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Old 03-07-2010, 02:04 PM   #51
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Hi Jack -- i'm glad to hear that you are so in touch w/the healing power of the mind -- i've been hoping to meet someone who has broken thru the emf/chemical [as in 'chem'trails]/psychic prison Earth is in -- i could use some healing myself -- as apparently could Swordsmith

-distance being no deterrent to the unfettered mind [as you must know], perhaps i could pm you so we could set up a healing session w/your powerful , unfettered mind? are you well known as a healer in your area/circle?

perhaps w/your unfettered powerful mind you could also zap all the chemtrails off the entire planet? i don't know the answer to what to do about all the humans who make the chemtrail stuff, load it into the containers, load the containers on the planes, & fly the planes -- that's a lot of colluding folks, as this is going on all over the world

oh -- i forgot -- your mind is all powerful , w/no limits , so you can handle that

looking forward to your reply -- hoping, too, that after you take care of the chemtrail problem, we can go on to some other issues -- my suggestion: all the missing children

[edit] i grew up in the '50s, before chemtrails -- even in industrialized southern NJ, near Philly, i remember blue skies & white clouds whose beauty could take your breath away --please work hard & fast, Jack

Peace & Freedom, wynderer

Last edited by wynderer; 03-07-2010 at 02:16 PM.
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Old 03-07-2010, 04:45 PM   #52
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

That's funny Wynderer, what have you got for stevex? I'm getting concerned about his peculiar interest in my medical records. He prolly just wants to see me neked . I think he may have an eyesight problem, to him there are no chemtrails.
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Old 03-07-2010, 06:25 PM   #53
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed


The 1st pic is how they do Tahoe in about 2 hours...Only until the haze is completley covering the sky.
Actually,it goes to Sacremento and Reno.. South to one of the ammunition storage areas.
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:38 PM   #54
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
That's funny Wynderer, what have you got for stevex? I'm getting concerned about his peculiar interest in my medical records. He prolly just wants to see me neked . I think he may have an eyesight problem, to him there are no chemtrails.
Your the one making the statements

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
I have elevated barium and aluminium in my body and the concomitant effects of
but it's not quite true. You made a wittle fib diwn't you

Last edited by SteveX; 03-07-2010 at 07:47 PM.
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:53 PM   #55
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

sadly it is true and you are an idiot, now pi$$ off. I have just had a trench removed from my jaw, mostly due to metal complications, ok mercury was a big part of it, but the elevated bloodpressure due to high levels of barium endangered the proceedings and had to be addressed before I couLd have surgey, feeling good now ,a$$whipe? and that really is the last of you for me. You should feel like an infected anus, because you act like one.
I only respond to prik the conscience of those with a crease in their butts from sitting on the fence. Get off the fence and get proactive. stevex there is a special place in hell for people like you, but I'm sure you will find a lot of friends there. Long spoons as they say.
I hope to seldom encounter such an unpleasant soul as you

Last edited by swordsmith; 03-07-2010 at 07:57 PM.
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:20 PM   #56
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Hello all,

If interested in possible solutions, a thread we recently started

Self Reform Chemtrails S.R.C.'s



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Old 03-08-2010, 06:20 AM   #57
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

I thought this was a very good video...


When will people wake up.

Love and Hugs to All
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Old 03-08-2010, 03:26 PM   #58
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
sadly it is true and you are an idiot, now pi$$ off. I have just had a trench removed from my jaw, mostly due to metal complications, ok mercury was a big part of it, but the elevated bloodpressure due to high levels of barium endangered the proceedings and had to be addressed before I couLd have surgey, feeling good now ,a$$whipe? and that really is the last of you for me. You should feel like an infected anus, because you act like one.
I only respond to prik the conscience of those with a crease in their butts from sitting on the fence. Get off the fence and get proactive. stevex there is a special place in hell for people like you, but I'm sure you will find a lot of friends there. Long spoons as they say.
I hope to seldom encounter such an unpleasant soul as you
Sorry to here you had a dental problem. Still no medical record I see. Just a flawed statement to back up your wittle fib about barium. Here’s why it’s flawed;

From this link http://www.ehow.com/how_2069799_trea...poisoning.html

“Barium poisoning usually must be determined clinically because no routine laboratory tests exist for barium exposure.
Test for barium levels directly. There are complex tests which can detect the level of barium in the body, but these are not helpful in determining the extent of the exposure. These tests are normally performed only in severe cases.”

