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Old 11-07-2008, 04:59 PM   #1
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Default surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

I just wanted to share this because it's not what I expected to hear. I am a professional intuitive and spiritual channeler (forgiveandawaken.com). We'll just have to see what happens!

"Asking Holy Spirit about Obama victory-what does it mean? Is he working for the light, etc?

Blessings to you, dear ones. We are most eager to offer sharing in regard to the current state of affairs on planet Earth relative to this “Obama Victory.”

Dear ones, what you may or may not be aware of is that there has been a war as old as time itself between the energies of Love and those of fear. Until humanity is ready to embrace the energies of love COMPLETELY, there will always be energies of fear expressing in the consciousness of human beings. That being said, until now, there has been a PREPONDERENCE of fear energies being “programmed” into humanity. That is, until now.

We know that it seems very difficult to believe that those who are members of the same organizations as those who have desires to maintain humanity’s enslavement in fear consciousness could be aligned with love, but here is what we are going to show you.

In 1963 humanity expressed a collective vision of a world without war, without greed, hunger or fear. It was a collective expression of LOVE from the very heart of the collective consciousness. So powerful was this expression of love that forces of fear worked extremely hard to counter it’s vibration of expression. It succeeded only in so far as it caused the collective to GO WITHIN to FURTHER process its “love expression” and to refine it. This resulted in a secondary wave of pursuits which seemed designed to create a PERMENANT state of enslavement for humanity, however, it reality, what has occurred is that humanity was MATURING in its “love expression” to evolve to the point not ONLY of COLLECTIVE murmurs of peace and abundance, but INDIVIDUAL CHOICE to express love and abundance, thus INCARNATING this higher consciousness for nothing less than the complete ascension of humanity itself.

Now, coming full circle to events as of late-here is what we wish to share with you. How is it, do you think, that such a message of truth and hope could be expressed into consciousness through your LEADERSHIP unless YOU WERE MANIFESTING IT? It could not, dear ones.

There are those of you now who are saying, “yes, but spirit, nothing that you have said indicates that any REAL change is coming. Those “voices of leadership” do not appear to be truly in a position to want REAL change-we fear that its all just very clever rhetoric.”

To those voices of warranted concern we say this: yes, dear ones, what you are saying makes COMPLETE sense, in 3RD DIMENSIONAL terms, however, if you are aware, humanity is shifting into 4TH dimension, and therefore, 3D rules “do not apply”.

“What?? Just like that, the ‘leadership’ is going to ‘clean up it’s act?’ How can this be? I still see chemtrails, and bailouts, and psy ops and wars. Surely, Holy Spirit, you are in some kind of “existential denial.” Indeed, dear ones, it seems as though it is all “business as usual,” however, we say unto this: Before the changing of the guards, there is always a period of “crossover,” where one side yields its power to the new order of emergence. This is ALWAYS the case. We say unto you: watch your newspapers. Watch your headlines. Watch the message that is sent out to humanity, that MIRRORS humanity. Watch the “changing of the guard” for clues as to how your world is ascending. And prepare to be amazed.

Trust the process, dear one, ALL of the processes-your own INNER process especially. Know that all is in divine order and that all is well. OM AH HUM."
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Old 11-07-2008, 05:35 PM   #2
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Thank you, Theresa. Lovely.
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Old 11-07-2008, 05:39 PM   #3
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

yeah according to matthews messages he is a light worker.

I am still on the fence
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Old 11-07-2008, 05:51 PM   #4
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

I moved this thread to Visions of the Future where all channelings go to.

on a personal note;
I love this channeling, it speaks about collective sanity and love finding its way into manifestation.

Last edited by Jenny; 11-07-2008 at 05:58 PM.
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Old 11-07-2008, 05:56 PM   #5
Ali Quadir
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Jesus said: Judge the tree by the fruit it produces... So far Obama looks good.

It'd be awesome if he was a lightworker. But there's still this prophecy of an antichrist lingering in the back of my mind. If something is to good to be true, it usually is... And the point about the antichrist is that initially he looks like a long hoped for savior that will bring the needed changes....

