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Old 09-08-2008, 02:21 AM   #1
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Default Why Is There Fear In Everyones Heart?

I have not read every post or script on this forum but i have sampled enough to see the fear that is out there.
You need to ask yourself a few questions before you turn your lives upside down and run for the hills or what ever you are planning.
1) Do you really want to live a life on the run (so to speak) if this scenario is to truly transpire. If you survive this terrible fate, do you not think that they will try and find you?
2) The future is never set and it is possible that some of this will never come to be or it might be worse than what has been written. Whatever the outcome life will be different than it is today. This is a fact and nothing will change what will be. Are you willing or capable to learn a new life in a new surrounding with people that you hardly know and the only thing that brought you together in the first place was your fear?

For me the answer is crystal clear. I would rather leave this world and go on without further violence and more fear. But it is not that simple for me to do so. I have a spouse and two children and it is a selfish view that I have and they may not understand it.
The one thing that I can not let happen is to let them suffer in the aftermath, that is much worse than any means of death or suffering that I can imagine.
i hope that whatever you decide, that you think very clearly about your decision and the ramifications afterward.

Peace to all...

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Old 09-08-2008, 02:26 AM   #2
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One of my favorite quotes on fear:

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain." ~Frank Herbert, Dune

Another good one:

"My understanding is that as you move into a space of fear, you are automatically a victim - you put yourself at a disadvantage, and you literally draw that experience to you, because those that are trying to suppress you will want to feed off the energy. The only reason that fear exists is because we allow that idea to feed off of us." ~Alex Collier

Last edited by Oiran; 09-08-2008 at 04:34 AM.
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Old 09-08-2008, 02:33 AM   #3
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Family is very important to most, if not all, of us. This is why I feel some chose to promote fear. No one wants to feel helpless or powerless to help their families in a time of crisis.

If everyone could reach that place in their hearts where faith presides that fear would dissiminate. That's when you realize your strength. It is my understanding that we are all in this together. We need to protect each other not only ourselves.
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Old 09-08-2008, 02:40 AM   #4
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I agree with Fastarr completely.

I have a family. Young children and a loving husband that I do not want to suffer. I am not worried about my own self ceasing to be because I know that energy cannot be destroyed, merely transformed... However, my loved ones are rather attached to this person and I don't want them to suffer. I am also very attached to their bodies, and I don't want physical, emotional or spiritual harm to come to them.
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Old 09-08-2008, 02:51 AM   #5
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I would be lying if I didn't admit to a pervasive fear, but of late, that fear has branched off into anger, as I continue to learn more and more about those who DARE to prop themselves up in a god-like role to determine MY future, and recently, almost a feeling of looking forward to all of this foolishness going down, almost welcoming it, because I believe we will emerge on the other side of these pangs as new beings.
Make no mistake, though. I WILL protect my family, and if that means running, and fighting, then so be it. I have no delusions of playing Rambo, but I will not sit quietly and let this be inflicted upon us.
I am stronger than I know.
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Old 09-08-2008, 02:57 AM   #6
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Qu'est-ce que "fear"?

It's SOOO much more fun than fear, AND less filling!
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Old 09-08-2008, 03:48 AM   #7
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I serve in the USArmy for over 16 yrs. so I know a little bit about fear under stress, as a soldier I study several arts. I want to just mention that out of all the the things I have study to manage stress and anger due to all the events unfolding before us . I downloaded the solfeggio frequencies videos in you tube and many other websites for the past 9 months I have listen to these frequencies and it has created a balance within me and my family.
The realizations of our spiritual origins are very clear. The most amazing thing to me is that your body begins to recover from any illness at a accelerated rate. It is clear to me our bodies are a mere illusion of light created by our spiritual energy and our interaction with this 3 dimesional reality. What the future will hold can be change by us all connectting to the essence of our origin or your true self ;close your eyes and remember who you really are.
After 9 months perhaps another strand of DNA has been activated or repair.
I share this information because once the destruction of the planet begins those of us that survive must help to create a new world . War and chaos is part of the universe but we must evolve above and beyond this reality.Use your fear fight to better yourself, physically, spiritually, intellectually it is time
to destroy hate with love, ignorance with compassion, aggression with wise preparation of resistance which is what this site is all about.
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Old 09-08-2008, 03:59 AM   #8
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Thanks for the Dune quote, that was just what I thought when I read the thread starter. Mizar has no fear of the future, but Mizar does have fear of lousy drivers in daily traffic, they will kill several of us long before 2012 arrives.
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Old 09-08-2008, 08:33 PM   #9
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I view it as a "Need to understanding" more so then "Fear" realy the only fearfull thing about any of this is We have gotten ourself into the messes of today & the "Cough" Influential "Cough" & People whom do actrauly have the mass resources and finances to fix majority of this or to the very least started research on a solution YEARS ago.