That says a routine test does NOT detect barium. It must be searched for. If the good old NHS, after a SPECIFIC search found Baruim in you, they would be ringing alarm bells. It's not a common metal like Mercury in tooth fillings. Health and bloody Safety would be over you like a bad rash. Due to work place related incidence of barium leakage / poisoning.

So… what conclusion can we draw? One things for certain. Your health issues have little to do with your statement.
Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
I have elevated barium and aluminium in my body and the concomitant effects of.
Perhaps you should stop quoting from Chemtrail webistes. Might help to stop drinking Tenents paranoia and dilute the Carlsberg gobshyte with facts.

Last edited by SteveX; 03-08-2010 at 04:24 PM.
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Old 03-08-2010, 06:44 PM   #59
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

oh dear, anyone who relys on the NHS for their health really IS stupid.
I hope anyone here with health problems has the wisdom and the finances to seek alternative health care for whatever ails them.
Just in case this is actually of use to anybody , my health went down hill from the age of nine with my first dental visit, even my eyesight was affected very quickly . In my twenties I had the foresight to realize many of my health issues probably stemmed from mercury amalgam fillings. I had a lot of MS symptoms but refused to believe I actually had that illness .
As this was some time ago, very few people had a proper protocol for amalgam removal, if they even believed it was the culprit at all. Over many years I replaced what I could afford to. Unfortunately the last big push had me getting them all out by a dentist who buried what I could not see under plastics that also leeched . Basically I was now more toxic than ever and all the buried metals went into my already traumatised jaw ( thanks to orthodontistry) The jawbone becomes much more brittle also from exposure to both fluoride and tetracyclene, which were also part of my problem.
Dr Boyd Haley is excellent on all this and has some great videos outlining synergistc effects of toxic exposure to many things people still consider safe. Oh yes, also thimerosal ( mercury) in my contact lense solution going directly into my system every day.

To make a long story even longer, even though my mercury had been removed for over three years with many many obvious and immediate health benefits I could still tell things were not right. At this stage I went to several diagnostic specialists ( not cheap) who detected many environmental toxins, aluminium being one , BARIUM another , amongst other things like antimony. I had had a barium swallow for NHS tests ( not recommended) and wondered if it could have been that but after a repeat test I was still showing it ( so eat my shorts smarty pants.) These were done by two different people using differing equipment, but I'm sure some people may have a hard time understanding that such equipment does exist. Some of it is Russian technology and they do seem to really be ahead with diagnostic tech.
There is a whole new world of medical tech out there, and needless to say, your GP will never ever have it. Anyhow, at the time I was alarmed particularly by the aluminium as I have always avoided aluminium cookware, the barium didn't really mean anything to me at the time and I have no idea what amounts were detected as it was only later in relation to bloodpressure it was suggested I further chelate for heavy metals once again . Excess barium robs the body of manganese or is it magnesium,( my brain aint what it should be ,) and elevates blood pressure.

The problem is, some people are very ill equipped to excrete metals. In my case such heavy early Hg made me a terrible excreter. Interestingly enough mercury, according to my specialist, toxifies the sweat glands, and for me I could hardly sweat until I was forty eight and had my teeth completely re - done for the second time.
If I had not been able to sucessfully research my condition there is no doubt I would not be here now. I ended up with cavitations of the jaw bone and that's a condition most dentists do not even know exists. weird. Subsequently had to have a trench of it removed. I truly hope this is the end of that $hit.

