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Old 09-27-2008, 12:25 PM   #1
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Default Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

If anyone is interested, here's a supreme article by Peter Lindemann (a man I trust). Didn't see this in any threads, thought it might be useful in case of an epidemic.

Distilled water
30V DC current
Pure silver (try 99.999% silver speaker wire... got mine on eBay)


Thank all of you for participating in this journey. Cheers.
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Old 09-27-2008, 01:01 PM   #2
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Silver source ($4.50/foot) should last a loooong time.

You might want to read the whole article, but here's an exerpt:

Making Your Own
The simplest way to control these factors is to make the colloidal silver for yourself. By doing this, you will not know exactly what is there unless you do laboratory testing, but you will have a pretty good idea. Without laboratory testing of commercial products, you don't know much more, because the quality control batch to batch is loose with most brands. Also, by making it yourself, you will end up with real "colloidal" silver, which is the product referred to in most of the literature.

If you are already making your own colloidal silver, please pay special attention to this section because much of the information you now have may be incorrect.

The simplest way to make real colloidal silver at home is by the "low voltage electrolysis" method. A few batteries may be connected to some silver electrodes and placed in a glass of water. This process will cause small particles of silver to be sintered off the electrodes and enter the water. This deceptively simple method is very easy to do WRONG, and most people who are making colloidal silver at home are making an inferior product.

It's In The Water
When you do this yourself, it is very important to control the purity of the water, because the purity of the water is one of the factors that controls how small the particles of silver will be. Only high quality DISTILLED water should be used. You cannot use purified or filtered water because it still has too many dissolved minerals in it. You cannot use deionized water because it doesn't conduct electricity well enough to start the reaction. Distilled water is just perfect to start the reaction slowly and let it proceed properly.

Another variable that influences particle size is the water temperature. The warmer the water, the faster the reaction will take place, and the smaller the particles will be.

The Best Is Yet To Come
The very best voltage for the reaction is 30 volts, because the electrodes run the cleanest at this voltage. If you have a small power supply, set it for 30 volts. If you are running on batteries, it is best to start at 36 volts (three 12 volt batteries or four 9 volt batteries) and let the batteries drain down from there. Holding the silver electrodes at a uniform distance away from each other yields a better product.

When 30 volts is applied across silver electrodes held uniformly apart in distilled water, a totally different event happens. First, the reaction proceeds very slowly. Often, for the first 15 minutes nothing seems to be happening. Then finally, a faint yellow mist will begin to form. Within a few minutes, the reaction will speed up, but the particles produced will be a golden-yellow as viewed with a flashlight. Using this method, 8 ounces of distilled water at room temperature can be made into a 3-5 ppm colloidal silver preparation in 20-25 minutes. Made this way, colloidal silver can cost under 10¢/oz to make. Electron microscope photographs of this product show a silver particle size in the range .001 to .004 microns. During manufacturing, the particle cloud is a golden-yellow. These particles will hang in the water at the level they are produced, and for the most part, will not fall to the bottom of the glass. This is what a "colloidal" preparation of silver looks like. After the particles disperse, the water will look clear again, but may turn a light yellow if the concentration is high enough and after the particles have become evenly dispersed.
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Old 09-27-2008, 05:26 PM   #3
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

One downside to this is if you take alot over a long period of time, you turn blue like a Smurf! Ladies and Gentlemen, the real life Papa Smurf! http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/22536241/
Bill "the Doctor"
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Old 09-27-2008, 05:33 PM   #4
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

That guy said he has turned blue from rubbing it on his skin daily for years. I for one, have drank colloidal silver when I felt like I was near death with stomach viruses and felt better within 15 minutes. I also wouldn't doubt with such a great remedy for anything that the media would do anything to scare people away from it.. That blue guy succcccks and has scared away everyone I know from wanting to drink colloidal silver.
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Old 09-27-2008, 05:54 PM   #5
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself


I use two stacks of 3 9-volt batteries with distilled water. Works well. A couple observations and questions:
The distance between the electrodes suspended in the water has an influence on the speed of the reaction. Do you know of an optimum distance?

I use two stacks of 3 because one stack of 3 seemed to take a long time. This indicates that the reaction is current dependent as well as voltage. Any idea what the best current is?