Again I think its more a urge to understand what has come to pass, True Fear is stifleing so if We were that fearfull I highly dout eithen this web site would exsist.
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Old 09-08-2008, 08:50 PM   #10
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In my experience & observation, fear is a conditioned thought process, distinctly different from soul love.
When I fall into the grips of fear, it is as a result of having forgotten the fact that I CHOSE to come here for this, as did those whom I love.
For me to fear for them, dis-empowers them in my mind, as if they don't have the recall ability that I do.

I know there is one thought, one heart beat that connects ALL of us. When I keep my eye on that truth, I enable a vibration that is relaxed & confident in experiencing this phase, due to the collective omnipotence of ONE.
That is where my truth is honored, that is where I prefer to live.
I do not find it productive to exercise my ego by pointing out the fear that people express.
I do however, find it valuable to love them through that temporary moment, into the next, when they remember their vastness.
The synergy that is love, is best maintained by being it.
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Old 09-08-2008, 09:54 PM   #11
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Default Re: Why Is There Fear In Everyones Heart?

the only thing to fear, is fear itself. It saps your energy and makes you smell ! We cannot conquer it, but we can overpower it with sincere and loving thoughts; the more, the more, law then prevails and fear becomes weaker as genuine, intelligent love becomes stronger.

By the way Isn't it true that to love, to have compassion, has great courage within it. There is strength in brave control of one's own positive actions

The secret to erasing the fear software has to lie within us all. If anyone out there knows the secret, please do not be slow to come forward !!

Unfortunately, if all else fails SCREAM !!!

Last edited by 21sept; 09-08-2008 at 09:56 PM.
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Old 09-09-2008, 02:09 AM   #12
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Greetings Xmen! I read your post yesterday and I've since been considering how to respond. Please realize that there are many here who are on a fast track to waking up... this can be a road fraught with all sorts of emotions, including fear. There are others, like myself, who have been on this road for quite awhile longer and have worked through much of the emotions (and this is not to suggest I don't still have moments, but they pass more quickly).

It is also true that many here are making plans to relocate, but there are others with fewer resources and they are focused on starting from where they are, networking with others locally, finding ways to live more intentionally -- all this is possible and more.

I'd like to respectfully suggest that you found what you were looking for (in a sense)... you confirmed your expectations and perhaps that's what you needed at that moment. Please stay and explore more, there is great wisdom coalescing here, there is much to learn.

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Old 09-09-2008, 02:45 AM   #13
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Love is the only thing that realy exist in the Universe. Everything else is just an illussion!

But this is the only place where we can live, there is no other.

So it is enough, just to be aware of this illusion in the future times and we will all be just fine and live as one consciousness and thats what we realy are. One Consciousness, One Love.
This planet is aware, that in the present moment this consciousness does not work as one, Universe (it's ok if someone calls this "god" ... just be aware what this word mean's backwards ) know's that. Just people don't and that's why there will be hard times for people all over the world.

Thinking of "MY" family is one of the most selfish thoughts ever. There is no "MY" and there will be no more "MY" things in the future world. Remember this. We are all One and we have to breathe as One. One Love and One Consciousness while this planet is our home. And because people think of "MY" things, family, land, whatever...we forgot to respect the Planet, Nature and Universe. But we are alive just because this Universe Exist, so we have to respect this and start living in harmony with rules of Nature and Universe without all empty words (laws) that came from sick man who forgot who he is while thinking that he is the master and "owns" something...He don't, we dont "own" anything in the universe. We are just awakening children of this Universe. And we have very last chance to show our respect, so we will get a chance to CoCreate the future for all of us.

And thats the point of this Awakening Xmen. Who ever will have thoughts produced by fear will not make it.

So remember: Love is the only thing that realy exist in the Universe. Everything else is just an illussion!
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Old 09-09-2008, 07:01 AM   #14
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life does not end with death...we are all born to live...whether its in this life or the next,people fear only what they dont understand...or have never experinced....when a baby is born they are taught to fear..taught to hate,example.....if you take a baby and put on a scary mask show that baby it..that infant will not scream and cry...but if you take a child who has watched some form of tv,movie or has seen its parents fear he/she will learn the vibrational feel of fear.....
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Old 09-09-2008, 07:19 AM   #15
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Fear is a conditioned response and we've practiced it a lot through all our many lifetimes. It's easy to slip into fear.

