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Old 10-11-2008, 11:27 PM   #26
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Default Re: Theyre here.. In Katy Tx...

Tonight, look due west at around 9pm pacific time. there is a twinkling light very bright that does not move but flashes intense colors. You do not need a camera, video or snapshot... it has been there for several weeks. If you are around So. Cal. lots of planes so you may have to pay attention to which ones are planes... the planes move after several minutes as they are planes coming toward you and then turn to land.

Go figure... standing still to get noticed?

Anywhere else in US just look due west and see if you see it, maybe its just a star or planet, but the other stars and planets do not flash like this one.
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Old 10-12-2008, 12:22 AM   #27
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You should check out the videos from James Gilliland's ranch in Mt. Adams, Washington. See if they jive with what you are seeing in Katy, TX. http://eceti.org/Eceti.Multimedia.html
Bill "the Doctor"
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Old 10-12-2008, 06:40 AM   #28
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My bad... now there's 4 stationary flashing multicolored space bling disco balls, 2 due west and 2 east as you look straight up at 11:30pm pacific time in So, Cal. The one NNE is the flashiest. So, stars, planets, planes that don't move, satellites, space station with reflections, or a secret project were not supposed to see?
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Old 10-12-2008, 07:03 AM   #29
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Default Re: Theyre here.. In Katy Tx...

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Tonight, look due west at around 9pm pacific time. there is a twinkling light very bright that does not move but flashes intense colors. You do not need a camera, video or snapshot... it has been there for several weeks. If you are around So. Cal. lots of planes so you may have to pay attention to which ones are planes... the planes move after several minutes as they are planes coming toward you and then turn to land.

Go figure... standing still to get noticed?

Anywhere else in US just look due west and see if you see it, maybe its just a star or planet, but the other stars and planets do not flash like this one.
Hmm. This gets me thinking. I have noticed something like this in the sky where it seems to flash different colors and stays in the sky, somewhat West as described.

I'd have to take a look again to confirm. It could just be a star but I'm starting to pay more attention to the sky.

I'm in VT by the way.
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Old 10-13-2008, 12:56 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by End_Times012 View Post
Hmm. This gets me thinking. I have noticed something like this in the sky where it seems to flash different colors and stays in the sky, somewhat West as described.

I'd have to take a look again to confirm. It could just be a star but I'm starting to pay more attention to the sky.

I'm in VT by the way.

That is what I'm talking about... three weeks ago there was only one and it was due West and visible at around 9:15pm Pacific, until about 10:00pm when it dropped behind the horizon. I and two other relatives have been trying to give as many plausible avenues to explain it, we have filmed it as it was flashing multicolored lights which are very distinctive in there intensity as compared to just a twinkling star or bright planet. Now there are 4 as explained in my earlier post.

There are 4 flashing multi-colored disco balls in the sky! So what secret project is this one? Is this where all the Diamonds have gone?
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Old 10-13-2008, 01:09 AM   #31
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Last edited by Orion11; 10-13-2008 at 06:44 AM. Reason: duplicate.
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Old 10-13-2008, 01:11 AM   #32
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Default Re: Theyre here.. In Katy Tx...

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Tonight, look due west at around 9pm pacific time. there is a twinkling light very bright that does not move but flashes intense colors. You do not need a camera, video or snapshot... it has been there for several weeks. If you are around So. Cal. lots of planes so you may have to pay attention to which ones are planes... the planes move after several minutes as they are planes coming toward you and then turn to land.

Go figure... standing still to get noticed?

Anywhere else in US just look due west and see if you see it, maybe its just a star or planet, but the other stars and planets do not flash like this one.
that's Sirius/Polaris/North Star~

its very colorful.

wait til winter time..
itll get more colorful.
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Old 10-13-2008, 01:24 AM   #33
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I too live in Katy and have been watching the skies since your first post and have seen nothing unusual. Katy is near a busy small airport and we are in the direct flight path of planes coming and going from both of the large airports here. I often see satellites going overhead but that's it. Believe me, I'd love to see what you are seeing but I'm not. I'll keep looking.
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Old 10-15-2008, 11:57 AM   #34
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Havent seen much in the last 3-4 days.. only 3 over the weekend..
the moon is very very bright..the clouds are too heavy to see anything..
also been busy w/ family.. hopefully get better when moon goes away..