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Old 09-27-2008, 09:09 PM   #6
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

The blue skin is from having silver salts which happens from not using pure distilled water, from what I've read. I have a SOTA silver pulser which blood zaps and silver makes and I'm not blue.

Also 1 person who is blue with 1000's usin it suggest to me maybe disinformation... I have read it is good for MRSA and that silver threads are being used in the fabrics by the NHS to counter MRSA.




Of course would the powers that be that have vast somes invested in the pharma industry want this being widely known that the best anti-bacteria agent can be made with two wires and 4 9v batteries?


and wikipedia's view

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Old 09-29-2008, 03:24 AM   #7
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Post Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

I generally agree with the method being described in this thread. It is very close to what I have doing for the last 10 years.

It is very important that the purest distilled water be used. Never use water that has chlorides in it. If you have doubt, you can test the water with a sample kit you can buy at any swimming pool store (or Walmart) for testing chlorine levels in pool water.

I agree with heating the water. I personally microwave my distilled water for three minutes to make the water as hot and energized as possible.

In my own setup, I have been using 56VDC from a six battery configuration. I do this with the intention of giving my liberated nanoparticles an extra energy boost from the electric field to hopefully rip apart some of the liberated nanoparticles so that some of them turn into monoatomic, super deformed, high spin ORME state atoms.

I also make sure that I do my electrolysis in the dark. I want my silver particles to be as energized as possible. If I've made it correctly, it will have a sweet flavor, similar to caramel. If it has no ORME state atoms, then it tastes metallic. The key is make sure the solution is not made in a lighted environment. If it is exposed to the sunlight, the ORME state atoms flash out.

The other thing I do is filter my solution before putting into a dark blue glass bottle for storage in a dark closet. When doing the electrolysis, black silver oxide will form a feathery looking build up on one of the electrodes. The other electrode will turn brown. You will also see tiny bubbles of oxygen and hydrogen leaving the electrodes as the distilled water is split. This will become more and more obvious as more ions disperse into the water and allow more current to conduct between the electrodes.

There will be a lot of large particles and "floaties" in the water. Make sure you filter all that stuff out, so only the tiniest particles of the good stuff remains in your glass storage bottle. I always filter my silver solution with SEVERAL layers of coffee filter. I want only the very smallest of the nanoparticles and monoatomic silver remaining in my solution.

Always before doing your electrolysis, scrape your electrodes clean with a greeny pad. This will remove that thin silver oxide layer that builds up over time from the silver wire being exposed to air. You want all oxide gone so that only raw pure silver is exposed to your distilled water.

I usually limit my electrolysis between 10 and 15 minutes. After that, I remove the silver wire and then filter the solution. I usually filter twice before I put the solution into my blue glass bottle.

By the way, I'm still using the same silver wire I originally bought in 1998. They are about six inches long and I would guess are about AWG 14 in size (2 square mm).

I hope these small tidbits of detail from my own experience are helpful.


Last edited by Merkhava; 09-29-2008 at 03:49 AM.
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Old 09-29-2008, 03:34 AM   #8
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Originally Posted by RASE View Post

I use two stacks of 3 9-volt batteries with distilled water. Works well. A couple observations and questions:
The distance between the electrodes suspended in the water has an influence on the speed of the reaction. Do you know of an optimum distance?

I use two stacks of 3 because one stack of 3 seemed to take a long time. This indicates that the reaction is current dependent as well as voltage. Any idea what the best current is?

I keep one wire electrode straight so that it runs down the inside of my glass down to the bottom of the water.

The other electrode I bend at the middle and then curve it so that it forms a semi-circle around the inside circumfernece of the glass. In this configuration, the curve electrode is midway down into the depth of my distilled water. The other electrode is on the opposite side of the glass and runs stright down to the bottom.

The current is going to vary. As more ions disperse into the solution, the current is going to increase. My
setup had an LED in the circuit. When I throw the switch, the LED is very dim and over a few minutes it gradually gets brighter. With experience doing this you will eventually figure out at what brightness of the LED you should stop the electrolysis. (Of course if you let the power stay on too long, you eventually flow too much current and will blow out your LED)

If you want to get fancy and add a little more expense to your rig, you can build an ammeter onto your battery box. You can usually get a cheap junk ammeter from any auto scrap yard or electronics salvage store. With an ammeter you get to see a numerical value to your current and determine your own current limit by experience.