I believe this is our final, and perhaps hardest, learning on this planet ... learning to hold the light and stay out of fear. We can choose not to go there, if we can just remember that we can choose.

The best antidote to fear is love, acting not from fear OF, but from love FOR. You protect your family out of love. You protect the animals and the Earth out of love. And you draw the line and stand your ground out of love.
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Old 09-09-2008, 04:07 PM   #16
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Default Re: Why Is There Fear In Everyones Heart?

Originally Posted by Animos View Post
Love is the only thing that realy exist in the Universe. Everything else is just an illussion!

But this is the only place where we can live, there is no other.

So it is enough, just to be aware of this illusion in the future times and we will all be just fine and live as one consciousness and thats what we realy are. One Consciousness, One Love.
This planet is aware, that in the present moment this consciousness does not work as one, Universe (it's ok if someone calls this "god" ... just be aware what this word mean's backwards ) know's that. Just people don't and that's why there will be hard times for people all over the world.

Thinking of "MY" family is one of the most selfish thoughts ever. There is no "MY" and there will be no more "MY" things in the future world. Remember this. We are all One and we have to breathe as One. One Love and One Consciousness while this planet is our home. And because people think of "MY" things, family, land, whatever...we forgot to respect the Planet, Nature and Universe. But we are alive just because this Universe Exist, so we have to respect this and start living in harmony with rules of Nature and Universe without all empty words (laws) that came from sick man who forgot who he is while thinking that he is the master and "owns" something...He don't, we dont "own" anything in the universe. We are just awakening children of this Universe. And we have very last chance to show our respect, so we will get a chance to CoCreate the future for all of us.

And thats the point of this Awakening Xmen. Who ever will have thoughts produced by fear will not make it.

So remember: Love is the only thing that realy exist in the Universe. Everything else is just an illussion!
Well said!

We all have a choice to co-create with the divine or live and act out of fear.
Life is an illusion!
Now is the time to choose. We already have chosen to be here at this time of earth's great transformation.
Go into your heart. Therein lies the connection to the divine consciousness. We are that Divine Consciousness!
Be Peace, be Love, be Joy!

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Old 09-09-2008, 05:00 PM   #17
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Default Re: Why Is There Fear In Everyones Heart?

Originally Posted by conjuredUp View Post
Qu'est-ce que "fear"?

It's SOOO much more fun than fear, AND less filling!
But Love doesn't give you 1k calories to feed a 5 year old what he needs to survive in this knitted flesh...unless you count the love that I have for my children to prepare in case something should happen.

The key is to find balance.
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Old 09-09-2008, 05:16 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by EchosLament View Post
But Love doesn't give you 1k calories to feed a 5 year old what he needs to survive in this knitted flesh...unless you count the love that I have for my children to prepare in case something should happen.

The key is to find balance.

True, love doesn't give you the 1k calories, it is the motivation to make that 1k happen. We really aren't trained to "be as the lilies of the field," unfortunately. This is not an easy world. Each of us has a particular orientation to how easy it is or not. Some of that is karmic, and some of that is training. But do you find that you do in fact have all you need? Maybe not what you might "want," or "prefer," but what you need?

I am an artist. I live teetering on the edge of disaster all the time. It's not a comfortable place. There is always money anxiety going on. However, when I look at the truth of my path, I have always been able to have what I need. I work at learning to have faith in that! It will be there!
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Old 09-09-2008, 07:16 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by EchosLament View Post
But Love doesn't give you 1k calories to feed a 5 year old what he needs to survive in this knitted flesh...unless you count the love that I have for my children to prepare in case something should happen.

The key is to find balance.
Indeed, love can't give me ANYTHING.
But it does bring me all I need.
For when I am in a near constant state of LOVE?
Every thing I need (including things to help me take care of my boys) comes to me. EVERY time.

And please, don't misunderstand my abounding love for carelessness.
I am ex-military. I am prepared. But I am not afraid of anything that may or may not come. Why ruin my NOW with worry? Not gonna change the outcome either way.

It is like carrying an umbrella. I am not manifesting rain just by carrying it, nor am I dreading the rain. It is what it is.