Sorry to be long winded, but thought I might just post this for anyone who may have unresolved health problems and have not really looked at undetected teeth and jaw issues especially cavitation of the jawbone as there are no easily discernable symptoms of this ( Wesley Shankland is good on this) Many people with ME/ chronic fatigue/ heart issues, even cancer may well have this as an underlying condition and never have a clue.

I know a community of ex mercury toxic people who have a much harder time with the chemtrails because of their issues with excreting heavy metals. In fact, a few mercury forums were where I learned all about chemtrails and what is in them . I thought it was nuts too at first. What's nuts to me now is people who deny them. Or think the NHS is where to get your health testing done.... or ANYTHING.

Goodluck to anyone with these issues.

Last edited by swordsmith; 03-08-2010 at 08:29 PM. Reason: typos etc.
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Old 03-08-2010, 08:17 PM   #60
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Swordsmith.....So true !!! I had a doc want to cut out my jaw..
He wanted to fly me to Canada for the surgury.

I went to a ENT and had a Chip taken out.That was stuck in
my jaw and sinus .

Its all about the insuance company.

I pray and hope more people will wake up..

Swordsmith Thanks for your honesty
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Old 03-08-2010, 08:21 PM   #61
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since this thread has gone off on a tangent somewhat, I add this series of you -tubes of Dr Mercola interviewing Dr Dietrich Klinghardt , a remarkable neurologist and detox practitioner . Some of this gets pretty interesting when Klinghardt talks about emerging diagnostic tech . I won't go too much into it, it's probably for the very few, but very very interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wkflp...eature=related
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Old 03-08-2010, 08:35 PM   #62
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manchild you are most welcome, glad to hear you had a successful outcome.

Oh! I just remembered, an interesting local character who sees ley lines amongst other things told me people of higher percentage reptilian DNA have a difficult time with their Ls and Rs.... just a "wittle" thought .

Last edited by swordsmith; 03-08-2010 at 09:03 PM.
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Old 03-08-2010, 09:55 PM   #63
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Swordsmith..I am amazed at how you think.That is so profound that
you should bring up ley lines.I asked a multi millionare why he lives
in a small building when he could be living in a Mansion somewhere.

He said the Lay of the land is the key to a long life,And hes right
The man never ages,

Ley lines can heal you and thats why the Rich build on these line

Swordsmith your a blessing to all with the wisdom to know your
thoughts of helping others is awsome.I wish there were more people
like yourself.

Take the holyspirit to the bank
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Old 03-08-2010, 10:07 PM   #64
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very sweet of you to say all that manchild.
Apparently I am the keeper/protecter of the line our house sits on, and it's quite the job at times but most of it happens in dream time so not a lot I can say on that. It is funny that in our old victorian house we are the people who have spent the longest time here of all the inhabitants I have found out about. It's at the top of a hill with a view of the sea below . For the first 10 years I never saw a chemtrail .
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Old 03-08-2010, 10:40 PM   #65
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Swordsmith,Its funny you should bring up chemtrails

I have never heard anyone mention that chemtrails
are blocking our Prayers to Heaven

I remember a story like that in the bible

If our Awakening is coming from the cosmos
Than what better way to block our Spriitual change

I remember a time when we got under are desks at school
Thinking the nukes are coming

What has happened to us in 50 years

I loved the stars back than....Clean
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Old 03-10-2010, 01:02 PM   #66
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
oh dear, anyone who relys on the NHS for their health really IS stupid.
I hope anyone here with health problems has the wisdom and the finances to seek alternative health care for whatever ails them.
Just in case this is actually of use to anybody , my health went down hill from the age of nine with my first dental visit, even my eyesight was affected very quickly . In my twenties I had the foresight to realize many of my health issues probably stemmed from mercury amalgam fillings. I had a lot of MS symptoms but refused to believe I actually had that illness .
As this was some time ago, very few people had a proper protocol for amalgam removal, if they even believed it was the culprit at all. Over many years I replaced what I could afford to. Unfortunately the last big push had me getting them all out by a dentist who buried what I could not see under plastics that also leeched . Basically I was now more toxic than ever and all the buried metals went into my already traumatised jaw ( thanks to orthodontistry) The jawbone becomes much more brittle also from exposure to both fluoride and tetracyclene, which were also part of my problem.
Dr Boyd Haley is excellent on all this and has some great videos outlining synergistc effects of toxic exposure to many things people still consider safe. Oh yes, also thimerosal ( mercury) in my contact lense solution going directly into my system every day.