And... Er... Well.... However the difference is he's already warning people that he will need their help. So even though he guides it will still be the people themselves fixing things. Which is good. Savior = bad

I'm not saying he is, or is not. I honestly do not know. Just that I would very much like him to be but I grew suspicious of life on this planet. The way he moves his body the way kids respond to him and every vibe I pick up from him are positive.
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Old 11-07-2008, 06:07 PM   #6
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by Ali Quadir View Post
Jesus said: Judge the tree by the fruit it produces... So far Obama looks good.

It'd be awesome if he was a lightworker. But there's still this prophecy of an antichrist lingering in the back of my mind. If something is to good to be true, it usually is... And the point about the antichrist is that initially he looks like a long hoped for savior that will bring the needed changes....

And... Er... Well.... However the difference is he's already warning people that he will need their help. So even though he guides it will still be the people themselves fixing things. Which is good. Savior = bad

I'm not saying he is, or is not. I honestly do not know. Just that I would very much like him to be but I grew suspicious of life on this planet. The way he moves his body the way kids respond to him and every vibe I pick up from him are positive.
Yeah spot on!! Thats what I have been thinking, that the anti christ seems like the saviour so I dont buy all this at all.

Plus the fact that he is black reeks of the PTB trying to make us think we have moved forward.

I dont know much about the states and what the ratial ratios are, but my guess is it is predominantly white and there is far too much racism still , for him to have won the vote ligitimately, therefor its a fix. Maybe.
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Old 11-07-2008, 06:17 PM   #7
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I loved every bit of her message. I have heard it from others and thats why I do believe it is all up to us. We can't stop believing and praying

Also, I hate the fact that people refer to his being black. Big deal. its what is beneath the skin that matters. Forget about the color of his skin. If they think that is going to be a barrier for us, they were just proved wrong.

The pope is the anti-christ...........I also heard many say it was blair or prince phillip. I'm saying its the pope. the big deciever of all !!!!!!

Last edited by mntruthseeker; 11-07-2008 at 06:34 PM.
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Old 11-07-2008, 06:23 PM   #8
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

The color of Obama's skin is the least of the things that cause me concern about him. Of course it seems that one can't object to him in any way without it being assumed that one is racist. That isn't the case. I'd be worried about any politician who inspired such extreme passion -- even from the great beyond! Amazing!
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Old 11-07-2008, 06:26 PM   #9
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Thank you, Theresa, that was interesting and resonated with me.
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Old 11-07-2008, 07:43 PM   #10
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
I loved every bit of her message. I have heard it from others and thats why I do believe it is all up to us. We can't stop believing and praying

Also, I hate the fact that people refer to his being black. Big deal. its what is beneath the skin that matters. Forget about the color of his skin. If they think that is going to be a barrier for us, they were just proved wrong.

The pope is the anti-christ...........I also heard many say it was blair or prince phillip. I'm saying its the pope. the big deciever of all !!!!!!
My moneys on Bush....although it's a toss up between him and Cheney. Can there be 2 anti-christs on the same podium??
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Old 11-07-2008, 07:45 PM   #11
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Politics a corruption go hand in hand. Many years ago I had some dealings with my state and some of it's leaders and I was horrified at the level of corruption that went on in plain sight.

Here is the linch pin of Obama, He will have to betray somebody. The very forces that put him were he is will want to bend him to their will. If he is good he will do things that the power holders wont like. Or he will do what they wish.

So on one hand he will either do what is right and live up to the wonderful speech he gave, and serve the people, or he will push the NWO along and serve the money that put him there. Men have died serving the people.

I think everone on Avalon should meditate/pray that he will have the strength and the opportunity to do what is good.

One good thought is more powerfull then ten dark masters. I must comment that I feel a surge in the energy fields of good going on since Obama was elected, I don't know what that means but it does feel good.

Be at peace
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Old 11-07-2008, 07:54 PM   #12
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by Seeker Mom View Post
The color of Obama's skin is the least of the things that cause me concern about him. Of course it seems that one can't object to him in any way without it being assumed that one is racist. That isn't the case. I'd be worried about any politician who inspired such extreme passion -- even from the great beyond! Amazing!
His skin color does have an effect on the mass consciousness... big time!

