's that were board with the status quo. The HS's found that they could take a leap into a Sim modality of incarnational experience, thus having hundreds of incarnations at the same time. The only drawback is that life memories are blocked. The Seq are not happy with the Sim's that made the leap, thus our planet is constantly being placed under some sort of control system by the Seq's to try and stifle our Sim progress. Sim's just want to gather all needed experiences and then get the heck out of dodge - to bigger and better things. Are you still there?

"One can say it is better to at least be on the positive side of the polarity, but I say Perfection is forever, so locate and rise above the Thought that caused the polarity in the first place."

In a state of Balance you are not in either of the polarities, but have blended the best of them both into a singularity and are subject to no one external to You.

"Does The Author instruct on how to change the prime thought that caused the polarity that caused the sub-levels of games?"

He does not instruct. His take is we must learn how to become Observers of the game, and not be caught up in it, trapped by it. We alone must break the game loops that keep us here in the 3D world.

The game will do everything it can to keep you here and coming back for more. I'm looking for the back door.

Last edited by HORIZONS; 03-11-2010 at 02:04 AM.
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Old 03-11-2010, 03:37 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by HORIZONS View Post
Thanks for understanding.
Now to your questions:

It is definitely not designed to keep you trapped. Over and over again you are advised to trust ONLY in YOUR Higher Self.

Thanks for reminding me -- "The attitude is the trap" and it depends on my attitude that determines to a certain extent what I get out of it. I already felt some nice restimulation of ancient memories -- more grist for the mill :-)


That's a biggie. I'll give it a shot: We all started out as Seq's incarnating into this Milky Way at some point. As such we can have only one incarnation at a time, thus Seq. The Seq is able to keep all its previous life memories, but the evolutionary track is very slow.

The Annunakis exemplify this to me. I just saw another one in my past today and I took at look at what the author said about sequentials and he fit it to a "T": Bored/superior, and envious/resentful/afeared. The higher up one's never lose their technological memories and capacities. However, I have noticed that they do get occlusions in their memories that contain trauma. Have not yet met such a being that had total past lives recall, although they do have longer recalls than the "Sims" do.

Let me refer you to "Alien Mind, a Primer": http://www.eyepod.org/AM-0-Index.html. Most likely the ones he calls the "Verdants" are "Sequentials".

Thus some of us - as Higher Selves - became bored with this slow process of the game. Along comes earth: After the original indigenous Earthers were genetically altered by alien races, the modern humanoid species provided a very unique opportunity for our HS's that were bored with the status quo. The HS's found that they could take a leap into a Sim modality of incarnational experience, thus having hundreds of incarnations at the same time.

That reads to me because I am aware of another body of "mine" located in the U.S, AND I am aware of being (or was) an aspect of a larger being (a "sequential" lol). Re Higher Self, it is me, and the identity here is me feeling myself in a more condensed way.

On a hodge podge peopled planet like this it makes a lot of sense that a being could expand and have more varied experiences simultaneously. I can see how being stuck on a conformist planet would shut one down from wanting to put out several identities at once, especially if you retained your past life memories and KNEW that you had already done it all before. It would be like being made to play elevator music for the next 10,000 years :-).

Do you think that the sequentials might also have a vested interest in keeping our lives short and hectic and segmented? What if we had all this buffet of experiences PLUS retained our full recall of them? Would we not wise up even faster? Perhaps then it would not have taken a buddhist devotee 200 lifetimes to make it to his next level. The Author probably covered all this under the category of "The Game": Obviously we all look at our history from different angles, depending on where we were at the time, and why we are doing the "looking".

The only drawback is that life memories are blocked. The Seq are not happy with the Sim's that made the leap, thus our planet is constantly being placed under some sort of control system by the Seq's to try and stifle our Sim progress. Sim's just want to gather all needed experiences and then get the heck out of dodge - to bigger and better things. Are you still there?

In a state of Balance you are not in either of the polarities, but have blended the best of them both into a singularity and are subject to no one external to You.

Agreed, and I am in process of doing that so I know it is doable in one lifetime.

He does not instruct. His take is we must learn how to become Observers of the game, and not be caught up in it, trapped by it. We alone must break the game loops that keep us here in the 3D world.

The game will do everything it can to keep you here and coming back for more. I'm looking for the back door.
According to quantum physics the Observer can be Cause by observing. I think he does say his material is for those who have already established some routines or practices of expanding awareness. Yes, detachment and regaining the ability to be unmoved. I do agree that the body is a big part of the Game traps here on earth at least. I think one could have a body and not be trapped, but it takes a lot of work.

What if we go out the way we came in? What would that require of us?

We could all just join "Gamers Anonymous" and follow the 12-step program, LOL!!

Last edited by Gnosis5; 03-11-2010 at 03:43 AM.
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