To make a long story even longer, even though my mercury had been removed for over three years with many many obvious and immediate health benefits I could still tell things were not right. At this stage I went to several diagnostic specialists ( not cheap) who detected many environmental toxins, aluminium being one , BARIUM another , amongst other things like antimony. I had had a barium swallow for NHS tests ( not recommended) and wondered if it could have been that but after a repeat test I was still showing it ( so eat my shorts smarty pants.) These were done by two different people using differing equipment, but I'm sure some people may have a hard time understanding that such equipment does exist. Some of it is Russian technology and they do seem to really be ahead with diagnostic tech.
There is a whole new world of medical tech out there, and needless to say, your GP will never ever have it. Anyhow, at the time I was alarmed particularly by the aluminium as I have always avoided aluminium cookware, the barium didn't really mean anything to me at the time and I have no idea what amounts were detected as it was only later in relation to bloodpressure it was suggested I further chelate for heavy metals once again . Excess barium robs the body of manganese or is it magnesium,( my brain aint what it should be ,) and elevates blood pressure.

The problem is, some people are very ill equipped to excrete metals. In my case such heavy early Hg made me a terrible excreter. Interestingly enough mercury, according to my specialist, toxifies the sweat glands, and for me I could hardly sweat until I was forty eight and had my teeth completely re - done for the second time.
If I had not been able to sucessfully research my condition there is no doubt I would not be here now. I ended up with cavitations of the jaw bone and that's a condition most dentists do not even know exists. weird. Subsequently had to have a trench of it removed. I truly hope this is the end of that $hit.

Sorry to be long winded, but thought I might just post this for anyone who may have unresolved health problems and have not really looked at undetected teeth and jaw issues especially cavitation of the jawbone as there are no easily discernable symptoms of this ( Wesley Shankland is good on this) Many people with ME/ chronic fatigue/ heart issues, even cancer may well have this as an underlying condition and never have a clue.

I know a community of ex mercury toxic people who have a much harder time with the chemtrails because of their issues with excreting heavy metals. In fact, a few mercury forums were where I learned all about chemtrails and what is in them . I thought it was nuts too at first. What's nuts to me now is people who deny them. Or think the NHS is where to get your health testing done.... or ANYTHING.

Goodluck to anyone with these issues.
I wanted to get back to you earlier but got side lined on another thread. Besides, I was hoping someone else would chip in.

So... Looks like you have had a rough time of it. May I say I have compassion for your plight. Having suffered from long-term illness myself I understand how frustrating it can be. The steady erosion of ones fortitude.

Your statement above is related extensively to dental problems and the metals involved. You are of similar age to myself (48) and in your own words the problems started at age 9 (1971-ish or older) after visiting the dentist. With that said I extend my apologies for doubting you being tested for Barium. The levels, although significant to you, must have been within acceptable levels to your Doctors. Otherwise certain medical and health and bloody safety protocols would have been triggered.

I did some google sweeps with regard to Aluminium. Man that's almost frightening. The stuff is everywhere. Water, food, cooking implements and just about everything you use or work with.... scary. It made me think of my mother who is starting to show signs of dementia. She has used an Aluminium pressure cooker practically every day for 30 years. Unlike Barium Aluminium builds up in the body and can be the cause of many problems. Just Google Aluminium there's pages and pages of it….scary.