Its sparking civil rights uprisings and again PRIDE. He is a trap. In my opinion
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Old 11-07-2008, 08:03 PM   #13
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Thank you Theresa.
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Old 11-07-2008, 08:41 PM   #14
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The darkness of the Fifth Night cycle ( 11/19/07-11/08/08) will be determined by the quality and quantity of light or good works we can infuse the planet Earth with in 2007. In other words, the more people who wake up during 2007 and lift their awareness out of the mass program consciousness of war, scarcity and "status quo" and shift to personal self-awareness, co-creatorship and positive personal power, the easier life becomes for all. This is a year when the collective can cho ose to not buy into the governmental progam of war and oil greed, and create a brighter future of peace and plenty fueled by alternate energy sources.
The last few days of this cycle have shown huge increases of light...
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Old 11-08-2008, 12:03 AM   #15
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Great message, Theresa! That is what I am "picking up" also...

It is a very good sign that a person with high integrity like Obama gets elected into Office in this crucial time (4 years to 2012). He is really the tip of the iceberg of "White Hats" or "Lightworkers" working behind the scenes to ouster out the dark cabal. Hillary was the chosen one. They were forced to change plans. Their whole global warming hysteric agenda has silenced also. They are really on the defensive. Trying desperatly to grab money and bribe their way out if things. Banks and financial institutions are being cleaned up big time. Things are not as they look on the surface. The Consciousness Level (Vibration) of Mankind has made a huge leap recently, and it continues to rise. This is bound to be reflected in outside reality. Even if it takes a little while for the changes to become more visible and "mainstream", they will be massive and rapid when they come. Like a dam breaking.

The outside "reality" simply reflects Mankinds Collective Level of Consciousness (see this article for deeper understanding). When the Collective Consciousness of Mankind is rising, all the old dysfunctional patterns that cannot match the New and higher Vibrations will crumble away. It happens first on the inside, before it manifests more and more in the outside reality. This is what is happening in the world today. It is therefore very possible that Obama is an expression of this "New", and not of the "old world order" like so many seem to think.

This is confirmed by my own calibration of Obama as a person with "star seed/Lightworker" energy signature. Also Matthew and Dr. Boylan confirms this. Of course Obama has to "play along" to get elected etc. As long as the dark cabal still have some power left he cannot risk anything. But I resonate with David Wilcock when he says that the system is crumbling from the inside because of people like Obama and many others that are working behind the scenes. His actions in Office will be very interesting to follow...

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Old 11-08-2008, 12:15 AM   #16
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

sweet, yes, right on!!

Listen, until this channeling came through yesterday, I was totally in the "this is BS" camp. Totally. I felt that he was totally mind controlled, and the rhetoric was BS and everyone believing it was a mind-controlled drone who didnt' want to take responsibility for themselves.

But here's what happened to me. I TOTALLY trust spirit-I have been channeling this consciousness for several years and it has always proven to be accurate to the highest truth, when I've been able to confirm it. I've learned to trust it. OPening my heart to this message has totally shifted my internal energies today.

There IS a shift happening since this election. The energy shift is REAL! MANY of us are feeling it.

Also, last year, an Arcturian from the Galactic Federation told me that the Orions had joined the Galactic Federation, a prerequisite of which is that they have to "clean up the mess that they made" with our governments and military. Sort of making them "clean up their act."

In addition, I was told that before the Oct. 14th thing that was "supposed" to happen, the "reptilians" were being told to either discontinue interfering with humanities natural spiritual evolution, or they would face quarantine for what would be several million years in our time, so that they could "catch up" with their spiritual evolution before they could rejoin the cosmic family.

I didn't post this, because I wasnt' sure about it, but the ETs that I was channeling (they are always Galactic Federation members) said that if the reptilians agreed to stop interfering, then they wouldn't have to "show up" for the Oct. 14th event. They said the only reason they would've shown up would've been to accelerate our consciousness expanding because the reptilians would not step down. In other words, if we had our consciousness stimulated in such a strong way, it would undermine the NWO order satanic agenda very rapidly, however, that would've only been if they did not agree to stop interfering. So, maybe they did agree to stop interfering....

anyway, we shall see! Just keep on meditating and staying heart centered, and above all~ LOVE OURSELVES!!!