Last edited by Merkhava; 09-29-2008 at 03:44 AM.
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Old 09-29-2008, 04:32 AM   #9
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Thanks to everyone above for this information.

The chemist in me wants a way to test the final product.

How does one test ?

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Old 09-29-2008, 08:37 PM   #10
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Exclamation Do not use sterling silver !!

Folks, do not try to do any of this with sterling silver. It is impure and contains nickel which is toxic.

You must use ultra pure silver. It must be 99.9999% chemically pure. This is an absolute must, no ifs ands or buts about it!

You have to pay for pure silver. Get your silver wire from some one that is reputable.

You try to be cheap for the silver and you will be asking for trouble.

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Old 09-29-2008, 09:43 PM   #11
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Good information here and a few other tips that maybe helpful:

1. Use a "glass" glass (not plastic or metal) to make it and store it.

2. You can cut out a cardboard circle to place the two silver wires down
into the distilled water. This helps keep them positioned.

3. The coloidial silver solution can be mixed into juice or other things to help preserve them. People used to put silver dollars in their glass milk jars to help keep it from spoiling.

4. The coloidial silver solution can be used topically on cuts or wounds. People long time ago used to place a piece of silver on a wound.

5. You can buy a steam distiller machine to make your own steam distilled water.

Do make sure you are using pure silver 99.99% pure and you can purchase a flat or round wire at a jelewry supply store.
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Old 10-01-2008, 09:30 AM   #12
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Originally Posted by Merlyn View Post
Good information here and a few other tips that maybe helpful:

1. Use a "glass" glass (not plastic or metal) to make it and store it.

2. You can cut out a cardboard circle to place the two silver wires down
into the distilled water. This helps keep them positioned.

3. The coloidial silver solution can be mixed into juice or other things to help preserve them. People used to put silver dollars in their glass milk jars to help keep it from spoiling.

4. The coloidial silver solution can be used topically on cuts or wounds. People long time ago used to place a piece of silver on a wound.

5. You can buy a steam distiller machine to make your own steam distilled water.

Do make sure you are using pure silver 99.99% pure and you can purchase a flat or round wire at a jelewry supply store.
I agree with the things you listed except the part about mixing it into drinks or juices.

Silver takes on a positive electrical charge when it is an ion floating in the colloidal solution. If you place it into a drink, it will immediately react with the juice and become a salt. Once you have done that, you have ruined it as a medicine. You also risk arygia if you intake and build up photo reactive silver salts in your skin.

The best way to use colloidal silver, in my opinion, is to directly apply drops under your tongue with a medicine dropper. This allows the nanoparticles to diffuse into your body through the cheek lining of your mouth and get into your blood stream. Doing it this way also reduces the opportunity for the silver to get scavanged by chlorides and other negatives ions that cause the silver to become a salt.

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Old 10-01-2008, 04:16 PM   #13
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Hello beloveds...

I have followed the ancestors..
Otherwords, i keep water in glass jar couple of days in order to get rid of
all nasty materials or most of them...
Thats something i have learned from growing sensitive plants...a fact..
Then i place 2 pieces of 20cm long and 1cm thick 99,99 silver bars in it...
They cost about 200 euros when i bought them....
Effects ? not blue and not sick.....never...
Well sometimes when whole family around is sick or fellows in the work i feel like coming sick but thats all folks...
Think about it....
with love
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Old 10-01-2008, 04:40 PM   #14
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

after watching the video....am i the only one who WANTS to be blue?
that would be so AWESOME!!!!
what a riot!
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Old 10-02-2008, 05:10 PM   #15
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Hi !!!!!!!!

thunderbird ! you just save my day.....

count me in !!

color in life maaan...

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Old 10-09-2008, 03:02 PM   #16
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Post Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Originally Posted by Merkhava View Post
I generally agree with the method being described in this thread. It is very close to what I have doing for the last 10 years.

It is very important that the purest distilled water be used. Never use water that has chlorides in it. If you have doubt, you can test the water with a sample kit you can buy at any swimming pool store (or Walmart) for testing chlorine levels in pool water.