Barium is the lesser of the two evils. It does not accumulate within the body but can take some time to pass through. Barium also is a common metal found all around us. In natural forms it can leech into water supplies and is used extensively in manufacture, bricks, tiles, rubber, welding rods, fireworks to name a few. Also the UK is a major source for the mining and productions of all types of barium.

With your susceptibility to metals I would be concerned as to where you are coming into contact with the stuff. The work place perhaps. Is your home near a quarry or down wind of a foundry? Do you drink from a well, smoke welding rods or suck on bricks or have a rubber fetish… JUST kidding. Couldn’t resist the joke. Anyways you get what I mean.

So…back to square one. It is my opinion that you are more than likely to suffer the effects of metals within your EVERYDAY, commonplace environment than a 30,000 feet chem. trail. Logically they would have to saturate the air with thousands if not millions of tones of spray if that were the case.

From this link http://www.lenntech.com/periodic/elements/ba.htm
Many hazardous waste sites contain certain amounts of barium. People that live near them may be exposed to harmful levels. The exposure will than be caused by breathing dust, eating soil or plants, or drinking water that is polluted with barium. Skin contact may also occur.

From this link http://www.ehow.com/how_2273829_avoi...poisoning.html
Know what poisons and chemicals you're exposed to at work. By law, you have a right to know about any potentially harmful substances you'll be dealing with. Fact sheets are available for each hazardous substance and are usually provided by your employer.

ALARMINGLY from this link http://www.drpepi.com/aluminum-poisoning.php
As the metal aluminum is present in our food, water supply, and soil, most people suffer from some degree of aluminum toxicity. After years of accumulated exposure and storage of it in body tissues, this poison can have results ranging from brain degeneration to skeletal deformities.

Seems to me your dental history and the info above. Your problem is the result of amalgam fillings NOT so called chem trails.

Last edited by SteveX; 03-10-2010 at 04:33 PM.
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Old 03-10-2010, 07:55 PM   #67
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

steve, are you actually my brother norman? You need to seriously get out of the denial on the chemtrails, bro, but at least your manners have improved.
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Old 03-10-2010, 10:02 PM   #68
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
steve, are you actually my brother norman? You need to seriously get out of the denial on the chemtrails, bro, but at least your manners have improved.
Not so much denial as buying into. We'll have to agree to differ...Oh and I can't get down the pub till pay day
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Old 03-16-2010, 09:25 PM   #69
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
briefly, OMG jack, the jewell of your chelation knowledge is MMS? I expected more than that from you . Fry your kidneys at your own risk there, bud. Oh hah hah hah, I credited you with far too much . Hope your family members get a second opinion . eeeeek!!!
WARNING !!! Jack is NOT a doctor, and he knows precisely "jack" about chemtrails .

Also please let us now about the people you know who have grown new limbs, to my knowledge these are only insiders with mlitary medical tech. WOW, you could have saved superman with this stuff! keep talking!
Ok, back on track... ish ,anybody who does not know the difference between a CON trail and a chemtrail should look at
or bluenomore ,url above somewhere.

When a wiseman and a fool have an argument, the passer by will notice little difference.

I'm going to consider you the fool and me the wiseman here, simply because your not even prepared to engage in civilized conversation but instead go for the jugular and carry out a spot of character assassination. Your kind is known far and wide, people are not blind my friend.

But keep it up, these little games you like to play that take power from the mouths of others do indeed come at a price of their own, and someday for you that will become evident.

Have a nice day, i sincerely sympathize for you and hope someday a few rays of light will shine through your veil of ignorance.


Its time to take back our power guys, and stop having people keep telling us what we cant do, when we can in fact accomplish more then we can even begin to imagine.