Hey.. what happened w/ Ashtar and feds of lite..?
This is the kinda SH*T that subjects the entire matter as a whole and the
people who are actualy dealing w/ the reality of the true situation to ridicule..
Disinfo targeted at weak minded people that need tobe a part of something..
The Lunatic fringe... Stupid S**t.. Rediculous.. Makes us all look bad and
underminds all our credibility.. And theyre gettin a kick out of it..

I Sh*t You Not..!!
KoombaYa My Ass

Last edited by R34TT; 10-15-2008 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 10-16-2008, 11:24 AM   #35
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So far this year i have seen about 20 or so all of them at night. At one point in my life i honestly believed Greys were flying the crafts and it was something from another world (sic),

Your story resonates deep with my experiences and i know your telling me the truth! how do i know simply because i have seen many.

I wonder if an aircraft cult could ever come into reality because most UFO groups sadly take UFOs and spin em in such a way to make people go nuts about em.

Experience around this subject can be the saving grace in the ****bowl so always keep an open eye but remember where your feet are!

Enjoy the crafts i always do, ever since i was small.

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Old 10-18-2008, 05:39 PM   #36
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19:30 local time: a very bright "funny star" suddenly moving north and fading away shortly before an airliner (headed east) passes through the same area.
theses "stars" seem to avoid airliners!? (for the airliners safety?)
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Old 10-18-2008, 07:00 PM   #37
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Ive noticed the same thing..

Ide say 95% of the time there will be no aircraft present
at the time of my sightings..I have observed them fading out
or stop when an aircraft shows up nearbye.. But there have been
a few times when Ive seen both in the sky at once..In different
parts of the sky.. when it seems the pilot of the plane would not
be able to have a visual.. once again maybe only 5% of the time...
95% of the time they are not present when an aircraft is nearbye..

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Old 10-20-2008, 02:29 AM   #38
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If this is a reoccuring experience for you, can you share you pictures??If any
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Old 10-21-2008, 03:42 AM   #39
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Default Re: Theyre here.. In Katy Tx...

Originally Posted by R34TT View Post

Hey.. what happened w/ Ashtar and feds of lite..?

Blossom Goodchild apologized in a youtube video about the no show. Something big but invisible showed up on googleearth, but this wasn't supposed to be an invisible presence. Also, they are awaiting another communication and they are foolishly hanging on. When it is obvious that this lady is being played and so is everyone else who looks to this as positives. Personally I feel it is part of the coming Great Deception.
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Old 10-22-2008, 01:48 PM   #40
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UPDATE: 10-22-08 9:00am
I was beginning to think they had gone away..
I havent seen much activity in the last 10 days or so..
Maybe only about 5 during this time.. untill last knight..
I seen seven..sometimes 2 or 3 traveling together..

This mornning when I was going to work.. I opened my garage..
There was 3 cop cars going by in front of my house.. I dont know
what they were doing.. nothing todo w/ me.. But I noticed as they
drove away that there was a bright orange (golden) lite in the sky above..
maybe 500+ ft up.. note that.. besides the one that flew over my house
this was very low in altitude.. As the cops drove away it headed
north/east very slowly out of site.. Then I noticed another moving from
west to east fading in and out.. Once again lower than I ussually see them..
this one was about 2000+ ft up.. this was about 6:30 am..still dark outside..
Although fading in and out.. it was low enough that I could see it even
when lite was faded out... it seemed tobe a white or grey looking ball..

Its not uncommon to still see them when fading out.. just harder at higher altitudes..
But they do often seem to disappear altogether when fading in and out.. and when
doing so.. appear to re-appear a little ahead or in back of where they were..
or a little to the left or right or just above or below... sometimes it seem that there are
smaller (very faint) ones sort of swarming around it also..

Other than the fact that I see them..
Im starting to wonder If theres any signifigance to their presence..?
Regarding me or my family...Any comments..?

I S**t You Not!!
KoomBaYa My Ass..