My love is helping to balance to all the fear/yuck being projected on this plane. And I am so okay with that. What better assignment is there? :-)
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Old 09-09-2008, 07:43 PM   #20
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Very cool, conjuredUp. It is inspiring to think that maybe more like you are in the military.
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Old 09-10-2008, 09:13 AM   #21
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My opinion is that calling everything else but love an illusion is denial - like saying there are no shadows when the sun is shining. Have a look around. One way of dealing with fear is getting to know what you fear, getting information here and there about the subject, and then maybe being able to transform the fear it into caution.
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Old 09-10-2008, 07:45 PM   #22
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It has been my experience, that when we love, we light up our DNA, ( See Greg Braden's Divine Matrix ) thus causing a quickening in our ability to manifest more of that which we prefer.
Fear, and any of it's subordinate emotions, slows that process.
One can love and prepare simultaneously. Prepare because you love.
Be excited, not afraid.
There is always a choice.
And having been conditioned to feel fear, I too fall into the trap of it on occasion. Spiritual black outs.
When I remember why I'm here, there is no fear..
Fear is as a result of humans defining things in a way that dis-empowers them with labels that we have been influenced to think exist.
Everything is nothing until it is labeled. How you label a thing or situation will only create your own now/future.
There is nothing more powerful than us. We are the consciousness that brought this about, we are the consciousness that can amend this, through remembering our omnipotence. It's time to remember.
No separate God, no hierarchy.
You have been told that fear is the great motivator.
I call ********.
Love, in it's unconditional & neutral perfection, is the one expansive & uniting force that is the voice in each of us, causing a desired harmonious outcome.

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Old 09-21-2008, 06:51 AM   #23
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Why assume everybody is in fear (unless they say so), not everyone reacts to earth changes etc with fear, perhaps it is your own fear of such an event that you're noticing. I don't hear people speaking in fear, just of potentials futures. The scared ones (if anyone) seem to be the ones that insist on being positive...who was being negative anyway???

Being prepared has to be the best way to not be fearful. And as to not wanting to live through this, you're missing out big time, because the consciousness on the otherside will be awesome.

If you don't want to talk or hear about potential futures, then I don't understand why you're visiting this forum. Isn't it about preparing for the future?

It's not very loving to tell people to behave in a particular way (eg. 'don't talk about that'), you're just limiting their expression...which perhaps is what they need to learn and evolve, even if it's through fear.

Change is evolution, so I'd rather commit to change and a new future than die and learn nothing.
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Old 09-21-2008, 03:42 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Nyssa View Post
Why assume everybody is in fear (unless they say so), not everyone reacts to earth changes etc with fear, perhaps it is your own fear of such an event that you're noticing. I don't hear people speaking in fear, just of potentials futures. The scared ones (if anyone) seem to be the ones that insist on being positive...who was being negative anyway???

Being prepared has to be the best way to not be fearful. And as to not wanting to live through this, you're missing out big time, because the consciousness on the otherside will be awesome.

If you don't want to talk or hear about potential futures, then I don't understand why you're visiting this forum. Isn't it about preparing for the future?

It's not very loving to tell people to behave in a particular way (eg. 'don't talk about that'), you're just limiting their expression...which perhaps is what they need to learn and evolve, even if it's through fear.

Change is evolution, so I'd rather commit to change and a new future than die and learn nothing.
Are you willing to see others around you that you love suffer and if so what are you prepared to do to help them?
I am not afraid of change or death( there is only a physical death) which I have experienced countless times in past lives.
The pain, is the thought of seeing the others that I love and who don't see things in a postive light suffer.
Before the change will be positive, it will first be negative to most. Many on this forum may not survive a new world and I may well be one of them.
Fear is not negative. It depends upon how you react to the fear. This is what counts the most.
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Old 09-24-2008, 06:47 PM   #25
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What is the future? Is there even such a thing?

I say that there is no such a thing except for one aspect.

This aspect is the known consequences, on an absolute scale, of an evolutionary plan that is perfectly organized to support the movement of an intelligent energy activated by will and that is perceived as time.

The perception of time by a psychological entity such as human beings is based on it being captive to the past. The past being a form that contains the energy of the experience that we call a memory.

Technically, we are always in the future. But reflexion over the past totally captivates the mind and from that state it projects potential futures that have for only purpose the maintenance of the illusion of free will.

The essence of man is not in the past, is not in the future, it is not in time as mankind perceives time, because of its reduction to a materialized mental state.

Fear is not man's fear. It is the fear of certain entities that see their time coming to an end. Time to the astral planes is what a distance is to us. It is the relative position to a movement rather than an impression of time as we consider it. And they are at the end of the road, and they are starting to panic. And it is this panic that they transfer to man through the psychic connection they have maintained with man while keeping in the shadows, refusing to reveal themselves openly.

Fear is not a natural state of mind. We believe it is because of our relation with the past.

But like Krishnamurti said, man must be free from the known, therefore he must be freed from the past and be his future. Then he becomes one with the consequences of the movement of his own reality and the division made my time ceases to exist.

Am I making any sense to you?
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