I agree with heating the water. I personally microwave my distilled water for three minutes to make the water as hot and energized as possible.

In my own setup, I have been using 56VDC from a six battery configuration. I do this with the intention of giving my liberated nanoparticles an extra energy boost from the electric field to hopefully rip apart some of the liberated nanoparticles so that some of them turn into monoatomic, super deformed, high spin ORME state atoms.

I also make sure that I do my electrolysis in the dark. I want my silver particles to be as energized as possible. If I've made it correctly, it will have a sweet flavor, similar to caramel. If it has no ORME state atoms, then it tastes metallic. The key is make sure the solution is not made in a lighted environment. If it is exposed to the sunlight, the ORME state atoms flash out.

The other thing I do is filter my solution before putting into a dark blue glass bottle for storage in a dark closet. When doing the electrolysis, black silver oxide will form a feathery looking build up on one of the electrodes. The other electrode will turn brown. You will also see tiny bubbles of oxygen and hydrogen leaving the electrodes as the distilled water is split. This will become more and more obvious as more ions disperse into the water and allow more current to conduct between the electrodes.

There will be a lot of large particles and "floaties" in the water. Make sure you filter all that stuff out, so only the tiniest particles of the good stuff remains in your glass storage bottle. I always filter my silver solution with SEVERAL layers of coffee filter. I want only the very smallest of the nanoparticles and monoatomic silver remaining in my solution.

Always before doing your electrolysis, scrape your electrodes clean with a greeny pad. This will remove that thin silver oxide layer that builds up over time from the silver wire being exposed to air. You want all oxide gone so that only raw pure silver is exposed to your distilled water.

I usually limit my electrolysis between 10 and 15 minutes. After that, I remove the silver wire and then filter the solution. I usually filter twice before I put the solution into my blue glass bottle.

By the way, I'm still using the same silver wire I originally bought in 1998. They are about six inches long and I would guess are about AWG 14 in size (2 square mm).

I hope these small tidbits of detail from my own experience are helpful.


Hi there sir

I really hope you don’t mind my request could you would you possibly be interested in doing a walk through from materials to setup to procedure to end product of your method of colloidal silver production.

This I believe is very important to everyone here and I personally would so appreciate your expertise and help.

After reading all your posts on this subject you seem more than qualified for such a task.

As I’ve said I would so much appreciate your time and effort and help

Thank you

My love

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Old 10-10-2008, 12:34 AM   #17
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Post Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Dr Robert Beck produced some information concerning Colloidal Silver and making your own, and this info along with other protocols for blood cleansing are shown here.

The information page on making your own Colloidal Silver is at this page.

I have been making my own for some time now, and use a simple setup using pure Silver electrodes which can be purchased very cheaply from Silver Well at just A$20.00 pair of electrodes

"9999+ Silver 18cm Straight Electrodes........$20 a pair
For simple home-made D.I.Y. generators or some other brands of generators. (Not suitable for use in Silver Well generators.) Straight 7" (18cm) 12 gauge .9999 silver electrodes for $20 a pair. This is top quality wire, thicker than the 14 guage wire you'll usually get elsewhere.
Postage for electrode sets is FREE in Australia, NZ, and Pacific. When ordering electrodes use your normal postage address." See Here.

Hope this info helps, there is a lot of info out there on the net about it, and no you WILL NOT TURN BLUE with Colloidal Silver.
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Old 10-10-2008, 01:32 PM   #18
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

This is an excellent thread, thank you for all of the information.

I was just doing some general research on colloidal silver and saw a website that is selling it seperately but also with added ingredients - does anyone know about benefits/disadvantages of CS with argentum/MSM?

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Old 10-10-2008, 02:28 PM   #19
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

The SOTA guy and Dr Beck were in discussions if you watch the movie.

The other benefit with investing in pure Silver is that it is a healing metal rather than a 'war' metal as it can be used to make healing pure bars for collidial silver makers
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Old 10-10-2008, 11:39 PM   #20
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Post Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

The help and info on this thread will save lives blessed are you all

Thank you and my love to you all

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Old 10-14-2008, 05:05 AM   #21
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

just a quick thought:

the old hindu gods had blue skin, didnt they? do you think that may have been from high doses of collodial silver?

come to think of it, maybe thats the miracle behind the "smurfs" phenomenon as well.....
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Old 10-15-2008, 02:31 AM   #22
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Here is a great book on Colloidal Silver: COLLOIDAL SILVER by Mark Metcalf.
Gives the history, medical value and how-to-make.
Try going to www.amazon.com for a book purchase... get it used and save cash.