Last edited by R34TT; 10-22-2008 at 05:39 PM.
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Old 10-24-2008, 02:58 AM   #41
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UPDATE: 10-23-08 9:00pm
Tonite I got home from work around 7:45.. It was already dark..
After pulling into the garage.. I got out of the car and walk to
the driveway & looked up into the sky.. almost imediatley I saw
one moving south to north.. I only caught a short glimps of it
before it faded out.. then I saw another much lower (apprx 5000')
going the same direction that I watched move halfway to the
northern horizon.. Then suddenly I saw something moving quickly
towards the northeast at about apprx 1000' up.. It wasnt lit up...
But I could still see it.. It seemed tobe that whitish/grey looking ball
that I saw yesterday morning.. It was traveling on the same flightpath..
It didnt make any noise at all... Ide guess that it was moving close to
100 mph... I only saw it for about 3 seconds.. then it disappeared
into thin air... I saw 4 more moving stars about an hour later after
I ate dinner... moving from south to north.. just typical stuff..
as I have discribed before..

For the first time since the flybye over my house.. Ive noticed
they seem tobe getting closer to my house.. at very low altitudes
compared to what I first observed (way higher than airliner)..
Im pretty much convinced now that somehow.. they know who I am..
And that I have been watching them...

Maybe they can somehow sense my focus on them when Im watching them..
I dunno..what do you think...? I cant otherwise explain the flybye a few
weeks ago.. and now suddenly at way lower altitudes around my house in
the last few days.. I wonder if I should be worried..
Mind You.. I dont feel worried.. Hmmm

Theyre Getting Closer...

I S**t You Not..!!
KoomBaYa My Ass..!!

Last edited by R34TT; 10-24-2008 at 03:02 AM.
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Old 10-24-2008, 09:05 PM   #42
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Default Re: Theyre here.. In Katy Tx...

Originally Posted by R34TT View Post
Ive noticed the same thing..

Ide say 95% of the time there will be no aircraft present
at the time of my sightings..I have observed them fading out
or stop when an aircraft shows up nearbye.. But there have been
a few times when Ive seen both in the sky at once..In different
parts of the sky.. when it seems the pilot of the plane would not
be able to have a visual.. once again maybe only 5% of the time...
95% of the time they are not present when an aircraft is nearbye..


exactly. these "funny stars" don`t move for other airliners in the sky..just the ones getting too close.. could these be the new US spy planes, replacing the U2? (invisible to radar but "anti-gravity-at-work" creating the "light" making them look like stars, when stationary?)
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Old 10-24-2008, 09:15 PM   #43
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This thread is in 2 places right now, can a mod look at this to perhaps join them?
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Old 10-24-2008, 09:45 PM   #44
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Default Re: Theyre here.. In Katy Tx...

Originally Posted by whalerider View Post
I too live in Katy and have been watching the skies since your first post and have seen nothing unusual. Katy is near a busy small airport and we are in the direct flight path of planes coming and going from both of the large airports here. I often see satellites going overhead but that's it. Believe me, I'd love to see what you are seeing but I'm not. I'll keep looking.
Hi Whalerider. They do not reveal themselves unless there is a reason. And there is always a reason. Always. They used to keep me in a waking paralysis for years. Now they just visit me in a vivid dream once in a while. They never waste energy, which is their form of exchange. All of us that have had contact, whatever form, have been holographed and checked out for years. Consider it a form of bootcamp that one has to go through before they disclose themselves to you for whatever reason it is that they choose to do so. They will not waste time. They will check you out to make sure you are personally fit to join the neighborhood. If there is not reason to contact you, they will not. Nothing is by accident and everything is for a reason. Everything. Personal disclosure is present and ongoing. Global disclosure is a long way off. Peace.
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Old 10-24-2008, 11:06 PM   #45
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i posted this link..then.. within minutes its taken down...

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Old 10-24-2008, 11:29 PM   #46
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i s**T yOU NOT..!!
KoomBaYa My Ass..!!

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Old 10-24-2008, 11:32 PM   #47
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Hey all,

I knew I wasn't going nutz!! My 2 teenage nephews and my neighbor saw these things in the sky last wednesday night and pointed them out to me. I've been watching them for the past few weeks. They get really bright then all of a sudden just go out like a light bulb. You know its not a plane when the thing is going straight then starts going in this circular patern at a very high speed then stops and heads back in the opposite direction. I'm in montclair Ca.
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Old 10-24-2008, 11:33 PM   #48
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Old 10-25-2008, 12:24 AM   #49
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dont wast my time....
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Old 10-25-2008, 12:28 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Wetpicketfence View Post
dont wast my time....
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