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Old 11-08-2008, 12:44 AM   #17
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That is really interesting to hear, Theresa.

I also never thought all that much about Obama. I felt it was "business as usual" with the whole election thing. But at some point there was a subtle shift. It is not so much about him or the "president role" (even if that is important), it is more what the whole thing represents, and what it tells us about what is going on behind the scenes.

Since we are a bit "out there" already... I sometimes wonder if Obama is a "walk in" of some kind. The dark ones operate with "clones" or "organic robots". Perhaps the Light used a cloned organic robot in the beginning and the "real" Obama either "replaced it" or "walked in" to it at a later point when it was perhaps more "safe". This would explain the subtle shift I (and others) felt about him. Sort of; "let the "clone/robot" do the boring campaigning job, I will incarnate when the time is ripe..."

Your info on the 14. october event/non-event is very interesting. There is so much going on behind the scenes that would only further confuse people if all the truths came out. The "guardians" are very pragmatic in their approach. All that matters is what works. The whole truth about history and what has been going on will be known soon enough.

I also trust Spirit 100%, for really; what else do we have?

Best wishes to you Theresa! It's nice when people are nice and friendly towards each other.
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Old 11-08-2008, 12:57 AM   #18
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I had a different confirmation they are no longer interfering, I was told they agreed to the "deal" after the shower of meteors, so I kept my promise, the Comet is no longer headed for the heart of their planet. They can have their astronomers look to the sky to confirm it...

I guess the psychic exorcism on Cheney seriously injured a reptilian, I told you not to worry about glancing over at Daddy Bush anymore...

your messages always ring through so clear, I'm curious what OM AH HUM means?

oh and one more little favor, I think we are still connected since the dream, can you help me connect to Chris, I'm trying to send him a healing... I'm not able to see his eyes clear enough in the picture.

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Old 11-08-2008, 01:23 AM   #19
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Old 11-08-2008, 01:44 AM   #20
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Hey Hillary is that you?
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Old 11-08-2008, 03:41 AM   #21
david pavlak
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

As one who has only recently become a visitor to this site, and after reading all the comments in this particular thread, I have to say that I am a little bit suprised about all the references to an "anti-christ".

For, you see, there is no such creture as an "anti-christ" or any creature known as "satan". All these beings are inventions from mens' religions. Man has for centuries confused his many religions with the universal consciousness known as God, thinking that they are one in the same thing.

I apologize in advance for any offense taken by other readers.
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Old 11-08-2008, 04:07 AM   #22
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by Theresa View Post
I just wanted to share this because it's not what I expected to hear. I am a professional intuitive and spiritual channeler (forgiveandawaken.com). We'll just have to see what happens!

"Asking Holy Spirit about Obama victory-what does it mean? Is he working for the light, etc?

Blessings to you, dear ones. We are most eager to offer sharing in regard to the current state of affairs on planet Earth relative to this “Obama Victory.”

Dear ones, what you may or may not be aware of is that there has been a war as old as time itself between the energies of Love and those of fear. Until humanity is ready to embrace the energies of love COMPLETELY, there will always be energies of fear expressing in the consciousness of human beings. That being said, until now, there has been a PREPONDERENCE of fear energies being “programmed” into humanity. That is, until now.

We know that it seems very difficult to believe that those who are members of the same organizations as those who have desires to maintain humanity’s enslavement in fear consciousness could be aligned with love, but here is what we are going to show you.

In 1963 humanity expressed a collective vision of a world without war, without greed, hunger or fear. It was a collective expression of LOVE from the very heart of the collective consciousness. So powerful was this expression of love that forces of fear worked extremely hard to counter it’s vibration of expression. It succeeded only in so far as it caused the collective to GO WITHIN to FURTHER process its “love expression” and to refine it. This resulted in a secondary wave of pursuits which seemed designed to create a PERMENANT state of enslavement for humanity, however, it reality, what has occurred is that humanity was MATURING in its “love expression” to evolve to the point not ONLY of COLLECTIVE murmurs of peace and abundance, but INDIVIDUAL CHOICE to express love and abundance, thus INCARNATING this higher consciousness for nothing less than the complete ascension of humanity itself.