If you wish to purchase the colloid directly, I recommend SUPER SILVER SOLUTION. It is a slightly different process for its manufacture, it doesn't oxidize when exposed to light quite so quickly, so it's great for your pet's water bowl.
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Old 10-15-2008, 03:24 AM   #23
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

Originally Posted by argonacon View Post
just a quick thought:

the old hindu gods had blue skin, didnt they? do you think that may have been from high doses of collodial silver?

come to think of it, maybe thats the miracle behind the "smurfs" phenomenon as well.....
Colloidal Silver will NOT make you turn blue

Ionic silver will if taken in large enough quantities.
Where do you think royalty and the other "Blue Bloods" got their name from, they consumed ionic/metallic silver from the silver cutlery and Silver plates they used, which gave them high doses that the "common man" did not get...........
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Old 10-15-2008, 04:21 AM   #24
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Default Where to buy silver wire or electrodes

I'm curious as to where people are buying their silver wire or electrodes. From what I'm reading, .999+ pure, round, 14 gauge wire is the way to go. Here's what I found online (in alphabetical order):

Beaducation.com: http://www.beaducation.com/shop/inde...roducts_id=280
DOES NOT LIST PURITY. 14 gauge round fine silver wire @ $27/3ft (must buy in multiples of 3 feet)
C.C. Silver & Gold Inc.: http://www.ccsilver.com/silver/silver.html
.9999 pure 14 gauge round silver wire @ $8/ft
.999 pure 14 gauge round silver wire @ $30/oz (1 oz = ~4'8"; can't buy less than 1 oz)
There's a small-order (<$20) fee of $5.
FDJ On Time: http://www.fdjtool.com/category.aspx...34&startpage=0
DOES NOT LIST PURITY. 14 gauge round fine silver wire @ $4.15/ft
Fusionbeads.com: http://www.fusionbeads.com/shop/productchart/726/
DOES NOT LIST PURITY. 14 gauge round fine silver wire @ $8.43/ft
MonsterSlayer.com: http://www.monsterslayer.com/Metals/FineSilver.aspx
.999 pure 14 gauge round silver wire @ $3.55/ft
NOTE: Silver prices are linked to the spot price. After I placed my order, the spot price dropped and they adjusted my total accordingly. My guess is they would have increased my total if the spot price had gone up before they shipped the order.
Nature'sAlternatives.com: http://www.naturesalternatives.com/silver/
DOES NOT LIST GAUGE. .9999 pure silver 4" wire @ $15/pair (meant for use in their generators)
DOES NOT LIST GAUGE. .9999 pure silver 6" wire @ $18/pair (meant for use in their generators)
Silver Well: http://www.colloidalsilver.com.au/ (Tez found this one)
.9999 pure 12 gauge 7" (18cm) straight silver electrodes @ $20/pair
The Silver Edge: http://www.thesilveredge.com/wire.shtml
.999 pure 14 gauge 6" silver wire @ $20/pair
.999 pure 14 gauge 9" silver wire @ $25/pair
Utopia Silver Supplements: http://www.utopiasilver.com/silver.htm
.9999 pure 14 gauge round silver wire @ $15/ft (can buy in inches @ $1.25/in)
They also sell an electrode set for $13.
Wishgranted.com: http://www.wishgranted.com/Colloidal...ies_Cheap.html
.999 pure 1/2" X 6" silver electrodes @ $15/pair
I'll let you guys decide which sites seem sketchy. If anyone has ordered from the above sites or has some other online or brick & mortor suggestions please share. I've never made or used colloidal silver before and I just placed an order with MonsterSlayer.com so I'll let you know how that turns out (if and when I make some CS).

Last edited by WayBehind; 10-15-2008 at 08:43 PM.
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Old 10-15-2008, 04:30 AM   #25
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Default Re: Colloidial Silver Do it Yourself

silver puppy!


I have one, and I highly recommend it.
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