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Old 12-10-2009, 04:55 AM   #1
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Thumbs up Strengthening Pineal Gland & Immune System Simultaneously

I first began meditating when I was 17yrs old and at that time experienced the most powerful spiritual sensations, rushes, visions and all kinds of intense mystical experiences that laid a solid spiritual foundation and belief system for the years to follow. When I moved into my twenties life handed me a huge **** sandwich, filled with so much crisis and trauma that I lost sight of my faith for a few years.

In my early 30's I read a few books by orin & daben, one book "Creating Money" helped me to connect with my spiritual side through meditation again. Three weeks after reading the book and doing all the exercises to manifest abundance I inherited over $100,000 when my dad died unexpectedly. Scared the heck out of me because I thought I killed my dad!

Even tho I learned that wasn't so, ever since then I've had a block towards sitting down and meditating consistently...deep down I was scared of my own power.

Nowadays, several times a day I stop what I'm doing to give thanks, center myself, connect with my guides and ask for protection etc...but I haven't been able to stick with a good routine of going into deep states of meditation, where I know our best co-creational work is done. One of the things I've noticed is I haven't been getting the deep rushes, spiritual tingling sensations that were experienced when I was younger. After listening to Wilcock I've wondered if it may have something to do with a hardened pineal gland, after all the years of flouride and other toxins that have probably hardened it to marble stone!

Early this year I heard a doctor on the radio talking about a new treatment he developed for cancer and all kinds of immuno-deficiency related illness, it's derived from ancient Japanese medicine and is simply pine cone extract. He's cured many highly aggressive cancers where people were given weeks to live and has had amazing results with a wide variety of disease's. Basically pine cone extract repairs damaged, dysfunctional immune systems, so it's not just an immune booster it actually repairs and optimizes your immune system.

Ever since hearing about it, something has told me that pine cone extract will also heal, or soften hardened pine-al glands because the pineal gland is also shaped like a "pine" cone. As someone who's worked with natural medicine I know that nature works on a symbolic level in healing...guess it was to help early humans learn how to find and heal with natures ingredients.

The product is called Immune Extra by Allera, on the bottle it says Prolinga, patented Pine Cone Extract, you can order it online at immuneextra.com or you can do a google search, there are several distributors that have a better price if it's on special.

I've just been taking it a 5 days now, earlier I took a few minutes to center myself and got one of the biggest spiritual rushes I've had in a long, long time in less than a minute after closing my eyes. Something tells me it has to do with my pineal gland softening, or waking up.

So aside from repairing dysfunctional immune systems, which is something we should all be doing now that we have nasty mutant pandemics cropping up everywhere...it appears pine cone extract can also help heal wounded pineal glands as well, so I highly suggest Immune Extra as a spiritually beneficial herb, as well as a form of protection against disease and virus.

Last edited by AscendingStarseed; 12-10-2009 at 10:48 AM.
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Old 12-10-2009, 10:21 AM   #2
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Default Re: Strengthening Pineal Gland & Immune System Simultaneously

i wanted to buy it from amazon.com just now - 60 caps for 30 bucks - i would take 4 of them


but they dont ship to germany this very product - i never saw that with amazon ... strange

can anybody of you u.s. guys help me here and I order it

to your u.s. adress and pay you the shipping so you ship it to me in germany?

I would be really really grateful!!!

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Old 12-10-2009, 10:37 AM   #3
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Default Re: Strengthening Pineal Gland & Immune System Simultaneously

Originally Posted by xlsander View Post
i wanted to buy it from amazon.com just now - 60 caps for 30 bucks - i would take 4 of them


but they dont ship to germany this very product - i never saw that with amazon ... strange

can anybody of you u.s. guys help me here and I order it

to your u.s. adress and pay you the shipping so you ship it to me in germany?

I would be really really grateful!!!

no problem I'd be glad to help, send me a pm so we can work out the arrangements...
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Old 12-10-2009, 08:04 PM   #4
Connecting with Sauce
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Default Re: Strengthening Pineal Gland & Immune System Simultaneously

Or the other option may be to get your own oil the natural way...

Getting the seeds from the cones...

My only question is what is 120Fº in real money? ie units the rest of the world use...

Then pressing the seeds... here for sunflower seeds but same principle...

I couldn't find any source in Europe either...

I got the same message...

Important Message

Immune Extra - 60 - Veg Cap cannot be shipped to the selected address.

I just mailed the seller and asked them...

I'm interested in getting some Immune Extra by Allera but Amazon says "Immune Extra - 60 - Veg Cap cannot be shipped to the selected address" I'm in the UK.

Last edited by Connecting with Sauce; 12-10-2009 at 08:08 PM.
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Old 12-10-2009, 08:19 PM   #5
Connecting with Sauce
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Default Re: Strengthening Pineal Gland & Immune System Simultaneously

I found this which may help...


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Old 12-10-2009, 09:34 PM   #6
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Default Re: Strengthening Pineal Gland & Immune System Simultaneously

I use Siberian Pine oil to strengthen the pineal gland as well as nascent iodine which detoxifies it. Have used it for several years now. It's good stuff.
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Old 12-10-2009, 10:14 PM   #7
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Default Re: Strengthening Pineal Gland & Immune System Simultaneously

Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce View Post
I found this which may help...


Thanks John, I took a look at the site and pine nut oil is beneficial for appetite suppression and contains linoleic acid. Apparently it doesn't have the same active ingredient that can be extracted from the cones that works on the immune system...

Nature is fairly precise when it comes to ingredients...in some plants/trees the root will serve a completely different purpose than the leaf, which can serve a completely different purpose than the bark from the same tree.
I'm' glad you brought it up because I wondered if pine oil would serve a similar purpose when I was online...it's cheaper too!
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Old 12-10-2009, 10:05 PM   #8
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Default Re: Strengthening Pineal Gland & Immune System Simultaneously

Originally Posted by Connecting with Sauce View Post
Immune Extra by Allera but Amazon says "Immune Extra - 60 - Veg Cap cannot be shipped to the selected address" I'm in the UK.
This is very alarming, last week I ordered $100 worth herbal supplements online, when I got to Cats Claw (a highly effective immune booster from S America) it sent me to a whole page of countries that outlawed Cats Claw! Although I can still gets Cats Claw, Calif is the first state in the US to begin adopting these Draconian laws designed to take away our rights to chose in health care...there were a whole list of womens health care products that help regulate hormones naturally, and if I remember correctly even saw palmetto for prostate health! This is getting scary...and Codex hasn't even been passed yet.
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david wilcock, immune extra, pine cone extract, pineal gland, spirituality

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