Now, coming full circle to events as of late-here is what we wish to share with you. How is it, do you think, that such a message of truth and hope could be expressed into consciousness through your LEADERSHIP unless YOU WERE MANIFESTING IT? It could not, dear ones.

There are those of you now who are saying, “yes, but spirit, nothing that you have said indicates that any REAL change is coming. Those “voices of leadership” do not appear to be truly in a position to want REAL change-we fear that its all just very clever rhetoric.”

To those voices of warranted concern we say this: yes, dear ones, what you are saying makes COMPLETE sense, in 3RD DIMENSIONAL terms, however, if you are aware, humanity is shifting into 4TH dimension, and therefore, 3D rules “do not apply”.

“What?? Just like that, the ‘leadership’ is going to ‘clean up it’s act?’ How can this be? I still see chemtrails, and bailouts, and psy ops and wars. Surely, Holy Spirit, you are in some kind of “existential denial.” Indeed, dear ones, it seems as though it is all “business as usual,” however, we say unto this: Before the changing of the guards, there is always a period of “crossover,” where one side yields its power to the new order of emergence. This is ALWAYS the case. We say unto you: watch your newspapers. Watch your headlines. Watch the message that is sent out to humanity, that MIRRORS humanity. Watch the “changing of the guard” for clues as to how your world is ascending. And prepare to be amazed.

Trust the process, dear one, ALL of the processes-your own INNER process especially. Know that all is in divine order and that all is well. OM AH HUM."

Out of the ruins
Out from the wreckage
Can't make the same mistake this time
We are the children
The last generation
We are the ones they left behind
And i wonder when we are ever gonna change it
Living under the fear till nothing else remains

We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond the thunderdome

Looking for something we can rely on
There's got to be something better out there
Love and compassion, their day is coming
All else are castles built in the air
And i wonder when we are ever gonna change it
Living under the fear till nothing else remains
All the children say

We don't need another hero
We don't need to know the way home
All we want is life beyond the thunderdome

What do we do with our lives
We leave only a mark
Will our story shine like a life
Or end in the dark
Give it all or nothing
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Old 11-08-2008, 04:34 AM   #23
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

You do have to be careful with channellings. Personally I don't trust anything that is dictated. However, there are those subtle signs and information that is channelled as a puzzle to figure out and meant for the recipient only.
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Old 11-08-2008, 04:39 AM   #24
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Hello from Europe!

Thank you Theresa, for the uplifting channelling which seem to fit well with another channelling I read - I think it was from Tobias at Crimson Circle or it may have been a channelling from Kuthumi. This one was pre-election and stated that Obama is a reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln and a walk-in from the Galactic Federation. On the reincarnation part I have asked my Twin Mind and excellent mundane astrologer, Jim Cummins in Florida to check their charts for indicators of such.

When that is said, even looking at it strictly from a mundane perspective Obama was the best choice for a better future. His rival being a war glorifying and war mongering war hero. And the idea that there was possibility that a barracuda/ pitbull with lipstick could step up as Chief in Command... Well, we're blessed not to have those on this side of the Atlantic any more. I have not forgotten that Hitler was European.

Obama may not be able to change planet Earth or even the US into paradise in 4 years but I'm convinced the alternative would have been worse and congratulate the American people on their votings this time.

Love & Light

Last edited by Liv; 11-08-2008 at 10:21 AM.
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Old 11-08-2008, 04:57 AM   #25
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Default Re: surprising message from spirit about Obama "victory"

Originally Posted by david pavlak View Post
As one who has only recently become a visitor to this site, and after reading all the comments in this particular thread, I have to say that I am a little bit suprised about all the references to an "anti-christ".

For, you see, there is no such creture as an "anti-christ" or any creature known as "satan". All these beings are inventions from mens' religions. Man has for centuries confused his many religions with the universal consciousness known as God, thinking that they are one in the same thing.

I apologize in advance for any offense taken by other readers.
Ahhh... sweet sanity! :-)
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