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Old 03-16-2010, 09:32 PM   #70
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Originally Posted by wynderer View Post
Hi Jack -- i'm glad to hear that you are so in touch w/the healing power of the mind -- i've been hoping to meet someone who has broken thru the emf/chemical [as in 'chem'trails]/psychic prison Earth is in -- i could use some healing myself -- as apparently could Swordsmith

-distance being no deterrent to the unfettered mind [as you must know], perhaps i could pm you so we could set up a healing session w/your powerful , unfettered mind? are you well known as a healer in your area/circle?

perhaps w/your unfettered powerful mind you could also zap all the chemtrails off the entire planet? i don't know the answer to what to do about all the humans who make the chemtrail stuff, load it into the containers, load the containers on the planes, & fly the planes -- that's a lot of colluding folks, as this is going on all over the world

oh -- i forgot -- your mind is all powerful , w/no limits , so you can handle that

looking forward to your reply -- hoping, too, that after you take care of the chemtrail problem, we can go on to some other issues -- my suggestion: all the missing children

[edit] i grew up in the '50s, before chemtrails -- even in industrialized southern NJ, near Philly, i remember blue skies & white clouds whose beauty could take your breath away --please work hard & fast, Jack

Peace & Freedom, wynderer

Ive spent my life researching how to heal the human body and the human mind, being patronising wont change that, being humble and having some humility may just save the life of a family member or indeed yourself.
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Old 03-16-2010, 09:36 PM   #71
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If people stopped complaining and started researching then they would soon find out that there is many things they can do to rid the world of chemtrails, there are many devices capable of such a task but i guess its much easier to come on here, bitch and complain, and then nail to a cross the poor fuxor that comes bearing good news.

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Old 03-16-2010, 09:41 PM   #72
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thanks jack, that took a while for your response but worth it to be sure. I mean I know little to nothing about chelation, I have only been studying it for 4 or 5 years but what do I know? The team of people helping me only have limited knowledge, I mean one is a colleague of Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt who has reversed autism in many, but jeepers he probably is in victim consciouness. They probably could learn from you, as can I, so please speak now and share.
Honestly, as a wiseman I really would like to hear your answers, you can give it to me in detail I think I will be able to follow ....
Anyone else not heard of jack, and who may feel like checking out Dr Klinghardt look out his interview with Dr Mercola.
I've also got a very smart friend who studied with Dr Marshall , she will be very interested to hear your info.
Thanks jack, I know you mean well , as do I.
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Old 03-16-2010, 09:53 PM   #73
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
thanks jack, that took a while for your response but worth it to be sure. I mean I know little to nothing about chelation, I have only been studying it for 4 or 5 years but what do I know? The team of people helping me only have limited knowledge, I mean one is a colleague of Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt who has reversed autism in many, but jeepers he probably is in victim consciouness. They probably could learn from you, as can I, so please speak now and share.
Honestly, as a wiseman I really would like to hear your answers, you can give it to me in detail I think I will be able to follow ....
Anyone else not heard of jack, and who may feel like checking out Dr Klinghardt look out his interview with Dr Mercola.
I've also got a very smart friend who studied with Dr Marshall , she will be very interested to hear your info.
Thanks jack, I know you mean well , as do I.
Your quoting a doctor??

Well now if thats the case then how about this, im a doctor in training, and will have completed my PHD in one years time. So i guess that puts us on an even keel.

Ive seen chembusters in action with my own eyes, clearing the sky until there is nothing but a beautiful blue expanse tarnished only by the odd flock of birds making their way about the world.

Your insinuating that were all screwed, that this is a problem we can only overcome with doctors and those in a position of authority.


Im expecting a civilised response , which means no jibes or inults, that is of course if this not beyond the realms of your intelect. With an attitude like that, you better be able to back it all up with facts.

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Old 03-17-2010, 12:11 AM   #74
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[QUOTE=Jack;258212]Your quoting a doctor??

position of authority.


Jack what is THC ?
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Old 03-17-2010, 01:05 AM   #75
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Default Re: A day and a half of chemtrails time lapsed

Strange coincidence, I was just thinking of doign this myself after seeing about 3 planes spraying at any given time today, and plenty of those "stretched out" ones from the video. The only clouds in the sky today were those type of "all day" checmtrail ones... Otherwise woulda been a perfect blue sky. And this is in a town of 16,000 people!
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